Our guest this week is David Geslak, a national speaker, author and founder of Exercise Connection, a company committed to assist individuals with Autism and other disabilities; improve their focus, reduce maladaptive behaviors, enhance social skills as well as language development through proper exercise and physical fitness.David and his wife, Jessica, have been married for nine years and are the proud parents of two children: Andrew (5) and Jordan (2), who was diagnosed with cyanotic breadth holding spells.Through his education and work as a Certified Exercise Physiologist, as well as research, David has created tools and a process to transform the lives of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder through exercise and better fitness. His book entitled: ***The Autism Fitness Handbook *******is a must read for any parent or caregiver of a child or young adult with Autism. David is also founder of:
That's all on this week’s Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad Podcast. Show Links:Email – [email protected])LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidgeslak/)Website - https://exerciseconnection.com/)The Autsim Fitness Handbook - https://www.amazon.com/Autism-Fitness-Handbook-Exercise-Confidence/dp/1849059985/ref=sr_1_1?crid=22ASJ37BDUSP8&keywords=David+Geslak&qid=1672983090&sprefix=david+geslak%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1)Giant Steps Day School - https://www.mygiantsteps.org/day-school)Joey’s House Therappeutic Programming For Those With Special Needs - https://joeyshouseinc.orgSpecial Fathers Network - SFN is a dad to dad mentoring program for fathers raising children with special needs. Many of the 500+ SFN Mentor Fathers, who are raising kids with special needs, have said: "I wish there was something like this when we first received our child's diagnosis. I felt so isolated. There was no one within my family, at work, at church or within my friend group who understood or could relate to what I was going through."SFN Mentor Fathers share their experiences with younger dads closer to the beginning of their journey raising a child with the same or similar special needs. The SFN Mentor Fathers do NOT offer legal or medical advice, that is what lawyers and doctors do. They simply share their experiences and how they have made the most of challenging situations. Special Fathers Network: https://21stcenturydads.org/ab...)Check out the 21CD YouTube Channel with dozens of videos on topics relevant to dads raising children with special needs - https://www.youtube.com/channe...) Please support the SFN. Click here to donate: https://21stcenturydads.org/do...)