Grenville Kent
John Dixon
John Lennox
Vicky Lorimer
John Dixon: 本集探讨了超人类主义,特别是通过技术手段改造人类生理和智力的可能性,以及这是否会将人类转变为类似于神的存在。 John Lennox: 超人类主义既有积极方面(例如修复和增强人类能力),也有消极方面(例如试图重构人类)。他特别关注试图将人类重塑为神的尝试,认为这会带来伦理风险,尤其是在权力高度集中的情况下。他认为,功利主义在权力不均的情况下会失效,并且追求‘神人’忽略了人性的缺陷。 Vicky Lorimer: 人类塑造自身的历史由来已久,文艺复兴时期尤其显著。达尔文进化论和基因发现对这一趋势产生了新的影响。她认为,我们需要从自身在世界中的位置出发,谨慎地使用技术,同时认识到上帝是最终的救赎者,而不是我们可以自己创造的。她还强调了倾听不同声音的重要性,避免被单一愿景所引导。 Grenville Kent: 他认为机器人与人类无异,只是由物质构成的进化程度更高的机器人,因此可以通过技术手段对自身进行改造。 John Lennox: 量子力学表明信息和意识可能比物质更基本,这挑战了唯物主义。他认为,基督教信仰提供了对人类渴望的终极答案:战胜死亡,获得新生。他坚持不妥协的超自然基督教信仰,因为这才是能够改变人生的信仰。

Deep Dive

The episode introduces transhumanism as the transformation of the human condition through technology, focusing on enhancing physiology and intellect. It sets the stage for a discussion on the potential of becoming 'homo deus' or human gods.

Shownotes Transcript

Transhumanism is the transformation of the human condition through sophisticated technologies that modify our physiology and intellect. 

This episode, we continue our conversation about Artificial Intelligence with Professor John Lennox, and Dr.s Vicky Lorrimar and Grenville Kent.

This episode is brought to you by series sponsor Zondervan Academic, publishers of How to talk about Jesus without being THAT guy) by Sam Chan.

**LINKS **

**Movie and Television referenced in this episode: **

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Undeceptions is part of the Eternity Podcast Network), an audio collection showcasing the seriously good news of faith today