Welcome to the Amusing English Podcast. Amusing English is the talk show where I will share my experiences on how I cultivate myself in English) learning. I have been successfully made myself speak English near fluently in three months. Sometimes, I will share some real native conversations too. 欢迎来到趣学英语播客。趣学英语是我用来分享如何培养自己学习英语的脱口秀。我成功利用三个月的时间,将英语提升到几近流利的程度。偶尔,我还会分享一些地道交流表达。 This is the Amusing English Podcast, Learning Methods, Episode 2, Why do I keep reading English books? What else can I get except learning English? 这是趣学英语播客,学习方法,第一集,为什么我会持续读英文原版书?除了学英文,还为了什么? This is Amusing English talk show. I hope you can speak English fluently as I did. 这是AskKin脱口秀。我希望有一天你也能像我一样说一口流利的英文。 Thank you for listening to this audio. I hope that you keep up with the daily audios I post on the channel, there are more audios on AskKin Album and DailyKin Album too. Subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are my oxygen, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’. If you have any questions about English learning, you are welcomed to ask. 感谢收听这期节目,我希望你能够持续每天收听我的节目,在AskKin和DailyKin两个专辑还有更多音频,关注这个频道,并且分享你学习到的内容给那些需要的人听到。你的评论就是我的氧气,所以麻烦你停留一秒钟的时间打个招呼)。 更多内容,请关注喜马拉雅电台,荔枝电台,微博,微信,QQ,公众号,头条号,领英, 更多关于英语学习问题,可以在微博,微信,QQ留言,我们下次再见。 Kin Chung Hung is a freelance language tutor and family coach, who has four years teaching experience and outdoor tutoring experiences with teenagers from 5 to 18 years old. Kin also has experiences on running an education cooperation branch as the executive manager. In the summer of 2018, Kin had an amazing time to spend 3 months to self-educate himself. During those three months, he trained my pronunciation, listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Finally, he made myself near fluent in English. Kin is a traveler, who has traveled so many places in China, including southwest, mainland, and southeast of China. Kin has been an education blogger since 2014, who shares experience about how to tutor teenagers at school and gives advice for parents on building relationships with their kids. Kin is currently the subject of DailyKin, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a freelance language tutor, family coach and public figure in today’s digital world, as well the host of The #AskKin Show, and host of #AmusingEnglish, a show where I answer your questions about language learning, working, family education, and everything in between, which can be found on both Ximalaya and Weibo. — Follow me online here:) Ximalaya FM: http://m.ximalaya.com/weizhubo/94839699) Lychee FM: https://m.lizhi.fm/user/2701310544828966444) WeChat: 641061140 Tencent QQ: 641061140 Sina Weibo: https://weibo.com/1801176095/profile?topnav=1&wvr=6) WeChat Official Account: 聪聪视角看世界 Toutiao: https://www.toutiao.com/c/user/50841930610/#mid=50841930610) E-mail: [email protected]) LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kinchunghung)