We are proud to present this very special edition of the Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad Podcast. Host David Hirsch talks to special father Miguel Cervantes. Miguel performed the lead role of Alexander Hamilton for the entire 171 week Chicago run of “Hamilton: An American Musical.” Miguel and his wife, Kelly, son Jackson and Newborn Adelaide, moved to Chicago so Miguel could take on the role of a lifetime. But soon after, Adelaide started having seizures due to a severe form of pediatric epilepsy. Tragically Adelaide passed away at age three. In this Dad to Dad Podcast, Miguel talks to host David Hirsch about the highs and the lows of this difficult phase of his life.Show Links:Check out Miguel Cervantes’ website: https://www.migcervantes.com)Read Kelly Cervantes’ blog and listen to her podcast: https://www.kellycervantes.com)Find out about CURE, Citizens united for research in Epilepsy Epihttps://www.cureepilepsy.org/adelaide/)Watch the video for Miguel’s song. “’Til The Calm Comes” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqESJUipg98)And learn more about The Special Fathers Network: https://21stcenturydads.org/about-the-special-fathers-network/)