cover of episode Single: If Jesus really did rise from the dead, then it would confirm everything

Single: If Jesus really did rise from the dead, then it would confirm everything

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Undeceptions with John Dickson

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Ben Shaw (由John Dickson代读): 本段落主要论述了耶稣复活这一事件的重大意义,如果耶稣真的死而复生并提供了令人信服的证据,那么这将是历史上最重要的事件之一,并将有力地证明耶稣的身份、言行以及他所宣称的成就。复活事件不仅证实了耶稣的神性,也印证了他关于上帝、生命、死亡和来生的教导。 本段落还探讨了对耶稣复活的质疑,并指出存在大量严肃的学术研究来探讨这一问题。同时,本段落强调了新约文本作为历史文献的有效性,以及所有历史文献都存在一定程度的偏见,但并不影响其作为历史证据的价值。 此外,本段落还从耶稣被钉十字架这一事件入手,论证了耶稣死亡的确定性,并排除了其昏迷或假死后复活的可能性。通过分析罗马的处决程序和相关的历史记载,本段落指出,耶稣的死亡是确凿无疑的。 本段落还提到了耶稣坟墓的空置这一事实,并指出没有证据表明是误认坟墓。同时,本段落也强调了众多证人曾在不同时间和地点见过复活后的耶稣,这排除了幻觉或集体编造的可能性。 最后,本段落指出,门徒们经历了彻底的转变,从最初的困惑和恐惧到后来充满信心和勇气地宣扬耶稣的复活,这为耶稣复活提供了有力证据。各种证据都指向耶稣的身体复活,而其他解释都缺乏证据支持,甚至与现有证据相矛盾。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the implications of Jesus' resurrection, arguing that if true, it validates his claims and teachings, much like personal experiences in mountaineering or swimming would validate an expert's advice.

Shownotes Transcript

If Jesus was just a teacher who lived and died in first-century Palestine, Christianity would be a waste of time.

But what if the miraculous were somehow true? What if this man really did rise from the dead, after being publicly executed on a Roman cross outside the walls of Jerusalem?

In the final episode of our 'singles' series, John Dickson brings you the words of his friend Ben Shaw, who invites sceptical listeners to think about the implications of Christianity's most startling claim of all: that Jesus rose from the dead.