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Sam Albury
Sam Albury: 新约中反复出现的"在基督里"这一表达,远比"基督徒"一词出现频率高得多,这表明新约对基督徒身份的理解与我们现代人的理解存在差异。新约强调的是信徒与基督之间一种更深层次的联合,而非简单的跟随或归属。这种联合如同枝子与树干的关系,基督的生命和养分流入信徒,信徒的生命也与基督紧密相连。这种理解有助于我们更清晰地认识基督徒的身份和与基督的关系。 这种"在基督里"的联合关系也解释了基督的救赎。在婚姻关系中,双方共享彼此的属性。同样,基督与信徒的联合使得基督可以承担信徒的罪,信徒可以分享基督的义。这使得基督的受死具有了神学上的合理性。 此外,"在基督里"的表达也强调了与基督之间更亲密、更深刻的、如同婚姻般的关系。这种关系超越了简单的追随和敬仰,而是一种更深层次的联合和一体化。这种理解有助于我们更深刻地理解基督教信仰的核心,以及基督徒在基督里的生活。

Deep Dive

The concept of being 'in Christ' is a central theme in the New Testament, describing the spiritual union between believers and Jesus, which is crucial for understanding the Christian faith.

Shownotes Transcript

One of the surprises when we turn the pages of the New Testament is how little the word “Christian” actually comes up. Given this is the book for Christians you’d expect it to be littered with the words “Christian” and “Christianity.” 

But the word “Christian” only comes three times, whereas the language of being “in Christ” comes up over 200 times. It’s pretty much everywhere.