cover of episode Arc 6 Ep 2: Bumper Street PART 2

Arc 6 Ep 2: Bumper Street PART 2

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Rotating Heroes

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Sago Glegg
Nance Rae:Nance与一个独自饮酒的男子进行了一场臂力较量,为了赢得他的肩章,她与对方进行了三局两胜的比赛。在Sago的帮助下,她最终赢得了比赛,但随后又输掉了加注的比赛。 Sago Glegg:Sago与一个跳舞的中年男子进行了一场舞蹈较量,并最终获胜,赢得了他的肩章。他展现了出色的舞技和魅力,成功地赢得了比赛。 Jon Daffodil:John Daffodil在酒吧里扮演了他的角色,虽然他的行为让周围的人感到不满,但他仍然坚持自己的角色设定,并参与了团队的行动。 Jasper William Cartwright:作为游戏主持人,Jasper William Cartwright引导了整个游戏过程,描述了场景、设定了挑战,并对角色们的行动做出了回应。他通过掷骰子来决定角色们的行动结果,并对游戏中的事件做出了详细的描述。

Deep Dive

The rotators chase a jester into Bumper Street and encounter old friends and flames, setting the stage for their search for clues about the villain's whereabouts.

Shownotes Transcript


This season, Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites, like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow.

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Rotatoes, it is about that time again. We are on Friday. I am Jasper William Cartwright and you're here to listen to part two of episode two of arc number six. I hope you're here and having a great time. Thank you so much for checking out the episodes. We do greatly appreciate it. We are now just two arcs away from me taking over as DM. I say taking over, but then Zach comes back for a whole arc. It's a whole thing. But anyway...

In just two arcs time, I will be jumping in as DM with the wonderful Erika Ishii and Victoria Longwell returning. Not to mention everyone's favorite guy, Sakoyama, playing a first character in the world of Amalur. So excited for you all to hear those arcs. I absolutely loved doing them and, uh,

I'm having a great time and obviously if you don't want to wait and you want to get those arcs right now, we are currently releasing arc 11 so we're way ahead of this feed currently. If you want to hear that right now, you know it ahead. It's the Rotating Heroes Patreon.

And there's links in the description below. But don't forget, you can also sign up as a free member if you want to. And you also get access to exclusive posts and information and news. Join our Discord, all of that kind of thing if you are a free member over there. But we love you for being here. Thank you so much. And I think that's probably enough of me blathering on this week. So take it away, Past Zach. I'm rotating here.

Sogo, I understand letting the right one get away. I understand problems with women. So let's just go and get our chili ingredients and have a beautiful night of local cuisine.

It seems to me that we could probably get our hands on some of these epaulettes if we play our cards right around the bar. All right. Now, I know you're eager to get this chili, but I wouldn't be eager to get your clock cleaned by John Daffodil and a chili cook-off. Why were you? You're going to be serving a latte with beef in it, okay? No one wants your fucking chili. Now, okay, let's span out and meet back here in 15 minutes with each of us having epaulettes. Epaulettes?

Epilepsy. Way ahead of you. Everybody make a perception check.

- 13. - 15. - Five. - So 13, 15, and five. Okay, on a 15. - They're just new dice. - You got a five? - I got a five. - This mask is way too big for you. - I can't see out the eyes. I keep having to move it towards my eye. - You can see out of the eye holes, but they are pointed straight down from your eyes. - So your glasses are all fogged up inside. - You see like nasty bar gravy. - Ew. - Looks like my chili.

On a 15 and a 13, I'll say that for the most part, the people at the epaulettes are in that area. But there are a few that are not in the area. The first thing you see is this sour-looking man sitting at a table by himself. He has the epaulettes, but he is just drinking by himself.

There's an empty stool in front of him. On top of that, there's also a man who is like, like a really enthusiastic 50 year old man. Like you can tell, like he's like a 50 year old guy who's like, but I'm like a young 50. No, I still do mob.

Yeah. Like he's like dancing. Your hair is too black. Based on your eyebrow color. It wasn't that black when you were young. You see like a die coming down. Yeah, old Giuliani. Old Giuliani dancing on the floor. He's like dancing like a little too sexy for his age. Oh my God. Like it's like way too confident and gross. Yeah. You see this other guy who's just staring at the real Sago in the corner.

who has the epaulets on and he's like he's like whispering to his friend who doesn't have the epaulets and he's like whispering something about saka so we have okay who wants who i think you got to go to the fan right i don't want to talk to anybody right now but all right fine for a big feast i'll give it a shot yeah maybe you and uh uh bexy can go together

Yeah. Okay. If that sounds good to you, Bex. Yeah, I'd love to. Do you want Midlife Crisis or Scary and Alone? Oh, I think I'd better take Midlife Crisis. Great. Okay. I think those were both descriptions of John Baffin. It's like a Rocky and Bullwinkle. Midlife Crisis or Scary and Alone. Cool. So let me know who wants to go first on their given endeavors. Okay.

I'll walk right up to that person drinking alone, grab a beer on my way from the bar, plop down in front of them and go, do you think you want to arm wrestle? What? Would you like to arm wrestle? Okay. Let's each put a buck on the line. You don't have to see mine. One buck? That's all you want? Just...

Times 10. Now we're interesting. That's interesting. Okay. 10 bucks. 10 bucks. Well, he pulls out this meaty arm. I pull out my meaty, kind of sinewy long arm. There's two just like that predator handshake. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The hands meet in the center. A paw comes up out of nowhere. I go, Krimna.

Okay, well, I'll say this. You guys are only doing this for $10. Wow. Nothing else you want to put on the line, huh? You want to make it interesting? Especially interesting?

Yeah, is there something about me that you want to try to win? How much for that mask? Oh, this is priceless. It was actually given to me by the real Spago. There's about five of them in there. It's priceless. No, you didn't see anything. Spago, goddammit. Listen, I want those epaulets.

These epaulets. For the price of one of those masks? Fuck it. I feel confident. All right. Plus the buck, right? Epaulets and the buck for the mask. Yeah, you're on. Okay, so how this will work is we will do...

Three opposed athletics checks. Okay. You guys could actually arm wrestle. Yeah, let's go. Do I see this happening? Yeah, I'll say that you do. So I look over and I watch closely at the first of the three. Okay. Does that make sense? Or is it just going to be one arm wrestling thing? So it'll be three checks resulting in one result. So I watch closely at the first.

Okay. I'm like intently. I'm sorry. You have to win three times. You have to win three. Yes. So it's best of seven. Yes. Great. Okay. So we'll roll these in front of the board. I'll tell you right now. It's best to fight it. This guy gets a plus three. I get a plus four. All right. So let's roll them in front of the board. Okay. All right. Roll number one.

Nance. Yes. Your arm bulges with strength as you take this like old man's callous hand. He's not weak by any means, but you get the momentum to start it. Like he was hoping to like take you down immediately, but you have stopped him in his tracks. That's the first roll. Yes. Roll number two.

Ooh, fuck. Second roll, he underestimated you, but he actually, now he knows what he's dealing with. He's able to force your arm back a little bit. One to one. Roll number three, 18 and 11. Okay. God damn it. Second one, he pulls your arm. You are at like a 45 degree angle holding on your arms, bulging. So seeing this, I look and I cast Mage Hand.

And a spectral hand appears and whisks its way over and starts pushing on Nance's. Okay. I love this. I think you might have to also make... It's not invisible, unfortunately. Oh, it's not invisible. It's spectral. So maybe we can do a... Maybe I'll just give her a bardic attack.

Oh, great. That's a what do I add to it? A D8. So what do you how does Sago give this to Nance? So I just because it's loud. So I just stand up and scream Keep eating! Keep eating!

And they're just like, "We're never gonna die." Next roll, it's one to two. - Okay. - Seven, three makes it 10. Okay, I have lucky and I'm gonna reroll the seven. - Okay. - Three, no! - Oh no! - Or five, but still, damn. - In this moment, I'm like, I'm just in it, I'm a little drunk.

And so I cast Unfailing Inspiration. What does that do? And it means that she can now, doesn't lose her inspiration die for that one. So she can use my inspiration once more. Oh, so I can use it for the reroll. I will allow you, if you're combining those two things, to reroll the D8 and roll again.

So I'll just... I'll undo that. Yeah, yeah. Can I cast something else? Okay, sure. So we both rolled 14s because you have a plus four and I have a plus three. Yes. So that one is just null, so it's still one to two. Okay. All right. He's looking at you like, wow, there's a lot of strength in there. One more. Ooh!

- Yes! Seven and I rolled a 16 on the die. - You pull back up to center. It's two to two now. Whoever gets the next one wins. - And can I use bardic inspiration again? Or it's just on one roll, you think? - Unless he used that thing. - No, yeah, I think you only get it once, right? I didn't use that thing. - Oh, okay. - Yeah. - But now I cast Suggestion on this old guy, which means that he must make a wisdom saving throw on a failed save.

He pursues the course of action described by me to the best of his ability. I just can't suggest he do anything to hurt himself. Okay. What do you suggest? I don't even really want to win this. As this suggestion comes to you, you sort of growl it into the air and it floats over like the smell on a pie and enters his nostrils. You see his muscle tensed up and then he just sort of sits up straight.

Nats you will roll this with advantage Actually, he's gonna roll with disadvantage. Okay. Okay Good thing Okay, that's a 10 plus 3 is 13 13 I'm gonna use another luck point. Fuck it. Okay. Okay Oh

- Nance, unfortunately, this guy slams your arm down. - Well, good game. I take off my mask and then I say double or nothing. There are more masks where this came from. - Double or nothing? Okay. - So you're gonna have to find me a second pair of epaulettes if I win this.

Let me roll a... Give me a persuasion check. I've been rolling like, shit! Two. He's like, get the fuck out of here.

Fair enough, fair enough. He's wearing the Sago Gleg mask. Well, unfortunately, Nance was unable to get her away. Carl follows. What the fuck? You were here the whole time? Yeah, what's up? After that, there are... That was the man sitting at the bar. Next up is this... Either the guy who was staring at Sago or the man dancing. I will walk up to the man dancing and I'm going to roll a...

I'm going to roll an insight check to see if I can figure out what his whole, what his whole deal is. Yeah. Seven plus whatever you have. Plus four. So I rolled an 11. Yeah. I mean, it's like hard to get a perfect grasp of it. He seems pretty into dancing. Uh-huh. Um,

then wearing the Saga Glegg mask, which comes down to my knees, and start to do a choreographed dance from the last time that I was in Jesus Christ Superstar. And I've got a whole routine that I'm doing really near the sky. Oh, wow. Little man can dance. Okay, well, you want to put your money where your mouth is?

A dance-off? Are you suggesting a dance-off? I've never backed down. I've never backed down from a dance-off. You know, before we get started, I've just got to say, I love your whole deal. Your whole vibe is really working for me. Can I just say that? He looks at you, like, smiles, like, he's been waiting for someone to say this to him all night. He's been dancing so hard. You look really cool.

I know. I do, don't I? I mean, I was standing over there and I was like, I got to figure out this guy is going to bring the party to whatever we're doing next. Because of what you're doing right now, it was going to be a post-sexterity checks, but I will allow you to also do charisma checks if you want to do that. When I get an advantage on charisma. Oh, shit. Okay, great.

So in front of the board, it's another, it's like, it's going to be three rolls, like three wins. I believe in you. Set. First roll. Little daffodil. He crushed you. I did.

We really got to get you some new dyes. An 18 and a 3, you're like, what do I add to that? Yeah, he is feeling himself. This 50-year-old man just dyes coming down his face, really just in his body. I forgot about the dye. Oh, look at your calves. Look how muscular they are.

Thanks. They are pretty muscular, aren't they? It's impressive. And look at that. It's like a thick layer of hair that I really like. I got a personal trainer.

works me out three times a week. - I got a personal trainer. - What do you mean? - I got a personal, I-- - You do? - I don't have, there's no ulterior motive to that. I also have a personal trainer. - Nice. - You and I have a lot in common, I think. - Yeah, I bet, honestly. - So I didn't say this before, this guy has a plus zero to charisma. - Ooh, what do you have? - Plus two. - Okay. - Okay, an advantage. - All right, ready? Next roll.

Damn it, Zach. I got 17, so it's a tie. Oh, great. You still, by the way, have Bardic Inspiration. Yeah, if you need to use it. You have a D8. If you're close. As long as it hasn't been 10 minutes. Maybe it has. I will allow you to keep it since we... All right, great. So that was a tie. Yeah. You guys are just like...

But I can now roll bardic inspiration. Yes. Use it whenever you want. So I would roll first flat and then decide after that. But could you add it to that tie and then just call it a win? Oh, yeah, you could if you wanted. Yeah, automatically. So there's a little bit of a circle happening where these drunk people are just kind of clapping, dancing around the two of you. Music make you lose control. Music make you lose control. Give me the ring of hell.

I'm still dancing like Jesus on the cross from Jesus Christ Superstar. You're so short and small. You can't see it under the mask. It looks like a little kid wanting to be picked up. One to one. Roll number two. Come on, baby. I cannot believe how well I'm rolling. You're killing us, dude. Unbelievable.

What was your highest? It was an eight. So a 10. All right. It crashed you. It crashed you. So now it's one to two.

This man does like, you hear his back crack as he drops to the floor with some weird move that he's going to feel later. But for now, it looks really, in parentheses, cool. And I put a hand on the ground and sort of slowly lower myself down and try and do a breakdance move and I kick my arm out from under myself. Oh no! Okay, so now it's one to two, another roll. There we go. There you go.

17. So I smoke you this time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He wanted to see if you were okay and checked on you, but then you'd back spring up. Surprisingly nimble in the mask. I grab someone's fedora and spin it onto my own head. Your big mask. Yeah, my mask.

Yeah, you see Carl's fedora. Somehow you snatch it from underneath his mask. And once again, I cast suggestion on this guy. Okay. And I think the thought into his head, am I too old? Do I look silly? Oh, no. Do you even need a spell for that? No.

You see him suddenly, like, his dance moves get a little jerkier. He, like, there's, like, some sort of mirror on the wall that he catches just a little glimpse of. Are my kids just at home watching TV all day? He, like, he's trying to fight through it. Meanwhile, I reach in my back pocket. He looks out and sees one of those billboards that's, like, it's never been a better time to be a dad. Like, the door to the bar opened and he saw that and he was, like,

I reach in my bag and I grab a centrum and I take it and I'm like, I feel great. I feel as young as I've ever felt. Two to two. He's now going to roll this one with disadvantage because he failed that. All right. Oh my God. Well, I got smoked. I'm rolling with advantage. Wait. Advantage versus disadvantage. So you rolled a two and a four and he rolled a 12 and a 15. That's right. Oh my God.

Oh my god. Alright, another fucking swing and a miss, Spago. You've never fucking come through with three epaulettes. Holy shit. I guess now my question for you, Zach, is what are you going to do as a DM if none of us get in there? Exactly.

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After that, Nance loses the arm wrestling. Yeah. John Daffodil. Mighty effort on the dance floor. Really hurt myself. Like, my ankle, like, I get up and I'm, like, kind of limping. Yeah, you see that man power through and be like, I'm a great dancer. Oh, my God. Last one. Sago, it's all up to you, baby. It's this man over in the corner talking to his friend, sees you, and as you come closer, it's like they're like, shut up, shut up, shut up.

Oh, hey, fellas. You got room over here for some tired feet to sit down? For Sago Gleg? Of course. You know what? You do my work. I'm mighty familiar. Let's just say I like fried crap. Oh, well, I eat toilet, baby. I eat toilet. I'm Sago.

I know. My name's Louis. Hey, Louis. And who are your friends here? Oh, this is Charles and Knife. Hey, good to meet y'all. You see this guy just doing the knife trick on his hand? Oh my god. Hey, Knife, no need to look up to say hi to me. He doesn't. I think that's Charles. Yeah.

Knife is just watching Charles. You see his kind of hungry eyes watching Charles do the knife. He looks at you and he's like, what are you doing in Solonport? What brings you to the ship's shape? You know, I'm just hanging out with some buds, some fellows, Gleg Hags. Gleg Hags? Gleg.

And, you know, having a blast trying to figure out what the next move is, what the cool thing to do around here is. Totally. Totally.

Hey guys, what's the move? It's such a funny thing to say to younger people. There's, you know, there's a lot going on this week. It's a, you know, bounty week. So there's parties kind of everywhere. I heard the Volks's are going to have a pretty big one, but that's pretty exclusive. So I don't know how, how deep you can roll into that. Oh yeah. But you think I could make it in?

I bet you probably could. I'm flattered. The who's? The Volkses? The Volkses. They're kind of like one of the heavy hitters in this town. They run a lot of stuff, if you catch my drift. Yeah, I feel you. Some of the underground stuff a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You guys party? You see Charles go...

You see Charles go, I just rolled for Charles. He makes, like the first two are great. Third one nicks his finger a little bit. He's like, yeah, I party. He's like, I mean, yeah, yeah. Party with Saga. I go party. Oh, hell yeah. Lewis looks up.

And he's like, what do you, I mean, is there anything I can do for you? Like, are you looking for anything? I mean, I don't know. Uh, I'm kind of curious about getting up into that hang up there. That seems like some, uh, cool people to know up there. Um, what's that about? Oh, the captain's. Yeah. Yeah. Captain's quarters. It's pretty legit. Yeah. It's like kind of like a 50 year old dad, like trying to say something is cool. Um,

It is, it's all happening up there. Oh, cool. Well, yeah, I guess I might just head up there. Are y'all going up there anytime soon? Well, I could make a persuasion check. 19. This guy's like,

- We all get plus ones into there. - Oh yeah, all three of you. - Well, these two guys. - They don't have the... - Make a luck check to see if they have that. I'll say over a 10, they have it. - 14. - Yeah, these other guys have the up ones and they're like, "Yeah, we could get you two other guys." Yeah, we all get plus ones. We're just like, you know,

it's like we've spent a lot of time back there. So sometimes you like to like come out to like where the regular people are and like, I feel you, man. That's what I like to do. I like to get to know the salt of the earth. You know, the people just hanging and banging. Can I ask you a question? Yeah. Nevermind. I was going to ask you, um, what does it mean to eat toilet? But now we've got a new question. Hey man, if you know, you know, with the toilet, you know, uh,

I'm sure this guy knows what I'm talking about. And I point to Knife. Knife was like staring at the knife. Huh? What? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to bang him. Toilet. Can I see the knife? Something tells me this guy shouldn't have a knife. I just want to see it. I just want to see it. This guy's the kind of guy that went on, never mind. Sorry.

I'll say Saga motions over your buds. Yeah. Damn. Sorry, Carl. And Bexy, we're going to, I think we're going to head into here. Okay. I don't know if you want to just go back to whatever you were doing before, but I'll text you. Oh, you're going to come with us? Yeah. Okay. Okay. So let me be honest with you. I fucking suck.

I'm probably going to just get in. Oh, you think so? Yeah. And she just walks past the bouncer. She's like a hot young woman. You should have thought of that before. Wow. The way... Oh, I should have just done that before. I tried to do the same thing. Excuse me. Excuse me. Oh, God. Don't touch my boob. Sago. We already talked to you.

- That's right, we're Sago-gland. - Oh wait, fuck, yeah, right. - So you have followed these three epauletted men into this area. You find this captain's quarters again. It's a sort of captain-themed area. There's like these stained glass windows that were kind of separating it from the main area of the ship that the bar is shaped like. But inside this area, you notice that it's sort of decorated like, what were those perception checks again? - 19. - I got a four. - 23.

cool so as you're in here you notice that like on a 23 is pretty high you immediately spot uh beck's it feels like she's been here for a while already like she has like a drink already wait you were two steps ahead of us how are you i don't know i just walked in god girl i love this is carl this is carl who's in wait what the fuck are you fucking kidding me

No one looked at him and he entered. You're just wearing a shirt that says I'm stupid and you somehow got into the VIP. What's up? That

You're looking around. You notice this table with a bunch of maps on it, but you notice it's sort of like when a restaurant has a theme and it's just full fake shit. It's not like a treasure map or anything like that. It is made to look like a treasure map and it's spilled with drinks and stuff. Everyone in here has these epaulettes. It's this sort of like... It's kind of the situation where you get into a VIP area and you realize it's not that cool. It's actually super far from where the

Yeah. It's a lot of like 50 year old men. I keep saying 50 year old men, like it's the worst thing in the world. Yeah.

Your fears tell you a lot about yourself, don't they? Yeah, 50-year-old men at a bar not acting their age. Yeah, in the VIP. Yeah. It's always, like, really rich, out-of-touch people in the VIP. They're there to talk to the hot young women. Yeah. Now, like, you see Bexy is sort of surrounded. Bexy, like, kind of makes her way over to you guys. She's like, so, like, I think if I remember correctly, there's, like, a guy...

Named Tibbs, who's like kind of the guy who knows everything. He's probably back here. Actually, yeah. And like off of year 23, like you were helping Bexy like kind of figure out, you know, scope the place. There's a guy in the back. He's got kind of like cronies, but he's sitting back there. He looks like, make insight checks. Okay.

16. 14. 10. He's at a party, but he is like, he doesn't seem relaxed or party. Like he just looks like on edge a little bit.

He's got kind of greasy hair that he's pulled back a little goatee. He has a little ponytail as well. So you say that's the man in charge? Yeah, if anybody here knows it, it's going to be Tibbs. Tibbs. Shall I try to go warm him up? I, if... As you drop your dice. I drop the dice as I drink. Shatters a glass on the ground. Everyone stops what they're doing. Um, uh...

That's shoes. Sago, I'm sorry. It's okay. Bexy looks at you and is like, if he has any reaction to you like I have, no. Okay, great. So that's a no. He looks like the type of guy that might be into Sago Gleg's vibe. Yeah, I think so too. All right, we'll hang back. You want to... Where'd your mask go?

You're right. I'm not wearing my mask. I lost it in a duel. Oh, that's what you bet. Carl comes over and hands you his mask. Thank you so much. I put it on. I'm sorry. I forgot what your face looked like. It looks pretty normal. Yeah. Shockingly normal. I'm somehow off. Your nose is really fucked up. Your nose is still so broken. Oh, yeah, yeah. I did get palmed in the face pretty hard. I put the mask back on. Those were the weak guys. All right.

I'm with stupid. I'm stupid, sorry. So are you going to go over as Sago Gleg or should I go over as myself? Well, I think I should go over as Sago Gleg, right? I feel that I'm pretty persuasive. I'm pretty charismatic. Oh, interesting. If you feel like you are. Yeah, I got a plus one. I dart over there. Remember, acting is all breathing. Go.

You dart over. Nancy, you dart over. And two guys, like, box you out. And the guy, Tibbs, sitting there looks up at you and is like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why so hurry? I was just vibing. We're all vibing. Yes, it worked. Now, you know, what's your name? Why did you come over here?

Big losers say what? What? That's what I thought. Now, uh... Get the fuck out of here. No, no, no, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Look, I'm here with Soggo. I am Soggo.

I start squeezing cream just out of nervousness. I'm sorry, girl. Hang on. He sees that you're wearing a rubber mask. Yeah, yeah. He's like, is that the real Sago Glegg back there? No, it really is. Yeah, so look, I'm his assistant, and I'm just trying to be cool because my job depends on it. We just got to know what the next move is. Okay.

I look around, I look around, I go, yeah, yeah, what's the move? He's like, okay, all right. Sago, glad to come to one of our parties. That's pretty cool. He's like, bring him over. You know, like, I'd love to talk to Sago. All right. I look over my shoulder. I nod everyone over. He wants to talk to me? Get that thing out of here.

Yeah, this is like Toy Story-esque. Like a little mask of your face, like, running around. A little mask moving around. I've become a little horrified every time I look down. By a mask of me in a dress that says, Make 7 Up Yours. Felt it up. Very specific haunting happening. What's good, fellas?

I mean, Sago Gleg in the flesh. Welcome to the ship shape. Or I mean, ship face. Wait, what is the ship?

the ship show that's it welcome to the ship show uh and uh he kind of motions to it he's like anything i can get you a celebrity into my town oh man i'm i'm here for the full experience man you party

I party too, man. I'll take anything. I'm ready to go, you know. Fuck yeah. Bring your friends over. Let's just do this for real. Emotions for you guys to come over. Awesome, awesome. This is Nance. Nance? Yeah. And this is an old, old pal of mine, John. Hello, I'm Sago Glay. Get him out of here. No, no, no.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You say this is your bar? I mean, it's unofficially my bar. Like, this is my haunt, if you will. Does it just drive you crazy that even though the staff makes tips, you have to pay the minimum wage? No, it doesn't drive me crazy.

Sounds like he's none too bright about business. Oh my God. You know what? I just rolled for it. He's like, yeah, right? Like what? Tips. It's like, that's money. Why do I have to give them more? The patrons are paying them. Do you know what they make in an hour? It's more than minimum wage, but you still have to pay them. The whole system's falling apart. Me and Bexy are both staring at each other because we literally just finished a job where we worked for tips. Everybody make an investigation check. All right.

14. 2. Also 2. Bexy is going to give one of you guys an advantage. Probably not you. Nat 20. Holy shit. Bexy finds some sort of grace in her. Yeah, you've won someone over, so you're absolutely beaming. As this guy is talking, and he's about to tell you guys about, you know... The next move. The next move.

You guys want to know what the next move is? Yeah, what's the move? Um, I, um, as he's starting to describe, he's like, you know, I think there might be a party on Aurora Avenue. It's pretty exclusive, though. As he starts talking, you look down at his feet and you see some cabbage underneath his shoe. Look, everyone.

There's cabbage on his shoe, just like in the carriage from before. You fucking idiot. You absolute idiot. Nance. You fucking fucker. Sago. Sago. He looks at you all, and he's like, no, no, no. And he's looking around, and he looks nervous. He's like, I didn't tell them anything about the feast. And I look over, and I say, knife. Knife goes, what?

- And I point to the knife. - Ah! - You see that man run for the knife? - Yes! Knife! - As this is happening, you heard this guy, Tibbs, go, "I didn't say anything about the feast." As that happens, an arrow goes into his forehead. You see him fall back, dead. Everyone make a perception check. - At 20.

Oh, shit. Let me ask this. Are we supposed to be disadvantaged on that from drinking? I will say that it's been enough time that you have sobered up a little bit and you do not have disadvantage anymore. Nat 20, great. Nat 20. 15. Two. Sago, on that Nat 20, you're able to do the math in your head. You see the perfect line trajectory of this arrow sticking out of this man's forehead straight out through the stained glass window. Oh.

into the main area of the bar. You like kind of follow it, like look through the stained glass window hole and in the crow's nest above the dance floor, you see a dwarf, salt flecked cheeks, like almost like freckles.

with a crossbow up there. He shoulders his crossbow, puts a bar over a rope and slides out of it, crashes through a window in the front of the bar, light pours in, everyone like kind of screams. That's what you see on a nap. What? I immediately cast, let's see if this works.

Unseen Servant. Okay. And I have the Unseen Servant create an invisible, mindless, shapeless, medium force that performs simple tasks like grab a drink and throw it on the ground in front of this guy running away. I will say that...

I like the idea. The way that the route this guy took, I don't think you'll have an opportunity to do that. But I'll let you go effectively twice instead, if that makes sense. What do you mean? I will let you take two actions. I see. Okay. But he is kind of far away from you. You guys are in the back of this bar at this VIP area. This guy crashed through the front. I know this is so gauche.

But I would love to look through this person's person for like a brochure. His bewildered like buddies are like, get the fuck away from him. Okay, for sure. Yeah, sorry. Everyone starts screaming. It's pandemonium now. There's a dead body in this bar. What do you guys do? So this was the head person. This wasn't even like under the...

This wasn't even just like a weird ghoul at the farmer's market. This was the guy who did the fire spell. Yes, yes. To be clear, yeah. And now he's dead, so there's someone even more cutthroat and scary than him. And you saw the cabbage. No, yeah, you fucking idiot. Like before.

I am losing my patience with you. I'm going to kill this man. I swear to God. Bexie goes like, should we chase that guy? Let's go. Roughly what distance is he from us? This is about 100 feet away. He's out the door. I step in the wind, which lets me take an extra dash action as a bonus action. Nancy, you start flying through the air. I reluctantly grab Daffodil over here in my arms.

so that we can both go that fast. I'll let you do like two things. I run. Okay. And then I also use Kinetic Jaunt.

which means that I can move through difficult spaces or anything like that. Oh, great, like through the crowd and stuff. Yeah, I think it adds. And it increases my walking by 10 feet. Okay, cool. So you are powered up in that way. You can move extra fast. You all make your way out of the bar. And by the way, the way this is happening is I magically empower my movement with dance-like steps, giving myself these benefits. Yeah, what does this look like?

A murder has happened. You start running. And I do the robot. That guy is still dancing in the center. He steps to you and starts doing the robot. I have to robot through him to increase my... He does a Matrix lean back. God, you both look incredible. Hey, what's the next move, guys?

- Is this guy like within my sight? - You have to go outside of the bar to see. I'll say you guys head out of the bar. - Yeah, we pour out of there. - You head out of the bar. You open the door into basically a wall of sound. As you open the door, a bounty festival parade is in full swing going across the street.

Everyone make a perception check to see if you see signs where this guy went. What was your aha? Just a cool. Just a cool. They go out and there's a hole for it. Go.

Just good screenwriting. People are on the side of the road just kind of like cheering as these like, you see like these floats are often like shaped like big pieces of food. Like there's a big like haunch of meat. There's, you know, like a big potato. Really photogenic stuff.

23 for me. 13. 15. 23, 13, 15. I would say on the 23, you'd see like broken glass leading to the left down the street. So looking down the street, looking that way. Honestly, like the parade is going left to right. So you are going towards the back of the parade. Yeah.

uh and we do not see the person you don't see the person it was a little gnome with freckles it was a dwarf uh did you would you have relayed what this person looked like to them uh in the spur of the moment i'm guessing i would have said uh like the basic like it's a dwarf yeah you know like maybe what he's wearing um vaguely yeah like this uh

This guy had the sort of salt-flecked face that you would recognize, Nance, just to throw it out there, as the salt breakers were those people who attacked you on the second arc when y'all were heading out of town. And John Davido recognizes the salt from a production he did of Long Day's Journey Into Night, The House by the Sea.

You recognize salt from doing... From seeing it in a play? And I taught you everything I know. I am losing patience with you, John Daffodil. Yeah, you see the path going that way towards the back of the parade. I look up to see if there's anything to grab onto, slide, anything around that could...

Get a better vantage point? Yeah. There's like a lamppost or something that you could climb to see a little better. I'll try to climb the lamppost. I can hoist you up. Cool. I'll say that hoist it up. You're looking out. The guy is going to be shorter because this is mostly a human population, so it's harder to tell from here. I'm looking for like if people are being pushed out of the way. Yeah, everyone make another perception check. Why don't you just make a perception check with advantage? Awesome.

- 19. - There's a bit of a commotion towards the back. You see it a little further down. Yeah, I would say you just see sort of a source of a disturbance further back. - Back there, there's somebody running that way. - Okay. - And I point to kind of where it is and in my kind of panic, how far away would you say it is? - It's probably like 60 feet away, but I don't know that you could see a specific target. - Yeah, in that general direction,

cast stinking clap. Oh, shit. And so I've eaten and drank a ton all day. And it's in me, and I eat toilet. And so I burp this huge burp kind of at where I saw the disturbance was, which creates a 20-foot radius sphere of yellow nauseating gas centered on that point. Does it do damage?

Each creature that is completely within the cloud must make a con saving throw against poison. And then they'll take a certain amount of damage? On a failed save, the creature spends its action retching and reeling. Oh, okay. I'll say this. It's around a lot of regular people. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Up to you. No damage, they're just retch? Yeah, retch and reel. I'm gonna do it. I'm like in a panic. I just saw a guy get... I've seen one guy get fired in my friend's arms and one guy get arrowed to the head. So I'm like fucking... And I'm drunk. Okay, I'm going to make a roll for... I'm going to say like six people. And it's a con 14. Okay. Okay.

They are commoners, so their constitution is plus zero. So...

You see the stinking cloud burst out of Zago, like sort of twisting and retching through the air. Like a weird flag. Flies through the air to this spot and just like hits the ground with this like disgusting stinking cloud. You can all smell it, even if you're not in it. You don't have to make this sort of saving throw. But as this hits the ground... That smells like my chili. I eat toilet paper.

As this happens, you see, you know, it hits like roughly six people that you can see. Three of them just start immediately like throwing up everywhere. The three of them just like kind of fend it off and get out of there. And although they all split apart, you do not see a target in there. It seems that they have made their save.

As this happens, this commotion is drawing nearer and nearer to you as the parade moves towards you. Below that, sort of as this cornucopia float gets near you, you look up, Nance, and you see a familiar figure.

Though a human, almost elven presence in that they're like this like kind of uptight, rigid man looks down wearing full bounty week gear, sort of head to toe, like silks and a little crown on his head. You see Roland Volks staring down at you all. And he's like, has there been some sort of disturbance? He is surrounded by...

what essentially feels like a private army. He looks at you, knows that you're doing something, and you see him yell out to everyone. He's like, "To the people!"

"May this week be filled with excess!" And he throws coins on the ground, and everyone starts sprinting to this area, mobbing it, just like trying to get the money. It's pandemonium here. It seems as though, in this moment, having passed this save, you don't know where that guy was.

Okay, do I know this Volks person and how from the first part? The only time you ever saw this guy was when the boat was leaving. He was standing on the harbor looking at Jesse Dugan as he left. In that episode, you never made the checks to hear what he said to Jesse. Right. But Jesse later on informed you that he owed that guy a lot of money and had to do some shitty stuff because of it.

This is the guy that people have been talking about around town. Yeah, yeah. And he looks down at you and he knows that you have been sniffing around what he has been up to. As this sort of sinister looking man looks down at you three and threw out coins in celebration of access to these people, you see this smirk of this evil man light up the parade. We're going to end the episode there. Damn.

That image of the parade coming by when you open the door, that's very cool. Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. Giddy up. Very, very Birdman. Yeah. I'm going for a Birdman. Well, with that, that's the end of the second episode of the Sixth Arc.

- Thank you everybody for a very fun, God, everyone wearing those fucking masks is gonna haunt me. - Was that guy in the middle of the cornucopia? Just kind of suspended in a giant cornucopia coming towards the parade? - He was like on a throne in the cornucopia. Yeah, that was it for this week. Let's go around with the socials and plugs one more time. And yeah, Beardsley. - Awesome. Yeah, you can catch me online.

At Ali Beardsley on TikTok. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Grant? Follow my Twitter, if you would be so kind, at Grant OB. Pictures of Grant? My Instagram is at Pictures of Grant. My Twitter is at Grant OB. Honestly, both. It's great content, both sides. Yeah. At Dan Lipper Cool on the socials, and I'm outlining a movie that we'll be shooting in like five years. Okay.

Keep an eye out on that. Keep an eye out. Uh, big grande And, you're the man now dog or the other place to find beautiful content. And I'm at Zach Oyama online, uh, sparsely there, uh, sparsely there at sparsely. You can catch me on a silent meditation retreat, uh, deciding to delete all my socials. If you go sometime this year, uh, I'll definitely follow through on that. Um,

Well, that was it for this week. Thanks again for listening. We'll be back next week with an Arc Mark. Thanks. Bye. Thank you so much for listening to the Rotating Heroes podcast. I hope that you are enjoying Arc 6 with Zach Oyama as your DM, Ali Beardsley, Dan LePoot, and Grant O'Brien. If you're enjoying the show, please take a second to leave us a review. It really helps new rotators find the show. And, of course, if you're not,

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