Henry Olson
James Johnson
John Hood
John Hood: 北卡罗来纳州是略微倾向共和党的摇摆州。在共和党初选中,特朗普目前领先,但他的支持并非铁板一块,许多选民尚未决定支持谁。德桑蒂斯和哈雷有可能挑战特朗普,但机会窗口很小。无党派人士可以在共和党初选中投票,这可能会影响最终结果。在总统大选中,由于拜登的支持率下降,特朗普目前略占优势。北卡罗来纳州的政治动态复杂,州一级选举与联邦一级选举的结果可能不同。民主党试图利用堕胎议题争取郊区选民,但2022年的效果不佳。由于法院裁决,北卡罗来纳州众议院选区地图重新划分,预计共和党将获得更多席位,其中包括马克·沃克和蒂姆·摩尔等候选人。北卡罗来纳州在过去十年中实施了促进增长的政策,包括税收改革和监管改革,这使其成为更具吸引力的投资地。 Henry Olson: 就北卡罗来纳州的政治局势,以及2024年大选,特别是共和党初选和总统大选,与John Hood进行了深入探讨。讨论内容涵盖了特朗普在共和党初选中的领先地位,以及德桑蒂斯和哈雷等其他候选人挑战特朗普的可能性。还讨论了北卡罗来纳州作为摇摆州在总统大选中的重要性,以及民主党和共和党在争取选民方面的策略。此外,还探讨了北卡罗来纳州众议院选区地图重新划分对未来选举的影响,以及北卡罗来纳州在过去十年中实施的促进增长政策。

Deep Dive

John Hood discusses the political landscape in North Carolina, highlighting Trump's strong lead but also the potential for other candidates like DeSantis or Haley to challenge him, especially among those not fully committed to Trump.

Shownotes Transcript

You’ve had your fill on turkey, now it’s time to get back to the races! In fact, we’re so eager to get back in that Beyond the Polls will be coming out weekly going forward. This week Henry sits down with John Hood of the Pope Foundation for a tour of North Carolina, a state set for competetive elections for both GOP contenders and in the general. Then James Johnson, cofounder of JL Partners, takes us through his findings on an electorate which largely disapproves of the presidential rematch that’s likely to come in ’24.And stay tuned for a jaunt around the Atlantic as Henry rants about the victorious Javier Milei and Geert Wilders, and what these smashing overseas elections mean for the USA.