cover of episode Leslie's House (S2E14)

Leslie's House (S2E14)

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Parks and Recollection

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alan Yang
Rob Lowe
Rob Lowe: 本集《Leslie's House》是剧集的优秀部分,非常有趣。剧中Leslie为了让和Justin的约会更精彩,决定在家举办一个晚宴,却因为家里像垃圾场而不得不请社区中心的老师帮忙。Leslie因为滥用职权被传唤到Pawnee纪律委员会,最终自首并赔偿了1000美元。剧中出现的工艺美术风格房屋在电视节目中很常见,这是一种叙事手法。剧组内部对Leslie被设定为囤积症患者有争议,Rob Lowe个人经历与Leslie的房子设定产生共鸣,并感到创伤。如果在第五季再出现类似情节,Leslie的设定应该有所不同。好的剧集会呈现出意想不到但又合理的剧情。Ron Swanson的台词和行为很符合中西部人的特点,他点了一杯Old Fashioned,这和Gwyneth Paltrow的喜好相似。第六季的“Moving Up”是拍摄最复杂的剧集之一,因为涉及到多个拍摄地点和客串演员。剧组非常灵活,允许演员们追求其他机会。 Alan Yang: 本集中Leslie比以往更烦人,但她最终做了正确的事。Barney这个角色在剧中后期与Ben Wyatt的剧情有关联。Ron在剧中经常出现消化问题。Ron用问题回答问题,这很有趣。Leslie让Justin在宣誓下回答约会是否愉快,这很有趣。第一季的“Canvassing”是写作最复杂的剧集之一,第二集比试播集更难写,因为它需要在推进剧情的同时重新介绍角色和场景。包含大型场景和大量演员的剧集拍摄难度大。Aziz在剧中搜索印度的信息,反映了第二代美国移民的现实。Alan Yang的父母是台湾移民,这与Aziz在剧中的经历产生共鸣。Aziz在剧中的一个小玩笑启发了Alan Yang制作电影《Tiger Tail》。本集与《The Office》的“晚宴”一集有相似之处,但风格有所不同。

Deep Dive

Leslie decides to host a dinner party at her house to impress Justin with her interesting friends from the parks department, despite facing budget cuts that affect the recreation center.

Shownotes Transcript

Today in Pawnee Rob and Alan are headed to a friend's home. In "Leslie's House" Leslie abuses her power when she brings in community center teachers to help throw a dinner party to impress Justin. In today's episode your hosts discuss the writer's choice to make Leslie a hoarder, a joke that sparked the creation of Tigertail, and how architecture can affect an audience. Got a question for the Pawnee Town Hall? Send us an email: [email protected]) Or leave a 30-Second voicemail at: (310) 893-6992


A remorseful Leslie tells a group of Recreation Center teachers the Pawnee budget has been cut by $1,000, and five of their classes will have to be cut, but exactly which classes has not yet been determined. Later after an excellent date in I)ndianapolis, Leslie and Justin decide their next date will be in Pawnee. Feeling pressure to make their date equally exciting in Pawnee, Leslie decides to host a dinner party at her home with all her “interesting friends” from the Parks Dept.


Ann comes to Leslie's house, and finds a hoarder’s paradise. When they find themselves unable to clean it, Leslie calls Maria Portlesman, who teaches cleaning courses at the recreation center. She declines payment and hints she would prefer preferential treatment when Leslie cuts the classes, despite Leslie's assurance this will not happen. When Leslie realizes she has not prepared any food for the party, she calls a culinary teacher from the recreation center. Later, at the party, Andy complains about Justin to April, who makes Andy happy when she proposes putting chewed up gum in Justin's pockets. Eventually, Tom's ex-wife Wendy arrives. Tom expresses anger that Leslie invited her, especially because Ron is romantically interested in her. When Ron impresses Wendy by eating a hot red pepper, Tom attempts to eat a bigger one, but has to run to the bathroom in pain. When Justin starts yawning, a worried Leslie calls in other recreation center teachers to make the party more interesting, including a belly-dancer, a fencer, a caricaturist and an origami teacher.

Eventually, an accounting teacher arrives, believing demonstrations are being held to determine which class will be cut, much to the anger of Ron. The teacher gives a very boring accounting lecture, which puts Justin to sleep. The next day, Leslie is before the Pawnee Disciplinary Committee on charges of abuse of power. Leslie calls Justin as a witness and questions him as to whether he enjoyed the party, to which he answers an emphatic yes. Afterward, the committee rules no further action will be taken, mainly because Leslie turned herself in and paid $1,000 restitution to the recreation center so no classes would be cut. When Ann asks why she did it, Leslie said it was to get an honest answer from Justin about the date, under penalty of perjury. The episode ends with Justin encouraging Tom to ask Wendy out.