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Hello, my beautiful friends, and welcome back to the Claim Your Power podcast, the ultimate show for all things spirituality, self-love, and personal development. I'm your host, Kim Peretz. I'm a two-time author, content creator, yoga teacher, and entrepreneur. You are at the right place if you're ready to tap into your gifts, unleash your potential, and become your higher self. It's time to claim your power.
Hello guys and welcome back to the podcast. If you're new here, my name is Kim and welcome to Claim Your Power. I'm so happy that you have joined me in today's episode. And I just want to start off by saying that, wow, I actually have goosebumps as I'm speaking this.
But I just got notified about 15 minutes ago that Claim Your Power made it to the top education podcast charts in the UK, the US and Australia. And I am just like having a pinch me moment. I am in complete shock. I cannot believe this.
Like, wow, I actually put it on my vision board back in January that the podcast would continue to grow and eventually make it to the charts. And this is crazy that we're only in April of 2023 and it has already manifested.
And I just want to take a moment and say thank you, like a genuine thank you for every single person that is listening to me right now, that is joining the episodes every single week, whether you're someone who's been with the podcast for the past two years and has been supporting it since the beginning, or just recently you found out about it and you started binging all the episodes, whatever it is,
Thank you because I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for you guys every single amazing soul out there Who listens to me who gives me a platform to share my truth and to empower others? And genuinely I am so beyond grateful for each and every one of you for the universe For this amazing blessing for this show that allows me to truly be myself and express myself And I genuinely feel like all of you guys are my best friends and every time that I talk to you guys it's like
I'm talking to my best friend, even though I'm talking to just a random mic. But I just want to say genuinely thank you.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you. I love you. I love you. And I will continue to show up for you guys, to empower you guys, to share my wisdom and my own experiences because this is truly my purpose. I'm truly so passionate about this. And yeah, I won't go on forever about this, but thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you. Without further ado, let's dive into today's episode. Today, we're going to be talking about something special, something that I've never really talked about on the podcast.
But basically, for the past month, I have been listening to Abraham Hicks every single morning. Like right as I wake up, I will journal and I will put on an Abraham Hicks speech for like 15-20 minutes and I have listened to them consistently for 30 days among all topics. Love, money, self-worth, the universe, healing, every single topic. I have literally probably heard it on Abraham Hicks because...
I just wanted to challenge myself to listen to their teachings. And in today's episode, I am going to sum up basically all the teachings of Abraham Hicks and everything that I've learned from it and how I've been using the concepts that I've learned from all their speeches to influence my life in a positive way and apply it in a modern way to my own life. So this episode is going to be one of my more mystical, spiritual episodes because
I know I talk a lot about self-development and mindset and this definitely plays into it, but Abraham Hicks has a huge spiritual awakening component to it that is a really big part of me. I'm a very spiritual person. I love to talk about all the misty, juicy stuff. It's like, it lights me up. So basically, if you don't know what Abraham Hicks is, Abraham Hicks is this
The way I see it is like an entity or a guide that is channeled through a woman named Esther Hicks. And what she does is she goes around the world and gives speeches and she allows people to kind of go on stage and ask their questions. And then she channels an answer from Abraham Hicks and some sort of guidance to the collective.
even if you're someone who's not very spiritual, I think all the teachings about that, like come from Abraham Hicks are very mindset rooted because for me, when I started listening to it, I was like very, you know, I was a little bit doubtful about it because it felt very, very spiritual, like out of this world for me. But I've realized the more that I listened to it, that it's very mindset, tangibly physical world based. And it's very, very interesting.
And so basically what happens is a lot of people will go there, ask questions about their relationships, about their money, about their jobs, about their health problems, anything that's basically on their mind that they need guidance on, they will go and ask Abraham Hicks and Esther will channel an answer for them that will help guide them towards a more higher place in their life. And so I've listened to all these videos from like...
how like soulmates and like money problems and when you're feeling anxiety and you're feeling confused about where you're supposed to go down in your life. And it is so, so fascinating. And one of the greatest things that I've learned from Abraham Hicks
The biggest teachings that they are standing for is that your reality is created by your thoughts and by the self-concept that you create for yourself. So, so many people, we get so worked up and anxious over what is and not what we actually want because we're so focused on the physicality of life. So let's say you're dating someone.
Or like you're not even dating them. You like someone, but you're seeing that person go on another date with somebody. So you start going on all these thoughts of like self-worth and lack of self-value and doubting yourself and doubting the relationship and doubting the connection and da-da-da.
And what Abraham Hicks will tell you is focus on what you do want to create. You have to be delusional. Like Abraham Hicks is all about being delusional and telling yourself like, okay, I'm not seeing it tangibly, but I know the universe has my back. I know things are happening for me in my highest good. And basically Abraham is always talking about this concept of the vortex. The more that you are in alignment with who you truly want to be with the reality that you want to create for yourself, you remain in the vortex. And
And it's a lot of emotion-based teaching. So whenever you're feeling anxious, tired, depressed, sad, da-da-da, that's an indication of where you are in your vortex. And I think it is super interesting because
It's like telling you what you are in alignment with. Your emotions show you exactly what you are in alignment with. Have you ever had like a really, really bad day, but you keep just attracting more and more shitty situations because you're in that emotional place that just keeps escalating and escalating because you're putting all your energy into that place. But like what Abraham Hicks would say,
Is you do not have bad days, you have bad moments and you can always come back into the vortex and back into alignment through meditation and journaling and connection to source in the universe or God or the divine, whatever you want to call it. But it is so interesting, like this concept of the vortex, basically how you have all these infinite realities for you out there and you can always tap into that reality through your vortex where you are coming from, from your state of alignment. And that's kind of like, let me explain that in like detail.
you know, more tangible words. But basically, there are infinite possibilities for you in life. And that's like what the vortex is. You're quantum leaping. A lot of people talk about it, like Dr. Joe Dispenza and other famous...
Speakers on that topic. But basically the vortex is something that you can always tap into. And so in the vortex, all reality is possible. Your soulmate, the dream job, the amount of money, it's all accessible to you in the vortex. But you are not always in alignment with what you actually want.
You are sometimes in alignment with the things that you don't want. Like the more that you focus on what you don't want to see in your life, the more that you become in alignment with it. Because it's like the universe doesn't give you what you want. It gives you what you believe that you are worthy of and what you put your energy on. So let's say you're always focused on the fact that like all men are shit or that you're not...
Like you're not making enough money that you have no friends and that and all your energy just goes on the lack and the absence of it. You're not going to be able to create something new from the vortex because all your energy is on the absence. But Abraham Hicks is all about being like delusional and telling yourself like, yeah, I'm not seeing it tangibly, but I know it's there. I know that I in the vortex. I am.
really, really wealthy and living my best life and living the most financial freedom. And in the vortex, I'm in the most amazing relationships and I have all these friendships because all those realities exist for you. It's infinite possibilities. Like it's all about the fact that
everything is possible. The sky is the limit, but you are the one that ultimately creates that reality for yourself through your beliefs, your thoughts, and your emotions. So guys, I have decided that I'm going to share with you some of my favorite Abraham Hicks quotes right now because just like listening to Abraham Hicks and their rampages, so a lot of the time, this is such a big recommendation that I have for you guys. If you're ever feeling like
out of tune with love or joy or anything like that, go on YouTube and Google Abraham Hicks love rampage or Abraham Hicks happy rampage. And it is basically a 10 minute rampage of Esther Hicks talking and putting you back in alignment through all these affirmations and all these sayings and all these new belief systems. And wow, like one day I was feeling really disconnected from my self love and my self worth. And I listened to the Abraham Hicks love rampage. And I was like,
I came out of it a new person because it literally puts you all these words and affirmations and beliefs in your reality and you become in alignment with that and it is so, so powerful. Okay, so let's talk about some of the most powerful Abraham Hicks quotes in my opinion. First one, the entire universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want.
Basically, this teaching is all about this idea that the universe loves you so, so much. And this is a teaching that is even in like religious tones, like with God and Christianity and Judaism and the Quran. Like this applies in basically every ounce of religion, this concept that the universe, the divine God, love, source, whatever you want to call it or believe, loves you so, so much and is always conspiring in your favor to give you what you truly want.
And sometimes in life, we think we know what we want, but our soul wants something completely different than our ego. And so the universe is always serving our soul and our higher self. What we truly desire, what we truly want, that is what we will get. And so once you have this belief system that the universe is always conspiring in your favor, no matter how it looks at any given point or time, wow, you become so powerful.
Another one of my favorite quotes, I have two that I want to share right now is look around less, imagine more and reach for the thought that feels better and allow the natural well-being that is yours.
So this comes back to the concept of your thoughts and your emotions eventually create your reality and the way that that is your point of attraction. Like the law of attraction works in the way that it doesn't give you what you want, it gives you what you believe that you are worthy of and what you believe that you deserve and what you're actually calling in.
And so this idea that like look around less and imagine more, the more that you are looking at your old reality, at the old belief systems, at what you don't want to see in your life, the more that you're bringing that reality and that experience closer to you. But the more that you become delusional and imagine more, imagine what you do want, even if nobody else sees it, be delusional. Like if someone's like, oh my God, you haven't had a boyfriend in a year. You never go out with guys or you have no friends. Just be like, that's not true.
My soulmate is on its way to me. All my amazing friends are coming my way and they'll be like, oh my God, but I don't see it. But you say, I do. I see it. You have to be delusional. You have to imagine and be like, I see it. I know in my reality, everything is coming to me. I don't chase. I attract.
You are a vortex and a portal for all your desires. And when you realize just how powerful you are, you will begin to choose your thoughts, your words, your emotions, and the way that you react to your circumstances very, very diligently because you know that it's so, so powerful. So the less that you look around and the more that you imagine and visualize the experience that you do want, and the more that you tell yourself the things that you do want to experience, the amazing day that you do want to have, the love that you do want to call in, the money that you do want to attract,
The more that you tell yourself that, the more that you will become in alignment with that reality.
And that goes back to the other quote that like reach for the thought that feels better. If you have a thought that doesn't feel good, what a lot of us do, and this is a concept that I also read about in the Untethered Soul book, but the more that you are focused on that thought and you go down that spiral, the harder it is going to get you out of it. But if you can reach a meditative state and practice meditation and mindfulness and yoga and journal and realize that you are not your thoughts, you are the one experiencing them. So if you have an egotistical thought of like, I don't deserve love, I
I'm never going to be successful, da-da-da. Instead of going down that spiral, if you can catch yourself in that moment and realize that that is not actually true and reach for the thought that feels better by counter-arguing your ego and telling yourself a completely different belief system. Like let's say you're saying,
I'm never going to be successful. Like I'm never going to grow my content creation business, dah, dah, dah. Instead of giving that belief power and going down that spiral of all the fears and limiting beliefs, if you catch yourself doing it and then you tell yourself, no, I am going to be successful because this is my purpose and I know that I deserve this and I'm worthy of this and the universe is conspiring in my favor.
Even if it's not easy for you to do and i'm not saying that this is something that everyone is perfect at especially not me Like I definitely still have you know, those lingering egotistical thoughts that bring me down spirals of self-doubt But the more that you can practice this ritual of catching yourself and reaching for the thought that feels better The truly better that your life will change and one last quote and this is my favorite one every time I think about this quote It gives me goosebumps because it is so so powerful um
And it says, when something really, really matters to you, let it go. Say to the universe, you know what I want. Give it to me in the path of least resistance. Give it to me the easiest way possible. Give it to me in any way I can get it.
And when you believe something is hard, the universe will demonstrate that difficulty to you. But when you believe that something is easy, the universe will demonstrate the ease to you. So this idea that the more that you want something, you let it go. The more that you truly want to call that thing in and it matters to you, you will be willing to let it go and walk away from that desire knowing that the universe will deliver to you in perfect timing. This is something like...
A tangible way this has been playing out for me is like through love. If I really, really want to be in love and be in a relationship, I have to be willing to let it go. Let go of the idea right now of being in a relationship, of being in love and truly being immersed in this beautiful chapter of my life where I'm single and I'm embodied in self-love and self-worth and self-value and being able to tell the universe, I know that you have my person and you will deliver that person to me in perfect timing.
this is something like the way that I've been applying that concept to my life because you guys know that like I'm a baddie I'm powerful I'm independent like feminine energy but obviously every single one of us even the most powerful women we when we're single we have those moments of like this would be nice to share my life with someone to be connected to someone on a deep level and reminding myself this idea that I
I am already connected to all that is and that the universe will deliver and reflect to me my person right when I'm ready, when it's the perfect timing for the both.
is so, so powerful. And you can apply this concept to everything in your life, to your dream opportunities, to your job, to the friends you want to call in, to your health, telling yourself that the universe loves you so, so much that it's always going to conspire in your favor. And the more that you believe that the universe loves you and that life is allowed to be easy for you, things are allowed to be good for you and you can let it go. Because when you, like the most famous quote is if you love something, let it go and set it free. If
If you truly want something for yourself, let it go, set it free, and allow the universe to deliver to you exactly what is meant for you in the most divine timing. It's the most powerful concept and it will truly make you feel such a deep sense of peace and freedom because you will no longer be in the state of controlling and resistance. You will be in a flow state. When you focus on the good...
The good gets better, baby. When you focus on the bad, the bad gets worse. So focus on the good. Put all your energy into the reality that you do want to experience. That is truly the number one thing I learned from Abraham Hicks' teachings is the more that you put your energy on what you do want to call in, on where you do want to feel good, on the experiences that you do want to have, that energy expands. And the more that you focus on the lack and how you don't want to feel, that energy expands too. So focus on the good and the good will get better.
Beautiful souls, thank you so much for joining me in today's episode. Feel free to leave a review or DM me any topic suggestions. I hope you feel inspired to claim your power today.