Austen: Craig 对哈利波特电影的解读非常有趣且独特,因为他对剧情的理解与普通观众不同。凯特·米德尔顿最近的缺席以及她发布的照片引发了人们的猜测和阴谋论,他认为凯特·米德尔顿可能生病了或者做了手术,因此缺席公众视野,这导致了各种猜测。IMAX影院正在减少,这使得观看某些电影(例如《沙丘2》)变得困难。他们曾经讨论过投资一家电影院,但后来放弃了这个想法。三月疯狂锦标赛即将开始,鼓励大家填写预测表格,他将自己的锦标赛预测表格命名为“Kennergy”,查尔斯顿学院将在锦标赛中对阵阿拉巴马大学。 Craig: 他参加了SDS的拍摄,而Austen去看电影了。关于日食期间的暴风雨和国民警卫队动员的阴谋论在TikTok上流传,德克萨斯州的粮食储备警告是由于日食期间的游客涌入,而不是日食本身。人们对在开车时喝无酒精啤酒感到奇怪是不合理的,因为禁止开车喝酒的原因是酒精,而不是饮料本身。O'Doul's无酒精啤酒实际上含有少量酒精,这使得在开车时饮用它仍然是非法的。他解释说他经常喝无酒精啤酒,并强调这些啤酒不含酒精。他解释了为什么一些无酒精啤酒会有奇怪的回味,以及Athletic Brewing Company的独特酿造工艺。他讲述了Athletic Brewing Company的创始人Bill Shufelt的故事以及该公司如何改变无酒精啤酒市场。他的电脑软件出现故障,导致上周播客的视频无法发布。查尔斯顿学院将在三月疯狂锦标赛中对阵阿拉巴马大学。特拉维斯·凯尔西和他的兄弟因为他们的播客获得了1.5亿美元的收入。他对凯特·米德尔顿最近的缺席持谨慎态度,认为这可能并非阴谋论。他认为皇室成员可能会对照片进行后期处理,以保持完美的形象。他提出了一个关于阴谋论的等级制度,并解释了如何区分不同程度的怀疑论。他将自己定位为一个高度怀疑论者,并解释了他对阴谋论的看法。在分析事件时,他会考虑是否存在经济利益驱动因素。 Nick: 对上述话题进行回应和补充说明

Deep Dive

Nick discusses the technical issues he faced with the podcast video, including file corruption and the need to reinstall editing software.

Shownotes Transcript


Kevin Hart here. You know you can cash back 5% on travel purchase through Chase with Freedom Unlimited? So cash back that vacation for some relaxation. How do you cash back? Learn more at Restrictions and limitations apply. Offers subject to change. Cards are issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank and a member FDIC. I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition.

And one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and I've started to tell that there is definitely when I work out or I'm active. But MitoPure does more than just help with my muscle health.

it can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can. One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones.

ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.

Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.

Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented by no street cure to prevent any disease or condition.


It's a convenient way to run your household, customized to your family's needs, and the easy way to raise financially smart kids. Get started with Greenlight today and get your first month free at slash pod. What's up, besties? And welcome to this week's episode of Pillows and Beer, or to this first half of our week's episode of Pillows and Beer. It's going to be me hanging out with...

Nick a little bit right now, and then Craig's going to pop on later because he had to do a Sewing Down South shoot. We hope that y'all enjoyed last week's episode, by the way, with Ben Soffer. Oh, wait. Did it not even upload? No, no, no. It uploaded. The audio uploaded. We're good there. The audio uploaded, but the video, Nick had some issues. I texted him today, and I was like, hey, man, did you ever post any clips that I can repost from –

And he was like, funny, you should ask. Apparently it's been a bit of a nightmare to something happens with technical difficulties. Somehow the file got corrupted, which corrupted the entire thing of Adobe Premiere. So I've had to basically re install the whole program and I got to go back and re edit the whole thing.

The file got corrupted. Yeah, and it corrupted the whole damn program. I don't even know. Damn technology. Yeah, well, I'm sorry that you're dealing with that, Nick. Better you than me. Let's see. A couple things that I want to talk about today, besties. Just a quick little rundown, and then we'll keep it moving. But let's see.

Harry Potter. Okay. I'm only saying that because I feel like a week or two ago, I told Craig that I was beginning to read again and that I was rereading, uh,

a Harry Potter book for the first time in 15 years. I'm rereading. My sister just started and she's loving it. She's reading the books and then she's watching the movies. She's never seen them. Kind of like Craig, right? Craig is making this whole thing right now on Instagram and getting all the characters' names wrong and all these things. It's kind of cracking me up a bit because I'm like,

Just leave it to Craig, right? I mean, I've loved Harry Potter for ages and he's made me feel like a nerd about it. And then all of a sudden he just wants to watch it and go in on it. So it's cracking me up. So I am reading the third one. Craig is watching the movies. Craig said right off the bat, right? So he tried to watch the first movie one night last week. I don't know.

And Craig goes, yeah, yeah. So the next day at the gym, I was like, all right, man, well, you know, tell me about it. How was it? And he was like, well, I made it to the sorting hat, you know, ceremony. I was like, Craig, that is 20 minutes into the movie. Like literally that's 20 minutes in. Okay. So, so, so Craig's take was, he was like, it's just weird. Where, where was Harry's dad?

I saw this mother was getting murdered. And I was like, my jaw dropped. And I was like, I don't think this has ever been on any fan site or anything like that ever. And I'm like, Craig, well, basically long, long story short, Voldemort killed him first and quickly and, you know, dispatched of, of him fast. It's not something that we talk about how James Potter died because, you know, like he tried to stop,

Voldemort and just like every other wizard that he's ever encountered got dispatched of quickly so Craig's theory like when Craig kind of posted that or said that my jaw dropped I was like I'm pretty sure he was defending his family Craig but um I understand that the scene that you're watching is of the mother you know holding Harry and you're like where the hell's James which there's no shot in hell that Craig knows that his name is James like there's no way that he knows that Harry Potter's name's

Harry Potter's dad's name. Okay. Okay. I want to touch quickly on the Kate Middleton missing thing. No, no. Are you? Yeah. Oh, my God. Talking about this is what we need Craig for. Yeah. No, no, no. I mean, definitely. And this is why I want to talk about it because I feel like it's an easy topic for you to bring up to Mr. Conspiracy tinfoil hat Craig.

and see what he thinks, right? Because sometimes his takes are off the wall and sometimes he's very casual. He's like, what do you mean? She just hasn't been in the public eye. I don't think it's weird at all. I don't know why y'all think it's weird. Why are we even talking about it?

But it is weird. It is weird because like, I don't think that it would have been weird. And that would have been my take had she not posted that like overly, you know, Photoshopped photo of her, just of her and her kids, just looking like the happiest people on planet earth. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, like this is a job for Craig. You know, I'm like, Craig probably thinks that she was like abducted and they like,

posted a picture, you know, Photoshop. I don't know, but it's super sus. I don't think that she got abducted, but I definitely, or, or, you know, surgery, like a facial surgery. Oh, well, I, she definitely had like some type of like stomach or surgery. Okay. And I wonder, see this tracks, but to think that you could post out a photo that wasn't going to be called out by, by a, by a hundred million people.

is like you better make sure that that photo is ironclad my whole thing is this was it got i was so called out for because it was posted after her not being limelight for a while i wonder if anybody's gone back and looked at other photos like they posted if a bunch of them have just been doctored that they've posted like all the time and that's just like a normal thing that they do yeah

I mean, I'm just shocked that whoever runs her social or, you know, runs their PR or yeah, you know, their family's PR person gave her the green light to post that. I would be absolutely shocked. I bet they have, you know, people for that. And,

And it was, okay, we got to get some picture out there. Do you think that they fired the PR team or the social media team immediately? And they were like, are you fucking kidding me? Did you really just post this nonsense? And then they announced that she's making an appearance on Easter. And so obviously all of the memes are popping up. Of course, she's, yes. And then I saw that she was seen.

She's at some farm or some farmer's market with William. And the caption that I saw was like, she was seen happy and smiling and healthy in public. And I'm like, okay, this was written by Kate Middleton's fucking publicist. This was written by her publicist. When I laughed my ass off the other day, there was a video of

a person swimming with a crocodile and someone was like, and someone commented, they were like, actually we're taught at a young age that the safest place to swim with an alligator is in, or sorry, the safest space to occupy with an alligator is in the water because, because alligators can, can drown easily. And, and someone literally commented, um,

I think an alligator wrote this. Like, this is bullshit. Like, an alligator definitely wrote this caption. I can't believe that you're trying to get me to believe that swimming in the water with an alligator is the safest place to be. Well, you want to be under the water because it's not that they drown easy. They can't see underwater easily. That's why. That just seems very silly considering that they are apex predators of the water. Yeah, but that's why when you see them, like, attack, it's like the nose and the eyes are above. They're out of the water.

Okay. I mean, also, also apparently they, they like can drown eat. Like if a certain amount of water gets into like a side vent on their neck, like they can drown really easily. Apparently. I mean, dude, this is like a Gator boy post that I, that I saw. I don't know anything. I've never, ever heard of this.

But it got a lot of traction on this post. We got a lot of people listening in Florida and everything, like Louisiana. Let us know what it's like. That gators can drown easily is basically what I'm saying. I don't even mean to get on this topic, but those comments are my favorite. Yeah, those comments are my favorite where it's like, this post was written by said fucking alligator.

Okay, Nick. So last thoughts on Kate is that you think that she got sick and I think that she had a surgery. Yes, that's my thought. And it took longer to recover than they thought so. And by not posting about it, they just allowed the conspiracies to go off the charts. Yeah. All right. And with that, we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back with more Pillows and Beer.

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I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition, and one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and have started to tell that there is a definite use when I work out or am active. But MitoPure does more than just help with my muscle health.

it can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can. One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones.

ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.

Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.

Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.

As a parent, you can send instant money transfers, set up chores, automate allowance, and

more. It's a convenient way to run your household, customized to your family's needs, and the easy way to raise financially smart kids. Get started with Greenlight today and get your first month free at slash pod. Welcome back to this week's episode of Pillows and Beer. I'm joined by Mr. Nick Norris for the first half of this podcast. Now, Nick, I am going to see Dune 2 tonight, and

What I found out is that Charleston does not have an IMAX theater. So I'm going to see this. I think it's called like a PLX or something like that, which I don't know what that is. I really hope it's not, you know, the chairs that vibrate because I would rather not sit in that for two and a half hours. But so there's no IMAX here. Well, IMAX kind of died.

It like got hot really quickly. And then it, I know, but the director, they like was like, this movie was filmed and meant to be watched in, you know, IMAX, right? Yeah, I agree. It was very famously said and everyone kind of knows, but most places don't have IMAX theaters unless it's like a big, big city. Now, most of them, I'm just shocked. I feel like during the pandemic, like,

Craig and I actually were talking and we were like, we want to, because there was a movie theater here. And notice that I said was. Yes, we talked about this on the podcast, actually, like two years ago. We used to love this place. Cinebar, right? It had like a full bar. And then when you go inside, you know, you could order things like, you know, chicken fingers and, you know, sandwiches and this and that. And they all, of course, had.

um amazing movie name puns that were like associated with it and i loved it i loved this theater and so did craig it was right across the bridge from downtown so it was craig and i were like let's like invest in one of these you know let's own a movie theater this is a great idea and uh the movie theater promptly went under and we're glad that we didn't

But I always thought that it would be fun to franchise a Regal or something. Yeah. I mean, we have one of those. It's more of a boutique, I guess. It's Violet Crown Theaters. There's like five of them in the nation and it's a full bar and everything. Wine, beer, popcorn's great. I mean, most of these places serve wine and stuff now, right? Yeah.

I guess the reason that I like this one is because, you know, you went inside, you pushed a button and then prior to the movie, you know, a woman came around and like took, you know, your- Oh, so it's kind of like an Alamo Drafthouse then. Yes. Oh, see Alamo Drafthouse, man. I've heard about these. Oh, you don't have one of those? No. And Alamo Drafthouses seem like they are- They're all over the place in Virginia. Yeah. It like-

like what if we have a waiter for your section i mean i mean look at shack you know i mean granted shack had millions of dollars and so you can franchise things like you know papa john's and and all these things i i don't have uh i did not make you know 50 million dollars over my career of fucking southern charm so i don't know if i can franchise a bunch of alamos but how sweet would that be i would love to have

uh an alamo draft house a draft house you say so it's like a bunch of taps yeah they have a bunch of uh draft beer it's you know it's a full bar but it's a draft house so they have a bunch of beers on tap i think they might even have like their own like signature like beers now and then i'm not saying this you know just just because i'm like yeah like like i want to rent out like a theater and play freaking harry potter all the time like i i just think that it'd be cool

And I'm going to see Dune and I'm a huge fan of the Dune series. Is he going to make the third one? Yes. Oh boy. People aren't ready for that. He said that he has interest in it, but that, yeah, exactly. Like, you know, you said it's very fucking confusing. It's very like, and it's very dark. There are so many things that are going on, but I don't think that you make a movie as big as Dune and Dune two, and then don't finish out the trilogy. Yeah.

And people listening are probably like, no, man, there's like, you know, five or six books, but like for this purpose,

he's well it's like the who's timothy chalamet's character it's like his art that's paul atreides yeah paul atreides and um you know man lots of things right so like in the books you know paul atreides is not the hero that he's portrayed to know well that's what the third one is kind of like people aren't ready for it yeah right everybody loves timothy chalamet now yes yes about five years yeah his fucking character arc takes a voldemorty turn um

Anyways, I'm very excited. It took me a minute. Like when I read the book, I was like, what the hell am I reading? You know? And then I watched the movie and it made sense. So then I had to go back and kind of read and then I had to watch the movie again. And then I just saw it when it came out, it was released for like, you know, one day and one day only like six or so weeks ago on IMAX. And I went back and saw it. And anyways, I'm going to see Dune because I want to see it in the theaters.

And that's really all that I got for you today, Nick. All right. Well, let's end your part there quickly. Just want to, and I'll do it again with Craig. Cause I want as many people. Cause we got a few thousand last time we did this, the March madness tournament is up and running. Dude. Oh, okay. He's got until, I guess it's 1130 on Thursday morning, Eastern time to lock in your bracket. Yeah.

And guys, don't forget to fill out a bracket because it's so easy and it's so fun. And you are kicking yourself every time that you're like, oh yeah, it's like 1120. I'll do it. And then you're like, wait, and then it's locked. And then you're like, wait, I can't fill out a bracket. It's just like the easiest thing to do. What did I say that I was going to name my bracket, Nick? It was the Ken. What was it? Oh yeah. Yeah. You mean the Kenner G bracket? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. That's exactly what it was. Yeah. Okay. Big, big, big time Kennergy or something like that. So, so y'all will know which brackets mine. A quick aside too, is that Alabama got drawn with college of Charleston. I'm already getting, you know, I follow the college of Charleston bar stool, you know, some other sites. I'm getting some texts from friends here about, you know,

cousin loving and uh so it's begun I suppose so it's begun um I really that's so funny yeah dude so Craig Craig went to CFC actually I want you to ask Craig if he has any idea who they drew in the tournament Eastern so if Craig gets it line it together for that if if Craig hits it and and actually gets it right then that means that I was wrong yeah besties and

How dare I doubt, you know, Craig, because what's wrong with this sewing? But if Craig gets it, I want you to hit him with, I want you to say 10 points to Gryffindor. And that will make me laugh. I will do that. We'll be in Atlanta watching that game together. Thursday morning, guys, is the cutoff. So don't forget to fill out a bracket or a few brackets. Well, one bracket for us.

Oh, okay. Well, one bracket for us. All right, guys. I will catch you on Thursday.

I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition, and one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and have started to tell that there is definitely one I work out or am active. But MitoPure does more than just help with my muscle health.

It can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can.

One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.

Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.

Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented by no street pure commercialization.

The government, any disease or condition. Want to teach your kids financial literacy but not sure where to start? Greenlight can help. With Greenlight, parents can keep an eye on kids' spending and saving, while kids and teens use a card of their own to build money confidence. As a parent, you can send instant money transfers, set up chores, automate allowance, and more.

It's a convenient way to run your household, customized to your family's needs, and the easy way to raise financially smart kids. Get started with Greenlight today and get your first month free at slash pod. What's up, everybody? Welcome to Pillows and Beer. I'm Craig Conover, joined by Nick Norris. This is my portion of this episode. Sorry, me and Austin's schedules are a little crazy right now. I had a photo shoot for...

Our new baking line that we're doing with Kroger, SDS4HD Designs. You'll be hearing more about that soon. But it was really fun. Did it at a big old house downtown in an old French kitchen. And I guess Austin wanted to go see the movie that it tuned to really bad. So it's just a bit of a night.

Yeah. Uh, we talked about some fun stuff. There's a couple topics I need to broach with you that we talked about. Um, well, let me just tell everyone first, you are in the band of storms right now. That's following the eclipse line. Have you seen that? I have not seen this. This is new to me. So the storms that you're getting, cause you said your power is flickering and it's so windy. Yeah.

Those storms basically lined up exactly where the eclipse is going across the country. It's the same path. So there's all these conspiracies on TikTok because basically the National Guard sent out this warning and like they're mobilizing for the eclipse in this town in the Midwest. And the town houses this like crazy government body or like governmental building. And they're mobilizing like...

allegedly i don't want to spur anything um allegedly mobilizing the national guard because it's going to be pitch black for like four minutes and they don't know how it's going to like affect technology and stuff so they've issued all these well they've issued a warning which again i read on tiktok and i don't know if it's real but um let's see eclipse that's funny but the storms it just reminded me of that because you said you're in some really bad stories yeah

Yeah, no, it's a, I think it's bringing like some cool front, but yeah, I mean, I didn't even know there was a clip. So what do I know? Oh yeah. It's going to be insane. Like it's what it's the, I don't think it's going to happen again for like a hundred years. Like the one. This always happens though. Whenever there's something cool that happens at night here, it's always cloudy or something. Yeah. You never actually get to see it. Texas officially just warned people to stock up on food ahead of the solar eclipse. Um,

But I think that's because so many people are coming to town. So there's this one town in Texas that it's the best place to see it in the country. And so this is how things can be taken out of proportion. If you're just headline reading, it says Texas officials warned people to stock up on food out of solar eclipse. That would lead you to believe that it was because of the eclipse, but it's because of all the tourism that they're getting. Oh, okay. That's interesting. That makes sense.

but that's not what happened in the Midwest. Also, I finally came up with an answer to on the show this year. It's like me and page were going to Madison's and I had a non-alcoholic beer with me while I was driving. Um,

Um, and people, some people thought it was so weird. They were like, even no, whether there's alcohol or not, why would you be drinking a beer while driving? And it just was so asinine to me to be like, well, no, like the reason you don't drink beer while driving is because it's because of the alcohol. Like it's not because of the taste of the beverage, right?

Isn't there a whole Heineken commercial campaign that did that? Oh, I don't know if they have. I haven't seen it. I'm pretty sure he gets pulled over. He just sticks out the bottle and says, Heineken Zero, and the cop lets him go. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, and so that's because O'Doul's that I grew up with my dad drinking, when I got of age to be a little more inquisitive,

O'Doul's had like 0.05 alcohol or whatever. And so I was like, I'm pretty sure it's still illegal because my dad drove everywhere with non-alcoholic beer because he thought it was actually non-alcoholic because that's what they called it. But you know, it was 0.05. So you'd have to drink alcohol.

you know, a lot. 40 of them. Yeah. And your body would metabolism, metabolize it too fast. Like you're not, it's not actually effective. You're not getting drunk. No. And so I think when Heineken Zero made that, they were like technically, like,

we are fully legal. Um, but the way someone asked it was almost like, you should only be drinking beer in like when it's appropriate. And I was like, again, this is a non-alcoholic beer, which makes it like a, a yeasty water. Uh, like, and so, yeah, I just, today I was laughing because I have like the Stella, um,

It's Stella Liberté, but it's they're non-alcoholic. And I went to the grocery store to get a Guinness NA because I was craving like that type of beer and I didn't have any more in my fridge. Very festive of you. What? Very festive of you. Well, that's why there weren't any in the grocery store. I was like, wait, do they not sell Guinness either? And then I was like, oh, I'm stupid. So driving home though, I popped a Stella. Yeah.

Because I always have a beer in my hand. Just now, it's beer that doesn't have alcohol. And I think one of the best things about cutting my drinking out of my life, we don't say sober because I'm not fully sober. I'll have like a... California sober. Well, no, no, no. It's not about that. It's like...

What was the occasion the other day? Oh, at that like special dinner in New York that I had, I had a glass of wine. You know, so one day of the month I'll have a drink anyway. We don't really have a term for it, but I just, it's good to clarify. So I, the best, I think one of the best things about being a non-drinker now for the most part is being able to drink beer and drive

But it's because it's my beer. It's NA. And so when I was unloading my groceries into my car, the Stellas were cold. And I was like, man, I can't wait to get home to have one. Because that's why I went to the grocery store. And I was like, why wait till I get home? And so I popped a Stella NA. But drive... Now, usually I have my koozie. Because I'm not...

I don't want, I actually don't want anyone to think I'm drinking a beer going down the road. Yeah. But this bottle, I was like, I don't, I was like, I feel a little uncomfortable just drinking this bottle going down the road, even though there is 0.0 alcohol. I think if a police officer saw that I would be getting pulled over. Yes, you would. And you know, it,

Some people would be like, that would be so funny to be like, ha ha, I got you, officer. It wouldn't. I'd just be like, hey, I know what it looks like. And the officer would be like, what the hell, dude? I'd be like, I saw it on a commercial. No, so I also...

Our besties already know this, but if you see me, you will see me drinking beers at my pillow parties or when I'm gardening or driving or filming. Just know they're my beers. They're N.A.'s. And I'm doing great. Stella actually tastes...

Good. It just tastes like beer. Sam Adams is my favorite right now. It has been since December. Sam Adams is N.A. is amazing. So I go in. It's got to be athletic. Yeah. Athletics. Great. Which color do you do? Yeah. Either the yellow or not yellow or orange, you know, like the hazy or there's the blue IPA. The hazy is great.

And I notice more and more at the grocery store that the stock is low. And I really think I just heard a story on the golf course and I'll go research it and tell everyone next week. I don't know whether you care or not, but yeah,

For years and years and years, O'Doul's was the only N.A. beer. And if we've seen anything since this resurgence, or not even resurgence, this initial surgence of N.A. beer is there was a demand for it. And I was just like, I'm going to ask you mine.

And I was asking my buddy, I was like, why didn't anyone do this? And he goes, oh, duels actually couldn't get places to make their beer. Like people would just turn them down because I think they made their beer. It's also very expensive, like athletic. So the reason a lot of beers have that funny aftertaste, like if you drink some non-alcoholic, it's got a weird, it tastes good and then it doesn't.

It's because the machine costs up to a million dollars to do it properly. And that's expensive. So, O'Doul's would make the beer and then they would remove the alcohol. And Athletic does it the other way. They just make... I don't think there's ever alcohol in Athletic. So, they make it and the machine that it's in burns it off while it...

brings it. I talked to a bunch of beer guys and they explain what the difference is. Cause there's companies that makes it and they boil it out afterwards. The way athletic does it is it's in a machine that pretty much while it's being brewed, siphons off the alcohol. And that's why it's so expensive. I think some rich guy, hold on. I don't want to get this wrong. Was a trader. Bill Shufelt was a trader at a hedge fund and an, and an ultra marathon runner who stopped drinking alcohol in 2009, 2013. Uh,

He found non-alcoholic drinks beyond satisfactory and sought out John Walker, a head brewer from Santa Fe to produce better tasting non-alcohol beers. So he had the money to do it right and was actually out of personal necessity of being like, there's got to be something better. There's got to be something out there because now every single beer has one. So I was like, what was it? And I guess it was the actual kind of the pioneer ring hadn't happened yet.

or it was just really expensive and then and then covet also helped it because a lot of people were drinking they're like i gotta stop drinking and then they started drinking the non-alcoholic stuff and it just really snowballed there were so there were zero na beers consumed in me and austin's houses during my yeah my dad quit right before covet and then discovered athletic during covid

And that saved him from going back to drinking. Nice. Big time. My dad's on, he likes Bud Zero is my dad's. He likes Bud Zero. I don't know if he's trying to athletic yet, but okay. We're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back.

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It's a convenient way to run your household, customized to your family's needs, and the easy way to raise financially smart kids. Get started with Greenlight today and get your first month free at slash pod. Welcome back to Pillows and Beer with Craig and Nick for this portion. What did you guys talk about, you and Austin, Nick, that you need my corrections? Well, so there's a few things. So the first thing was just my computer, like,

Adobe shit the bed on my computer this week. So anybody looking for the video of last week's episode, it's coming. That's why I didn't post any Instagrams because it's literally the, I exported the audio from the thing and then the entire thing got corrupted. So I have to reedit everything. I had to redownload, uninstall a bunch of programs. So start from scratch. One of our girls at sewing down South, uh,

Last week. So we bought her a new laptop today because she lost two days worth of money. Luckily it wasn't, I thought it was the laptop, but it was just the program. So, cause the laptop now works fine and the program's off my computer. So we're good there. It was bugging out. It was weird. So, but that's good being rectified. So the first question I have to ask you is, do you know who your team is playing in March madness this Friday? Who college of Charleston?

Yeah. We play Friday at 7.35 p.m. It is being aired on TruTV. And I don't know who we drew, though. Alabama. That's what I'm asking. Oh, really? Oh, wow. Oh, that's awesome. They're making a... Yeah, so we've got to find a place to watch that Friday. Yeah, I heard... Well, I'll be in Atlanta. Oh, yeah, with you. Also, why? Come see me and Nick in Atlanta. Okay.

We should tell Austin to come down for it. He would be so obnoxious to watch that game. Yeah, I'm sure Austin was talking to you. We have season tickets to the games. I didn't go to one game this year because I was traveling. But my buddies... Yeah, you were on the road a lot. Yeah, my four or five best friends that I have it with. Season tickets, obviously not including Austin and the six best friends. They went a lot, which was great. So...

We'll watch it on Friday. Find somewhere with YouTube TV or true TV. What else did we talk about? I just saw Jason and Travis got 150 million for their podcast. Congratulations to them. Jason who? Jason who? Travis Kelsey and his brother. Good for them. Thank the Swifties for that one. I mean, it's... Thankfully, I love... Jason's just great. Jason is one of those guys that if...

I could pick to like, just go hang out with someone. It'd be Jason. Travis seems like a nice guy. He's just a little more, he's a little more uppity than Jason. Just seems like a good old country boy. He just reminds me of some Southern kids that I went to college. Like some country boys. Yeah. He reminds me of some of my, one of my best friends that I just saw over the weekend. Big guy, big, big country boy. Um,

same thing all right what was super nice we'll have your back yeah exactly they were great they always had your back kate uh middleton what he had two guests on how you would react do you what do you think is going on or do you not care no i mean it's not that i don't care i just i'm not gonna go against the royals um like these are this is the stuff that austin does when i'm not here it just talks about well he did

Well, he, we didn't really talk about that much. He just was like, I wonder if Craig thinks there's some crazy conspiracy going on or if it's just, she had surgery and it's just, she didn't want to be. Is that what Austin thinks that she just had a regular surgery and she's not. Yeah. That's what, that's not just him. That's me too. Well, yeah, you guys are simpletons. I, why, I think, why would they go? Why would they even try to Photoshop fake photos? If she was fine, she would just say, Hey guys, it's me.

So here's my conspiracy with all that is I think people need to go back and analyze other photos they've taken and that you'll find more Photoshop photos from all of them. That's what like the Royals do. They try to make Photoshop everything being perfect. Yeah, but that doesn't mean like, I mean, there's been like, yeah, this isn't that case. I hope to God it is for her for her sake. But unfortunately, it's most likely a lot more sinister than that.

And yeah, I've, I've, I've thought, I think higher of you for this, Nick, but Austin, you know, would rather just hear good stuff and be fine with it and be like, no, no, no. They said she's fine, but no, unfortunately my theory on it, my two theories on it are not appropriate for the podcast. And I hope to God, my, my one theory is, is not, is not true. Yeah.

Like Princess Diana's dad says he's worried about her. Like, yeah. Well, I mean, again, I hope it's not the case, but unfortunately it's, it's a way to, if, if she was, there would be no reason she's in pictures. Normally Kate is in pictures all the time and loves being photographed. So, um,

You want to know why I think it's nothing nefarious is because What's-Her-Name has been dead set quiet on it all. And her husband. The ones that, you know, got... They're not allowed to talk. What's-Her-Name, Meghan Markle.

She just put that she was the Duchess on her profile again. And you're like, you're not. Wait, what? They did five months, just a whole revenge tour on the royals. And now she's a Duchess again? Yeah. And you're like, you can't do that. You already renounced yourself. Well, we'll see. And again, when it does turn out that

You guys, what the people that you all call conspiracy theorists were right. You just move on to the next thing and deny and deny and deny. And then it comes out that the conspiracy realist, which that's really just what they are, except the crazy ones. It's realist. We're right again. So where do you differentiate you? And then it's like the flat earthers and the hollow or third people.

So those would be a 10. So what's on the other side of the flat earthers? Like what's the opposite of that? Like what's your scale for least flat?

Like, are we going into ignorance where you just believe everything that the government who has lied to you for 80 years? Oh, you're like, no, they just they just stop lying to us. Like, like you believe. Are you going zero as you believe everything that you see on TV or that's where you get your news from?

Or that you just don't believe. Yeah, you don't believe. Yeah, so a zero is someone that's like, I don't know. The news hasn't said it yet, so I'll believe it when I hear it on the news. That's a zero. I wouldn't even say the news. It's just when anyone says that you don't have to worry about anything. Well, no, you still have to collect your info. And then a five...

Like I would put Austin at three or four. I'd put you at five or six and I'd put me at like a eight, seven or eight, seven and a half. Most of mine, almost every single thing that I personally believe over the last, since 2000, my theories have been mostly correct about everything. People like to joke about conspiracy theories and stuff, but no one actually knows anything.

Like most of the things that I've said and like, I'm just really good at picking up on patterns and the wrecking pattern recognition. And I studied a lot of history growing up and mo and I see motives behind things. Unfortunately, I see plans and I see agendas and I was, um,

Yeah. I mean, especially during the COVID years, like if you weren't, if you were in the, if you were in politics and you weren't posturing to use something like that in your favor, if you said you weren't, then you're probably lying and you didn't, you weren't good at it. Like it was a, it was a huge time to take advantage of stuff. And if you didn't see that that was happening, then.

You know, that's on you. So I would say seven and a half to eight, but I'm most, I have not been wrong on anything in a really long time. Unfortunately, I wish I was wrong. That's how you know that I'm different than the crazies like flat earthers. Yeah. Like flat earthers want to be right. I want to be wrong about the things that I believe. I just don't understand the flat earther thing.

Yeah, well, there's no motive. There's so much evidence to the contrary. And it's just they fight to the bitter end. Right. And there's two big things that go against that. One is there's no motive. Like, right? Like, what would the goal of taking on such an astronomically large project be?

And if that was the case, then we're basically some ant farm for some massive galactic enterprise. Yeah, we are in a simulation. And two is the sheer size and realistic possibility of building a dome around the Earth. I mean, the hollow Earth makes more sense than that. Yeah, so stuff like that is to each their own, but I don't believe that stuff.

Mine is more based on agendas and stuff that happens to the general public. I just think there's two cabals ruling the world. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of... They're fighting against each other. Yeah. And I also look at stuff where you just connect the dots. You got to connect the dots, but you always ask, like, just never stop asking questions to yourself, even when you put together theories. Like, I'll always...

You know, Google is not the best thing for stuff, but I'll Google both sides of stuff. Today I had a long conversation with ChatGBT just really testing out stuff. I wanted to jump on real quick because as I was listening to the podcast on my car ride home from Columbia, I realized that I didn't explain myself very well. It's a much larger conversation, but here is something that I thought of in my car ride home. I just wanted to play it for you, but that's why the audio is a little messed up.

And so ask yourself when you see stuff like when you see policies and things slipped into policies, the different things that you hear on the news, ask yourself, can someone benefit from this monetarily? Can someone make money from this? And I think that's just...

for better or for worse, how I approach different things. Could someone make money off this? Or do we really believe it's for the better good? Or can we use history to tell us that most of the time things are being done for a monetary gain? If there's a way to make money off of something people are doing, and I think that fiscal motive drives a lot more than people think.

And I think that's where a lot of my conspiracy quote unquote theories come from. And I can see that if someone can benefit fiscally, like monetarily from something that they're probably trying to exploit that situation, which, you know, it is what it is there for the taking. And so it's going to take it. All right. Well, I will see you in Atlanta this weekend. Come see me and Nick. Yep. I will be on stage at one o'clock tomorrow.

on Friday and then I will be doing a meet and greet afterwards and then either 12 or 1 on Saturday. Besties, sorry it was a little mismatched today but I enjoy it. It gives us a little variety. Stay safe out there. Be cool.

Till next week.

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