Our guest this week on the SFN Dad to Dad Podcast is Jeremy Kredlo. Jeremy is single and has two granddaughters with special needs, making Jeremy a senior member of the Special Fathers Network, a Special Grandfather, if you will. He also spends a great deal of time helping other dads at the Washington State Fathers Network and Arc of King County. We’ll hear all about his life and what makes him tick on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad Podcast. Find out about the Washington State Fathers Network: https://fathersnetwork.org)Find out about the Parent to Parent Program at the Arc of King County: https://arcofkingcounty.org/services/parent-to-parent.html)Contact Jeremy Kredlo at: [email protected])https://www.21stCenturyDads.org)Please support the SFN. Click here to donate: https://21stcenturydads.org/donate/)