Okay. Hi guys. Welcome back to X's and O's, a podcast where we talk about queer relationships and sex. I'm your host, Shannon Beveridge, and happy Pride Month. This is the second episode of Pride. How's your month going? I feel like this month is going by way too fast. It needs to slow down. I want Pride Month all year long. And this year is for the gays, so it does feel that way already. Um,
But really, though, isn't it going by so fast? What the fuck is going on? I really like my eggs went bad that I feel like I just bought, but I definitely bought them like three weeks ago. But like those three weeks, Zoom, done. Anyway, so far this Pride, I've been in L.A. and D.C., back in L.A. And I will be in New York next week and then I will be in Toronto. I'll be there for Toronto Pride. And you may have seen me post on Instagram.
here i talked about it on here but i also post on instagram that i have a party i'm doing on june 20th in new york in brooklyn it is a pride party and i'm doing it with gay joy the tickets are still available if you are interested in coming but they are selling it will sell out but it's like it's we started selling them way in advance so if you haven't gotten one yet please buy one i will be there with a bunch of my friends and it should be really fun there will be djs
There will be dancing. I don't know if I'll be partaking in the dancing for your own good. Maybe I shouldn't for everyone else. But I'll probably dance.
So you'll want to be there. You don't want to miss that. Doesn't happen that often. Govball looked fucking awesome. And again, the lesbians are winning. Did you see Chapel Rowan? Did you see Renee Rapp? They crushed. They crushed. It's like everywhere on my For You page. I don't know about y'all, but mine is so gay. So it could be just mine. But I'm assuming y'all's is pretty gay as well. So I wonder if you're seeing it too. I wish I was there, but I wasn't.
A little bitter, a little salty. My Friend of Dorothy merch, which I'm wearing today, is still available to buy. I did have more technical difficulties with my website. If you've been paying attention, you would know that. If there is something that can go wrong with technology in me, it does. So it's fine, though. It's fine. Everything's good. But if you did buy with PayPal, then there's a chance you need to re-buy whatever you bought because every PayPal order got refunded.
Awesome. We didn't even want you guys to have it anyway, so who cares? No. If you did buy with PayPal, you can still buy it now, and we're going to keep it up a little bit longer so those people have a chance to rebuy it. And if you didn't know about it, now you know, and I will, if you're watching, I will have the products to the left or right of me so you can watch, and then that's what's available. But there's sweatshirts, there's crewnecks, there's shorts, there's carabiners, there's t-shirts, there's long-sleeve shirts, there's
everything you can imagine. So if you want to get something, I would check it out because it will be available for pre-sale just a little bit longer. And I hope you guys enjoy this Pride Month. I hope you are taking care of yourselves. I hope you're taking care of your bodies. I also hope you're taking care of each other. Be kind to each other. Look out for each other when you're out there. If you're at parades or you're at parties and they're long, make sure you're helping your friends with water and everything else because yeah,
It is a long and treacherous month. No matter what you're doing, whether you're protesting or you're partying or you're whatever you're doing, it is like event after event after event. So take care of yourself. I know a lot of people are in L.A. getting what they're calling the gay cough. So...
Take care of your immune system. Take care of your immune system. I did not feel that well earlier in the month. So I too am trying to take care of myself. So let's take care of ourselves and each other. Okay. That's my pride month motto. And yeah, look out for me in New York. Look out for me in Toronto. Look out for me in LA. Those are the only three places I have planned on being for the next few weeks. Literally. Yeah. Wow. It's going to be such a month.
I'm so happy. Oh, that reminds me, mental health check-in. My mental health is surprisingly good. I do think I'm going to get my period soon because I did have a moment of wanting to cry in the airport and then I did cry on the airplane. But like something about the pressure in an airplane, I feel like it's just so easy to cry. Like that just can happen, right? Like I don't even know if I was crying or if I was leaking. Like I couldn't tell if it was like an emotion I was having or if it was literally just the pressure of the plane.
But I did have a few tears leak. So if my period doesn't come soon, I'll have to investigate those feelings. But I think I think otherwise I've been really still I've been so I'm really, really busy right this second. So even if I were to be feeling sad about anything, but I don't think I am. I don't even have I'm not really thinking that much. I'm literally just going, going, going. And I'm so happy to be going, going, going. And I'm so stoked with some of the guests I have coming up.
Obviously so stoked with some of the guests I've already had. I can't believe like some I can't believe every single guest I've had like every single one. I'm in all obsessed love would hang out with again. They're like have I like could not I really could not imagine that this podcast would so soon be having guests like even today's guests, which I can't wait for you to see who they are, but I love them so much. I got to spend a good portion of like the day before we started filming together and
It's just so nice. It's so nice to get to hang out with like... It's so nice to get to hang out with gay people. I mean, come on. It's pride. But honestly, like I'm so lucky to also get to like invite these people into my home and get to know them and them be so open. Like I know I'm like forcing them to get into my bed five seconds after meeting me sometimes. But yeah, it's just... I think it's a testament to like how...
easy it is to have a conversation with anyone who's queer because you have at the end of the day this like tiny little amazing thing about you that's like a through line and then you can find other ways to connect based off of that I don't know I'm just feeling very blessed and happy so mental health check I'm good and I'm looking forward to the rest of this month I'm looking forward to the content I have and the content I'm making and this podcast and everything else so I'm
Okay, I hope you enjoyed this episode. There is extra content on Patreon. We played a game together. There's also extra content on Patreon from every episode before. So if you haven't subscribed, you can subscribe. Go to nowthisisliving.com. No, that's a lie. Go to patreon.com slash nowthisisliving. Check out my friend of Dorothy Merch. Check out my party in New York if you're going to be in New York on June 20th.
And also shout out to Hinge for sponsoring this episode of X's and O's. I love you guys. I'm so stoked to be working with you during Pride Month. When we're all just trying to find love at the end of the day, thank God that there is Hinge. And thank God they're sponsoring X's and O's. Okay. Bye, y'all. Enjoy the episode. I really, really love these guests so much. Please follow them on all their socials. They are the best ever. They are so cool. Love, love, love. Okay. Could not recommend enough.
Okay, hi guys. My name is Shannon Beveridge. I'm the host of X's and O's, a podcast where we talk about queer relationships and sex. And today I am so honored. I have guests all the way from Atlanta. They don't live here, which is so, I'm honored that they came and spent any of their time in LA in my bed. But Victoria and Lindsay, soon to be wives and content creators. You may recognize them from TikTok. They're awesome. And I'm so happy you're here. We're happy to be here.
be here. Very happy. I'm so stoked. We have been hanging out now for like two hours. Yeah, like I just got I was like happy that we were hanging out and then I just got re-nervous. No, you did. It's the bed. The bed? I heard the bed makes people less nervous. No, it's good. I kind of feel like I've never been in anyone else's beds in the last six years. That does make sense. What's going on? Good job. Yeah. Thank you.
Good job. I appreciate that. Wasn't hard. Think of it more like a futon, like a couch. Okay. We're just chilling. Yeah. This is normal. This is normal. This is the first time I've ever been on a podcast. I'm so honored that you chose mine. I mean, I kind of like made you do it. No, you did not make that. I am honored. I literally have been following you since Tumblr. No way. I watched you come out to your like friends and everything like online. That's fucking crazy. So...
and now we're hanging out that's fucking awesome it's actually wild that's so crazy also so crazy because you guys are creating so much representation for other people now too so yeah it is nice when something happens it almost feels like remember do you remember I had a company called ripple effect yes yeah it's like a ripple effect it's like yeah and now you're doing it and then you guys will impact people and they'll do it it's like really crazy yeah I think it's still like
surreal to like think that we are the people that we like looked up to and stuff but that kind of like keeps me going because like the internet is like crazy and it can be overwhelming at times totally like when you realize that you know you are actually impacting people and doing it for a good reason then it like helps i mean like why else would you do it i when i think about some people that are like content creators i'm like
I would not be able to do this if I didn't feel like something positive was coming from it. Like some people are just so down to entertain, which is awesome. I'm pretty much, I'm one of those people. Yeah. I love to talk, entertain, and I'm a creative when it comes to videos. Yeah. Like I was making videos before TikTok. Yeah. That's what were you making them on? Just like,
for like if we went on vacation with my family I would like put a video together and put music on and send it to everybody like look at what I made and please enjoy it. Yeah. It's so cute. On like iMovie or is it iMovie? Yeah iMovie. On like the phone. When we first started dating she I always bring this up because it was so cute. It was like Mother's Day and she was at the apartment I was like at work and she
She took our dog, or our dog now, Bryson, for a walk. Her dog at the time. Yeah, and she just, like, filmed clips of him, and she put it together like a montage, and she was like, happy Mother's Day from Bryson. That's so fucking cute. And she was doing Adele's song, too. Yeah, it was sweet. That's so sweet. So it came natural to you, or, like, you like it enough that you wanted to do it. Oh, yeah. And then when it came to that video, it was also me kind of trying to score some brownie points with Lindsay, like, hey, look at me, this cute girl that also likes your dog.
And I think he likes me. She barely liked him at that point, though. I'm not gonna lie. She's like, I love this little dog. I liked him, but... Yeah, you also, like, didn't pet the dogs here today. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Okay, so I see that. I am not a dog petter. That, like...
I pet our dog. The only way I can pet him is if I have just worked out, ran a ton of errands, and I'm about to get in the shower. I will sit and literally put on a timer and be like, look at you. You're about to get petted for 20 minutes. 20 minutes. That's so funny. But what he really loves is us throwing the ball. So I'll throw it for like an hour. You connect with him in other ways. Yes. Now she's like, you love him.
That's my boy. I don't play with him. Today at lunch, we were talking for like 20 minutes about Bryson. We miss him. And I was just thinking, oh my God, like you really love him now. Yeah. And it was your dog first. Yeah. For how long? How old is the dog? Because you guys have been together for six years. Yeah. He's an old man. He's like eight now. So I had him for like two years in college before her. But yeah. That's so cute. He's sweet. You had a dog in college. That's brave. Well, I know it was stupid too. Um,
I was, I just, it was like one of those things where I just like wanted a dog so bad and it just like kept building up. And I was like, okay, I'm just going to go get one. Even though I was in an apartment that didn't allow dogs. I had no money. You had no business having a dog. You found him on Craigslist. I found him on Craigslist.
But he was just so cute. So, yeah. And then he got kicked out of the apartment that I was in. Oh, God. Okay. Poor guy. But you guys now are mothers. Yeah. And I'm like the top A mom, like the one that he listens to. Yeah. That kind of checks out. Yeah. I can see that. I can see that. I know we've only known each other for two hours, but I can see that being the case. Okay. So, you guys are engaged. Can I see your ring, by the way? I was looking earlier, but I was like, I'm going to wait until we're on the pot. Ah!
yeah they're so sparkly i love it like we literally you like yours still right i love it i was gonna say we love our i love it let me check in i love i'm not gonna speak for my fiance yeah how did you guys propose like how what was the story
Y'all, today's episode is sponsored by Hinge, which is awesome. I love Hinge. Thank you so much for sponsoring X's and O's. Hinge just released its 2024 date report where they essentially interview 14,000 of their queer daters on the app and pool together all the data for you so you can understand what queer people are looking for in dating in 2024. It's actually...
extremely insightful and if you are looking to date or if you're just interested in dating as a concept as a queer person I highly recommend you read it it's very very interesting things are changing for us okay I know lesbians are known for a u-haul but in 2024 we're actually opting for a slow man's I love that word slow man's a slow man's is dating someone more consciously by slowing down the pace putting clear boundaries up and setting intentions listen lesbians
Slow-mance. It's time for a slow-mance. According to the report, one way to create a soft start is to use humor. 64% of LGBTQIA+ daters on Hinge said that sense of humor on someone's profile is the number one reason why they would be interested in you. So definitely make sure when you're making your Hinge profile you are adding in a little bit of humor.
Add a little spice. Hinge asked me to be a part of the date report. So you can also see my quote in there. I talked about a soft start. So yeah, check it out. The link to read the whole date report is in my bio. Check it out. Check it out. Did you propose? Did you both? I feel like you should go first since you proposed first. Okay. Yeah. So I went, I proposed first.
It was our, what, four-year anniversary, and we went to Cabo. Cute. Yeah. So I was like... Cute. And we always like... Yeah, it's fun. I love Cabo. It was so beautiful. Literally so beautiful. It felt like we were in a movie. Yeah. Like the entire time, I was like, I feel like I am Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love, Pretty Woman, anything that she felt like a bad bitch. Yeah. I'm dead. I felt like Julia Roberts.
That's like my inner bad bitch. My inner bad bitch is a rom-com main character. Okay, fair. I see that. Yeah, that's like her thing. So, you know, I knew I had to go big for my girl, so I went big. But we went to a restaurant in Cabo. It was our anniversary. Did I say that? Yeah, four years. Yeah, so I was like, I'll take care of our anniversary this year. Like, don't even worry about it. So it was like a restaurant and it overlooked like the sunset and...
Yeah, after the sunset, they hit like this bong or whatever. And I just, yeah, I did it. Did you get that? I love how she skips. Because the way that she tells stories is she goes, it always reminds me of how like,
my brother or my dad tells a story. Like, no important details. It's just boom, boom, boom. And then I did it. Did you get down on one knee? Yeah, I did. That's so cute. I did practice my kneel, too. I didn't know that. Yeah. I told you that, right? No. I did, because I didn't want to be like... Yeah. Do you ever see, like, the guys who do it and they have, like, bad posture? Yeah. And they're like...
you couldn't be that. You had to. Oh no, no, no, no. You needed to look good. Okay. What did you say? Did you have a speech? Like, did you prepare something or did you like blackout? Oh, I blacked out. I feel like I'm going to blackout. I'm just going to be like, I love you so much. Yeah. When I like came out as a lesbian, one of them, like the second thing I thought about was, holy shit, I'm gonna have to propose to someone one day. Like, holy shit. So I knew I was going to blackout, but I did prepare it and I like practiced it. And, um,
But I don't know what actually ended up coming out of my mouth. But I did have a speech like because that's another thing I hate because I talk about this all the time. Like you see proposal videos and they just like and let's do this. No, they just like looking at the girls like they just kneel. Yeah. Yeah. So what's the answer? What's the question? Yes or no. Did you cry? Either of you? Did I cry?
You cried, yeah. Yeah, I cried. I think I cried. And you cried that morning in the shower and I didn't know you were going to propose. And we were like showering together that morning and I was like...
she started crying in the shower and that's never happened before were you like emotional i was like this is literally gonna be like my wife yeah like it was and i was like why are you crying but i played like relax it was our anniversary anniversary i was like i'm just so happy and then i cried in the shower because like we were crying it was i love crying the shower it's dramatic i like it
She's like, I am the wrong. I'm Julia Roberts again in the shower. Yeah. Did you think she was going to propose? Did you have an idea? So initially she kind of had broke down this timeline for like months before that day. She was like, or we were both just agreeing. We want to get a house first. We want to make sure like we're in a good place. And that's where my head was. And it was so far up this dream that she sold me.
that did you do that on purpose yeah to like to like yeah i didn't want her to know at all like i knew it wasn't like a complete surprise because i knew we were both ready yeah you knew you talked obviously that you wanted to get married yeah yeah and she would always be like you should just like like i knew you wanted it sooner than what i was saying because also the the reason the other part was is i knew that i wanted to marry lindsey the first day that we met so i wanted to propose
Oh, yeah. I was like, no, I'm going to do it first, though. Let me do it. So she, like, made me promise, let me propose to you first. So I was, like, itching. Like, my hands were just like, I'm ready to propose. Like, I hope she's going to propose sometime soon because I'm about to do it. Ready to go. But I was, like, respecting her wishes and wasn't. So I was like, okay, it's not going to happen until after we get a house. Yeah. Aw. So, yeah, I definitely, I surprised, like, I wanted it to be, like, a big surprise. Yeah, I agree. I feel like I would hate it if they knew. Yeah. If they knew. If she knew. I'm kidding.
You never know. Maybe I'm bi. I don't know. Could be. Okay, so did you have a ring already for Lindsay when Lindsay proposed? No. No, I was completely just respecting her wishes. So I didn't know what the timeline was, so I was just waiting. Do you remember what she said? No. You blacked out too? We're all blacking out. I was like, okay, so from my point of view, walking into the restaurant, I have to backtrack to the biggest part of the surprise that
That blows my mind. Because it blows my mind. It felt so, I can't believe you did it. So, um, my makeup artist, so I had shoulder surgery. So that's why I get my makeup done because I had shoulder surgery. Is it from tennis? Like a tennis injury or? From her dad, really. Golfing with him. Shut up. We're like, me and her dad are besties and unfortunately that entails golfing.
unfortunately i love the golfing until one one afternoon i realized my shoulder was hurting well he i mean you know you go out with mr benny and he's drilling it in you like you gotta go for as you're an athlete so i'm sure it's like natural to you loves it you know like yeah knowing that i'm an athlete he eats into it like he is like like okay i would go and like play tennis at her parents like in their community and he would come and stand to the gate with his arms folded and people would walk by and be like
oh my gosh, she's good. And he's like, yeah, I'm just coaching her. Like he loves it. Yeah. Yeah. The one. And so when we get to the golf, he's like, you're so good. And anyways, one afternoon I'm just hitting, hitting. And he's like teaching me how to detect me. And next thing you know, I'm like, man, my shoulder really hurts. And he's an ortho PA by the way. Oh gosh. And he's like, you're fine. Which is how most doctors are when it's them.
Yeah. You're fine. Oh, yeah. My mom's a nurse. She's like, you're going to school. You get it. Unless you're throwing up or you have a fever, you're going to school. I'm like, have you heard of strep? Have you heard of any other things that could be wrong with me? She's like, no, you're good. Go to school. So fast forward. I'm getting my makeup done and my makeup artist. Yes. Oh, you got it. No, it's like because you got shoulder surgery after that day and now you can't do.
- Yeah, I can't. - You could've things, yeah. - Yeah, the mechanics, you don't realize how much you should be grateful for just your body and health until you realize something as little as holding my phone or holding this mic that I'm leaning into my leg.
really like everything irritated for the next few weeks oh my gosh but okay i gotta get a stand by the way just for you next time if you come back do you want me to hold it for you no no no i can do it but um fast forward to me getting my makeup done my makeup artist is talking to me and she's like oh what do you plan this summer or this year for trips and i'm like oh we're going to cabo for our anniversary
And she was like, "Wow, okay, I'm gonna be in Cabo. When are you going?" And I was like, "Till the weekend." She proceeds to be like, "Oh shit, me too." And I'm like, "Oh, what?"
she does celebrity makeup like yeah like um reality tv and they're always traveling so she just came from a trip so it was really believable yeah i was like oh okay cool like if you can do my makeup in our anniversary like my mind i was immediately like oh my god if i can convince her to do my makeup for our anniversary i can look like a bad and not like a little egg you never literally never yeah i cannot picture you looking like an egg so she was like i'll see if i have time literally
And I was like, okay. I went home, was so excited to tell Lindsay. I'm like, she's going to be in Mexico. She might be able to do my makeup that day. Texted her throughout for months. This is months. To this day, I tell my makeup artist, I'm like, you like lying too much. Yeah, you're shady. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like red flag. You like to lie. You were too good at that. Yeah, like you did unnecessary lies. You like to lie. She literally could have left it at that and then be like, I'll let you know. Imagine...
like a few months later before, like we're, like a month before we're gonna go, I'm like, "Oh, when's your flight?" She's on the same exact flight. So I'm like, "Oh, okay." Still not even, nothing's clicking for me. - Yeah. I feel like I would also be like, "Yeah, great. That's awesome. Life is good." - And she's still just riding this tail of like, "I don't know if I'm gonna have time to squeeze you in because the set, like they get really crazy and I have to be there all day." And I just kind of was just like, "Okay, if you can, you can. If not, like, it'll be fine. We'll just have a nice dinner."
And Lindsey actually asked me, "Do you think she could do my makeup?"
I looked at her. I was like, she cannot do that. She is busy. I was like, I want, she barely can do my makeup. She can't fucking do your makeup. And we're friends too. So I never want her to feel like I'm taking advantage. Like we started off business and now we're actually like friends. So I was like, I do not want her to think I'm taking advantage of her and asking. I'm not going to ask her to do this. She's in time. Okay. All right. Okay. No. And I'm not knowing she needs it for her to propose. So I was like, no, no, flat no. So yeah, after she proposed, that was one of the things that,
still hadn't clicked like my makeup artist actually walked over and and she was like i said i said oh my god lindsay told you that she was proposing and you came from set to say congrats and she was like lindsay flew me out i said literally that's the nicest thing i've ever heard in my life i mean okay you know like well now you know
I knew you had to get your makeup done for the proposal. And she's very specific about what she likes. Yeah, but that's so thoughtful. I was going to find a random one. It was really thoughtful. That's so thoughtful. Other than me being a prima donna and needing to have my makeup done, it was really thoughtful. No, but that's literally like... But I always knew when I was proposing, I was hoping it looked good. Yeah, of course. But such a kind gesture for you to even think about... And also, you clearly thought about it months in advance. Yeah, I thought about it. And all I told Ashley was...
when you guys are doing her makeup, she's going to say she's going to Mexico, act like you're going at the same time. And I know she's going to ask you. So you don't even have to like offer or anything. Okay. You're a genius. I know. And so I was there when she was getting her makeup done, when it was like all playing out and she was like, I'm going to be in Mexico.
too? And then the next question is, oh my god, please do my makeup. Begging. I was begging. And I didn't say a single word to her the rest of the time. Everyone pay attention to this. Do this. This is amazing. You just gotta know. Yeah, I just knew that you would want that. Yeah, but also I feel like
what a good sign of like going into your lifelong partner knowing that she thinks about you like that that would be like enough for me to be like obviously yes i want to marry you she's like i wanted to marry you the day i met you yeah okay you could have not done that you didn't even have to do that by the way she was gonna say yes no matter what i was i was no that's amazing how did you ask um what
go I'm just excited so when I proposed to her I knew we're we're very we're complete opposites in everything so the proposals are also the same thing like we she would never have wanted a public proposal me I don't mind she could have done it in a concert a crowd like I would have been like oh look at me y'all look at my ring yeah literally yeah you're like you knew after she was like I'm
I scream. I've always wanted to have one of those moments. Yeah. That's like a movie moment. Yeah. You are in a rom-com and I'm happy to, I'm like a co-star right now. Right now I'm in a rom-com too. Fuck yeah. Thanks for having me. This is literally her life. She's like, this is,
romantic it's like a movie i know it is i know if we have like breakfast and the sun hits just right i'm like wow this feels like we're having breakfast like they do in the movies that's so cute that's a good outlook to have on life because then you're really yeah like a lot well i grew up in the project so when things look how i only thought would happen in movies i'm like wow like this is life right now yeah yeah that's awesome that's it i like it what a positive everything yeah
It really makes me like appreciate the small things that I forget to like appreciate too a lot. You're very, you're very humble.
You guys, I think they're in love with each other. What do you think? What do you think? Okay, but, um, okay. So, um, I knew she didn't want it to be public. I knew that she wanted it to be intimate. And I also really wanted it to be something where I could include her brother who passed. So, um, I was, like, thinking, I just remember being like, how, how the fuck am I gonna do that? And, um,
I started to start thinking about things that I thought that we really matter to us as a couple, which were movies. We watch them all the time. And we love the scenes where they're like, like the montages of how they fell in love and how quick it happened. And you just kind of see these clips and all of a sudden it's like a year later and you just saw them buy a house, get a dog and all these things. I was like, that would be really cool if I could do that. So I found an animator. I was like looking through Instagram and TikTok and just
finding somewhere and we spent four months working on the animation what yeah okay i'm gonna cry continue please okay and um like oh my god love is really really real really real during those four months the hardest part was just every time i got an update it was
Me literally wanting to be like, look at this. Yeah. But I can't show you. Like, that's the hardest part. Yeah, it's hard to keep a secret from your person, too. Extremely. Oh, my God. It's so hard.
I'm terrible like if I buy someone flowers I like I'm like so I got you flowers I'm like why the fuck yeah just give her the flowers I'm like I should have just given the flowers I'm like by the way I got you flowers why the fuck did I just tell you that I could have given them to you but I like get so excited yeah I did this cool thing and I'm like oh you idiot you idiot yeah
I'm just like, I got to share this right now. Yeah. I can't even imagine. Four months is a long time also. It is a long time. Initially, like the first draft, I remember being like, this don't look like what I'm paying you. What is this? I was so nervous when I got my first draft. It literally looked like stick figures. Like storyboarding probably, right? I can imagine. I didn't know the process though. So I just remember being like,
Okay, let me trust the process. And that's what I did. I didn't like I didn't say anything. I was just like, okay, let me know when the next one's coming. Once it was done, I and I had also planned in advance. I talked with Lindsay and I was like, we had just bought our house, but we hadn't moved in. So I was like, oh, we should do a photo shoot at our house.
cute and again smart oh yeah it's it's easy when we live like this lifestyle though too i feel there are like weird things that another person would be like why the fuck would we do a photo shoot and you're like for instagram yeah that's for instagram obviously they would like to put up in the house too because yeah yeah empty no true but like the
I was, like, actually really excited. You know, some... She usually suggests the photo shoots. And I'm like, okay, whatever. But the one that you suggested for our, like, empty house was, like, cute. Like, she was like, we'll get dressed up, but it'll be, like, in our empty house. And...
whatever like the vibe suspicious about this well you know what too you guys are so cute you know what i think she forgets actually i didn't start with that idea i started somewhere else to push you towards that idea oh really yeah so i started being like oh we should do one of those shoots where they were like wear like overalls as if they just like i don't
I don't know. People act like being like, yeah, yeah. Painted the walls. And you were like, oh no, which I knew you were going to say. And so I was like, well, what else are we going to do? Like, I don't know. And I like the next day I like came over with some Pinterest examples of like, yeah, I'm like, I don't like that. You're like overalls. And I was like, it could be cute knowing she would say no and she would never wear anything like that.
And then the next day I showed her examples of like the hotel style photo shoots where they're like in the hallway and they have the wine and they're like running through the halls. Yeah. Imagine this in our house. Cute. And then she went, yeah, I would do that. You guys are sneaky. Both of you.
Yeah, I know. You're very thoughtful, which is amazing. So we were doing the photo shoot and then it was like projected in the middle of the photo shoot. They were like, let's get one where you like turn around and jump in each other's arms or something. And then as I was turned around, they were like projecting it. The animation? Yeah, the animation on the wall. And I still didn't know because like,
You know, like... We were watching a movie. Yeah, I was like, you know, I was like, what is this? I'm in a movie, I'm watching a movie. This is my life. Yeah. So the whole time I'm thinking, like, it's like a movie of our life. But I didn't, I was like, maybe she's just doing something sweet. And then at the very end, the little person in the, you in the animation...
The little person. Got down on one knee and I was like, holy shit. It was amazing. How did you incorporate your brother into it? He was like in one of the scenes. Like, so it was like her meeting my family and he like was in there. We were all like cheersing. Yeah. And they said like, I will always love you. Yeah. It was amazing. Okay. I am actually tearing up. That's really sweet. It was, yeah. It was so sweet. And I got him like. I almost like,
I had to stop myself from like going over the edge when you proposed to me because I was about to like, yeah, just start bawling. And I was like, okay, just relax. Like, yeah, I feel like I would definitely, I mean, I'm crying. I'm just hearing it. Then I was like happy with the end. Cause I had gotten it fully approved by her mom. Yeah. I like the image of him because I wanted her to feel like it was, she could like recognize it. Like initially her mom was like, no, like it was things that she was like,
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's so sweet. I just want to let you know, for sure. So you guys are both, like, super family-oriented people, it seems like. Just from even hanging out with you this much. Like, you've both talked about your family a lot, I feel. Oh, yeah. We love them. That's nice. And your family's in Miami, and your family's in Atlanta. Atlanta, yes. Are they close by to y'all?
Uh, well, I mean, it's like an hour away. It feels like a lot. It feels like a long time. Yeah, it feels like a lot. Because we, when she first moved in, like when we stopped being long distance, we were living with my parents. Got it. For a year. For a year. Like that was amazing. Like we were able to save a bunch of money and then, and then we got our first apartment together, which was like 30 minutes from them. But then when we bought our house, it's like an hour or so.
So now you guys probably feel so far, especially when you go from in the house. Yeah, exactly. To 30 to an hour. It feels far, but it's like not too bad. Yeah. Well, that'll be nice when you guys, you guys, wait, when is, when is your wedding date?
October. October this year. And it will be your six-year anniversary. That's so sweet. So sweet. I don't know how we managed to do that. Does it fall on a weekend? Yeah. A Saturday. What the hell? I know. It's literally a Saturday. Yeah, that's meant to be. I know. That's awesome. You guys, I heard a story. I watched some of your YouTube videos. So you met kind of on Twitter.
Yes. Literally on Twitter. That's crazy. That's not happening all the time. It makes it sound old because it's not even called Twitter anymore. Now it's X. I can't even log in. So you guys met on X. I'm never going to call it X. I don't think anybody is anybody saying X. No one's calling it X. I don't think so. It's not. What is it? It's just not. It didn't. What did I say? Mean girls? That's what I was going to say. I know. I get it. You're not going to make it happen. Yeah. X is not happening. No. I'm not going to do that.
But yeah. That's crazy. So, Victoria's actually been low-key...
whatever you want to say viral like you've been like like yeah a while twitter stuff is so different though it was like you know it's different but i feel like if you get the internet you get the internet and it seems like you obviously are with it right yes you're i guess yeah i like that take though because it is similar it's like it is no you have to you have to get it like you have to get there's something to get there yeah shannon that is literally how i
I like explain you is like like just marketing and like your business and content creation like you have to understand the internet once you understand the internet you can do so much totally but it's not something I don't think that you could teach a course on it at the same time I mean I know people do but there is also just like a certain an x factor I always say it should be an x factor I always tell people it should be easy like if anybody asks well I'm like
If you're, if you have to like sit and take like a whole day to figure out an idea, like it's too hard. Like do what you're already doing. It should be easy. Yeah. I mean, the best content creators I think are making really natural content. The problem is not everyone naturally has something to share or say like that. That's like,
something that's digestible yeah so you're unique yeah so she was like you know being relatable hashtag relatable on twitter a lot like a long time ago so one of her stories like went viral like the threads went viral and you had a picture of yourself within the thread and i was like oh like she's cute or whatever so i followed you but then later she tweeted something about
not wanting a crusty man to take her on a date for Valentine's Day. Like, basically asking, like, can a woman please ask me out? It was a little gay. It was a little gay. It was gay. It was gay, baby. It was a little gay. Just gay, baby. I was kind of, like, throwing it out just to see in the waters what it was hidden like. You're like, who follows you? Yeah. Any gays out there? And that's exactly it, though, because Twitter was that place where I could
try to start being a little bit gay. Like, I still couldn't be gay on Instagram or Facebook. Not comfortably. Well, because you probably had friends and family, like, really friends and family following you on there. You know? It's a different vibe. And, like, Twitter is, like, kind of crazy. So you could... Also, you could just say something, like, one-off. It's not like... And people don't take it seriously. I didn't grid post that. And I'm assuming you guys...
was i guess instagram stories were around when you guys started dating what were they we were on snapchat so yeah i don't even know when because we were snapping i don't know if we sound old or young right now no i think we're old we're old we're 30 i'm 32 okay yeah yeah yeah we just i'm older so goodbye two years an older woman together we're the same age you're right yeah i'm a cougar with you guys right now
that's crazy though but um so then yeah i took the bait yeah you're like i can take you on that date i literally said that yeah so she she slid in that first time during that tweet about valentine's day and then it just kind of fills it out it was more like i was just like oh okay where do you live she said atlanta i was like okay well we stopped talking that's not gonna work i'm not going there okay like what i gotta do with me yeah and so um
Maybe a month later or a few weeks later? Probably. Oh, no, that was February. That was a couple months. Yeah, a couple months. A couple months go by and I do another... Man, I was really gay. I just couldn't be gay. You were just like queerbaiting again? I was so gay, queerbaiting. Yeah, you're like... She was gay. See, when we were talking earlier... She's definitely gay. Yeah. Yeah.
There's something gay happening here for sure. Let's be clear. Did it again. And she dealed me then too. Except I straight up gave you my number that time. That's so cute. And then now, six years later almost. That's insane, y'all. Yeah, I know. It's insane. It's crazy. Okay, so the people I was telling you guys, Raven, Simone, and her wife are the people I had last, Miranda. And they were talking to me. Basically, Raven was saying that
She originally broke up with Miranda because Miranda was white. That was one of the reasons. Not the only reason, but one of the reasons. Because she was, like, nervous about the, like...
from the black community from dating Miranda. Do you guys have, what's your experience with that? What's your experience, baby? Okay, so I would say for me. It's kind of a huge switch, by the way, sorry. It is a really big switch. It's a huge switch, but I'm just thinking about it because I'm like, it's interesting. Yeah, what a segue. No segue at all.
For me, I think it was also, I wasn't out or so it wasn't just white, it was white and a woman's. It was like a really big like, homicidal. Yeah. Like even if they were ready to accept the white man, they now had to accept a white person and woman. So I was very nervous about that. My family immediately took her in, took my dad a while to really figure out which white name her name was.
- He would call me any name but Lizzy. - It was all in good, like he's just a little all over the place. Yeah, yeah. He'd be like, "Hey, tell Sally I said what's up." I'm like, "Who is that?" He's like, "Your girl." - Heidi. - Heidi, Heidi's the top. - Nicole, whatever. - Nicole's your middle name, he wasn't wrong. - Nicole's my middle name. - Really? - White girls. - Exactly, like gosh, come on.
- Can't beat those allegations. - I think my grandparents, I was probably most nervous about. My grandma loves her though, so that worked out. And my friends, oh my God, they love Lindsay down. Oh my God. Like they don't play about Lindsay, they would go to war for Lindsay. So I think also Lindsay's very easy to love. So I was never really worried about her being white or even a woman.
Because the way that she is and how she carries herself and this softness and this warmness that everybody feels. I kind of knew they were going to feel that. Yeah. And immediately they did all of them immediately. And I have eight siblings. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Well, I remember she was like freaking me out because...
You were like saying, I think you were trying to prep me. Yeah. You were just in case. My mom is very honest. Yeah. I love you, but my mom is a tough cookie. Do you think it had anything to do with me being white? No, it had to do with me and my mom's relationship. Like just from like when we were, I was a teenager until I was older. It was more so, I don't know what type of mood she's going to be in. I don't know how this is going to go. And yeah,
It was so crazy because Lindsay becoming close to my mom actually helped us get closer. That may, I think that like kind of happens sometimes for a lot of people. I feel like our relationship did not, me and my mom's relationship was always kind of up and down. And when Lindsay came in, she helped stabilize it because my mom adores her. Like she'll text her more than she texts me. She'll like,
She's like, how's Lindsay doing? What's Lindsay up to? Let me call Lindsay. Like, that's so nice. They have a really good bond. Look at you. Good job. And she don't play by her name. I was like scared as fuck. I was nervous too. For my mom. My mom is, yeah, I was nervous. Like, especially going in, you know,
just like knowing how you guys were a little bit on the rocks or whatever and it's like well what am i you know like how is how is it all gonna work but like where do i fit in yeah yeah just like fitting in with another family in general like but but yeah no like it's to the point where last year my mom asked us to host thanksgiving which is like unheard of for her to decide not to cook and it trusts us and i cooked i was scared for that but
And I was scared. She sent us every single recipe. So we made the mac and cheese, the jerk salmon. Like our menu was extensive because she also sent us exactly what she wanted. It was a little overwhelming. Did I really cook? Why are we making jerk salmon? Seafood rice. You had to. Yeah. A lot. It was really good though. That's awesome. It's nice that you're, it seems like both of your families also like each other.
which is great, right? Yeah. Do your families ever hang out with, like, your families, like, your parents with each other? Mm-hmm. Like, separately? No, no, like, with y'all. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. We just went to Miami with our moms. Oh, fun. Because I feel like it's weird as an adult, especially, like, I live in L.A. Most people I've dated, their parents, my parents aren't here, and their parents aren't here. So I don't think...
in my last relationship, our parents even ever met each other. Yeah. Just because, well, it's also COVID. So we started dating in 2020. So it's a different time. But it is crazy if you can have that connection with them because...
obviously, ideally, that's what you want. Especially if you guys want to have kids, which you guys want to have kids? We're ready. We don't want to. We about to. We're ready. You're obviously going to get married first. Yeah, we're going to. Taking the traditional route. Well, you're also like both fit as fuck and getting fit for your wedding, I feel like, right? I feel like I see your content and you're like,
four months in there yeah yeah yeah it's definitely a goal to you know be fit for the wedding yeah but we actually like started getting fit like two years ago we did like the 75 not hard soft challenge so yeah it's off we like amended the rules a little bit but um we've been doing that and we're planning to have a baby right after the wedding wow yeah
That's awesome. We got our donor and everything. That's so crazy. The donor part is so crazy. We should talk about that because I feel the same way. We were talking about this before we came on the podcast, but that you're having a hard time. Are you having a hard time with it? Thought that it won't be like completely. Um, no, I'm, I think she's been saying it a lot more than I am thinking about it, but I don't know. Maybe it's because she's having the child and caring. Yeah. Um,
So, basically, like, Victoria had been expressing that she's just, like, sad that we can't just have each other's babies, you know? Yeah.
I mean, I think that's a pretty universal experience for like a lot of lesbian couples. It's like kept me up at night recently. I think also because we have finalized our official donor. So you know, yes, it's real now. It's very real. And I just think it is weird because like, what if he comes out looking like exactly like him? But he's very gorgeous. Yeah, but he's a hottie. So it'll be fine. Yeah. But at the same time, I just kind of sit back and I'm, it's just a realization of this is
that I'm dying to have with a person that I love so much and so fiercely is not going to be half her. Yeah. And that is just hard, like a hard pill for me to swallow because I look at her and I really want to create with her.
Yeah, I know. Like, this is when I'm, when we're doing the deed and I'm like, hey man, I wish you, you know what I mean? Can you just get her pregnant? Jeez. I mean, I've been trying. I think you're it, Al. For six years. I've been saying it, I've been saying it. We practice all the time. Yeah, I mean, come on. Nothing's happening. Is that a universal lesbian thing? Like, being like, I want to get you pregnant? Yeah.
I think, I mean, that's a kink in general. Breeding is a kink. Oh, yeah. I don't think ours is that far. On that documentary we were talking about. I don't think ours is that far. No, like, lesbians have that kink, too, where they're literally like, I'm gonna, like, put my babies in you. Okay, okay. I don't think we have that kink. We do it, like, more as, like, a joke. Yeah, that's more, like, conversational. Not a kink. Yeah, not a kink. I don't think that gets us going. It's stressful. I don't have that kink, either. I think what...
What I think about more for us specifically is like we are going to have like two different donors. So she we picked our donor for her this time and then when I'm going to carry as well and we're going to have a different donor. So I think about our
kids not being like exactly half siblings yeah like not yeah yeah they're like not blood related at all yeah true but i mean at the end of the day it's family is family you know yeah of course i mean as someone who's had like step siblings yeah literally not related to me that's how i felt family is family yeah if you don't that doesn't change anything exactly i also think for me
I get what she's saying. I think the reason why that part doesn't stress me out is one coming from eight siblings. All my siblings aren't blood related. One is adopted. Some are half. One is actually a cousin. Yeah, the sibling to sibling relationship is...
it's own like yeah completely and we've never like like you said like a step sister like you're not differentiating you're just like that's my sister or whatever you know for sure like that relationship would be different than how you guys feel but are you guys are you gonna do a reciprocal ivf or are you gonna just do ivf or do you know just ivf yeah just ivf ivf and not iui you're gonna do i know we're gonna start with iui okay i always get them i i
get them like flip-flops so i can't be talking yeah yeah yeah iui is like iu is what we're gonna do and just like put it in yeah if you take the egg out that's what she's leaning starting with yeah and if it doesn't work ivf yeah it's so expensive sperm is so expensive
God, and guys are just out here spreading it like nothing. We have to pay this much as lesbians? She's with it, because that's what I complain about all the time. Not only are they with it, they're doing it until they're like 100. Literally. Can we put a limit on that? There should be an age limit. You shouldn't be able to be 90 and have an 18-year-old and come on. I feel like my life is a movie every day, too. I feel very similarly about that. Especially, I feel like the careers that we have are so uniquely...
awesome that we get to like do what we do that yeah I definitely am very appreciative all the time that I am here rather than where I could have ended up because I have a finance degree like that though yeah oh my god you have to also like I think a lot of people take for granted how like
i'm not saying it's an easy job but like there is a lot of ease to this job and then we have a lot of things that are to the choir yeah i hate i hate i hate my biggest pet peeves i'm scrolling and i see someone with any complaint i don't care how hard this job is to some people i will never sit and complain about it because at the end of the day not only has it put me in a position to be financially stable
as a person who literally grew up in the projects, like the hood of Miami, to be able to have a house, be able to afford her ring, to be able to financially go as lesbians, we can financially afford a child, which you know, damn bitch, you gotta be in your bag to be able to do that as a lesbian. - It's crazy. - It's a blessing and it's a privilege. - Totally, both for sure. - And you have your own schedule and it's just like people look at it and they forget, like people do it and they forget like,
this is such a privilege. You're not in an office. You're not, you're your own boss. You can wake up and film whatever you want. - Totally. - Your own idea. - And no one's saying not to complain. Like every job has things to complain about, but I complain to Lindsay. I'm not gonna complain online to the people who are working.
who also are the only reason you can do what you do are you kidding me I'm not gonna complain to these people who know I'm just grateful to have like thank you for being on this platform with me like are you crazy are you crazy no it's it's it's so out of touch yeah the only thing I like I think struggle with at all with the internet stuff is just
a lot having so much feedback all the time and just being like this choir right here just like being a you're we're people at the end of the day too so it's like I don't think that we have evolved as human beings to be able to take as much criticism as you are like give you yes at times and it's like you you also have to accept it because you're like I the blessing and the privilege I'm with all of that and then you're like
okay i'm i am in a way asking for this but like at the end of the day you're also still a person so you read a mean comment you're like
Oh my god, that will, I will think about that for maybe the rest of my life. Probably. Maybe the rest of my life. See, I'm very much so, like, there. She doesn't care, and I'm glad that. No, I do care. It's different, but I do care. Yeah, yeah. It's just, like, I don't understand hateful comments for no reason. Like, send it to your friends. Like, I get everybody has an opinion or whatever, but, like, Kiki and your group,
text. Literally. No, but have you ever left a mean comment on anything ever in your life? Never in my entire life. Yeah, me either. So whenever I think about it, like, if I, like, really think about it, I'm just like, okay, they're going through something. They're going through their own thing, and, like, I'll be okay. But people are ruthless. People are also ruthless, like,
I've I talk about this a lot because I started on YouTube and on YouTube you would get comments and I would get mean comments and stuff but it wasn't like attached to an account most of the time it would be like you go to their page and it's like they've never uploaded a video in their life right with TikTok it's so fucking weird that I can go to this like hateful comment most of the time they're also like have never uploaded anything because they're like
Still scared. Yeah, I can't stand by what they're actually saying. But sometimes I'm like, oh my God, like, this is you. That's your mom. You go to college here. Like, you're a fully actual, you're an actualized human being that just commented the most savage thing. Yes, I mean, you're a real fucking person and you're talking about me like that. And then also like people who fully make content and videos and I'm like listening to them talk about me. I'm like, holy shit. Yeah.
Oh my god. Say it to my face, but I'm like, you are saying it to my face. It's crazy. It's a lot of like, you're just like being seen by so many people. It's just not normal. Yeah, because as we all know, nobody would actually say that in real life. No one would ever say any of the shit that they said. Lindsay actually just experienced something like that. I really did. This week. What happened? So like a while ago, it was just like, it was on Twitter and there was a video and somebody had said, this girl had said something that-
It was a blatant, just like out of nowhere, a lie. Like, I can't really get behind her because she was so mean to girls in college, basically. And I'm like... I can't picture you being mean. And it kind of started like, I really want to like them, but I can't. Because Lindsay... As if she like really wants to like us. She wanted to like out me as like a horrible... As a racist. Like she literally said like disgusting... Actually, she was like... I met her at Rush and she was really...
awful towards me as a black woman like she kind of did that and i was like disgusting and i was like i literally like i just know that this is not yeah it's not true it's based on nothing so then fast forward the other day when we were boarding our plane here a girl literally come to la yeah a girl says hi to me in the bathroom and i'm like hey and she was like yeah i went to georgia state with you and blah blah and i was like oh my god nice to see you again and then i'm thinking i'm like i think
the girl that said I swear I went back and I looked and I was like I literally was like I'm gonna go find the tweet and I found it and it was it was her and she came and got and she came to me right after and she told me I'm
I was like, point that bitch out. I don't apply. Because I don't apply. Because not she here in person, how are you going to say something so baseless where you're trying to, you know, you're trying to band people together. She was like, that's what it was like. Oh, like this is going to take off. Because then also people ask for examples on her tweet and it was like, well, I don't want to say. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's not real. So that was like the perfect example of like, wow, I really just saw that happen.
people aren't really like that. - No, you can't take it to heart because you know that it's like, it's just not based in reality so often. - But it's like why? - No, literally why? - Why? - Stop that y'all. - I keep forgetting to mention that. - No, no, I don't ever, I barely ever look at that.
you're like ping-ponging back and forth okay so are we allowed to ask you yeah of course ask me questions what's like the wait now i wish that i had so many fucking questions as the one guest i thought we were supposed to just wait for her to ask a question so i was just waiting and i like had questions to ask oh my god ask me anything nothing i wanted to be it was
You didn't forget. No, it was like, you know, as things were happening. Yeah. But, like, for instance, in this conversation, what do you feel like is a negative comment or a video of someone to me about you that really has stuck with you that people don't realize, like, it's really stuck with you and you think about it? Oh, my God. Well, people... Well, this is the...
The bad thing is, like, I almost don't want to say it because then I'm, like, going to let them know what the thing is. But I think one of my biggest insecurities is that my teeth are not straight. And that is something that people will, like, run. It doesn't happen that often. See, that's how you know people are, like, that is so crazy. Because we in your face. Oh, my God. And then whenever I read it, I'm like,
Oh my God, they know. And I'm like, what? Of course they know. I can see, but it's my bad. But it's like stupid shit like that. Like stupid stuff like that. I think also, obviously the worst ones are when people come for your character. Yeah. And also I think, I think since starting my podcast, I'm talking so much, right? I have 25 episodes out right now. That's a lot. Yeah. And if you think about it, each one is like,
at least an hour of conversation. 25 hours, you could spend a whole 25 hours with me. And like, there'll be times where I misspeak or I say something wrong. Yeah. But like telling my own story. It's not like saying like, I haven't said anything like, I don't think like problematic, but like I've made mistakes or said something like, oh,
I'll just say what I one of the things I've seen was that I was like, oh, in my last relationship. And then I talked about my relationship to relationships before. But that's because I was in a conversation and I meant to say that's like the last relationship I was talking about. Like in the conversation, I just it was just like a random mistake. Yeah. But then it's like a Twitter. People took it and were like, oh, my God, Shannon doesn't even like doesn't even pretend like her last girlfriend exists. And I'm like,
y'all are kidding me when they when they make like a whole story yes and i'm like it was it was literally i just a mistake in 25 hours of me talking i'm gonna make a mistake like i'm gonna say something wrong yeah so i think that's been i just think this is also like just so much more i feel so much more exposed from my podcast than i did ever from youtube ever from tick tock it's so much less it's like sharing you're you're talking and you're like that's what
you know, we were talking about being on the podcast and I was like, "oh my gosh, but it's so-- it's, like, vulnerable," because with our content, like,
you it's not like we heavily edit it but you can you edit it or whatever yeah and you just whatever and it's shorter yeah in general shorter the tiktok the rise of the tiktoker in general i know you guys do youtube too but like the tiktoker is so interesting because you can know i know very little about a lot of people i follow on tiktok that i like really like like i'll be like
like someone recently told me that Brittany broski is from where I'm from in Texas oh really didn't even know that I didn't know work yeah I don't know where anyone is from I didn't know you were from yeah I know like it's so easy to not know especially if you follow real fans in the building sorry thank you but no like it's so easy on tic-tacs it's so short form that you're like
what do I really know about you? Like, I know only these snippets versus... But I also feel like it's, like, pivoting from there now because brands are wanting people that they're, like, personable. So now the, like, vlogs are popping where you're, like, literally talking more to the camera about, like, directly instead of, like, voiceovers. TikTok has changed so much. Sounds like YouTube now. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like Alex Earl has gotten a lot of, like,
negative feedback but I do think one thing that she did is she changed TikTok a little bit with her story times of like right around that time I don't know if she invented it I don't think she did but around the same time that's like all of the TikToks turned into that don't you feel story times I will say I also think you know how our TikTok timelines are so curated to like what we see yeah
she has story time after story time after story time and she's always so i will say this my tiktok is like my twitter girls content because my content is gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay but like scrolling gay gay i explain my tiktok is like my twitter because when i'm on twitter i'm on black twitter no matter how i go about my twitter i end up on black twitter it doesn't matter my tiktok is very similar like
i don't know what it is like my tiktok is very hood like i'm getting a lot like all i get is story times yeah so if i scroll like i cannot find a trend of my life depending on i just have to do something let me find like a trend or whatever so we can make a video and i'm like babe weren't you supposed to be looking for something because mine that's just it but that's also the culture yeah and so being
The funny thing is that now, not now, but just not saying you or anything. - No, no, no. - But like I have also seen a lot of people kind of say that and I think it's interesting because that's not true.
But because a white person is doing it it's become this thing of look at this thing. She's championed when she she hasn't no no I follow so many black creators that have been doing story times even while doing their makeup or doing their hair Fair on a wash day like their hair wash day, and I'm like yeah, that wasn't anything new She just happened to be white rich look pretty and it took off no hate to Alice girl. You're doing your thing. She is like but that's No, yeah Totally
First of all, I think black people invented everything. So we've got everything is we are copying everything. Literally. That was just like at the same time of her rise was the rise. You watch like trends. Same thing. People like don't I don't know if you guys know about this, but YouTube had like a similar thing where like completely changed the algorithm. First of all, YouTube changes their algorithm and they don't tell YouTubers. So it just something happens and you're like, what the fuck? You have to figure it out. So gamers changed YouTube. Like.
like the rise of PewDiePie and all these gamers because they were posting 10 videos. Okay. Before that, it was comedy. It was like the big thing on YouTube. I'm talking like
10 years ago, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like Smosh, you guys remember? Whatever. Doesn't matter. Like more like skits and like funny comedy videos. Those channels were posting like maybe two videos a week and they were about like two minutes long. So YouTube was like, that was the content that they were putting a lot of money behind and like the algorithm was pushing. Okay, then they realized that gamers were making at least 10 videos a week that were about like 30 minutes to an hour long. So YouTube changed. Were they like streams?
No, just them playing like live. They play gameplay. I don't fucking know. I don't watch the game. I don't watch them. But I didn't they didn't tell anyone that they did this, but they changed the algorithm to push content based off duration. So how long people watched it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it's weird. Like all these platforms kind of do these things and then they don't tell the content creators. And it's crazy because like also on TikTok, remember when it seemed like they were really pushing photos and
carousels and they were yes yeah except they were like flat out telling you yeah they would tell you they were like emailing you like post a photo carousel and we'll take talk is better about that than youtube ever has been did you see that they did that with the wide format videos yes i could not catch on to oh my god i did one just when they were like we were pushing why because i was like they did the video would have like a hundred thousand views yeah but i couldn't do it i was like what the fuck no
the fuck no it looks bad i don't why is this there's black i don't want to do it yeah it literally it's not aesthetic yeah it doesn't fit the vibe no okay can we talk about sex a little bit sure my segways yeah i am my segways are insane you don't have segways let's just put it out there by the way i don't know how this cut is gonna be but if she's not talking about sex it's just we we're just as surprised as you are i'm not i don't cut it just i do cut a little bit but yeah i do a little
No, I really, I have really bad ADHD and I'm not kidding. That's like my brain is like, and now I'm ready to talk about this. Jumping, jumping right to it. Let's talk about sex, baby. Okay, please. Thank you. That's all I need to say when it's sex. We're a little pretty, Ricky. Shout out again to Hinge for sponsoring this episode of X's and O's. I love you guys. Thank you so much.
If you're looking for the love of your life, you should definitely download the app that's meant to be deleted. Going hand in hand with the slow mans, LGBTQ plus daters are looking for low pressure dates. A low pressure date is just a date with a relaxed environment where you can get to know someone better and gauge if you actually want to pursue that person. 34% of queer people said that a coffee shop would be the number one place they would go on a date.
21% said a bar and 20% said a restaurant. I think I personally prefer a bar date as a first date, mostly because I don't like eating in front of people that I just met. I get nervous. I'm like, when am I supposed to take a bite of food? When I'm talking or when you're talking? And then what if you finish talking and I'm supposed to start talking, but I have food in my mouth? See, I can't deal with that. So a bar or a coffee shop would be ideal. But I also prefer a date at
at night for a first date. So bar environment makes sense for me. What about y'all? You guys know I talk about this a lot, trying to find the balance of being a public person and being in a relationship and how much of that you're sharing.
I know my connection to that may be like a little unique, but I think in 2024 with so many people using social media, a lot of us are having to actually think more about how we're incorporating the people we're dating into our public lives and our public profiles. 77% of LGBTQIA plus daters said they'd like to have a conversation with their romantic partner before they start posting anything on social media. That makes sense to me. I'm actually surprised it's not 100%.
But 48% of the daters also said they prefer a soft launch. So subtly releasing photos and videos of the person that they're dating over time rather than just like hard launch, here is my girlfriend. But believe it or not, lesbians are 2.2 times more likely to hard launch than the other queer daters.
Is anyone surprised by that? Because I'm not. If you guys want to learn more about queer dating, you should check out the date report. The link is in my bio. Go find the love of your life, y'all. Let me know when you do. And maybe I'll let you know when I do. If I decide to soft slash hard launch. Any day now. Any day now. Let's talk about sex. We don't have to get too crazy. Never have I ever. You guys said before we started filming, you're more into tripping than anything else. Yeah.
what the this is crazy yeah yeah I mean I think it's good to talk about because I do think there is a bad rumor going around that lesbians don't scissor like I don't like the term sorry lesbians don't trip well I mean I think it's different I do think it's different are people actually scissoring that's the question I don't think they're scissoring we don't scissor do you scissor
What do you guys do? How do you define scissor? Well, okay. Yeah. Like, I've seen lesbians actually say, they're doing this. I've done that. I've done that, for sure. Does it hurt? Yeah, I've done that. Like, laying down? You've never done that? Maybe a couple times. We've, like, tried it, but it kind of hurts. I could see, yeah. I'm not doing it that often. It wasn't, like, enjoy. I wasn't like, oh, yeah. Yeah, we were like, all right, next position. Yeah. I feel like the only reason...
not the only reason, the reason I do it sometimes is like, you know when you're like hooking up with someone and you're just like, I want to be as close to you as possible? Yes. And so you have this moment of like, and that will make me, that will make me feel that way. And that is our entire sex life. Yeah. We want to be as close as possible to each other. So that's why.
that works for us that makes sense yeah okay well it's real y'all by the way it's real it's real yeah if you're doing it right it's real and like you don't personally like we told you before but like penetration isn't like our we don't really bread and butter we don't use dildos ever really so when y'all say things in our comments about i'm gonna say it
okay go i know the white one is putting her through the bed oh she's not like that they say that he's not with a dildo no she kind of is though
It's so funny reading those comments. I'm like, okay, whatever. It's kind of crazy, though. Lots of assumptions. A lot based on her style. Yeah. Yeah. Just that you must obviously be the top. Yeah. And putting her through the mattress. That's crazy. It's like based in just what their idea of. Yeah. They expect her to be the man. People assume that her style means that she's taking on this masculine role in the bed.
Which I don't really know what that means. That's what I get confused. I'm like, what does that mean? Yeah, totally. I mean, there is no... It's like the whole thing is like there's not a man in the bed. I don't know what it means. It's like so hard for people to... Like people who are very ignorant and out of the community. Like we see it a lot on Instagram Reels. I mean, Reels and YouTube Shorts. YouTube Shorts. YouTube Shorts. Oh my God. People are really, really, really ignorant. And they're like...
They can't just fathom that there's two... Like, people are gay. When they look at me, they're like, is that a man? But it looks like a girl. Literally, what the hell? We probably have thousands of comments in the last two weeks about her being a man. You can't just assume that it's two... It's two girls.
girls like look at it it's just like so heteronormative and i think youtube is just so backwards like it's behind the times especially i just don't think their algorithm is set up and back to the algorithm but i don't think it's set up to actually like create a for you page the way that like tiktok and reels even have like it's set up like facebook yeah they don't know what they're doing so everything just gets pushed to like everyone and so your content is really based in russia
Which has not been great for our comment section. I can imagine. We're getting a lot of Russian comments, literally in Russian, and they absolutely don't want to see us. You translate that? Oh, yeah, I translate. I'm like, I'm not doing it. I'm not reading that. I don't know. In the best case scenario, you don't even have to translate. Don't read it. Just be like, thank you for the engagement. I have no idea what you said. I generally try to comment back to everybody, so I'm always going through our comments, and
I click translate and sometimes it is a couple of Russians going, "Beautiful couple." And I go, "Thank you." And then you click translate and it goes, "Aborrent, sen, going to hell. Which one is the man? Which one is the girl?" - We've heard it all before. - Their hairstyles need to switch. They believe that I should have the hair and you should be bald because they think she's a man. And I'm like, I'll say something like, okay, like one guy goes, "Disgusting." I said, "Oh my God, can't believe we wore the same color pants in that video. You're absolutely right." - Heart.
she's like guess what i've commented back i know lately my new thing has been the comment hate with something that's so positive that you just look stupid to whoever else is reading it that's smart like also smart of you to like go through and read and comment back to everyone that's really kind of you well i think it's so important because i never want to feel like i'm
Too far from you to be able to communicate building an actual community of people you're like like my DMS I never I've like I read every DM like we don't have any unread DMS. That's crazy And I comment pretty much if you DME, you know, we've talked and yeah, you're awesome. It's fine. And I love meeting new people Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's fun. You guys are good. Do you not do not I?
I do read a lot of DMs, but there are a lot of heavy DMs that I get that I'm like, I think if I were to do it all the time, it would really take a toll on my own mental health. If I was like constantly like, it's a lot of like,
and I read them and I appreciate them but I'm like if I give as much as I want to give to every person there would be nothing left for like the people in my real life or me in my own real life you know and I think that's a balancing act balance and I agree and I think
to some extent depending on what it is i will and i like to be honest and i think that's also what makes it scary opening those cms like i can see why the avoidance would matter so in that situation i would just be like i don't know me i'm just like hey honestly i don't know anything about that or i'd say like very honest like sorry i don't know what you're talking about you're gonna get a response but it might not be the one you want i'll get a really long something about the relationship that's really personal really deep or really layered in
something complex or like traumatic and I'll go, I'm very sorry that that's happening to you, but also
reach out to a therapist in your area because I'm not able to give you any advice because everything that you're seeing online, this is just our own experience and we're not perfect. Yeah. We're not perfect. Like I say all the time, we are not perfect. We are working on each other, working with each other all the time. Yeah. How do you guys navigate being a public couple? Because I've obviously done it and it can be really tough because you get a lot of both positive feedback
and negative feedback. Is that hard for y'all? Or how do you deal with it? I think like when we first started, I was really scared because I probably said,
something about like you and your like first relationships like i was watching couples like on youtube and obviously they all broke up but like that's they all that's scary it does intimidate you in a way of yeah is it because like is it almost a curse exactly but like if you're getting a tattoo of her name is it am i gonna be cursed because we're on youtube now right
But like if you think about it, like they were going to break up whether or not they were on YouTube or not. Yes. By the way. Yes. Yeah. Let me tell you. Confirmation. Yeah. Don't worry. So yeah, I mean, I was like really, really, really nervous like about it, but like
like we said, she was just posting videos and they were just like doing their thing so... But I don't know, now I feel a lot more comfortable with it. I feel like the community that we have built, we center it around a lot of positivity, like, if it's like a hateful comment for no reason,
from like people in our community like we don't ever engage or like it will just delete it you know like so when you like people and people feed off of each other too oh my god yeah and also they want you to respond by the way yeah they want you to respond so
I'm very, I'm grateful for the community that we have built. I agree. You know, so. Even like meeting them in public, we're very blessed for the types of people that come up to us. Oh, totally. I agree completely. And I don't, I don't know if it's just like a queer thing too, but like, I definitely feel like my, the people I meet are always like the kindest, sweetest and like the stories, like the things that they want. The reason, I think it's like the reason we're connecting is based in something that's so different.
like beautiful because it's just like oh my god i don't have this from anyone else and you were it or you are it and it's like it's really hard to turn that sour i feel i mean people will do it it's like meeting a gay person anywhere like if you yeah yeah you're like hey how did you come out oh yeah it was traumatic oh my god and then we all get along totally well we always have like we are like soul tied to each other yeah like queer people which is like the best thing ever because like you could meet someone who have you have nothing in common with if you're both gay you are literally like
So let's talk about that. Yeah. Yeah. Let's talk about dating. Let's talk about this. Let's talk about, yeah. We even have our own language that we start to like turn it into. I love that. A connection forever. I love it. Do you, I have a question. Do you like,
do you know like how does it feel to be Shannon Beveridge like do you like understand like okay because we're talking about people coming up and meeting us and everything and people tell us how much we have like really impacted them or like the community and I'm like I cannot wrap my head around it yeah do you feel that
no I think you can't I think it's impossible to fully like actually understand I remember I remember when I hit like 100,000 subscribers on YouTube whenever that was and someone told me how big that was like of a stadium they like compared it to a stadium thing to me and I was like I just can't even I can't I can't even accept that information like it's like I have to hear it and then just be like
surely not though you know what I mean I just think your brain can't like believe it I definitely think I did something oh my god super happy and proud that I did whatever I did and I want to keep doing it as long as I can yeah but like as far as like do I do I like sit in my room and think like god you changed lives like
Look at what you've done. Look at what you've done. Like Thanos when he has like the reason. Yeah. Look at what I've done. I'm like, no, I can't. I don't think I could. Yeah. I don't think my soul could handle that. You know, I'm just like happy. I'm so happy for what I've had and like done and the experiences I've had. But yeah, I don't like it.
When people give me compliments like that too, I'm like, "It's so nice." But like, I'll go and... I've been doing a lot more stuff now on camera and like going on podcasts and stuff and people will be like, "You were like the original lesbian." And I'm like, "What are you talking about?" -You were the first lesbian. -First of all, no.
ever first of all it was definitely a black woman and she was awesome probably for sure wasn't me but then at the same time i'm like this is so nice but like i can't i just i can't i feel like i even like feel like i almost like want to reject it as a concept of like people being like you are like lesbian and i'm like i'm definitely a lesbian but i mean it's something to be proud of because at also the end of the day
Your like resume is it has so much positivity around it also like it's not like the thing that came with baggage Like when you say who you are no one's going ooh Like someone like, you know, someone's not crazy. They're just going that girl goes through a lot of breakups Yeah, like
I don't see that at all. I think the comment section sometimes skewers reality. Yeah. Oh my God, for sure. The comment section will skewer, like, what the fuck, skewer? Skew. Skew. Yep. I didn't even know. Should never use that word. I couldn't say it. It skews it because, damn, I don't want to say it. It makes it feel like it's reality. Yeah. Just like you said, that other comment that really stuck with you is something that's
based in yeah in your relationships your exes and so it probably makes you feel like a lot of people are thinking about that but we're not and that's everyday life like things that you think someone's gonna care about no one gives a fuck they're like totally okay yeah we all date people and break up not us oh my god not y'all you better have fun on your own straight you better fucking not nice but you guys made me believe we get it we get it yeah no it is crazy i think
I don't know. I'm happy that you guys are doing the same thing though too. It's cool. It is really cool when I've met people who are like, oh, I followed you and then now they do it too. I'm like, that is really fucking awesome that like, it's crazy. It's like a weave. Like we're all helping each other. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Thank you Ellen DeGeneres. You really started it all. I'm kidding. Is that like ground zero for lesbians? I don't know why she gets brought up. I feel bad for her. I literally, I just said this the other day to Jojo Siwa. I'm like, gosh,
Gosh, she kind of got a bad rep. Because every time you hear people talking about her too, they're like, and the only representation I had was Ellen. Was Ellen. I don't think about Ellen at all. I don't. Fair. I don't think about her for one second. I just feel like she was like, she just like was like, came out so publicly. It went so terrible. And then she dressed in a way that most lesbians are not like...
Most young lesbians were looking at Ellen in her little suit jacket being like, "One day that's gonna be me." Even though it probably will be all of us one day, you know? Isn't that crazy? It's probably gonna be me one day. We all evolve into an Ellen. Eventually we all will die in a blazer. Oh my gosh. At some point. Not you, for sure, not you.
You're going to look great. And you're not going to wear either wig. Yeah, you can help her and then you guys can also make sure I don't do that either. I hope you guys enjoyed this episode so much. Please follow them on all their socials. I'll have it all linked below. Do you guys have anything that they should look out for? Anything coming? What?
Yeah, our wedding in October. Anything else specific? The baby after, that's pretty much it. Their wedding, their baby, keep an eye out. I'll have all their socials below and you guys should check it out. Watch their TikToks, they're so good. God, there's more stuff I want to tell you about and ask you about. Your neighbors and stuff. Not everything is for y'all, I'm sorry. Period. Okay, love you! Okay! ... ...