The paradox involves a tourist who leaves a $100 bill at a hotel front desk. The manager uses the bill to pay a debt to a butcher, who then pays a baker, who in turn pays a doctor, who finally returns the bill to the hotel manager. When the tourist retrieves his $100 bill, it appears that no one owes anything, no work was done, and no money was lost, creating a seemingly illogical situation.
The tourist assumes everyone is insane because he observes the $100 bill circulating among the manager, butcher, baker, and doctor without any apparent loss or gain, leading him to believe the situation defies logical explanation.
The paradox is resolved by understanding that each person involved owed $100 and was also owed $100. The circulation of the bill cancels out these debts, meaning no one’s financial situation is ultimately affected.
Georgiana uses a storytelling technique with questions and pauses to encourage listeners to practice answering, simulating a real conversation and improving fluency.
The hotel manager uses the $100 bill to pay a debt to a butcher, who then pays a baker, who pays a doctor, who finally returns the bill to the hotel manager. The tourist later retrieves the same bill.
Do you like paradoxes? Today I will talk about the paradox of the magic bill, which has gone viral on social media. A paradox is a fact, expression, or story that seems contrary to logic. I invite you to listen to this paradox and then assume the solution. Get the text on my website: