cover of episode It's almost here!
John Dixon
John Dixon: 《Undeceptions》第二季即将回归,预告内容涉及对创世纪的全新解读,强调女性在早期基督教中的重要作用,以及对复活节神话的探讨。他认为,传统的创世纪解读方式可能存在问题,应该关注耶稣以及最初见证和宣扬福音的女性角色。他认为,深入了解这些女性角色,能够更全面地理解基督教信仰的起源和发展。同时,他还暗示节目将挑战人们对信仰的既定观念,鼓励观众重新审视自己从小接受的信仰。 John Dixon: 节目将于3月16日正式上线。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, John Dixon here. We've got one more week till the second season of Undeceptions. I'm really excited and wanted to give you a little sneak peek of some of what's coming up.

"Help me!" One time he wrote in big letters, "Help me!" And that for me was just heartbreaking. It's very evocative, like a painting, and if you get up too close, you're asking the wrong things of the painter, just like you're asking the wrong things of Genesis. But I think if you go back to who Jesus is and who actually witnessed and ultimately proclaimed the gospel initially, you find an extraordinary role for women.

We're kicking off March 16. Talk to you then. See ya.