Today the gang gets back together and discusses the spectrum of motivation. They debate the effectiveness between punishment and reward. Is the concept of pain vs pleasure at the heart of all our behavior and natural motivation? Can all our actions be traced back to some sort of pleasure seeking or pain avoidance? In todays episode we try to broaden our concepts of pleasure and fear and debate its usefulness in everyday life and work. Enjoy responsibly. 三个来自美国的华裔男生,在20+的年纪来到中国生活,在文化差异与归属感的冲击下,成长为30+的男人,共同的经历也让这三个男生成为了最好的朋友。然而人生需要不断地回顾与总结才能更好的得到修正,为了成为更好的人,Justin&Howie&Aric,每周都会相聚喝一杯,关于他们的搞笑经历,心态的变化,人生的想法,分享各自的观点。如果你也是ABC或CBC或BBC…这个节目可能对你在中国的生活有帮助;如果你是对美国文化感兴趣,这个节目也会让你更了解ABC这个族群。Cheers~