Craig: 本期节目中,Craig分享了他在股票市场上的成功经验,以及在高尔夫大师赛期间与朋友一起观看比赛的经历。他还谈到了即将前往纳帕谷参加慈善葡萄酒和美食大赛,并担任评委。他表达了对葡萄酒和美食的热爱,以及对纳帕谷之行的期待。 Austin: Austin分享了他在Sullivan's观看高尔夫大师赛的经历,并表达了对高尔夫大师赛赛程安排的看法。他还谈到了获得高尔夫大师赛门票的难度,以及他曾经通过非官方途径获得门票的经历。此外,他还分享了朋友获得顶级高尔夫大师赛门票的奢华体验。 Nick: Nick分享了他错过了参加高尔夫大师赛预测活动的经历,以及他看到的一个关于父亲在门票抽签中只中了一张票的故事。他还谈到了纳帕谷的气候和葡萄酒产区,以及对弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔被评为美国最佳葡萄酒产区的说法表示质疑。 Craig: 在谈到高尔夫大师赛时,Craig分享了他在股票市场上的成功,以及错过了大部分高尔夫比赛的遗憾。他还描述了在Sullivan's观看比赛的怀旧感受,并表达了对高尔夫大师赛的热爱,以及对比赛不同阶段的关注程度。最后,他详细描述了即将前往纳帕谷参加的慈善葡萄酒和美食大赛,包括参与者、活动目的和个人期待。 Austin: Austin在节目中分享了他在高尔夫大师赛期间的经历,包括在Sullivan's观看比赛以及对比赛赛程安排的看法。他还重点讲述了获得高尔夫大师赛门票的难度,以及他曾经通过非官方途径获得门票的经历。此外,他还详细描述了朋友获得的顶级高尔夫大师赛门票所提供的奢华体验,并表达了对这种体验的羡慕之情。 Nick: Nick在节目中分享了他错过了参加高尔夫大师赛预测活动的经历,并讲述了一个关于父亲在门票抽签中只中了一张票的故事,并对这个故事进行了评论。他还表达了他对纳帕谷气候和葡萄酒产区的了解,并对弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔被评为美国最佳葡萄酒产区的说法提出了质疑。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss their experiences and opinions about the Masters golf tournament, including stories from past visits and the excitement surrounding the event.

Shownotes Transcript

中文 knows that planning your book club's annual trip can get chaotic. Self-improvement Steve needs a hotel gym and horror Harriet ghosted the group chat about budget. Collaborate, vote on your favorites and book all in the app. Find your perfect somewhere with I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition.

And one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and I've started to tell that there is definitely when I work out or I'm active. But MitoPure does more than just help with my muscle health.

it can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can. One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones.

ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.

Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.

Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented by no street cure to prevent any disease or condition.

what's going on besties and welcome to thursday's episode of pillows and beer i am finally back home now or i am back home now craig is home for today and we got mr nick norris chiming in from virginia so what's going on guys what's up we've made it through a stormy day today but it's all cleared up today was today was one of those days where um

My phone had all sorts of like alerts going off for flooding and this and that. And, and my Alexa was going off as well. Oh, I just said her name and she popped up and yeah, it was like alert after alert after alert of a flood. And then, you know, just, just kind of some heavy rain and then, and then come three o'clock, boom, the sunshine is out. And then it seems to be shaping up to be a banner weekend here in Charleston.

i thought you were going to say your phone was going off with stock market alerts all day it was a skyrocketing fiery fiery fiery day good i think basically it was the day that like when you're sitting there playing blackjack with all your friends and you're like and the dealer at 16 you're like please just bust on this hand like make it fun for everyone and then it was and everyone was stoked yeah i went up 13 on the day and i was like thank god i was down

Like 13% prior. I think, yeah. Okay, nice. Hell yeah. 13% on the day. Good job, Craig. Well, yeah. Me and Nick actively trade, though. Yeah. And we try to inform ourselves so it doesn't become gambling. But, you know, when you're swing trading, it's very volatile. Yeah, it seems very volatile.

That's true. But fortunately, I was distracted all day and

I was able to cover a position, but I had a lot of open positions. And then when we got done doing what we were doing for the day, I was like, I got a text from my buddy Ryan and he was like, everything worked today. And I was like, anyway, I got these little tickers that I have no idea what any of that means. Yeah, it's fine. And I didn't get to watch a lot of golf though. So I'm actually just now looking at the scoreboard.

For the first time, I guess you and Shep were watching out on Sullivan's. How do you? Yeah. So it felt a little bit, you know, a little bit, a little bit just like, you know, old times, man, going out to Sullivan's what, you know, watching some golf after we had a little lunch and, and we watched a little bit of golf and yeah,

Yeah, it was just cool. I mean, the Masters is like a magical time. You're not supposed to feel like old times with Shep Austin. You're supposed to be making new times in your life. I understand that. And I said it felt, right? I'm just like, I used to always go out there and, you know, we used to sit and belly up to a bar or something. And that's not what happened. That's not what happened. Yeah.

And, um, Gavin and just the masters, it's just a, a wonderful time of the year. And I got to see tiger kind of tee off. And, and, uh, I wanted to watch that, that front nine Dustin isn't, isn't doing anything, but that doesn't mean that he couldn't catch, catch fire at some point. I think he's only, he's only through six holes. Bryson. Okay. Maybe that's true. Maybe. Yeah. I don't remember who, but Bryson Shambo and Scotty Sheffler were.

on fire and i will say like it's fun when you're like certain days the old format like this format's cool because like i still can watch golf today like i like that golf's on 10 hours today like live is fun for like you know everyday tournament but like for the masters i like that it's long

I mean, it's Thursday for God's sakes. I can't sit there and just watch the whole thing. I just can't do it. It's not, I love the Masters. It's not that interesting to me. I know that some people are like, I mean, I was talking to Shep and he couldn't even take his eyes away from someone's drive. He was like, uh-huh, uh-huh. I was like, buddy, it's Thursday. Look at me and talk to me about this. And it's just not that serious until

Until Saturday and really not even until Sunday. And then, yes, I'm locked in. I'm locked into watching whoever's chasing. Homer's doing well. Tiger's playing right now. He's in Tiger's group. What is Tiger at?

minus one um i'm looking because i helped pages brother gary right now yeah set up his what are they um golf group or his master's like pool and we put those on there and sheffler yeah they are i didn't get to enter mine in time on chefs because i thought there's gonna be a rain delay my buddy that works with the pga like said they were on their phone today like 4 a.m okay yeah it was stupid on my part too because i was sitting there

I was in bed early as hell last night and I could have just sat there and been like, okay, okay. Make picks, picks, pick six. Yeah. I just put it off. I was like, this is going to be fun. So I want to do it later. And I just didn't do it. I put it off. Have you ever, have you guys been to Augusta ever? Oh yeah. Three or so times I've been, but only to the masters or just to Augusta. The masters. Oh wow. Yeah. I've never been. I mean, I'm going to tell you for all those out there listening who have,

husbands and boyfriends and, you know, or if you love, you know, the masters, of course, it's like, you think that you need a badge prior to going to the masters or the badge is one of those most highly coveted things that you can possibly get. And, oh, I didn't get a badge. I'm going to tell you what, man, my dad and I went the very first time we went in a practice round Tuesday. So the part three contest Wednesday, so we went Tuesday and

And we pulled up and we parked and we were walking down. I mean, it's so funny because the Masters is so elegant and so beautiful and so this and so pristine and so manicured. And then the whole strip that's leading up to it is like...

is like McDonald's and Arby's and Hooters and TGI Fridays and Taco Bell. And it's like every chain restaurant that you could ever think of. It's the exact opposite of what you think of when you think of the Masters. And we were able to cop tickets from some guy. And I did it another time when I went out front and people are leaving for the day and

you kind of look at them and you're like, hey, can I get that badge? And they'll give it to you or they're like, chef did. And you literally can pass off a ticket or whatever for like,

100 bucks so i mean that's great i have not been during the actual tournament though i'm not against passbacks like that because you're not adding to the amount of people there if you're if you're taking one out i don't mind you added one to the event yeah it doesn't bother me at all i think the badge should you know is interchangeable um i do too but i guess that you're right yeah the badge i guess that i could get the person who initially owns the badge

banned for life or something if well yeah whoopsies i mean those tickets are are finicky um damn that's a big commitment to go without tickets my my buddy sean got the there's this name of like this one badge and it's apparently the best hospitality ticket to get in of the year and he was brought it's like it knew

I think so. I think so. And he went with Woodward One, some guys that do our podcast, and he was talking to them about us. And the guys were, yeah, he was like, I'm at this so-and-so thing. And the other guys in my group were like, dude, that's the highest ticket that you have.

can get. And he said, it's like six restaurants inside of this like hospitality tent and everything's free. And like, he said, it was called like, you know, map and flag or something. I mean, Nick's probably going to correct me because he's eating pizza. And I was like, was it like, is it overrated at all? And he was like, no, he was like, it was incredible. Yeah. Yeah.

didn't we talk about that that it's like 19 000 for the week or something no well is that i don't know if we were talking about the same thing that you sent in austin and yeah i think that's about that is pretty much what the premier ticket is for the masters yeah okay well the value comes from not having to win the lottery

So like people don't understand that you can't just buy tickets to the masters. Like you can do a football game. You have to win a lottery to be allowed to buy. Yeah. So if they're going to put a ticket available to,

to the public if you can afford it that will sell out in in minutes like a taylor swift con right right right right that's actually an important thing to highlight to our besties listening is that you cannot just go on and buy masters tickets you're like oh man well everything has a price like that's kind of the point with the masters is that i think

Damn it. I was going to say something and I lost it. I think you can, in the past, if you got caught selling your tickets, you could lose your tickets for life. Correct. Buying or selling, you can get banned from the Masters. If technically you get caught. Yeah. Bring in your cell phone. His cell phone, yeah. His cell phone. He brought in his cell phone. Jerry's there all week. I was supposed to go to your COVID. Yeah, Jerry's goes over here. He does a lot of work with it. That's awesome.

So I was like, if Dustin's winning on Saturday, I'm in California. You're going to be in California, dude. Yeah, there's no way. You're not going to the Masters. No, but if he was winning on, at the end, if I wasn't in California, I would consider driving down for Sunday. But anyway, good luck to all the Masters competitors and athletes. Swing hard and I'm straight. I think. All right, let's take a quick break.

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I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition, and one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and have started to tell that there is definitely one I work out or am active. But MitoPure does more than just help with my muscle health.

it can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can. One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones.

ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.

Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.

Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented by no street cure to prevent any disease or condition.


It's a convenient way to run your household customized to your family's needs and the easy way to raise financially smart kids. Get started with green light today and get your first month free at slash pod. Welcome back to pillows and beer. Happy master's week to all of those who celebrate. Um, I'm sure there's something else happening this week, but, uh,

Glad the weather cleared up for them. And we're me and Austin are in Charleston, Nixon, West Virginia. And I read some funny story. And I hate reading stories without context, but one of the golfers just set, talked about his first time playing in the masters in like 2001. And he hit a guy in his head, like his first shot. And he was like, this guy's been waiting for masters tickets his whole life. And I hit him in the head with my like,

you know, sliced dry. It was a practice round. It was a practice round, I think. Yeah. And, and, and, and then he said, and then my next shot, I hit a guy in the arm. He's like, he was like my very first two shots in the masters. I hit patrons. Um, be fair. That is a very fun story to have. Yeah. I got drilled. Yeah,

I read a funny one as well. And then, and then we'll take a break because we've been talking about the masters for 10 minutes, but what is masters week? The that's like, I will say that their entry, remember your story, their entry, their, their graphics and sounds during the masters are so peaceful. Nick, it's that's up to you, buddy. Insert the music on our commercial break.

um and then hopefully we don't get sued um but the story that i saw was a girl tweeted and she was like guys my dad just won the lottery for tickets to the masters and she was like now the fight for best sibling ensues and she was like i'll keep you guys posted and then her next tweet goes

update dad only got one ticket in the lottery because he knew that this like exact thing would happen that me and my brother would fight over it and he said i didn't want that to happen so you know toodaloo and so he's going to the masters you know solo and i just think it's funny you know and he didn't put in for three he didn't put in for two he put in for one and he said if i go it's because i don't want you and your sister to fight or you and your brother to fight and

Well, it is kind of funny where you have to remember that's one of those situations where you remember your parents are people too. And like at the end of the day, he's just a guy that like wants to go to the Masters who happens to have kids. And he's like probably didn't think that he was going to win it. You know, he probably just kind of put it in. My favorite, I think, comment was wait. It was wait till you see the selfie of look who I ran into at Augusta. You know, like he booked it with one of his best buddies or something like that instead. Right, right.

Well, there better be no selfies, Nick, or else. Or else. Wait, Austin, that's one of the cooler hats I've seen. I was waiting for that. This company, and I actually forgot that I was wearing it, but this company sent it to me. They reached out, Craig. They actually said that they reached out to you too.

um and i gotta give him a shout out man albatross albatross golf with the augusta hat and i was like hell yeah i want that hat so they sent me one and um i should have my email to send me to craig at sewing down if they didn't send it there i didn't see it yeah yeah i like that okay yeah i think that they dm'd you probably because that's what i saw was a dm why don't you tell people what you're doing this weekend though craig

I am going to, I mean, we've talked about it on here before, but, uh, hall. I'm going to Napa for the first time, uh, which is kind of difficult to get to. I've never been to wine country. I have a very fond love for,

an appreciation for wine i've always been fascinated by it and i can't wait to see what it's like in person i don't know if i'll be overwhelmed underwhelmed what about it but i love the like agricultural side uh you know that there's like basically it's gardening grapes um and uh

And I just hope that my cold's completely gone so that I can taste the wine. That's what I've been thinking about. And the wonderful food because I'm judging a food cook-off and all of the food should be paired with Hall Wine Cabernet with Brian Bumgarner and Catherine O'Hara and Natalie Morales.

and Catherine Hall herself. And all proceeds go to charity. They said they sold like a thousand tickets. I was like, wow, good for you. I wonder what a ticket cost.

But anyway, this is the vineyard that sponsors me and Austin and sent us wine throughout quarantine. So thank them for our Instagram lives. You guys got to get up to me one of these times if you love wine country. And actually, I think Wine Enthusiast named it, Charlottesville, Virginia, the best wine region in America in 2023.

Okay, Nick. How much did your town pay for that? We'll patch your heads. You're doing good, man. All right. I won't shit on it until I come and see it. But yeah, this is my first, you know, even to my travels to Europe, I never was with someone that wanted to go to vineyards. And that's all I wanted to do. Really? And yeah. Well, we've only been to Europe once and we were in Capri.

I think he's talking pre, pre a page. Yeah. I'm talking about French country. No page likes wine. Um, page isn't a big drinker though, but obviously we love like wine and cheese and stuff. But, um,

so we you know i've been to the vineyards by like shep's mountain house um oh yeah outside of ashville yeah yeah blueberry wine real sweet stuff but so i'm pumped austin says this is one of the best days of his life he has been to this event um it's he hasn't elaborated why but it's uh it's like i mean i think that napa

except in the summer it's like the same fucking temperature all year which is obviously why they grow grapes all year and it's such a but it is just gorgeous weather and this event brings in the best chefs from the region and obviously when i went i was like i don't

I don't know how to pair wine and food. I was like, I love to drink wine with delicious food, but that doesn't make me a judge. And they were like, awesome. Just do your best. And so it's all fun. And I was reaching across the table and I was like, hey, you haven't covered up my microphone. Like, hey, what'd you write?

And, you know, it just does not matter, right? It's because all the food that you're being, you know, presented with is bomb. So you're sitting there like, oh my gosh, I could have four number ones here, but I guess I'm going to go with you, right? And so it's a lot of fun.

thing absolutely I mean I love food and I love Natalie Morales yes so so so you will love it and everyone going there loves food and loves wine and you know the chefs are all laughing and smiling and their food is all awesome and they try to go with off-the-wall dishes and um

And Natalie Morales will be the MC, I believe, right? So, you know, it's not like you have to chime in much, but you'll have like a microphone. And if you want to, you know, you can chime in and be like, oh, this was a really tough one. I couldn't decide between two and four or whatever. You know, you can drink as much or as little as you want. And gosh. And with that, we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back with more Pillows and Beer.

I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition, and one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and have started to tell that there is definitely one I work out or am active. But MitoPure does more than just help with my muscle health.

it can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can. One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones.

ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.

Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.

Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented by no street pure. The

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Get your first month free at slash pod. slash pod. Welcome back to this week's episode of Pillows and Beer. We're joined by Craig before he goes out to Hall Wine Vineyard and Mr. Nick Norse. So who did you do it with? Shep and I. Oh, you were there together? Uh-huh. And then we met and we brought Taylor and Olivia as our best ones. Oh, wow.

A lot of local news guys. But then we met this chef that had been on Food Network. And his nickname is Shenanigans. So his name is Brian Malarkey. So if anyone out there watches the Food Network, then you know who this guy is. That sounds really familiar. He is a really cool guy. And he was a lot of fun. Shenanigans. Shenanigans.

he has a bunch of restaurants uh in san diego and he's been like on shop and and you know this and that right you know he's he's been on a lot of stuff um but we certainly did not have uh a catherine o'hara on there no no offense to any of the judges there including myself we certainly did not have yeah it's more a brian baumgartner raj mathai who's a news anchor in the area

And Ken Frank, who is a Michelin-rated chef from La Toque. And then Catherine O'Hara and Brian Baumgartner. I'm pretty sure...

I saw my headshot and I was like, where the fuck did you... I was in a busy week and kind of approving certain things. And I see all of a sudden the graphic for the event gets posted. And I'm like, where did you get that picture from me? We have a very... I mean, we have a bank of headshots depending on the event. What is it? They were like, your assistant gave it to us. And I was like...

why was Anna Hayward sending fucking headshots for anything? That's not a bad picture. Just look how much fucking makeup I have on. Show me. It's not bad. There's better pictures of me that I like to use for this stuff. Obviously, thank you, Anna Hayward, for sending something in, but I was like, it's a different place. I'm just nerdy. I'm like...

and then it says where that picture was taken too and i think i'm taking you know my couch i think i'm taking tv personality out of shit for now on it's just gonna say like bravo uh bravo southern charm and like i would have never written and i don't claim reality star anymore and i fucking hate it like my parents accidentally said it i walked away from them

no it says tv personality but like look at brian's like it just says nbc's the office but like i mean a i equate and no offense to anyone that does these shows but i equate being a reality star now to uh turnover shows like bachelor stuff like that big brother survivor like one-offs you know maybe not a one-off but like

we've made a career we've done something for 10 years on the same show like I am on TV that's what I like to say so my parents were at the Sky Club and someone was like you know it was it's always like the most fun people too like just checking you out like you know people were coming up and taking pictures and it was like a really fun family like real flashy like

very hip and they were like what is like who are you you know and my mom was like he's on reality TV and I was like oh I got so angry and I was like I'm so much more than that and so I was like you know nice and then I was like you know my poor mom she doesn't know any better I'm like we don't say that we say he's on TV

And I don't know why, but that's – I just – everyone's a reality TV star now. And you're like, I just don't associate. Okay. See, now I'm going to just name off things that might piss you off that if someone called – like what about Bravo Liberty? That's fine. Oh, okay. I mean my parents – I'm trying to think.

But it's always my dad. It's always my dad. Because I'm not ashamed of Bravo, Nick. I just don't like, yeah, I'm on Bravo. Like he's on Bravo. It's fine. Yeah. When I'm with my dad and we're talking to someone and he always does this one thing too that drives me crazy. And yeah, he basically says something like that, right? Where someone's like, oh, well, is your son? And then he's like,

you know yeah he he's like a Bravo what does he say and I'm always like dad don't say that to people unless they specifically ask you please please you know right right I get so embarrassed as if I'm like an eight-year-old there's like don't kiss me mom as I'm going to school stop well because there's a Taylor stop there's a more like tailored answer to someone that like

understands what like Bravo is and then there's people that don't you know not everyone watches yes reality TV but like unscripted TV star how about that unscripted TV star

Because that's what we are. We're different. The star, I hate that. I think that that word is thrown around a little too much. Yes, it is. When I see a headline of someone that's on a show and it's like, breakout star from... And I'm like, they've been on one season or something. Well, breakout makes it better than when they just...

say the star like want that to do something about me either is what I'm saying like I would hate it if I did like an interview with people and then on the front cover it was like you know Southern Charms star Austin Kroll like don't do that like you Southern Charms Austin Kroll is is is fine or one of Southern Charms stars

because star makes it so singular and like people think there can only be one star is how it used to be so i will say like it wasn't until about my fourth season that i came around to them using the word star because back then they didn't throw it away as like a headline grab like they do now and so it was like one of southern charm's stars and when i saw that i had so much pride because i was like holy crap like i'm like

one of the stars of a show that's been on for a while like okay like i'll take that but now like i just have to use because it's the newest show out and no offense and no shade to them but i read a name i've never heard of this name before and it's on a network that i'm on and it was like the star of or star of been on for five fucking episodes what do you mean there's a star of like

And I was just like, you don't call people that are on a show star of that. Like just being on the show doesn't make you a star. Ooh, you don't get a participation trophy award people. That's it. Stars participation trophy now. And it's because these fucking news now networks like tabloid sites use it to, to slant slant.

incentivize no salacious like to make the headline more salacious yeah like star of the valley sure does this and you're like oh my god it's all about headlines now not about what's in the actual content yeah and i feel the integrity from like these words i i like to be a part of an ensemble cast

Right. Like I, I, I like kind of what you said, right. Where it's like, Ooh, like I'm one of the, right. You know, not like the star of Southern charm and people. I want to know that I am not, you know, referring to myself as that. Like I love like ensemble part of it. Right. It's like a show about me for 42 minutes. I,

I'd be like, oh my God. So I love it when it's like, you know, it goes to all the different people. Yeah, like think about like the Kardashians. Like you're not like, Kim's not the star of it. I'm not saying that, you know, she is, but I'm just saying that I bet that Kim is probably like,

this show was all about me and everyone else is piggybacking off of me and uh and and i i mean it might have i didn't say that because when you and kanye get back together i want to be friends with you do you i think that they're i think that they're in i think he's the only person she ever loved and i think he's still madly in love with her how about this

From clips that I've seen from the Kardashians, let's say, man, from years ago, pre-Kanye and pre-kids, I think that she probably had that mentality of like, this is my fucking show, right? And now... Oh shit, Austin just cut out. I guess, do you want to end it there, I guess? He's frozen.

All right. Well, I'm going to go watch Dustin play. I love you guys. And yeah, see you next week.

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