All right, Inside Golf Podcast, this is a special episode with my good friend Scott Holdridge, deep diving the career of none other than John Mayer. As always, this podcast is presented by We will be back talking golf later in the week with Degenerate75 on Twitter, who's a professional DraftKings player.
But no golf talk on this one at all. It is, however, an absolute banger of a podcast. All right. Without further ado, let's bring on Scott to talk some John Mayer.
All right. Scott Holdridge is here to talk some John Mayer with me. Scott, it is a pleasure. We've been circling the wagons on this one for quite a while. I don't know how many people are going to be listening to this one. I'm putting it at the end of the Valero Texas Open, but shout out to all those that are sticking around for it. Thank you so much for joining me today, my friend. I mean, I always get hit up during Valero week. Let's put it that way.
No, one thing I did want to ask, I was like, Andy, are the rumors true that
people want to know, do you actively carry but use a two iron? Is this true? Yeah, I do. I sure do. And I love it. I hit it off the tee a lot. A lot of people that I play with the first time are like, you're really not going to hit driver here? And I'm like, no, no need to. I hit the two iron a lot. The butter knife. That's very tell me you fuck without telling me you fuck type of vibes, bud. You want to hear one more thing too? Not a graphite shaft, steel shaft too.
My man, my man, don't fuck around. Massive dick energy with that one. The amount of back you put on mattresses. Just by like, hey, what's up? They're like, who the fuck is it? I use a two iron. Like, all right, game over. I've got, it's over before it starts usually. I feel like John Mayer should be interviewing you at this point. Which I'm expecting to be the case this weekend with Kirshner and Powers.
Oh, I heard. I was talking to Powers, who I'm sure, as everyone knows, is now my best friend. No, we haven't met or have each other's phone number, but...
I secretly have a goal. If I ever take down a GPP or something and get married, I want to fly all my Twitter boys out. Are these college buddies? Or is it like, oh, no, they're my Twitter buddies? Dude, I'm telling you right now, I have not... I've met a lot of Twitter people at this point. Actually, I have not had one bad experience. I've not had one time where I'm like, this guy was kind of cool and online, kind of a fucking weirdo in person. Not one in person.
Can't wait to ruin that of us in person. Well, all right. We should probably get to Mayer at some point. Here's where I want to start with you. Yes.
Give me a little background because you're a musician. I asked you a couple months ago, I said, what's your take on mayor? And you were basically like, how much time do you have? So give me a little background on, on your, your relationship to mayor we'll say. Well, it's funny you say that. Cause that day I had talked to our beloved friend, Rob at the approach and he, uh,
He was like, oh, Scottie, San Francisco. So he knew I'd lived and spent a lot of time there. He's like, Grateful Dead. What do you think? Like, you must be great. And I just like rose to the great flex. I hate the Grateful Dead. Was that on The Approach? I think I watched it. It was on a Wednesday. I think it was on the. I think I heard you say that. Yeah. I'm not a huge. So I kind of lose track. I'm a bit. I'm basically a two iron of a podcaster at this point.
But he asked me that. And then I was at a rehearsal that night. And then a message from you popped up. It's like, interested to hear your thoughts on Mayer. And I was like, are people fucking with me today? Did they talk to a girlfriend or my boy? Like what happened? But I think my, I remember Mayer coming up.
basically after his debut and back then it's you know pre-youtube pre-streaming services so yeah just kind of rolling stone articles and word of mouth and he was kind of pegged as dave matthews meets stevie ray vaughn and um i was kind of interested and so i saw him between the time like we bought the tickets and went to see him in la it was like
absolutely exploded. It was kind of crazy. So I assume this is probably around 2002, 2001, 2002-ish, I think. Yeah. Room for Squares came out in 2001. And so that was your body is a wonderland, which I think is where you kind of generally, where most people generally started with that. Yeah. So that's like, yeah, that, Neon, some other ones. Not a lot of like
his guitar chop style album. No, he was a baby. He was a baby. He hadn't, he hadn't gotten there yet. Yeah. I mean, he had it in the bag. Like he, you know, he's definitely put the work in and all that, but to get to your question, yeah. Like playing bands, uh, on and off forever, teach guitar a little bit. And, um, yeah, definitely like a student of guitar, especially these last, I don't know, five, six years. It's been nonstop. Yeah. Yeah.
So do you, as a student of guitar, like, do you have, do you, how much respect do you have for him as, as a guitarist? Because I feel like a lot of smart guitar people are like, this guy's a fucking master. But at the same time, a lot of people are like, it has John fucking mayor. Yeah. I think I don't, I think when people throw around the word great, I hold that in a different regard of it's like Mount Rushmore style, like J.R.Rinehart, Hendrix, uh,
scotty holdridge no like like kind of my goats you know what i mean like great you know like change the fucking game type of guitar player yeah i think john mayer is like really good but he's also kind of the highest compliment you can give a musician is you don't see them you just hear them and you just go oh that's elmore james or that's yes trucks or that's
you know, Tony Williams on drums, you know what I mean? Like, stuff like that. But when I hear John Mayer, it's sort of, it's kind of like karaoke impersonator because he's so in, obsessed with like Stevie Ray Vaughan and all these other players that it's not like, I'm not hearing John Mayer essentially toning guitar. I just hear a guy who's like kind of doing other people's stuff and he does it unbelievably, like better than I could even come close to.
but it's also not like I hear it and I go, oh, that's John Mayer. No, it completely makes sense. That's a fair point. And I think some of his best –
guitar riffs like going back we both saw him live by the way in the past in the past week and like i think the best stuff that he does on guitar is when he does like the jimmy hendrix cover bold as love right yeah and stuff like that right and it's like you're right those aren't necessarily there's those aren't john mayer originals i'll give you a hot take on why i think that is though
And this is, we can segue into talking about kind of his career arc, but I think he came out in 2001 and he,
Your Body is a Wonderland came out, and it was this sensation, right? And he became so quickly this teen heartthrob, right? And then he releases his second album right after that, and it's all about daughters, right? And he fucking hates that song, by the way. He does not like playing daughters in concert ever. And I think...
After he started his career that way, he wanted to make such an effort to get away from teen pop sensation. And I think that's why he... And he's had all these different phases. Did he though? Like, did he? You know what I mean? Elaborate on that. Well, just... I think if you listen to just his arc as a songwriter, lyricist, it doesn't seem...
that way, if that makes sense. Like I listened to stuff from 2001 and stuff now today. And it's kind of like, you don't hear this huge like departures or growth essentially if that's. I think it's perception too, right? Because I think, I think songs on songs on room for, there are a couple of songs on room for squares that I think are fucking awesome. But I think it's, I think it's how he, he got pegged. And then he has this,
very like weird relationship with the media and we can get into some of that stuff too. God, that'll be our three of this episode.
Zoom call. And he's like one of the first Twitter guys too. Like he's one of the first guys. At one point, he had a MySpace, a Tumblr. Writer. Yeah, he was a writer. He was doing all these things. So he really got caught up in like right as the internet was taking off, that was kind of right at the intersection of Mayer. Yeah, his kind of career and yeah, just sort of storyline is amazing because he's seen so much
different parts of like, what is a career? What's a music career now? And, you know, how accessible you are and things of that. But, oh my God. Yeah. I think, I mean, to get back, like, yeah, really good guitar player, but he's not changing the game and he's not, you know, he does some great stuff. He can implement stuff so easily and quickly where he was doing, he did this little quick thing that was like a nod to Eddie Van Halen at one point.
it's called tapping where you just like these harmonics and it's like it's weird sounds you're and they're kind of like that's really cool and interesting i mean not not necessarily something i'm interested to interested in but it's that's impressive but it's kind of like there's this bag of kind of guitar parlor tricks that you can use that all stem from you know t-bone walker and chuck berry that are kind of flashy and stuff they're sort of like
a flop shot where like essentially it's like that looks cool and it's amazing but when you really get down to it it's like oh this isn't that hard like what yeah or it's not that necessary or necessary yeah yeah yeah but yeah to just kind of wrap that up how many people do you think are listening at this point go we've probably we started at like seven and we're probably down to two now okay cool we haven't even gotten to the watch collection yet oh fuck me
One of his most popular videos is of him talking about watches.
Damn. Since we're here, I want to get to this. I want to ask you if you knew about this because I found this out. So he's got like a $20 million watch collection. He knows all the like serial numbers and shit. Yeah, which includes a Patek Philippe. I love watches too, which includes a Patek Philippe with a Sky Moon Turbulon. That's like a $3 million. It's like one of the most rare watches. Yeah.
Listen, it gets better. He served as the juror at whatever the fuck this is. You read this too, right? His Wikipedia page is a fucking masterful. It's like a weird screenwriter on acid. Like, what? He did what? So he served as the juror at the Grand Prix de la Largerie Genève, which is a Swiss...
Can you imagine? He's just sitting there in Geneva judging watches. You look over and you're like, is that John Maynard? Sure enough, of course. I respect that. I think that's my favorite part is just his goofiness. It's just like, oh my God, that's hilarious. What a great story to have. To wrap up on the watch stuff, he wrote a...
He writes a column for Hodinkee, which is a watch website. And in 2015, he wrote an open letter to IWC, which is a watch brand, encouraging IWC. This is John Mayer writing a watch brand, encouraging them to embrace their heritage, scale the product line down. Oh, yeah.
In terms of model variants and simplify the design language. That sounds like something I would write to DataGolf. Simplify the model variants. How dare you? There was one, there was another one too, where he got into it with this famed watch dealer.
Did you read about that? Of course. He sued him. Apparently, he had to say, no, this is all legit. Yeah. Oh, I got that in my notes. He sued Robert Marin for $700,000. Yeah. And then he was wrong. Just whatever John Mayer's assistant is getting paid needs to be tripled. Because just a day in the life...
it has to be bonkers i'm a blow your mind so i actually have a little bit of a connection to john mayer just a little bit just a little bit so i've told you before my dad used to work at sony music um so they had some they had some interlap there
My mom, you'll love this. My mom met him at a party and my mom said to me, she ruined your parents' marriage. Just wait. He said she, she will never, this happened 15 years ago. She will never forget this story. She said, John Mayer walked up to her and said, you look like all four sex in the city. Women wrapped into one. I mean, that's a hall pass.
Right? Mama Lacks, do what you want there. No judgment. She has never... She talks about it all the time. Well, how could you not? I'm going to tell people this story.
God damn. She's like been there before. She used to date Don Henley of the Eagles back in the day. So she's going to love that I'm sharing all this with the world. She like gets it and she's still like, that was the greatest compliment I've ever received in my life. I'll never forget it. Oh my God. I'm using that by the way.
You look like all four sex in the city women wrapped in one. That's unbelievable. That might have changed my opinion. So I've gone so back and forth with this dude of just like, I hate him. We're like, no, he's misunderstood. He's great. And then that right there might... Oh, man.
Yeah, you know what? Fuck it. Man. All right, so I want to go a little chronologically here. So Room for Squares, in or out? Like, this album has Your Body is a Wonderland. It has Why Georgia, which I think is fucking incredible. How so? I just love that song. And he never plays it. But this is the album that gets him on the map. He wins a Grammy...
I just showed you my page one. I have every album. I'm like, me too. I have them all. Um, so he wins a Grammy in 2003 for your body is a wonderland. I don't, I don't give a shit what people say. I think your body is a wonderland. It's fucking great. I, this, this, the line, Scott, I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase. Done.
unbelievable stuff back on a mattress right there unbelievable stuff what a line that's pretty good i even i think i think that song's great i think uh what is it i got no such thing i just have in quotes very 90s like that sound makes me remind of the 90s georgia i've said is stringing like a
he's straining vocally he's like trying too hard to sound like oh so you're out on georgia this is good i like the vocal the way that's recorded and sound like and i think this i mean conspiracy theory sky i think this is what led to his vocal he's like straining like trying to have that like deep stevie ray vibe yeah we we'll get to that error too what is it called
Vocal overdubs is something he does a lot where it's like this, I'm out on. He does it in the T-Swift one too. Half of my heart. Half of my heart where he's like, I'm not loving you. It's so unnecessary. But then I have like, Bodies of Wonderland is great with that like middle instrumental part. And he's doing like these
octave six or something like very west montgomery i was like that's cool that's a cool groove that no one talks about people rip them for it like oh this corny lyrics or songwriting it's like dude he's like what's he there 23 yeah he's young because he's 44 now so he was that's crazy to me doesn't he looks good man
But that's just crazy. Like, damn, John Mayer's been a part of my life for a long time. I know. So like at a bird's eye view, do you, do you like that album? I'm not going to ask you to rank all of the albums one through eight, but like, where does it kind of fall with you?
I kind of get why people... I actually asked one of my music mentors who I thought was going to rip it. He loves it. Really? He stuck on this track. I'm kind of out just because of the actual sound of it. It's too 90s. Yeah. You think about the times, too. It's like, OK Computer's out. Beck Odele's out. Crazy sounds are going on. Do you know who he went on tour with, his first tour was with?
Of course I do, but I'll let you tell everyone. No, I have no idea. Counting Crows, which I thought was interesting. Do you like Counting Crows? No. Really? No, come on. What are we doing here? Let's go. I love Counting Crows. That's another podcast. Oh, my God. That guy, talk about a campus of...
We can do that one. Yeah. Right. No wonder this is where John learned all this. Every hot celebrity. Yeah. They both did. I think Adam did Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston back to back. And then, and then they did. They didn't do it.
Did as in date. Did as in date. He went from Courtney Cox to Jennifer Aniston and then Mayer did Jennifer Aniston too. That's another crazy one. We're getting so sad. Did you ever listen to the Bill Simmons? He did like a two-hour interview with Adam Durant, the Counting Crows guy. No. That's another podcast for us. Okay.
Anyway, anything else on Room for Squares before we get into it? I just thought it was kind of, I mean, I think it's like an amazing debut album. Yeah. It's like, you know, debuts are sometimes they're really easy because it's like you've had your whole life to write it. And the second album is always the toughest. I don't know. But overall, it's not. It's not my favorite. It is not. Yeah.
So he does heavier things next. I think it's underrated. Really? Okay, make the case. I think...
clarity is so good clarity's awesome i i have a thing i was like i wish he saved clarity for continuum i know if he opened with that well i know i'll get to continue but like if he cut one other song and didn't open with clarity instead of the uh waiting on the world changed like that album's
an all-timer. Yeah. Like, I think that's good. It's a little, where's my goddamn page of notes on John Mayer's heavier things? Do you think he switches with this one? Like, you notice him aging or kind of? Just more production-wise, yeah. He's getting savvier. He's trying to change directions. But then it's also kind of disjointed. It's a little all over the place. Yeah. It's not as cohesive, but it's also, I think it's just more interesting.
He starts doing, like at this point, he starts doing some jazz and blues stuff. He starts like performing with Buddy Guy and Herbie Hancock a little bit. And I think he was trying to like, I stand by my take that I think he was trying to get away from your body as a wonderland and Jennifer Love Hewitt music video. But Buddy Guy, like, I mean, if anyone's actually listening, it's like, I could talk about him all day. He's underrated. He is so goddamn good.
He did an album, Sweet Tea, 2001, that will knock your... Yeah. Don't you think that music is kind of like golf in the sense where... I remember with Taylor Gooch...
All the golfers were like, Homo was like, no, this guy's a fucking, this guy's a beast. Like this guy's really good. I feel like the fact that all these people are down to collaborate with Mayer means something because he's done stuff with everyone. I mean, this time I'm looking at my notes. He even starts working with like Kanye and Common on some stuff.
Oh, yeah, he did the background vocal on. Yeah. Which is like one of my favorite comp. Yeah, that's really good. Yeah. I don't know. That's fair. That's an interesting take. I didn't think of that. I also think there's other things like when Clapton talks about him, it's like the setting is Mayer's playing on this tribute album that Clapton has him on. So it's like he's not going to... Contact. You know what I mean? He's not going to talk shit. So I kind of wonder that because it's good for both careers, right?
Type of thing. Like I'm sure your pops has probably like way more insight on that of why people work together when they work together. But I think in the blues community, which is like my diehard shit. Yeah, it does say a lot like he is really good. He's he can play. He knows his history. He knows his shit. Yeah. It's one of the choices he makes as like John Mayer, the brand and stuff musically is kind of puzzling.
But when he's like a guest spot, like live or something, he'll blow your face off. In or out on Daughters. Oh, fuck. This song was played at every... So like going to bar mitzvahs in New York City, this song was at every single bar mitzvah, like the first dance with the father and the daughter. Oh my God. That's pretty good. So you hate it. I...
I like, okay, here's what I think he, I tend to notice I've seen him six times and I tend to notice he will either play daughters or your body is a wonderland. He will never play both. He's talked about how he doesn't like either of those songs, but he knows he has to give the fans either one of them. And usually it's your body is a wonderland, but I don't think he loves the song. Um, I I'm okay on it. I think it's, I think it's, I like clarity better.
clarity is so good yeah those horns are you yeah yeah clarity's clarity's fucking awesome it's like spaced really nice oh my god that's like it's it's sort of that kind of oh here's what's to come you know what i mean yeah and yeah that's kind of yeah i was listening to it the other day i was like this album's got some sneaky really good stuff on it but just gets bagged on because of daughters yeah which i mean
I don't know, writing a catchy pop hit is one of the hardest musical things to do. Yeah. Well, people think it's, no. It won Song of the Year at the Grammys. I don't know if that means anything, but it won Song of the Year at the Grammys. I mean, it definitely doesn't, but yeah, no, I talk to them, which is what you're saying. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, I don't care. It's like, dude, this guy, I mean, he knows what he's doing. You know what I mean? We all know what we're doing when we're doing it. Yeah. So for him to kind of like bag on old songs, I think is a little unfair. Continue it. You were in the room. You know what you're doing? Like you're writing songs to get laid. It works. Like can't get mad at yourself.
Yeah. So here, I think that also like Radiohead didn't play creep for, I don't know how long, you know what I mean? Yeah. That is a thing. Like I get it. You played it every night for several years. Are you big? Are you big Radiohead guy? Uh, I'm, I'm, I've been out for a while cause I feel like they've been making the same album for like four albums. Yeah. Um, but I mean, groundbreaking, fearless, uh,
Like to go from okay computer, which is sort of at an old teacher. Tell me this once. He's like, this is kind of your Sergeant pepper, whether you realize it or see it or not. And I don't necessarily agree with it, but like sonically, you know, sound wise, it's like, Oh my God, this is unreal. And then to go from that in abandoning being the next YouTube, basically success wise to go to that, to kid a, I think is just,
That takes a lot of courage and that takes a lot of guts and a lot of belief. And that it, yeah, I think that's unreal. I'm a big true love weights guy. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it's a good one, but that song has been around for like, yeah, it's one of their, it's one of their older, it's one of their older ones. Yeah. So I feel like they've just kind of like now the riskiest thing radio head could do is
is play guitars and do verses and choruses. Yeah. You know, it's all this like whatever Tom York's feeling in a laptop. Like, come on guys. So we'll save the radio head. Yeah. We'll mute a championship week. Isn't there a guy who is like doing a, I'm not trying to step on this guy. Isn't there a guy who does now like a music golf collaboration podcast where
Yeah. I've definitely seen this. Which I'm furious I didn't think of because it's like the two things I'm obsessive about. And I was like so mad. No, I know exactly what you're talking about. You know what I'm talking about, right? I think he's a really great guy. I can look it up at some point. No, Gulf Lamia? No, no, that's Wiley. Ugh, no, I don't know.
Continuum. So, you know, I think this is his best album. I think a lot of people do. I think Waiting on the World to Change is my least favorite song of his ever. I hate that song. But Vultures... Tell me about that. I just... I hate that music video where he's like... It's black and white. It's black and white. And I just like... Oh, I'm going to like...
try and say something right now, but like, it's just, it's not coming off. It doesn't seem authentic whatsoever. I just, I feel like I should be saying something. It's like, I just, it felt very contrived to me. It's interesting. Cause that song, when people, when I asked, just talk to people who are like fans, I feel like diehards really hate that song. Oh yeah, we do. We hate that song.
Oh, now you're speaking for all. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. We hate that song. No. Yeah. I know. What do other people say about it? Cause I mean, I think it's like cool groove. Like the, one of my favorite solos of the night when I saw him at chase center, uh, was by, uh,
isaiah his guitar player he's a beast yeah that guy's a man like he's playing on d'angelo it's like who the are you dude yeah he's good it was like so interesting i was looking over and i looked over john mayer john mayer's watching him just like this guy's unreal but yeah i think i can see why people don't like it because it is kind of whiny it's just man just waiting on the world change like get in the ring let go
Come on, man. I think that's what my reading of why people get frustrated with it. He's like walking around New York in black and white. Yeah. Dude.
Yeah. Some of his videos are awesome. It's like, why are you taking yourself so seriously, man? I don't know. I just like, I don't love that one, but I do love Vultures. I do love Belief. I do love Slow Dancing in a Burning Room. And I think as a complete product, I think it is bottom to top his best album. I mean, I think a lot, I'm sure diehards do, but the credit is,
I think a lot of credit should go to Pino. Yep. This is when John Mayer trio forms. Yeah. I mean, it's so interesting. It's like John Mayer, it's like you clearly have like amazing taste. You know what I mean? He's got really good taste. I mean, great taste in watches. Yeah, exactly. Shout out, mom. Mama Luke!
Charlotte Mama Charlotte like But I think I actually don't like Vultures Because I think it's just like him whining about being famous Oh my god Then you probably don't like In your atmosphere either Because that's like the same vibe I don't think I'm going to go to LA anymore Well that's fair Because I kind of enjoy that song
Cause I know that's one of your all timers. It's my favorite song. Yeah. But I think it's just like, I don't know. I'm noticing a theme. Cause he goes, he goes kind of high on that one. And I, and that was your, that was your thing on no such thing too. Oh, like falsetto. Like he just, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Where he kind of mimics the guitar line melody too. He does that a lot, which is like, yeah. When it works, it works. Yeah.
Yeah. I think it, I'm kind of bummed that that's his best. I think there's other parts of albums where it's, there's better stuff on it, but yeah, that's gotta be his. What do all the fans, you know, and talk to, they, they always go gravitate to it. I think so because I just think like belief is so strong. Um, I will have stopped this train too. Oh yeah. Stop this train's great. Um,
Find Another You, I think, is really good because that's like a very classic blues format. In Repair, Dreaming With a Broken Heart, and Bold Is Love. I just think that there are... Most John Mayer albums have like three to four really good songs, and I think this one has like seven. And it's also... It's an album. You know what I mean? It's not...
Cause you know, he's in that area where things change in recording as far as the album idea and concept isn't start to finish everything. It's like, all right, let's get a couple of hits and then blah, blah, blah fillers. Yeah. Very. And this is kind of a gap too. Cause heavier things like 2003, this is 2006. Yeah. End of, end of 2005, I think. Yeah, this is, well, it, I think it,
Yeah, because it comes in this 2007 Grammys. So yeah, probably start of 2006. And this is where, well, technically my favorite album is, it doesn't really count because it's not a studio album, but this is right around the time he releases Where the Light Is, which is that live. That's where we get in your atmosphere. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. I've only heard, I think like acoustic versions of it. It's good. Did he do, uh, did he do the, I didn't look at your set list. Did he do the little after like eight songs he does about three acoustic? Yeah, he did. Uh, it was funny. So my college friend who's a fan was like, let's do it. I was like, well,
Andy to iron lack is telling me to go and like, he's a fan. I think it'd be interesting. So we want to talk about it. And, um,
I was like, all right, here's my, here's my price. I want to see like good seat. I'm not fucking around with this. If I want to see it, I'm going to go all in. You got good seats. I saw your videos. Yeah. Um, it was like the second best seats I've ever had at a concert. It was just funny. It's like, this is the one like this is crazy. But guy, guy comes up sitting next to us.
It's like, Hey, did you get your tickets today? It's like, uh, yeah, yeah, we did. He's like, Oh, nice. Yeah. I could tell. Cause I saw they were on like, this dude's super fan. And, uh, he's like, Oh, I saw, I've seen him, I think like 15 times or something. I'm like, motherfucker. What?
like he's only 45 he's even 15 times and he's like i was over here but he was the guy that was yelling deep cuts do you hear about this no so he so the night before he was like requesting song but he wasn't requesting a song
by title, he was just saying, deep cuts, deep cuts, like back catalog. And Mayer referenced it. He's like, oh, last night someone was yelling deep cuts, deep cuts. And he's like, loses his mind. And he was holding up his phone and it said, I was looking at it, I was like, what the hell is going on? And it says like three, I was like, is that three times five? And I was like, oh, three by five. And he's holding it up, looking at it. And we were close and Mayer plays it. That's sick. But then the guy, he said, Mayer,
He's like yelling, "Deeper Cuts, play some old classic." And then the guy who was sitting next to me goes, "Deeper!" I'm like, "What do you want me to play? Bedroom demos when I was a kid?"
He was, not to get too sidetracked, but he's good on stage, man. He is good with the crowd and he is funny. He's not a comedian. We could talk about that at some point too, but he's good. He's really charismatic. And I think he was interacting with the crowd in a way in LA that I thought was very engaging.
Yeah, you said this was your favorite show you've seen, right? Yeah, I think so. I think so. I like his set list a lot. Okay. Yeah, his set list was great for... It was interesting because I was, you know, I've seen him three times. One was at a benefit show. He was playing acoustic with a bunch of other artists. And then the other time was like when he was literally a kid. So it was kind of crazy to see it in such a long gap. But also I was like, what's he going to do? And the stuff you think...
it would translate well live really did. And even some other stuff, it was just kind of like, Oh shit. Okay. Yeah. You know, it doesn't, it doesn't get captured on record if that makes sense. Yeah. No, it, that's why I say like, I think you kind of have to see him live to maybe get a little bit more of an appreciation for him. Do you, do you think he kind of falls into that category a little bit? I don't know. Maybe I think he was kind of, he was, he was,
Yeah. There's kind of a saying like every rock star wants to be a standup and every standup wants to be a rock star. And like John Mayer is literally the, that's the Venn diagram of John Mayer. Yeah. He wants to be like a talk show host too. He wants to be a lot. Yeah. Yeah. He gets, yeah. He even talks about it. He gets very obsessive on stuff and yeah. Yeah. I thought it was good. It was a good start to finish thing.
Couple intros and stuff is like, you know, like, God, this guy's ego sometimes kills me. Yeah. But yeah, I'm sure that was way worse back in the day. But yeah, it was good. I had a great time. And it was just a lot of reasons like the players he gets to play with him are unbelievable. He's been doing it for so long to where it's just like this guy's a pro. Yeah. Yeah.
He knows how to handle the crowd. He knows how to deal with stuff. Yeah. Or just perform, even if he's on tour and it's hard. You always feel like you're in good hands with him. You always feel like he's steering the ship pretty well. Yeah, not relationship-wise, but yeah, absolutely. It's kind of like, yeah, no, he knows he gets it. You're coming to see him, so he's going to play some hits you want to hear. Yeah. It's something that Paul McCartney understands. I mean, these are two different...
he's in his own universe, but it's like Paul McCartney gets, he's Paul McCartney. Yeah. So it's like, okay, yes, I'm Paul McCartney. You're going to freak out. And obviously I'm going to do some Beatles stuff. I'm also going to, you know, I think he's almost 80. He opened his last album with like a five minute instrumental. It's like, that's interesting. You know what I mean? Yeah. But I think John Mayer also gets like, yes, I'm John Mayer. So I'm going to do some, cause he played my body. Your body is a wonderland. Yeah.
Curly, right?
Which I was kind of like, oh, live, this is really good because they hit that little groove section of the song and tossed it around the stage. And it was like, oh, this is good. You know what I thought was cool was he's kind of self-aware in that sense. So he did Your Body is a Wonderland fourth for us. And he said, okay, three for me, one for you, and then went right into Your Body is a Wonderland. Damn, that's pretty good. Yeah, like he gets it. He gets it.
You know, because he's that kid too still. Which is like the criticism that Counting Crows gets sometimes, which is like they just do really weird stuff. That people are just like, why are you playing this stuff? Damn. Yeah, I mean, yeah. That's part of going to a concert and understanding like, you know,
kind of your responsibility, I think, as a performer too sometimes. Yeah, and Mayer gets that balance right pretty well, I think. 2010, so 2009, he does battle studies. This is where things get a little weird for him. So he does these two very, we'll say, revealing and controversial magazine interviews with Rolling Stones and Playboy. You can Google those.
And then he kind of withdraws from public life and he gets Gran U Loma on his vocal cords and he moves to Montana, which I think is actually still his primary residence is Montana. But this kind of comes right after Battle Studies, which I think is good. And it has a bit of a mixed critical reaction. I think it was the first album that I think...
it didn't do as well as the first three. And he later admitted to Rolling Stones that he didn't think it was his best. I,
I think it's fine. It's like middle of the pack for me. You said this is kind of like, I remember when we were missing, this is kind of like the hipster answer. Like what's your favorite album? I think people, I think this grows on a lot of people. This is when mayor, this is when he like clearly started like smoking a bunch of weed and stuff like that. And I, I think there's some good songs on, on battle studies. I don't know who says is fine. That's the one he always plays. It's like,
That's interesting. I didn't know that. Like that's a, not like a staple, but he'll go to that. Yeah. He goes to who says a lot. Yeah. I think like, I think half of my heart is nearly perfect. It's good song. Perfect. It's,
Like, because as like a John Mayer song, I think it's fucking so good. But he has a goddamn annoying vocal overdub. Yeah. That he falls back on where it's like, this is so unnecessary. But it's so good. And it's got, you know,
Oh, I mean, we know who was on that song too. Our precious. Yeah. American sweetheart. Shout out Nagel's if he's, if he's, I know I was just thinking, I was like, by the way, apologies to, if anyone's listening, like this is not going to be as good as Sir Bagel and Carlos on the euphoria episode, but I'm super honored to be here. I think crossroads, that was really bad.
Yeah. That's like, dude, that's like a song you don't touch. Yeah. Cause that's like, you know, Robert Johnson and cream, you know, that spawned thousands of guitar players. Yeah. That clapped and solo on that. And then, um, edge of desire, which I think he plays a lot. He likes edge of desire. Yeah. And he kind of, um, he does this sort of similar thing on, uh, uh, what is it? Like, uh,
Oh, Age of Worry? Yeah. Where it's almost like sea shanty. It's like, guy goes to Ireland once. You know what I mean? There's a lot of that in his career. Yeah. It's like, yeah. Guy listens to one blank album. Oh, I mean, dude, his... I think his Paradise Valley album cover is him and the dog. It's like, guy goes to Montana once. Dude, we'll get there in a second. Okay. It's just like...
Like, I get it. I've been to Nashville. I got the hat. I know what's up. But yeah, sorry. So, Battle Studies, you in or out? Where are we at? I'm like, hold on. Oh, Heartbreak Warfare pisses me off, too. That production song. And he kicks in the overdrive pedal, and he's, ah, it's like, ah. You know what's a hipster one? A really good one? Assassin.
Have you heard of Sasson? Have I heard of Andy Black? If you had any idea how much... My fucking Spotify end of year rap is so fucked now. My YouTube recommendations, videos, everything. I ruined it, everything. People are worried. They're like... Because I'm asking friends and stuff. I'm like, hey, I'm going on this really big golf podcast. Let's talk about John Mayer. Talk about John Mayer. And people are like...
Scott, I got to check in, bud. You good, bro? It's so funny. It's so good. I love it. I had two goals when I started Golf Twitter. I was like, I want to be on Andy Lack's podcast and he approached. Little did I know I'd be roasting John Mayer. We all get what we want in life. It just never looks like how you think, I guess. Don't forget goal number three, be followed by Brian Kirshner.
Oh, no. Chris Powers is my best friend. Pringles, Ken Hogg, Chris Powers himself. This will be a true test of loyalty from Kershier because he's never missed an episode from day one. There's no way he's listening. No. I was mad because he was roasting me because when I finally got like 100 followers, congrats. Like, all right, dude. Yeah.
I get it. And I said, yeah, I get it, man. I get it. And, uh, I typed his name, Brian with a Y and I thought he was going to block me. He was so mad. Yeah. I get it. If someone says Scotty, I get pissed. Scotty with a Y man. Um, I don't want to spend a ton of time on born and raised or paradise Valley, uh, born and raised, uh,
He described it as his most personal album. It got good reviews, actually, but was not...
a commercial, not as much as of a commercial success. This is when, this is a fun one. Dr. Gerald Burke paralyzed Mayer's vocal cords with a series of high doc, high dose Botox injections, hoping that it would heal the granuloma. So Mayer actually wasn't able to talk for several months, which delayed the release of Born and Raised.
I don't know. I just don't like... I don't find myself returning to it a lot. Is it like low-key one of your favorites? No, I do think though... Because, I mean, there's some highlights and then there's just garbage. Yeah. Like, and that's for... Like, he was in a recording studio. They hit record and people were there getting paid money. Like, bro, you put this shit down? Are you kidding me? Yeah. And then there's some... I think if you took...
half of Born and Raised and half of Paradise Valley, you have an unbelievable album. Really? Okay, what do you like on Born and... I think something like Olivia is okay. He likes that one a lot. He plays that one a lot. I think, yeah. So Born and Raised, my highlights are...
Walt Submarine Tess. He played that. He played that acoustic. It's good. That's been on like repeat all day today. Yeah. But also it's like, he's not writing in the first person there. He's telling a different story. I think that hurts him sometimes. Sorry. It's like, you know, you can write from other perspectives and stuff. Queen's great. I put Age of Worry, Sea Shanty, Irish question mark.
Shadow days, I just have one word. I just said, I'm uncomfortable. I'm a good man. It's like, what is happening?
That was part of that time where I think he kind of went off the map around this time. I felt like he had to do a little image rehabilitation. That is such a tough listen, though. I know. I'm a good man with a good heart. John had a tough time and a rough start. My shadow. Drop the hand bomb, John. We'll do that, bud.
- If I ever get around to living, I think it's really good. And I think I just wrote Curveball. And then you hear what's coming as far as like the dead. If you listen to kind of the phase out and his guitar playing over that, it's very dead, like vibe playing kind of slinky, scaly sort of thing, which I thought was interesting. And then Paradise Valley, like Wildfire is awesome. Very Paul Simon.
The intro of that sounds like a Paul Simon guitar player. Yeah, he did a Paul Simon cover. Yeah, you said that. What was it? Do you remember? Let me find it. I think I have the... It was... He did... You Can Call Me Al.
Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Acoustic? No, towards the end. Okay, that'd be sick. Yeah. Yeah. He did that right after slow dancing. And you were right, by the way, about Prince. I didn't realize he did do Prince. He did the beautiful dance. Yeah. And that's like, I feel like he's stealing my ideas because that's one of my favorite. Yeah, it's like a low key under the radar. Yeah. Got taste, dude. Yeah. My man's got taste. He does. Oh, so Paradise Valley, it's like...
Wildfire, Dear Marie, I think he has his... I like Dear Marie. He says, I got that dream, but you got yourself a family. I got that dream, but it got away from me. It's just like, that's John Mayer, like Psych 101. Yeah. He got exactly what he wanted, but it looks nothing like how he thought and this is his life now. That kind of thing. And he is self-aware about that stuff. Yeah.
in a weird way. Yeah. He goes, he's like very not self-aware at the beginning and then it's like, oh, he's, okay, he gets it a little bit. Yeah. It's like, it's so funny because my friend, a bass player, cellist, Christian, like one of the smartest just dudes in music people I know, he talks about Mary. He's like, he uses the word self-aware a lot but is not self-aware. Yeah.
It's like this guy constantly talks about self-awareness and then proceeds to just not be self-aware. But anyway...
Who you love is, I'm fine, but they do the laughing at the end. It's just so corny and fake. I know. I hate that shit. They were dating at the time. That was, he was, I think, right? I don't care. When people in music use that trick, it's so ingenuine. It's like, dude, I know you're full of shit right now. Yeah. It's like when Adam McKay does the thing where he has the character start talking to you.
Absolutely. You know what I'm talking about? Absolutely. It's like, we get it, dude. You don't need to hit us over the fucking head with a mallet on this one. Adam, I got it, bud. Yeah. Go back to writing SNL. Let's go. Yeah, Dear Marie is my favorite. I Will Be Found, I just have the words Jesus Rock on it. Yeah. So I think, but if you took half of that and half of
Born and Raised, I think you have his, honestly, like his best album. What's interesting is this is the point where it's like, okay, like, have we lost John Mayer? Like that's like, I think from a mainstream standpoint, he's not making radio hits anymore. Yeah, but he's still, it's kind of crazy. I'm not saying that's bad. No, no, no, me neither. But there's like tight, tightly constructed, you know, good songs on there.
Which I think is interesting that they're not quote unquote hits compared to some of those other stuff that are hits. Yeah. But that, I mean, that's just music. That's the industry. That's times and taste. So I do think, yeah, I don't know.
I think half of those are good, half of those are bad. Half of my heart. Oh my God. Oh my God. Half of my heart's great. Oh my God. Yeah. Search for everything. This is, he talked about how this was an album about a breakup, but then was really coy about who it was about and did the musician thing where it's like, oh, this song isn't about this person. It's an amalgamation of things. Right, right, right.
Always a lie, by the way. Always a lie. He had the whole thing with Taylor Swift. Paper Doll was earlier. Anyway, there's some good songs on this. Paper Doll is good. The first four of that album are awesome. Then it's just off the rails. Search for Everything I think is good. I like Love on the Weekend. In
In the Blood is pretty good. He performs Still Feel Like Your Man a lot. I'm probably a little bit lower on that song, but it's not bad live. Search for Everything, like, thoughts? I have a star by Helpless. I just wrote Proof. And of course, he falls into a bad goddamn vocal overdub, which is, he says, it's kind of buried and low in the mix, where he's like, let's break it down.
Yeah. It's like, yeah, we got it. We know you're going to do the breakdown. Like just stop it. Yeah. And then, um, I hate that. I hate when, I hate when he does stuff like that. It is so cliche, cheesy shit, but it's like, you don't need to do it. Stop it. I don't know if he thinks he needs to read, like genuinely believes in that kind of thing, but it's like, come on, man. Yeah. Um, and then I have, I think moving on, getting over is one of his best songs. Great song. Yeah. Production vibe. Everything is kind of like,
He just nails it. Yeah. He plays that one live a fair amount. So I was bummed he didn't do it this time. Damn it. But yeah, those are my, yeah, I think it's just kind of emoji of a wave. He's like, what are we doing? That's such a weird one. Yeah. It's a weird one. It's kind of funny because he sort of, he's always trying to be up on trends and stuff. And, you know, you kind of hear a lot of him trying to kind of, I don't know, like hip hop influences or,
It's just sort of, I don't know. I think when you go against the grain is when you really discover and hit on things. Well, we should also mention, I forgot to say, in between Paradise Valley and Search for Everything is when he forms Dead & Co. And I've never seen a Dead & Co. show. Like I said, I'm not a huge Dead guy. What do you think about this as like a career move real quick?
Um, it's funny. Cause like I said, it's an interesting pivot. Yeah. I can't tell if it's him being snarky and ironic. Yeah. Or just, isn't this funny? Like he's trolling himself and trolling us and it's a huge paycheck. I'll tell you that right now. Yeah. They sell, they, they sell out like soldier field and all that shit. Huh? Yeah. And it's, it's bad. It's bad. Really? Okay. I haven't seen it, but I've listened cause there's so many of their live albums on it.
And it's just bad. It's just like a cash grab. It's everything. Cause what's his name? Ah, shit. Robinson, Chris Robinson, like ripped this cause he's a huge dead guy. And yeah. And it was interesting to watch cause like I played,
I've played with people who were big dead people and just like, no, you really got it here. Listen to 77 second set Barstow. It's like, I didn't, I shouldn't have all these requirements to listen to something so obscure and specific to finally get in. It was like, you should always be on. You should always be good.
Like the dead to me is just five people playing and, but they're all in five different bands. Dead Twitter reminds me of like golden age architecture, Twitter. Oh God. That's kind of scary. That's scary. And I mean like people I play with, you don't understand like this, this, the, the backslope of the screen is, is actually modeled after the 13th at North Berwick. Oh yeah. Like, okay. What? Yeah. I don't know. But Hey,
I think the first thing I saw on him was him like, well, you're with, you know, dead and co and it's him backstage by himself in a dressing room, like talking about his like giant thing of like hats. It's like, I'm into hats now. Yeah. Like, Oh, this is all right. You just want to go jam out for a couple hours, which I would do it in a heartbeat. Let's be real. That'd be fun. But it's just kind of, it's weirdly a safe choice. If that makes sense.
Do you think the hardcore Dead fans like it? Because it's not the easiest thing stepping in for Jerry Garcia, but I feel like they still fill those arenas. I mean, that's part of it. It was kind of funny because, I mean, it's just like, oh, we're getting a new guitar player. Like, who is it? John Mayer. They had to be like...
Yeah. What? Yeah. And you know, he like does interviews with Bob Weir and stuff. And it's like, no, no, no, it's this, that it's just like, dude, it's a hard, I don't buy it. I personally don't buy it. Maybe it is him being authentic and genuine, but it's also, it's just like, no dude, you have, you have all the resources in the world. You have a treasure chest of cash. You can do anything. And like, that's your move. Like, come on. Yeah. Yeah.
Is he still touring with them now? Oh, yeah. But I do wonder, like, what's the next step? Because once Bob Weir dies, is that it? Or is, like, John Mayer going to keep it going? But, oh, by the way, front row, best seat in the house, guy, shirtless, leather jacket vest, Grateful Dead. It was, like, so fun. I was just like, of course. Of course. Yeah.
I mean, kind of a smart move. Like you want loyal fans. Yeah. Dead. I don't, I mean, you know, we'll, we'll go to Andy. We're going to a show. A hundred percent. We're going to show. It's like Andy, we're all fly down. You'll fly up. We'll figure it out. Dude. A hundred percent. I think there is, I have, I want to look at his. We'll do that during John Deere classic week. We'll do that. Yeah.
By the way, I think at this point, I may just like release this as its own episode, probably. Because we haven't even gotten to Sob Rock, which I have a few takes on. It's going to be an 18 part. Yeah. I mean, it's just like whatever. Shout out to my partners. We love our partners. Como Pro Dandy. Rick Rundgren is awesome. I'm not joking. That's a great website, dude.
You guys are doing great work. Thanks for letting me just yell about John Mayer. Who'd have thought? Well, it's like you kind of reached this point where you don't have to worry as much about being... You're not in that growth phase anymore where you have to try so, so hard to increase your numbers every week and increase your numbers every week and get more people to listen and get more people to check out. And it's like,
I may be taking my foot off the gas a little bit too early. You could probably make that argument, but, uh, no, I remember I reached out to you after, uh, uh, sir bagels episode. I was like really touched by it. Oh, that was a good one. Yeah. People love that one in December. Yeah. It was like very, you know, like,
I didn't see that coming. Yeah. You know, like Nagel's talking to me about how he loves, but just like him going through his personal stuff and, you know, marriage and kids and like, no, I really didn't. I, yeah, I, and with Carlos, I was like, God, I was getting emotional over it. So I was like, this is really powerful, cool shit that no one else is doing. And like, yes, I do have other interests besides, you know, what McDonald's of course needs a restoration. The, when I do stuff like that,
The messages that I get are the most enthusiastic, more so than anything golf-related. You're going to get a lot of hate from me ripping Mayer, but that's okay. And I probably will too. I don't think you're really ripping him. I've made some unbelievable points. 100%. I think everything you've said has been very fair and mannered. Let's talk about Saabrock. Yeah, because I know you're in A.
So I think this, I don't know if this is about, I don't know if this is about him getting sober. The funny thing about, did you hear this story? I want to find this because I have this in my notes. John Mayer says this.
In 2016, oh, he said this in his third episode of Current Mood. Mayer revealed that he had been sober since 2016 because he had a six-day hangover after Drake's 30th birthday party. Hey, man, it takes what it takes. Whatever it takes, buddy. I mean...
I've had my battles with the bottle too. So I gave it, but I've had a couple, I wasn't in, I'll tell you what, my lows weren't at Drake's. So much darker than that. Hard to call those lows. Right. I know. I was like, God, I would, Oh, I'd be, I'd keep it going. Oh man. Yeah. I don't, I don't, there's some, you know, I got to say about this album. It,
It grew on me. At first, I didn't love it, and it grew on me. And this tour that he's doing right now, the Saw Brock tour, so he's fitting...
some songs in there. I think he did like at least four or five off of that album. And it's not a long album by any means. I think the whole album's only like 10 or 11 songs. I think, I think carry me away is good. New light kind of feels a little bit like, okay, I haven't been on the radio in a decade. Right. Yeah.
How you doing? Yeah. And I don't think it had convert. I don't like, I don't, I don't listen to the radio. That song was kind of old too. Cause that was like 2018, 2019. He released as a single first. Yeah. And so then, yeah. And then, you know, global shutdown. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I don't know. I there's actually, it definitely did grow on me. I think there's some stuff on it. That's awesome. But I also think it's like,
I was more disappointed as just like John Mayer, the artist, you know, everything in like 2020 and also with like Lorde's album where it's just, this is a huge opportunity for you to say something and the world shutting down, like Trump America, George Floyd, like it's just, there's so much and you fucking hit me with how come you no love me? Yeah.
I think he's terrified, man. And we didn't really talk about the, we didn't talk about the Rolling Stones interview, but he's had some, some real black marks there that he's done a decent job recovering from. But, you know, I don't fault anyone to say that they're out. They're just out on him after a couple things he said. I mean, I don't know. I think there's stuff on it, but it was just like,
so safe it's such a safe record he's doing Mark Knopfler guitar off of like Dire Straits like you hear that a lot yeah and it's kind of like that's the thing about to get back to what I was saying about guitar it's like oh you're doing Mark Knopfler kind of stuff and some little country stuff on you know it's like I don't know what John Mayer tone is and you get that now and it's just sort of but I was just more like dude you can still do
bangers and say something. I mean, I always point to Springsteen's Born in the USA. Yeah. Like that is one of the biggest albums and he's talking about Vietnam, like Reagan America. Yeah. And it's like, you can be done. And it was just, yeah, I think you're right. He's terrified. Well, yeah. I mean, we don't even need to, he basically said, might as well since we're here, my dick is like a white supremacist.
And then he, this is he all before he moves to Montana and he uses a word in that interview that I will not say on this podcast. And then his apology, he says, it was arrogant for me to think I could intellectualize a word that is so emotionally charged. It's like one of the worst apologies, like the, the way that he also saying you have a hood pass is like,
So like, bro, you're a white boy from Connecticut. Yeah. You've never had a hood pass. You never will have a hood pass. Like I used to live and work in the Tenderloin. I'll give you some cross streets. We'll see how you do. Like, shut the fuck up. And I know he's trying to be funny. He's actually like, dude, you're dropping N-bombs and like. In Rolling Stones. In like Rolling Stone and Playboy. It's like, what are you doing? Yeah. The fact that he still has a career and I know, you know,
Times are different now, cancel culture and things like that. But the fact that he, I don't know, his publicist, his PR, his agent, like unbelievable. Cause the way I, I'm just as fascinated by his musical choices as like his career surviving. Yeah. That's the thing. So he got, uh,
He got dragged through the mud for that, rightfully so. And then he basically moves to Montana and kind of grows off the grid for Paradise Valley and Born and Raised a little bit. And then he kind of comes back in like 2018-ish years.
around the time that he does Current Mood. And, you know, he wants to be a little bit more in the public eye again, and he's funny on Twitter and stuff like that. But I don't think he has the balls to... I don't think people would take him seriously, by the way, either. Yeah. You know, and I think maybe he knows that a little bit. So I think he's just...
You know, he made a bunch of mistakes when he was a lot younger and he got that. Like, even when I mean, if I had a public. Yeah, I'm sure I'd be a constant fuck up. And some. No, I know that. Yeah. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm a fucking idiot.
But I'm not like, what? Are you that arrogant? He called Jessica Simpson sexual napalm in an interview. Which I don't understand. Is that a compliment or a burn? I have no idea. I think it's a compliment. It's got to be a compliment. I saw a thing today because friends texted me and stuff. And it was he apparently broke up with Jessica Simpson like countless times.
Via email. Oh my God. You would. An email? Jonathan. That's you sexual napalm, dude. Yeah, like what? How do you? Email? Oh my God. Imagine if she posted those. That would be like, oh. Well, did you see this? She wrote, she did a biography and killed him. Yeah. I didn't read it, but I heard he got killed. You're telling me you didn't read Jessica's story? No.
You're going to stare me in the eye right now over Zoom. Mama Lack raised you better than this. Oh, man. No, man. What tournament was Dave in that episode for? Well, Aaron got Bermuda. No, no, no. Fuck. He did a – my buddy was coming on this. So that was like the 2017 article, and I think it's something along the lines of, John Mayer, no one messed up.
Yeah. Like once. And then he like, he talks about self-awareness all the time. And then he's doing the video for still feel like your man, which has a lot of, you know, it's like, what's like a white guy would think of, you know, like a Japanese cafe that a guy goes to to try to get, you know, it's like, what the fuck is this? Yeah. And it's also my, my buddy was so mad because he said, I,
He's dancing around with pandas. Pandas aren't Japanese, they're Chinese. I was so mad. I was like, that's your, okay, all right. There's a quote he says in that article that I really wanted to get and get your thoughts on if that's cool. Yeah, please. He's talking about just his music and his thing and his choice. He says, I do a thing. I have sensibilities.
My instincts as a musician are not exactly my instincts as a listener or a member of the world, but I believe that I am successful because I obey them. That's a weird thing to say. Right? I think that was like, out of all the quotes to have on read, I'm like, what? So you're playing or doing what you don't believe in or listen to or think? That's like the artist's
you know, write the book you want to read, write the song you want to listen to. Like, why would you, I don't know if I'm reading it wrong or what. Also member of the world makes me like, you know, like a person, like,
What does that even mean? I think he tries to over-intellectualize sometimes. I think he tries to be the smartest guy in the world. He's very Phil. And make big statements. Yeah, I'll give you another one. I wrote this quote down. So in 2008, he...
posted this quote on his blog. There is danger in theoretical speculation of battle, in prejudice, in false reasoning, in pride, in braggadocio. There's one safe resource, the return to nature. And then he deleted his blog and deleted his Twitter and moved to Monday.
All right, dude. That's very like... Read like one Henry David Thoreau. Like, come on, man. You gotta be kidding me with this shit. Yeah. Very like high dorm room Thoreau. Yeah. Like... What? This is what... Like, this is me. Like, I'm over it. You gotta thank me that. That just ruined me. Yeah.
That's so awesome. It's on Wikipedia. I'm telling you. That's on Wikipedia. Dude, I combed that Wikipedia because it's unbelievable. Yeah, you can find some crazy shit on there. All right. Here's where I want to end. Where does he go from here? What do you want to see from Mayer for the next decade? And where do you think... And then I always like this question, but where does he fit into music now?
Do you think he was born a little too early? Do you think he was born a little too late? But like what, how do you see him progressing over the next 10 years? And do you think that there's, do you think he has another moment? Damn. I think I like the era question. Could you say that again? Do you think born too early, born too late, or I'm stealing that from, from Bill Simmons?
He talks about basketball players. Were they born for the right era? I wonder that with Mayer. Was he born... I think if he's born earlier, he gets smoked. He can't. If you're holding a candle, are you fucking kidding me? Well, no, that's not true. Because if he was born... Or if he was coming to his own... This is so nerdy. Like 57 to 64. Because then he could be...
the white BB King, which he could, but after that he's fucking done. Well, if he's born 10 years later, is he like Shawn Mendes? See, then that's what I don't, but I think that he's, he's, this is the only era he, he, he gets, he's down here. I don't think later he's yeah. Cause all the other quote unquote, like guitar players or maybe as a songwriter, he hangs in there cause he can write radio friendly hits and,
Because who's John Mayer today? Who's his modern comp of the last 10 years? Fuck. I don't know. My nephew's getting pretty good now. He's kind of a one-of-one in that sense, right? Yeah, which is weird because it's not changing the game musically or just as a person. He's some triple threat and he's in...
you know, like movies and this and that. It's because he changes so much, right? Like, I don't think there's as many people that every two or three years are like, eh, I kind of need to reinvent myself. But does he though? Because I don't think he does. I think he just does like tiny little production tricks where it's like, now I'm going to do 80s stuff, but it's like still the same songwriting level as...
no such thing. Does that make sense? Yes. And I think it's also like when, when people get famous or when people hit you're frozen. Yeah. If you get famous as a kid, like you're forever a child, like, like fuck. Or I see this a lot in basketball players. Like they kind of come on, get famous and stuff like as a angsty teen. And like when you watch them in interviews or stuff or just on the court,
they kind of seem like angry, pissed off teenagers. Yeah. Kind of frozen. But like, if you get later in life, you know, like, uh, what's like George Clooney or something like doesn't really hit it or get on the, get famous. So he's like, you know, thirties, 40. Yeah. And he's kind of like security's lived life. But I think mayor, sometimes it's just this frozen 23 year old trying to get his dick sucked, which let's be real. I mean, that, that never goes away, but you know what I mean? Like,
his songwriting has kind of stayed there i think going forward it's like dude you have all the fucking money you have all the watches i'd like to see him settle down with uh with i think that's his new like body isn't one because in those quotes where he's like i'd love to i'd love someone to throw my 40th birthday settle down and it's like oh is this how you're getting late now like is this your move
Part of me is like, where does he go from now? It kind of scares me. I'm being serious. Fuck, dude. Because it's not your 45. The 25-year-old chick thing is getting a little... I would love to see him rekindle with our girl Minky Kelly. Shout out, Euphoria.
But I bet you she's probably dating someone, would be my guess. I think his reputation, from what I've heard, I think the reputation is that he is...
he's made a lot of mistakes that like, listen, I'm not going to sit here and say that John Mayer can't get laid, but like, I think that he had, he doesn't have the best reputation based on the things he said and the things he's done. And that's tough, but. Yeah, I think, well, to begin with, I mean, the most important thing of this for me is like the music itself and like him as a player. And I think it's one of my things is like, dude,
make your electric ladyland hendrix yeah go into a fucking studio like i have specific like amps and guitars you would use those like i'm throwing your fucking prs strat wannabe in the garbage like we're doing these amps you're doing this guitar take all your goddamn pedals away just sit down and rip and play take some risks like do that it's like dude hendrix is doing that it
I think 26. He does that fucking album. It's like, what was John Mayer doing? Daughters. Like you're 45. You have the fame. Challenge your listeners. Challenge yourself. I think that's like my biggest hope for him. Yeah. Come on, man. I would be pretty, pretty damn cool if he just...
if he made whatever music he wanted to make and just kept touring and crushing Continuum and shit like that on tour. I would be pretty damn... I don't need him to... And you know what's interesting? He said this in his... Maybe I'm psychoanalyzing him too much, but one thing that he said in the concert that I thought was interesting was...
He's like, thank you so much for all the people that are out here tonight. Yeah, he did that too. My music, if you're here, if you're listening, you have come across my music and you've discovered it. And you have to work hard to discover it. Which is kind of like, okay, are you saying that radio has passed you by and there isn't room for you in the mainstream culture? Yeah, that's why I was like...
To say that, it kind of feels like he had maybe, again, the classics. Is he self-aware or is he not self-aware? He's like the least... It's like, okay, I'm trying to recover my image from the Playboy Rolling Stone stuff. And it's like, I'm going to do this video...
of Japanese culture and all this stuff. Yeah. We thought a lot about it. It's like, did you? Yeah. Stop saying self-aware if you're not self-aware. It seems like he has...
It seems like he knows that he doesn't. I don't know if he knows that there's a place for him anymore in mainstream culture, I think. Which is fine. Yeah. Like, dude, you're 45. You've been on a 20-year run. You've gotten enough box. Take a fucking breath. Like, oh, now you're doing like, this is your version of like the pouty, doughy-eyed guy? Yeah.
I don't know what I have to do. Just watch Sex and the City reruns, bro. Seriously. But it's just kind of like, yeah. I think one word to describe him for me is just like frustrating. That's a great word. Frustrating. Like John Mayer is frustrating. Yeah. Because it's just...
And you kneeled on the head. I would watch a goddamn 10-part Last Dance-style documentary on him. Oh, me too. If it was just gloves are off. It's sitting there, too. It's like... It's all there. There's so much stuff there. And I think that's what's so interesting to me about it. It was like, just this guy that wanted to be Stevie Ray Vaughan. Yeah. And here he is, and he's dancing around wearing 80s pants. And I'm like, what?
is happening like what a fucking career so we're closing we're closing it on this but i uh did he do the white pants for you too i think he's i've seen videos of his other shows and it seems like he's just made the decision that he's gonna wear those white pants for like every show yeah he did uh
Yeah, dude. I just caught myself. It's like, am I talking about John Mayer's tour outfits right now? A podcast? On a golf podcast. On a golf podcast. Like, yeah, I don't know. I like Kisner in the 7K. Anyway. He did. Oh, yeah. I'm always holding out hope, like you Ricky Fowler lovers, you know? Yeah. Like, damn it. Come on.
Scott Holdridge, do you have anything to plug? I mean, there's a 0% chance that anyone's listening at this point, but for the brave souls, where can they find your work on Twitter? It's Twitter only. I got off Instagram and Facebook. So, you know, I'll put my phone number up and you can come yell at me. I'm that small and irrelevant. But I'm super grateful. Andy, I'm a huge fan and you're such a good dude.
And give me this opportunity. Like, I'm really grateful. And like, especially during 2020, like your podcast was like such a big help. Like I was early on it too, like a couple. You were early. Yeah. And yeah, just doing what you do, man. Like it's, it, it helps and it's great. And I'm super happy for you. And I can't believe I'll be in the Canon now of,
This will exist forever. No one can take this away from us. It can have two downloads and still we will, we will have a grin on our face. Two more than we started with. Also mama lack.
When is she coming on? You need to get her on. She's so good, man. I dated Don Henley. Like, I, she, I, I asked her if she wanted to do a billions recap with me at one point or any of these shows, uh, that we love. Like, yeah, but she is. So she works at Snapchat and she's, uh, yeah, she crushes, she's crushing it at Snapchat and she's just your whole family. It's like, okay, is it anyone suck? Uh,
Oh, you're the one that sucks? I'm the one that sucks, yeah. Stug plays a two iron, has a huge podcast. Yeah, yeah, you sure do suck, bud. No, my brother's the man, though, too. My brother's about to graduate Princeton, so you're right. Compared to him, I... What's it called? Yeah. Just kidding.
Seriously, I do feel like I'm in the family dynamic. I definitely am the underachiever of the bunch, but I appreciate it. I will tell my mom. I can't tell if I should tell her to listen to this one or not listen to this one. What? Oh, come on. She's going to love Scotty.
No, because I kind of blew her cover a little bit with some stuff. Wow. She said that's so cool. Yeah. You sound so great. All right, Scott. Good to see you, buddy. You too, man.
All right, that's it for the show. Special thanks to Scott Holdridge. Special thanks to And we will be back later in the week talking general DFS strategy with one of the sharpest minds in the DFS streets, Degenerate75. Until then, you can follow me on Twitter at ADPLagSports. You can follow me
Scott Holdridge on Twitter at Holdridge underscore Scott. You follow John Mayer on Twitter at John Mayer. Good luck with the Zurich Classic, and we will see you next time. Cheers.
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