cover of episode 70. 西雅图研究实习系列:Apple 实习生的体验 (嘉宾:Yue Jiang 江玥)

70. 西雅图研究实习系列:Apple 实习生的体验 (嘉宾:Yue Jiang 江玥)

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李丁: 西雅图作为美国科技行业的中心,拥有众多科技公司总部和分部,为研究和实习提供了良好的环境。本期节目邀请在苹果西雅图实习的江玥同学,分享她的实习体验,包括工作内容、面试过程、公司文化以及西雅图的生活。 江玥: 我在苹果西雅图的UI Understanding组实习,主要负责iPhone UI的分析和交互设计。实习项目通常持续3-4个月,项目成果可能无法带走,这给发表论文带来挑战。与之前在Adobe的实习经验相比,苹果的项目更注重短期成果,且保密性更强,与其他团队的交流有限。 西雅图的居住环境优越,市中心位置繁华安全,公寓楼风景优美,通勤方便。苹果实习环境类似大学,项目自由度高,但需要自己提出项目并获得批准,这让我感到有一定压力。面试过程顺利,通过之前举办的workshop认识了mentor,面试主要围绕之前的项目和处理团队冲突等问题展开。从芬兰申请美国签证的流程比较顺利,苹果公司为国际学生提供了签证办理方面的支持。 苹果实习的工作强度与我在赫尔辛基的差不多,mentor比较宽松,对进度要求不高。苹果公司文化保密性强,实习生之间以及与其他团队的交流有限,这既有好处也有坏处。公司保密性强的文化,限制了实习生与其他团队的交流,导致信息闭塞。工作之外,我经常与朋友聚餐、爬山、游玩,享受西雅图的夏天。苹果公司食堂和咖啡需要付费,饮料也需要付费,健身房也需要付费。苹果公司目前要求员工每周至少三天到办公室上班,但可以根据个人情况申请调整。我的经理住在圣地亚哥,但仍然在西雅图的苹果公司上班,只是不经常去办公室。 我推荐朋友来西雅图实习,这里环境好,夏天适合户外活动,而且有很多公司和实习机会。苹果的实习体验和其他公司有所不同,值得尝试。苹果公司为新员工提供轮转不同部门的项目,可以持续15个月。 李丁: 本期节目主要围绕江玥在苹果西雅图的实习展开,探讨了西雅图作为科技中心的研究和实习机会,以及苹果公司独特的实习文化和工作氛围。节目中也涉及到签证办理、工作强度、团队合作、公司福利等方面的内容,为听众提供了较为全面的信息。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is Yue Jiang's role at Apple Seattle and what does her team focus on?

Yue Jiang is an intern at Apple Seattle, working in the UI Understanding group. Her team focuses on analyzing iPhone UI and designing interactions.

What challenges does Yue Jiang face regarding her project at Apple?

Yue Jiang faces challenges in completing her project within the internship period, as Apple typically does not allow interns to take their projects with them after the internship ends. This makes it difficult to continue the work or publish a paper.

How does Yue Jiang describe the interview process at Apple?

Yue Jiang's interview process at Apple involved three rounds of interviews, all conducted on the same day. The interviews were research-focused, with no coding questions, and included behavioral questions about managing disagreements with mentors.

What is Apple's policy on work-from-home for interns and employees?

Apple requires employees to work from the office three days a week, with flexibility for exceptions. For example, Yue Jiang's manager, who lives in San Diego, flies to Seattle occasionally to work in the office.

What is Apple's rotation program for new hires?

Apple offers a rotation program for new hires, allowing them to work in five different groups over 15 months. This program is designed to help new employees explore different areas before choosing a permanent team.

How does Yue Jiang describe the work culture at Apple regarding secrecy?

Apple's culture of secrecy limits communication between different teams. Interns and employees are restricted from discussing their projects with colleagues outside their immediate group, which can create a sense of isolation and hinder collaboration.

What are the benefits of interning in Seattle according to Yue Jiang?

Yue Jiang recommends interning in Seattle due to its vibrant tech scene, excellent summer weather, and opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking. The city is home to major tech companies, making it a great place for networking and career growth.

How does Apple's intern experience compare to Adobe's, based on Yue Jiang's observations?

Apple's intern experience is more secretive and less social compared to Adobe's. Adobe organizes more intern events and activities, fostering a sense of community, while Apple's culture limits open communication and collaboration between interns.

  • 西雅图是美国最适合计算机科技行业发展的城市之一
  • 许多博士生在西雅图进行HCI/Graphics/Vision方面的研究实习

Shownotes Transcript

嘉宾:江玥 Yue Jiang)

最近我想做一个在西雅图做研究实习的 Podcast 系列,因为我发现这个暑假在西雅图有很多博士学生们在做关于 HCI/Graphics/Vision 方面的研究。如果你不了解西雅图的话,其实西雅图是美国最适合这个计算机科技行业发展的城市之一,像我们这里有 Microsoft 和 Amazon 的总部,同时呢,还有 Google、Facebook、apple,adobe 等等这种顶级科技公司的很大的分部也都在西雅图。如果你是一名对研究,实习,业界工作有兴趣的同学,可以关注一下我的这个系列。可以在下方订阅。

在这个第一期里,我们和在 Apple Seattle 实习的江玥同学在聊她在这里的体验。如果你是李丁聊天室的资深听众的话,那么其实在之前的两期里面,江月已经来过两次了,第一次是聊她从美国转学到德国读博,第二次从德国转学到芬兰接着读,所以之前录制都在不同的城市。而这一次我们将听到江玥在西雅图的生活体验。

  • 0:00 开场

  • 2:04 江玥在苹果哪个组,做什么

  • 7:05 面试过程是怎么样的

  • 14:20 苹果公司的秘密文化给实习生带来的影响

  • 29:20 江玥推荐大家来西雅图实习吗?

  • 34:00 Apple 的 Work from home policy 和她西雅图老板住在 San Diego 的轶事

  • 37:00 Apple 给应届生的 Rotation program


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