Rabbi Schneider
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :本集讲述了@马利亚 和约瑟在面对社会压力和不理解的情况下,如何坚定地选择结婚,并一起抚养耶稣的故事。他们的婚姻是上帝之爱的象征,体现了对上帝的顺服和对彼此的承诺。他们经历了暴风雨和天使的显现,最终在橄榄树下举行了婚礼,他们的结合是神圣而独特的。在婚礼之夜,他们没有同房,因为约瑟知道马利亚怀的是圣灵之子,这体现了他们对神圣计划的尊重和敬畏。 @Rabbi Schneider :约瑟娶马利亚体现了对上帝的顺服,婚姻是上帝面前的盟约,而不是世俗的认可。婚姻是爱的圣所,是彼此扶持的象征,能够帮助夫妻共同面对生活中的挑战。马利亚和约瑟的婚姻是基督与教会关系的象征,他们的故事鼓励所有夫妻要彼此相爱,共同面对逆境。本集也探讨了放下对传统婚姻的期待,要顺服上帝的计划,即使上帝的计划超乎我们的理解。耶稣的降生也超乎人们的预期,这体现了上帝计划的神奇和伟大。 马利亚:马利亚在故事中表达了对约瑟的爱和对未来的希望,她与约瑟一起面对挑战,并相信上帝的计划。 播音员:本集讲述了马利亚和约瑟在面对社会压力和不理解的情况下,如何坚定地选择结婚,并一起抚养耶稣的故事。他们的婚姻是上帝之爱的象征,体现了对上帝的顺服和对彼此的承诺。他们经历了暴风雨和天使的显现,最终在橄榄树下举行了婚礼,他们的结合是神圣而独特的。在婚礼之夜,他们没有同房,因为约瑟知道马利亚怀的是圣灵之子,这体现了他们对神圣计划的尊重和敬畏。 Rabbi Schneider:约瑟娶马利亚体现了对上帝的顺服,婚姻是上帝面前的盟约,而不是世俗的认可。婚姻是爱的圣所,是彼此扶持的象征,能够帮助夫妻共同面对生活中的挑战。马利亚和约瑟的婚姻是基督与教会关系的象征,他们的故事鼓励所有夫妻要彼此相爱,共同面对逆境。本集也探讨了放下对传统婚姻的期待,要顺服上帝的计划,即使上帝的计划超乎我们的理解。耶稣的降生也超乎人们的预期,这体现了上帝计划的神奇和伟大。 马利亚:马利亚在故事中表达了对约瑟的爱和对未来的希望,她与约瑟一起面对挑战,并相信上帝的计划。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with a prayer reflecting on the divine mystery of the bond between a husband and a wife, symbolizing the relationship between Christ and the Church.

Shownotes Transcript


This mystery is great, but I speak concerning Christ and of the assembly. Ephesians 5.32 Dear Heavenly Father, we are reminded this season of the depth of your love for us, a love so deep that it is compared to the bond between a husband and a wife. We are the church, your bride, and Jesus Christ is our heavenly bridegroom. Thank you, Lord, for this sacred relationship.

Thank you for your unconditional love, enduring patience, and unending faithfulness to us. Help us to truly grasp this divine mystery, to respond to your love in a way that honors you. May we be faithful to you, seeking to know you more each day and living in a way that reflects your love for the world. Teach us to love one another as you have loved us.

fostering unity, kindness, and understanding within the body of Christ. As we ponder this great mystery, fill us with awe and gratitude for your love, and guide us in walking in faithful response to it. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. Thank you for praying with me today. Stay tuned now for another episode of Stories of the Messiah with Rabbi Schneider.

Joseph picked up his pace and rounded the corner towards the light. But before he could see anything, the cave flooded with water, and Joseph found himself swimming for his life amidst a violent storm in the middle of the sea. Waves and breakers crashed over him. He swam but made no progress. The waves thrashed, and the riptide dragged him down underneath. Joseph sank in a freefall into the black abyss until a current pushed him onto the shore. The storm subsided,

And Joseph looked out at a golden sunset hovering over the glassy sea. Suddenly, a luminous figure appeared before him, an angel standing upon the glassy water. His eyes were filled with wisdom and compassion. Joseph was struck by awe and reverence. Fear not, Joseph, son of David. What is conceived in Mary is of the Holy Spirit...

She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. The words wrapped around Joseph like a warm embrace, filling him with an understanding that transcended earthly wisdom. Hello and welcome to another Christmas episode of Stories of the Messiah. I'm Rabbi Schneider from Discovering the Jewish Jesus, here to guide you through this tale of adventure, faith, and fate.

Today's episode is a dramatization of Mary and Joseph's marriage. What a strange and beautiful event that must have been. The circumstances surrounding their union were far from ordinary. The customs back then were set in stone, and nobody deviated from them. It was not the path Mary and Joseph imagined for themselves, but I suppose that's how life is sometimes. We expect life to follow a predictable course, but unexpected twists and turns force us to adapt.

The Bible shows us that a life truly lived in obedience to God is rarely predictable. I'm reminded of James 4, verses 13 through 15, when it talks about making plans. It says, now listen, you say today or tomorrow we'll go to this city or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.

You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You're a mist that appears for a while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, if it's the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that. James is communicating an important lesson in life for all of us. Life takes unexpected turns, and we must look for God in all of it.

Proverbs 16, 9 says, A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. We don't rely on our plans or schedules to get through life. Instead, we rely on the Lord's direction and strength to overcome the unknowns. The Christmas story was filled with unknowns. As this series continues, the plot will thicken and become more dramatic.

In all the turmoil, danger, and mystery, Mary and Joseph must rely on each other for support and God for guidance. In a sense, this is what Christmas means for all of us. This season is about immersing ourselves in the loving embrace of family and the majesty of our God. Let's continue down the road with Joseph as he seeks out Mary. The Lord has given him a dream confirming that Mary is pregnant with God's Son.

Joseph, determined to do what is right by Mary, finds her and takes her as his wife. Let's listen now and join me after so we can unpack Christmas truths and applications to strengthen our faith even for today. Joseph ran down the hill back to Nazareth with love in his heart and courage in his bones. His dream had provided clarity and purpose. He and Mary were chosen to raise God's Son, the chosen Messiah and Savior Israel had been waiting for.

Joseph ran to Mary's house, the angel's words still ringing in his ears. His feet barely touched the ground as he rushed to tell her of his divine revelation. He found her in the garden outside her home. She was kneeling, her soft hands delicately tending to the flowers.

She had such a grace and elegance. Her beauty, especially now, enraptured Joseph. A flood of memories from their childhood came rushing back to him. Even as a boy, he had always known that she was the one for him. "Mary," Joseph said softly.

She looked up. Her eyes were still tinged with the sadness of their last meeting. Joseph approached slowly and knelt beside her. He took her hand in his, then placed another on her belly and smiled. "His name will be Jesus." Mary's eyes widened with amazement and relief. Her lips pursed together, holding back tears. Joseph embraced her and allowed her to sob in his arms.

He stroked the back of her head and whispered, "The angel told me everything I need to know." He pulled back and held her face. He wiped tears from her eyes with his thumbs and smiled. "We will struggle, Mary. The people, they will not understand. But I am with you. I will marry you. We will raise this child together as husband and wife. Whatever comes our way, we know the Lord will be on our side."

I love you, Joseph.

And those words, spoken honestly and without prompting, were exactly what Joseph needed. Joseph wanted to hold, kiss, and marry her right there in the garden, but he knew he had to show restraint. They had to tread lightly, for the entire village thought Mary had been unfaithful. It would only be a matter of time before they speculated Joseph was the father, and they had both broken tradition. Mary rose to her feet, sensing the thoughts racing through Joseph's mind. "We will have to tell my parents."

We will have to tell everyone. Joseph nodded. Don't worry, he said. Leave it to me, Mary. I will not let anyone dishonor you.

Mary said, Mary said,

The villagers and extended family too were unreceptive. Whispers of scandal and disbelief circulating like a bitter wind. Even so, Joseph and Mary were determined to be wed. They planned a modest wedding, simple but filled with the profound joy of their unique bond. Mary underwent all the cleansing rituals and Joseph gathered a few faithful men to blow shofars. They held the ceremony in the olive grove just before sunset.

As the day's last rays trickled through the trees, Joseph saw his bride approach. His heart fluttered at the sight of her. Although their union was under strange circumstances, he found himself hopeful that his future with Mary would be filled with quiet joy. Surrounded by only a few who accepted them, they exchanged vows and gifts. Their eyes met, and in that sacred moment, they saw each other and the incredible journey ahead.

The excitement for their new life, the child they would raise and the love they would share was captured in that single timeless glance. That night in the Hapa, they did not consummate their marriage. Joseph knew something sacred was at work within Mary. He would not know her intimately until after the birth of Jesus. Instead, he tucked Mary into her bed and laid at her feet.

He had a tenderness towards his wife, but it was not a weak devotion. His love was protective and a testament to the strength of his character.

By the warm flickering of candlelight they spoke of their future, their hopes, their dreams and their fears. But always with faith in each other and in the divine plan that had brought them together. The world might doubt and scorn, but Joseph and Mary knew they were a part of something greater, something beautiful, something eternal. They were not alone. They were guided, protected and loved by the creator of all things. And that was all they needed.

In deciding to marry Mary, Joseph demonstrated his obedience to God's directive and willingness to face potential societal backlash. Even though the rest of the world didn't understand Mary and Joseph's predicament, they had each other and that's all they needed. Their decision to get married and remain devoted to each other reflects the strength of marriage and of the marriage covenant.

Marriage is not just a physical bond, nor is it a mere government contract as some would lead you to believe. Many see marriage as a recognition of two people's love for each other, like being recognized in marriage is a validation of your identity. But marriage is far more than that. Marriage is a covenant before God, a sacred commitment, and a sanctuary of support, love, and strength.

Marriage is not just about the world validating your love. If it were, then Joseph and Mary shouldn't have been married since nobody approved what was happening. No. Marriage is a bond designed to endure trials and the unexpected turns of life. And ultimately, marriage is a reflection of Christ's love for us.

In Ephesians 5, Paul describes marriage as a mysterious and profound image of the love and devotion Christ has for the church and the church has for Christ. Joseph's willingness to proceed with the marriage, despite the appearance of scandal, highlights marriage as a partnership designed to weather storms. He and Mary must have drawn strength from each other throughout their challenging yet divinely appointed journey.

This act is an encouragement for all married couples, a call to stand together, to face adversity, providing mutual support, understanding, and love. Marriage is a steady pillar when the world around us begins to crumble. We know that Mary and Joseph must have had that to endure what they did.

In the coming episodes, we'll see their relationship put to the test as they brave a harrowing journey to Joseph's homeland. Another theme explored in this episode is surrendering expectations. Mary and Joseph both had to surrender their expectations of a traditional marital life.

They had to embrace God's extraordinary plan, which involved potential ridicule and misunderstanding from their community. This surrendering of expectations is a central theme of the Christmas narrative. It points to the idea that God's plans often defy human expectations and require our obedience and trust. Our ministry, Discovering the Jewish Jesus, highlights prophecies and foreshadowings of the Messiah.

Yet there seemed to be a misunderstanding many Jews of the time had about the Messiah. They expected some sort of political liberator and king to come and deliver them from Roman oppression. Instead, the Messiah came humbly, feeding the poor and fishing with the commoners. God's greatest gift to humanity, Jesus, arrived in a way that defied all human expectations. Not in a palace, but a humble stable.

not to a queen, but a virgin from Nazareth. The willingness of Mary and Joseph to change their expectations and to obediently align with God's plan allowed for the first Christmas and the arrival of our Savior. As we reflect on the Christmas story, we can draw inspiration from Mary and Joseph's experiences.

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but it's also a time to reflect on our own willingness to trust God when His plans for us defy our expectations. This season, let us remember the strength of the marriage bond as exhibited by Mary and Joseph. Let us also embrace the humility and obedience they showed even when God's plans were beyond their understanding.

This Christmas, let us welcome Jesus into our hearts, homes, and lives, willing to surrender our expectation in favor of God's divine plan. Maybe your traditions will be shaken up this year. Maybe the dreams will fall through. But do you know what? That's okay. Because the one constant of Christmas is Christ. And this will certainly never change. Thank you for joining me today on our journey through the Nativity.

Be sure to tune in next time as the plot thickens and Mary and Joseph are forced to leave Nazareth because of a decree made by Caesar. If you want to learn more about my ministry, you can visit If you've been enjoying this podcast, be sure to share it with a friend so they can find hope during this Christmas season as well. And be sure to download the app to make prayer the priority of your life.