cover of episode KSI RETURNS | Ep 250 | What's Good

KSI RETURNS | Ep 250 | What's Good

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What's Good with Miniminter and Randolph

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
KSI: 本期节目中,KSI主要谈论了他回归拳击赛场的可能性、对裁判制度的不满、与其他YouTuber(特别是Aiden)的竞争与矛盾、对加密货币交易的兴趣和看法,以及对未来事业规划的思考。他表达了对Aiden的强烈不满,并表示如果见面会动手。他还谈到了他对NFT的看法,以及他如何平衡工作与生活。他坦诚地谈论了他对工作的投入和对成瘾的担忧,并表示正在努力控制对加密货币交易的成瘾。 Harry: Harry在本期节目中主要谈论了他们播客节目的发展历程,以及他们与其他YouTuber的竞争。他分析了网络上对他们节目的批评,并解释了这些批评的来源和原因。他还谈到了KSI的性格特点,以及KSI如何平衡工作与生活。他表达了对KSI的担忧,并提醒KSI注意风险。 Harry: Harry在本期节目中主要谈论了他们播客节目的发展历程,以及他们与其他YouTuber的竞争。他分析了网络上对他们节目的批评,并解释了这些批评的来源和原因。他还谈到了KSI的性格特点,以及KSI如何平衡工作与生活。他表达了对KSI的担忧,并提醒KSI注意风险。

Deep Dive

KSI discusses his potential return to boxing, focusing on whether it would only be for a fight against Jake Paul, and his thoughts on the judging system in boxing.

Shownotes Transcript


- Is it the Jake fight? Is that the only time you would fight again? - I'd slap him in the face. If I was to come back into boxing, my new thing will be no judging. They saw me kissing a dude. - What happened with the whole coffee dealer thing or can you not talk about it? - I think it was on Logan's podcast. I said that, I cried. I'm literally over the side, man. Like I can't be bothered. - What's up guys and welcome back to the What's Good Podcast. It might look a little bit different because this is our brand new set. Let's go.

And of course, welcome KSI. Yo, what's up? What's up? What's up? We're going to start off with a bang, you know? Yeah, yeah. Again, we asked Harry, but he was busy, so. Well, I'm very impressed. Really? It looks phenomenal. I mean, I think the last time we did a podcast was what? Two years ago? Apparently. We checked before. I'm surprised it was two years. It was two years. I'm gobsmacked. And yeah, you kept saying like, oh, you've been here before. And I was like, no, I've never been. That's crazy. To this room. And it's just, yeah, wow. Do you know that the main motivation behind this podcast is him just trying to prove you wrong?

well no and you by the way I don't even remember you bring it up all the time I bring it up a lot so we did the podcast and remember you were on quite early on when it started like episode like four yeah and we used to film you dissed Kodaka

Wow. Oh my god. Fucking hell. We didn't do guests back then, but we had you on. Yeah, obviously. Yeah, and we only used to film like once every three months. And we were all like, oh, we've got to film soon, we've got to do a new podcast. And then you were like, oh, I bet you won't get past episode 11. And you were quite aggressive with it. And you said, oh, you guys always fail. You guys never do this. And then obviously him being him, you're quite competitive too.

You were the leading force at that point. I don't even remember him saying this, I'll be honest. I think I do vaguely remember. And then from that point on, we would not miss a week. Except last week. I was getting fed up of doing bad podcasts. So I was like, let's not do one for a week to get the whole set ready. And by the way, it would have been an awful episode. So I'm glad we did that. And yeah, here we are now. Well, I mean, I've seen a few TikToks.

on people slating you guys for not trying on this podcast. - I mean, that's kind of the charm of the podcast, you know? The charm is we're so bad that we're good. - But not anymore, not anymore. By the way, I will say, people joke about us being bad, but if you actually go on YouTube and look at the, like, we've pulled massive views, by the way. - Oh yeah. - Back in the day, like five mil, five mil, five mil, two mil, one mil, one mil. We've had loads on one mil. - The thing is, the podcast is like an hour and a half, whatever.

You can take 30 seconds where there's not that much being said. Just put that up and it looks like the worst podcast in the world. Yeah. Yeah. That's very true. Wow. Most viewed. Look at this. You're fourth, bro. Yeah. And sixth. And sixth. You even have a TV as well. A TV, man. Yeah. Yeah. You've got like a team. We have a team. Show the team. Show the team on the deck. You can actually show the team. Yeah. Incredible. Yeah.

No, it's sick. We've leveled up. We have leveled up. So now I'm taking on like the, I'm no more the podcast bad, podcast good now, you know? Okay, so it's now what's good. Yeah, what is good? The podcast is good. Okay, before it was just what's bad. Yeah, thank you. We're still watching. I can look at topics while we're talking, you know? Yeah, it's like Sidemen, you know, this year we keep saying we've been cooking. Yes. Turn the narrative round. Fuck me, man. It's a lot of work. It's a lot of work.

yeah it's a lot and i feel like a lot of our fans aren't appreciating how much effort we're putting into these fucking videos one guy on twitter who every week says the exact same thing he goes whatever the title is he goes i can't believe sam and doing something to do this in 2024 okay it's the same tweet every single time and it keeps getting he's going like kind of viral on twitter and in the replies people say you said this every week and he's like yeah i know it's just

banner so the one that the twitter that keeps going around the tweet that keeps going around saying you guys are falling off is just one guy trolling yeah yeah and you've been putting bangers out this year yeah and the channel show for it and actually i will say the one that kind of was a bit stinky was your video just reminds me every week i think that i produced a stinker but look either way this year we have been

Just smashing out of the park. So many videos that are just doing so well. Just destroying Bayer squad, showing that we are the real squad. Do you think that's actually a real rivalry? Maybe a little. I think the fan base has made it a little rivalry. Friendly rivalry. Yeah. Yeah. It's not like there's any anger between us. There's no hate. Yeah. We just, you know, we're competitive and yeah.

yeah, we've been doing this for, what, 10 plus years? So to show that we're still on top. It's nice to constantly destroy them, view-wise. See how his whole expression changes when he does it? Yeah, we're doing really well. And it's nice to completely destroy them. Here's what I like about JJ, though. He's actually honest when he talks about competitiveness. I feel like people these days, online, are so sheepish about it. They talk about competitors as if they don't exist. I think this is the music aspect.

You listen to a lot of music, a lot of rap beef, and rappers don't give a fuck. They all just call people out. Whereas in YouTube, I think people can be very two-faced. Online, they're like, yeah, I love this. On and offline, they're like, fuck this person, you know? Yeah, but like...

He obviously doesn't care that much about the competitiveness. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone on bait. Of course not. I'm not saying he cares. I'm saying he's open about the parts that he does care. Yeah, yeah. Which is good. People got to keep it real. And at that point, it's about competing against each other playfully rather than actually having a problem. If you actually have a problem, you tend to be quieter and don't say things. Yeah, no. If I actually hate you, I normally say...

I don't publicly say it you're actually nicer to them yeah well no just like to their face and then you're like away no no no no no like if I meet you I'm there like it's on smoke so like with me and Aiden I'd slap him in the face yeah yeah I'd slap him what's like bro just don't get me fucking started has anything happened other than the boxing stuff

It's all started from the boxing stuff. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So like, that's even to the point where I don't even want to go on kick now because of Aiden. I don't want to be associated with that platform or anything to do with him. I just think he's a bit of a dickhead. Like, yes, you know, the competition's good. He's got his own boxing thing going on. Happy days. You're like, we're not there to like disturb that. We're just doing our thing as well. But when you've got allegedly his fan base, yeah,

um, doxing our event and making it, you know, slowing it down for two years, two years, two, two hours, uh, making people have to leave the venue, having police come in, have to check around to see if there's a actually in there. Do you reckon that the, uh, the, the, the, the V start with Aiden or was it Dean? Uh,

It definitely did start from Dean and then from there it kind of just this whole chaos. Yeah, because I feel like your reaction to that as well was sort of a reason why Aiden got angry. Like Misfits reaction, not just yours, sorry. Well, I mean, with Dean, he kind of just... He kind of tried to get out of his contract when there's a reason why the contract was in place. He's there trying to make a fight happen when he shouldn't be doing that. And then...

Aiden kind of just got involved and just tried stirring the pot. And then obviously, you know, was like, oh, we're going to have this. We're going to do an event at the same time Misfits are doing an event and show that we can get more views. By the way, we still got more views. Like, obviously, you can see his views, whereas our views are behind the paywall. So first of all, ours are more valuable. Second of all, you know, we just got more anyway. Everyone just screenshots the...

Your prelims were on kick, right? Yes. And obviously his had more than the prelims. Yeah, yeah, yeah. On kick. The kickoffs. The kickoffs, yeah. The kickoffs, yeah. So, yeah. And like, obviously he's going to win that. Like, that's where he posts all his content. That's where he streams Accelerator. So...

happy days whatever and then from then you know I think just especially after what happened with Mrs. 13 but it just put a sour taste in my mouth I was watching it I was just vexed the whole time like yeah when we got dox I was like cool whatever like this is just gonna get more people watching our event but then you know obviously when most wanted didn't want to fight as well and ruin the main event I

That really pissed me off. That's a big blow. Was Aiden involved in that? Because he came out most wanted after saying he wasn't. So most wanted is saying that he wasn't involved and that, you know, he just actually got, the nerves got the better of him. And there's a clip. I'm sure you can get it up. There's a clip where most wanted is in, I think, a space with Aiden. And Aiden's there like, yo, I'll pay you to not come out of the main event. Yeah.

Even though he's saying he didn't pay him in that moment, it had already been spoken about before. Yeah, it's been spoken about before. So now everyone's instantly thinking, oh, it's that. Well, now it's sus. Yeah, so it's super sus. It's super weird. Don't like it. But yeah, I'm just not keen on Aiden, man. Yeah.

And the thing is, like, he's a type of... I feel like he's the type of guy that can say all this shit, but then in person, he'll be like, yo, what's up, man? How we doing? Yeah, and do you think that's him playing the game of, like, just streaming, causing controversy to, like, get more views? Or do you think he actually just doesn't rate you and wants to escalate things? Because sometimes people just play the game, right? No, I think he's definitely playing the game. And I think he also just thinks he...

I think he feels like he's the boss. Like, he's a boss because of the whole kick thing. Like, he feels like, yeah, you know, no one can chat to me. I have fucking billions in this kick. I mean, from what I've heard, he has, like, a tiny-ass percentage. But still, like, you know, he feels like he's the... He's got a big dick because of it. So, whatever. Let him roam around with his little cock. Yeah, trying to think he's the big dog. But, like...

Yeah. It's a different level. What about Aiden on Misfits? I've heard people mentioning that. Is that ever going to be a thing? Would you put him on there? No. Surely he's not doing that. He ain't ever. But he wouldn't. Nah, he wouldn't ever. He wouldn't ever. He'd give him that platform. He wouldn't fight anyone. Literally most people would slap him up. I reckon he'd fight Neon. Yeah.

I mean, yeah, I think Neon tried to make the fight happen and then Aiden said, no, I'm not. After all this stuff. But then I feel like his excuse would be like, oh, Neon's not big enough, da, da, da, da, da. And it's just like, all right, cool, whatever. Where did Neon come from, man? Because I feel like he was not like not anywhere. Then he's just everywhere. How does that even work? It's just the, I think it's just the whole thing of doing public streams. He's like an industry plant, stream version.

No, no, it's just the more, the more viral you go, the more clips you can make. Sure. The more, the bigger you get. So that's kind of, I feel like what it is these days. Yeah. When it comes to making it. Yeah. If you can go viral all the time, like speed is just a perfect example of how to go viral. He's just so good at it. And, um,

I think Jinxy is another person that's like getting better at like going viral. Like, you know, I'm starting to see a lot of his clips, you know. Kaseo is alright. He's a part of that generation. Who's that? Kaseo. Kaseo. Who? What is that? The biggest streamer? Yeah, I've seen a ton of him. Yeah, Google him. K-A-C, sorry, C-A-S-E-O-H. Kaseo. Is that the second? I'm not, wait, like Kase-O-H. Mm-hmm.

Bro, I'm not going to lie. I've seen that written a bunch of times and always thought it was like a phone case brand. No, he's like the second, after Jinx, he's like the second biggest Twitch streamer. I swear to God, really. Yeah, I'm going to need to see this. He went on Jinx's podcast. 3.3 million followers all in the past. Like he does TikTok clips. I saw him on TikTok. I was going to say there's not going to be much like clips and stuff like that. Mad, fair enough.

It's crazy. It's just constant people just coming out of nowhere, just getting big. And then you have to now know who they are. I feel bad not knowing them, but at the same time, it's like there's so many people that won't know the Sidemen or something like that. It's just different worlds. I feel like the tide's changing for us now in terms of that generation. We are definitely not part of this current generation of what's going on. Well, you went with Speed or Kai, and you said, like, I definitely felt older.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I definitely feel like I'm 30. Even when you do that little clip with Neon, you can tell that he's just a different age now. Why are you speaking so fast? But I definitely feel like, especially someone like me, because I live under a rock, if I know who you are, you're big. Yeah. So that queso, you've got to work harder, bro. I'm sorry. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I mean, yeah. Although, speaking of that, you said you're watching Ray Will and Johnson now. One of your most... Yeah, yeah. So he posts like random YouTube videos on people who have done crazy stuff. Which is short. It's like medium form. So like four or five minutes. But framed as horizontal landscape. Yeah. Wow. I see all your stuff on TikTok and Instagram. Yeah, yeah. Wow, I feel real. What's going on? He's coming.

Does it horizontal? What? It's all just AI images. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's really interesting. Me and Keith... Oh, yeah. We'll speak about Keith in a little bit. Me and Keith always watch it, especially at night, just watching.

before we sleep. So yeah, just to figure out what's going on in the world. I'm happy though because he's a good storyteller, man. He's good for a reason. He was always good back in the day. You never watched him, right? It was before me. Equals three, man. And for some reason he was on top of the game. The biggest YouTuber, right? Most subs, biggest views and he just...

decided to stop. I think he was part of the era where everyone thought YouTube was a small thing. So it wasn't going to last. So everyone back then started leaving and going to other things. He got other hosts to do his show and he was the reason why his show was good. Yeah, right now I'd say if you're a top YouTuber you're pretty much mainstream. Everyone is trying to be a YouTuber or a streamer and yeah, it's crazy. I feel like Logan tried to leave, right?

He was one of the ones that we always thought... I don't want to be a YouTuber. I want to be the biggest entertainer in the world. Yeah, and now he's kind of like having... Doing both, you know? Yeah. WWE is still big. No, no, but I'm saying I don't... I don't even look at Logan as a YouTuber. True. Like, he does what... He has a podcast on YouTube, but I don't... Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's not... He's not doing... I know, I guess he's still posting on YouTube, so... Not much, though. Yeah. You're a bigger, like, component in staying true to YouTube. Yeah, I mean, I don't post enough on my...

Second channel. But you're also posting Sidemen videos. But yeah, yeah. So yeah, I guess that technically still makes me a YouTuber. So what about second channel? What happened there? I've kind of just taken a little backseat. Yeah. I kind of wanted to just, well, I told myself at the beginning of this year, I want to just rest. I,

it's proven to be a lot more difficult than I thought because there's just always something going on whether it's prime or it's Sidemen whether it's you know music whether it's just whatever there's always something so even boxing as well there's pressures like oh yo we need you to fight da da da da da so like

For me, I'm just there like just trying to rest. I'm just trying to find, like every time I see my calendar that there isn't much going on, it's fantastic. We're talking about COVID, right? And the way he described it was like, you know my calendar, it's just so colorful. And then when COVID was there, it just wasn't colorful. It's just like, there was like red, green, blue, all different things I have to do. And then when COVID hit, white. And I was like, this is the greatest thing ever. Obviously, you know,

It wasn't great. People died, but it was fantastic for me in terms of like, there was so much space and time for me, which I never normally had. Yeah. If you had a year like sabbatical right now, you could take a year off everything. Yes. What would you actually do? What would I do? Yeah. Oh my God. So one month would just be me at home. Yeah. Just,

Crypto. Wait, wait, wait. Crypto. Gaming. Surely pick a game. Yeah, game. You can't put crypto over. Gaming and crypto. What is it to do in crypto? Like, just watch the graphs. Okay, so I'm, bro, I'm looking at graphs. I slap the graph up. Wait, so when you're at home, you're just looking at graphs? So I've got my graphs up. I've got Twitter up. So KSI Crypto. And then I've also got Overwatch up.

Or depending on whatever game I've got. You're playing Overwatch? Playing Overwatch. That's not it, is it? Yeah, that's my crypto. No, that's not it. No, that's definitely not it. No. That is definitely not my crypto. Oh my God. I was going to say 100 followers. I was like, there's no way. Jesus Christ. Nah, this guy's pretending to be me.

So I know there was people who were trying to pretend to be me. No, that's not me. Oh my God, that's verified as well. Why is that verified? You can buy it now, can't you? You can buy it. Holy shit, no. That one, that's me. Jesus Christ. Oh, you changed the photo? Yeah, I had to change it because I sold the PNG. Or I sold the NFT, sorry. You sold the screenshot. PNG. You sold the screenshot. How much did you sell the screenshot for? Or is it just on display? I believe it was...

120 sol I thought you were in money Solana oh in money that's about in English I think it was about 20k oh okay damn how much you back it for no no no bro I bought it for something stupid can you remember my famous one can you remember that yeah 50 cent with pepper in the back 50 cent

paid seven grand i took a major l with nfts major l and the thing is i'm gonna say this i think nfts are bullshit and waste of time but but now that i've said this they're gonna stop pumping and then everyone's gonna be fucking flying and nfts are gonna just be worth fucking millions again not because you said it

No, just because I've said it. Oh, okay. People will look at this and go, okay, it's time to pump NFTs. If he thinks they're bad, they must be good. Yeah, sure. So annoying. Okay, so one month playing Overwatch and crypto. Yeah, so just looking at crypto. Trading as well. I like trading. Trading. Like Forex.

No coins. No coins. I thought it was crypto anyway. What do you mean crypto and trading? Well, as in like researching crypto. Yeah, yeah. Do you watch YouTube? I do a bit of TA, technical analysis, and then I'm there like, okay, bro, this is where I need to... Shut the fuck up, bro.

Shut the fuck up. You don't do TA? I do not do TA, man. I don't have time. You just randomly buy it whenever. I don't buy anything. You can buy something at the lowest point and then sell it at the highest point and that's how you make profit. I just wait until... I just explained how to make profit to you.

yeah I know how to make profit whereas if you just mark it by yeah I go whatever twitter goes and whatever the meme is right now so if everyone's going oh my god actually I did nothing I did nothing and it went up well to be honest right now I'm not shilling I don't have any of this coin because fuck meme coins um with uh

or what's it dog with hat oh i saw everyone in your replies going crazy with you because you said that this is the top you was like because they put it on the dome in vegas right yes and then everyone in the replies was hating on you and they just kept posting this meme yeah yeah well i just think it's the most stupid thing i don't understand why meme coins are flying right now i get it's become a thing now yeah bro like imagine you were one of the people who

bought at 0.17 yeah well I remember back in the day if you had a grand of Shiba it would be worth like a mil at one point like way back when yeah Doge as well was another one all these fucking meme coins can you remember what happened with Doge sorry but I'm there like you guys have to be so careful because with these meme coins once you know we're back in a bear market these meme coins are fucking dying

and you're going to lose a shit ton of money and then you're just going to have to hold and wait how many fucking years compared to coins of utility like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. There's so much utility out there, isn't there? You need to do more TA. One question. Do you remember back in the day Doge, do you know what happened?

So deep in COVID you had those, right? And like you fell asleep and we were in the chat and it looked like I was going crazy, going crazy. And you had made like a million in like pounds, dollars profit and you were asleep and we're trying to call you and try to ring you. And then by the time you woke up, it was gone. So you made a million asleep and then didn't wake up. And then, yeah. Yeah. But anyway, like, I mean, most expensive sleep you've ever had. Last question about crypto. What happened with the whole coffee dealer thing? Or can you not talk about that? Uh,

I can't really talk about it, but...

Ultimately, I think even CoffeeZilla knows that I wasn't pumping and dumping. I'm literally just trading, and I was just very into crypto. And I think most people know I'm into crypto. I'm not there just trying to make a shit ton of money. I'm in the space. I'm constantly trying to look for new coins. I'm just trying to push the whole ecosystem, etc.,

Well, the way you spoke about it there was like, oh, I want to play Overwatch, relax and do crypto. So it sounds like it's fun for you. It's my hobby. Yeah, I enjoy doing it. It's my free time. Do you think you'll ever earn more from crypto than you will from Prime?

No. Or any of your endeavors? No, honestly, crypto is probably the smallest amount. No, not the smallest. But it's not like I'm not making a shit ton from crypto. I just find it so fascinating. I just get a rush from it. I don't know. It excites me. Yeah, it's fair. I don't know. I guess...

from the world and like even from you guys and everyone there's a lot of people being like oh you can't be into crypto crypto's bad but I'm just there like but I enjoy it yeah well our point of view is more worried for you making sure you're okay because we don't it's like gambling we don't want you to like fucking lose all your money or lose your mind and that's the thing like I know gambling and I know what my limits are and I'm there like oh no

No, I do. I remember being in Vegas with you once, right? And I bought 100,000 in cash. No, no. Well, you did that as well. I was in the suite with you. I was in the suite with you and Freezy, right? And I woke up once. I came back from a night out. I woke up or whatever. And I saw your door open. Went into your room. It's like 4 a.m. You just weren't there. Yes. And I had to then get up, brush my teeth, put my clothes on, go all the way downstairs, go through the entire casino and just saw you sat there gambling like 4 a.m., getting a massage.

So I just stayed there. Remember, I was stuck with you until I was falling asleep because I would make sure he's not on his own. Yeah, yeah. No, I agree. See, my thing isn't even about you losing...

Well, it is about you losing money. Yes. But it's more the addiction. Yeah. Because we'll be filming a Sidemen video, for example. And we're like, okay, just cut the cameras for two minutes. We'll just need to change batteries. Yeah. Get on your phone instantly. Okay. And you're trading. So we had the winter holiday video. Yeah. And you turned up to the, you swapped to the bad team. In a bad mood. And you were, you were very tired. Yes. And I was like, how are you tired? Your day was go in the hot tub, go in the sauna, do this. Yeah. And it turns out you were up till four trading. Yeah.

Okay, two. That's not what he said in the morning, by the way. He said four. Okay, but it's true. I'm slowly getting better at improving the whole addiction side of things. I think...

I know, I just get super excited sometimes. So, like, even, whoa, even, like, today, I woke up at, like, seven something, and I didn't wake up in the middle of the night going, oh, shit, let me check my, like, I just woke up peacefully. So, like, I'm slowly getting better at, you know, not letting it,

get the better of me. Yeah. You do have a very addictive personality. But that's, that's, yeah. Because it makes sense when you do it, when you do it with boxing, you would get addicted to boxing. But that is seen as like a, like,

Like, yes, you could lose fights. That's like a positive thing. Yeah. No, I mean, whereas with crypto, if I'm addicted to it, it's bad. Unless you're making, unless you're, unless everything is a win. Yeah. Yeah. But then with gambling, if I'm addicted to gambling, that's bad. Yeah. Or if I'm addicted to drugs, that's bad, obviously. So it's, yeah, that's,

That's why, like, that's also one of the reasons why I don't drink. Yeah, oh yeah. Because I used to be super addicted and then I'd just fucking go off the rails, so. I always said, like, with you, it feels like your senses are just, like, heightened. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because if you drink a little bit, it affects you more than everyone else. Yes. And then that goes for everything as well. One strawberry daiquiri and he's gone. No, even with, like, weed. Yeah, yeah. I remember on tour and stuff, I'm like, fucking hell. Or I'm just there, like, super paranoid and thinking, like, I'm gonna fucking die and shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

God, if you take heroin. Honestly, it'd be over, bro. Yeah. That's why it's so like, I'm so glad. Like, I feel like in another life, I would have, I'd be on the floor. Yeah. Yeah. Outside homeless, just with a needle in my arm. When I talk about like what we do and what people do out there and like in terms of like trying to be something, I feel like us lot are like, I don't,

I don't know what we would have done without doing YouTube and stuff. But then I feel like we wouldn't have done anything else. Whatever we did led us to here because of our personalities. That's why the troops are all good friends because we're all so similar. Yeah, I feel like eventually we would have got to this place. Somewhere. It might be a different route, but it would have got there. We asked that on the more Sidemen video. We said, do you think you'd be as successful in a different career if you'd never started YouTube?

Bro, I think... So like if I went down the police route that I was heading, would I have been... Would I have got to like the same percentage in the...

police force I think so as YouTube it sounds very big-headed but I do well yeah sorry but I also meant myself you know okay but no it feels big-headed but I think yeah even even my relationship with my ex was like I think it fell apart because of how addicted I am to work I mean like we me and John spent so much time and everyone else but me and John was sleeping here we're staying here all the time

and that's what I did with like coming to the Simon house all the time all the trips I'm always working and I look back I think well probably did put not enough time into my relationship at times it's hard to do that then but you know now and even setting this up I would love to be like a podcast producer or like an audio engineer that I was trained I'd love to do that you know and I feel like my attentiveness to want to do well would leave me there but also it's my failure as well well I think we you know as a group we all just

constantly work. Like even, like I said, this year I wanted to take a break. It's not a break at all. When he asked what you would do in a month, that's why I'm like, it's hard to believe you. Yeah, yeah. If you did nothing for a month or you did what you said, I feel like you'd have to get bored. No, I think... Or you'd get too caught into crypto. Oh, no, no, no. I think, so like, for me, I'm the type of guy, I rinse it hard and then I'm alright. On to the next thing. Yeah, me too, man. So that's why, like, with the boxing,

rinse the fuck out of it but now i'm like okay i kind of want to just do something else right now yeah and you know same when i was doing music i rinsed the fuck out of it and then i was like okay i want to do something else now and youtube i rinsed it like that's just how i am would you prefer doing all things more like spread out but still well or do you like doing like getting to the best at one thing and then leaving it i feel like it kind of works for me like i

I guess, you know, I'm in the position I'm in today. So I feel like it's definitely working. You don't have to fight on cycles. You can fight and take a break and do music. And even with music, you don't have to do it all the time. You can release an album one year and then two years off, you know? So you can make it right. Exactly. Some things are obviously more often, like me, Cyberman is always going, isn't he?

well that's why I feel like sometimes I have periods where I'm like I'm literally over the side man like even like yesterday when I had that fucking rant being like we're doing too much we're producing too many products I'm fucking pissed what the fuck's going on ah

so yeah i i know but i guess i always have all these like tantrums every now and then where i just it just bubbles up and then yeah you gotta let it out and then you're back to the world just being me do you think losing the fight has put you off boxing at all um i think it pissed me off i think to the idea that the judges had so much power yeah i think at that point

Like, if I was to come back into boxing, my new thing would be no judges. As in, not that I would... Hold on, hold on. I want to fight! No, no. It ends with someone dying. No, I said, like, I will make sure that I never leave it to judges. Oh, okay, sorry. Yeah, yeah. Like, I wouldn't... Because...

I think that annoyed me. I just hate the idea that judges have so much power and they can dictate who wins and who loses. Without a knockout or anything, is boxing not the only sport that is subjective who wins? Well, unless you count referee decisions affecting things. Yeah, but as in like, okay, me and him have a fight. There's no knockouts. There's no minus points. It is entirely up to three judges who wins.

and one person could see punches from a different angle. It's entirely subjective. Obviously, it might be more obvious. Well, I'm trying to think of different sports, but yeah. Your documentary story is called Can't Lose. Yes. Are you going to change that or what? It was Can't Lose back then. Obviously, things have changed. You fucking dickhead.

Can't lose apart from once. Yeah, what would it be called now? Um... Sometimes. Sometimes. Can't lose unless judges... That ain't selling. I wouldn't watch that one. And also, if you did fight again, is it the Jake fight? Is that the only time you would fight again? Uh,

I think you know Jake fight the Tommy fight as well I'll rematch I can't see you fighting anyone else I feel like there's unless something comes out of the woodworks it can always be Mayweather yeah yeah Tyson even but it has to be yeah yeah it has to be top tier I know people are like oh I want to fight Rooney I don't want to fight Rooney like stop and then people are like do you think you win that fight do you think you win the Rooney fight

and then you've got people like evander holyfield being like oh well no he hasn't said anything but people were like oh because jake's fine mike tyson yeah and because uh evander holyfield followed me people think that he's gonna want to fight me i'm not fighting any old man you know no offense but i'm just not doing that so yeah where's the offense though

There's going to be some Jake Paul fan who's going to be like, oh no, man, he's fighting the greatest of all time. It's Mike Tyson. Even though he's like... What if Jake was like, you know what? Tag team fight. Me and Mike Tyson versus you and Mayweather. No, no. Not doing it. It's just cringe. It's cringe. Tag team is cringe or what?

No. He's fighting Mike Tyson. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I posted what the rules are as well. So it's 16 ounce. It's not even 10 ounce. It's 16 ounce. It's just the fact that they have to change the rules because this guy is almost 60. Oh, man. It's just so sad. What is the... It was something like...

Anyone over the age of this, whatever, has to have an EKG and an EEG or something like that. Something to do with their brain, like a brain scan. He might not pass that. He might not. Even if he doesn't, they're going to try and do something. But then I'm just there like, bro, what if Jay Paul just hits him with a right hand, like a proper right hand? Bro, like...

It could be bad for Mike. And I guess I know, sorry, I know a lot of people are like, it's Mike Tyson, you know, greatest of all time, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But it's Mike Tyson when he's almost 60. It's very different to a 20-year-old Mike Tyson who would obliterate most heavyweights. I agree. I agree. But then what if, just like double advocate, what if Mike Tyson beats Jake?

Would you then say it's embarrassing for Jake? That's extremely embarrassing for Jake. That is like laughable. Well, there's no judges as well. So we're not going to know. If you ask Deji, Deji will say, I mean, he's like, yeah, I'm lost. But he'll also say, you know, in the Mayweather fight, wasn't that also an exhibition? Yeah. There was no winner. He'll say I won because I gave him a black eye. Yeah.

Yeah. The thing is, Deji lost, but it was a win. It was a win for Deji. Yeah, for being in the ring with him. Yeah. Wait, what wasn't a win was how long it took for them to actually come out. Oh, yeah. We almost left. Yeah, yeah. Harry didn't even go. I was jealous. Yeah. We were on a boat. Yeah. What if Harry wasn't capable of going?

He was passed out. Yeah. That was the best time on the boat. Yeah. I actually was a little bit mad that I had to go and leave the boat to go watch Deji. But not because of Deji. I wouldn't have been if there wasn't like a time that we had to like an extra three hours. I really wish I got to see the bedroom. Obviously, I don't imagine we can talk about it. No, we can't. Yeah. I didn't see either. Yeah.

oh it sounded nuts got you yeah the whole the whole yacht yeah there was three hot tubs on the boat on different floors fucking nuts how crazy is that it's not even a boat bro no it's not a boat it's actually disrespectful to call it a boat yeah I'm sorry to that I went on a boat in Dubai for New Years that was so nice yeah I looked at it and went

It does look kind of small now. Yeah, bro. Because the boat we went on was so big. Everything seems small. Not fair. But that's why I'm super excited to go on the jet, the private jet for Vegas. Because that's a jet that I've never seen

i know i've never been before well he goes he goes in the chat so he goes bad news good news bad news is the jet's gone we can't get it anymore the good news is we've got this one instead it's like yeah that's gonna change us as well like i'm gonna be on easy jet in like three months thinking

Stay humble. Stay humble. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to ask about that real quick. You know, when you like, uh, you took us to Miami recently, like some of them pay for the whole thing, flights, everything. Do you enjoy doing that kind of stuff? Yeah. I mean, I've always been the guy that likes giving. Yeah. I just, yeah. Like he loves receiving. So,

Well I like receiving in a different way but no I was saying I feel really bad that like I was like because we like well some of us on that trip could have just paid for ourselves but then also that song to Calox and maybe yourself as well and they were going now but he likes to do that and if I was in a position I would do the same as well. I get joy out of doing it and also like

I guess this is my Christian background. I'm not a Christian, but as in like my parents, like the way they brought me up. You're going to get a text later. I'm agnostic, okay? Yeah, so the idea of giving and then you receive from it.

To be fair, you've actually been amazing at that because a lot of people in the creative space, if someone's doing really, really well, they don't give handouts to people to help them, which you've always done that. But also, it does come back to you as well because even in our group, we do everything for you. Look at where I'm at. Look at how I'm living. Look at just how my life is going. So I feel like...

you know because i've given out so much and i've done so much it's one of the reasons why i'm in this position so that's why i keep doing it yeah you know it helps some people don't give the handouts and it comes back to bite them because that person that they didn't help will go and do really really well and then they won't have the hand back up to them you know so what goes around goes around comes around exactly i've always said that what was that that's my favorite saying

Well, speaking of taking L's as we were talking about boxing. How is fantasy football going? Because I'm not in this. Well, you know what? I'm not in it. So I'm actually interested. We've actually had like a two week break and it's felt really good. It's been lovely. But you see how you're saying that you're saying all this two weeks has been amazing. Yeah. So say, say you come, there's 12 of you in the group, right? So you come eighth. So you're completely fine from punishment, whatever, like calm. Would you do next season? Yes.

I would because I know what to improve on. So I know, okay, not to use my free hit in the third week. Or all your chips. Yeah, yeah. All your chips in the first week. Yeah, exactly. Like there's...

definitely things that I messed up on and like the amount of hits I've taken like I've taken stupid amount of hits and I didn't need to but it's one of the things where I'm like oh this player is going to be facing Shuffle United in this week so I have to bring him in yeah and then I'm constantly just doing that you have proven that sometimes hits do work though so if you could take like a minus 8 one week or a minus 4 if you need to then that could actually pay off but like 28 nah you know minus 28 is just

stupid and for those who don't know what we're talking about we're talking about fantasy football so in the UK in the Premier League football you know you get points if they score and stuff sometimes people don't know what FPL is but I would also always stay because as nice as it was the last two weeks to have a bit of peace and quiet when the kickoffs are on the chat is the best thing in the world because it's like literally like a thousand messages someone scores someone people are faking goals as well like oh my god Werner just scored well it just makes the Premier League

even more enjoyable. I enjoy watching Arsenal. Before, I wouldn't even watch Mancey play or Chelsea play. Now, I'm here watching every single game. Especially all the players that I have, I'm watching every game. I'm here watching Spurs. Come on, Madison. You can score. He's still a great Spurs fan. I don't know what's going on.

But that's another thing I don't like is like people start just going for some outrageous things. Like you shouldn't ever be supporting Spurs. Yes. But he's not though, you know. No, I know. I'm just supporting the player. His idea will be, okay, I've got Madison, right? Yeah. So my ideal score is Tottenham to lose 6-5 and Madison to get five goals. Yes. It's not happening. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think like FPL, it's like gambling. 6-5, Madison five goals. It's a safe version of gambling, I think. You know, because you could put like... When you say that, but there's literally money on the line.

Yes. For us, yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you going to be free to go on that trip? I think I should be, yeah. You know how he was in the chat, I don't think I can make it. And everyone was like, denied. Like, you've literally signed a contract. Denied. It was the only group where you can't rearrange your trips.

Talking about FPL actually, there's a... What, FPL challenge? I was going to mention it. I put it in the chat being like, oh, does anyone want to do FPL challenge? Instantly, just everyone's like, kill yourself. No, shut up. It's a new thing they're bringing in, like another game, rather than, it's like each week. So it's not part of your team. You can build a team just for that one week and you get points.

Or something like that. Like a game. I think Will was like, I'll get a job, mate. Yeah, yeah. There's literally like no limit. So you can just do whatever the fuck you want. Oh, so you just choose the best team you want. Yes, yeah. And I think you can even have as many players as you want from one team. And they'll do like double points for players on United and Liverpool or something. If it's a set game.

Oh, really? I saw that. I don't know. I didn't look into it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, wow. You actually have the... You have our names as well. Great. Although, you know, the last game week, I'm the highest. By 10. Because you literally picked a team for that week. Yes. Now, all I had to do was take a minus four for this game week. Yep. And I still have a lot of these players.

because Kyle was there thinking I'm going to have to do another minus 28 to get the players out of one yeah I said that as well but I'm not no bro like even with Bassey he's playing I don't even know who that is Fulham no bring up my team again real quick I'm pretty sure Fulham defender yeah Bassey he's playing Sheffield United this week nice and then Forrest next week

Bro, you know what I mean? I fucking smashed it. Yeah. By the way, Lux has said, so I don't even know if Jake, go back to the league again. He said that if he loses to JJ, he won't play next year. If he comes above JJ, he'll play next year. Who was, there was two people going to quit. It was Ethan and...

I think it's Ethan. You and Lux weren't in it, right? No, no. And then because you two joined, Ethan joined. Ethan stayed. He's still saying that he's going to quit. If Ethan loses to you two. Because he went, I'm only staying because I know I can beat these two idiots. Yeah. Okay, okay. He should have done it. He could still lose, you know. Oh, yeah. I still have a triple captain. Oh, yeah, yeah. I think. I've got Sala. I think Theo. Game week 34. Slapped on, bro. Is it double? Double. Oh,

I think Theo and everyone below is that like bottom four. I think that is not in that order. That's the bottom four. That'll change. This has been changed. Even, even I'm not clear now. I'm still in the conversation. Yeah. Anything for the cup? No, we don't do cups. We don't even look. Also it looks, sorry, Ethan. I think Ethan, I don't think he'll leave because I think his weekends are going to be so empty without, but I don't, I don't think Ethan should do FPL. I've never seen like,

You get angry at it or you get angry at it, whatever. But it's kind of like you're just pissed about a result. Yeah. He is genuinely pissed. His whole mood changes. His weekend is ruined. Yes. You're ruined for like...

An hour. As a friend of his, I want nothing but the best for him. I don't want him to be upset, but I love it when he gets angry. Even the golf channel would do it. I'm so excited he's not in it anymore because I want him... Well, he was going to be in it. It was going to be all of us apart from you, Vic and Toby, which is just the white guys. And Ethan's ruined it for us. Ruined it? Well, yes. He's ruined that joke.

Well, it was, it was Freezy's birthday, right? Yeah. Freezy's birthday. We played golf. Yeah. And he walks back in. We weren't on the same team. Yeah, we were. Me and you. Me, you were even Freezy. Yeah. We, we walked back in and we're the first team back. Yeah. Ethan's team come in next. He walks in, literally just like throws his hat down. He's like, yeah, I'm done with the sport. I'm done. Like I'm giving Josh my clubs. Yeah. And he goes, yeah, I'm going to quit the channel. I don't like, I don't want to play this sport anymore. Yeah.

I thought it was just a joke. No, he left the group chat. But I want him to be because for the channel, he would be so good because like, no matter what, there's always going to be someone raging. And he loves the sport, man. He loves golf. He loves every sport he picks up though. Yeah. Like he becomes, he's kind of like you, just shorter periods. I thought you were going to say shorter. I was like, oh, that's not very nice. No, but like you get addicted to like boxing music, whatever. Yeah. He does that with

He did that with go-karting for a little bit. He's done it with golf. He's now with darts. He gets very addicted to a sport. Takes it up. Sometimes he's not great at it. Throws it away. Yeah, I feel like with boxing, we haven't really been able to see his true skill.

Who, Ethan? Yeah. I think that's just purely because of the Weller. Like, if Weller signed it, he would just be boxing now. Oh, okay, yeah. But he doesn't have a fight, does he? No. I do think he was right in that whole thing, though. I think he has the right to say, you know, I'm worth this, but I'm not going to do it. I think we offered what he wanted. Oh, wow. And then it still broke down. I'm wrong then, I guess. It's just a little pussy, essentially. Ethan's a pussy. He doesn't want to fight Joe Weller.

Oh, speaking of that real quick, what's going on with you and Josh at the minute? What do you mean? I feel like there's so much animosity online. Everyone thinks you hate each other. No, we don't hate each other. Josh. I just think he's a dickhead. Yeah, I can't... Pull it up. There's a video where Josh... Oh, is this because you keep saying stuff like, oh, we're not doing this because of Josh? Yes, yes, yes. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.

And also, real quick on Sidemen beef, you recently said on a sidecast that went quite viral that you don't want to be with Vic anymore on any teams. Yeah, it's just a joke. It's just a joke. You can't say that about Vic though. He has the craziest fans. But I feel like a lot of my fans know that I'm joking. Yeah, of course. Your fans, but not his fans. Most people know that, yeah. But to clear it up, just to squash the beef, you meant because you were with him at the same time three in a row, three videos in a row. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Including Simon.

That you were three in a row that you would, you know? Yeah, but me and Simon are like real friends. No, but the thing is, people actually think, I don't know, like with me and Josh, do you think there's actual beef?

No, I think you just genuinely do disagree on certain things. Yeah, that's it. There's no real... It's never actual beef. I don't hate him. Of course. It's just we always disagree. He says one thing and I'm like, no. But it's just because we are both very different people. So he takes his time and I'm impulsive. Yeah.

I'm like, let's go. We need to do this. Let's go. Let's make a move. And he's like, no, no, no. We've got time. It's like the winter holiday, for example. He was like, oh, maybe we should split this into two parts. And was very much on that. Because it was a three hour video. It would also give us an extra week. Give us more time. I'm going on holiday for two weeks. And then we're all going to Vegas for a week. So I was like, oh, we need all the time we can get for two weeks.

two videos yeah and also it was three hours but it would have been longer if it was split in two parts exactly we cut out a lot to make it three hours yeah yeah yeah it could have been yeah four yeah do you think in Vegas we'll end up filming

That pause tells me already yes. No, I don't think so because we actually did mention... We were talking about dates to film and we were like, do we have to do one in Vegas? And I remember I was one of the people I went, please no. Because that's how we did two, didn't we? Yeah. Normally I'm quite like... Well, that's what we did one with Nigga Higger. Hold on. That's just not how you say his name. What?

Well, can I say that? Say it. No, no. You can't say it like that. Yeah, exactly. What did... Nigga Higa. He says Higa and says the first part like that. Oh, okay. Ryan Higa. Yes. That wasn't even that trip. No, that was me and you. That was ages ago. He's talking about when we did hide and seek in the house. And calorie challenge. And calorie challenge. Oh, yeah.

You didn't even do, me and you didn't do the Calorie Challenge. We did it in the UK. That's the famous time where Luke arrived to the hide and seek, just almost dead. The picture is like him stumped over. He's almost dead. I think honestly, he's so close to dying. Because we said, by the way, you know this, it's his birthday. It's his birthday. He's 30th, right? And we said, he's like, can I bring my friends to the trip? We said no.

You can't bring your own friends to your 30th. So he decides to fly there the week before. He wanted to take like eight people, right? Yeah. Trying to get in anywhere with 18 people. Oh, bro. It's impossible. We barely get in with 10. Yeah. Especially because it's all guys as well. Yeah. Yeah. So on Simon videos, you keep mentioning Keith. Who's Keith? So Keith is my boyfriend. Right. Okay. Yeah. That, you know, I've been dating for, I think six plus years now. Wow. Wow.

I love it. So the freezy little prank. So you're cheating on Keith with me? I'm sorry, bro. No, no, no. He's cheating on you with Keith. Yeah, damn. I'm the OG. So the trend was real. What trend? You remember that trend that went on Twitter? Some bloke was saying that KSI is gay. Oh, yeah. They saw me kissing a dude. Yeah. Crazy, man. Was that Keith or someone else? Huh? Was that Keith? That was Keith. Yeah, that's me kissing. Yeah. Nice. Just, yeah. Damn.

I do love Keef. Wow. With all my heart. That's serious. Yeah. How do you feel? Are you happy? Are you in a good place? Or are you just stressed? What in general? It's so funny. I was talking to Keef actually yesterday. How...

i'm a little stressed yeah i think that's why japan has come out perfect time sure and my holiday and vegas yeah uh like i was saying the pressures of life yeah are starting to annoy me so i'm there like oh the mouse simon videos were like recording it's a lot like you gotta remember it's not we're not just doing the main channel the main channel reacts uh second channel

Side plus. Side plus. And like, I've been on every single side plus this year, I feel. I'm a snitch on Josh here, right? Yeah. So we're going on a golf trip next week and the day before we have sidecast. Okay. You're not on it. Yeah. But Josh is. I'm on it as well. Okay. And I was like, oh man, I wish I could come off that, but I haven't been on one in ages. Yeah. Josh is like, yeah, I want to come off it.

Is JJ free? You're not on it. You're not on it. Oh, we looked and we're like, I did say, I just been on like the last. Yeah, bro. Honestly, I need a break. And then, so I've got that. So that, and then, you know, obviously, um,

I was streaming for a little bit, but then I was just like, I'm too busy. I'm a little stressed as well. I'm not in the right frame of mind for it. And then, you know, Prime, doing a lot of stuff for Prime. Yeah. Traveling all over the place, done so much traveling. And then, you know, still having to find time to chill with Keith as well. And then, you know, I've also got

you know, pressures from music and boxing to make things happen and all that. So it's a lot. Yeah. So I'm just there like fucking hell. Like I need a fucking break. And that's why whenever I have days where there's just not much going on or it's just,

white in the calendar it's just so good well why don't you i know you're doing obviously the two trips you mentioned but you can always like well sorry to the side but you can always just like book a trip and just be like guys i'm busy no i but i can't just burn everything off harry does and wait until you see like vick away or someone away and just do little ones there because you know no i can't he has something else because then i've got something else yeah it'll be like ethan not ethan uh harry's going to like

this golf course in Portugal. Yeah. And then he's going to

LA to do a prime shoot. Yeah, exactly. With prime, is your goal to just sign every single person in the top of the game? No, no, no. The greats. The top tier, yeah. I actually have a list of everyone. Well, I have a list of the sportsmen. All women. That's pathetic of you. Sorry. So there may be someone missing, I don't know. Patrick Mahomes. So American football. Bro, you got destroyed by him as well.

The clip where you got tackled, right? Oh, it was Logan who annihilated me. Maybe even worse. Logan's a fucking beast. Well, he's a unit, man. Well, Patrick Mahomes is a quarterback, right? Yes. So he doesn't really tackle. No, he just throws. Yeah, so I'd actually rather get tackled by him than Logan. Sure, sure. Alicia Lehman. Yes. Austin Matthews. Yep. Who's he? He is an ice hockey. Wow.

Raphael Liao yep Harland yep so if Liao and Harland were to play each other which team would you be rooting for both like it's a win-win it's a win-win triple hat-trick from both of them that's pretty much what I'd want you know our prime athletes doing what they do in their prime okay Bud Crawford boxer yep

Kyle Larson, NASCAR. Yep. Shakur Stevenson, boxing. Yep. Dricus... Dricus...

De Plessis in MMA? Yep. Devin Haney, boxer. Adesanya, MMA. And Volkanovski at MMA. So is there a possibility of any of these people fighting each other, like the boxers? Do you sign like one-a-weight division? I guess you could... Not really. We kind of just sign people who are like top tier. So I guess Haney and Shakur Stevenson could fight at some point.

but um no literally the with prime it's always just best of the best yeah that's just who we're going for i find it funny how you sign haney and then like ryan garcia's like our prime's gross prime is um part of the devil and all this stupid the thing is it's like first of all my mom would not let me go you know onto the dark side because she's a

humongous Christian so the idea of me becoming satanic is just out the fucking window like my mum would pour holy water repeatedly on me it says on here ingredients child's blood oh really like it's just like my mum just wouldn't let me it'd just be long it'd be a long fucking day are you saying the only reason you're not joining the Illuminati is because your mum won't

I've been offered, but I can't. My mom won't let me. If your mom turns around to you tomorrow and goes, I'm actually agnostic. You're going like, sign me up. Speaking of though, there's actually right now, a lot of conspiracies that this stuff has actually happened with the whole Diddy stuff.

In terms of what? Isn't like the Illuminati, all these higher powers? Oh, I mean, I never, I mean, I don't know. Maybe there is some sort of higher power, but it's like, it's just people who have a shit ton of money. Isn't that what power is? The more money you have, the more power you have. I think it's less like Illuminati type stuff and more just people doing fucked up things. Like the Diddy thing is kind of crazy. I don't really, I have no idea what the fuck's going on. I just know he's on the run. Yeah. Or he's like,

flying to Africa? Well, supposedly. I mean, for some reason, my Twitter has started to become like... Okay. Oh, you're seeing all of this. Yeah, unfortunately. Everyone keeps saying that their Twitter is always like the craziest stuff happening. Mine's been really, really good. Just like fun stuff, football. And now it's starting to go a bit right wing, I think. Really? Apparently, they saw his jet like leaving...

Leaving the country and going somewhere else where you can't be extradited or whatever it is. But apparently it was just his stuff. So his stuff was getting taken over and then he got pictured in somewhere. I'm just going to wait for the Netflix doc. Yeah. I'm just going to wait for the doc and then

figuring out what the fuck's going on. Did you see the Logan Paul documentary stuff? Yes. Yeah. Because I met that guy, you can say. Oh, so he was in, you've been filming the documentary. Yeah. Oh, it was on Apple. So apparently this guy, this documentary, journalist, documentary maker, spoke to Logan and his agents, whatever. And apparently it was,

they were going to shoot a documentary. It was going to be on Apple, like going to premiere on Apple and everything was like set. And I feel like Logan's team's pretty tight, aren't they? You know, they're not going to just allow it. Yeah. And then somehow now this guy's just waxed on his YouTube channel. It's like 1000 views. Sorry. 10,000. I shouldn't laugh at so much my vlog, but we're comparing a Logan Paul documentary to my vlog. And Apple TV. Yeah. Five months as well. Yeah. And apparently Logan had them run on Christmas day. Yeah. Yeah.

so that's crazy so yeah it's yeah i don't i don't really know the ins and outs but it's it's a shit situation yeah yeah is it

wow oh 31k now but i mean because logan's probably yeah logan's probably talked about it so much that it's got it views i thought it was gonna be yeah on something like was it at least like did he did the guy at least think i'm gonna make it and sell it to one of these and that's what it's gonna be and then they no one bought it well apparently it was just a long prank apparently it was gonna be on apple

And then management changed in Apple and then they said nah. And then I don't think the guy told Logan. So maybe he panicked and said, fuck, I gotta release this anyway. Yeah. Because I think if he told Logan, then Logan would have been like, you can't release this. Well, but the thing is, if that's the case, surely Logan being as smart as he is, he would have gone, well, let me just post it then. I'll just post it.

I'll paywall it or I'll post it on my YouTube channel. Yeah, so I think maybe that's annoyed him as well. Too bad, this guy's got 800k subs. Go on his channel, what else does he do? That seems like something really like... Oh, it's just... It's just Logan Paul. Oh my God. Wow. Oh no, they're all short. He's posted... It's the whole documentary. So yeah, he definitely is losing money. He needs to get back... He did it on here as well with Barry. Oh yeah, I know Barry. I don't know Barry. Oh, Bert Kreischer.

That seems like quite a mad thing to do when you have such a big audience. Like 800k subs. Yeah, but now I'm looking at his channel and it looks like he does this with everyone. It looks like his thing is doing documentary on his own channel. But can we see what his most viewed are? Because I'm not getting a lot of views though. Some of them were like 2k. The views are quite... 10 mil. Okay, 10 mil. And Alvarez...

yeah they're a long time ago steve-o five years alvarez two years what does it mean okay this guy this guy looks like a wash bro yeah but he looks like someone who's in the industry doing um documentaries though i guess it's just miscommunication with everyone involved but but logan logan i mean you and logan actually working together really well on prime you've got like a really good like yeah it was just it's just he always said by the way if you guys went fighting you'd be best friends yeah yeah and there we go

I mean, you know, like, you're still my best friend. And you. But now you've said that, it's as if, like, we're not. You don't have to reassure us. Yeah, it seemed like you were using copium there. I've known you guys for way longer, obviously. But, like, me and Logan are good friends. Yeah, like. What do you mean? Well, no, no, no. Our point is, now you're saying that, makes us think that you've actually thought about that.

Do you know what I mean? Like we thought it was unquestionable who you like more. But you're going, no, don't worry guys. I was never worried. Until now. Yeah, now I'm going to go home and throw a dart at you. But I was going to say, Logan is actually a smart guy, isn't he? Yeah, yeah. Just how his thought process and everything. He's just very articulate as well with everything he says and does. What was Smackdown like?

The banner scenes. Oh, yeah. Oh, it's just cool, bro. It's just cool seeing all these wrestlers. You're actually big into wrestling, right? Yeah. So, bro, it was WrestleMania that was nuts. But I was just seeing all the wrestlers, bro. Bro, I got to see The Rock practice his entrance. Mad. Bro, and it's so funny. Like...

He'd walk out. This was before everyone's like coming into the stadium. He'd walk out and he's got people just there, like, you know, making sure he's like sick and, you know, feeling good and happy and all of this. And he's just there like doing the rock thing. Like, yeah, the rock says. To nobody. To no one. Yeah. Yeah. But like, he's making sure that the entrance is like,

Pinnacle. It's like a statement. Well, everything he does, it seems from the outside looking in that he does it to perfection. So he's got very high standards in every aspect of his life. And it's also crazy to see how big these guys actually are. So with Randy Orton, I've never met him before. But fuck me, bro. It's crazy. You see on TV, they're big, but everyone's big. So you aren't able to really compare until you're there. It's like the NBA. The first time I met Logan, I was like, Logan?

Logan's fucking massive. Yes. And then he stands next to these lot. Doesn't look big. Yeah, it doesn't look big. No. It's fucked. Yeah. Bro, like, and even when I got RKO'd by Randy, bro, he grabbed my head like there was nothing. Yeah, yeah. And just...

yeah yeah but yeah it's lit it was a sick time am I asked a stupid question like you do you okay so is the do you not know he's behind you right now no I did I did I did know he was behind me but I'm there like he's about to fuck me up

And I was like, alright. We didn't even practice this, by the way. This was just first time, boom. Do you know what I heard about how he was meant to land? Yeah, you landed wrong, right? I landed so wrong. So obviously if we had practiced, I would have been able to land properly, but we didn't. Why didn't you? I think something happened, right? Well, I don't know. We just didn't. We had the mat out and everything. Yeah, so I heard you went to the ring and everyone was just like chatting and chatting and chatting and then just time ended. And time ended!

Pretty much, yeah. What were you saying there? You were saying something. What were you actually saying? I was like, oh man, Logan, bro, you've done me. You've done me. Why are you out here and I'm in here? I'm not a fan of wrestling, but I like it. I'm not against it. I'm not a hater of it. But at the same time, you could have just left the ring. Yeah.

no logan no you just asked if he knew he was behind him i know but i'm like but he did so just leave the ring yeah but i was always going to get rk i know i know yes that's why i like rest of the jokes but you know how weird it is like that you so you just said you were watching the rock through his entrance yeah you've come out was that as in in this event yes so ages ago you interviewed the rock

Yeah. Yeah, that's pulled off, actually, because, like, how weird is that? Yeah, yeah. What, it's come full circle somewhat? But as in... He probably doesn't even know who the fuck I am. No, actually, he probably does. He does, yeah. Because of Prime, yeah, he probably does. But, like, you've gone from doing, like, a...

what's it called when you they get like time with them a promo yeah junket a junket you've gone from you had probably like six minutes to do a press junket with him yeah to you actually working with him yeah yeah that's insane like this video is jokes but i remember the same as well nine years ago 9.2 mil view i was shit myself as well i was sweating on my armpits and everything it was so hot who else have you done interviews with

I did one with Ryan Reynolds. Yeah. That was cringe. When you watch that back. It's because I think it's the headphone era as well. We, you know, wearing headphones. It's because he was like, he was playing a character, but it did not come off. Well, yeah, he's a smart guy, man. Well, yeah. We also had one that was, uh,

Not Ed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I appreciate that. We can't talk about that. We're not going to talk about that. But there's, oh, the Cohen, Sacha Baron Cohen. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. I can't even. Wow. Yeah. I forgot about that one. Yeah, no. Who was he playing then? Um,

It wasn't Borat, was it? Oh, Matt Damon as well. Oh, Matt Damon! Wait, wasn't this one where you... Yeah, fucking Matt Damon! Oh, but this one, I swear, shout out to him because he was actually playing with you. Yeah, he was playing a lot. Why were you wearing that? It was like just...

because it doesn't have anything to do with your character no no it's just me doing a bit oh um speaking of bits are you still are you still of the opinion that you could do stand-up or is that was that was that was a pap dream at what point did you realize that i well i think when i actually tried it in front of the boys or no so i did oh my god um

Wait, what? Oh my God. So I'm so glad I got cancelled at the time because then they had to take it down. Okay. But there used to be recorded footage of me doing stand-up

I think it was for either Boxton or Evian, but it was like a promo for them. Do you have it? No, it's gone. It's deleted. They deleted it. Or they got rid of it. No, they posted it. Oh, Boxton. But because then I got cancelled for something. Right, right, right. They deleted it. And think...

the lord how about was it so bad bro was it bad or was it low-key offensive no it was no i i don't even remember but i remember just doing it and no one laughing okay and just being like fucking a tough crowd and no one laughing at that as well and i was like okay this is this is this is painful because you know he genuinely has a 10-year plan

to become a stand-up well i feel like you can do it yeah i've got a right thanks what does that mean well you know you know this look well you what shane gillett pull shane gillett's up i don't know who that is yeah i'll show you and tell me what you think this guy looks like well you know how like all comedians look funny yeah yeah okay i look a little bit funny

I have no idea who he is. I don't think you have that. But the fact that you know him shows that you're serious. Thank you, thank you. Appreciate that, appreciate that. JJ, who else in the troops look like they could be a stand-up based on that then? He's going to say nobody. So now I'm just the weird looking guy in the group. I actually don't think anyone else looks like they could be a stand-up. Oh, Freezy. I think Freezy. I was going to say Freezy. I don't think looking. I think he could be. But just if I saw them in a room and they all said I'm a stand-up, I'd go, really? To every single one.

Even you. Thank you. No, I believe yours the most. Got you. I'd say definitely. I'd say Calvary's a hundred percent. I was going to say Calic spot.

I think he could write something well, but the thing is, my problem is delivery. I can't speak. I can't speak. Well, you've been speaking for almost an hour now. Yeah, true. I create our podcast. When we did our, the video we did yesterday, 5M1. Yeah. There's a bit in there where there's like a little stand-up thing. I was petrified. But I think it's because that was harder because it was only five people.

there right five people which makes it also weird if there's 100 i think it'd be easier if there's 100 people there yeah because there's more likely you're gonna have one person that laughs and then that creates a chain reaction yeah i preferred it but even if there was five i was like this is bless but they go i'll just say i'll just say a shitty joke if there was a whole room i'd be like i have to do a good joke did they laugh at you yeah i literally got a pity laugh every single time i told two jokes yeah but i also think stand-up's also about preparing for it as well right you gotta write something i had nothing prepared

And the one thing, what I was going to do, I was going to do my joke from the winter holiday that got cut out. But I thought it was going to be you two people we knew. So when I got up there, it was like 50-year-olds. I was like, I can't say what I was going to say there because they would just not even find that funny. Well, have you even attempted to like... No, no, no. I said you should go do open mics. Ten-year plan, man. That's year two. No, but you need ten years of practice. Yeah, you need to start. Sure, sure. Because also, now he's vlogging every day.

that's a great vlog well yeah and it would show your whole progression yeah why not a like a Simon Sunday like everyone has one night to go and do a stand up I think that would be hilarious you know we actually got offered it from Jack Whitehall

No way. Does anyone want to come up for like two minutes in one of his shows? Oh, it'd be horrible. That'd be the most... That'd be awful. No, I'd be so down. Because you know, Chris MD did it as a forfeit for penalties. Stephen Trice did it with him. Oh, really? Stephen Trice is a comedian too. Yeah. He's more qualified than I guess we are. But he went down the like road street, whereas like...

I don't even know where I'd start. I'd freeze. But you talk about your life. Your life, man. You got a funny life. You got a hilarious life. Do I? Yeah. There's something funny from my life. Your brother's quite funny? Thanks. Oh, so much, Johnny. Sorry. Um. Exactly. No, no, no. There's something. There's something. Um.

Yep. All right. Next topic. Oh, shit. No. Wait, shit. Do you remember the time when you did it in front of the boys? Because I keep hearing about this a lot. It was at dinner. We were in another country. We were in Nobu. Yep. And yeah, he had it on. He just said like, oh yeah, I have a stand-up routine on my phone. Oh yeah, I tried it. And then the best part

part of it that got the most laughs was when i said pause for laughter by accident yeah everyone died of that yeah that's funny yeah that's really funny yeah yeah well i'm not doing it anyway yeah but i feel like with someone like me i have a funny life like i've done a lot of funny stupid things so i can always just talk about that yeah well there's a difference between being funny and also stand-up stand-up's like really hard because you know it's

I think I could be funny in a podcast or a video but then that's because I know you guys I also know what's going to make you laugh or what will make you laugh whereas when you're randomers you don't know what's going to make them laugh yeah yeah oh I was going to go into it I completely forgot I was hoping I got it back but I got it back can you remember Theo Von one of the biggest podcasts one of the biggest podcasts now ever and we saw him remember

We went to the Joe Rogan comedy store. We actually saw him. Yeah, so Joe Rogan did a show. Yeah. I didn't even know Joe Rogan was going to be there. Yeah. We went to the comedy store in LA that time. We were just there with Leon and everyone and we were crowding around that little small table and there was a guy with a mullet who was the funniest guy and that was Theo Von. Hey! Yeah, man. So I'm always gasping. Holy fucking shit. So we saw him before he was funny.

Well, no, he was funny. He might have been known in the comedy world, but now I listen to a lot of podcasts where they mention all these comedians. What's the same with Bad Friends podcast? It's Bobby Lee, right? Yeah. He's done a movie with him. I've done a movie with Bobby Lee, yeah. That's crazy. Yeah, yeah. Bobby Lee was so funny in that movie. You guys reacted to... I think he's... One of the funniest guys. I think that podcast is the funniest podcast. Really? Okay, come on. Me and John, we were worried, right? Because we watched you guys react to it.

Bro, I was... And the first thing... No, no, but we didn't watch the whole thing. The intro goes, this podcast is so washed, man. Huh? There's a clip of you saying this podcast is so washed as like the intro. Intro. Unless you didn't say washed.

Their intro? No, no, no. Simon Reacts intro. They've taken a clip of me saying this podcast is so washed or something. Okay. I think I might have been talking about our own podcast. I didn't think this. I actually had a theory. I think it's a clip of me later on going like this podcast is hilarious. Like ours is so washed. We could play it and find out. Your headphones don't work. No, mine do. They do. Next time.

yeah when Nick's back we'll have a little look but all the comments are saying that you they're saying that oh I wish JJ Harry and Ethan read to this instead yeah I'm not gonna lie I was watching it and it was me Toby and Vic I think so and the first joke so the least funny people safe the uh the first joke happens it's offensive obviously yeah yeah and I kind of like

start giggling afraid no no i just hear nothing oh and i'm not i can't burst out laughing if there's no laughter elsewhere if they're really i i didn't hear vick once the whole time and because they're probably yeah i was like these are hilarious yeah i i i obviously i know we aren't comedians like they are but i would like our podcast to get to one of those kind of levels one day one of the bad friends style you know

Yeah, I ain't going to have enough. It will, man. No, no, I feel like after a period, like, I think we're still in a period, in a zone where we're still have to be quite careful with what we say and do. No, I don't mean the content. I don't mean, like, the jokes that they say. You just mean size. I just mean, yeah, like a decent size and also a respectable podcast, you know? Oh, okay. Well, I mean, you guys are doing bits right now. This is the start. Yeah, well, I mean, the camera is very good. Like, honestly, this is on par, if not better.

Then sidecasts. No, this is bad. This is way better. Although, just that one thing that we thought, we had a little panic.

Oh, you know the Ask the Sidemen set? Yes. It's like the same blue with the same flooring. TV there, two sofas. And this feels way better than the Ask the Sidemen. We didn't mean it to happen either. He was like, the grey looks a bit sidecast-y. And we were like, fuck. And we looked at the blue and I'm like, the blue's the same. But we've been going longer than that. And by the way, John and I, literally, we were surprised. When this set got built, we were like, thank God, because we winged this whole thing. We AI'd this set.

Oh, really? It showed the builders the AI and somehow it turned out really nice. Holy shit. Wait, wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, AI is getting too crazy. Yeah. I think I saw a thread. I think I... The girl doing the little promo. Yes. But you know, it's really controversial right now. Why? Because two AI companies have come out saying that they made it. Okay. How can that be true? Yeah. And also someone found her on Fiverr.

and they found that she just does videos. So the girl's real. - Oh, so the girl is real. - But I don't know the story. Maybe you can Google this. So is it an AI girl?

Someone went viral on Twitter by saying, I paid all the money to get this AI model made. And it's someone doing like a social media influencer, like selling makeup or whatever. And it looks very fake. Her eyes are like really weird. It seems off. And that was AI. And two companies came out and said that we made it. No, no, we made it, you know? And then someone found that girl on Fiverr. So I think what happened is she does exist. She is real, but they modeled the AI model off of her because there are so many videos available of her. So yeah, I don't know if you can find that, but.

that but there's a lot of people going viral right now for like putting a video of themselves up and saying oh can you believe this is ai yeah bro that's like well that's why i saw a picture of diddy getting arrested yeah and then all the comments like it's ai yeah and then i looked at the picture and his eyes are literally like touching got you they're like this like literally how can i send this thread oh do you have nick's number or john's number or john's yeah mine go for mine

but you know that's the scary part of ai because people keep going oh i was getting really scary and then everyone's like no i can tell it's ai but it's it's the comparison between how it was last year remember that will smith video yes spaghetti and then now he's like you know now it's just like just it's it's it's hard to tell i feel like if you're a boomer you'll be able to

No, if you're a boomer, you're there like, you can't even tell. Even I'm starting to get duped a bit on TikTok videos. There's this one where this guy was ringing a doorbell and they were arguing about how many black bins each person's got. He's like, oh, you can't have two black bins. It's against the law. I've called the council. And I was like, oh my God, send it to a friend. And he was like, mate, that's fake.

and I'm pretty good at knowing what's real or not you know even Josh in the chat was having a go at me about things that were fake so I'm losing my touch I'm becoming old but as I was saying to him the one good thing about a podcast is that you can get old on it because probably at least like 52

I think he's checking his age. And also the Andrew Santino guy is actually really underrated. He's so funny. He used to write roasts. Yeah, he's so funny. That was one of the clips that literally made me... I was laughing so much. Have you seen the one where it's like, it's Father's Day or something like that. And he says to Bobby Lee, he's like, now I know your dad's dead, but mine's not. He does the best accents as well. He just starts laughing at him. Yeah. Yeah.

This is AI. But the problem is with these ones is that they're so obviously AI because they're obviously Barack Obama. How can you tell that's obviously AI? No, no, no. But this is one of those ones where it's like you watch it out of nowhere. You wouldn't believe it's AI. I'm also a deep fake and you should take care when you watch a video on the internet. See you soon. Some people are losing their minds because the video below is AI generated. So you can kind of tell that's AI. It's a bit robotic. Yeah.

And also depending on what he says, you can't really make him say something outrageous because you know he's not going to say that. Okay, but like visually, if you didn't hear the audio, you would think that's real. Yeah, okay, sure. I think you could post that with like

I don't know. I think if a reliable source posted that, you wouldn't think it's AI. Yeah, but then... I think it's just where you see it, you think it's AI. Hang on, which elements are you guys thinking is AI, though? Because some of the AI models just do, like, the mouth movement. Yeah. They don't do the whole... I'd assume that was just the mouth. Yeah. I'd assume they've taken another interview he's done, changed the mouth and the words. Yeah. What?

oh my god oh my god can you i couldn't believe when he came out for the usc i've never heard like a he was like bro obviously i don't like him or whatever but he was a boss yeah the way he walked bro honestly like because like when you see things like that on wrestling right everyone's you know but that was real like he was real and the crowd was real he walked out like a wrestler

Who's the guy who runs the wrestling? Like, what's his name? You know, the... Yeah, it felt like that. Like, Trump starts walking out and the crowd were going crazy before we saw who it was. I'm like, who's this? Who's this? I'm like, what the fuck? I thought it was like Conor McGregor or something like that, bro. And again, I do not like Trump. It was the most badass thing I've ever seen in my life. It was nuts. And it makes you think, oh, he's going to come back into... He's going to be the president. Well, yeah. Not to get too political, but I think he's won over so many people there.

Because all the right-wing people, there's so many right-wing in America. They love all this. Him and Dana White are best friends. Yeah. I think that's why he's seen as a god in the UFC. Yeah. I don't see him as a god at all. He's just a man to me. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump. Okay. I promise.

um we mentioned sidemen earlier uh this weekend that just happened or this one yeah it's easter weekend we did a very festive video oh yeah do you know what our video was it was a fashion show oh yeah i heard this was weird we all portrayed oh god it's it's it's super super weird so so that what did you do

We split into four teams of two. Yeah. We all got given a theme. Yeah. And you had an hour to plan your outfit, an hour to find your outfit in this big warehouse of various things. Yeah. And then we had to do a catwalk in front of about 40 people. Who was the guest? In your teams. So he went with George Clarky. Nice. I was with Ethan. Josh was with Arthur. And then Vic was with Harry. Which one? Who's missing? Simon? Toby. Toby. Yeah, we got you. Our themes were...

You had medieval. We had gangster. Oh, medieval. That's kind of like the red alert. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, gangster. I can see that. Arthur and Josh had famous dead people. Okay. And Vic and Harry had crime.

Okay. So I think the one thing I thought was like, okay, crime and gangsta go hand in hand. Very similar. But we went for the route of like, all right, we'll go like Italian gangster, like mob boss. Yeah. So he was the godfather and I was a snitch.

So I was in a wheelbarrow. He wheeled me out and dumped the body. Yeah. Okay, okay. So I'm dead. Right. Oh, I see, I see. So then we had... This is like part of the fashion show. Part of fashioning, you know? Yeah. I mean, Ethan looked good. Yeah, he did look very good. Did you not? Oh, I was dead, so I literally had like a black eye. I had a bullet wound. I was covered in dirt. What were you wearing though? I was wearing a very bad suit. It's not a makeup show. I look like I belong in Shoreditch. Well... Vic and Harry were...

Jack the Ripper and a prostitute he had killed. Vic was the prostitute. So again, another death. JJ and Clarkie were the Black Death and the Plague Doctor. So there's part of me that thinks

When this goes out, some people are going to think that me being a black deaf is racist. Which makes no sense because it killed Europeans, first of all. So it had nothing to do with Africans. Also, it also killed bare Europeans. I just feel like some people are going to think that it's somehow racist. Me being a black deaf. It's because it's called Black Death.

But it's got nothing to do with black people. No, I know. But I know. I just probably thought, oh, some people are going to try and make this like a thing. Yeah, yeah. And try and get me cancelled over it. But it's like, no. Like, especially with how I'm dressed. But I'm there like, I have to look like...

I'm deaf as if I'm like, I'm on death's door. So I've got boils on me, on my legs. But some people are going to think it's something to do with like, I don't know, slave trade or some stupid shit like that. So I don't know. I'm just saying this just in case someone tries to make it racist. You're actually racist. Because the black death has nothing to do with black people. Okay. Yeah. And then, uh, Josh and Arthur were, uh,

Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth? Yes. The first, I think? Which one was which? Josh was Queen Elizabeth. Wow. And he actually went full on wig, makeup, big dress. Is that why it was weird? Because I feel like... Well, theirs was obviously portraying the Black Death. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they had a choreographed fight scene where he dies. Yes.

Josh and Arthur were dead people. We had a dead person and Vic had a dead person, but none of them were planned together. Yeah, we didn't plan to be based around death. But when we organized the video, we all talked about how we thought like, oh yeah, you know, one team could have the theme sea, like as in the ocean. Yeah. And they could dress up as like a dolphin. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The themes were all just like... I wanted to be an elephant. Yeah.

when I first when we first started oh yeah fair you're right you're right I'm just again joking but then yeah medieval we're like well I mean elephants and medieval don't really work no so it sounds like a Vic video was it a Vic video it was Vic and Josh no I'm joking I knew it was a Vic video I just put him in it you think it's going to do well by halfway through the day

It felt like one of the worst videos we had done. Yeah. Like it felt like Winter Olympics. But then it gets really, really good. Yeah, it's nice. Yeah, the second half felt like one of the best videos. Like Harry and Vic's walkout. Hilarious. I mean, you watch it and you understand why. Harry put his ego in his warm-up. In his practice one. His practice walk was probably...

Two minutes, I'd say. The whole walk. Out, poses, back. Hilarious. The actual walk was about 16 seconds. He sprinted. And you've got to remember, he's yeeting Vic as well. By the arm. Sprints down, holding Vic. It's so funny. He just patted it, man. Yeah, lovely, lovely. Do you guys think the video ended up, the energy picked up because of Maxine?

Yeah, 100%. Maxine was the person who was helping us do the catwalk. She was incredible. She just gave us new life. Were you the first team to do...

Was it Harry and Vic? I think it was Harry and Vic. We were after you. So yeah. So I think the fact that Harry went up and was like, I'm Jack the Ripper. Yeah. And I'm going to be dragging him as a prostitute. As soon as she heard that, she went, okay. Yeah. I get the vibe. Yeah. Yeah. So hopefully that's a good video. Yeah. Well, going back earlier, we're having this discussion about the videos this year being bangers. Obviously your one not being. Do you want to know a fun fact? Yeah.

It's the least viewed Sidemen Sunday ever that's not a montage. Oh my god, pull it up. That's impressive. I don't include clubs, podcasts, montages, or like book tour. Sure, sure. So what went wrong, man? Go popular. What do you mean, what went wrong? 5.1. Well, you know what? If one of the worst views videos have been on 5.1, take that. And scroll all the way.

Just keep scrolling while we're here. So what were you going to ask about it? Well, yeah, what went wrong, man? Because this came at a time, by the way, where you were like, I cannot fail because you'll hype the video. Yeah. It's just the reception wasn't, well, like, good. So this is all podcasts, YouTube originals and stuff like that. Charity match. And then it's there. It's only just more than our announcement. Winter Olympics. Who was that? That was... Vic. Okay. Deal or no deal. I think it will be Winter Olympics.

Five years, one month. You've got five years to catch up. No, you're not. He's not wrong. The video, by the way, is getting no views. How... But we're always talking about it being the worst video. 2,000 a day? In five years? We'll see, we'll see.

But wasn't there two kids? Oh, well. It's, yeah. Controversial as well, isn't it? Yeah. I think it's because of that whole kid situation. Well, win some, lose some, man. It doesn't matter.

we're still releasing bangers so yeah do you think you know how you mentioned on the last podcast like you guys obviously don't all the ideas you do if you take a video it's not your idea it's just the video you've been given yes do you think you guys should try and do that where you guys have an idea and let you run with it because like having like a top-down approach to it well no we do like it is sometimes like for example JJ might say let's do

blind dating but you do forfeits if you get chosen for example say that yeah sure and we'll go oh yeah that sounds good someone might throw in something but he came up with the idea if he wants to take it he'll take it yeah and run with it yeah so sometimes they do create the idea but sometimes JJ will go oh let's do uh

winter holiday. Yeah. Or let's do fashion show or let's do box of lies and then someone else will take it. Yeah. It's not their idea all the time. Yeah. So it's kind of like a collective like we all like chip in. Yeah. I saw Deji in the Miami trip, little trip. He's got four months left on his bet with you where if he gets a six pack he gets a million pounds. You saw him on your stream. Yeah. Very well

way of revealing by the way yeah yeah turned around facing the camera it's not looking good but he told me that it only takes four months so I was like but it's been four months so if it only takes four months why are you not ordering next month he'll tell you it takes three months

I told him to his face. I was like, I said to his face and he got quite, uh, what? Like, you know, actually there's no way you're going to do this. And I was like, the reason JJ has gone for a million is because he knows you're not going to be able to do this. And the reason he's bet you one million is that if you actually do it, then he'll be like, yeah, fair play. So try and teach you a lesson. Yeah. But he won't do it. Yeah. So if he doesn't do it. And by the way, we've got, we've got Vegas in the timeframe and he's there. Wow. So, but no, I think Vegas would be good for him.

In terms of, yes, he will indulge. Yes, he will indulge. He's going to want to drink as well. But I think the others will drag him to the gym. But he hasn't got time by then. Is it going to be like a month? No, he'll be home by then. Wait, what is it? When is it? June 1st? I think June 1st. Yeah, okay. Yeah, it's done. So he's literally got the whole of April and the whole of May. Yeah, it's done. And he has to run down the Buckingham Palace. What is it called?

The promenade. Yeah. In a mankini. Yep. Oh, so that's going to happen then. That's crazy. Yeah, I think he kind of, Loki wants that to happen anyway. He gets a banging video out of it. Yeah, yeah. Not a million pounds worth. Yeah, yeah. So the one thing we want to show you before we leave the podcast. We're leaving? I think you're going to know this already to be honest though. But...

The Dragon Ball Z theme park coming. Yes. You've seen it? Yes. You must be gassed, right? The amount of people who have sent it to me, it's phenomenal. You've seen this? Yeah, I mean, it's one of ones where I'm just going to wait and see. Because it might be. You know those things where it's like expectation versus reality? Yeah. It might be like...

It's just so hard. I mean, it'll be like you queue two hours to hold a ball. Yeah, it could be really bad. So for example, for example, um, the Dragon Ball movie, like real life adaptation. Yeah. Like had so much hype and it was so fucking shit. Really? So like, it's one of the ones where I'll just wait, see what people are saying. If it's great, then I'll come through. If it's like shocking. Oh, that rollercoaster. I, I, I, he's like,

So you know there's Nintendo World with Mario and stuff like that? Yeah. That's not... I know Dragon Ball Z isn't human, but Mario is so unhuman. You obviously have the mushrooms and all the blocks and everything like that. It looks weird. That kind of just looks like a city. Yeah. You've got capsule houses. Yeah. Yes, there's a big dragon. Yeah, yeah. Piccolo looks pretty normal, doesn't he?

I think it'd be cool if they were to do like, you know, like if I want to do a comment on my heart and make it look like I'm actually doing one or some shit like that. That's just a green screen. Yeah. I don't know. If they can just do some cool stuff, something to do with like a spirit bomb or something to do with like, I don't know, Jiren or all these other characters, etc. He's lost. I don't know Jiren. Who's Jiren? Little blue hair guy. What? Can you pull Jiren up to see?

blue haired guy that's Belma I'm thinking of Belma Belma Belma that's not even oh my oh Jiren yeah no I actually don't know who he is but I used to be a big Dragon Ball Z guy really massive yeah I used to collect the cards and everything no way I need to watch more I've seen him from the films the latest films but I haven't watched any of the series yeah is he in the film yeah he was in the Broly film oh well I saw that the different one to that not the Broly film that we saw he's in another one

Is he? No. He's in a film. Because I've seen him and I've only watched films. You're getting G-checked right now. You're getting G-checked. He's only in a super. In Dragon Ball Super. Is there a Dragon Ball Super film? No. I've seen this man. Movie. Broly. Oh shit. Boom. I've seen that film. I went to your screening. Fuck. Okay. Fair. I don't remember him in that. It's where... I don't actually know. It's not just in a tournament at some point.

Oh, it continues from Tournament of Power. Got it. Obviously. I actually watched a little bit of Dragon Ball Super, then I stopped. Back in the various days, I was like, might as well watch what I'm singing about. I might watch it because the reason I don't watch as much anime anymore is because I only watch it when I'm tired and I can't be bothered to watch subtitles. But Dragon Ball I'll watch dubbed. I'm getting some art made of the screen where you're in like Jujutsu Kaisen and stuff. Yeah. Nice. I actually think it's better dubbed. Dragon Ball? Dragon Ball, yeah.

like i've watched i've watched it you know subbed and i don't know it just like i don't like how goku sounds and all of that i don't know i feel like there's more emotion is that because you watched it as a kid dude i think yeah yeah yeah it was like a new anime like a tech on titan yeah yeah i watched that that's solved yeah yeah the voice you remember as a kid okay yeah fair just give you that before you offend all the fans there you know yeah very true very true

Is that an opinion you think is going to get you in a lot of trouble? Nah. I think Dragon Ball is the acceptable one. Yeah. Obviously a bit of a sad one, but Toriyama? Yep, Toriyama. Yeah. Obviously he passed away. Passed away. I feel like there's not many people celebrity wise. Well, celebrity wise that you...

would actually have an effect on like a proper like okay this has really bummed me out this one well i think i mentioned it somewhere i think it was on logan's podcast i said that i cried yeah i can't imagine many people like that would cause that reaction to you that you aren't like friends with yeah like it's the first celebrity that i actually cried about because it was just part of my childhood like he is one of the reasons i feel like i'm here today because of him

which is weird to say, but I just grew up on Dragon Ball and I still, I'm so obsessed about Dragon Ball. So, you know, with that person no longer in my life, it's like Dragon Ball isn't the same. Yeah. And he was still heavily involved, right? Yeah. Do you think it's actually going to affect like the... He was working on, is it Dharma? Yeah.

or the uh dragon ball dharma or it's it's where uh all the dragon ball characters are like small jeffrey oh no no no or super saiyan jeffrey no it's d-h-a-r oh yeah daima yeah okay dragon ball daima so he was working on that and then uh then yeah obviously you know

rest in peace but you actually like you model well i'm not sure intentionally but you can't you actually act like we always said you'd act like an anime villain you know every time every time he's like moaning in the fpl chat i just put vegeta crying and when you walk out as well the boxing i feel like you walk out as if you're like as if i'm a dragon ball character that's cool man yeah i remember we used to leave the cinema i used to go watch spider-man as a kid and you come out thinking you're him you're actually yeah when you're a child well yeah

Well, yeah, but we keep that energy. Well, did you see, talking about Marvel, the Overwatch. Game, yes. Have you seen the gameplay for it? Yeah, it looks a little clunky. Yeah. But it could be like development stages. I hope it is. Yeah, if it's not. But also, do you think it's hard to create a game that looks the same as Valorant, Overwatch, but different enough?

It's not even what it looks like. It's just, it looks, it's how it looks like it feels. Okay, sure. To play. If it's exactly like Overwatch, but Marvel, I'm sorry, Overwatch, but you're getting tossed to the side. Because of the characters? 100% because of the characters. If you played Marvel Snap. This just looks very like, ugh, ugh, ugh. It looks good then, stylistically. It stylistically looks phenomenal. The fact you can destroy that is quite cool. Yeah, you can destroy like,

like buildings and shit yeah but it's still running no but he's running i think he's running like in the frames of the comic now like the into the spider web movie i don't know it just it's a spider web i'm so boomer i'm gonna wait for reviews i'm gonna wait for the actual game full game to come out uh yeah decide then but no it looks good

exciting sweet sweet well um we're getting towards the end of the podcast now oh so if there's anything that you want to bring up or anything you want to mention then go for it is there anything i want to bring up he bought his own t-shirt by the way shout out to that well it's not a stylist one it's his own one damn well i was with my stylist oh well you took it outside yeah but i mean still it still counts i did buy it but did you say does this look good um did she go yes jj

No. I said I like this. She said it's awful and he still got it. And I won it. I love your stylist. She's so nice. Yeah, to be fair, I turned up to, it was something she was at. Yeah. And she looked at me and she was like, oh, did you get a stylist? That gassed me up. I think it was a Simon party. It might have been. She was there, yeah. Yeah. I did not have a stylist.

I did not. What's Haleah? No. Really? No. I thought she like just told you what to wear. No, it's more Mark. Yeah. Every now and then he just buys me clothes. Isn't he a stylist? He is, but he just buys clothes sometimes and he's like, do you want this? But he doesn't, he doesn't, he doesn't dress me. He doesn't go, here's an outfit. He just kind of goes like, oh, here's a nice hoodie. You should get this. Oh, okay. I'm like, okay. What?

You just explain what a stylist does. No, a stylist puts together outfits. Well, yeah, but they still have this. Okay, sure, sure. Clearly you've never used one. I know, I don't have a stylist. I swear you always wear that. No, no, no, no, no. This is his second one. No, he does wear this, but there's one that he wears that's like black with white and red.

Can we, what brand is it? Oh, it's my diesel. I'm sure if you just type in Randolph. Type in Randolph and a hundred percent. No, it won't be. Go on his Instagram. First few images. My Instagram, yeah. But everyone, everyone on my vlog, they'll have a go at me for wearing that coat. But I bought that at your Tommy Fury fight, so it can't be that old. You're literally, you're doing daily vlogs. So everyone sees how often you wear it. In a very sad thing, I actually don't live in my house anymore. So half my clothes are in my house, half my life. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shit, it's in three. Look, look. No, yeah, yeah, it is three. Yeah.

You used to wear that orange one all the time. But I'm going to throw away my whole wardrobe and buy some new stuff. Okay. We can go shopping. Yeah, but the shops you go in won't be the shops I go in. We can go to McDonald's. You know what? Maybe when we go to Vegas, I won't take clothes. McDonald's? What? I just need the new McDonald's outfits. Yeah, they go hard. They go hard. They're just normal clothes. Everyone's like, how are you going to know who's working there?

What, really? It's still branded. Very little, like. Oh.

BA as well. BA got some new drip. I'm liking it. I'm liking this new revolution of new drip. Okay, we're going on a random tangent. I'm really looking forward to Vegas. I am. Bro, I can't wait for the stories. I was saying, I'm actually sad that it's getting closer because this whole year I've been like, oh, I can't wait for Vegas. And when we go Vegas and come back, what am I going to look forward to? We don't actually have anything else this year. Last year we had two weddings and a stag do. Breeze was trying to get Ibiza going, but you shut him down.

I don't know. Ibiza? Really? I don't know. I'd do Ibiza if we went like... To be fair, where did we go? Was Vic's Ibiza? Yeah. That was a sick one. Another house like that? Yeah. The house was my favourite part. We need a boat...

And a hot tub, that's it. And a football pitch. A mini football pitch. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty cool. Well, thanks for being the first guest on the podcast. This is also episode 250 as well. Oh shit. That's a little round one. We did it on purpose. We said we're going to quit at a thousand. Really? Yeah.

But then you'll get to a thousand. We'll make it to a thousand. Well, it's taken us five years to get to this point, right? So like, that means 15 years to get to a thousand. Yeah, I hope I don't know him in 15 years. Probably won't. I don't think I'm going to be able to afford to be friends with you guys still. It costs quite a bit, man. All right. Well, thank you for coming on as usual. And hopefully you guys like the new set. Yeah, check out Prime as well, man. I love Prime. Thanks for watching. Peace. Bye, bye, bye.