This week on Pure Heart, Pure Lariat we've got a special edition of the show with another interview! I sit down with Pumi Boonyatud, the GM of Gatoh Move in both Thailand and Japan! We talk a bit about the wrestling scene in Thailand and the surprising longtime presence of Joshi wrestling before diving into Gatoh Move's beginnings with himself and the great Emi Sakura. After that we get a bit meta talking about the realities of running a wrestling company in an emerging country. The conversation steers towards Gatoh Move and it's current roster, what he feels running the show, the current roster, what he looks for and where Gatoh Move is going in the future with it Returning to #1 in it's numbering system at the end of the month. Also we talk about his commentary on Gatoh Move YT videos, the reasons for the lack of rings at times and the positives of the mat based wrestling, his favorite style to watch personally, and advice for foreigners in Thailand.
Special thanks to Pumi for making time for Pure Heart.
Check out Gatoh Move on Facebook and YouTube at Gatoh Move & follow Pumi on Twitter: @Pumi_gtmv!