Episode 1577 - Brough to you by our incredible sponsors:
Kalshi: Go to )Kalshi.com/hardfactor) to get $20 free credit when you deposit $50 in the first and only legal prediction market in the US
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00:02:35 - Ballot boxes set on fire in Portland and Vancouver
00:18:35 - Old people in Japan town are making puppets to keep themselves from getting lonely
00:28:25 - Canadian man pisses on his own steering wheel and seat while hammered in front of police
00:34:10 - Worlds fattest cat “Crumbs” has died after being put on a diet
00:37:50 - Pizza shop in Wisconsin accidentally doses patrons with THC infused oil
Go to )Pateron.com/hardfactor) if you need more Hard Factor, but Most importantly HAGFD!
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