Randy is the founder and CEO of 38 Digital Market, a full-service SEO and digital press release agency for the past seven years.
He has been helping businesses dominate their market by leveraging the power of social media, Google, and press releases.
He is the host of the Running the Bases with Small Businesses podcast.
He has spoken at SEO Rockstars, YACSS SEO Conference, and more.
Please welcome the News Guy, Randy Rohde!
Watch the full episode at https://youtube.com/live/C8JBU-EVCdA
My SEO Software & Services Stack:
Cora SEO Software (25% off) - https://seo.video/cora
Page Optimizer Pro - https://seo.video/pop
TubeBuddy - YouTub SEO (20% off) - https://seo.video/tubebuddy
Follow us:
Contact us:
Paul Andre "DRE" de Vera
web: https://paulandre.com
email: dre@seo.video
phone: (323) 523-5122