cover of episode 2022 Mega Season Preview Part 2 (Taylor’s Version): The Masters/PGA

2022 Mega Season Preview Part 2 (Taylor’s Version): The Masters/PGA

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REAL AF 播客主持人,专注于讨论和分析时事新闻和政治事件。
Chris Powers
Andy: 本期节目讨论了2022年大师赛和PGA锦标赛的回顾和展望。Andy和Jeff Nagel对奥古斯塔和南方山丘球场进行了详细的分析,并讨论了适合在这些球场上比赛的高尔夫球手以及现在应该押注哪些球员。 Andy对Chris Powers在高尔夫文摘杂志中被低估表示不满,认为应该给他更多机会。他提到了Chris Powers制作的视频效果很好,这归功于视频团队的努力,并在推特上获得了不错的观看量。 Andy还谈到了与Jeff Nagels一起打高尔夫球的经历,并对Jeff Nagels的性格和打球风格进行了描述。他提到Steve Hennessey给Chris Powers带了一顶帽子。 Andy和Chris Powers对老虎伍兹、斯科蒂·谢弗勒、赞德·谢弗勒、布鲁克斯·科普卡、乔丹·斯皮思等球员在大师赛上的表现进行了分析和预测,并对他们的比赛策略和心态进行了评价。他们还讨论了其他一些球员,例如罗里·麦克罗伊、达斯汀·约翰逊、帕特里克·坎特利等。 Andy和Chris Powers还讨论了球员们的着装风格,对一些球员的服装进行了评价。他们还讨论了RBC遗产赛的预测,并对一些球员进行了分析和预测。 Chris Powers: Chris Powers在节目中分享了他对高尔夫比赛的观点和预测,并对一些球员的表现进行了分析。他谈到了他制作的视频效果很好,这归功于视频团队的努力,并在推特上获得了不错的观看量。 Chris Powers还谈到了与Andy一起打高尔夫球的经历,并对Andy的性格和打球风格进行了描述。他分享了他对老虎伍兹、斯科蒂·谢弗勒、赞德·谢弗勒、布鲁克斯·科普卡、乔丹·斯皮思等球员在大师赛上的表现的看法,并对他们的比赛策略和心态进行了评价。 Chris Powers还讨论了球员们的着装风格,对一些球员的服装进行了评价。他还对RBC遗产赛的预测,并对一些球员进行了分析和预测。他分享了他对高尔夫球技的理解,并对一些球员的挥杆动作进行了技术分析。

Deep Dive

The discussion focuses on Tiger Woods' performance at the Masters and his future in major tournaments, considering his physical limitations and course preferences.

Shownotes Transcript


Inside Golf Podcast, RBC Heritage and Masters Recap with Chris Powers. Great podcast today with one of my favorite friends to talk golf with. A little off the rails, as most pods are with CP, but this is a really good pod. I think you'll really enjoy it. We are, as always, presented by All the stats are

All the tools that I referenced during the show, you can find all of that on You can also find all my written content. I do a very in-depth course breakdown and a very in-depth Wednesday DFS article. I work really hard on both of them. So I'd really appreciate if you check them out. It's like $7 for a week. So head on over to, promo code Andy. All right. I think that's all we got. Let's talk to CP.

All right, Chris Powers is here, writer at Golf Digest. Now my second favorite writer at Golf Digest after my new friendship with Daniel Rappaport, co-host of the Be Right podcast. Okay, here's where I want to start. Your video was...

really good. It was really, really good. And I say that genuinely from the bottom of my heart. And I just kind of want to say, I've kind of been banging this drum for a while now. I've kind of been saying that CP was super underutilized at Golf Digest and you got to just set a couple picks for him and let him cook. And finally they do that. They give him center stage and look what we got. Yeah, obviously agree with you and have for a long time, but

kind of out of my hands kind of deal but it was nice to yeah I had an idea kind of executed it by all the credit to the video team I'm not I'm not being sarcastic they are you know while I was doing it I was like this is terrible this is going to be awful but they you know we did a bunch of takes and they obviously know which ones are the best and how to tie it all together so all credit to them but yeah I was surprised by the the response I know um social media can be a

Yeah, we've gone soft.

Did it do good numbers? Maybe can we can people still find it? So maybe we could do do a late pump of the numbers. Yeah, yeah. I mean, go on. It's definitely on golf It'll be every story. You know, we have like an auto video on auto player, whatever the hell. But I mean, it did well on Twitter. I think it did, you know, almost 20,000, which is not nothing crazy.

It's pretty good by my metrics. It's pretty good for an organic idea type video. And yeah, you know what? Now I got to back it up. There's going to be another video at some point I'm going to have to back up a

All that high praise from everybody. So pumped. I'm pumped to get another shot, hopefully. But yeah, so they're going to give you a, you're going to be able to do this again, right? It was, it was, it passed the test in that respect. Yes, absolutely. Okay, good. Great feedback from, from pretty much everyone, even Steve Hennessey, which was, was shocking.

Yeah. So I don't know if it'll be the exact same idea. It was obviously kind of a master's type theme, but it could work for the PGA and US Open for sure. What else? Well, you played golf today. How'd you play? You played with our friend Jeff Nagels. Typical. I did play with Nagels. Typical kind of April.

You know, played 10 really great holes, probably eight really bad ones. And the score reflects the eight bad ones, unfortunately, which sucks. Much better weather than when we played, though? Much better weather. Warm pretty much for 15 holes. A little chilly at the end, but nothing we couldn't handle. And always great company, Jeff Nagels. Always, you're going to laugh.

You're going to laugh quite a bit over the four hours you're together. And then the best part is in the parking lot chatting for another 30 minutes. He was, he was, he almost made me run late to this podcast because he's got a lot. He still always has a lot of stuff to say. Even when you're, when you're saying goodbye.

I think we have something, too, in our pairing. Obviously, we'll play a bunch, too, with Nagels and Steve, but I kind of liked the alternate shot, you and Jack versus me and Kirshner. I think we kind of have something there. So, the listeners won. Me and Kirshner won, but I...

But I think it's a good match. And I was going to say, too, I think once we get warmer weather, you know what the funny thing was, CP? You thought that the conditions were going to play into your hands. Little did you know that I grew up hitting chippy little four irons into 130-yard par threes.

It was only nine holes. I'm sad because it was a shot-making performance. I've not seen in a very long time some of the low punchers, four irons from one set. Me and Scotty, we're just artists. It was impressive. I would love to see you and Nagel's alternate shot. That would be a comedy routine mainly because –

Nagels would be, I'm going to put you in a shitty spot. I suck. I suck at this. I'm ruining everything. So that would be pretty funny. And you trying to talk him off the ledge, which I took that, that role on today. He's pretty funny. You know, you try to encourage him and he doesn't want that. He hates that, but he, but he hates, you know, you making fun of him. So it's a very, very, I guess it's a high wire act with Nagels. Like he'll hit this great chip shot that you and I know as pretty good players, but,

It's like a tough chip for us. And he'll put it to 25 feet or something, you know, short-sighted, whatever, bunker in his way. And you'll be like, that was really good from there. And he's like, oh, from there? From there? It was really good? Can't win. You try and give him a compliment and he doesn't want to take it.

We're nearing, well, we got to do Steve a little bit too. So he was there at the Masters. I was going to say we're already in drive-by territory and we're just going to hear about it anyway, so we might as well. So did Steve bring you anything back at least? Well, I'm going to see them tomorrow. Okay, you're going into the office? Yeah. I think they mentioned on the pod, Myers might have spilled the beans that Steve got me a hat, but Steve didn't want to know it was from him because...

He said I would probably be pissed off about it. But apparently it is from Steve. He got me a hat, so that was nice of him. We'll see if I like the hat and if I rock it. But yeah, I had a lot of fun there. I really like Steve's sandwich article.

It was good. Did you read that? I did read it. I did. I thought it was a good job. It felt like a, like a old, like, I feel like Steve's not a, he doesn't get to do a bunch of writing. No, he does not. Yeah. It felt like, felt like he got to get his feet wet again. Yeah. I think he did it 10 years, not 10 years ago. I think he went in 2014 to his first one and he did a very similar piece. So it was kind of a seven years later type deal. So yeah.

Yeah, nice to see him writing. Well, we're going to get those numbies up on this video, and we're going to get them up to get to the point where they're sending you to the Masters next year. It's my personal mission. I don't understand it. It makes no sense to me. I think I've made my voice heard on that one. No comment. Let's transition. No comment. I'm not going to air out any more dirty laundry.

Where do you want to start with the Masters? Do you want to start with Kat? Do you want to start with Scotty? Man, I kind of wanted to start with Rom. I know we'll get to it. That's not important, but I crafted some nice Rom takes in my opinion, but we can start. I guess we can start with Tiger. That's kind of what everyone's going to do, right? Yeah, let's start with Tiger. So, I don't know. What'd you think?

So I tweeted this early in the week and I'm not, I'm not saying I predicted exactly what was going to happen, but I thought what he did is what was going to happen and that it would be a positive kind of make the cut, which I bet, which a lot of people bet have plus money, which was like the only bet I won all week. So that was nice. You said money on it.

But yeah, I did not have any delusions of grandeur as they say that he would win. I thought he would make the cut. And honestly, on Friday when he kind of was...

creeping up, I was like, oh my God, is he actually in this? Because I think he got to one over when Scottie was either five or six under. So kind of in that distance where Scottie fell apart on Saturday and he shot a low one, he could get back in it. Then he didn't make, he didn't get up and down on 15 Friday for birdie. And then he didn't make the birdie putt at 16. And it was kind of, you know, air let out of the tires. But yeah, I was...

Proud to see him finish. Obviously, the weekend was tough, those extra 36 holes, and I'm sure the cold didn't help. So, yeah, a miracle that he finished. Incredible to make the cut. But, yeah, I thought it was kind of what I expected. He would make the cut and maybe not 78-78 because that's the worst round he's ever shot there. But I didn't think, yeah, he was going to make any serious run.

Yeah, the 78 was more, I guess, disappointing on Sunday because Sunday played like over a stroke and a half easier than it had any of the other days. And there were some real numbers. But, you know, he really struggled with his putter. And, you know, I've heard some takes about like that's –

The thing that Tiger is going to be best at now, because that's the only thing he could practice. But there are a lot of like older players that talk about how putting is like the first thing goes on you really quickly because of the eyesight and the bending down and stuff like that. And I'm sure Tiger has people that could,

pick up his putts from the cup and stuff like that. But yeah, I mean the, the eyesight thing is what I would worry. He took, he talks about, did you hear? And I think it was round two. He's like, I never, I never felt comfortable on the greens. And he had like, he had three or four, three putts and three or four, four putts. If he gets the putting under control, like do you think he's in place Southern Hills? Man, I would, I would advise against it. Yeah.

And we actually did another video a couple months ago just when it looked like he was going to come back. And everyone just said where we kind of want him to play, where he should pick his spots. And I thought he should literally just play the Masters and the British for the rest of his career. And maybe, you know, a couple events leading up to them just to get the reps. Because the PGA courses, the way they set them up, like U.S. Open style now, I just don't think –

I think it's just going to be a lot of 76, 75 missed cuts if he keeps playing in the PGA and the U.S. Open as he gets older.

I played Southern Hills about a year and a half ago. Ken confirmed they're not lying in the title. There are hills, in fact, contrary to popular belief. It's a tough walk, and I know the narrative is going to get going because he won in 2007. Well, Gil Hans, our boy Gil Hans, did like a major redesign. It's going to be a lot longer. It's going to be a lot more different. I thought that was strange. Do you think it was weird that he committed to St. Andrews and nothing else?

That that's why I don't know anything or know anyone in this camp, but that's it's that event and the masters, I think,

I mean, he's done all he can at a U.S. Open. He won it on one leg. It was the most incredible. He doesn't need another U.S. Open, and he can compete in the Open Championship. And at Augusta, where I still think his brain is better than a couple other certain players we'll get to in a bit whose brains kind of can't handle Augusta National. But Tiger obviously can. But yeah, he doesn't need to prove anything in the U.S. Open or PGA to me, especially at Augusta.

Of course, like Southern Hills, which you've mentioned, is now longer, hillier, and all that. So, yeah. You know what's the weird thing about it? CP is like... I would love to see him play like Harbortown or the Wyndham. Yeah. And I think he could win one of those events. I don't think he's going to do it, though. I don't... I think...

I think a lot of people would say, oh, wouldn't it make a ton of sense for him to do a tune-up? I think he'd rather just play at medalist. I think that he would want to save every... It's not like he doesn't know what the feeling of competitive rounds are. I think he would rather... I think it's a very, very real possibility that he just goes straight from Masters into St. Andrews. Yeah, I don't hate it at all. I actually do think it's a possibility too. I don't know...

Yeah. Where, where does he need to go? Really? That would even, I would love to see him play Wyndham or one of those. I think he could win at one of those tournaments. I think those, yeah, I think those tournaments set up really well for the way his game is right now, but I, I just don't think he's going to do that. I mean, I hope I'm wrong. I didn't think he was going to play the masters either. So I hope I'm pleasantly surprised.

Brookline, no chance. Because I just think that they're going to have the rough be four inches. And that's a fucking nightmare on your back if you're having to hack it out of the rough all day. Yeah. That's not something his style anymore, for sure. Do you think he can compete at St. Andrews? I'm hearing a lot of people. I think people would generally think he can win the British Open.

I don't see why he couldn't. I'll tell you why. He better hope for weather. If St. Andrews doesn't get weather, then Rory McIlroy or Bryson's going to win the British Open at 30 under par. I'm telling you right now, I've done a lot of research already on this course.

if they get weather, absolutely he can content, but if they don't get weather, I don't think he has a shot in hell. I think he has less of a shot in calm conditions in St. Andrews. Yeah. 62 is I think for sure. If there's, if it's benign, 100%.

A hundred percent. I think if it's benign conditions, he has less of a shot at St. Andrews than he did at the masters. I thought the masters conditions were pretty good for him this week. I think this is kind of what he would have wanted. And it, you know, there was that moment on like Friday where I was like, man, if this is a mental, if this is just a war of attrition,

Like I he's there, man. Like he is right there. He is like missing in the right places. He is out thinking these guys. You take out Scotty. And if he, if he makes those two birdies Friday night,

He's literally like right in the thick of it. And I think that obviously changes his mindset and maybe Saturday, Saturday early. So yeah, I don't disagree if it was down at four under five under, and he made those two birdies at 15 and 16 Friday night. We probably are talking about a different, a different weekend from him. Yeah. Anything else on the cat? Let's talk about Scotty.

Scotty, I mean, in a way, you could say I predicted this whole run by selecting him in our fantasy draft, no? You broke it. You broke the draft. He's won more money than my team, CP. It's incredible. And I still, it's like, I feel like I'm still not getting any separation on Rob. Because he has Cam. He has Cam. And the player's purse is so fucking inflated. I know.

Yeah. I'm Neiman and Scheffler and I can't pull away. And Morikawa, who hasn't even really gotten going yet. And you have my boy, Big Leash Daddy, who hasn't even gotten going yet. Just wait before the miracle happens. I don't know what else there is to say on Scotty. I will say this. The one thing that I want to say about Scotty is I'm hearing a lot of

He's on a heater right now. And I think you're doing the man a giant disservice by using... I'm hearing a lot of discrediting his great play by calling it a heater instead of calling it what it is, which is... I know it happened very quickly and surprised a lot of people. But you look back, and I don't think anyone could have predicted this, but he...

He was right there. Like he was a top 10 player in the world before. He was just having more of like a Xander Shoffley-esque career where he wasn't winning, but he was consistently contending in all of these majors. And he was slowly starting, like right before he started to win, he was actually starting to get the rep of like, oh, this guy's the best player

to not win. I remember when he contended at the Houston Open and kind of blew it at the Houston Open. And people were starting to say like, oh, Scotty, he's just, he's one of those guys. But the one thing that I would say about Scotty is, yeah, the floodgates completely open. But if you actually go back to before he started winning all of these tournaments, he was still playing like a top 10 player in the world. And then when you look at the entire body of work, like it's an incredible run and he's the best player in the world.

Yeah, 100% agree. And I was definitely guilty of mentioning heater a couple times this week. I think I mentioned it when I faded him in our picks column, unfortunately.

But yeah, I mean, go back to the Ryder Cup. Who was banging that drum? The Ryder Cup drum. Did you see my Dottie tweet? Yes, I did. I did. That did pretty good numbies, actually. Man, imagine, you got to wonder if we pick Kevin Na instead, if this whole Scotty run even happens. Maybe the Raw. I watched the Raw match. Like I,

I think it kind of was a christening. He wanted him. You listen to the interview right after and he was like, I was really hoping for Ron. And I was like, I fucking love this guy. He is incredible. Yeah, I don't know. You're right, though. It goes back further. We were trying to figure this out. I think he was in the final group at Harding Park, right? With Dustin. And this is kind of my point. We did a halfway pod Friday night.

Just and they were Alex and Steve were trying to come up with someone who could catch him. And I said, and this is not some kind of great prediction. He was up by a bunch of shots. But I was like, he doesn't strike me as this choker that people were kind of making him out to be before he went on this run. I think he was just always there around the lead. And he wasn't shooting the 66 on Sunday that you kind of need to do at these birdie fest events.

PGA tour stops. He was always like just in contention and would shoot one under even par, which happens, but he was always putting himself there. So I, he didn't strike me like he was going to fall apart this weekend. And he obviously didn't. That was, that was really impressive. And he mentioned it a bunch of times, but just how focused he was, the concentration was there. So, and then, I mean, it's one of the greatest chipping scrambling performances I think I've ever seen. You know, what was, uh,

kind of fair in my opinion like he does not totally pass the eye test like if people are gonna say that I kind of get it when when Scottie is on his game it doesn't look like it looks like when Rory's on his game or even or when DJ or even even like Rom yeah JT Brooks any of those guys um

That's, I think the thing that a lot of people have a hard time reconciling with him is that he plays different shots, but he plays golf. Like he, he, I don't think some of the stuff that he does is like technically sound or something that you would want to teach. I think he does.

a lot of stuff with his hands to like hold swings off and, and work the ball a lot with his hands, which is kind of hard to repeat, but we have that in common. He's an artiste. It's some avant-garde shit. You got to fucking appreciate it. Right. It's nice. It's nice to see because, you know, even when it goes wrong for him, which it did a couple, you know, a handful of times, obviously on 18 Saturday, yeah.

All-world bogey. All-world. That was the tournament right there. All-world bogey. He goes wrong, he settles in, and he plays, you know, he uses the rules to his advantage there. But then he plays the shot that's kind of required. Or, you know, a lot of these guys, when it goes wrong, it's kind of like the day's over because, you know, if the swing's out of sync, it's just not their day. Where he can kind of, like you said, he golfs it around. It's really...

I couldn't believe some of the places he was getting up and down from. The chip-ins, obviously. The chip-in on three, I think, there's still a lot of golf left, but that really settled them in. It was an incredible display of scrambling, magicianry, all that. He's a little bit of a wizard. I will say this, and I have to be fair about this because this is the whole point that I was saying about Ron.

I don't think that he's going to hold world number one for like years. I was ready to come in here and say, I don't think he's ever going to win the Masters. Really? Yeah. Why? Elaborate. The attitude, I think is... And Scotty kind of put it on full display, the attitude that's kind of required to win there, where...

Some things are going to be out of your control there. And I don't, you know, like Tyrell Haddon, I think calling it unfair isn't right. It's just more like, it's just a course where, you know, sometimes things are going to be out of your control and you kind of have to accept it and get over it. And then, you know, game within the game, the next shot. And I don't know if Rom has, you know, the perspective is not, um,

kind of hitting the way we all think it was going to. He just complaining about mud balls right away on Thursday. That was a fucking joke. And I think I didn't want to go too far with it. But on Tuesday in the press conference, he was kind of complaining that Tiger wasn't giving him any advice. I feel like his attitude is just bad right from the get-go in the Tuesday press conference. Oh, it was horseshit. Right.

It's just a bad attitude all around. I don't think that's... All right, people are starting to come around a little bit on this one, I think. Yeah, the mud ball thing was a fucking joke. I'm glad you brought up Hatton, too.

I know this is probably going to be an unpopular opinion because people really like Tyrell Hatton and they think his behavior is cute and British and endearing. And I will say that it's definitely more endearing than when Rom does it because Hatton's really sarcastic and funny. I thought his comments were a fucking disgrace. I mean, let's criticize the greatest architect of all time because I suck. Yeah.

I mean, are you serious right now? Are you really going to shit on Dr. Alistair McKenzie who painted this fucking place with a paintbrush? It's the Mona Lisa of golf. I mean, I think it's dumb and I just... I don't know. I don't know.

I get the, it's funny. And I thought watching him and Horschel, they had their moments and that stuff's funny too. But I just, these guys don't have any fucking accountability. And I, I hate, I hate that so much because that's not how most,

Players like are like you listen to some of the transcripts of some of the other guys and they would never say that shit like bomb wasn't the fucking only guy to get mud balls. I remember it because I remember can't lay getting one can't lay would never fucking say that you would never fucking say that in a million fucking years can't lay would never say that.

And there's that, the thing behind it is like, we should be playing preferred. It's like the one time they don't get like their butts pat and they get preferred lies. He just crumbles like instantly. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'll say this, like what I was going to say earlier regarding Scheffler is,

I think all these guys, CP, and I'm interested to get your take too. I think it's going to be a revolving door between all of them. I'm not dumb enough to, I'm not dumb enough to stick a fork in ROM. This conference, I mean, in terms of him being the best player in the world, that conversation's fucking dead until he wins. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a major in my opinion, but it's gotta be something. But I still think between ROM and,

and morikawa and jt who i kind of want to talk about a little bit too and dj and brooks and all those guys like i think it's going to be a revolving door in my opinion and i think it's gonna be tough for scotty to maintain but i also think people should remember that like scotty doesn't have to do a fucking damn thing for the rest of the year like even if scotty sucks for the rest of the year like that's fine he's probably player of the year he's probably player of the

year, right? Like he doesn't have to do a damn thing for the rest of the year and it won't change the way that I feel about him. Yeah, agreed. It's going to be tough to that point to be like a five or six major guy, which I think might give people a little more appreciation for Rory and Brooks as the years go on. You know, I think, you know, with all these good players, like two or three is going to be a pretty good number to get to because they're all going to win one

Revolving door is a good way of putting it. Yeah, it's going to be very hard to go on a big major binge in this next decade of young golfers. That's why I'm like, yeah, we can call the Scotty Sheffer thing a heater, but at the same time...

I almost tweeted this. This is the saddest thing to me about it. Scottie Scheffler's had a better career in six weeks than Xander Schauffele. This six weeks is better than Xander Schauffele's career. It's better than Cantlay's career, too. It's probably better than Ricky Fowler's career, depending on how you feel about the players versus the Masters. It's better than those guys' career. Yeah, yes. It's insane. All of them.

That's so depressing. Can we talk about Xander for a second? Yeah. So Nagels went back and watched his... He told me he watched his whole...

re-watched his whole Thursday round. I was like, wow, that's dedication. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't realize he had 17 of 18 greens and shot 74. Sure did. So, all right. You know, you're not the only, uh, capital J journalist at, at capital G golf digest. I've got a little, so Xander's the only guy that I have like a beat on that I have some, some ends with, um,

I got word this morning from somebody that is a source that I respect that was like, oh, by the way, I heard you talk about Xander on your Sunday show. He's going through a major swing change. He's trying to hit a fade. He's trying to primarily hit a fade. And I was like, wow, that'd be really fucking awesome to know five days ago. But then I went back and looked and I watched...

I went through his rounds and it did kind of seem like, you know, Xander hits that like beautiful little like high draw, but he has the same thing that Cam Smith has sometimes where he misses left. He has the big left mess. And you hear so many players talk all the time. Like how can we eliminate the left side of the golf course? How can we eliminate the left side of the golf course? Because long left is the worst mess that you can have for a professional golfer. Right. And so the idea that he was trying to prevent,

primarily switch to a fade at least off the tee that made a lot of sense to me the thing that frustrated me is why does Xander always decide to do these things before the biggest tournaments of his life and

Why do you want to try arm lock a month before the fucking US Open in your hometown? Why do you want to try to start hitting a fade off the tee a month before the fucking Masters? That's the thing I was having a hard time with. But then, by the way, I will say this. Before I went on, before I wanted to go on and talk about it on a podcast...

I wanted to, you know, big journalist here. I wanted to back up the sources. And his caddy was like, nah, we're always working on some stuff. But he's not primarily trying to hit a fade. So now I don't know what to believe. He is quite the tanker, my guy. He is. And that's the thing, right? And it bothers me. Which is strange because I feel like he has the most consistent game in pretty much every area. Yeah.

I guess he's all, you know, you're always trying to get better, but what, what kind of timing is that to start to try and hit a fade before Augusta that is out of control? Yeah. And I mean, I went back and looked too, and that was the other thing was that I heard somebody was talking about, they saw him with his putting coach, Derek, who's a great guy. Um, like with the iPad out on the green before, um,

on Wednesday before the rain delay. And I was listening to, it was a, the Bill Simmons podcast here at the masters and they were talking about it and they were like, yeah, that's kind of like not what I want to see. Like on the day before the masters, it kind of feels like,

That kind of feels like if you're shooting free throws with a free throw doctor the day before the NBA Finals. I feel like you kind of don't want to be in the lab the day before the Masters. You don't want to be checking yourself up on an iPad. And as soon as he said that, I was like, fuck, man. That feels like a theme with Xander because he was doing that at the US Open at Torrey too. And I worry that he tries to be so... Listen, he's always...

awesome in majors. He consistently performs really, really well in majors. He just hasn't broken through. But I worry about the fact that he's a tinkerer a little bit, it seems like. A little bit of a second guesser too, I feel like. I feel like he's just not sure of himself sometimes. And he should be because he's so...

freaking good at everything every area so it's it's kind of odd and I mentioned that when we were walking up the fairway on nine at Sawgrass and he kind of called me out and then I kind of like

got him to talk to me a little bit. And I was just like, you liked it. Cause he had changed his putter that week. It was just literally the color. He went from the red one to the white one. It was the same specs or whatever. And I was just like, you seem like you tinker a lot. He's like, yeah, you know, I'm not afraid to change it up every now and then. But I was like, I didn't say anything else. I was like, maybe you should stop. Like stick with what, you know, maybe be an artiste ever heard of it. Um,

Okay, speaking of, I want to talk about Spieth too. Actually, let me ask you first. Biggest disappointment to you, Brooks, Spieth, or I guess we'll throw Xander and Rahm in there. Brooks, for sure. Really? Two under on nine Friday, or was it Thursday? Thursday, yeah. Two under through nine Thursday, having 12 feet for birdie, I think, on 11, maybe 15 feet in three putting.

um, not, you know, then mangling the rest of the back. And I'm, what did he shoot? Like a 41 on the back or a 40 or something like that. And then put it terribly. And you know what? That's been the theme of the whole year. And it kind of hasn't registered with me yet. And this was also a bet I made like two months ago, but,

I bet him a bunch this year. Honda, he hit the ball so good on Saturday and Sunday. I watched featured groups coverage both mornings. Yeah. I mean, he was every green. He was inside 20 feet, and he could not make a thing. So I don't know. I guess that's a big problem right now. But that was brutal. And then Friday, he starts off strong. I think he birdies two. But then he three-putted three, again, from 20 feet or something like that.

Missed a five footer on eight for birdie. Every time I thought he'd get right back in it. So I don't know. I'm not ready to say the majors mystique is, has worn off because he was so good last year in the majors too. But that was an ugly performance on the greens, especially. Okay. I have a really good take on this that I've been waiting to unleash. I thought about this take like after the masters had started. So I haven't gotten to unleash it yet. So I,

You know what you always hear people talk about at the Masters is how you have to be like a die putter, how you kind of have to... Crunch up, approach putting. Yes, yes, right? So you have to like...

die the ball in the hole to have success at Augusta. Well, what is Brooks like to do? He likes to ram it. Yeah. He likes to ram it by and run it three feet past because he's a really confident putter and he's confident that he can make the four foot comebacker. Well, the four foot comebacker at Augusta is a little bit harder than the four foot comebacker

you know, at other places, right? So maybe his style of putting, it's a working theory, but maybe his style of putting isn't the best for Augusta. And I think he was like 71st in putting this week. It's a good theory. He does like to hammer him and it bit him in the ass in a big way on a bunch of holes this week. Yeah, I would say...

I would say Brooks probably the biggest disappointment for me to speed though. All right. I got another speed thing for you. So I went to my, my golf club the other day and, uh, I ran into the pro great guy, shout out Trevor. And we started talking on the, on the putting green and,

And he knows what I do. He's probably listening right now. Again, shout out Trevor. But I was like, hey man, I have to go on all these shows and talk about Spieth and all these guys. And I'm a student of the golf swing and I probably know more than the average person that podcasts about it. But I don't...

I get asked about what's wrong with Spieth's swing. I feel like people just casually say that he's fucking broken without having any idea about what he's actually working on. And I'm 100% guilty of it too. I was like, what are you seeing from a technical standpoint? Can you shed some light? Because I don't want to talk out of my ass on this one. It looks terrible, but we don't fucking know. And he was like,

his exact words are fire everyone it's worse than it looks he should go to the zander school of tinkering he needs to tinker more i guess but yeah i don't know he's he seems pretty loyal so um i don't know mccormick is might be there for life but yeah some that rehearsal is like painful to watch he so i was i asked him i was like what like

I don't know what it is. I got it. I got the answer for you, Chris. I dug into this. Are you trying to exaggerate a cut? Yes. So I asked him about this and I said, dude, it looks like he's blatantly trying to come over the top of the ball and cover the ball. And I don't understand why you would want to do that. That's coming over the top is not something that you want to do. And he said, no, he's actually trying to shallow it out.

But the problem that he's making is he's trying to shallow it out almost at the top to super exaggerate it. And that's why he looks like a fucking baseball player from the 1980s is because he's having such a difficult time shallowing it out that most players, like you watch someone like Rom, who's so good at shallowing it out. He has this natural thing where he kind of lets his hands go.

fall into place. I don't know if I'm doing the best job of explaining this, but what Spieth is trying to do is he's really struggling to let the club kind of fall. And so what he wants to do is he wants to feel it super, super high, almost to the point where it's over his head and exaggerated. And then he could feel it from there and then let it fall.

fall because if he's not doing that exaggeration, he almost comes over in the other direction. So he's actually trying to shallow it out, but he's trying to start it at the top. And I was like, is that smart? Would you teach that? And he was like, fuck no. No, I would not teach that at all. That's not something I would teach at all. So-

I don't know. I thought it was interesting to try and learn a little bit more about it. Yeah, it's tough to watch him struggle like this. Did you bet him too? I did not bet Spee. I ended up betting Cantley, who was a little disappointing as well. I thought he was in such a nice lurking position on Thursday. Me too. That was tough.

He was kind of the guy that came in a little quietly because he'd kind of cooled off since whatever, didn't play great at Riviera. Seemed a little burnt out maybe. That's a theory you could go with. So there was a little under-the-radar-ness about him, so I really liked that, and the number was good. But yeah, tough Friday. I bet Cantlay too. I was feeling great about it.

He was two under par. He was two strokes off the lead on Friday morning with four holes to play. And he had the par 515 coming up and he bogeyed three of his final five holes.

and finished out one over and that was in the tournament by the way patrick can't lay almost seven strokes ball striking this week lost five strokes putting like he just he hit the ball great he just couldn't putt i think he might win this week which we can talk about a little bit later yeah one more thing i want to ask you about can we talk about some of the fashion choices for a second i would love to all right where do we start

Can we start with Victor? Do you remember the pants that Victor wore on Thursday? He's done this before. I don't know what it is. It's like the early 2000s soccer, Adidas soccer sweatpants that people used to wear. The line down the side, it's like one of the worst looks I can ever remember. It's just not, I've never seen it on a golf course before. Yeah.

I don't care about the pink, by the way. The pink's fine. It's the line down the side that I'm like, who designed that and who told them it was okay to wear? Jay Lindenberg, bro. Ever heard of it? Oh my God. I have a take on this. So, you know,

Every Wednesday, I'm sure you can relate to this, but every Wednesday after you do all this content and you consume all this content, you scroll through Twitter, you get to Wednesday night and you start doubting yourself. And you're like, so Victor Hovland was one guy this week where-

I didn't like him at all. And I didn't like him because of the short game. And I think a lot of people didn't like him because of the short game. And it kind of... Victor Hovland was the one guy where it got to Wednesday night for me. And I was like, you know what? Maybe I'm overrating this thing. I feel like Hovland's kind of going to play well this week. As soon as I saw him in those pants on Thursday morning, I was like, there's no fucking chance this guy's winning the Masters. There's no fucking chance. And Chris...

I'm like you, by the way. I have no issue with colors. I'm a big... No, I love it. Yeah, I'm a big... I thought JT's pants were great yesterday. Yes, yes. I'm a big polo guy. I'm a big Peter Millar guy. Unpopular opinion, but I actually really like the way that Billy Horschel dresses on the golf course. I like that classic old school polo look. Horschel dresses...

Great, by the way. It's just it's Billy Horschel. Exactly. Exactly. I think the polo look is really clean. Like when JT...

JT wore those light pink pants when he won in Memphis two years ago. They weren't really flashy, but they were just kind of old school, this preppy look. Shout out JT and Polo back in the day. It's not an issue with the idea of wearing colors on the golf course. I'm with you. I thought JT's pants on Sunday were clean because...

They're like understated in a way. It's a bright color, but you don't... It's not fucking neon. It's not loud enough. That's the thing that I have issue with. It's the fucking neon. It's the electric pink. Like I like a pale pink is fine. You know what it reminds me of, Chris? Pale pink is fine. That's right. It reminds me of... There's this party at Duke. Shout out, Duke. Yeah.

There's this party I do called Bright and Tight.

Okay. And all, we used to love Brighton Tide. It was one of the biggest parties. Is it like Dayglo? Yeah. It was like, I guess our version of Dayglo, but it was like one of the biggest parties. We used to love it because all of the girls would wear like bright colored neon spandex. And Hovland looks like he was a fucking sorority girl on his way to Brighton Tide. He looks like he's going to, uh,

Shit, what the hell is this? An Alesso concert in my senior year of college, literally.

I was literally like, there's no way this guy's fucking winning the Masters as soon as I saw those pants. So brutal. It's weird. He has great days, I feel like. I love the orange pants. They are a little electric, like you say, but there's the Oklahoma State thing. That's fair. Nice black or white or something like that. The belt game is always strong with Holland. At the players, I remember we were talking to him and I was just like,

fixated on the belt. I forget what it was. He's got the build. He's sleek, but the electric pink with the lines down the side was- With the racing stripes. I can't believe that those are even allowed on the Augusta National grounds. They shouldn't be. Arrest this man. What about Finau?

I mean, started the dialogue. I think that's, I think that, I mean, I don't think we're, we're breaking news, but I think that's part of what Nike does and has done, you know, usually always at the masters Brooks or that flower hat a few weeks, a few years ago. I remember the, it just said Nike down. I think that was at Beth page. Tommy had some fun outfits this week. Tommy always has some fun outfits. I remember that that was like two years ago. They're all Jason. They were too. It was like a,

checkerboard it was brutal look but it it starts a conversation and as a you know my sister's in fashion design so she kind of i kind of defer to her to this on this stuff and you know it got people's attention that sweater was brutal though the pink lines i thought it was brutal too on khaki like that's that's brutal it started a dialogue nike nike wins ultimately but

That's not something I would ever leave the house in. I feel like Nike is like, what's the most absurd color pattern that we could possibly think of?

And the guy's like, no, there's no way that anyone will wear that. And the other guy's like, nah, we could get Tommy to wear it. Tony will wear it. I'm like a huge Nike guy, and I love a lot of their golfs. If you dig deep and find their kind of low-key basic stuff, it's the best. But they put their athletes and their players in the most insane stuff. I didn't even like Scheffler's shirt on Sunday.

I didn't hate it. Yeah, I guess it's not the best...

especially if you're going to win the masters. I thought tiger looked good on not, I didn't like the, the, I hate the mock even on tiger. Me too. I like the queen sweater though. Like I like, like a white sweater with Nike sweater. And I like, I feel like they don't sell those. Like those are like a tiger specific thing. Those are amazing. And I think it was Thursday. He looked pretty good or our Friday. Sorry. Um,

in green, but I love this. I'd rather talk about the fashion, fashion takes and space swing mechanics. Any, that was my, those are my only takes. I wanted to shout out. I tried to tweet it, but I couldn't get like a full photo off. I thought Willett was the Danny Willett on Saturday was the best dress. It was like,

kind of not white, but like a grayish white pants had the hoodie on a vest. And he had like these Nike, like Jordans on that were really nice. So I thought if you want to go back on Getty or find the picture, I thought Danny will, it was the best dress of the week on Saturday. Hmm. I like that. I don't have, I guess EVR, but EVR missed the cut. So, uh,

Yeah. Nagels hates him. It's so funny. He hates the joggers. I wore joggers again today. The last few times I played with Nagels, I've worn pairs of joggers and he hates them so much. It's hilarious. Oh, God. Yeah, I have no problem. I don't want to sound like this stuffy old guy shitting on Hovland's track pants. Yeah.

But I just, I like joggers. I'm cool. I'm totally cool with joggers on the, on the car. I think some of the pants are getting a little tight these days. I think like Zalatoris his pants are like skin tight. Have you noticed that? It's like, he's like wearing like it's there that I couldn't, it's weird to his skin.

I'm in on this at the ankle, obviously joggers wise, but even like a lot of golf pants now are getting like slimmer. Yeah. Grayson does a really good job with those. Yeah. But yeah, Zalatoris looks like, and he's thin, so it's not like he's going to, you know, protruding out of them. But if I wore pants that tight, I would not be comfortable ever. Yeah. Me neither. All right. Any, any other one, anyone else you want to shout out any pleasant surprises or other disappointments?

Pleasant surprises. I mean, I barely won a bet. I told you to make the cut, but Tiger won. Oh, yeah. I mean, no, I have no pleasant surprises. I want to shout out HV3, who...

uh hit the shot of the tournament in my opinion yes he did the uh good point good point good point honestly no i know the hv3 shot you're talking about yeah and if we're like being fair and talking about context in the tournament probably the shot of the tournament was scotty's chip in or a bunch of other stuff that scotty did but in just terms of pure degree of difficulty i want to shout out hv3 i think it

There's another one that me and our friend Jeff were arguing about, you know, T23 first masters. Like I think HV3 is not bad at golf. No, I don't either. I thought I was very impressed and I, and I actually did fade them Saturday, I think in a matchup. Cause I,

And he shot 78 on Saturday. Yeah, yeah. And then he actually rebounded really nicely on Sunday and had one of the best rounds of the day on Sunday after shooting 78. The first time at Augusta, I thought that was pretty impressive. Gooch, too, finished top 15. Everyone was shitting on Taylor Gooch. He's the most mispriced player in DraftKings. Well, finished top 15.

Yep. I, we had Noda on last week and this point has kind of stuck with me. He made a great point. And Scotty kind of alluded to it in his victory press conference. Just like notice said these, these young kids with TV and social media now and all this content, especially master's week, they've heard it all. They've heard what not to do on this. You know, it doesn't start till the back nine on Sunday. They they've heard, you know, just take it over the bunker on 12. Like,

These guys have so much information now. And Scotty said, you know, I've heard it all, you know, don't go, don't take on the pin at 12. Don't do this on 11. So these kids have a wild advantage that guys didn't have back then for sure. What, when the coverage started at, you know, the seventh hole on Sunday afternoon. I think that's a good take. I think that the fuzzy Zeller thing is going to be broken in the next 10 years.

Oh, yeah, I do. I mean, we've come crazy close to it. Spieth almost did it. Zalatouris almost did it. What's this? I mean, what is this for Scottie? His third Masters? Third Masters, yeah. It's going to happen. Morikawa, third Masters, top five. Yeah, he's already figured, not figured it out, but figuring it out. Yeah, I think within 10 years, there will absolutely be a Masters rookie that wins.

Last thing before we do a little heritage, before we get out of here. PGA Championship's like 39 days away. Who's your early pick for the PGA? Man, I haven't even thought about that. Early pick for the PGA. Like no thinking, just like straight out of your head, like Southern Hills, like... Xander. Xander.

Xander was my pick in December when I did the December show. For Southern Hills? Yeah, I did JT Masters, Xander Southern Hills, Spieth Brookline, which I'm probably going to have to amend. And I think I picked Leishman at St. Andrews. Wow, I love that. Yeah. No, I think Xander. I was going to say,

Now that you have Zander too, I won't amend my pick. I'll stick with Zander. But I was going to say if I could amend it too. I feel like DJ is going to win a major this year. I don't hate it. I mean, I do, you know,

I'm in full Brooks mode every time there's a major. So that'll be tough. Brooks is going to be good at Southern Hills. Yeah. I mean, at least the course fat, like he will, he will like that place a lot. And by the way, so will DJ, both of those guys will like that place a lot. It's a long gish golf course, par 71 bent grass greens. It has a lot of Augusta in it.

Uh, because Perry Maxwell was Southern Hills and Perry Maxwell and, and McKenzie were like best, best friends. So you'll see a lot of the greens look a lot like the greens at Augusta. Um, but it also like what differentiates it a little bit from Augusta is it's got like this pretty gnarly Bermuda rough. So it's going to be fun. It's going to be hard. I'm super, super excited for it. I may bet can't lay again too. Probably.

Hovland? You would know. Is it a Hovland horse? Depends on what he's wearing. If he comes out in pink Thursday, cash out. Yeah, we're out. All right, we'll talk a little bit about this tournament. We're an hour away. I love this tournament. It's a good field, yeah. It's a good field. I mean, it's the perfect vibe for the postmasters. I'll be watching for sure. I'm excited.

I kind of wish I feel good about a lot of names. I mentioned kind of half jokingly to our boy, Scott, um, Holdridge. Shout out Scott release hashtag release the mayor pod. What is that about? Is that a real thing?

Yeah, it's a real thing. We recorded a 90-minute John Mayer pod that the people really fucking... I don't even like John Mayer, but I'm all in. No, you'll like this pod. It's a wild ride. But we're waiting for the right time to release it. We're going to release it Zurich Classic Week. That's what I was going to say. I wish they went Masters Zurich Heritage. I wish we had a bye week a little bit. Because this is a really, really good field. I would like Heritage to be kind of more...

I guess center stage. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like it's a fun golf course. Like this is, I say this to people all the time and they kind of laugh at me because I've played a couple of great courses, Pine Valley, no big deal. You saw my backpack. I've played rural County down again, no big deal. Number one course in the world, golf digest rankings, Pine Valley in America. But like Harbortown is amazing.

In my top five before. Is it really? So you've never played it. I could go do it like in a month. No problem. You can, it's a public course, resort course, whatever. I'm sure you get a tee time if I, you know, quick flight down there. It's not like it's hard to get on. It's just kind of finding the time to do it.

But I'm like dying to play that course. Okay. So you haven't played it? No, I have not. Okay. Yeah. I know I could in an instant, so I should just do it, but I really want to. Yeah. I think it's, I don't know where you guys have it in the rankings, but it's a fun goal. I think the thing that I like about it, we could use this as a way to start talking about some of the guys, but

It allows a lot of different players to compete here, right? And that's why we've seen a bunch of guys over 100-1 win. I think four of the last five or four of the last six were 100-1. Stewie Sink last year was 125. So were you really? Yeah, and Steve tried to take credit for it the week after on the podcast, and it caused some strife. Yeah.

What happened? Did he like, did he? I mentioned it on the pod, 125 to one. And he did that. Oh, that's interesting. What he says after every one of my picks, just. Yeah. And then I'll go back and be like, did you bet? Like two weeks ago, it was with somebody hot, Bo Hassler at Valero. Yeah. I mentioned him on the pod. He was like, oh, I love that. And then he's in contention and we're texting him like you're on him. Right. He's like, no, I'm not. I'm like, all right, well now the vibes are dead. I don't, we can't text anymore. Cause he's got someone else.

So, and it was the same thing with Sink last year, but he did bet it. And then the next week comes in, you know, Myers is like, Steve, you had a big weekend. I'm like, I picked him on the pod. So that was a whole deal last year.

So are we foregoing it? Are we doing some bombs or anyone at the top? I mean, these guys are pretty good. And if he listens, he'll say I stole this pick. But I was intrigued by this this morning, and I still am. I mean, Webb down here at 35 to 1 seems pretty crazy to me. I saw him as high as 40.

Played okay at Augusta. He was kind of in it Thursday, Friday. I think he finished like 35th. Seems to be healthy. Yeah, I don't know. I kind of love that. And then you go Webb.

Maybe Mav. You do the square play on Mav and hope for the community. Is Mav the square play? I haven't been a ton on Twitter. I've been saying it since the beginning of the year and since he showed some life. We're hammering him at Harbortown. To see him at 50 still is pretty incredible. I think Webb, Mav...

Neiman's kind of dead to me after that double on Friday afternoon. You know, Neiman though, let me ask you this, cause I'm not on Neiman either, but he's really, he's uber, uber popular because did you see our mutual friend, John? He sent John PGA tout on Twitter. He sent John a video saying that he really liked Harbortown. Does that work? I do remember the video. Yeah. Um, maybe web Neiman.

Well, the thing I'll say, the thing I will say about that is Neiman played in Neiman. The only time Neiman played Harbortown was in 2020. And that was a great tournament. That was a great tournament. It was the second tournament back from COVID, but that's when it was in June. Um,

There were different turf conditions. There wasn't the overseed on the green. So Neiman's going to see a little bit of a different golf course this time. I'll say I was just laughing because on my phone, I just saw this come up. Some guy tweeted a person that I don't really know. I made me think of it because we were talking about web. I don't really know this person, but he goes, happy accuracy matters.

I feel like Brendan Todd, Ches Reavy, Brian Stewart are sneaky play, like, you know, making a joke on Twitter. And I responded, do we like Webb Simpson as a potential course fit? Like thinking he was like thinking he was in on the joke and he responded in like a really serious way, like breaking down Webb's chances. It's like, fuck. Yeah.

That didn't go as planned. He was like, does any... Sarcasm doesn't... Yeah, we want to find... He asked if I had any info on the MRI on his neck. He said he's all good. Pain free. Yeah, he looked pretty good at the Masters too. I mean, he kind of stumbled on Sunday, but for the most part, he looked pretty good. I'll add a name to the mix.

I was like you, CP. I had a really tough master's week hand up. I did not do well, which was kind of frustrating because the course actually played exactly how I thought it was going to play. And I felt so good. I'm sure you did too. I felt so good Wednesday night. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But we're going to stick with Tommy Ladd.

I'm going to give you, here's a nugget for you. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you weren't up. That was my big bet of the week. The one bet that I hit was the Tommy top 20. I thought you were, you joined on that one. Just outright. I did. No, you know what I did? Top 10 after round one. Interesting. Worst, worst round of the week on Thursday. Yeah. But I did have him outright and he, he teased us quite a bit Friday, Saturday. So I'll say this about Tommy lad. Yeah.

This is a situation worth monitoring. Tommy Fleetwood. Remember Tommy Fleetwood back in the day, elite driver of the golf ball? Yeah. Okay. So I watched pretty much every shot that Tommy Fleetwood hit this week. And I was like, man, Fleetwood's kind of smoking it off the tee right now. Went to check the stats on Data Golf. Best off the tee week for Tommy Fleetwood since Royal Port Rush. Really? When he finished second to Lowry.

We're monitoring the situation, CP. Telling me. We're monitoring the situation. If Tommy's found his driver, watch out. Now, counterpoint. You probably don't need driver too much on this course, but we're not going to worry about that.

The vibes are strong. Fleetwood was like the one thing that Fleetwood and Varner were like the two things I got right this week. So we're riding. Nice little three wood drawn at this course. Yeah. I like it. I'll say a name that has just jumped off the page for me. And this is probably stupid. It's strictly based off. He showed a little life at, um, Valera, but Brant Snedeker at 200 to one. Hmm.

This is such a Brant Snedeker course, too. Brant Snedeker, also super, super good ball striking week at Valero. Couldn't buy a putt. Couldn't buy a putt, which is crazy for Brant Snedeker, obviously. That might be my Stewart Cink long shot. Long shot, yeah. Throw Joel Damon into the mix at 180 to one. I like Joel Damon a lot. And then the other guy...

So everyone was betting Pat and Kazire at 50 to one, two weeks ago, he misses the cut because he lost 5.3 strokes putting. Now he's 180 to one and 7k on DraftKings and probably is going to be 5%. Like I never understand this stuff. Like I actually really liked this course for Kazire and now he's 180 to one. Cause he lost a couple of strokes putting and didn't hit his chalk. Like,

I like that. Damon, I mentioned. I like Damon a lot. Yeah, keep your eye on Damon for this week. Denny, I like Denny. No.

I love Denny. I just hate betting on him. He's hitting the ball really well right now, actually. Yeah, he's hitting the ball. I think everyone's going to go to, it seems like, non-Kisner are the popular plays. Yeah, I've seen the NOL of they can have him this week. He's got some bad juju surrounding him, which we've already referred to. I don't like Kisner either. I don't like Kevin Kisner. I don't like it.

No, just me or in general? In general. Oh, wow. Are you a big Kisner guy? I like Kisner. I mean, is the Barstool thing part of your hate? Yeah, a little bit. I just think he sucks. And he's just like he... I don't know how he plays so well because the results are good, but I don't...

I don't know. I'm a stats guy, so I always get really mad when he plays well because I never bet him, ever. I had him at Wyndham, so I kind of have a soft spot because that was such a wild fact he was able to win that five-man playoff. Yeah, I had Russell Henley at Wyndham, who I'm going to bet again this week because I love Payne. Of course. Yeah.

My two boys here at 65 to one are staring at me, Chris Kirk and Troy Merritt. What do you think of them? Well, we got to do Kirk, right? Because that's another, that's another Kazire situation, right? Where it's like he was the community play of the week and he's fine. Hits the ball. Okay. Can't make any putts. And now it's like, he doesn't exist.

I know. And I think Kirk will, Kirk will still get some, you know, people like Chris Kirk on, I'm not saying he's completely sneaking up on anyone, but I think if you liked him at Valera, you're going to like him this week. Yeah. I already, I mean, getting back on the horse here, going to have a lot of bets. Cause I like a lot of these names. This is a fun event. It's a really good, it's a really good event. Um, anyone else?

That we didn't talk about. What about the top? Like of the top. All right. We're going to do this. We're going to do this fun, fun game. Oh, you're not a big DraftKings guy. Are you?

No, I'm not. I wish I was because it seems to dominate the conversation a lot. It's fun. All right. I'm going to play this game with you just in terms of, I guess we'll say either DraftKings or like one and done just in or out on some of these guys as like a DraftKings play at the top or a one and done play to help maybe help us decipher which one of these guys we think are going to have a good week. JT.

I cannot imagine. You can't see him like stabbing everyone in the jugular the week after everyone fucking bets him. And now no one's going to talk about him this week. You can't, you can't, you see that a little bit. Yeah. And,

He's like strolling up on Sunday in those light pink pants. This has got to be his first time here, right? No, he's played here before. Has he? Yeah, he's played here a couple times. He doesn't normally. It's not normally on his schedule, but he's played here a couple times. I would say out. Out? Okay, what about Morikawa? Man, you would think...

he could dominate at this course kind of a perfect spot for morikawa yeah i would be in and morikawa number two ranked player in the world now yeah i tweeted that right before we went hot i didn't even realize that that he took rom for number two yeah rom's number three now yeah um oh this is a fun one cameron smith what the hell do we do with cameron smith

Got to be out on that. Got to be a... Just an emotional... UNC versus Kansas situation. Just emotional letdown. Super Bowl. He had a Super Bowl on Sunday. Yeah, I can't imagine. You know, we've... This is where he was fishing last year, right? I think so. We've seen the 12th hole, like, break people. Maybe Cam Smith, it's just... How about Spieth? My God. I don't care what he says. Every time he goes to that hole, it's...

It has to cross his mind. 100%. Same thing's going to happen to Cam Smith. Same thing's going to happen with Cam Smith. I can live with that. I like the emotional letdown angle. I mean, I think it's a good course for him too. What about DJ? He's played well here. I mean, he should have won it. What was that, like five or six years ago on Easter Sunday? I remember watching. He shot like 78. Yeah. Carolina guy. I think he's obviously here because he's an RBC guy. I don't think he's here necessarily because he loves this course, but...

I would lean, maybe stay away. Okay. Cantlay? I think he's sneaky this week, CP. Probably is. I think as like a one and done player. He's going to be there on Sunday. If he gives an ounce of a shit, I would be in on Cantlay. He's going to be like sub 10% on DraftKings, and he hit the ball great at the Masters, and he has three top sixes at this course. I'm in on Cantlay. Our boy, Matt Fitzpatrick. Shout out to any rap report.

out at 18 to one or whatever he is on drafting 20 to one. Yeah. Yeah.

Uh, this is a good one. Shout out BK, Shane Lowry. A lot of golf for Shane Lowry. I would say in a hundred percent. Yeah. Okay. All right. I feel like he's just, I'm like Shane Lowry. He's just like, he keeps playing a lot of golf and I don't remember him being around this much, but I think maybe it's like a Scotty Sheffler situation where like the dude's just on a heater. You got to ride him. Yeah. I mean, I would be in on Lowry for sure. Corey Connors.

I mean, it seems like a machine. I don't see why you wouldn't be in on him here. A place where you can kind of approach it to death. Yeah, I would be in on Connors. I'm in on Connors too. Smaller greens, you know. Yeah, I'm in on Connors too. Like he was...

He was mega chalk last week and he delivered, but I think his number is low enough to the point where I haven't seen him on anyone's betting card because I think, why would you bet Corey Connors at 25 to one when you can bet Joaquin Neiman at 35 to one or even Daniel Berger at 30 to one or Webb at 35 to one? I think Connors is dangerous. I might bet him. All right, last one, Daniel Berger.

Got to figure in. He's another one, like you mentioned, Lowry, just kind of in it every week right now. Yeah, I would be in on Berger here. Wasn't he in the mix here that Webb year, the Joaquin year or no? Yeah, he's thinking of Colonial. I thought he was like right back on the horse here. Yeah, he won Colonial the first start out of COVID. He beat Xander and Colin in that playoff. And then he contended the next week again, I think, with Webb.

Yes. Yeah. Good golf course for him. Stats really like him this week. I lied. I got one more for you. Spieth. Out. Yeah. He doesn't have to hit driver here, so I could see him. I could see a universe where just like Pebble Beach, he is able to work his way around here on this specific golf course, but I don't know why you would...

And there's just a lot of good options. He hit the ball great at Valero. That's what everyone was saying. Yeah. His numbers at Valero were really good. And then they fell off again at the masters, which kind of plays into the thing that we were talking about is like, I think it's possible you can find lightning in a bottle, but I think what he's working on isn't really sustainable. Right. Yeah. Yeah. We've heard about Sanjay enter out on Sanjay. Yeah.

Yeah. You know, you want to talk about forgotten elites. I think after Cantlay, Cantlay's a good candidate, but I think the two other candidates are Sungjae and then Billy is just sitting here at 45 to 1 and no one's talking about it.

Like, why not as a great course for Billy? Billy grinded his ass. I took Billy in. I was. Dude, I took Billy in a round four matchup against Hatton. Um, cause I was just like, Billy cares more. Way more. He like, he fights, man. He's kind of like a, a dude you want money on in like, if you're, if he's 50th and you're trying to play round four matchups and you, you need him to shoot like a decent round. Like he, he fucking cares. I,

I'll give him that. I'm going to write that down and start betting that. Yeah. He absolutely does care. I never bet him outright either because he's always in this 35 to 50 range. And I just like so many other guys, but it's a good point. CP, anything else, buddy? Who do you have on B-Rite this week? I'm sure it's Scotty. Can you...

We have quite the one-two punch. I'll break it here. Break it. We have DJ. Are you fucking kidding me? Unfortunately, it was very brief, and it was a very typical Dustin Johnson. Nothing much. Oh, okay. So you already pre-recorded it. I was going to say, call me as usual if he cancels. It was like...

typical a million people involved, 80 million stipulations. We got to, we can do 10 minutes, but we can't talk about this and it's gotta be after the masters, but you can't talk about the master. It was, so it was kind of one of those brutal ones.

But then I don't know if we're doing it tomorrow. So that's why I don't want to say it. But like if we're doing a two, two guest or what we have, I know this is going to sound crazy and we did it already. We had Emmett Smith of the Dallas Cowboys. Fuck. Yeah. Fuck. The most random we'll get to it. It's either tomorrow or next week. It was great. Steve and I did it.

10 times better than, than DJ was, um, a lot of fun. I was like in awe and, you know, growing up a giants fan. And I remember following his, uh, when he broke the rushing record and they were kind of covering it, like, you know, Barry Bonds, his home run. Um, it was a thrill for me. And we talked to golf, obviously he's a golfer. So

Crazy. DJ and Emmett Smith are our next two guests. We are on a little bit of a heater, as Scotty Scheffler is. Is it Alex booking these guys or Steve or someone else? It's a little bit of all of us. And a lot of it is people reaching out to us, which is a good sign. They want to be on our podcast. That's awesome that they're reaching out to you. I reached out to Alex Smalley. Shout out, Duke. He hasn't responded yet. Nice.

You know, sometimes we do some reaching out when, when we're, you know, when no one's reaching out to us or we're desperate. Yeah. Myers is good at that. Steve's good at it. Yeah. I get the phone call once in a while. When you have the blue check mark, people open your direct message. I don't, I don't have the blue check mark. We're anti blue check mark though. Very anti. Yeah. Yeah. Too much of a burden. We don't want that on our plate. It's a target. It's a target on your back.

And I feel like you're able to get away with more on Twitter. That's why that is the main reason I never want it because I want to drop fucks and say stupid shit and do sarcastic stuff that you guys will understand. And that doesn't, when you got a blue check, you just open yourself up to a lot of things that I wasn't any part of. I like, I like my, our little window of Twitter. Yeah.

CP, anything else you got to plug before we get out of here, buddy? No, dart throw Wednesday nights, obviously. Be right, of course. Nothing else, really. I'm excited for this week. When are you coming back? I can't wait to golf again. So I'm going to be back probably for like starting at the end of June and then all of July and August. So not until the end of June, but all of July and August. So we'll play a ton.

Awesome. And I heard, we can talk about this after, but I will most likely be at Brookline, which I hear might be the case with you as well. I am. Yes. 100%. I'm trying to go to Brookline. Is it credential, Chris?

What? Is it like a big work trip or? Oh yeah, I'll be there for work. Yeah. Okay. Okay. But it sounds like there's a Dave Matthews concert. Yeah. Yeah. I would be 100% interested in attending. Yeah. Our friend Jeff Nagels asked me about that too. So maybe we'll go to a Dave Matthews band concert, get our friend Rapaport involved. Maybe, maybe. Anything's possible. All right, Chris. It was good to see you, buddy. We'll talk soon.

All right. That's it for the show. Special thanks to CP special. Thanks to Rick run quick programming note for next week. I do not care about the Zurich classic at all. Uh, I will meet all of my obligations for Rick run good and write both of those articles. Don't worry about that. Same thing with odds checker. Uh, but in terms of this podcast feed, I'm not doing any Zurich content, but don't worry. We will have stuff. Uh,

Two podcasts next week in replacement of what my normal content would be that I just think are objectively better stuff than I could do talking about the Zurich Classic. Podcast number one, that's right, the John Mayer pod. It lives in infamy. Me and Scott Holdridge deep diving the extremely, extremely complicated, maybe the least self-aware podcast

or maybe the most self-aware, probably the least, who can say, musician of the 21st century in John Mayer. And then podcast number two, me and a good friend who is a professional high-stakes DraftKings player, we're deep diving DraftKings strategy with somebody that is good enough at DraftKings to quit their job and do it for a living. That's going to be a really good podcast. I think you'll enjoy both of those.

If you want Zurich stuff, I'm sure you can find it. There's a new golf podcast out there every single week. I'm sure somebody's covering the Zurich classic. I'd rather talk about this stuff. All right. One more thanks to CP for joining me. You can find me on Twitter at ADPLagSports. Good luck with your bets this week. Cheers.

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