On this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad podcast, host David Hirsch speaks with special father Steve Mogul, a financial advisor with UBS Financial Services and a father of two children who both have very rare developmental disorders. Hayley, is only one of 19 in the world who has a rare form of Smith–Magenis Syndrome. Bari, is one of only 19 in the world who have a mutated GRIN2B gene. It’s a very unique situation and Steve spells out the challenges that his family faces. He also offers other parents of kids with special needs some truly insightful advice. That’s all on this Dad to Dad podcast. To find out about Smith-Magenis syndrome go to:https://www.smsresearchfoundation.org, https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/8197/smith-magenis-syndrome). To read about the GRIN@B gene, go to http://grin2b.com/about-grin2b/). And learn more about the Special Fathers Network at 21stcenturydads.org.