cover of episode cosmic chaos - why chaos is *actually* a good thing

cosmic chaos - why chaos is *actually* a good thing

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Claim Your Power

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kim Peretz
通过《Claim Your Power》播客,帮助人们探索内在自我,提升自信和精神健康。
Kim Peretz: 本期节目探讨了从灵性角度来看,生活中的混乱和快速变化实际上是好事。宇宙并非通过考验来测试我们,而是作为我们的向导,引导我们走向最好的方向。有时宇宙会带来成长的机会,帮助我们认识到自身的某些方面,从而提升自我。如果我们处于不再适合我们的位置,或者走错了方向,宇宙会尽一切努力将我们引导回正确的方向,即使这意味着经历不适。 宇宙中存在神圣的时间安排和自由意志的相互作用。我们有自由意志做出选择,但宇宙也在幕后引导我们的道路。看似巧合的事件可能实际上是宇宙在暗中帮助我们。面对生活中的混乱,我们可以选择受害者心态或创造者心态。创造者心态选择信任并顺应生活,相信一切都是为了我们好。我们如何回应生活中的变化决定了这些经历是让我们成为受害者还是让我们变得更强大。 过去经历的混乱时期,尽管当时痛苦,最终带来了个人成长和积极的转变。当下的混乱时期是个人成长的最大机会,宇宙正在暗中帮助我们。放下对生活的控制欲和寻求所有答案的需求,才能摆脱自身的局限。找到内心的平静,而不是等待一切变得完美,才能获得真正的平和。不适感并不一定意味着事情不对,它可能是宇宙安排的学习或经验的一部分。积极的预期和信念会塑造我们的体验,相信混乱是宇宙的恩赐会改变我们的生活。相信混乱是宇宙的奇迹,宇宙正在为我们努力,会吸引更多积极的体验。对混乱保持中立,相信即使在不确定性中,宇宙也在为我们的最高利益而行动。将混乱视为宇宙的安排,可以减少其负面情绪影响,并使我们能够发挥创造力。我们无法控制所有事情,但我们可以选择如何回应这些情况,这就是宇宙的混乱之处。

Deep Dive

The episode introduces the concept of cosmic chaos and its spiritual significance, setting the stage for understanding why chaos can be a positive force in our lives.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hello, hello, beautiful souls, and welcome to the Claim Your Power podcast, the ultimate show for all things new age spirituality, entrepreneurship, and embodied leadership. I'm your host, Kim Peretz. I'm an author, entrepreneur, and yoga enthusiast. If you're ready to step up, tap into your gifts, and unleash your potential, you are at the right place. It's time to claim your power. Good morning, my beautiful friends, and welcome back to the Claim Your Power podcast. I'm your host, Kim Peretz.

I just realized I said good morning, but it might not even be morning for you. But currently for me, it's 910 a.m. And I am filming this podcast episode from my new apartment, which I have been waiting for for so long. I feel like I've been in a transitional phase in my life for the past four months because you guys know that

I traveled for a month to Costa Rica and then I came back and I moved but I hadn't gone to my new apartment and then I traveled again for another month so I've basically been living out of a suitcase since July and right now it's October 22nd as I'm filming this.

I am feeling immensely grateful for this new space that I have created for myself. I feel so inspired here in this new apartment. And yeah, this is like the first work thing that I've ever done in this apartment is film this episode. I moved in yesterday. So this is crazy to me. It's kind of like a monumental step.

So I'm so happy that you guys are like part of the journey with me. And this little life update leads to today's episode, which is cosmic chaos. We're going to be talking about why chaos can actually be a good thing from a spiritual perspective.

If you're someone who feels like your life is being flipped upside down right now, all these obstacles are coming up or roadblocks and resistance, or maybe it just feels like so many things are shifting and changing all at once, this episode is for you and I'm going to empower you to realize that these things that are often labeled as unfortunate or bad in quotation marks is actually a good thing from a spiritual perspective.

So I want to start out by saying that this idea that often a lot of spiritual people preach that like the universe comes in and tests you and sends you obstacles, I don't really resonate with. And the reason I don't resonate with that is because that kind of like puts us back into this victim mindset that the universe sends us tests and it's like we have to pass those tests. What I do believe in is that the universe is our vehicle.

best guide it's our best friend and it wants the best the absolute best for us so sometimes it will send us certain lessons or opportunities for growth and healing so that we realize something about ourselves we realize something about our lives about our purpose and then we kind of level up

The universe loves you so so much that if you are in a place that is no longer meant for you, if you are going down the direction that is not of your highest self, then it will do absolutely everything in its power to steer you back into the right direction and back into alignment. And that is why sometimes it feels so uncomfortable when a change happens in our lives or a shift or something goes out of our control or the universe abruptly moves us or ends a relationship or anything like

that, it's because if something is not in alignment for us, the universe will intervene. Personally, I'm a big believer in the interconnectedness of divine timing and free will. So I believe that we have free will as humans to make our own decisions, to make

our thought patterns, how we feel, the choices that we make, we have a lot of free will. But I also believe that there's like some higher power, whatever you want to call it, God, source, the universe, whatever resonates for you. But I do believe that there's this higher power that is kind of leading us the way it's guiding our path in the background. So we're making our own personal choices. But there is this power in the background that it

conspiring in our favor and moving mountains and doing all these unseen things that don't make sense to us. Like imagine someone who walks into a cafe that they weren't even meant to go to but the reason they walked in is because they missed their bus so they had nothing else to do for 30 minutes. They walked in and they accidentally meet their soulmate. You guys think that's a coincidence?

Like no one in this world will convince me that something like that is a coincidence. I believe that a story like that is such a big telltale sign of divine timing and like the universe conspiring in our favor. And this is where the term coincidence

cosmic chaos comes in so if you are experiencing a lot of chaos in your life right now there are two ways to look at it there is the victim mindset of oh my god this is all happening to me this is all out of my control why is this happening and then there is the creatrix perspective the

that says this is all happening for me, even though I don't understand it right now, I will eventually get clarity. But at the moment, I'm choosing to trust and surrender to the flow of life. And this mindset of cosmic chaos can be applied to every single aspect of your life. A relationship ended, a friendship ended, you didn't land the job you wanted, you didn't get into the college you wanted, you had to abruptly move houses. All these things

You choose the connotation and the vibration that you respond to these things with. You can choose to allow these experiences to make you a victim or you can choose to allow these opportunities for growth to make you more powerful and strengthen your relationship with the universe and the trust that you have in the timing of your life.

I'm going to tell you guys a little story time. Eight months ago, I was in a big transitional phase in my life with a lot of cosmic chaos. So all in the span of like two and a half weeks, I quit a job, had a serious relationship end. And also I had finished school early and I was completely lost. Like I felt like I had no purpose. I was not even doing TikTok then. I just had started the podcast and I just felt lost.

so, so lost. And I remember just thinking to myself, like, why is this happening? Like, I was so confused and I just felt so unfulfilled in that phase in my life where I just did not understand why everything was all piling up to me at once. But then I realized months later in hindsight that I actually asked for it. When I say I asked for it, like I didn't verbally consciously ask for all these things to happen in my life.

I did right before that all these changes happened. I was in Sayulita, Mexico and I was in the ocean and I remember just like looking up at the ocean. Well, not looking up at the ocean. What am I saying? Looking up at the sky while I'm in the ocean and I remember telling the universe in my heart that

I am ready to release anything that no longer serves me. Please show me the right path. Now, little did I know that that saying is so powerful. I came back from that trip to, let me tell you, to a good old chaotic time. But looking back now, I wouldn't change anything about the way things unfolded for me because...

Those experiences were one of my biggest opportunities for growth. I have completely changed so much as a person from eight months ago to now. I feel like I'm a different version of myself completely. And I needed to be that old version of myself. I needed to have those experiences to become who I am today because those experiences alchemize so much good in my life. They alchemize so much traveling and so much self-love and so much career fulfillment that I never even noticed.

knew that I could have and so I'm so grateful for that period of cosmic chaos in my life because now I look back and I think wow the universe knew exactly what it was doing and even though it wasn't making sense to me at the time those changes and those shifts and those chaotic moments in my life alchemized so much good realize that if you are now in the moment of cosmic chaos this period in your life you

This is your biggest opportunity for growth and the universe is conspiring in your favor. And I know right now if you are amidst all this chaos, you're probably hearing this and you're thinking, what is she saying? She doesn't understand the capacity of what I'm going through. She doesn't understand everything that is happening is terrible. And yes, I did have that mindset as well. But I'm here to awaken the strength within you. I'm here to bring rise up to your

actual power and to remind you that these things do not define you. These experiences do not define you as a soul and everything that you are going through right now is awakening so much power and self-love and clarity within you and I can promise you you're going to look back, maybe not in a week, but maybe in a month or a few months or a year and you're going to think, wow, I

Wow, wow, wow. The universe had my back. And when you let go of this need to control every single aspect of your life and to understand every single aspect of your life, you will completely free yourself of your own limits. Because we as humans, we constantly seek logic and answers. But the thing is, when it comes to cosmic chaos and life,

the universe. It's like we can't have all the answers. And when you let go of trying to have the answers, I'm actually being reminded right now of this quote that says, the ego says, once everything falls into place, I will have peace. And the higher self says, once I find peace,

everything will fall into place. So if you're able to view your chaos in your life right now as this cosmic thing that the universe is doing and conspiring in your favor, you will be claiming your power back from any situation that is of discomfort or feels like it's in disalignment. Because I think what a lot of us feel is when a big shift or change happens, it feels so uncomfortable and

because energetically we have never been there. And so on an energetic level, it feels unfamiliar. And so to us, to our fight or flight system and our nervous system, it's like ding, ding, ding, like we are not at the right place.

But the truth is just because it feels uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not meant to be. And obviously what I mean by this is like if you were feeling anxious in a relationship or situation, that's another story. But if you were just feeling like uncomfortable, like you just started a new job or you just moved to a new city and you don't know many people and you are feeling incredibly uncomfortable by this.

that doesn't necessarily mean it's not the right move for you because the universe would have never put you there if something wasn't meant to be there for you maybe it's a lesson maybe it's an experience maybe it's a lot of miracles and abundance and if you started to get excited and anticipated the good amidst your chaos and change that is how you will shift your entire life is because the truth is like what you anticipate and what you believe in firsthand is what

your experience will become. If you believe that everything is bad and everything goes wrong, then you will attract more experiences that validate that belief system. Think about in your life if you've ever had a really, really good day and it feels like your day just keeps getting better and better and better. It's because you keep believing and affirming to yourself, wow, I'm having such a good day. And same goes for having a really bad day. If you keep telling yourself, like if one experience is suddenly marked the top

to having a bad day and you keep telling that to yourself, don't you feel like during those days you keep attracting more unfortunate situations? It's because that is your belief system. So if you started believing that chaos is actually this cosmic miracle from the universe,

that is basically the universe loving you so much and shifting everything into your life in your favor, it's constantly conspiring in the background to treat you like the most deserving person you are. You are so worthy. You are so valid. You have so much abundance and love and clarity and success coming into your life. And if you started believing that, that this chaos is

actually an opportunity, a stepping stone to alchemize all this good in your life, you will understand that nothing is good or bad. It's all about neutrality. So about establishing neutrality with this chaos and saying, okay, this is out of my control.

I accept that and I deeply love and accept myself amidst all this uncertainty and amidst all this unknown. And I know that even though I'm not seeing things clearly consciously, something in the background is happening for my highest good. And I just choose to affirm in that trust and in that belief. I was listening to Big Conversations, which is a podcast with Haley Hoffman-Smith, and

And in one of the episodes, she talked about when something goes unfortunate in your life, this is like a saying from the Kabbalah, what they tend to do is you pause and say, what a pleasure. And the reason I share this with you is A, because I really liked it and I started adopting it into my own life. And you don't even have to say that specific saying.

But in moments of chaos, what I've started doing is kind of adopting that idea and pausing and saying, wow, this is cosmic. Something goes wrong or is out of our control. Mm-hmm.

Just cosmic chaos, baby. And if you started adopting that into your life and you started bringing this mindset into your day-to-day, you will become the most powerful person because you will no longer let your chaotic moments or unfortunate or just things that are out of your control define who you are, who you are becoming, and define your human experience because you will realize that things are happening for your highest, greatest, greatest.

good and i think also when we start when i personally started adopting this mindset of cosmic chaos it made the chaotic times less emotionally charged and when i started to see these chaotic times as cosmic it allowed these moments to have less power over my life and allowed me to step into the role of a creator and allowed me to realize that

this is where my choices and creative power come in is not always do I have like the verbal subconscious conscious choice but I can choose the way I respond to these situations and the way I view these situations and that is a choice in itself and that's cosmic chaos.

Beautiful souls, thank you so much for joining me in today's episode. As always, feel free to DM me on Instagram if you have any topic suggestions for future episodes or if you would like to apply to be a guest on the show. I hope you feel inspired to claim your power today. Bye.

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