May I have your attention please? Will the real Josh Knobe please stand up? Will the real... [you know what, screw this--we're just dating ourselves.] X-phi phenom Josh Knobe rejoins the podcast to talk about the true self, naked people, gay preachers, and the Talmud. Plus, what happens when Tamler takes a sleeping pill by mistake in the afternoon and goes on Facebook? Why do you have get so drunk on Purim? And Dave discovers a Google-assisted loophole that allows you to be an immoral shit your whole life and get away with it.
- Joshua Knobe's home page) []
- XXX: 30 Porn-Star Portraits) by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders [ affiliate link]
- Gray, K., Knobe, J., Sheskin, M., Bloom, P., & Barrett, L. F. (2011). More than a body: mind perception and the nature of objectification.) Journal of personality and social psychology, 101, 1207. []
- Moral Scrupulosity) []
- Newman, G. E., Bloom, P., & Knobe, J. (2014). Value Judgments and the True Self.) Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 203-216. []
- Frankfurt on the Hierarchical Will: Frankfurt, H. G. (1988). Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person) (pp. 127-144). Humana Press. []
- "Tarred and Feathered") episode of "This American Life," covering a man who started a support group to keep pedophiles from victimizing children. []
- Purim) []
- Simchat Torah) []
- Pizarro, D.A., Uhlmann, E., & Salovey, P. (2003). Asymmetry in judgments of moral blame and praise: The role of perceived metadesires.) Psychological Science, 14, 267-272. []
- Cohen, A. B., & Rozin, P. (2001). Religion and the morality of mentality). Journal of personality and social psychology, 81, 697. []
- Newman, G. E., Lockhart, K. L., & Keil, F. C. (2010). “End-of-life†biases in moral evaluations of others). Cognition, 115, 343-349. []
Stupid Sexy Flanders!
Special Guest: Joshua Knobe.
Support Very Bad Wizards)