you're awesome guys and welcome back to the what's good podcast i'm on a different angle today yeah yeah it's weird i actually don't actually i actually am experiencing a different side of the podcast like how is it over there it's not great i think it's better over there yeah i think i look i will look better here because there you get a bit too much of my receding hairline on shot at an angle here i probably got i mean you know more front onto the do you have a better side i'm probably but you don't know you don't care yeah i'm the same let me know
I think that side is. This side's better? No, the other side. Really? When I vlog, I vlog this way. You seem quite symmetrical. Thanks, man. Yeah, I've been working on it. We're both ugly. Oh. No, I'm not symmetrical. When that TikTok trend used to go around. Oh, the flipping one. Yeah, fuck. Yeah. Bro, that's a really unique time in life, isn't it? What, when you... No, in lockdown. Everything was just so good, but so bad. Was that in lockdown? Yeah, all the TikTok trends were in lockdown. Like, the war zone...
The Warzo. The YouTube. But also, I think that it ruined my life as well. Well, we're starting off with a depressing note. Yeah. Everyone's depressed. You've been in Paris? Yeah, I went to Paris. How was it? Yeah, it was good. No, I actually hate Paris. Very depressing. No, I'm not going to lie. Paris sucks. Paris is so bad, man. It sucks. Everyone always is like, it's so nice. I'm like, nah, it stinks. But actually, I really enjoyed it when I went this time.
Is anyone else getting really mixed messages here? Yeah, sorry. I saw the comments last time. It was like, Randy always agrees with everything. And I'm like, nah, I just like to see both sides of things. But traditionally, I've hated Paris, always. But then, when I went and did it my way, I actually really liked it. So I had a brand deal to go on a train.
Anyway, I could go to the UK on the train. I was like, there's not really any good ideas for the vlog to go anywhere if you're already in London. If I was like, maybe not coming to London, maybe better. But I was like, can I just go to Paris on the Eurostar? They said, yeah. So I was like, cool. 7am train, took that, almost missed it again.
Because I forgot that you have to go through Passport, don't you? Yeah. For Eurostar. So I was going to rock up at 7 o'clock and just cough on the train. Okay. I was like, oh my God. I was in bed. My eyes were shut open. I was like, I need to get up. So I made it though. And I literally went to find the best bakeries. So on my phone, I had like the list of like top five best bakeries there. Tried the croissants and that. I thought it was quite traditionally Paris. Yeah.
So I went to the first one, pretty good. Had a croissant and a hot chocolate. Enjoyed myself. Went to the second one, had a baguette. Really nice baguette. And it was really sunny. And I found out it's like canal and the river. And I was like, you know what? This is sick. I'm just going to sit. So I sat on the river for like 30 minutes. Did like loads of work. Like ace work. I did like stuff for the vlog, brand deal stuff. And I was like, yeah, I'm enjoying this. Just sat on a bench. Then I went from there to a little park. I just sat in a park. That was sick as well. I don't know. I had the best day. And then I was supposed to go to the next place. And on the way there, I saw this nice little like
I don't know, like a cafe. So I just sat aside with a pint and just sat there for, again, for like half an hour. And then I was like, okay, let me go somewhere else. And then I realized I got on a line bike and it said the time was an hour ahead of what it was for me. I was really confused. I was like, why is it three o'clock? It's meant to be two o'clock. My phone says two o'clock. And it turned out when I came back from Turkey for the golf trip, I had changed my phone to manually set to London rather than automatic. Oh.
So it hadn't automatically changed to Paris. And I was looking all day. I was like, why is it? I was checking the time in London. I was like, why is the time the same in London as Paris? I thought it was the same in town or something. So anyway, turns out I would have missed my train back if I didn't...
to fix my clock sorry what was the brand the train pal train train pal train pal yeah train pal it's like a ticket and thing for buying trains i have no part of this is there like any brand no it's in the morning on 7 a.m train i just filmed the brand deal on there on the train which is quite it seemed it was quite seamless like you know you guys want to buy train tickets like i have check out train pal
Sorry, Randy, to elaborate, what you do in Paris the way you want is just going and sitting in a load of places. Yeah, because I feel like, yeah, but before you laugh, I feel like in Paris, everyone goes to Eiffel Tower, all the main bits, and it's always dirty. It's always loads of tourists and people. I went to this really nice...
It looked really pretty. So wait, you soaked in the culture then? Yeah, I like doing it that way. I like going to the cities and just kind of like going with the flow rather than going to something. Is it Paris the one that has the thing of like people get really upset when they... It's like a condition. Yeah, I think it has to do... I think mainly it's around like Japanese tourists. Paris Syndrome. Is it Paris Syndrome then? Yeah, it's Paris Syndrome. Is that what it's called? Yeah, Chinese and Japanese people, they kill themselves.
Sorry. No, no. They don't kill themselves, but the embassy has people there to help them deal with it psychologically. Because they have such amazing... Culture shock. Yeah, they have such a specific idea of what it's going to be like. Yeah. It doesn't live up to expectations. Well, I was vlogging and I was like, you know what? I feel like Americans and people not in Europe always think of Europe as this nice little quaint pretty place, which it is cool, but then also it's just dirty at the same time.
And I kept, I was nervous about getting my phone stolen because I'm holding my phone like this and so many cyclists were going past so close to me. I was like, someone could pinch that. And I know in London it's getting a really big problem right now. Although I did say in my vlog, I said that 20, I saw on Twitter that it said 20,000 phones get stolen per day in London. And I started saying that in my vlog. And then the more I said it, I was like, that's no way true. 20,000 phones can't get stolen per day in London. And I Googled it and it was 100.
Right. I have to apologise to anyone who watched my vlog. I was like, 20,000 a day, I can't be true. But 100 is still quite a lot, I guess. Is that 20,000 a year? I can't do the math, I don't even want to try. I don't think 100 a day equals us. 100 times 300, that could be 300,000. 30,000. 50,000 a year. Still quite a lot, isn't it? So wait, divide that by 365 then. I have no idea. 28,000.
Oh, 148. 31,000. No, 31. 310. Can you do that maths? I want to see how far off I am. Just do that divided by 365. It is 139. Ah. What did I say? I don't know. I think I said 300. No. No, I can't do maths. I can't even retain numbers. I went the other way. Anyways. Well, Paris was alright. Yeah, it was cool. Dirty. But yeah, anyway. This is our first solo podcast in a new set. It is. Yeah. And we still don't have anything on there. Well, we had it and it broke.
It's actually right here. Yeah. Do you want to show it? Yeah, it's the WG. So we're thinking of putting a... I want to put the thing there, like a board. Can we light it though? Yeah. Because this looks really sick lit on someone. Yeah. On the corner of my head now, it probably looks really nice, doesn't it, John? It looks great. So on the corner of your head, you have something nice as well? Yeah, I think a board that's lit up and we have the photos of all the guests. Maybe we can do that. But do we put one of just us? Because that'd be a bit weird. Nah. Nah.
yeah that's true we don't take a photo here nah yeah yeah we only take it when there's a guest do the photos say what episode it was or does it just say the name it can do I think it's been doing it but I believe so oh yeah so do we put ourselves I don't know we can put 250 251 I'm so mad that the shoes over there you can't even see them on the shot it said 251 the Marcus Brownlee ones and I forgot to put it up for the Cal and Cal episode because that was 251 would have been a nice little thing in there in the back but no um I'm enjoying the new podcast set
Same. Yeah? Yeah. Same. I feel like you almost didn't make it today. I did, yeah. Yeah. A stressful morning. A little bit. We basically, we were out last night. Talia was performing. Yeah, how was that? It was good. Yeah, I saw a picture on Instagram of it. Yeah, she was supporting Katie Baser. Yeah. Yeah.
But I saw, no, I know it from the announcement that Talia made. But also I saw a video of someone filming Talia's show and everyone had their phone out and everyone was singing along to Talia's songs. It was like a lot of people considering she was the support actor. Yeah. There was a lot of people there for...
They were probably there still for Katie Baszler. That's a good... They knew her. Well, that's good if the fans are fans of both of them. That's a good mix. Yeah. Good support choice. Yeah, it was good. Sick. Very good. So you were in London. We stayed in London and then a bunch of people came to watch like Freya, Amy, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah, sick. And then we went... We met up with them afterwards to go to a club or a bar. Yeah. A club. And we went to 100 Wardour Street. Okay. And this is actually a question I was going to ask you. Mm-hmm.
What do you think is the most miserable job? Are you going to say like a club bouncer? That's exactly the job I was going to say. Do you think though? Because I think they see something new every night. Huh? They see something new every night. Yeah, but I think it must be like... There are obviously... I've met a lot of like... So we went into 100 Border Street. They're already there. I turn up and I'm wearing like trousers that are a mix of like...
They're kind of like cargo-y tracksuits. So he goes... We walk up to it and we're kind of like, oh, is it open still? Yeah. He goes, you're not coming in the notice. Oh, no. What do you mean? He goes, you're wearing tracksuits. Yeah. And I'm looking at the bar and I'm like, it's dead inside. Yeah. And I'm kind of like, fuck. They're kind of like... They're not... They're like cargo-y. Yeah, I know. I've heard this before as well. And I'm like... I'm like a little bit frustrated, but also like, I see your point, but also...
come on they're not they're not full-on tracksuit yeah so i'm like ah they're they're more like car he goes don't fucking test my intelligence oh my god and i was like okay so we're not getting in at this point like there's you know when they give you a tone there's like there is no way yeah yeah would you fight back i i'm i always stupidly argue back i don't know why i argue back okay cool yeah but this is what pissed me off the most right so uh we're standing there and i go i'm like
what the fuck like all our friends are in there yeah and you're not letting us in even though it's empty so then amy comes out to try and see like oh how come you're not getting let in no she's wearing a full tracksuit oh my god so like did that help you no all right
when she went in he was like are you looking great in that tracksuit oh my god yeah nah it was this bald prick what why is he doing that he literally says like you're looking like he flirted with her about the tracksuit so then I go up and
And say like, oh, can I come in? And he said like, no, you can't, you're in a tracksuit. She comes out. Yeah. And she says, she immediately, he kind of looks at her and then she comes over to us and she's wearing a tracksuit and he goes, he like realises I fucked up here. Okay. And he goes, yeah, you have to leave. To Amy. What? She's like, all my stuff's inside. Oh my God. I'm not leaving now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll go in and get it. And they're like, no. What? So then there's this whole like minute of just her. Yeah, of her being like, well,
You've just kicked me out when I've come out to see if they can come in. My stuff's inside. Yeah.
The guy just starts being a dick. She's like, well, I'm going inside to get my stuff. You can't stop me from doing that. He's like, we'll escort you in. Wow. And the other bouncer realizes at this point, like, okay, this is just weird. So he's like, you are going to have to leave, but go in and get your stuff. So she goes in and gets all the friends. We just went somewhere else. We just went somewhere else. But then we go to the next place and the bouncer's so jokes. He's literally there. We couldn't tell what the club was. Fever dream. We go in.
And it's just this dingy little place that's playing like the Smiths. You know them? No. Like this charming man is like one of the big ones. It's like 80s indie music, right? Or something like that. Or 90s indie music. Can you do a rendition, John?
Every song sounds like that. Every song we were in there sounds like that. Okay, cool. I don't know them. Yeah, and that place was just weird. There was three people. No, Josh. No. Okay, cool. There was three people in the entirety of the bar bit we were in. And we were convinced they were a throuple. So one of... Hold on. Two guys and a girl. Two guys and a girl. Because they all looked like they were trying to get with each other. Was it like each other? Or like...
everyone was like the gay as well yeah cool and then we were convinced one of the guys was the main one and then the others were trying to get with them cool so then eventually we kind of said like do you reckon they're a throuple and Meg who was with us not Reeves Meg right she just goes like I'll ask walks up and goes are you a throuple what did they say she walks over mortified the woman in the thing and comes over and she's like
I promise you, we are co-workers. This is not a throuple. I do not find any of them attractive. Like, please, you have to believe me. So you guys presumed? We presumed. You assumed that... Then we went to the bar, came back and she was getting with one of them. Wow. This sounds really fun. Yeah, it was a dream. It was the weirdest bar ever. Yeah, wow. And then we left that and we tried to get into Simmons and they said, you can't because Amy's very attractive. So we were like, fair enough. Yeah, fair. Well, if you're not letting Amy in,
Yeah, no, that's jokes actually. I remember I was on tour once with JJ and I had the same thing happen because I was wearing like cargo. To be fair, they were like joggers, but they looked like, I don't know, anyway. But we had Chuck with us. They're like the mix ones. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can argue they're anything. We had Chuck. If you ever got Steve running with you, he's always fine. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Chuck was like, they're not. He's like, they're not trackies. They're not trackies. And I was like, cool, man. Well, this is the thing. I just couldn't believe the fact that I was getting turned away for ones that are like,
It's arguably trackies. You're dressed to go out as well, right? So you were wearing like... Like, kinda. Yeah, but you'd wear... Okay, what were you wearing? Those. You got a picture? No. I was wearing that jacket. That big, like... Oh, cool. Supreme jacket. Yeah. Like, it was... What I was wearing, and considering how empty the bar was... Yeah, yeah. It was the fact that Amy walks out and it's not tracksuits. She's wearing a tracksuit. Did he say that to her as a joke to you, by the way? Like, on that tracksuit? Surely, because I would say that to, like, get at someone. Do you say it at her to get at you?
no he they were there half an hour before us and he said it to her when they entered oh right okay sorry i thought she came out to say hello to you and he was like oh hey nice tracksuit just rubbing your face went into the bar he was flirting so i was literally there like well it's clear why you're letting her oh yeah well i mean yeah yeah yeah do you not feel like a lot of bouncers get into bouncing to have a power trip well to do a bit of flirting
No, I think I reckon like 70% of them complete power trip. They want to be able to like turn away people and be in control of whatever they want.
Don't get me wrong. There's definitely like sick bouncers, nice bouncers. Yeah, and they're really good. They actually make it so much better. They feel like battling with you and stuff. It's really nice. And also, why not? Like, you know, everyone's there for a fun time. But the majority of people that I've met that I've gone like, wow, they were a dickhead. Also, you know what I hate about like bouncers and security guards and stuff? When they want, their job is to stop fights. But some of them want to fight. Yeah, I hate that. So it's so bad as well because it also puts to shame like the actual real like bouncers or like police that want to actually like mitigate stuff.
um but yeah so then today you had to podcast early yes and you got your dog problems i felt bad you should have just sacked it no it's all right talia's talia's gone okay talia was meant to be on the podcast yeah but uh yeah she's she's had to yeah and people are like oh i hate how you guys keep getting people in that you know and number one it's a new set and we want to celebrate it and number two just fuck off because also we get someone who you don't know who's new and everyone's like it sucks yeah so like
You know what I realised? On what Jamie was saying, just comments, just don't read them. Yeah, it's true. I wish that they didn't help the algorithm. Yeah. Because if they had nothing to do with the algorithm, like, okay, you can get 10 million comments, it doesn't change anything, I'd turn them off. Yeah. Yeah.
I know, but I also love hearing what people have good to say. I love that. When you read support, I love reading that. Yeah, that's true. Maybe you'd say that, maybe you put a link in the description saying, I don't know, drop a comment in that box or something. But I was talking to Kyle yesterday as well, and he was mentioning the Outdoor Boys channel. I don't know if you've seen it. He has comments turned off. Yeah. So he takes his kids on camping trips, and obviously a lot of people could say it's quite dangerous. Obviously, he knows what he's doing. He's like a veteran hunter and all that stuff. He's also like...
Cold. Did you turn the Samsung off?
We did, yeah. Oh, okay. I'll start in a sec. As you can hear, that's out of the woods. But he also, I think he kills animals and stuff. And his comments have always been turned off forever. But you can imagine if they were turned on, people could be saying, oh, I can't believe you're killing an animal. He might change his content. I do as well. I read the comments of the vlog and stuff. And usually comments are from your viewers, aren't they? So if your viewers are commenting about something, then it's like...
Well, they want what they want. But what they want might not be what they're... Just well for the overall video? Yeah. Does that make sense? Did I say it right? I don't know. I feel like I stopped paying attention to comments as much. The more views you got, the less you should read them. Mine's the opposite, I think. Yeah, but when you're like... Okay, let's say you're getting a thousand views a video and you're getting 30 comments. Those 30 comments will be a lot more like...
If it's criticism, it will be more constructive. If it's praise, it will be more like, this is why I loved it. Yeah. If you start getting like 2,000 comments, you're going to have so many just bots. And new people. Oh, you're ugly. Yeah, yeah. Oh, this was amazing. As much as it is nice to read, this was amazing. It's like,
what was yeah is there any specific thing about it yeah and then opinions people also form opinions on what the top comment says yeah and then like it's just a mess then but you know i mean i don't think it's the third time i've brought that up but it's fine i definitely want to get i feel like we should just have like a like
A bi-monthly Jamie podcast Yeah yeah we should We should Every other month Yeah We should come up with The weirdest topics I really like that podcast He can come up with His own topics Yeah That was one of my favourite ones That we've done with him Yeah Because obviously I think the first one we did Was like the whole Money's not real thing
And sometimes you're like, okay, well, you're waffling a little bit. But that last one was like, oh, actually really cool thoughts, you know? Yeah. So no, I always love talking to Jamie. On the topic of guests though, do you think you guys would do better with random, say you can't have your friends anymore, as people keep saying, do you think you'd do better with random influencers that you don't know, like slash TikTokers, YouTubers, whatever? Or if we had, say, things like we get a psychiatrist or someone who's done something of significance? I don't know. I don't know.
Because I don't think the ones that, like, let's say we got a psychiatrist. Yeah. I would be really fascinated with that. But I don't think it would do well. No, I don't think it would do well either. Which is really sad. Yeah, I think, again, I always bang on about Tom Segura, but what he does on his podcast with his wife is they always, no matter what they do with a guest, they always start themselves for half an hour.
Then they bring the guest on. And sometimes they'll bring, they'll do half an hour, then bring the comedian guest on. Then they'll bring another guest on after that, which is like the psychiatrist or something. The problem, you're right. The problem is like, no, it's hard as well. Cause I would down, I'd be down to do it with someone like that. If I was genuinely interested in what they have to talk about. If I wasn't interested, I'd struggle personally. I don't know if it's my fault, but like. What if we did one where we do the first like 30 minutes together. Yeah.
Then we bring the psychiatrist out and they've been analysing us for that first 30 minutes. That'd be cool. And then they can ask us some questions and we can ask them whatever. And then they can basically say like, this is what I've noticed. Yeah. No, I think psychiatrists would be great. That'd be really good actually. I'd love that. But I think there's some industries I just wouldn't care. I see some people have, and also this never has, this podcast was never an interview thing, was it? Like,
That's why it's nice to have friends on. It's not that we just have friends on, it's also that YouTubers, if they're in the space of YouTube influence, that's kind of good for us because we know what we're talking about. We can't talk about other stuff because we don't know that kind of stuff. You say that certain interviews wouldn't do well, but Theo Vaughn had a New York garbage man on. Yeah, but different podcasts. He's also Theo Vaughn. I know Simon is Miniminter and I am. No, different things though. It's like certain people can do certain things and then it just doesn't hit for other people.
And he's actually a comedian as well, because he can make that really funny. So Theovon can just do whatever he wants. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I don't know. I feel like... But I do agree with you, John, in a sense. And I like Theovon, but...
They do really well. The American comedian podcast world is so huge, isn't it, John? Oh, yeah, they're massive now. Mainstream media is now common. Yeah, and they use podcasts as their main thing, pretty much. And they use that to sell their shows, which is kind of a perfect life, really, because you can be yourself on the podcast so they know your personality. And then when you go on tour, they know...
much about you already yeah whereas like if they didn't know you they might not find you funny because like a lot of comedians will tell stories about their life and you wouldn't find it funny if you didn't know about them so because you have the podcast you actually learn a lot about them yeah true you know but yeah i don't know podcasting in the uk is interesting right now i feel like you got us fellas jack mate
Well, Pitchside have just released... Yeah, Backside. Backside. That's actually pretty sick. What a weird name. Yeah. They've actually like... They started off as a football podcast, but then also their personalities started to stick out a lot more. Yeah. So I think that makes sense doing Backside. Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think it's slowly... It's becoming all their main things realistically, isn't it? Like, I know they're still doing their own things, but Pitchside is... They do vlogs and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. I like it. I like it a lot. Theo's funny. Wow.
You really just slewed the other two there, didn't you? I was going to say, Theo and Reeve were two of my favourite guests. Did I say that on the podcast or did I say it off podcast? You said it on the podcast. Yeah, that episode we did with them. We remember that one, John. It was the one where Theo accidentally leaked where they stayed somewhere. He was like, don't tell anyone this. He started telling it on the podcast. I'm like, well, bro, we're literally recording. We should get Reeve and Theo on again. I love that. It's just a good vibe. Yeah. That's a perfect example of what we're talking about here. It's like,
I don't know like we could get someone else on or we could just get two of our friends on and I think one thing you guys don't understand is how difficult it is to record these every week so like when we asked Jamie to come on we asked him the day before so we can't go and get someone else on because we have to go and you know are they free are we free whereas Jamie's a friend of ours he's close to us we know that he likes to be on here we like it him to be on here so it's like okay can you do tomorrow yeah cool Cal and Cal can you do tomorrow yeah cool it gets like that you know
I think as well, you mean to say as well, it's not difficult to actually just record them. It's difficult to schedule it. Yeah, schedule it. Yeah. I mean, even today, this pretty much almost didn't happen. And I feel bad that you had to do it. I feel bad. You know? I mean, yeah. We can sack it if you want. I don't know what's happened in the last, like... No, we won't. I don't know what's happened in the last three weeks, I'd say, or four weeks. But Sidemen has just taken over...
like everyone's life massively what has changed though that's what i'm trying to figure out because surely something's changed or is it just because of the trip we're doing soon that has to we've done trips before and it hasn't felt like that i don't know yeah i feel like maybe maybe i'm literally just noticing the inefficiency more and more and maybe nothing's changed but maybe maybe you've changed maybe and you know for better or worse maybe i don't know well i just i think i'm just noticing more like okay we'll do let's do uh
More Sidemen Day at the studio. We're turning up. We're meeting at 12. We're going to do four videos. Let's just ease. Or three videos. Each video should take, if you sit down and like, once it's ready to go, 30 minutes. Yeah. It's so easy. Yeah. It is easy. And we'll be there for five hours. And I'm like, what happened? And it's because...
we get there one person turns up 25 minutes late cool that's an extra 25 minutes we then we have to set up the cameras like whatever yeah extra 15 well they set up the cameras 15 minutes yeah start the video finish that video then everyone starts like doing something like people get up and start throwing darts or start doing something and it's like it just all adds up and it's like okay well that
hour and a half has now turned into five hours. Yeah. Why wouldn't you? This might make it worse. It might be a stupid comment to make, especially what you said there. Why not just do like a... So how long do you usually do? Well, the real day was 11 till 5. That was the plan? No. So what was the plan though? Well, it was 11 until we're done. Okay, okay, great. So I was wondering, why don't you just say like, yeah, we're here all day today. So we're here all day. We're going to have lunch, dinner. We're always like, we'll stop around...
Five or six. Okay, sure. Okay, never mind then. Because I was going to say, maybe just take the stress out of it, make it fun, you know, have breaks for... People's attention span just can't deal with it. Yeah, yeah. But then, I mean, I was thinking, like, do you... How much of the entire Sidemen sphere... Sphere? Yeah, sphere. Sphere. I don't like saying sphere. There's no C. Sphere. The Sidemen sphere. Sphere. Sphincter. Whoa. Why'd you make it weird, John? It's a completely different word, John. It's got the sh in it.
Yeah, anyway. It's needed. How much of the whole Sidemen umbrella is needed? You know? What do you mean? Like, okay, so say in the globe or the sphere of Sidemen, you've got, say, more Sidemen, Reacts, Sideclose, all this shit. Like, what, you know, is there a way you could, like, minimize some and then go bigger on others? I personally, as a Sidemen fan, and this is not to do with, like, anything scheduling, you know, but I'm saying, like, I would enjoy maybe...
a cyber main channel video being just sick you know so like a three day one hold on three day one where you go to like japan or some shit or something like that where it's like a big big seven video and it's just like a top gear special yeah it's just unreal cyber video if that meant that losing a few of the other things for that it'll be sick because also i feel like you know so you guys would enjoy it more so rather than panicking and doing like our ship and we're gonna do i think the things people
Obviously, I'm speaking for everyone here, which they may disagree with. I think the main thing is spending nights away.
everyone's happy to spend a night away or two whatever but if you started saying okay you're going to do this three day trip once a week to get a video but you're going to do nothing else I'd rather spend the nights at home with family and them yeah but then we know and this is not to include myself here but say we go on a trip that Portugal trip right I know it was busy the fishing one and the golf one but that was really fun everyone had a fun time it's because it was like a one off if you went alright we did that Portugal trip next week we go into Spain for three days
The next week, we're going to Italy for three days. The next week, we're going there. Yeah, but then, say it was like... If we owned a private jet, I'd hear it. Yeah, true. So you go to Spain for three days. Okay, whatever. It's not private jet or whatever. Or maybe BA, I don't know. Whatever it is, right? But three days. Every night, you do like a meal, you know? Or something fun, you know? And everyone's there bantering. You're enjoying your time. No, everyone would enjoy that. Yeah. But it would, like...
ethan's got a kid but then you can have four days off potentially or four days where he just reacts or among us so you know you go three days out somewhere then you do more side men gaming reacts online among us that's like that's like oh i i hear it but like you see that portugal trip yeah we've got two videos yeah i would happily do that kind of trip you could do that and
Monday to Wednesday first week and you get two videos. Yeah. The week after. Monday to Wednesday you get two videos. Yeah. That's your month done. Yeah. Yeah. And then you have two weeks off. And they'll be good as well. Something new. Something good. Oh and also this goes back to Calfreezy as well. Part two. Could do a part two or something. Yes. We may be very soon. Okay. Yes. I know it is. I've been pushing for it for a while. That's good actually. Do you? Yeah. I feel like I can't say it now. Not the big thing.
The one that... Not the project. Not that. No, no, no. Another one. Yeah, the one we... I was in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But no, if it's say like... This weekend's video, actually, speaking of that. Oh, sick. It's not out, as in it's the weekend coming. Is it? Yeah. Wow, so the notes that I saw Harry do yesterday, it's for the week after. That's for this week. That's for the one that just went out. Oh, sorry. Okay, yeah, yeah. I know, dates are confusing right now. I forgot that we're also... Yeah, yeah, sure. No, but I think the Top Gear style content is just so sick, man. I agree, I agree. Imagine all seven of you do Japan, or Australia, say. You go there...
By the way, you know what you could do? Australia, you've got to go for...
You're going to spend the first 48 hours wrecked. Yeah, so that's not in the same parallel universe as the Spanish one. I'm not sure as to why it's a parallel universe. There's no sense. But I said it with conviction, so that kind of worked. But you go to Japan, right? You do one more Simon video, trying Japanese snacks. That does work. That would just do well. There's all seven of you. Then you just do a Japan vlog. It's like a main channel vlog, but it's got concepts in it. And it's a fucking three-parter. I actually suggested doing...
I was like, let's do Sidemen spend 24 hours in X place. Yeah. And we just choose a city. You go, let's... I'm trying to think. Name a big city.
Well, anyway, I'm okay. Mine, Paris is going into my head, but not Paris, please. Rome, Rome. Fuck. I fucked up again. Okay. New York. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. Thank God, man. We go sidemen spend 24 hours in New York. Yeah. Sick. And we literally look up, let's say we're going to do it in a month's time. We look up everything there is to do. And in the 24 hours we got to do like the entire tourist list. Yeah.
I'm like, do it as a vlog. Bro, do it. That'd be a sick video, but it's because the title isn't great, so I don't think it's going to ever pass the board. Okay, look at Nelk, man. See Nelk, right? They do pretty well. Yeah. Not more views than Sidemen. Vlogs. Yeah, and it's just their personality. They can do whatever they want. And Sidemen can do whatever you want. You can. And you've got to think about it as well. Say you get 10 million views on a trending idea, but then you get 6 million views on a really, really, really, really good personality.
personality video i think that six million does more for everything than the view than that like you get less money yeah and all the comments are like audience based and you just get people love you more and that also helps all the other brands and stuff and i agree and also it probably wouldn't do six it probably would do more look at the piss video man that piss video felt like siren it's like oh no can we give you a little check see a little check but i think i think our biggest problem is we are scared to try new things yeah but you don't need to be scared because you guys make everything
8 mil yeah that's pretty good after 12 days yeah 8 000 comments but the thing is we we do always like like look we revert to game shows and the video that just went out hide and seek yeah yeah that's a cool concept though that one was was it let's hope it did well yeah we don't know it's not actually out yet at this point but and again sorry guys they hate when we do that yeah yeah i listen i can't by the way comments literally i mean we don't know what happened because we're in it yeah so
Yeah. It's fine. Yeah, true. Yeah, exactly. Fuck off, guys. Honestly, I'm in jail to comments. But I think we are scared to do new concepts. I think, you know, you need a day out. Everyone needs a day where you just literally all cards on the table.
Not even a meeting. Everyone just speak your piece, man. Everyone just gets their hard truth off. Yeah, what's our goal? There's definitely a way to make this fun. Because no one hates each other. That's a good thing. There's nothing in this album where people are mad at each other. Which happens a lot in groups like this. That doesn't happen. Everyone just has different lives. That can never change. I mean, also, is something wrong? Nothing's really wrong. We're just busy. Nothing's wrong. I think it's just everyone's getting that little bit older and that little bit more tense of...
I think just sack off something, man. Sack off. Every time we level up in terms of, let's say we have a new business or we increase the type of videos we're making, whatever. The more we do, the more it becomes like...
instead of pure fun. And I know it is work, technically. It's not work. It's fun. Like when we're playing hide and seek at Harry's house. It's not work. Yeah, but that was an anomaly as well because in a way, because it was like a jet there, three hours, jet pack. I'm saying in terms of we're not
I'm not going to sit and go like, oh, it's so hard, man. I don't like this work. I'm just saying it's feeling, considering the position we're in, we can have fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Also, again, for those watching who are like, oh my God, we're not complaining. No one's complaining. Life's hard. It's just more like... I'm just saying that we're, for some reason...
choosing to make our life less fun yeah which is a bit weird yeah i i would say yeah because it doesn't it should every shoot should be you know what everyone should be excited to go to these shoots that's what you're making we had that with what was the video before the try not to pee challenge or was it the video the what the fashion show what was the one after that what was the one after oh uh mv's
I think the models one before we filmed it everyone was really like excited to do it and the last EP everyone was really excited
Like we literally turn up that shoe and we're like, this is going to be sick. Yeah. By the way, even looking at this, Simon, how far can you get in 24 hours? 12 mil. Holiday, 15 mil. Right. I know that every visa was traveling as well, but like just, you guys just got to travel, man. And make it sick. We do know that, but we also need. Mate, do what the fellas do as well. But you're saying this as if none of us have anything else going on. Sidemen is it. But like, okay. I don't have my phone on me, but let's go traveling next week. We can't. Someone's away.
Yeah, I know. Like, two people are away. Yeah. But then, right, okay, sure. What if you did then three days, four days, okay, no, no, a week. Let's say a week. A week, you go to Japan, right? That is doable. I know it's long traveling, but it's doable. You do, over there, you do a whole...
whole shoot of the whole trip whatever the idea is say we've got the concept we've got the concept and it's a two or three part or something like that but it's Japan I'd watch three weeks of you guys in Japan and also I'm thinking next week's another Japan video I'm coming back for that you could get 350 million views in a week sorry three in a row no hold on then on Tuesday you go right we're doing a sidecast here we're plopping the cameras down the mic's down and we're gonna do a sidecast there you do side plus over there you do reacts there you're fucking someone's gonna go what's the title
You're right. I don't know. I'm saying you wouldn't figure it out. That's where you won't get approved by some of the others because there's no title. You don't need a title, man, because it's just Saivan in Japan. That's not how it works in the group. It should be, man. John, you see it all, obviously, from your side. I was going to say an outsider's view, but you're inside but outside. What do you think about...
Like how the side men are doing at the moment? I feel like at the moment it feels a bit more intense because a lot of, there's way more people now, like extracurricular, whether it be like sides, whether it be whatever part of it is. And when you guys are all together now, it feels like you have like nine meetings in one day because people know that's the only time they can get you all alone. So I think that's a big part of it, which is making it feel that way.
I don't know, man. I don't feel like anything's changed. Is there something changed with you? Do you feel more tired or something? No, I don't think. Maybe a little bit, but not... I don't know. I just feel like it is... I don't know. I don't know how to describe it. Is it what's good's fault? No. Do you want to suck it off? No. Do you want to suck it off? No, I don't want to suck it off. I feel like... Because I feel like you mentioned it more than anyone. No, it's because I'm conscious of the fact that like... See, today I'm like, it's annoying that you have to come in, you know?
No, I just think that if you realistically, I've said this a billion times, Sidemen could be done in like,
nine days of the month. Yeah. You could spend nine days of the month doing Sidemen and you'd have every video you need. It'd be long days, but it'd be fine. I think you'd go Japan, man, for seven days. Japan wasn't that good for filming, you know. But no, I'm trying to say like, no concept really, though. Just fuck around in Japan, go Kyoto, and be like, ooh, go into a temple. Not like Logan Paul disrespectful era. Also, sorry, yeah. But then, you know, Sidemen in Japan, yeah.
7 in Japan part 2 what a time 7 in Japan part 3 you guys forget how big you guys are man and also go sorry if you don't mind going back to the Simon channel real quick uh
Sidemen, yeah, just, bro, you can just, I mean, listen, I will say for a fact right now, Sidemen $20,000 versus $200 winter holiday, both sides cost more than that. It didn't cost $20,000, it cost a lot more than that, and it also didn't cost $200, it cost a lot more than that. So you could just go to Japan and do Sidemen $20,000 versus $200 Japan holiday. Oh, you know, if we ever, if we ever think of going anywhere, right?
If we're ever going to go anywhere, we're realistically going to do road trip, cheap expensive holiday.
And then one other video. Yeah. That's always our... We did it in LA. Do it in seven days. Do sidecast there. Two episodes as well. Easy. Do... I don't know. Why are you trying to send us to Japan? What's going on? I think you guys do best when you're traveling, when you're all together and you're just fucking around. I agree with the all together. That's great content. And also, it doesn't have to be... You can also still split up. So you know the example you said in New York? Everyone flies to New York together. You know, you film the process of getting there or whatever. Film like chill, banter or whatever. And then you send... How many of you? Seven of you. Yeah.
Two teams. I feel like you know us way too well to question how many of us there are. I always forget because when I'm in a room with you guys, I always forget. I'm like, do you get this right? When you're all together, it always feels like someone's missing.
no for me or i was how is when one person's missing i feel like there's like three missing okay when everyone's there i felt yeah fair enough uh but okay you get two teams right and you're out in new york new york doing the challenges and then someone has to swap you know swap and then at the end you meet have a meal and film that i i i mean i look i like side plus by the way i'm also not trying to like fuck over side plus because my teeth speaking badly on it
It is a good model though. Well, we have a podcast coming up soon on Sidecast. Yeah. That's going to have all of us on. Go watch it, guys. Maybe I'll pitch to them. Let's all say our piece on the podcast. Yeah. It'll just sound like a complaint. I know. Everyone's really going to hate this podcast. This sounds like a complaint as well. We wouldn't say. Well, what I'll say then...
very quickly I was going to say maybe that is what it needs Randy's right I do think you all need to just say your piece because you guys don't even get really because you have all these meetings and stuff you guys never really get a chance to talk about it outside of group chats how you're actually feeling about everything I'll be honest it's because no one's attention span can deal with it I know everyone does have a different opinion don't they which is fine as well that's why it's having so good anyway but isn't like the second someone starts talking in a group setting
At least three people pull out of their phone to start scrolling Twitter. It's done. And we are getting older as well, so I feel like... I don't know. What about if we take away the phones at the start of that podcast? No phone podcast. Get it all out. We can. You can't. Honestly, on a podcast, it's tough because you will always hold back. Yeah. Because you don't want to say everything. You can't be like, I think you're wrong because it's going to sound like beef then. I was going to say...
We're all getting older now. We're all wanting to do things we enjoy more. So that's why the big wedge is actually quite fun because we get to play golf and film it. And we got the first edit back or a couple of first edits. It actually looks pretty good. All in all, like there's comments to be made, obviously, but it feels really good. Yeah. So that's fun. And that's, that's like combining what you enjoy. So why can't you take that mentality of combining things you enjoy and
in into silent video because we're in the trap of like what does well because golf our golf channel is golf doesn't matter yeah it doesn't even matter like yeah you might go okay today you're using a random club you're still playing golf
Do you think the Sidemen overthink things? Yes. I think they overthink things. 100%. I think if you didn't overthink, you'd also get more views because like, I think if you guys truly all did what you all enjoy, find what you collectively all enjoy and just do that, that's just great. Because if everyone's, and also, you're not a group, you are seven individuals who did YouTube in a group. It's like,
nice that's stupid but um do you know what i'm trying to say yeah you all know how to make content you all know how to be funny you all are funny it's just like fuck man like you don't you don't have to keep doing this like oh what do we do today just do anything they should do anything you can do anything but what you can't do is some shit videos shit video i think shit videos that you don't like are worse than ones you know like i feel like we should move away from simon sure we've spoken about them for probably like yeah sorry sorry what's the ipad saying uh not much
Well, John has put a point of people who repeatedly post their workouts on social media have narcissistic traits, according to a new study. Oh, yeah. Well, hold on. Fuck off. What study needed to say that? Do you agree or disagree? Okay, listen. People need to stop making certain words sound negative. Narcissistic doesn't have to mean bad, right? Yeah.
um can we get a definition of narcissism definition is yeah a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves what's wrong with that but what's negative about that it might be unhealthy but it's not negative unhealthy is negative listen man but it's okay i say it only my point by the way my point to land on this is that like
Of course, people who film themselves in the gym have a trait of narcissism. Because obviously, why else would you film yourself? You care about how you look. You care about showing off what you look. What's wrong with that? Counterpoint, you vlog every day. So if you work out, that's part of your day. So if you're putting that in there...
Are you showing it because you're trying... Because of narcissism? Or are you showing it because you vlog all day? I would argue vlogging in itself is narcissistic. I mean, yeah. For sure. I'm quite narcissistic. I also hate myself. I think I'm cool as well. Yeah? But I don't film myself in my gym because one, I'm nervous. I've got a bit of social anxiety with doing it. And also, I don't want to film anyone else in the gym. So like...
I could still be narcissistic and film myself, but then not do it because I don't want to bother anyone else in the gym. And also, I think filming in the gym is bad anyway. I think you should fucking ban it because it's stupid. Or have a gym where everyone films. That would be so annoying. Well, this is Dr. Tara Marshall.
Although our results suggest that narcissists bragging pays off because they receive more likes and comments to their status updates, it could be that their friends politely offer support while secretly disliking such egotistical displays.
I don't know what that means. This whole thing seems like a waste of time. I feel like you could get a study on anything. You can. The study's saying that a lot of these people are putting these posts up because they're trying to elevate themselves and status above other people by saying, hey, look, I'm better than you because I work out and I'm showing you me doing it. But me personally, I think every single social media is that. I think I could post a picture of me outside and it's narcissistic.
It doesn't have to be in a gym. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. It's not necessarily a bad thing. Because unless, fair enough, if your account is like private and stuff, or you have like just a family account. Yeah, yeah, sure. But if you have a public account, you're realistically putting it there so that people can see it and like it, which is narcissism though. Yeah. Interesting point. So you're saying that all social media is narcissistic, which earlier you stated that narcissism is a bad thing. Yes.
That's an interesting conclusion to draw. Well, I think it is. I think all social media realistically is narcissistic. Yeah, yeah. Because you are... It doesn't have... It's kind of narcissistic because it's not... It doesn't have to be an admiration of yourself. Like, if I post a picture of me literally sitting on a bench, and it's not like me trying to be cool or anything. It's just a picture. Yeah. That's not me...
trying to get admiration or admiring myself. That could just be me going like, look at my day. Well, that's still admiration. I was in Paris and I put my phone on my timer and took a photo of myself having a pint. I don't know. How is it? Why did I do that? Can you...
explain to me how it's not here we go you read the sign you've got a better voice than i do the study revealed that those who posted large quantities of photos and selfies exhibited a 25 increase in narcissistic traits and were more inclined to use social media for posting images of themselves different study different study so now we're getting multiple points of view which we live in life john you don't seem you're not like a social media guy to me well he sends me about 12 reels a day
No, he watches social media. But I'm saying you don't seem like the kind of person... I know you do post stuff, but you don't seem like... You're not... You don't try to... If he does, this is what I really mean. You don't try to thrive on social media. No, no, I don't. But I think that comes, frankly, from a place of insecurity, really. I worry too much about what people are going to say, so that's why I don't post anything. I think I lead a cool life. I just worry about how I guess I would showcase it. I don't know. Yeah, I can agree with that. So anyone who is posting it...
doesn't care. I don't know. Can you tell me why someone that posts lots of social media of pictures of themselves or whatever isn't narcissistic? No, no. I wasn't disagreeing. I just think it's an interesting conclusion to draw given what we're all doing. Oh yeah, 100%. But I think I mean I think narcissism is bad but it's only a
there's like a spectrum yeah of course yeah i mean for like for me there's no way i literally there's when i start my youtube channel i was doing it because i was making music and obviously i thought my music was good and i want to show people my music so that is narcissism so i'm like hey listen to my music it's sick come check me out that's why i posted youtube videos that's why i'd film my gameplay because it's the same thing so that it's like you've got everyone's got a part of that ego slash narcissism in them but it doesn't have to be an unhealthy amount but that's why maybe we're using the wrong word because you said it's an excessive unhealthy trait you know but like i don't think it's that bad like
Like Kanye, he's someone who's got a great... A huge ego, right? But he makes fucking sick music. And he's not wrong. His music is good. You know? So... But there's narcissism, but it's also like... It's like allowed. Yeah. If you had no... Therefore, every painter in life, every poet, all of them are narcissistic. Because like... That's what we listen to. Is there like another word that's like... You...
I don't know. Are you looking for a good narcissism? Well, narcissism is self-centered. Ego is not, right? Ego is like, I think I'm good at this. I want to do it. Yeah. I don't think narcissism is bad. If you have a big ego, that's considered bad, isn't it? But there's a point, again, isn't there? Like, Randolph going, I make sick music. That's not a big ego. That's like...
that's almost like the level of ego you have to have if you want to succeed in music yeah no i fully agree and also i i there must be a word for what john mentioned as well about him not wanting to post on social media because i have that feeling now and i have to post on social media you know yeah i don't really like in fact it's weird i enjoy vlogging i enjoy doing videos i enjoy doing music but like i also am scared at the same time because i read into the like the comments too much and i care about what people think too much so that's like that's like that's like narcissism but also it's like confidence but
Not confidence at all. Well, as well, I suppose there's also, for me, there's a self-obsessed element of it as well because I worry that if I post something that it's not going to get any likes or anything and then everyone's going to judge me. So the nastiness of that is that everyone cares about me so much that they're going to see a post and only get a thousand likes and go, oh, did you see John's post? He's fucking lame. And no one cares, does they? No one cares. Yeah, no one cares. No one cares, man. I was saying to Freezy, we're playing golf and obviously we were saying like, imagine how much you get in your head when you play golf on your own. Imagine them playing in the tournament
a pro tournament with everyone watching you and he mentioned how he went to play the pro-am with everyone watching as well but also no one's watching him everyone's there but no one cares if he does well or not yeah they're not literally sat there like oh Cal Friese has to hit this one yeah no one knows who he is I mean the little fan is there but like you know you don't get like a 50 year old fan of the tournament going oh this guy who's not a pro who's playing the pro-am he's gonna be awful ha ha ha no he never expects that
I hit a ball into someone's tee and a half and I hit a ball yesterday and it almost hit them. And we were like, oh, they're so fuming at us. They're mad at us. I went over there and they were like, oh, don't worry. We hit the same kind of shots. It's like, you know, no one really, no one cares, man. We should all care less, but we do care. And I think social media has caused that. Social media has caused everyone to care about everything way too much. And it's crazy because also people can't have
people can't allow each other to have different opinions and again like i said last podcast like why does someone have to agree with you for you to get along with them it's stupid that's the biggest stupid stupidism in the world it's not a word stupidism but it's so annoying man like you can think whatever you want i can still like you you know yeah all right and maybe maybe that can relate to cyber as well maybe different opinions different styles but at the end of the day we all love each other um uh yeah fucking hell
Sorry. It's like, I feel like you're building up to really big... Your conclusion got too big for you to handle. Yeah, but, you know, I'm trying to learn a lot, man. I think, by the way, people think...
the heroes on this podcast I think they always complain just speak about something yeah life's a commentary man in your head you're always thinking are you doing right and wrong I would say that's the one difference that we have say versus like a simpler life is that like my head at least mine is just spinning all the time even when I'm off and I'm not working in my head I'm like I'm worrying about something yeah there's always there's always something yeah but I'm happy that I'm also
also you're always it's a journey so you're putting one I feel like I'm getting better at everything you know you're not gonna go from zero to 100 real quick wow I don't mean to do that it's quite a Drake but really oh wow I'm getting weird today Randy I wanted to jump back to something I wanted to ask you in the podcast when Simon brought up the frapple yeah now in life could you could you handle being in a frapple could I handle being in no I can't even handle being in a couple
No, for real. I mean, right now, I feel like I could never be in a couple again. Do throuples... This is really, like, unknowledgeable for me. Do throuples normally have a, like, a middle person? A lot of them, I think, are a couple. So, like, man and... Well, any gender, sorry. And they're the main one, and someone joins in. I think that's so common. But then it's difficult, because then the jealousy starts to happen. Like, who... That's what I'm saying. Like, say me and Talia became a throuple. Oh, yeah. Is it like...
Can I apply? Okay, let's say it's you. Oh, what? That's gross. No, no, no, no, no, no. That's gross. That's gross. But with a throuple, does it become... Is that person now with me and with Talia? Or is it like I'm with Talia and that person? Or Talia's with that person and me? They call it a unicorn. Is that what they call it? Can you Google it, Adam? I don't think so. I think he's right. What? Yeah, they call it a unicorn. I think they call it a unicorn. Yeah.
A relationship with... Okay. Okay. Non-hierarchical. So a triple is equal. Archical? It's 33.3%. But as we know, 33.3 doesn't equal 100. So at some point, someone's got to be that extra 0.1. Or 0.1. That was deep, bro. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. I say some profound things now and then. Okay, so it's balanced. Yeah.
Two throuples sleep in the same bed. Who's Googling that, man? It's different for everyone. Unicorn, a third person brought into a pre-existing two-person relationship. That's crazy. I know my shit, man. I know my shit. Have you ever been a unicorn? No. I don't think I could be a unicorn. I think I care too much, you know.
Randy would you rather be a unicorn with no I think that's too obvious no go on go on no I was going to say two women or a man and a woman but I think I know what you'd pick I'm not gay so this is funny but no okay if I was not me what would you think is that the question what's better well it depends if you're gay or not yeah sorry yeah great question John what else we got on here anyone got any thoughts
PlayStation also by the way the video we're talking about earlier is hide and seek in harris house We can literally fully talk about that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so that was fun video. Yeah, I just moved away from sideman Oh, sorry. Sorry. Yeah, sorry By the way, I actually do get tired of talking about sideman on this podcast But that was a different conversation about sideman when there's yeah No, when there's something like actually new yeah, or like the video is actually like oh, okay This was like a mad experience like hide and seek at harris house was cool, but it was a hide and seek. Yeah. Yeah Yeah Yeah
Interesting man I had a question on Sidemen But I'm literally Contrary to myself No if you have a good question When you film like The stinker ones Do you actually enjoy them as well Depends what they are Like the fashion show That was fun to do wasn't it Fashion show I enjoyed the The latter half Yeah I enjoy The things we don't know If it's a stinker Until it goes out Yeah you're right But you could Nah you do surely You kind of do Yeah But Yeah
Too bad that video we all said, yeah, there's a stinker. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so I was looking this morning, you might have seen the chat that every single Cybertruck has got recalled. Yeah. Yeah. So I read why. Yeah. So the accelerator has got some sort of incorrect adhesive on it. Okay. Adhesive. Yeah. So it can, it's got a tendency to fall off, which wouldn't be a problem really because it's still going to work. But if you put it all the way down and it falls off, there's something above it that can get...
caught so then the accelerator is fully on so my question is how is it not the same as just all the other teslas they must have used a different this is a different design so the way the car is got it's got yeah maybe it's the same adhesive that they use but it's it's not got the thing blocking it that's the problem the problem is that like if it fell off normally okay cool i'll put it back on but it's getting stuck underneath something didn't prime just give speed one
yeah well now they've got sorry guys you gotta undo that yeah i'm sure they'll fix them i'm sure it seems like an easy fix just don't use that adhesive you know adhesive it's not i saw a video of it's not even the adhesive there's like a little lip literally just for some reason that this thing could just slip under so if they fix the lip then it can't get stuck under anything well i probably think i've probably fixed the adhesive first yeah i feel like the the pedal shouldn't come off a little bit no yeah no it's an l
Skateboarding. Wales has approved a sport for GCSEs in school. Yeah, I don't know how I feel about that. Skateboarding. No, no. Like, fair enough, do your thing and, you know, get sick at skateboarding and stuff. GCSE. But then, okay, I agree, but I'm thinking devil's advocate. Could you not argue that GCSEs don't really matter that much? And if you can give someone an interest in something at that young age, it's worth doing. Because if you do... True, but I feel like it's just going to be a thing of like, what is actually the level of...
Like what level do you need to be to pass skateboarding GCSE? You have to be able to be fucking rad. But I don't think you do. I reckon you don't have to.
Yeah, you're right. Did you not see that thing? Well, I saw a picture online. I think it was on Twitter of someone saying, I've paid all this money to do this degree. And it's literally a guy, an older guy presenting a class. It literally says on it how to export video. And it's like 1080p. I'm not exaggerating. Maybe you can find it, Adam. 1080p, 50 frames per second, and the code, Apple codec. They're teaching someone how to export a video.
Right. In college, in the university. Right. How crazy is that? Like, that's so... It shouldn't take more than... Actually, it shouldn't even be in there. It should be click this, done. Yeah, it should give you a leaflet in your iPad or whatever they use to teach stuff. You know what I mean? Honestly. Or you literally just go fucking...
That's why YouTube is clear. I didn't like learning on YouTube. When I was, when I was, bro, not to toot my own horn here and be narcissistic, but I can edit, I can do all this shit because I just go on YouTube. That's why you're the most talented Troops member. Well, I actually am. Actually, this is interesting. John, you know all the Troops pretty well, right? Fairly, yeah. I'd say so.
Who is the most... It makes it sound like I'm trying to set myself up here. Me. You don't have to say me at all. The best at football. Who is the tallest? Shit, that's freezy. I'm sure, yeah. Who is the most talented troops member? And don't ask what you mean by talented. The whole point is, it's up to you. Okay. It's not a good...
huh whoa jj that's crazy by the way see i would never put jj there because i'm joking he i feel like he actually does just what when he puts his mind something he just works harder than anyone here's a way to describe jj talent could be you know that is part of it that's but yeah he works hard but that is still his talent but i will give you an example of why jj has done well in life right because when we used to when he used to edit videos
and we were editing like 20 goals or something. The amount of effort he put in to do it for such a little thing. Yeah, so it was on Photoshop, and I saw him use a tool where you have to drag around the person. I've told this on the podcast before, but you have to drag around the person, and he sits there for... He would do it for half an hour if he had to. Couldn't it out? It'll make it perfect. But obviously you can...
now it's more simple nowadays but you still could back then do the tool where it just does it for you yeah he didn't know how to use that tool but that's what I'm trying to use to explain JJ is that he will literally take three hours or something that could be done in five minutes but he won't stop yeah so that is some sort of talent at the end of the day it's some sort of talent because he can deliver it it's like a resilience yeah
And Harry's like that too. Harry's like that with videos. When you see him work properly and you see him really enjoy something, he does put that, he checks everything. He won't leave any stone unturned, you know. Some things he can sack off easily, but that's because he's not in it. But if his heart's in it, then he works really hard, you know. So JJ could be a shout in a way. And also what he's accomplished could also speak for itself. Yeah, if you look at everyone's accomplishments, he is by far the most talented. Yeah, yeah. Who's second then, John? But what makes you say JJ? Is it that he's done so many things so big? Yeah.
I just think there's a diverse range of things, which is also kind of why I'd say, if you ask who's second, I'd say potentially Harry, because Harry has a lot of different hobbies as well. And I'd like to lend himself to do a ton of different things. I think the rest of a lot of other others are kind of all like there's a lot of concentrate. And then I suppose Randy, because Randy also has music and video and social media. Randy's up there as well. Okay. Yeah.
John's seen me working this last two weeks or so or last month we've been on the grind because the way I heard the question originally when we spoke about it at Troops Meal was let's pick a random sport say anything
football i almost said sport tennis okay tennis if you went let's play tennis i know what you mean you know no one knows how to play tennis or let's pick another random thing like a puzzle yeah you know i do the puzzle no one's had any prior knowledge to this yeah who's getting it done okay and i think jj no offense to him
It's quite low down now. Yeah, also I'm going to take my... I'm going to throw my hat out of the ring now as well. I think I'm just going to like...
learning stuff really quick. So if I go on any technical thing, I just learn it really, really quick. But it doesn't mean I'm talented at all. It just means I can read. That is a talent. That is. But if you're saying everyone's zero on something, who out of the group can do that thing better? That's how I heard the question. They said Toby, but then I've also heard rumours that Toby has got no hand-eye coordination. That started to fly around recently. You know that? Was it you who said that? No. I heard it. I might have repeated it. No, it's because... What did we...
There was something we played and it didn't look like... It's very good with his feet, but when he started having to use his hands, it was a little bit like... So his feet... Table tennis. Yeah. Watch him play table tennis and you'll get a bit of an ick. This is a good video, man. Get things that no one's ever done before and he wins. Name something, though, that you think none of the Sidemen have ever done.
All the troops Quidditch We actually spoke about doing Quidditch for a more cyber video Mate I've been wanting to do a video for so long You should go do like You should LARP That's what I was going to say Me and Kyle had a video idea to do that But the problem is they don't let you go and film Because they know you're going to take the piss out of them Yeah You should do it in America Yeah I should do it in America I would love to do it By the way I wouldn't even take the piss I'd just join in Like huzzah huzzah Gideon used to do it Did he? Gideon's a cool guy man What's he doing now? What's Gideon doing? He's back Still doing God stuff Yeah
I think he came back as well. He did a little bit, but his pranks are less. Well, yeah, now it's more like... Okay, but actually name one thing that you think no one's done. Because I was trying to think of... Badminton. Badminton.
I'm pretty confident Harry plays badminton I mean I've played badminton Harry has played a few times I know Freezy's played a few times Josh played it at school So did I actually But not really, we didn't try Because I was thinking about it when we were trying to do a Sidemen video and I was not so related about Sidemen but we were like what's something new that we've never done What is new? Polo
What's polo? No, polo. He's on a horse. What a dumb game. Can you Google polo for me? I just want to visualise it. Is it where you hit a croquet? You have a mallet. So it's like croquet but on a horse. Fucking hell. These guys back in the day had so much time. Polo is like the richest sport now. Yeah, what did I show you today? Oh, let's ride a horse and hit a ball. Yeah, well that's it. Sidemen try the richest sport. That's pretty good.
What? Polo. Water polo. No, you can get a motorbike football as well. That doesn't sound like a rich sport. I've solved the Simon Trouble, by the way.
Here's what you do, okay? You do, you go ahead and you go loads of these video ideas in advance. You do, so I haven't tried the world's richest sports, right? Then one of them happened to be in Japan. So you go to Japan. You're trying to get a free ticket to Japan. Are you trying to get in this video? I don't want to be in the video, but hold on. You go to Japan, right? And in Japan, it so happens to be the world's most expensive sport.
but also in Japan it's the world's most expensive toilet or something like that you're right you go and film all these things you film four of them in one then you go somewhere else you go like New York and you do the same thing there and then that could be piecing together six videos down the line do you know what I mean
You haven't solved anything. I've solved the fact that you can go... You literally just said, go to Japan and use the most expensive toilet. But you get really good videos, which you get you guys travelling, going to crazy things you've never done before, like most expensive sport, and then you also, once they're all done, you get like three months off. What's the next topic? But I would watch all that shit, man. There's got to be more things you haven't done, though. There's definitely more things we haven't done, but I'm talking more like...
You can't choose something really niche. Like Quidditch. Because I can't just go play Quidditch tomorrow. You can. They have fields where you can go play it. It's a bit of acting, but you can do it. I can do that. I can LARP. Who's the best actor? JJ. By the way, I thought he stunk in that Christmas thing. He did, but I think he was going over the top on purpose. Okay, sure. We've got Vegas coming up. Excited? I can't wait. I can't wait to just...
not do anything I played golf yesterday and it was the worst I've played in...
From when I can think Oh god Even when I played in Italy At your wedding I wasn't this bad And that was the first time I played in like six years I was so bad I took eight balls And I was said to Carl I need to buy some balls He's like we were late He's like no you'll be alright You're not going to lose eight balls In the first nine I didn't but I know you did I was one off I keep thinking Because we're going to play golf in Vegas I keep thinking I need to get lessons for it I've actually just realised That I really don't care Like in Vegas We're not It's not a video It's not
I'm going to have a great day regardless. If I play shit, I'm in Vegas playing golf. A little bit of drinking, a little bit of playing golf. Yeah, I agree. I might even take my clubs. I might just rent them. I am tempted to just rent them. Why am I trying to win? On the way there, you don't have to put your... Do I care that much? No. I don't really care that much. Also, I don't really have good clubs either. Mine aren't amazing. Classic Ben Ross.
Wow, Ben Ross. He's a good driver. He's a good driver. What are you going to do when we're in Vegas, John? Oh, that's a good point. I was going to book a holiday, but I've got... I'm just busy with work, mate. There's all kinds of work. What do you mean there's work? There's other YouTubers, mate. There's other YouTubers. Name them. Go on.
I'd have to look at the calendar, mate. I've forgotten. I've got work. I've just forgotten. Sincerely. Name another YouTube you work for. I work with other YouTubers. Okay. You work for us. Yeah, I work for you lot.
Danny's one of them, I guess. Why are you being so coy about this? What's going on? I don't know. I don't want to out my business. Ah, okay. It's a bit weird. Yeah, yeah. Most people would, you know, like to promote what they're filming. Otherwise, so that they could be like, look at the job I did. Look how good it is. No, I'm shit. I don't want anyone to know that I did it. I want to hide it. Is your new camera out yet? My new camera? Yeah, my new camera has arrived. I'm very excited. Is it good? It's pretty incredible, yeah. Nice.
Main channel. How many main channel videos you got coming up? I was literally about to say that was weird. We filmed one the other day. I have one that'll be out probably by now. By the time this is out. Yep. It's just a Reddit. Okay. But I've now quit Reddit. Oh, what? I've moved on to my second channel. Okay. The videos just aren't good. Sure. I did a period where I would like vlog and
and put vlog clips in the Reddit. Bring your vlog on the second channel now. Now I vlog second channel, so the Reddit's just gone back to being... I'm not JJ. JJ makes Reddit videos so good. Yeah. Whereas mine just feel like I'm just... Well, yeah, I think I would say that he's his bread and butter, isn't it? Even if you look back in the day, even like Q&A Sunday, I know that was very skip-based, but it was still him reacting to stuff online. It's kind of what he's always done. It's very natural to him. It's not natural to you. Yeah, it's more natural to him. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, I've got that. And then we filmed a video...
against the foot golf world champion yeah me and Danny versus him nice and that should be out end of this month start of next month sick so I need to get back onto videos because I have none after that do you think okay so let's it's a getting personal again because in the chat Josh was like oh you're burnt out and you're like I'm not burnt out would you say that phrase by the way triggers me burnt out yeah because it's to me if someone says you're burnt out it means you need a break from
everything you're doing but could you be burnt out with Sidemen could you be burnt out with one thing I could be burnt out yeah with Sidemen but ultimately that's still making a video and I'd love to still make videos for my channels yeah because I was thinking I think you do enjoy your main channel I love it yeah so I think I don't think you like because okay here's someone could say in the group right they could say you do too much because there's people in the group that don't do a lot of these videos and don't do a lot of YouTube videos still right they could say maybe you're burnt out for Sidemen because you do too much outside of Sidemen yeah that's fair yeah so then you then then
You don't have to, but you do want to. It's your passion. You enjoy it. Yeah, but I see it as like, okay, so you're... So I'm making videos on my own. Yeah. And I'm having a great time. So why am I not enjoying doing the Sidemen videos? True. And it doesn't... I'll be completely transparent. It doesn't seem like a few of the guys are. Yeah. Like, there's a lot of...
you know, like, oh, this is annoying. This is annoying. So why is that the case? If we're, yeah. Yeah. I'm going to go back on to Simon. I was more, I was more asking like how are you in general? Like, is it, are you not, but are you like stressed from all the channels and stuff? I'm trying to, I'm, I think I was talking to Viz two days ago and I was like, I think I am going to cut back a little bit on all channels. Yeah. Like, so Simon reacts, I think we're going to five a day, five a week. Yeah. Uh, so we're going to like skip weekends. Um,
So that's already, you know, two videos less a week. My second channel I already miss if I upload on my main, but I think I'm also going to miss one day a week as well as that. So if I upload on my main, I'm missing two days, my second channel. Clips, I'm just going to do like when I can. I'll set a stream day. That's what I get. If I can't do, if I miss two days, I miss two days. So hopefully...
that's enough time for me to just because i was saying i think john and i spoke about this as well before even with yourself like i you could i could say that maybe you do more of your channels because you're also trying to like help other people out as well to say it's podcast here obviously if you like we i get paid john gets paid you know whatever everyone gets paid from the podcast where if you if you didn't do this that you could argue get paid less
Right? So you could sack off clips, right? Your channel clips, but then Viz doesn't get paid. And you might go, that's why I like it in the first place. Because I like being held accountable. Okay. Because it makes me do it as well. Yeah. Because I can't just go, all right, I'm going to sack off main channel. That means...
I'm not trying to get you to sack everything off. But I'm saying like, you could be working just to then help others. You don't need to do that. Honestly, if you're trying to be fulfilling of yourself, you don't need to do that. Everyone appreciates it. It's the thing that makes me like, it spurs me on to then
do that final little push of like I can come up I can come up I want to do this idea I can plan it out yeah and then I'm like ugh okay but then that little extra push is what actually like okay I'm filming it that day yeah so I like I like that yeah
It's actually pushed me over the edge. That's cool. That's actually good. It makes sense as well. It motivates you as well. So them being motivated because of you also helps then you stay motivated. Yeah. I was also going to say to start this podcast, by the way, everyone who's watching this podcast right now, drop a little comment because I appreciate everyone who watches.
And sometimes I feel like people don't comment when, and I just want to see out there who is like a hardcore, what's good fan, if you know what I mean? Because I'm just interested. Obviously, due to scheduling as well, we're thinking there's the shows that we mentioned we were going to do, we might do them now. So me and John might do one where we chat. And obviously I'm sure Adam and Nick might be here as well. Do that. Get like, people like Con on, you know? Yeah. Stuff like that maybe. People like Con. Wow. Yeah.
Wait, no, no. Randy, can you clarify what people like Con are like? What are people like Con? Am I a person like Con? Okay, I'm talking about Con. I was talking to Con this week. No, I was talking to Con and we were actually having a nice personal conversation and I was like, you know, I actually mis-chatted Con on a one-to-one and the good thing about doing another show on here is it might be less pressure, you know what I'm saying? So literally, me and John could just sit with no topics and just be like, what's going on? Sort of like this today.
But then we can get people like John. I mean, people like Con, I meant like crew of like the, what we do, you know, so you could get also, you get Adam on, you know, we always remember that. Yeah, we get it. You mean the help. We get it. I don't mean the help, man. Fuck off.
But I'll do my little Uncle Randy one as well But then we're going to put it on this channel And see how it goes And we also might have to launch one at some point When this comes out Clips channel Oh my god, oh my god, yeah, sorry guys Go check the clips channel out, sorry because Nick's been going ham on that And none of us have mentioned it at all Yeah, well basically we've moved all the clips over to clips channel So this channel is just podcasts And any other Vlogs, shows, yeah, whatever But obviously Yeah, it's busy right now But yeah
Also, I mentioned this later down the line. I've got a question for you. Do you guys think that if you got in real shape that it would make you more of a dickhead? Yes.
If I look like Reeve, I'm not talking to any of you. Reeve is such a nice guy. I am so much better than you. If I look like Reeve, bro. I might be single because no one is good enough for me. Charlie's going to stop you going to the gym now. Get out of the gym. I would go. There's a girder up here. You can see it on the main frame. I'd be like, yo, guys, I'm just going to go do 20 pull-ups on the girder right now and none of you can do it. You're all worthless compared to me. No, no. I mean, Reeve's such a nice guy compared to how he looks.
Maybe there's a point though. Maybe there's like a, you hit like a certain level of like in shape that you...
Like you just become more and more of a dickhead until you hit that point. And then you get really nice again. I think you do. That's true. Because to get into that shape, first and foremost, you need a lot of discipline. And you need to like, you have to have such a healthy mindset. Or it's negative and you're so addicted to it. But Reeve, he reads a lot of books. He goes to bed at like 8pm. Like it's crazy. How on earth do you do that? How do you convince yourself that now's the time to go to bed? Most of the people at the gym as well, if you ever see someone that's like...
not laughing at but like mocking a little bit you know you can't lift this weight or you're not this fit or whatever they're never normally the super buff ones they're normally the ones who have like they've gone gym for a while and they're guys with like massive shoulders and chest but no legs yeah they're the dickheads but anyone who's got reed is normally the ones that's like oh let me give you some tips yeah yeah because it takes a certain i love reed i love reed as well shout out to reed shout out to back oh we've already done backside haven't we promo do you think you would be a dickhead john
Potentially. What do you mean be? I think actually no, you guys just maybe think maybe like after a while you get the healthy in shape kind of, you feel better and then you become more secure because your body is so then you don't have to be a dickhead. So then you're just this nice person because you actually start looking after yourself. I saw a clip of Reeve talking about it though and he was saying that it is, it's actually the shape that he's in is actually more men that
like compliment it right as in he's like so in shape got it it's actually what other men look at and be like yeah he's in shape yeah because some women might be like that something they know that to get that body you have to like sacrifice a lot he's like two yeah yeah yeah he's two-toned he's like a little bit of a dad bod don't they yeah
Sometimes. For sure. But also people also misconstrued what dad bod is. It's not fat, it's just a little bit chubby. Do massive bodybuilders actually shag? I've never even really thought about that. Are they out there? How do you want me to answer that question, man? I don't know. I'm sure they've had sex. No, I know, but are they shagging the most? I don't know. They've got time, man. They eat their fucking chicken every two hours. LAUGHTER
That's not true, man. Sam Sulek followed me the other day. I have no idea why. Why would you do that? What have I got to give him? Your body. What? There you go. They do shag. Maybe he's looking for projects. He's going to help you out. Yeah, man. Come on, help me out. I think it's because in the comments, everyone always says, oh, it's the runs of Sam Sulek, which I have no idea why because I don't work out at all.
Daily vlogs Josh Yeah yeah daily vlogs Josh was the day I've took weekends off now Yeah Yeah it's like It's funny because I've took This is a weekend now That we're filming this by the way guys And like But It's the first weekend I'm not with Harper in a while And the reason I don't want to film Weekends is because of Harper So what I'll do is I'll still film though I'm not going to post on weekends But I'll still film Okay And then it'll all go into Monday Yeah That's what Tom messaged me He's like can you stop Tom will be on soon
I was going to go back to saying as well, the best kind of guest in my opinion is like the new, someone who's new in the game doing YouTube influence type of stuff. And we talked to them. They always do really, really well as well. Like the Arthur one did really, really well. Italian Batch, we got to get Italian Batch on. That hung out with him as well for the Freezy Fellows Loaded. And he was just so fun to chat to. I think he might be, he might be the perfect human now. He might have overtaken Reeve.
He was in the Try Not To Laugh, wasn't he? Yeah. Yeah, he was in shape. He's in shape. He's a good, funny guy. Yeah. He's actually really nice, really kind. Nah, he has a moustache. Yeah, true. But I like it personally. I like it, but he's not perfect. If he shaved the moustache, I'd wonder how he would look.
He'd look weird because you know him now with the mustache. We should get him on for sure. Come on soon, man. Please. Please. Please. You look back at the podcast and you go like, we actually had some bangers. Yeah. We actually did. I don't know what happened, man. There's more coming, mate. More to come. Anyone notice the TV, by the way? We've gone too wide. I knew this was going to... Don't bring it up, you dickhead.
We got a new thing on now. It's better, right? It's still some bubbles, but I doubt you can see it on the camera, right, John? Yeah, you can. Oh. Mate, I just want to give up. So there are still bubbles and there's a big foot block at the end, at the bottom. Not a foot, maybe a half a foot. Three quarters of a foot. A foot? Can you help me out? Do you think that's even half a foot?
2 inches? 3 inches? I'm 35 feet if that is half a foot is it 1 inch? I'm so glad you've mentioned this at the end of the podcast where it's only hardcores that are going to see it I was going to mention it at the start I forgot this is the intro yeah how long have we been going now? 1 hour 16 ok we can end it there
We had one more topic I want to talk about. Because John put this. He says, do products get to a point of not needing further innovation? So there was this ergonomic paintbrush, basically, and loads of people started getting outraged at like, why are you trying to innovate a paintbrush? Well, and do you think there's anything that is fully done in terms of like, we don't feel it. So this, you can turn it. That seems sick to me.
Yeah, so you can hold the paintbrush up ways and side ways. No, but I think the point is the fact that realistically you can just turn the handle, right? Yes. Okay, sure, sure, sure, sure. But I would argue no. Innovation, you've got to still innovate because if you start innovating, well, life never goes anywhere. Watch the switch. Look, watch the switch. Boom. That is literally saving 0.02 seconds. Oh, wait, what about this though? Boom. Interchangeable heads. Yeah.
Change the head. You could have literally just used a different brush. Yeah, but... I would argue this is less innovation and more ergonomics, right? It's making life easier. It's not like innovating... I don't know if that is making life easier, though. Well, I mean, listen, we're not painters. But okay, let's say... Look, okay. I have a paintbrush. The handle is normally thinner than it is on one side. It's like thinner. Right, so if I'm doing this, all I have to do is twist the handle a tiny bit and then I can do this. But then you...
You're still doing that with that. You know what I'm saying? No, but I'm thinking, okay, watch this, watch this, right? I'm going up and down. Yeah. I'm going up and down. Now I'm going sideways. I'm like, oh, what the fuck? Whereas I'm, you know, you know, you didn't believe that. I don't, I don't, I don't. And then the whole thing of having different heads for it and stuff.
Just have a different brush No but I'm painting blue I'm painting blue I need to paint black Where's my other brush I don't have to do that I just swap it over You still have to go get the other brush Yeah you're right It's just the brush head Well okay The point is You still should innovate for sure Everything's got to be better I'm really mad at my phone right now Because it's got four different lenses It's got 0.5 1 2 5
right zoom and iphone has some of the best zoom the cameras look amazing when you change between lenses however when you go from one to two you zoom in it takes the phone like a second and a half to then ai change into the other lens yeah so you get a grainy crap video of the prior one and then it goes to the new one which is good and sometimes it takes too long so i need it in the next update to like change fluidly between each lens and stay full res okay
So Tim Cook, man, please do that. So, well, my challenge was you got to try and name something that doesn't need any more innovation. Okay, I've got one here. If you name it, I have to then try and figure out a way to innovate it. Well, I've completed it. Okay. Wheel.
I've cooked there. You could get a more sustainable wheel, like in terms of more resilient wheels. You can't change the wheels. The wheel's a wheel. Circle. But what wheel are you talking? The wheel. You have to talk about a product. I can't buy a wheel. A wheel of what? A wheel. You can have a wheel to be like... You can have a wheel on a car. Hold on. Then big old bicycle with a massive wheel. No, no, no. But I'm saying, give me a product I can buy. I can't just... If I go online and type wheel...
Then we have to choose that product. Okay. Plus, they have innovated the wheel like a ton. Have they? Have they how, John? Yeah, well, they've got these wheels that you... They're made of other wheels in them. And then just going forward now, the whole car can go sideways. It brings up car ties. There you go. Okay, the car wheel. Innovate that more. You can't. You can. How? You could have exactly what he just said. And you can have all four of them able to turn. Yeah, I should have said that.
So that the car can drive sideways. There's also airless tyres now. I'm not talking about tyres, I'm talking about wheels. The wheel. Not the tyre. Stop saying fucking wheel. Okay, what's your answer? Curtains.
You can innovate those. Blinds. Well, Jamie was having a big argument before you got here last week. That's a blind, not a curtain. Okay, blinds. Innovate it more. Okay, I would innovate blinds more by having glass that does it for you. So it tells me, push a button and it just goes black or it goes opaque or it goes transparent. Yeah, I've cooked. Isn't that already a thing? Yeah, but they innovated it.
try to think of a problem to do so wait simon in all this so the reason i ended up putting this in there because i saw the paintbrush and i was like oh that's sick i like that ergonomics uh and but then the comments were all really negative so you agree generally with the comments that something i mean i'll be honest if i was going to paint a room i'd probably just look for easier ways to do it and that would probably trick me into thinking it but actually deeping it i don't think that's easier in any way
If we could watch it with sound, the man explains. But again, maybe the man, he's just convinced me very well. Because he's essentially saying the hand movements that Randy was actually doing are more natural to people. The miss. No. But then, like, you don't have to change your wrist. You don't change your wrist. You go up and down, side by side. You don't have to go... You know? Randy, what's with the voice? What's with the voice? Like...
It's the same movement No it's not Watch right God damn it Paint up and down Now paint left and right No you have to twist What do you mean Normally you gotta twist Oh yeah you have to twist But on the thing You have to press the button No no no Paint without Paint with a normal brush Okay Now go sideways No you got But normally Without the machine You have to twist Your arm What do you mean
Oh, so you're moving the brush? I just turn the brush. Oh, okay. So I'm holding it differently. Okay, yeah, sure. He's got a point. He's got a point. He's got a point, John. You can just change the brush in your hand. Yeah, instead of... So you're saying like this. You're saying do this and then you have to go like this. Yeah. Yeah, I'm saying you literally just turn the brush. Yeah, I get you. Okay, what if your other hand is doing something else? Okay, cool. And you know you can do that too. Yeah, but what if you drop it? You could drop it.
It's so stupid. Hey, listen, man. We've got to realise that... Hey, listen, man. In life, people go through changes, right? So we're not the same people we were back when we started this podcast. Yeah. So we've got different interests now, you know? Pretty similar, though. Really? I think I've changed a lot, man. Yeah? To the worst, probably.
You put it in chat yesterday Ethan Vines bloke I look like me If I lost weight And I put a picture of me When I was in 2016 or something And then someone was like Oh I miss this guy And I was like Oh why He's like I should be a better guy And there was no I thought he was just a sound bloke Yeah But there was no Just kidding What do you reckon guys Do you reckon you were a better person Back then or not You were You were someone Who thinks in your head I think in my head You haven't changed But you have You have How do you think I've changed You just look different You looked younger back then
When I was younger Your hair was a bit taller How do you think I've actually changed? Back in the day you used to kind of like Enjoy dancing a little bit more You don't really dance much anymore I'll be honest That's all become That's all come from Social perception of like I don't want to be seen If there was no phones I'd be dancing Cool In Vegas maybe no one knows who you are there Perhaps In a dark club Yeah
I'd dance Vegas. Yeah, okay. But then there's also the whole thing of like, since they were taller, I don't want to dance with someone. True. No, I never saw you dance with a girl anyway. No, exactly. You should be in Josh Dance. I'm a fucking virgin. Grinding. Yeah. Wait, Adam, pull up the podcast. Pull up the early podcast episode and let's just have a look at us. No, because I don't care about what... I'm not talking looks. No, but it might ignite something. Look at that third one. The biggest thing stopping YouTubers from growing, right? Yeah. I'm basically the same, just with a bit of facial hair. Wait, actually, yeah. Click it and mute it. Or whatever. I know it's...
Yeah, you know, yeah, you're so similar. Now your hair used to be taller. Oh my god, you're the same. What the fuck? That's what I'm saying, bro. Look at me there. 7,000 views five years ago. Damn. I have not changed, that's all I buy. No, you're a bit vampiric in that you have not aged. No, you're a bit more... Weathered. Weathered now, yeah. That's the word I always use. Real smooth face.
But I think back in the day, we used to enjoy talking about like, oh my God, I don't know. I overthink things way too much, man. It's a problem. I need to go away more. I mean, just as a thing of we're all older and we have more responsibilities, I think we're all less fun than we were. Yeah. You're going to tell me now you're more fun now than you were when you were 25, like to be around. Well, when I was 25, I didn't leave my bedroom. I filmed videos every day, all day and edited them all.
Nah, but then we'd have moments where in that house you'd fuck around a bit. We'd all fuck around a bit. You used to go and build a fucking football pitch in your little... I know you don't now, but... I've literally done that bigger. Yeah, but you... You chose the worst thing you possibly could.
I used to build a little football pitch in a room where I put fake turf down. Now I've built... Well, you definitely probably had more energy and you were sillier. Definitely more energy. Because I was definitely like, alright, I can record 10 videos and then we go downstairs and it's like, cool, I'm still doing anything. But not sillier? You were definitely sillier. I think we were just more free-spoken. My peak as well in the podcast was when I used to arrive here having like two hours sleep and I used to just be really, really funny and fatter.
The more weight I lose, the more fun I lose my body. The more fun that leaves my body. The fat was the fun, man. You're not losing fat, you're losing fun. Yeah, I'm losing fun, man.
No, because I remember my favourite podcasters are the ones like Stephen Trice and George Clark and stuff like that, because they're just stupid. And I got really giddy in them, I don't know why. There's certain people that just set something off. But that's why Italian Voucher will be one of them as well. Because he told me he was watching the George Clark one. He's like, you're being so weird in that podcast. But he liked it. I love that man. I really like him. I can tell. Well, we'll get him on at one point. Yeah, we'll see him sometime soon. You can just ask him. I think I already asked him. Oh, and he said?
did you oh i think i might be making we'll find a date and we'll get him on yeah yeah yeah cool all right guys well i'm losing steam okay not that i'm let us know in the comments thoughts about this episode as well i really want to know i know they're gonna say oh you spoke about cyberman too much you complained way too much and i need to go can we we need to record one where it's like three three get in ahead a little bit i need to go away again and just like clear my mind yeah i'm going to vegas after vegas become a buddha for four weeks yeah yeah fair
Yeah. Anyways, thanks for watching. Thanks for watching, guys. Go check out the Clips channel. Yeah, please. Please. Peace. Peace, peace, peace.