总在不经意间,发觉自己的渺小One morning, I walked down the path to my car and right into a huge spiderweb that had appeared overnight.一天早上,在我走去取车的路上,就在一夜之间出现了一个巨大的蜘蛛网。I felt foolish for not having seen it, rid myself of the web tendrils, and went on my way.我很大意,没有注意看,身体带过蛛网丝,就继续往前。The next morning, the very same scenario occurred, and I felt even more foolish.第二天早上,同样地场景又出现了,我和第一天的做法一致,真心觉得当时蠢上加蠢。On the third day, I was careful to look for the web—the spider had rewoven it, but this time off the path in the bushes.第三天,我认真的找了蛛网,发现蜘蛛重新织了一张网,而这次它没有织在路上,而是织在了旁边的草丛里。How humbling to realize that the spider and I had learned the exact same lesson in the same amount of time.蜘蛛居然和我在相同的时间学到了相同的一课,忽然觉得自己好渺小。