cover of episode Queer Cannabis History (with guest Andrew Freeman)

Queer Cannabis History (with guest Andrew Freeman)

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Tess和Claire对Drew Martin大麻卷烟给予高度评价,称其口感轻盈愉悦,不会让人感到焦虑,适合社交场合,也适合对大麻犹豫不决的人尝试。她们还赞扬了该品牌的精美包装和营销策略。 Claire指出,现在的大麻产品THC含量过高,容易让人感到焦虑和不适,而Drew Martin致力于提供一种不会让人过度兴奋,并且能够融入生活方式的大麻使用方式。 Andrew介绍了Drew Martin品牌的创立过程,以及他和他的伴侣Drew如何将草药学和调酒经验融入到产品中。他们选择植物成分是为了补充大麻的功效,例如,生姜和柠檬香脂具有提神功效,薰衣草具有放松功效。他们希望创造一种能够被分享,并融入人们生活空间的大麻产品。 Andrew解释了苜蓿和印度大麻的分类主要基于营销目的,而非科学依据,并强调他们更关注消费者自身的心态,而不是大麻的特定功效。 Andrew分享了他作为一名酷儿男性在大麻行业中的经历,并指出大麻合法化的历史与酷儿社群密切相关,哈维·米尔克在被暗杀前几周通过了加州第一个大麻非刑事化立法。在艾滋病危机期间,大麻是治疗艾滋病毒副作用的有效缓解药物。 Andrew还谈到了大麻行业中存在的刻板印象,以及280e税法对大麻企业的不利影响。他认为,大麻广告面临严格的监管,限制了其在社交媒体和户外广告等渠道的投放。 Andrew详细讲述了Drew Martin品牌的创立过程,以及他和他的伴侣Drew如何将草药学和调酒经验融入到产品中。他们与经验丰富的有机大麻种植者合作,采用可持续的耕作方式,并根据月球周期种植大麻。 Andrew还分享了他和伴侣Drew的爱情故事,以及他们在纽奥良开设药房的经历。他解释了他们如何将大麻融入到对病人的治疗中,以及他们如何决定将他们的草药实践经验带到加州。 Andrew谈到了他们在洛杉矶建立Drew Martin品牌的过程,以及他们如何克服高昂的成本和严格的监管。他们面临着打破大麻行业刻板印象的挑战,并努力寻找志同道合的人合作。 Andrew还分享了他们在2020年疫情期间如何通过虚拟沙龙的方式推广产品,以及他们如何选择植物成分来补充大麻的风味和功效。 Andrew最后谈到了大麻行业的刻板印象,以及他作为一名酷儿男性在这个行业中的经历。他认为,大麻合法化进程中存在不公平现象,白人男性通常处于主导地位。

Deep Dive

Andrew and Drew met in New Orleans and decided to move to LA to start their cannabis brand, Drew Martin, inspired by Drew's background in herbalism and mixology.

Shownotes Transcript

Tess and Claire sit down with co-founder of Drew Martin, Andrew Freeman, to discuss their favorite botanical joints. Andrew talks about both the challenges and joy of creating a brand in a space where not a lot of the LGBTQ community have been invited into it, and the history of cannabis specifically in the queer community from icons such as Harvey Milk championing for marijuana as medicine when the Ragaen administration ignored the HIV and AIDS crisis. Andrew debunks theories about sativa vs indica, (we were shocked) explains the intentional choices behind the botanical blends that their joints are infused with, and lucky for us, tells his love story with Drew. Enjoy this episode, please smoke responsibly, and happy pride!

Visit as a California resident for 10% off their joints using code: RAM10

Created and produced by Tess Bellomo and Claire Donald

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Visit their website to buy some yourself at

Follow @drewmartinco for updates

What Drew Martin is doing for Pride:

For Pride this year, the brand will introduce “One Queer Pre-Roll.” In California, $1 from every pre-roll at @medmensocial goes directly to @theuwcofficial — centering Black Trans culture, the Unique Woman’s Coalition has provided mentorship, scholarship, and resources in support of the trans and non-binary community for over 20 years. Our allies at MedMen will be generously matching every donation with an additional $1!

In New York, $1 from every pre-roll at:

@unionsquaretravelagency goes directly to @glits_inc — centering Black trans leadership, GLITS creates holistic solutions to the health and housing crises faced by TGBLQIA+ individuals experiencing systemic discrimination at intersecting oppressions impacted by racism and criminalization through a lens of harm reduction, human rights principles, social justice and community empowerment. Our allies at Union Square Travel Agency will be generously matching every donation with an additional $1!

@gotham.ny goes directly to the Sylvia Rivera Law Project’s work to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence.

@housingworkscannabis goes directly to @housingworks comprehensive array of services to more than 30,000 homeless and low-income New Yorkers living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

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