Rabbi Schneider
@主持人 :在圣诞节祈祷中,祈求上帝赐予人们爱与牺牲的精神,并帮助人们互相承担彼此的重担,以体现基督的精神。 @Rabbi Schneider :讲述了马利亚前往探望伊丽莎白的故事,展现了马利亚在怀孕初期面临的巨大压力和不确定性,以及她在伊丽莎白的支持下找到力量和勇气。这个故事也体现了圣灵带来的安慰、爱和接纳,以及在逆境中互相支持的重要性。此外,Rabbi Schneider 还将这个故事与以利亚的故事进行了比较,强调了上帝在困境中对人们的帮助和支持,并鼓励人们在圣诞节期间展现接纳、力量和信仰。

Deep Dive

Mary is reminded of Jesus' example of empathy and selflessness, and prays for the strength to bear others' burdens during Christmas.

Shownotes Transcript


bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6.2 Dear Heavenly Father, as we celebrate the birth of your Son, we are reminded of the ultimate act of love and sacrifice He performed for us. We are also reminded of the beautiful example He set for us, an example of empathy, compassion, and selflessness. As we exchange gifts, sing carols, and enjoy festive cheer,

Let us not forget to share these blessings with those around us who may be carrying heavy burdens. Teach us to extend a helping hand, a comforting word, or a shoulder to lean on. Let our actions echo the Spirit of your Son, our Savior. Fill our hearts with your love this Christmas and always. Strengthen us in our resolve to bear one another's burdens.

and in doing so, may we become a source of comfort, peace, and joy to all those around us. In the name of Jesus, the reason for the season, I pray. Amen. Thank you for spending time in prayer and reflection. Stay tuned for more tales of hope with stories of the Messiah with Rabbi Schneider.

In the stillness of the morning, Mary left the quiet city of Nazareth. Her heart was heavy with the new secret growing within her. She hadn't told her family what was happening. She didn't even know where to begin. But one thing was certain: God was on the move. Something monumental was happening. God's divine plan was unfolding, and Mary played a vital role. The angel Gabriel told her that God had already visited her cousin Elizabeth.

and enabled her to conceive in her old age. So, Merry decided to visit her to uncover more of the mystery. Merry spent what little she had on a cart to carry her from Nazareth to Ankarem. The road was a long coil of earth, snaking through the undulating Judean hills, shimmering with emerald foliage.

What will come of me? What is God doing?

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of's Stories of the Messiah podcast. I'm Rabbi Schneider from Discovering the Jewish Jesus. This month leading up to Christmas, we are immersing ourselves in the story of Christ's birth. The story of the Nativity is one of faith, triumph, and the enduring love of God.

In our last episode, the angel Gabriel visited Mary and gave her the news that she was favored among women and chosen to bear God's child within her. This calling came with an immense weight and Mary would struggle with it her whole life. At this point in the story, Mary has only been given a sliver of God's plan. She doesn't know how her family will react or what will happen when she tells Joseph.

All Mary knows is that Elizabeth, her cousin, is also a part of the plan. So she ventures off to uncover what God is doing. This intimate encounter between Mary and Elizabeth is a heartwarming snapshot of acceptance and mutual strength amid unimaginable circumstances. As we reflect on this this Christmas, we learn valuable life lessons

lessons of acceptance, support, and strength in the face of adversity. At this point in our story, Mary's alone with this great secret. She feels exposed and vulnerable. Mary's feeling of isolation is something many of us are familiar with. Sometimes we feel like nobody understands us or supports us in our struggles. Sometimes we feel like we need to carry our burdens alone. Galatians chapter 6 verse 2 reminds us to bear one another's burdens.

Mary runs to Zechariah and Elizabeth to seek refuge and understanding. Will she find it? Let's immerse ourselves in this dramatic story inspired by the Gospel of Luke. Afterward, we will unpack its Christmas themes together. Mary rode silently. Her mind was a canvas of emotions splashed with hues of hope, fear, and wonder.

There were so many questions left unanswered. What would Joseph think? Would her father disown her? In a small village like Nazareth, Mary could be publicly stoned without the Roman government even noticing. She could completely disappear and be forgotten.

She found solace in the angel's words. She clung to them like a life raft. Mary leaned back and closed her eyes, trying not to imagine the inevitable look of hurt Joseph would have on his face. Instead, she held her belly and thought about what her baby would look like. What would he sound like? Would he cry like other babies? Would he stumble and fall like other children? The thought of a child gave her a smile. With that faint flicker of affection in her mind, she drifted off to sleep.

The cart finally arrived at Ein Kerem. The home of Zachariah and Elizabeth was in the center of town. The streets were alive with hope and anticipation. Although Zachariah was mute and couldn't report what he had seen and heard from the angel, everyone knew Elizabeth's pregnancy was a miracle. It was as evident in the fact that she was well past childbearing age. Mary found their house nestled in a meadow draped in the shadows of towering fig trees.

Elizabeth was outside, tending to her garden. Mary approached silently, unsure how to begin. "Elizabeth, I..." But before Mary could continue, Elizabeth turned around and looked at her. She was nearly nine months pregnant and beaming with the glow of an expectant mother. Yet another aura surrounded Elizabeth, a joy overflowing in the form of tears. Elizabeth ran to Mary and held her tight. "Oh, my sweet cousin!" she exclaimed with a tender voice.

Her embrace was a balm to Mary's soul. She felt herself melting under Elizabeth's warmth. Blessed are you among women, she said. Mary froze and backed away. Those were words Gabriel had used to describe her. What did you just call me? I called you blessed, Mary, Elizabeth said gently. And blessed is that child you hold within your womb. How... how did you...

Mary was speechless. How could Elizabeth possibly know she was pregnant? Elizabeth stepped closer and held Mary's hands in hers. She kissed them and then placed them on Mary's womb. When I heard your voice, my baby leapt for joy in my womb. Here, feel. Mary placed a hand on Elizabeth's belly and felt the exuberant kicks of her little one.

His kicks were a confirmation resounding in the chords of Mary's heart. The fears and uncertainty that previously clouded her thoughts dissolved into the ether. She was not alone. She was chosen and appointed with a purpose that transcended human comprehension. In the presence of Elizabeth, Mary felt a soothing balm of acceptance. Elizabeth's warm smile was a reflection of Mary's inner resolution.

They stood together, two women touched by divine intervention, bearing the promise of redemption in their womb. In that shared moment, Mary understood the strength that comes from faith, the courage that springs from acceptance, and the love that is born from God's promises. Elizabeth took Mary inside. Zachariah was there and gave her a hug that only an uncle could.

He spun her in the air and beamed with expectant joy. Here, her burden was understood, her joy shared, and her fears acknowledged. It was an affirmation that stilled the turmoil of her thoughts. The world outside could wait, could doubt, could scoff. Here, she was known. She was in a safe haven.

There she found courage. She was carrying the promise of salvation, a torch amidst the darkness. Mary shook her head, laughed, and finally got out of her own head. She was in the home of her beloved aunt and uncle. "Elizabeth! You're with child!" Mary shouted with excitement. "How can I help you? Do you need me to cook anything? Also, I brought some fresh cheese from Mother's goats." Everyone laughed and enjoyed each other's company.

Mary served Elizabeth until the time came for her to give birth. Being in the presence of Zachariah and Elizabeth gave her strength. Her journey had barely begun, but the power of God was renewed in her every day. This story perfectly exemplifies how the Holy Spirit moves to provide comfort, love, and acceptance.

Our ministry, Discovering the Jewish Jesus, is always searching for how God's character is consistently shown through the Old and New Testaments. This story is similar to the story of Elijah. Running for his life, Elijah was tired and weary. God provided everything Elijah needed. He provided comfort, care, and sustenance to accomplish the mission ahead. God provided the same thing for Mary. She had a tumultuous journey ahead of her,

and the home of Elizabeth and Zachariah was precisely what she needed to gain her strength. Even as the Lord provided for Elijah, similarly He provided for Mary in this Nativity and Christmas story. This story also highlights key themes we can carry into the Christmas season. The first theme is acceptance. Upon Mary's arrival, Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, immediately recognizes the significance of Mary's child.

In Luke 1:42 she said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear." Despite the potentially scandalous situation of an unwed pregnant mother in their society, Elizabeth does not judge or reject Mary. Instead, she wholeheartedly accepts and blesses her. She knew that Mary's child was from God and that Mary did nothing wrong.

Not everyone would feel the same way about Mary's situation. They would jump to conclusions and reject her. Mary's situation is a good reminder that we shouldn't be too quick to judge somebody else's circumstances. Sometimes God is on the move in ways we can't see. It takes sensitivity to God's Spirit and an understanding heart to see what's happening in people's lives. In fact, the Bible says, "Judge nothing before it's time."

Ephesians 1 reminds us that we have been accepted and adopted into God's family. Is there anyone in your life this season that needs your acceptance? Is there someone without a family or companion you need to welcome in? Pray on these things and perhaps the Lord will speak to you. Another theme we will explore is strength in adversity.

Both Mary and Elizabeth faced unique hardships. Mary, a young unwed mother carrying the Son of God, and Elizabeth, an elderly woman pregnant for the first time after a lifetime of barrenness. Yet, Elizabeth's words to Mary were not of fear or worry, but of joy, blessing, and faith.

Elizabeth's encouragement must have brought much-needed comfort to Mary, reminding her she was not alone, was blessed, and had a supportive companion. Elizabeth's faith fueled strength into Mary's faith. At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who is God with us.

His coming is the ultimate demonstration of God's acceptance of us and should give us faith that all of us that put our trust in him are truly loved and accepted in him. During our celebrations, let us remember the decisive encounter between Mary and Elizabeth. Their story is a testament to the transformative power of acceptance and the strength we can offer each other during adversity.

May the Christmas season fill us with the compassion to accept those around us, the strength to face down our own adversities, and the faith to recognize the workings of God in our own lives. Like Mary and Elizabeth, may we find comfort, companionship, and strength in our relationships, demonstrating the same love and acceptance that we find at the heart of the Christmas story.

Join us next time as we are wrapped up in the beautiful song of Mary. Now, if you want to learn more about Jesus, you can visit me at Also consider checking out my recent book, Messianic Prophecy Revealed, Seeing Messiah in the Pages of the Hebrew Bible. You can get your hands on it via my website. Now, if this podcast impacted you, please take a moment to leave a comment and review.

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