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Want to teach your kids financial literacy but not sure where to start? Greenlight can help. With Greenlight, parents can keep an eye on kids' spending and saving, while kids and teens use a card of their own to build money confidence. As a parent, you can send instant money transfers, set up chores, automate allowance, and
more. It's a convenient way to run your household, customized to your family's needs, and the easy way to raise financially smart kids. Get started with Greenlight today and get your first month free at greenlight.com slash pod.
I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition, and one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and have started to tell that there is definitely when I work out or I'm active. But MitoPure does more than just help with my muscle health.
it can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can. One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones.
ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.
Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.
Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to timeline.com slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
What's up everybody? Welcome to this special edition of Sewing Down South right here live from the Sewing Down South headquarters at our new flagship store 493 King Street, Charleston. I'm here with Jerry. Hey Jerry. Yeah, we're on good terms today. Jerry Gaslano and Nick. It's Norris and this is pillows and beer. Whatever. Hey Norris.
He's sober. There's hammers going off. We're off to a good start. So in my special edition, I mean episode 16 of Pillows and Beer. You know, it's been a day. We've got a couple days left until the grand opening. We're super excited. It's funny how the minish fill details are taking longer. It seems like they're taking longer than the big projects. Wow.
It's a hammer drill going into our beautiful brick wall. We're currently putting up the pillow wall. How are you folks? How's your day been, Jerry? Better now that you're here. Today's probably been the best day in four or five weeks here because Alex is over there doing something to our wall. A fun 17-foot wall we're going to have something for people. And Nick's here. You guys know Nick from the other episodes. Hello.
Pillows and Beer is a wonderful producer, and he's come down to help with the store too and do a little bit of Pillows and Beer in person, which is awesome. What's up, Nick? Thanks for being here. Yeah, what's going on, guys? How's everybody doing? I'm glad to actually be down here and meeting you, Craig. Usually we're trying to get you to talk more, including DuBois, and usually it's you babysitting us from being too drunk, but I'm just talking to you about sharing your
He's here in person today. And now he just gets, he's in arm's reach of me, so I can't say anything. This is the first time you two have met. This is the first time. In person, yeah. In person.
That's pretty cool. But I feel like it's almost an example or an illustration of what this past year and a half has been. I wonder how many people have spent hours and hours and hours online on Zoom and kind of like what Nick did with me in Austin, and now we're meeting in person. And it's pretty funny. But I think it transitions well. I think we're just... Yeah, other than Craig's like a foot taller than me. I wasn't ready for that. Yeah.
I get that a lot. You know, I get, I get, you know, I was taking pictures in front of the store earlier and they did the same thing. You're a lot taller than expected and,
Why I think that is is because the rest of the guys, so Shep's 6'6", Austin's 6'5", and I'm 6'3", and they assume that the tallest person on a TV show... Oh, hey, Marlo. Hey, Alexis. We've got some special guests in the studio today. We're in our Selling Down South headquarters. But I think people assume that the tallest person on a show is 6'2", and so then I'm 3 inches taller.
shorter than that person so they think i'm gonna be 5'10 5'11 but really we just have a huge cast and jerry remember at bravo con when we stood next to vanderpump rules cast and dorf everybody yeah we're we we do have a tall cast our girls are tall too katherine's tall cam's not short um i'm 6'2 and i feel like a munchkin next to you in austin all the time well i think lala said something about that when she was on last week just behind the scenes she was like hey you guys just have a really tall cast
It's the first thing, every pillow party we did, the first thing people would say is like, oh, Craig, you're so tall. Like, you got old real quick. But I was a short kid growing up. I grew up. Oh, you were the short kid. I was. I grew five inches, like the tail end of my senior year going into college. So when I came back from college, I was like four inches taller than I was in high school. I feel like this is one of those, I have to call it mom stories to find out if it's actually true or not. Yeah, but I mean, I set the record.
When I got back from college, a lot of my... I remember going into the grocery store and look, I...
In the most humble way possible, it took me a long time to grow into my body and my face. You were skinny in college. You were certainly really skinny. But even that was better than high school. I had huge teeth. My teeth were bigger than my... They just were disproportionate to my face. Like I said, I grew five inches after high school. And I had braces for a while growing up. So when I came back from college the first time...
I went up and hugged a old teacher in the grocery store and she definitely looked at me with fear in her eyes and was like, who is this stranger hugging me? And I was like, it's Greg, it's Greg. So yeah, I mean, I wasn't always as tall. That's why height's just never been a thing for me. You know, Austin talks about it a lot, makes jokes, but I always thought they were kind of silly because it just doesn't matter to me. But yeah, we are in our store. Yay!
Set the mood for everybody. We are in a little hat nook. So we are in one of our inventory cubbies. We're surrounded by our new tumblers, our hats, and then about a million pillows, which is awesome. I mean, this is my heaven. Two and a half years ago, you know, thinking I would ever... This was not on the radar. Let's be honest about it. For you, it was. Being around this much inventory is just...
It's cool because I can finish 20 pillows in my dining room, let alone... I mean, what do you... How do you guys describe it? Because for me, this is just... This is heaven. Here's my question. What did you guys think when you guys opened this two years ago? Two and a half years ago. When we started on e-com? Yeah, when you started selling us. Tell everyone how you were thinking. Yeah, I speak for you a lot, but I want everyone to hear...
what, what was going through your head. And honestly, yeah, I want to hear too. Yeah. I mean, uh, actually give a little inside look on it. So the way it started, I don't know if people even know this. So let's get the history of selling. So there's, I'll go back. Craig and I went to college together. Craig, you're two years younger, right? Yeah. So I finished college in 08 and we were buddies in college, stayed in touch, always did some stuff. Uh,
And then I was doing Budweiser deals with you for the cast. It was me and Cameron. Yeah, it was like salute to service. For social posts. It was like a military. It was a military appreciation. I think Memorial Day or something. And we kind of just kept in touch. I was talking about pillows. And then I think it started maybe eight months later, Amanda and I. So Amanda's my sister-in-law, and she's the third partner in Sewing Down South.
She's my wife's sister. And we were watching Southern Charm at their house, and someone said something. I was like, oh, yeah, I know Craig. He's like, did you really want to do Pillows? I called Craig, and we started off slow, and then we really kicked it into high gear and kind of started the company that way. But, I mean, honestly, like, dead, dead honest on it. And you won't get too mad about it. But Amanda and I, yeah, I mean, Amanda and I were like...
We'll do it all. And we put a lot of time and effort into it. All three of us did. But we're like, if he actually lasts three weeks and staying on this, then we'll be surprised. And, you know, we've had some ups and downs and certainly some Craig goes dark moments. But overall, he's crushed it. Yeah, but I'm talking about like even the... I got it. All right.
Alright, sorry everybody, we had some technical difficulties. That's my fault. Of course, Nick shows up one day and messes it all up. So launch day was April 1st. We decided on April 1st.
I mean, it fit into our timeline, but also as kind of a big middle finger, you know, to all the haters. And maybe not like a mean middle finger, but like just... But a friendly little one-tap. Yeah, like I like to like put my hand under my chin and flick it towards someone. That's what it was for me to like everyone that had hated on it. And people were like, well...
is this an April Fool's joke or is this real? And we were like, this is the real deal. And so the company went live. I was actually in Miami. I was still on my little, like, not breakup tour, but look, Charleston's a hard place to stay in when you're, uh, when you're going through a breakup. So I, I had left town and was traveling around and I was in Miami and, um,
The store went live and I don't think Jerry and Amanda, you know, we, we basically, we ended up selling nine pillows that day. I believe the number was nine. Um, and they called me, I think after one, I think you were blown away that we sold anything. And I think it was quick.
Yeah, it was pretty... We had a first couple that came in and it was fast. I'm actually going to... While we're here, I'm going to try to look up and see who's our very first person to order anything from us. Yeah, because I want to put up something. That'd be pretty cool. But they... Yeah, I mean, that was fun. And then it kind of picked up the next day and the day after. And then obviously two, three weeks later it started taking off. But the most satisfying sound in the world is when you have the Shopify app on your phone and that little ding, that little cash register rings. I don't know if... There's nothing more satisfying. So I talk about it in...
My book, which we're not really talking about yet, but, you know, Jerry handles all of my life. I mean, look, so I'm doing a book. I've been writing a book since last, what,
Thanksgiving? Yeah, probably. We've got an unreal... I mean, you and Blake, really strong relationship. I mean, I think it's cool. A guy that you connect with. Yeah, like, I'm not personally... I'm not hand... It's a ghostwriter. Yeah, but I don't even... He doesn't even have to be that ghost. It's like someone is...
turning my thoughts and my history into words which is great um it's like real therapy yeah but we started way before that what's the point uh yeah blake was in l.a and we had those zoom meetings we started uh actually at the beginning of covet i remember because that's when we first started yeah the book proposal together and really put that that took months well we were we were approached and like i wanted to do a cookbook but that's you know that's in the future
Hopefully. But anyway, so I'm doing this book. But one of the stories I tell in it is I come back from the Bahamas. Well, I was back from the Bahamas. I was at my parents' house and Hurricane Dorian... Yeah, so clearly I wasn't there. Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas and we came out. One of our big first pushes of product. The first one was Cameron posted a picture with one of our hats on the boat. And that was the first day of like big, big sales. And then months later, Hurricane Dorian hit and...
you know, we allocated all of the... Did we do profits or sales? Or like net? I mean, we probably did net. We did net profit, which was unbelievable. Yeah, net profits from our Bahamian lobster pillow, which I designed down there. And...
I had the Spotify alert still on my phone and you get a cash register like cha-ching every time you make a sale. And it was going off during dinner with my parents and we all sit up at this, you know, at the bar kind of in the kitchen, like the island together. And I was like, oh, sorry, that's just like the app on my phone. And my parents were like, what is that? I was like, oh, every time we sell a pillow that goes off. And they both like smile and they were like, leave it on.
And all dinner we listened to the phone because you guys were so amazing. Just go cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching. And like I was timing it. And it was like tens of seconds apart. And it was the first time I had gotten to share our newfound success or like baby success of the company with my parents. And it was so fun. And all night we left on that sound. And we just celebrated. And I think we did $30,000 that night.
in sales of the bohemian one yeah that was wild I think we wound up doing a total with all the pillow parts like over 40 or something I mean I didn't go back and look it was for one pillow for one pillow and we don't but that was net like any any money yes we covered the cost of the pillows it was net profit
But yeah, so we donated 40 grand, I think, to the Alcove. It was, well, in the book, like one, it's not like some tell-all Southern Charm book. It's a book about like Craig and how he's gotten to where he is. It's going to be killer. I mean, honestly, I read the first part and I start crying. Like,
And I know that. Yeah, I can't do it. His mom's are bold. I didn't know that Jerry cried. If you do like the Audible, you're going to read it. He doesn't know I cried. Yeah, he'll read it. Well, that's like what Lala was saying. Like how she had to read through her. The craziest part of that pillow was like, dude, we were young. And when it hit, we didn't know. You are old. But this is, no.
like, but this is early in time. Screw you. Well, was that the first year? Because it would have been August or September or October. And the problem was, we at that time were still doing everything on demand. Anyway, it was five months into the company. And we didn't, at that, it was like four months or something. But even at that point, like, it started going apeshit when he did it enough to where like, we didn't have the pillows. Like,
Did I tell you about that one? We made so many mistakes, which he'll cover in the book. But, I mean, it was wild to see this stuff happen. By the way, the very, very first order at Sewing Down South is a guy named Evan Bradford out of North Carolina. He bought one pillow at...
4.47 p.m. on, that can't be the first order, on 2019. Which pillow is that? The Bamboo Trellis, which is kind of the funniest part because that's, I mean, people love it, but it's not our best seller. Yeah, Dorian was August 24th, which was May, June, July, August. It was four and a half months after we opened and we started to sell thousands of this pillow.
It was wild. Did I tell, did I ask for that? So a lot of times I come up with ideas in this company and I just announce them. He just does it. And then me, Amanda and I have to call each other and go, what the hell did we just do? Like you kind of, you kind of did that a little bit with the store opening. Like we were like, we're going to do the 15th. That's our plan. But we had to just, we just passed yesterday. The fire inspections are the last step. And Craig already went out and put it out there. We're like, oh shit. Eventually I just start telling people about it, telling all of you and it happens. Like Pillow Party Tour, whatever.
Which is great. So I don't know what happened with it. I mean, you guys were always on board with ideas. Some, not as much as others, but for the hurricane, you definitely were. I mean, we're always about giving back. Yeah. Like everything we do. We're about the toddler pillow, which we haven't even talked about at all. I mean, so that's a store special exclusive, which eventually we're actually going to release on Amazon too, but it's made here in Beaufort, South Carolina, our factory. Yeah.
It's a toddler sleeping pillow. Also kind of like a travel size, 100% organic, made in the United States. And this pillow, we have awesome little pillow sleeping cases for your toddler too. And I mean, like my nieces and nephews sleep with this every night. It's like just really cool new segments we're getting into. Like...
wildest dreams two years ago, two and a half years ago when we were like trademarking everything and going through it all. Hell no, I didn't think we'd be this far. Like, it's wild that we have a store. This isn't like, this is a 2,300 square foot store. 26. 23. 23. Whatever. It's still bigger than we thought. But the toddler pillow is like, my little brother used to have a blankie. Like, I had a pacifier and a lot of kids have pacifiers. I had mine until I was like 5'8".
I mean, there's pictures of me and my parents used to let me carry around one in my hand too. I mean, my sister Charlotte, she had a blankie until she was 10. Yeah, that's the thought. So Christopher, my little brother, did too. And so what we've noticed with beta testing this pillow, which I don't even know if it's called beta testing when it's not a technological thing. But just go with it. Yeah, we're beta testing these pillows. And the...
The toddlers, like Anna Hayward's kid and Graham Smith, she carries around her pillow. Like, Marlo loves hers. The baby's here right now, and they sleep with them every night. So I think the infant pillow is going to be the new blankie. But yeah, let's wrap up the beginning of Sewing Nuts Out. So we launched it on April Fool's, not as a joke. 2019. And fortunately, people just were so excited that I had kind of made it because...
I stood for something that a lot of people don't of living outside of that bullshit you know
that someone said you had to do growing up. Well, I think there's authenticity. I always tell you, you're one, like, dude, at your core, I mean, you're just generally a good dude. Like, you really are. Your parents are amazing people. Your brother's a good person. Like, you're a good person. You have your moments like everybody else, but you're a good dude. We all know, yeah. But, yeah, at the core, there's a kind soul. You're like the little brother that everybody can pull for or, like, the son that the mom and dad, and I think that's why they gravitate towards you, but more so than anything, it's like,
You started something totally different for someone. Most people with a platform are throwing out CBD oil or candles or hats. Yeah, we do candles. No, no, no. Hold on. That is true. And also all the CBD places on King Street did bring us candles. That's actually accurate too, but we don't have CBD. But the candles are like the dumb... They're not dumb. I fucking love our candles. I spent a lot of time creating them. You know the candles that were sold at...
at the Bazaar in Bravacon. Like, those types of candles. You can cut this. But, you know what I mean? Like, it's just a real... You didn't take the easiest path to do it. It's hopefully a beacon of hope where...
It can be done. It's not selfish to spend time on your side hustle. And you can, even though I was an attorney, my bread and butter now is this home decor company that we have. And it's okay. And so it was great. So we started to sell pillows. Jerry kind of glossed over that. All right. So tell us, take us through your thoughts and Amanda's that first day. Like I said, I was in Miami.
I was having the time of my life, but I was up in my room, sitting on my computer, just watching the traffic on our site go up and down. Because Shopify actually has really cool features where you can watch who's on your site. So, as the sales came in, I, from the beginning, believed in myself. I think I was one of the only ones. I mean, my parents did, because they're just going to always support me. But you and Amanda, Jerry, I mean, you thought you were hoping to maybe be like, let's just...
Tell us about that first day because you did not expect to sell nine pillows that day. No, I didn't expect to sell. I don't really know what my expectations were. And truthfully, I'd say the first day I was just pleasantly surprised. But it was more about the days preceding it because it continually picked up. And I think for me, man, I've known you for a long time, like 15 years, I guess, at this point. Maybe even longer, whatever it's been. But what was really fun was what people think. We
When you ordered your pillows at the beginning, and we still touch a lot of things, but those pillows came to Craig and myself and Amanda. We'd have them sent to whether it was me in D.C., Amanda in Nashville, and I think she might have been in L.A. at that point, or you in Charleston. After we...
created them and had them done. We shipped them out personally, right? Like it was us. It wasn't out of ship station who actually ended up becoming a sponsor of this podcast. I actually think they might be sponsoring this, this episode or two. I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, timeline nutrition, and one product in particular might appear might appear as one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin a to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy,
and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and have started to tell that there is a definite risk when I work out or am active, but might appear does more than just help with my muscle health.
it can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can. One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones.
Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.
Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.
Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to timeline.com slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented by no street pure commercialization.
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Shopify.com slash pillowsandbeer, all lowercase. But long story short, I mean, it was wild. And I think that was the most fun is when it started to really pick up the next couple of days and the week and the first couple of shipments of pillows that we had to pack. I mean, yeah, that was a thrill. Putting out the labels and being hands on. And putting it in the bag and sending it out. Because it was becoming real. It was becoming real, real. Well, so Nick, you heard a lot about
Sowing Down South on the podcast and, you know, just whatever, just being friends with us now. What did you think walking into the store? Hey, Amanda, come here right here. You can come here. No, no, come on. Amanda's walking by us.
Amanda decided to come down finally and tell us that she's doing something. Everyone that listens to this podcast, tell Amanda when you get to the store and hear, be like, hey, I'm here because of the podcast. Here, come closer to Craig real quick. We're on a topic of... I want to hear your first thought of sewing down a sack of clothes. That first table first when I was in Miami and we sold those nine pillows, I want to know what was going through your head when we actually sold that first.
The look on Amanda's face right now is like, do I tell the truth or do I hide it? I want to know the truth because I already know kind of the truth because you called me that day and you were like, this is wild. Like we just sold a pillow and I was like, I told you guys this is something we could do. Lean in a little bit. I mean, were you surprised? Part of me thought there's still time for me to get out.
Are you still thinking that? Yes. I'm thinking we're all thinking that. Every day. I was like, if I walk out the back door. Somebody come make a cash offer on the store. I'll give it all to you right now. I will turn that down. Go on. I mean, okay, I definitely think, thought that the space is really interesting.
There aren't a lot of guys that do this and you have real passion for it. So in that regard, I always thought this had legs. I hate that. Yeah, but it had, yeah, there was. But yeah, I've been pleasantly surprised by the longevity of what you've done and what we can do. But every other day I want help. Yeah.
Well, Amanda and Jerry do a ton. I'm holding a can of permanent spray adhesive Super 77. Scotchgard. I don't even know what I'm going to do with this. And a ball of yarn. And a ball of yarn. And her 15, 16, 18-month-old nieces somewhere in the store. Constantly, I think. Probably playing with the razor blade. Where's your daughter at? Hey, that wasn't an answer. She'd come here. Yeah, come on. What happened on the first day when we started? We made like nine sales. What were you thinking when we made nine sales? Were you like, holy shit, this is actually like something? I thought this might actually work.
And you didn't think that before. She thought, in all the things I've done in life, how did it only succeed with Craig Conover? I mean, because the man has worked with Ariana Grande and Bieber and other names before. So I think she was probably like... Well, I think it would be exciting. This guy? This guy? Justin Bieber. Craig Conover. He's a saint. But guys, what they're not telling you is that when we sold nine, made nine sales that day, both of them were like, all right, it costs nothing for us to try this. But then they were like, wait.
Craig might not be wrong. And all of a sudden you guys were excited. You weren't excited when we launched. We were not excited. I think it was good not to be excited. It was more about the moments when you would like go dork. We're not talking about those. We're talking about the first day. We're getting the business side and your side. I think what's cool about e-commerce is
And the tools that are provided to everyone. So like a lot of technology has like brought democracy to who can start a brand. Cause normally like it was really expensive, but now like almost anyone can make a store, but not anyone can keep a store going. And that's what we figured out how to do together. So at the beginning I was like, yeah, this isn't going to cost a lot of money. This isn't going to take a lot of time. Like, let's see what happens.
And the first day, I was like, hmm, interesting. And then we kept moving forward, and things kept rolling. And then Cam posted that picture of her in the hat. Cam had some really great support from friends, and we had some big sales. And then Thomas fell on the NHSN, and then you said, let's open a store. And now I'm sitting here with a can of 77 Spray, a piece of Indian Armbar. And we get to see you guys in a couple days. Yeah, the store thing is pretty wild. All right, well, thanks, Amanda, for joining us. Get back to work. People get to work.
All right, well, anyway, that's some history with Sowing Down South. And now we have a full-on family affair here at the store. It is a very family-oriented business. I don't think people understand that part of it. But, I mean, it's kind of wild to look around the store. Like, we're sitting in the back, which we'll call the stock area, which you can kind of see when you come in. But, I mean, there's got to be no BS. Like, I think we've got...
3,000 pillows. I mean, it's absurd. Yeah, Nick. Well, Nick, what do you... And that's just pillows. Amanda, she was so kind to interrupt us. What did you think now seeing, you know, boots on the ground? Well, so, I mean, like you just said, like everybody else thought, I'm like... Hold on. Can we set the scene about... Like, you don't even know this. He is setting the scene. No, no, no, no. How you got intertwined in this whole thing. So, Nick is actually an intern of mine from... So, this is what? How many years ago? Five years ago?
It was between junior and senior year. I was doing an internship in replace of my May term. So I graduated early. In D.C. at your other company, ProVentures. I made his mom cry. That's a story we can get into. We'll get into that later. God, people are going to hate me now. Well, I want to hear it. Yeah, you can tell the intro because then I want to hear what you're going to say.
Because, so Jerry, I guess, you're what? You work with Patrick, who's a family friend of mine. And I meet him, and then I guess time goes by, I leave the internship, we can get into either today or next week about you making my mom cry. We'll shelf that one. We can shelf that story, because you'll probably make it right again. It wasn't really like a mean thing, don't worry people, I promise. No, Jerry's a dick, but he's our friend. Oh dude, he's an asshole.
But so Jerry like just calls me up one day and he's like, yo, so I got this like podcast. I know these two guys are talking to me about a podcast. And I'm like, all right. And he goes, so do you still do like yours? I know you did like the radio and everything. I'm like, yeah. I'm like, well, first off, I'm thinking, why the hell did Jerry call me? Of all the people to call, he's calling me. I was like, I mean, A, I was like, oh, that's awesome. But I was like, yeah, sure. Let me know.
And so many people said no to these two meetings. Here's the funny part about what you just reminded me about this. So like when we started sewing down south and I'm setting up the bank account, doing everything for the business side that we have to do. I mean, I would call people like specifically one guy who's kind of like our fractional CFO. Now they do all of our books and everything. He, I mean, this guy ran a hedge fund and he's brilliant. He runs all of like the business stuff.
And business, like the business is for Aisha Curry, Steph Curry's wife. Like, I mean, she's built out a crazy store, right? In California. And he helps her and all this stuff. And I'd call him. I was like, hey man, same with our tax guys. I was like, look,
We're starting a pillow company. It might do $0 in business. It might do $100 in business. And now we fast forward and every time we talk, we all laugh to go like two years ago we said this and now look at you guys. Yeah, because they're not telling you guys what they actually said back then. Either him or Amanda. Yeah, they laugh because of what we said. Well, I can tell you exactly what I said. I was like, who? Because no offense, Craig, I didn't watch. So I was like...
And so I know my sister and my cousin and one of my aunts, she watched all the reality stuff. I was like, do you have any idea who Craig Conover is or Austin is? And they're like, oh, yeah, we love those. Well, initially, my aunt did say, did you go, are you going to be working with Shep? I was like, no, I'm working with Craig.
And she was like, oh, he's so awesome. My sister was like, yeah, he's all right. And my cousin was like, no, you'll like Craig. Now, like I told you a few episodes ago, Charlotte's like, yeah, I like Craig now. He seems like a super cool guy. Yeah, it can go either way. I understand. It can go either way. Yeah.
But, yeah, I was like, this is awesome. But I was like, yeah, Craig owns a pillow company. And so I was like, oh, I just figured, you know, they do, like, the normal, like, BS reality star. Like, you were talking about candles, CBD, whatever. They just have something. And I walked in. I was like, oh, shit. This is a big space. There's, like, custom woodwork everywhere. But we did it all. Like, I think this is really cool. Like...
We... So when you come in the store, and I mean, sure, I'll pat ourselves on the back on this one. Bring the bottle over. Yeah, bring some more booze, but...
This is, I mean, it's kind of like your own, it's kind of like with Craig, honestly, he walked away for a second, but like, he's like a little brother. So you get emotional, man, with the book and all these other things. Like you get so proud of him because you're like, like you just, he listened to what we were telling him and it's like, it's come to fruition. It's like, look, man, you've got, we can get all of this. Just listen, be yourself because you're a good dude.
And when you come to the store, it's like, we laid all the floors on that. Then you come and you see the floors. We cut every piece of wood you see on the shiplap walls, all the walls. We did every, we didn't hire anybody. We have a really good girlfriend of mine. Her boyfriend is the one who's like our main contractor, Alex. It's just him, myself, Craig, Nick's come down for the past week to help out. Amanda, I mean,
We didn't... We brought in no outside people to do the work. And, I mean, it's the most... I don't know. It's just really killer and really exciting to see, like, your own little baby grow. And we did it all in, like, five weeks. I mean, it's wild what this place has turned into in five weeks, truthfully. How many hours have you put in? Ah, man...
ungodly. It's like, I would come at least six, six 30 in the morning every day. And we leave at like 10 each night. And I mean, two hours of that, like I'll try to go out for lunch and work on my other businesses. But I mean, it's, it's been worth it. Just, you know, people stopping by people taking pictures with the logo, people open the doors, just, they don't even care. There's paper all over. They just walk in and like, Oh, I know you and you, I know you, Craig. And you're just like laughing or the, by the way, like,
If you ever are with your group of friends and your group of friends open the door or see Craig or any of the people on the cast...
And they're like, oh, why don't we watch the show? Like, don't be that person. Like, it's like clearly they are asking. Like, some lady opened the door the other day. I was like, oh, blah, blah, you open? Like, no, she's like, why don't we even watch the show anyway? It's like, well, okay, like, that's really kind of you too. But, I mean, it's just been really neat. And we're, I think Saturday, I don't know what to expect, man. Like, what do you think?
What are your salaries going to be like? It's going to be our return to pillow parties. And I'm pumped. I mean, that was the entire concept. Well, who would have known years ago when I just announced on Instagram that I was having a pillow party tour unbeknownst to my partners that that's what we were going to do. And I was going to use it. I mean, the ultimate goal was to use it as proof of concept that we could have a flagship store. And...
That's what we're going to see on Saturday. I mean, I think it's going to be absolute chaos. Controlled chaos, but not so controlled the first day. I mean, I think people are pretty excited. Alex and Kelly were just saying out in the... They're doing our yarn ball wall right now. One of our Instagram walls that we're going to have. And they were asking, like, is this for the new store? And, like, just from buying all the yarn, they just said 1.34 miles of yarn is going on that wall. Dude. Anyway. Hold on. What? I'm on Instagram. Yeah, what are you looking at? And...
Somebody just... Things started a little interesting this morning during my walk. There's a girl I went to college with. And that... Isn't that the house you rented? The kitchen? Oh, that's Rutledge. Yeah, that's the Rutledge house. That's my COVID house. Hold on. Did you know Sarah Turner in college? Maybe. I mean, so... That is comical. Jerry's looking at a picture of the house where this podcast started was from our Instagram Lives. So, yeah. I mean, guys, come by the store. We're going to be doing...
Some fun stuff. I'm sorry we're missing the grand opening. Why are you leaving? My sister's graduating from GW. Go ahead and tell people what they're going to get because I'm sure you're going to make some stuff up that we're going to have to go find right now. I'm sure you're going to say something and then we're going to have to go figure it out. Actually, don't cut this. Everybody gets free pillows on day one. We don't have to pay for rent. It goes up to me. We do pay rent. No, I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here for a lot in the beginning and I'll be here a lot throughout too.
You better be here. But I'm excited to meet everyone again and interact. You know, come by if you want. We're here. I'm going to be hugging everyone and signing pillows again, just like the old pillow party tour. So this is our new, this is the first stop of season two of the pillow party tour.
Season two, okay. Yeah, season two. I don't know if I like season two. You don't understand how exhausting it is. Are you going to do another tour? Definitely. Oh, hell yeah. Dude, it was fun. Revenue was wonderful. We just got to come to Charlottesville. We did. No, we didn't go to Charlottesville. We went to Richmond. I don't think you understand these things, man. You were so tired by the end of it. It was an ungodly amount of fun, correct? I mean, well, because we got to meet...
Nah, he drinks Monster Rehab. Yeah, the Rehabs. Monster Rehab can sponsor this podcast when you're ready. I drink them all the time. I learned that in the Bahamas. The ones that are like the Arnold Palmer ones, those are my favorite. They're actually really good. But people would bring me like Red Bull and Fireball Online and Bud Lights. Look, I mean, we got to meet...
I would say that on average we met 300 to 400 people at each one. We did 23. Yeah. So thousands and thousands of people. We are going to do... What's it called? What would the next tour be called? Pillow Fight. The Pillow Fight Tour, I think. That is one of the things. He literally looks at me and goes, Pillow Fight. I was going to whack you with the pillow. I know. Everyone's going to walk out with their pillow. You're going to have that Josh fight on Instagram. Yeah, that was great. So I think...
You know, the plan was before COVID is we were going to do it and we still are going to do it. We're going to do a few months here at the home store and then we're going to go to Texas, Florida, and then west of the Mississippi. So that's what's going to be on the second round. And those were all 100% just decided by Craig on the spot. We have no idea.
Not talked about any of those things whatsoever. I love going back to listen to the podcast, obviously, before you put it out, because, one, I have to edit everything out with you, but I'll listen to you and also go back and forth. Yeah, with Nick. But you two go back and forth. I'm like, oh, yeah, no, that's definitely something Craig's just making. He just...
It's the funniest thing in the world, but we can hit all those. Absolutely. We're down. We've got to go to California. Texas and Florida were first because, I mean. We did plan on going there. Yeah. And Chicago was like really, really good too. And then we'll go. All right. So we do have a couple more places east of the Mississippi. Wait, is Texas east or west of the Mississippi? We definitely are not editing any of that out. Wait, it's right in the middle of the country. Hold on. I'm looking at the map.
Whatever. No one knows that. I'm pretty sure 90% of the listeners of this podcast understand the answer to that. Just what do you think it is? Don't look at it. Look, I didn't get it. Because I don't have the Google Map app. If I had to guess, I would say our side of it. So east. I'd say half of it's on the east, half of it's on the west. I don't know how you can explain my face right now. It's just utter disappointment. Right.
Well, no, because I'm looking at the baker, the little baker man that's in the middle of the country. I guess it's on the Middle East of the country. There's, if you look at all the states, it looks like a baker. Everyone knows this. What does it mean? Oklahoma? Hold on. Hold on. It looks like a baker. It looks like a pan. Wait. No, a baker holding a pan. I have never heard that. It looks like a frying pan that you, like, put French fries in. And with a pizza hat on, like a baker. Craig shares a little disheveled right now.
Hold on. What state is that? Little Baker guy. All right. So starting at Minnesota's his hat. Iowa's his head. Missouri's his belly. Arkansas's his legs. And Louisiana's his boot. So clearly Texas is on the west of it. Look at the man standing there. See his pizza hat, his head, his belly. I was going to post a picture of this on the Instagram when this comes out. Kelly, come on.
I come looking to tell me that you weren't taught that this is a baker man in the middle of the country. Yeah, and he's like holding a tray. Exactly, the tray is going to see. I'm always educating myself there a lot. How do you not see that man? Good God. Yeah, because the best part about it is that it's KFC because the Kentucky is the chicken.
on his tray. Oh yeah, look, there's chicken in the baking pan. I never even learned that. And it's Kentucky fried chicken and it's Kentucky. What's going on right now? We were putting up a poll to see how many people grew up with it. Well, there's two polls. One, okay, I didn't know where it tested. I don't see it at all. I don't see it at all.
And I didn't know where Texas was. This is probably a really bad podcast, but everyone knows the Baker Man, but they also can relate that they didn't know where the Texas is. I definitely want a poll of this. All right, well, I didn't know Texas, but so that'll be the beginning of our West of the Mississippi tour, because we do have to knock out Florida and
We promised a lot of people in Florida we'd come there. We'll hit Chicago and then we'll fly to Texas and then we'll drive around. Yo, why don't we get a huge RV? We can. We'll get a bunch of sponsors to pay for the RV. We have a local company that did the same thing. Hustle did the same thing. I just don't want to drive that much.
Oh, I'd rather just fly. I probably wouldn't let you. Oh, you don't, like, ride? Because I'd be driving. We'll hire a driver. We're going to do three cities in Texas, and then we're going to fly out to California. Speaking of drivers, what happened to the limo? Oh, shit. I knew this was coming.
Yeah, because I was supposed to come up to the opening in the limo. You were supposed to get picked up from the airport. You know Alex just said he could have the muffler fixed by opening. Well, Alex also said he didn't build 10 things in the story and he hasn't done any of those. So there's one. We also, most of the things built in the story have been from the Alex's. And now Nick. So the limo, title's in, we're good. Bill of sales in, good.
Figuring out the insurance part of it, I think you've got to put on your personal, but we'll talk about that later. Yeah, it's fine. I don't mind having two cars on my personal. It has to do with the driver. And then we'll have secondary coverage from Soaring Down South. But either way, we need to get rid of over. This is coming out before the opening. So this Saturday, guys, we're going to cut the ribbon in like three days in front of everyone. So we open 10 o'clock on Saturday. I will be here the whole day. I'm obviously going to be taking breaks, but I will be here.
From 10 to 8. Yes. I don't know what shape I'm going to be in by that evening. You're going to be perfectly fine. You're not drinking. I'm kidding. You're allowed to have one beverage every three hours, and he'll be happy to see everybody. So come on, come on. So once again, I will... Well, it's Saturday, so I'll be having a good time. Um...
Got a kegerator in the store. We don't know if we're setting that up yet, but we do have a kegerator. No, we'll set it up. Love it. Come out Saturday, May 15th, this Saturday.
10 a.m. I think the 5th. The 5th. I can't talk. The first 50 people in line are going to get some special swag and gifts and gift bags, FYI. Also, when you line up in line, there will only be one door to line up at. It will be clearly marked. And you can line up whenever you want. And I will be here at 10 o'clock. So until then, we're going to take a quick break to hear from our sponsors this week.
And we'll be right back. So stay tuned for this very special 16th episode of Pillows and Beer.
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Welcome back everybody to episode 16 this very special episode of Pillows and Beer hosted right here from our flagship store selling down south on King Street very excited for our grand opening just days away I'm here with my great friends Jerry Castellano and Nick every single time it's my good friend and he does well this is at least you remember my name that makes me feel good it only took him like 15 years
well, Craig Conover, ladies and gentlemen, Craig Conover. Well, so shocker. And maybe this is why nobody has any idea who I am on this podcast. Maybe because Craig has no idea who I am. I'm walking down the street to grab a couple of bottles of wine, you know, just to have in the store for us. And a group of girls walked by and they're like, Oh yeah, there's a Craig Conover's store. And I just started listening to his podcast. You know, he's got his buddy on Jerry all the time. And this is some other dude that just randomly
That's actually funny. I'm the guy. I am that some other dude. I walked out the door yesterday to, I don't know, somebody opened it. It's a very sweet lady from New Jersey. I was talking to her and she looks at me kind of weirdly and she's like,
you're Jerry. I was like, yeah, I am Jerry. That's my name. And she's like, I know your voice from the podcast. I was like, that is so weird. I hate, I don't know, it's weird to hear your own voice. You're on TV, so that's totally different. But it's just bizarre. But yeah, man, it's fun to go outside when nobody knows you and you can just listen to the people walking by, right? And you see what they're saying. But, I don't know, let's wrap up. I kind of tried to wrap up the story stuff, but I think part of it was kind of cool was
Craig, we haven't really announced this at all, but one of the big catalysts why I agreed in school with the store, because Craig had been wanting this for a while. We started looking in January. I also just started telling everyone we were going to the store. Yeah, that's typical Craig. But we started looking in January and didn't really see anything. We found a spot in March or February that we... They've got to keep it down. But we found a place in February that we liked. Hey, can you keep your voice down?
Yeah, you got to go on a race. It's like a high school in here. It's great. It is. It's like a cafeteria lunchroom. But we were looking at a bunch of different spots, and long story short there, we closed a pretty big deal. It's actually the biggest deal in the history of the company, which we haven't put anything out about now, so everybody can find out now. It's huge. It's a big deal for any company, let alone our pillow company. Maybe it was around... 30,000 pillows. Yeah, 30,000 pillows we sold.
I mean, I talked a little bit about it on the reunion, but it was a long time. I mean, the deal was, you know, infancy at that point. Yeah. I mean, it's not one of those things where you go online and just type in 30,000 and click. Okay. I mean, Jerry worked on the deal for months. Um, everyone had their part in it, but, um,
Yeah, it was probably a six-month-long deal, and now they ordered Beachley Subscription Box Company or Service or whatever. It's a subscription box. I mean, it's Beach, L-Y, right? Beachley. Yeah, Beachley. But they do something like... They're out of California. It's a really good stuff. It's a quarterly box. Yeah, we like it. It goes with our aesthetic really well. We came on... I came on once the design process started, and... You banged out two... I think there's two pillow designs, one that's like...
I don't know how you just call it. Like one's the more California. Yeah. One's more West coast. One's more East coast. Yeah. One's East of the Mississippi. The West coast is Delaware. Texas. You're kind of, uh, Texas. You're, you, you, you would fit into both of them. I think that they're going to, they're going to launch in December. Uh,
And we'll ramp up that, but you can only buy these two designs. Well, I mean, Jerry talks a lot about me just throwing out ideas and them having to figure out ways. I mean, now we have to come up with a way to make 30,000 pillows. So this is kind of your version of throwing this into the company. Well, I mean, what's nuts is, like, we were stoked, and we love HSN, and they've been great to us. But, like, that was a really big deal and moment for us. No, it was a huge step and checkmark in our company. And then, like, this comes in, and it's like, I mean...
six, seven times. Yeah. And you're like, oh, oh. So I mean, yeah, we've got some huge deadlines to hit and it's just shipping everywhere is nuts. So I got one question for you before we close out the sewing section of this episode. So as someone who's just getting into retail with my own thing, when you and I first talked about this podcast, a lot of the ideas were
a business oriented side, like giving advice to other people. What would, from two totally different sides of the spectrum, what would you two give people advice for people like me who are just getting out into like the retail world of what you're like, just in business in general, what is your guys like ideas, tips? Some interesting ways because Craig's going to look at it different than I do because like Ray, like he is talent and I've managed talent and I mean, you know,
done all those deals you were part of it when we did deals for Red Bull so we'd sign all their athletes Ricky Fowler Reggie Bush Tom Brady all these people so like for me and this is the way we took we took and there goes all the hangers you're going to buy stuff off of Craig so what I would say on this one man from the business side
I don't know what he's saying. He said he's got something to be said. He's coming back, ladies and gentlemen. Don't worry. But I would say from the business side of it, what do you want? And this is what I did with Southern Down South when we started it in the financial side. Like,
Most people and most companies fail because they either expand too quick or they just have an ungodly amount of overhead. And they burden themselves with that. So for sewing, what we did was we started with...
a little bit of stock instead of going, we know all these people are gonna buy our pillows and being very arrogant about it. We're gonna buy so much and we're gonna get our price really low and go that route. So the route we went was, I was like, okay, we're not gonna go that way and buy a bunch of pillows. Our margins are gonna be lower, obviously, but let's grow into it and not go in debt because we ordered too much of this design or that design or whatever it may be, product in general.
And it's the same with like office space and everything else. So I would just say like be really smart about how you do it. I actually had this conversation with Austin. I went to talk with him because he wants us to look at helping him out with his beer. And, you know, like you make sure your processes are right from the beginning. Because if you start a company and your processes aren't right...
and you grow and grow and grow, well, it's always going to be messed up. So like, even for him, I was like, hey man, you know, here's his legal work, this X, Y, and Z, go get this done before you grow because it's going to be way harder when you're a $10 million company than when you're a $100,000 company, right? So that's like my mindset on it, just be smart and do, don't go too hard on the overhead side of things. Mine is say yes to everything that comes to you. Which is also not what
out of it. Well, because that's why we balance each other out, because I can say yes and then he figures out how to do it. But if we would have said no to HSN because we were just like, well, that seems overwhelming right now.
Which, I mean, it was. But we figured it out, and then we were on HSN, and it launched to the next stage. I think it's kind of a bigger conversation. I just like, am I an asshole? Yeah, to a certain extent. Everybody can be, but just be a good fucking person. If you treat people the right way, whether it's in business or in life...
good things, I really do firmly believe, good things tend to happen to good people, right? Well, yeah, because it fades out. So I'm a horrible human person. No, I mean, dude, just treat people the right way. Look, if you, like, why would you, like, taking a shortcut always comes back to get you. Like, just do it the right way. Well, yeah, you gotta do it right. And treat people, like, we were talking about this the other day, totally off topic, but, like, tipping, right? Like, I worked at Charleston Grill, fine down in college down here, man. He worked in food and beverage. I don't know if you have.
One, I think everybody in the world. My dad's owned a couple restaurants, so yeah. I think everybody in the world should have to be in food and beverage. You can definitely tell the difference. It teaches you so much on how to treat people the right way. And when you go, it's like, man, I remember I had this girlfriend who was like such a brat to like the way to serve. It's like, dude, they're just doing their job. Just be nice to them. I'm always just 20% is the minimum for me. Unless it's like really, really bad. Craig Conover is like, I think we tip like 95% of the time.
No, it's just I haven't bartended for years. I would say that and then I just went and spoke to that high school, which is funny, but it went really well. Last week...
You got so many DMs because of that. Like parents DMing us. Like Craig came to talk to us. It's like a trade school. Yeah, it's next to Wando High. But what's the name of it? I feel bad. I can't think of the name. I'll pull it up real quick. But what I told him was just start. I was held up for a long time on thinking of a logo or thinking of a name for the company and just like that nothing was good enough.
I was in my own head for a while and that's when Amanda and Jerry came on. They helped me start going. So my advice for any young entrepreneur is just start. Um,
Don't wait until, like, don't let your OCD or perfectionism get in the way. Just start and just start selling stuff, whether it's, like, in your front yard or at a trade show. But you're not, here's two things. One, it's East. Throw these fucking hangers in. Amanda, just move them. It's not a bad. It was East Cooper. I'm going to wait for that. Yeah. Okay. We'll give him some raw. And you guys should see Craig fighting with hangers right now. Of course. I would not have picked those hangers. So, well, they're not, they're stock hangers in the back.
So East Cooper Center for Advanced Studies. Shout out to the librarian, teacher, Melissa. Thanks for setting it up. But I don't, I kind of like this tangent like we're on, but like you're not supposed to know everything. Like this is my biggest, one of my biggest pet peeves is like,
because I probably do think I know everything when I don't. My wife loves to remind me I don't. Yeah, true story. But life to me is about growth and knowledge and learning, right? So if you don't fail, how are you ever going to grow? If you're always right, you're never going to learn anything. 100%. I've learned more in the past two years failing in multiple businesses than I did in four, well, all pretty much college through kindergarten. Yeah.
I wanted to have it all right, though, and I think that's why if you're able to bring in a partner or a teammate, I mean, that's the only reason that this business exists is because then I didn't have to hyper-focus on
on things that I shouldn't do. Well, you were just totally stuck. And I see you do it on other things. And it's just like, part of it's because you have this thing about you get really, you don't want to hurt somebody. You don't want to hurt them. Well, Craig's got the creative gene and the nice gene, which doesn't go well for business at all. Because you just want to, it's too much about pleasing people. He's already said, I need a button for this and a button for that to discount for stuff. And I'm like, yeah, man, we're going to keep you on the eye.
opposite end of the store, so you can't do that. I was like, fine, I'll just yell code colors at our employees and they'll know whether they're good. And they're just going to look at them and be like, Jerry said no, Jerry said no. Jerry's like, just don't, dammit! But, yeah. Look, man, just don't be scared to try. I would just start, and that's the whole thing, is that... Well, it's so easy to try stuff. And then once you get on a roll and you start to get that positive feedback, you're just like, okay, I am good enough. This is fine. And you just keep going. But...
It's going to be cool. Yeah, no, I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be fun. Like I said, I'm sorry I'm missing the opening, but I'll be here all next week. What's the company that you're doing? Me? Hawkeye. Hawkeye Outdoor Living, making outdoor furniture. Oh, sweet. Well, that guy's handing it in with us. We need pillows. They're going to make us a bench, I think, for the store and put it in. They make some pretty sweet stuff. Is it all out of cedar? Yeah, all of it's out of cedar right now. We're getting ready to come out with a barn wood collection as well. We've got plenty of barn wood.
Yeah, I was going to say, you're playing barn wood, so we'll give you the cedar. Shout out, I think it's Renatness Wood. I don't know how to say it. Renatness. But Lisa, we love you. Your wood is amazing. HawkeyeOutdoorLiving.com. Yeah, Hawkeye Outdoor Living. And none of these are sponsors, by the way. This is just us loving people. Well, it was cool because we used all locals for the store. So my buddy Scotty did all the lighting, which what's the name of that company? I don't know. I've got to look it up. Scotty did all the lighting. Yeah.
Porch Swing was made from a company in Greenville. That's awesome. Yeah, it's Pop's Porches. I mean, like, just mom and literally... The word all came from refurbished buildings around here.
They all liked our sign. Everything we've done. Yeah, the sign company is in Charleston. Almost all the decor is actually pretty cool. So all the decor is either from local stores, antique shops, or home goods. We've got some pretty cool stuff, and we love home goods. So they've done some good stuff with us. But it's been, you know, like...
I don't know. The cool thing is like looking at the blinds that we made. Or what are those? Curtains? The curtains, yeah. That's what was bad. Not knowing where. That Amanda made me want to, you know. City electric lighting. Lose myself from hanging up. Yeah. City electric lighting. Amanda was ready to light those on fire for sure. But they're up now. Do you want to talk about our oversized bags? Oh,
Oh, yeah. So let's start moving on to some fun topics. We'll transition with some store topics. So Craig will lead us off with the... They just came in today. I'm not pumped about this. But this is what's going to be funny, and we'll try to document our trials and tribulations. And look, there could be a lot worse things, but our... It's a perfect example of like...
you know it's it's a mistake like dude nothing that we've done has been perfect i'm not sure how this mistake was made but this was uh an amanda sorry amanda yeah we have our shopping bags came in and we were pumped to have very like nice sustainable shopping bags that you can reuse these bags and the first ones got dropped off by the delivery person and when i opened them and i was like oh this
This isn't good. Because they're like 10 inches by 10 inches and you can fit one of our candles in there or a tumbler and then, don't worry, bigger bags are coming and they came today. They came. Remember the size of like the potato sacks at like your field day? At field day? Yeah, one of our employees got in one.
You can genuinely fit like three toddlers in there and carry them. So if you, yeah, I mean, that's what people might have to use. If you're going on a week-long trip to Charleston. We got 1,200 instead of 120. Well, I mean, 1,200 is fine. No, I mean, it's fine. So if that was an error. If you buy more than one pillow, it'll make sense. It'll be fine. But if not...
I mean, you can request these. Have you seen the matches that I screwed up on? Yeah. This is great. Actually, it's not great. It's funny. But there were matches. I had a really cool match set my wife did. It's like a really... Yeah, they're sweet. Like a glass bottle with the... It's not just a box. It's something that you can display next to a candle. Well, I ordered them and let's just say I got the wrong size. They came in and they look like troll... In my hand, it looks like... It's like a dollhouse. They're so sweet.
I was like, oh shit, we've got 500 of these things. Looks like we're getting gifts. So if you buy a couple candles, you'll get that as a gift. Courtesy of Sewing Down South and Jerry Screwing Up. See, I do give away free stuff. Look. You just have to buy a couple candles. If they buy a candle, they get a pack. It's called upsell. That's also another thing. It's not something you can sell. No, if it has value, you can upsell.
But these matchsticks... The other fun thing about it is we have thousands of our pillows here, and some of them are pre-stuffed like the HSN, so my niece is just running around like a 19-month-old just jumping into piles of pillows if you hear her in the background. She's also the cutest. She's also a model on the website, but... She's our sewing on some model. I think you can tell that we're...
hopefully you're not bored by this, but I mean, it's just like, I think it's really funny and stuff that just happens in the business. Just come check out the store. I mean, it's just funny. You all will be blown away. It's, um, we, we tried to make an example out of the store that retail is not dead. And,
I think it's a statement piece to the store in itself. I mean, it's beautiful. It's right in the heart of King Street. Plenty of places to grab drinks around here. I'll go see our boy at Mario's. What's up? What's up? We love that. All right, hold on. I'm going to change gears on this because this kind of just came in. And my wife's back there, so she'll probably chime in. So someone, I don't know how to say her name. Is it Jonah? J-O-H-N-N-A Hall. I think it's either Yana, Joanna. Yana.
But, John, just send us an email on how to... Do like the Wikipedia or send like a little audio file. It's a rather long email, so I'm not going to read the whole thing. But the basis of it is astrology. And she goes into like how... She's into it. So many people are into it. You and I think Austin talked about it maybe in the last episode. You guys touched on it. Which...
I didn't find it interesting because one, my wife, I remember when we first met and she was like, oh, we went to New Orleans and she got a handwritten, I was like, what the hell are
And then she's like, my psychic Jerry. I'm like, well, I'm your husband. My name's Jerry. We were dating at this time. She's like, oh, yeah, we send money to him. He's like in his trailer park. We FedEx. I'm like, these are like highly educated human beings that have gone to grad school that are sending some guy FedEx money in the trailer park. And but his name is Jerry. And she'd be like, oh, he told me this. And I'd be like, I'm going to want to marry this girl. She's a nut job. I don't know what to tell you about it.
Yeah. Here, come over here real quick. But, like, do you... Like, where do you fall on this? I think... Like, she bases so much of stuff on astrology. I think it's nuts. I just... I don't base anything on it. I think it's funny when I read about it. And a lot of times I'm like, yeah, it's pretty spot on. But... Come here, Alexia. I don't read...
I don't, like, read it to help me make a decision or anything. Like I said, I think it's fun when you start dating someone for a while, and then you pair up your signs, and you're like, oh, yeah, that says a lot about us. But some... I don't know. Yes, I don't... I think it's fun. Like, I like when psychics tell me nice stuff. That's what it is. Like, the one at Wendy's house. Have you done a psychic reading? No, I mean, we've done it on the show a couple times, and they're like, Craig's, like, here to become a billionaire, like, philanthropist. And I was like, yeah, tell him more. And
He was like an old Egyptian king that kept all his wealth for himself. So he's here to make all of his wealth back and give it away. Which pharaoh were you? I don't know. Apparently a total asshole. So now I'm here. That's not totally crazy. I kind of believe that about you. Yeah, I know. It's kind of true because I give everything we make away.
way. Oh, see, I thought the opposite. No offense. I figured you were the one who went on like giant like, you know, raids and like grow the empire and kill. No, I did in my past life. So that's why I came back. Well, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, you killed. Do you believe this? I'm like, I mean, I'm just saying, yeah, I don't say anything of it, but my whole goal, my whole life is to make a shit ton of money so I can give it all away.
I actually, I totally do believe that, but I've had, since I've been in Charleston for like four weeks, I'm telling you, like, I don't know what it is, like, mad deja vu. Like, every day. Because you went to college. Fucking freaking me. No, but like, stuff that like, has nothing to do with college. Well, that's a whole other conversation, because I get deja vu all, that has totally nothing to do with astrology. Yeah, I know, I'm just totally segmenting off. I think that we live in another world when we go to sleep, because sometimes my dreams are just way too vivid. Okay, so you...
living that life when we were dreaming. Here we go. Are you one of those people that believe we're in a simulation? No, not a simulation. I've got them where we want them. Keep going. It's not a simulation. I don't really understand that school if I haven't read into it. I'm just saying that like... It's like we're in a giant computer. No, no, no. I just know that like none of us have a clue what's going on and there's just bizarre shit that happens all the time. Like ESP is another thing. Like ESP is huge. Like ESP is huge.
when you go to text someone and they text you at the exact same time. Or like, if we started talking about someone and they'll just call us right now, like, ESPN is real. Like, I'm a twin. So I mean like, and I'm a third generation twin. It's girl, boy, the girl. My sister's twin. I've never met any of your siblings. Yeah, my twin's 20 minutes older than me. She was just here. Like, it's funny, she's got a... So you were an accident. Well, I mean, we both were. They probably went
She's got a, my nephew's like two years old and I saw him. He's just, they live in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. They just came in town and I saw her and I was like, I was like, oh, I guess I know my little kid's going to be like, like he looks, I mean, he looks like, it's my twin sister. We have such a, like, it's funny, but like,
Man, we have such weird shit like that. I'm not a crazy person that believes all this stuff, but 100% there's a twin connection. It's undeniable. I knew the night she... I can't remember the story, but the night she was going into labor, I was texting her, I was like, hey, is everything okay? And she's like, I'm actually going into labor right now. I was like, yeah, are you kidding me? And you just felt it? Just totally weird stuff. Yeah, man, it's bizarre. I don't know what ESP stands for. You're rolling your eyes, dude. No, the ESPs are like... My dad talks about it all the time because he's like...
He'll be talking about my brother and Christopher calls. Or like, I'll call. And he's like, your ears must be ringing. And the ESP thing is just...
I don't know if I get it, but I texted someone today and it was at the exact same time our text went through. And I was just like, this is wild. Yeah, are your ears burning? Someone said that to me, or Sign said that to me today. It was so bizarre. If the lady is doing the sign, Carmella... Well, I'm all about the... Did you ever watch True Detective? Yeah, it was a great show. Well, season one was great. Season one, I'm always about Makana. His philosophy is my philosophy in real life.
What, man? Hey, man. No, yeah, it's just that super, we're just, you know, we're on this planet and then that's just it. And we just live, we breathe, we repeat. Well, there's just nothing, I mean, there's nothing to worry. I mean, yeah, like I said, no one really has a clue what's going on. But I will say that there's...
I am the person that says, like, I don't have any of the information to explain anything. So I think there's a ton of stuff going on that I don't understand. That's about as honest as you can be. Well, yeah, like, I just, I don't have the information to be said, but look, I have plenty of, um, plenty of, like, out-of-body stories from family and stuff. What's your best one? I mean, like, my grandmother always told my cousins that she would come back as a rainbow. Um...
What? As a rainbow?
And she, like, turned to her sister Casey and was like, oh, look, there's my mom. And we looked over the ocean and there was a rainbow. And then Casey was like, yeah, and there's mom. And we turned behind us. And on the other side of the, like, sky, there was another rainbow. And it was just, it's, like, fun to like that stuff. So I don't put any, like, I don't put any stuff. That's cool. But, yeah, there's some cool stuff that happens that you're just like, it doesn't hurt to believe. Oh, I got this. I ain't drinking a Bud Light. Oh.
We're in the same family. We're out of all of this. We have a bunch. I don't know what y'all were just talking about because we just went and got beer. I have to go back to this because we're going to change that subject. Now you're going to sound like an asshole. You don't know what the rainbows are talking about. I love your grandmother when I leave it. I don't know your grandmother. I'm sure she was a beautiful lady. She was, by the way. I don't know what that means. I'm going to go down that path.
Uh, I was just looking at the beer. We don't have like, we don't have much beer left over or any, anything. We had a employee party. Oh, you were, you weren't here. No, I was out. We're all waiting for our 15 new hires here. And, uh,
We had him here, what was that last Friday? It was on Friday for like two hours. And we were like, these kids are young, they're awesome, they're really cool. They're just really good employees. But our family and friends were here and everyone just drinks a lot. It was fun though. What was really cool about it was we were like, we don't know how much these new 15 employees are going to want to talk and be around. And they became like friends and family. The thing is technically over at 8 and they stayed at 10. I'm like, they don't want to leave. They like us enough. Yeah, they were cool. Some questions.
All right, well, it's been fun to talk about at the store or talk to you guys from the store. You'll actually see us podcasting from back here. We have a pretty decent-sized podcast.
building, as you guys will see when you come visit, but we have a front of the store and we have a back of the store, but they're both wide open and connected, but you'll see us recording the podcast from here on out from the store. So be on the lookout for us back here filming, and maybe we'll pull a few of you in as the weeks come to ask some questions or talk to us a little bit. Until then...
Let's do some listener questions before we let you all go out on this beautiful whatever day it is. I like that. All right, I'm shooting some. All right, shoot them. All right, this is from Amelia. This is actually pretty. This is back in February, but I'm just seeing it. Stranded on an island. You can only bring five things. Go. Five things. Fire starter. A blade.
What kind of blade? Like a machete? Yeah, like a utility blade. So a machete works. There's better ones. I actually got sent a sword. Not a sword, but like a half machete the other night. And I keep it next to me in the bed. Clean. Your parents did do a great job. Yeah, it's awesome. Two or three.
Yeah, so that's two. So a blade and fire. I mean, a pot's pretty important. A blanket...
Because I definitely don't want to be wrapped up. Like a big fluffy comforter. Well, it depends on where you are. You don't want to be super hot if you're on an island. Yeah, but there's ones that breathe. The ocean breeze is cold at night. Yeah, but bugs. Bugs are the things that I'm protecting myself from. And the monsters. You know, like if your feet hold on to you. Yeah, I have to be tucked in. I can only think about Wilson. I hated all of that. I didn't like the movie. You didn't like Castaway? No.
This is actually hilarious. There's only four of them. I was only four. I'm getting ahead of myself. And I'd bring someone if I could. I would bring a companion. Then you wouldn't be... Well, I guess you'd be stranded. But that could get old real fast. I would have to populate the island. Oh, my God.
Well, I mean, whatever. That took a dark... No, if it's forever, like, you would want to have kids, and, like, what is the one when they all lived in a treehouse? Like, the Robinson family? You think that if you're stranded on Earth forever that you'd want to have kids running around? Yeah. I don't know about that. All the moms listening right now might be like, man, I'd rather just be stranded. Let's get a mandate in here. I'd do a blade of fire, a blanket, a pot...
I do Swedish Fish. A lifetime supply of Swedish Fish. I would bring a solar panel in my radio. I wouldn't bring my phone because I don't want to talk to anybody. I'd like to live alone. Then you wouldn't be stranded if you had your phone, idiot. I'd just call somebody and they'd take you. No, he said not my phone. He said a radio. Yeah,
I said my radio. Well, I want my phone, but without the service. But that was also thinking like survival-wise. I don't... I mean, I'm pretty easily entertained. I just can't entertain my... Like, I have to have someone with me. So another person with me is crucial. I don't know if that's like a dick move or like...
into what stranding somebody there with you I would be saving them from our ship how good is this Colleen sends a DM maybe a dog during your last podcast when the discussion turned to Alexa and Ocean Waves my Alexa turned on and started playing Ocean Waves yeah when I went upstairs that's so good there was Ocean Waves playing on my like visuals because I have one of like the video ones I was like what is happening and I was like oh yeah I screamed Alexa play Ocean Waves
All right, what's another question? I don't know what that was. Hold on, this is a long one. Give me a second, sorry. So as a female, what would be a reason a guy that had a happy relationship going on a year, almost two years together, with all of a sudden just ghost you? Might not have enough info, but can you guys just talk about reasons why guys ghost? I don't know.
I didn't go to somebody after two years. Two years? That's bullshit. Yeah, the harsh answer is because you guys were settling and you weren't happy. It wasn't a happy relationship. It was based off insecurity where that person didn't know how to be alone. Well, you're also an asshole if you've been with somebody for two years. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The guy's a douchebag. You didn't realize that your relationship wasn't perfect, but it wasn't. And he is an insecure asshole who just didn't want to be single and he was holding on to you until he found someone
Not better, because trust me, they're not going to find someone better than you and he's going to regret it and be prepared for him to crawl back and come to fuck himself. But he just... There he goes. He just is like... Yeah, it's based off insecurity when people do that. And unfortunately, your relationship shouldn't have gone more than, you know, a month. But it did, and...
Yeah, that's... That's an asshole. I mean, that's just... I have three sisters and you're just a piece of shit. Yeah, I mean, it has nothing to do with you. I've ghosted before, but I've been ghosting more, but not after, you know. After a month. Well, I mean, you're being this way. That's a serious relationship. Yeah, two years. Yeah, even if you had problems and stuff, like, you're just being respectful of a human and don't just...
No, and like, look, I'm like, me and, like, I'm going through a breakup right now, or like, me and Nav, but it was, we talked about it very clearly, and we're just like, look, you know, whatever, like, somebody's not working out, but to go to someone after spending two years with them, like,
you're just an asshole. Like, you're not a good person and you're better off. If you ever consider getting back with that person, shame on you. That's my... You know my reaction to that because you got to watch it on TV plenty of times. Don't be that person. Never crawl back. God, that's crazy. You always do to a certain extent, but then you just gotta get it back. And what happens is...
know once you get him to come back then you're like oh wow I'm so much better than this person and then you move on it's the stages of the breakup right you're pissed off then you eventually don't give a shit you're sad then you're pissed off but I have plenty of like
girlfriends, like friends that are girls that, and I saw it happen while I was dating Natalie to some of her friends. Like it happens, like you're not wrong, but I think the COVID time, if this was during COVID time, it's not any better. But a lot of times these people just got relationships because they didn't want to be by themselves. Kind of like me on the Island. And, uh,
then the world opened up again. And look, that's just an, yeah, the guy's an asshole because you shouldn't date someone unless you know there's a potential to get married. So wrong. And you could break up and talk about it, but yeah, don't ghost. This is a good one. Uh, I mean, if, isn't it common courtesy if someone invites you to their boat for the weekend, at least bring something to share with the captain as guests, like a beer or a bottle of water. No, that's not just boat. You always bring, if you're going somewhere, you always bring something. Like,
Yeah, that's... Or pay for the gas. Like, you gotta do something. But if you're going to someone's house... I just... If I invited girls... Like, do you think there's a double standard? Because if I invited girls on the boat, I wouldn't expect... Like, I don't need them to bring anything.
But like the guys that are bringing girls on my boat, there's only one or two friends that I have that will offer to throw in like tip money for like the dock guys or like buy the beer or buy the ice. Because I'm like, I need to start asking what I mean to be like, guys, I'm already paying for the boat. Like, yeah, you need to like bring shit.
If you need to cover the beer in the ice. You take me on the boat, Craig, I'll bring us a whole quarter beer. Yeah, of course. I just think it's like, not even just that you're staying on a boat, it's like, dude, if you're going to a party. Yeah, like, never show up empty handed. It's your go to someone's, if you're going to someone's house, always, whether it's just a close friend, always at least bring a bottle of wine. Right. Always. That's it.
100% that's a life lesson right there because there's so many people, especially my age, that it's just no longer a thing anymore. You go over to someone's house and then just everybody comes empty-handed and that just drives me nuts. I mean, I don't know how you guys feel about that. Look, if you want to pride yourself on being a higher echelon human being...
Yeah, take gifts or take something to like share with the host. And honestly, the captain of the boat is going to be like, you're my favorite fucking person now and you always have an invite here. So yes, that's how you become a, you know, reach that peak level of being a human is at least getting closer to that as be considerate in all things.
But do you think there's people that are like, oh, well, he invited me. Like, he didn't say I'd bring anything. It's like, don't be that person. Like, don't be an entitled prick. If you're invited, bring something. He's providing the boat. You provide whatever the hell you can bring. Yeah. 100% agree. What else you got, Jerry?
I don't know. I just saw a thing from somebody else. We were definitely... Dave, you haven't been to Australia yet, have you? No, we were supposed to go on Monday. We talked about this on the... We were supposed to go January and February, but then COVID happened. Australia is... I love it. Yeah, you and Shep were going to move down there, right? Yeah, me and Shep were going to... And Jerry was going to... Like, we were going to do a pop-up. I did a month, like a month over there, probably a couple years ago, but like... Yeah, we'll go because Perth is amazing. A lot of people don't go there, but Perth is on the west coast, and it's...
Oh, gotcha. But just out of curiosity, your expectations of Craig versus actually meeting Craig. Well, so it's weird because like Craig said at the beginning of the show is we've had like a bunch of, you know,
FaceTime together, even though it was virtual, which was cool. My whole thing with Craig is, you know, like I said, I had no idea who he was. I watched a couple, you know, quick bits on YouTube of the show and that kind of stuff. Talked to my sisters and, you know, some buddies of mine that watch the show with their girlfriends and soon to be wives. And I
I was like, oh man, it's just another reality TV star. And then you meet a guy and he's like, oh, this guy's actually a genuine human being. It's not just an arrogant asshole that thinks he's the greatest human being because he's on a TV show. So it's been kind of actually cool just being able to sit down and have a conversation with somebody that's normal even though they have a, I guess they're a public figure.
Well, you get to see me for a few hours a week, but you didn't know if I was different outside of that. It is funny because my energy always varies greatly. So sometimes I'll walk in the store and just not... Sometimes we'll be bouncing off the wall yelling about something. It's not bad yelling. I'm just like... No, you're excited. I'm yelling at everyone and I'm excited. And then sometimes I'm not and people kind of think something's wrong because I'm not talking to anyone. So, perfect example. So first day I actually meet him in person, he comes in the store to get a hat.
And he goes, oh, what's up, dude? Fist bumps me. I go outside to cut something. He's already gone. Well, I was going to the homeless shelter and I had been out...
Like the night before, yeah, I just had like something on my mind and I didn't know, like I'd forgotten you were coming and I was just like, all right. And then, but then I came back after I was doing what it was and I was like, oh, hey, what's up, dude? Now I can talk. But yeah, sometimes I just have something on my mind. This once again goes back to why no one has any idea who I am on this show. Dude.
being like nobody knowing you is like the greatest. Oh my God, I know. Like, I mean, I go out with them all the time. We got dinner and like, Craig's really great. I will gladly be a fly on the wall in Craig's life. Well, the more important part is when you have to pull Craig away when you don't want him saying stuff. And by the way, for everybody who sends a Instagram message to our DM to us and ask for recommendations, just check out, we have a, I think we have a tab on our Pillars and Beer website.
a highlight on our profile that tells you some of the restaurants and bars that I've been up to. We'll listen to the podcast. They only say it every other episode. At least we did. I might have lied to you on that. We'll get that put back up. But I'll try to think of one last quick question. For everyone wondering, it's not just the grand opening that I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here a lot. So you can always come by. We're not going to do...
We're just going to figure it out. We're not going to do scheduled times or anything like that. Look, it's a store. It's running. I'm one of three owners, and we have a massive team, and I'm going to be here a lot. And so don't base it off of that, but there's a very great chance that you're going to meet me when you come by. If not, you can meet Nick if he's here. Take a picture with Nick and tag Nick and make him feel really good about it. Or Amanda and say hi. Come meet Nick. Say hi to Amanda. Amanda needs it. Amanda, are you here?
I don't think I'm at it on Home for the Baby either. But I don't know, man. I think take us off. It's been fun to jump on here for a reason. Yeah, we'll be recording next week in the studio. Actually, time out. We are switching to Wednesday from now on. All podcasts will start dropping on Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays, which Tuesday was arbitrary to Austin and Craig anyways. But that will be Wednesdays from now on, hopefully. Well, yeah. So everyone listening, I know we've been a little inconsistent since Winterhouse. But...
Life just got busy and I know that's our responsibility to keep it consistent. I know you guys look forward to it every week, which we love. So for now on, Pillows and Beer will be dropping on Wednesdays, starting next week and for hopefully a lot of weeks after. We will have another very special guest in next week.
In the store. Yeah, I'm pretty sure she'll be hosting with me in the store, which would be really cool. And like I said, we'll always be recording from here now. And yeah,
Well, not always. I did just build a podcast room. That's one of the things where you almost just went off to say it. No, we're going to have a studio here. We'll have one at my house. And, you know, as this thing grows, you know, who knows what will happen. So my only comment is pipe down when you guys are in here for recording. Yeah. Well, no, the mics are pretty good with it. But we'll bring some people on and...
Look, this is just a new chapter in this entire realm that you guys share with us, and we're excited to keep bringing it to you. So thanks, Nick and Jerry, for being here. Well, Nick's here every week, but Jerry sometimes pops in. Thanks for tolerating us. And I think we might have some reoccurring guests. Like, Jack was awesome. I mean, everyone's been awesome. Scotty was too, but Jack might jump on a couple times. Patroni and...
We'll see what happens. So stay tuned for the announcement of our special in-house guest next week. And until then, guys, have an awesome week. We hope to see you this weekend at Sewing Down South.
We'll see you next week on Pillars and Beer. Keep stitching. Keep stitching. Keep listening. Come tag us in all your pictures. We hope to see you. Tag the store and the podcast. We have two Instagram walls. Take a picture with me. Or not me. It doesn't matter. Please, everybody, come and do not take a picture with Craig. Just screw with him. That would be great. I'll take pictures for you guys. All right. Well, we love you guys. And from all of us at Pillars and Beer,
Keep stitching. Every sandwich has bread. Every burger has a bun. But these warm, golden, smooth steamed buns? These are special. Reserved for the very best. The Filet-O-Fish. And you. You can have them too.
What's up, Pillows and Beers listeners? I'm Reality Steve. If you're a fan of The Bachelor and all things pop culture, reality TV, you should check out my show, The Reality Steve Podcast, a daily show about The Bachelor, other reality TV shows you may be watching right now. I definitely throw in a lot of Taylor Swift talk and so much more. Search Reality Steve on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. ♪ My piece always smells like pine ♪ ♪ She said get out the chat room and clean mine ♪
The GLAAD girl group coming at you with a throwback jam. That was GLAAD Force Flex Drawstring Trash Bags featuring Pine Sol Original Scent. And that's better than all good. It's all GLAAD.
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