Buff Dickson
Karen Pang
Tyler VanderWeele
John Dixon: 本期节目探讨了宗教信仰对心理健康的影响,挑战了宗教有害于心理健康的普遍观点。大量研究表明,宗教信仰对身心健康有益,定期参加宗教活动可以有效预防自杀和抑郁症,并有助于提升幸福感、生活满意度和人生目标感。 Karen Pang: 分享了她患有躁郁症的经历,以及信仰如何帮助她度过难关。她提到,如果没有信仰,她可能已经自杀。起初,她因为是基督徒而不敢向其他基督徒倾诉病情,这反映出教会对心理健康问题的讨论仍存在不足。 Lynne Worsley: 作为临床心理学家,她解释了躁郁症的症状和治疗方法,强调了心理治疗在管理躁郁症中的重要性。 Tyler VanderWeele: 哈佛大学公共卫生学院教授,他领导的研究团队发现,定期参加宗教活动可以有效预防自杀和“绝望之死”,并降低抑郁症的风险。他还探讨了宗教信仰对心理健康益处的潜在机制,例如降低抑郁率、减少酗酒和增强社会支持。 Buff Dickson: 分享了她与焦虑和抑郁症抗争的经历,以及信仰如何支持她。她强调,信仰并非万能药,但它能提供稳定的精神支柱,帮助人们在困境中找到意义和希望。 John Dixon: 本节目采访了多位专家和当事人,探讨了宗教信仰对心理健康的影响,并对一些常见的误解进行了澄清。节目中还介绍了相关的研究数据和统计结果,以及一些寻求帮助的途径。

Deep Dive

Karen Pang discusses her bipolar disorder and how her faith in God has been crucial in her life, countering the common belief that religion is bad for mental health.

Shownotes Transcript

Perhaps you’ve heard it before - religion is bad for your mental health. It triggers feelings of guilt, self-loathing and bigotry. 

But, actually, there are many ways in which the opposite is true. Karen Pang's story is testament to that, which you'll hear in this episode.

There’s also a growing body of research - authoritative, real-life, peer-reviewed research - that reports a significant benefit to wellbeing if you are religious. 

That’s right. You are* more healthy* if you are religious.

**Do you need help? **


Almighty God,who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christhave overcome death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life:grant that, as by your grace going before usyou put into our minds good desires,so by your continual helpwe may bring them to good effect;through Jesus Christ our risen Lord,who is alive and reigns with you,in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever.Amen.