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Hello and welcome to the Claim Your Power podcast, the ultimate show for all things self-love, spirituality, and personal growth. I'm your host, Kim Peretz. I'm a three-time author, content creator, avid traveler, entrepreneur, and matcha enthusiast. You are at the right place if you're ready to rediscover the love within, align with your purpose, and unleash your highest potential. It's time to claim your power.
Hello my babies and welcome back to another episode of the podcast. Little life update, I'm in a very silly, goofy, giggly mood right now. I just spent like 30 minutes sitting in my bed making myself laugh over the randomest things and I'm by myself by the way. I'm just in a silly, goofy mood. It's like I'm a day away from my period. It's like the raging hormones and
But I'm choosing to channel it into silliness and funny energy. So just so you know, I might be a little bit unhinged in today's episodes, but it's all in good energy. I'm just in this really goofy mood. And I honestly feel like I want to share this side of me because obviously the podcast, I talk a lot about like deep, wise, spiritual, serious things. But at the end of the day, I, in like my life, my day-to-day life and my friendships, I'm
I'm just a very silly person. I'm pretty unhinged. I am just a goofy person. Like I like to have fun. I like to fuck around. I like to laugh a lot, make jokes. That's like a very big part of me. And I'm hoping that I can also share that part of me on the podcast, even though I'm like getting deep and talking about like a lot of spiritual philosophical concepts. I'm hoping that that side of me can come out because it's like my inner child. It's the side of me that I love the most, my silliness. And I also feel that
When that side of me comes out, that's how I know I'm like in a good relationship or a good friendship because I feel authentic. And so yeah, today I'm just like in a bit of a silly goofy mood. So and you'll see that today's podcast episode topic really goes along with my mood today. But before I get started, I want to remind you guys and share a few announcements that
So first of all, on September 29th, I am having a full moon circle. It's going to be so much fun. I haven't done this in a while. The last one I did was in June. And so I'm so excited to be back to doing another full moon circle. And if you've never been to one of my events before, a full moon circle is basically an event
where we all come together via Zoom. It's virtual, so you can come from anywhere in the world. But we come together to meditate, to journal, to do some EFT tapping. This full moon, we're going to be doing some yoga, really connecting, setting intentions, doing visualizations, cleansing, manifesting, everything.
that you envision for like a fun spiritual night, we're gonna be doing it. And also it's a really good way to just connect with other like-minded spiritual people. So if you wanna meet other women that are all about spirituality and self-development and personal growth, like this is your place. It's gonna be awesome. It's on September 29th at 10 a.m. Pacific time. I believe that's 7 p.m. in like France, 6 p.m. Central European time.
1 p.m. Eastern Time, but you guys can check out all the info. I'm going to link it in the episode notes. You can get your ticket there and claim your spot. Spots are limited because for these types of events, I don't like to have too many people.
on for a reason because I like to keep it intimate I like to get to know you guys I like to I want it to feel like an intimate experience I don't want it to feel like a webinar or like a big master class I want it to feel like a really like a circle like a community of us coming together of sharing and
of creating, of manifesting all together and really using and maximizing and alchemizing the full moon energy to create shifts in our own life. So if part of you is saying, yes, like I feel called to come to this, it's screaming my name, I'm feeling drawn to this, sign up because spots are limited and I'd love to have you there and meet you face to face and have that amazing experience with you. It really is magical and
And so I'd love to see you. So claim your spot in the link in my episode notes. Go do it now. Pause this episode so you don't forget to do it later. And yeah, I'll see you there. And without further ado, let's kick off today's episode. Today we are talking, I'm feeling so spicy right now and feisty. We are talking how to stay hot.
and unbothered in life. Let me tell you something, okay? This is something that I learned the hard way because I used to be someone who was always very tense and I had to have everything go my way and I was trying to control my entire life.
But let me tell you the truth, okay? The truth is the most magnetic people out there are the people who are unbothered and that do not constantly give you a reaction. When you become unbothered about things outside of you, and I'm not saying aloof in the sense that like, oh, you don't care about other people's feelings or you're disrespectful, you're inconsiderate. It's not about that. It's about
not allowing other people outside of you to impact your own vibration and having emotional resilience and emotional intelligence and not allowing anyone or anything outside of you impact the way that you feel about yourself. That's what it means to be hot and unbothered.
And I can tell you that the most hottest, amazing, successful magnetic people that I know are the people that are unbothered and that do not let the little things or the people's opinions or the validation from others, they do not let those things impact their own personal worth and the way that they feel about themselves. And this is what I like to call the okay and mindset. The okay and mindset will leave you feeling like your most empowered self and will allow you to be so unbothered and so unhinged
and basically a magnet for all the good in your life. Because when you constantly get aggravated or triggered, or you give so much power to everything that happens outside of you, you just block off all this good energy because you're constantly in a state of controlling and resistance to life. And this is why when you meet certain people,
that are not so hinged by like what other people say about them or they don't always give you a reaction. That's why they're so interesting and magnetic and captivating because they're not easily triggered and you can't easily pull them out of their emotional well-being and their good vibration. And this is honestly something that I've had to work on a lot, especially in the past six months, is how do I work through my triggers and how do I stay unbothered regardless? So for example, this is where the OKN mindset comes to play.
someone's rude to you, they cut you off in traffic. I could, like a past version of me would have started cussing in my car, I would have gotten triggered, been like, oh my God, this person's so insensitive, da da da. Or I could just be like, okay, and. Like, I'm unbothered, you cut me off in traffic, that's your energy, but I'm gonna stay in my good riddance, I'm gonna stay in my good vibration, okay, and.
somebody ghosts you okay and thank you thank you god thank you universe for showing me that this person is not right for me that this person does not even have respect for me or emotional maturity to the point where they can't even tell me they're not interested like thank you so much for this person ghosted me okay and you didn't get into the job that you wanted okay and
This probably wasn't meant for me. I got redirected. This wasn't where I was supposed to go. Okay, and. And by the way, let me say something and preface by saying that this mentality is not easy. I'm not trying to put it out there and be like, okay, this mentality is easy. Like, just start being like, oh, I'm unbothered. Okay, and. Like, everything's perfect in life. Blah, blah, blah. Bubbles.
rainbows, unicorns. Like that's not what I'm trying to say, okay? The okay and mindset, this is not for the weak, okay? This is for the strong. This is for the people who want to take responsibility for their life and they want to finally feel good. And that's why I'm teaching you guys this because this is not easy. But once you start practicing it, it's like a muscle. It's like the more you flex it and the more you work on it, the stronger it will get and the easier for you to be unbothered and to not let the little things impact your vibration. Because I used to be someone that
One person would comment one thing on my life one day or they would be rude to me or some little thing would happen. I would spill my coffee. I would be late to a meeting, like whatever it is, the smallest, tiniest resistance in my life. And I would let it fuck up my whole day.
And now I turn those things and I turn those moments and I remain unbothered and I remain neutral. And that's how I'm able to alchemize those things into positive moments in my life. And I do not let them ruin my day. And so the okay and mentality and being neutral and unhinged, that's not something that's easy, but it's something that the more you practice it, the better you will get at it. And it's really all about having this mentality that my peace is more important than the chaos of my life.
because every single time that you give something in your life a reaction or you just let everything get triggered or you let everyone impact the way that you feel about yourself, you're giving your power away in those moments and you're giving away your sense of inner peace. And something that I learned in my life that I really want to pass on to you guys is, guys, peace is priority. Like, choose your peace
Every single fucking time like your piece is the number one priority in your life Put your piece on the pedestal and when you start asking yourself the question of okay Is this thing worth it? Is this thing worth my reaction? Is this person worth my reaction or is my piece more important? You will realize that 95% of the time your piece is just way more important than that little trigger that little reaction And that's how you stay unbothered and i'm telling you that un
Unbothered people are the hottest people because they're not easily triggered and their energy stays high. That's what makes them hot and magnetic because their energy is vibration and it's high. Your energy introduces you first. Like energy does not lie and it speaks before the words do. So someone could say, oh, I'm unbothered. I'm successful. I don't care what you think of me, da, da, da. But if their energy is desperate, their energy...
If you have a dream of starting your own podcast, listen up. Today's episode is sponsored by Spotify for Podcasters, and I'm going to tell you why this is the best platform in the game. The reason I love Spotify for Podcasters so much is because it has made my life so easy. I can record, film, and distribute my podcast all from one place. Creating a podcast is a lot easier than you think, and when you use Spotify for Podcasters, you can make a lot of money.
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claim your power and if you want to start your own podcast and if you want to change your life in the podcasting world all you have to do is download Spotify for Podcasters and get started. Energy is resistant, their energy is insecure, that's the energy they're going to put out and that's what other people are going to pick up and that's why I think working on your energy and the way that you feel and your emotions is the number one step to changing your life and becoming magnetic, unbothered and hot.
And that's the truth. Like, have you ever met like a woman? This is, I swear, I have guy friends and they get so magnetized by women who are hard to get because they genuinely just don't care about them. So they're not playing this game of like, oh, I'm hard to get, da da da, like you have to work for me. Like they genuinely just don't care. And my guy friends go crazy over these types of women because they feel like they have to run after them for their attention because these women are hot and unbothered.
And that's honestly the key to life to everything. When you are neutral and unbothered by what goes on outside of you and you're focused on creating a garden of peace and happiness and love within yourself, you just are so magnetic to other people because zero fucks are being given. Master your energy and you will master your life.
And by the way, when I was giving that example of my guy friends being attracted to unbothered women, I'm not saying that you should learn to be hot and unbothered to get men's attention. Like that's honestly, please don't take that away. The reason that I gave that example is to say that when you are hot and genuinely unbothered and neutral about your life, then you just are so attractive and so magnetic to everyone around you. And that's not just to like romantic people. It could also be to opportunities.
to money, to friendships, to your career. Like you just become magnetic to everything because you're not in a state of attachment and you're not in a chasing, resistant, desperate energy. You're unbothered. And that's the key to life.
the more that you can be like neutral and unbothered and you respond instead of react to everything around you, the more that you become a magnet to so much good and so much abundance and so much love and so much joy because you're just so radiant. The most radiant people I know are people who just don't care. Like that's another thing about like, for instance, embarrassment. I get a lot of DMs from you guys being like, I'm embarrassed to post online or I'm embarrassed because this happened to me or I'm embarrassed because someone said this to me and da-da-da.
But guys, the thing about embarrassment, for instance, is like it does not exist unless you allow it to exist. Nothing is embarrassing unless you decide that it's embarrassing. But if you decide that that thing is not embarrassing, if you decide that going after your dreams or being your authentic self or being
being out there and being you, your raw, real self is not embarrassing, then it's just not embarrassing because you're unbothered. That's the thing. Once you decide to be neutral and unbothered, nothing can have power over you. And that's how you become magnetic and that's how you become truly the highest version of yourself.
is when you do not let the little things outside of you impact your own state of being. Another really good example of like the unbothered okay and mindset is when you're going through a breakup, for instance. It's like when you're the type of girl that will spam your ex with messages and messages and paragraphs. And by the way, I used to be that girl. I used to be the one that would like text and text and text and just like overly compensate and overly give to other people.
You're in this needy, desperate energy. And that pushes people away because the more you chase after something, the more it runs. But if you take a step back and you become unbothered, you're no longer in a chasing energy. You establish your neutrality and then what's meant for you will come to you.
And what's meant for you will be gravitated to you and you will become more magnetic to others and more experiences and more positivity in your life because you're no longer desperate. Needy energy really pulls you back. And whenever you find yourself in this needy energy, you have to literally snap yourself out of it and be like, nope.
Like when I find myself in this needy energy, I literally tell myself in my head like, Kimmy, no. Like Kimmy, no. You're not doing this. You are a strong, wonderful, powerful, amazing feminine woman. And like feminine, amazing women are not needy. We are hot and unbothered and we love ourselves and we do not chase and we attract. And that's the type of energy that you always have to bring yourself back to. So even when you have those moments where you feel needy or desperate or like you want to chase after things in life or people, you're
Like you just have to remind yourself, like that's not priority. Peace is priority and being in your own good riddance and your own good energy, that's priority. Popping in in the middle of the episode, just to let you know that I am officially doing one-on-one coaching calls now. So this is something, an offering that you guys wanted me to have for a long time and I'm finally doing it. So if you feel called to work with me one-on-one, whether it be on personal growth, spirituality, your friendships, your relationships,
personal branding, whatever I can be in service for you. I'm here. This offering is meant to help empower you and inspire you. Obviously, the podcast and my content, all of that is very helpful and provides value. But at the end of the day, there's nothing like working one-on-one because I can really get deep with you and I can help you on a personal level. So if you feel called to work with me, there's a reason.
And I would love to help you. I would love to empower you. I'm here to do that. It's my job. I'm here to help you and allow you to become the best version of yourself and really live up and unleash your potential. So if you want to work with me, check out the link in the episode notes. And yes, let's get back into the episode. Another really big component that I think really goes hand in hand with this episode is jealousy and comparison and how that plays a role in this being unbothered. Ha!
hot and unbothered people do not get jealous because they know that somebody else's success is their success. They know that when they see another beautiful woman, that reflects the beauty in them. When another person is happy, it's because you're meant to be happy too. You're meant to experience the success, the abundance, the relationship, the good friendships, the good energy, like that's all meant for you. But when you're in this jealous energy, you're not unbothered at
You're in this low, insecure place. And the more that you work on realizing that your jealousy is actually a pinpoint to where you want to be in life. So of course, everyone has moments where we feel envious or jealous, or we find ourselves comparing ourselves to other people. But how can you use those triggers and moments to actually level up and alchemize your own life?
So the next time you find yourself feeling jealous of someone, instead of letting that take over you and getting into that insecure loop, ask yourself, okay, what do I see about this person that I myself don't think that I have? And why does a part of me not think that I'm worthy of having that? Or why does a part of me feel like I'm not worthy of having that?
feel like comparing myself to this person, even though we're so different and so unique of our own? And how can I use this jealousy as a way to fall in love with myself more? And how can I use this trigger of comparing myself and being envious as an opportunity to send myself more love and send myself more good energy and really embrace who I'm meant to be? Because that's really how you become hot and unbothered. Like hot people are not jealous.
Confidence is quiet, insecurity is loud. Hot people do not compare themselves to other people all the time because they know that their good energy and their magnetism has nothing to do with other people. Confidence is not about feeling like you are the best person in the room. It's about walking into a room and not needing to compare yourself at all. That's what true confidence is and that's how you be hot and unbothered is you do not let anybody else outside of you
dictate how you feel about yourself. And I will reiterate this idea over and over and over again. It's about doing the internal work and feeling hot from within, feeling magnetic from within, being unbothered from within, and that's the type of energy that you radiate outwards. You have to become the number one priority in your life.
And this might feel like what I'm saying right now might feel uncomfortable for some of you if you've been in a people-pleasing cycle or you're someone who's overly generous and you give and give and give but don't receive. So me saying, oh, you have to put yourself as priority feels weird for you. But that's not selfish. It's actually a form of self-love.
So putting yourself first and making yourself priority is really how you stay in that hot and bothered energy. And it's not about being like cold and putting off people, not being a good friend and being insensitive to those around you. It's just about being aware that, okay, you have needs, you have priorities, you have emotions, right?
You have things you need out of your life and you tend to those needs first. You put yourself as priority so that you can fill up your own cup first so that you can pour into other people's cups as well. But you can't pour from an empty cup. You can't pour good and support and generosity and love from an empty cup. It just does not work. You are priority and that's
That idea will set you free. When you start prioritizing yourself, your wellness, your habits, your needs, you'll also be able to help other people and inspire other people as well. And that's the really big thing that I want to highlight is you have to get yourself to a point where your energy, your peace, your mood does not shift based on the insignificant actions or words of somebody else.
When you can get yourself to that place where you know who you are at your core, you love yourself, and you are priority, nobody can take anything away from you because you're emotionally stable and you are emotionally resilient and you have your back.
And this is such an important lesson to learn because this will set you the foundation for every single area of your life. I mean, it will save you from entering codependent relationships, codependent friendships. It will allow you to remember your worth in times of chaos and rejection and
It will allow you to have stability in your life when you chase after your goals. I mean, this is the one mentality and mindset that if I could really teach you guys, like I would teach this one. Because I know I talk a lot about different mentalities and mindsets and concepts.
But this is the one idea that I really like think is so important. So honestly, I want to make a part two to this episode because I feel like I have so much more to share on this topic. So message me if you guys want a part two or comment on the Spotify podcast if you guys want a part two because I can definitely do that. But I hope that this episode was helpful. Really take what resonated with you and apply it into your own life.
And I just want to say I love you guys so much. You are amazing. This podcast is my favorite thing to do.
and I hope that this episode was helpful and empowered you even if in the smallest way possible and as always I'm so appreciative of your reviews and your messages and all the good energy and support and love you guys show me this podcast wouldn't be possible without you guys and I just really wanted to end this episode by sharing my gratitude because I think it's really important and so thank you so much again from the bottom of my heart and I will see you next week
Beautiful souls, thank you so much for joining me in today's episode. As always, I will talk to you next week. Bye!