cover of episode Co.05 毕业特辑:再见了,我们的幼儿园 👋

Co.05 毕业特辑:再见了,我们的幼儿园 👋

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CoChildren FM

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小朋友: 许多小朋友分享了他们在幼儿园最喜欢的角落、最喜欢的人和事,表达了对幼儿园生活的喜爱和对毕业的不舍。他们对幼儿园的回忆大多围绕着和朋友一起玩耍、和老师的互动以及幼儿园里各种有趣的设施展开。 小朋友们也对即将开始的小学生活表达了他们的期待和担忧。期待方面,他们希望小学作业少一些,考试少一些,老师温柔一些,并且能够继续和朋友们在一起。担忧方面,他们担心小学的作业和考试会很多,老师会很严厉,以及和幼儿园的朋友们分别。 部分小朋友用具体的细节描述了他们对小学老师和小学生活的想象,例如老师的形象、教室的布置等等,展现了他们丰富的想象力和对新生活的憧憬。 Fiona: Fiona作为节目主持人,串联了小朋友们的发言,并引导他们表达自己的想法和感受。她分享了自己的感受,并推荐了一本关于告别的绘本《再见的味道》,引导小朋友们去思考和面对离别。 Fiona的引导和总结,使整个节目更加流畅和完整,也更能引发听众的共鸣。 妈妈:一位妈妈在节目最后表达了对孩子在小学生活的祝福,体现了家长对孩子成长的关心和支持。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What do children most enjoy about their kindergarten experience?

Children most enjoy areas where they can play freely and express creativity, such as slides, art rooms, and activity zones. They also value the companionship of friends and teachers, often associating their favorite spots with the people they enjoy spending time with.

How do children describe their feelings about transitioning to elementary school?

Many children express concerns about the increased workload, exams, and stricter teachers in elementary school. They hope for fewer assignments and kinder teachers, while some feel sadness about leaving their kindergarten friends and familiar environment.

What colors do children associate with their kindergarten life and why?

Children often describe their kindergarten life as colorful, representing the variety and vibrancy of their experiences. Some choose specific colors like red for their teacher's smile, blue for the sky and ocean, or green for growth and nature, reflecting personal meanings and preferences.

What are some of the most cherished memories children have from kindergarten?

Children cherish memories of playing with friends, engaging in creative activities like art and building with blocks, and the kindness of their teachers. They also value the sense of community and care they experienced, often recalling specific moments of joy and support.

How do children express their emotions about saying goodbye to kindergarten?

Children express a mix of sadness and gratitude when saying goodbye to kindergarten. They feel sorrow about leaving friends and teachers but also cherish the happy memories and lessons learned. Some use creative outlets like drawing or storytelling to process their emotions.

  • 孩子们最喜欢的幼儿园角落包括滑滑梯、美术室和益智区等。
  • 孩子们喜欢这些地方是因为可以自由玩耍、创作,以及和朋友们一起玩乐。
  • 孩子们对朋友的喜爱之情溢于言表,表达了对朋友的真诚的喜欢和想念。

Shownotes Transcript




今天的这期特别节目里,或许我们都能从这20+位小朋友的声音里找到一些启示。 🧩 感谢投递录音的小朋友们(*排名不分先后)

辰辰 / 熙熙 / 檬檬 / Sophia / 小妤 / 刘辰汐 / 石本一 / 杜依铭 / 于悦 / 林如意 / 万九思 / 林家淇 / 孙浩源 / 陆曦澄 / 郭牧洲 / 郑杰恺  / 赵欣悦 / 林钰滢 / 樊小迪 / 黎卓邦 / 李嵘熙 / 卢进珲 / 官博延 / 韦莜莜 / 彭诗玥 / 赵允慈 / 杨芷怡

以及助力传播的大朋友们:Fae(我在欧洲学幼教)/ Gin(佛山碧桂园幼儿园)/ Gladys / 喜敏  / 风早 / Mia / Janey / Christina / 兔崽 / Micheal ……


**❤️ 本期绘本 **18:21 柠檬是酸酸的,糖果是甜甜的,那再见的味道是怎样的?感谢爱讲绘本爱唱歌的👩🏻风早老师带来的绘本故事《再见的味道》 ) 🧩 节目制作

全流程制作 / Fiona

视觉设计 / Malcolm

原创主题曲《和你在一起》/ Monkey

音效 / Free Music @Apple Garage Band

故事配乐 / Eyes on Me(Acoustic Guitar Version) (by Rosa Guitarra)