cover of episode 经 | 第六期:w/向在荣(谈《经》 以及酷儿小说、跨阴阳二元论和反起源)

经 | 第六期:w/向在荣(谈《经》 以及酷儿小说、跨阴阳二元论和反起源)

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卡壳 Cacotopia

Shownotes Transcript

天地之间,众生繁衍,诸植物异花授粉,动物身姿变幻无穷,猛兽亦雌雄莫辨,都与人类在无限的空间中共存,物质和现象也在不断流动交换。身体所传达的,是宇宙的形状与逻辑,总是多孔而四溢,既统一了阴阳,又超越了死亡与欢愉。透过激进的假想,我们将打破认知壁垒、祛除感知障碍,阐明一种与陈腐想象中截然不同的未来。我们的思考以星球为尺度,与周遭环境亲密无间,意在营造一种安全、欢愉、感性的共栖地。本播客从属于未来主人持续进行中的题为《经》(Scripture)的小说写作项目。《经》是一部以《山海经》为灵感的思辨虚构作品。小说以两条线索展开:其中名为“钦原”的极微飞行生物凭谋杀穿透神话地理。在另一个世界,主角则是景德镇陶艺人的儿子,她以女儿身游荡于纽约及安特卫普,手上沾满了无法溶解的泥。《经》的中英文章节将与播客同步发布。Cross-pollinated species, transmutable beings, androgynous beasts and humans thrive in the infinite space between heaven and earth, where matter and phenomena are in a constant flow of exchange. Body, as an expression of the shape and logic of the cosmos, is cultivated with porosity and fluidity, unifies yin and yang, transcends beyond death and pleasure. Through progressive speculation,we break epistemic entrapment and sensory deprivation to articulate a future beyond popular cliches. We think on a terrestrial scale to form an intimate solidarity with our surroundings, to hold space for a safe, pleasurable and emotive cohabitation. This podcast belongs to Future Host’s on-going writing project “Scripture”. “Scripture” is a book of speculative fiction inspired by The Book of Mountains and Seas, an ancient Taoist classic. The fiction unfolds in two directions: Qinyuan, a diminutive bee-bird, sexes and assassinates its way out of the mythological landscape. In another world, the son of a master potter from Jingdezhen wanders in the western world as SHE, with insoluble mud on her hands. Chapters from “Scripture” will be released in English and Chinese concurrently with the podcast. 在播客系列的最后一期,我们邀请到了向在荣老师就未来主人的虚构思辨小说创作《经》进行回应。我们谈到如何将“阴阳”概念从狭隘的性别对立中解放出来,获得一种内在于我们文化传统的跨二元哲学观,也就是本土的酷儿理论。In the last episode of the series, I’m joined by the other half of Future Host, Connie Kang, and scholar, curator Zairong Xiang in a reading and discussion about our on-going speculative fiction Scripture. How can we unmoor the tradition of yin-yang from the straitjacket of heteronormative gender binarism? 如果你还没有注意到,本系列播客的主题曲是由才华横溢的黎巴嫩籍美国音乐人Thoom (Zeynab Marwan @thoom_report) 特别制作,兽性原始,充满速度感和挑衅力,在播客的开头和结尾各有一次播送。 case you didn’t notice, the theme song of the podcast is composed by the crazily talented Lebanese-American producer Thoom (Zeynab Marwan @thoom_report) whose music is outstandingly refined, pregnant with anachronistic textures, as if it were a cannibalistic feast with rigorous table manner—predatory, frenetic, yet orchestrated.向在荣是昆山杜克大学比较文学助理教授及艺术副主任,著有学术专著《古怪之道:一种去殖民探索》,也作为策展人活跃在国内外。 Xiang is a scholar and curator. He is an assistant professor of Comparative Literature and the Associate Director of Art at Duke Kunshan University. He is the author of Queer Ancient Ways: A Decolonial Exploration (Punctum, 2018), As a scholar, his research intersects feminisms and queer theories, literary and visual studies in their decolonial variants in Spanish, English, Chinese, French, and Nahuatl. He is strongly committed to the decolonization of knowledge through transregional, transhistorical, transdisciplinary and translingual dialogue.提及概念 Mentionings:向在荣《古怪之道:一种去殖民探究》未来主人小说《经》之《双双》未来主人小说《经》之《夔》魏伟《酷读中国社会 : 城市空间,流行文化和社会政策》普里亚姆瓦达·戈帕尔(Priyamvada Gopal)《去殖民化与大学:全盘否定“西方”是殖民心智的恶果》,译文见《澎湃思想市场》:张仲景(汉)《伤寒论》新物质主义制作团队 Credits:主题音乐作曲 Theme music composed by Thoom aka Zeynab Marwan (@thoom_report)封面图像 Cover image by Sam Lubicz (@slubicz)设计 Design: Matt Tecson (@one________________wingedangel)技术顾问 Technical consultant: 秦榛 Zhen Qin