cover of episode Deji, Miniminter & Randolph Misfits Prime Card Predictions!!

Deji, Miniminter & Randolph Misfits Prime Card Predictions!!

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What's Good with Miniminter and Randolph

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Simon和Randolph回顾了What's Good Podcast频道上观看次数最多的播客,并与Deji讨论了他对Prime拳击赛的预测。他们分析了各个播客的观看次数,并讨论了影响观看次数的因素,例如嘉宾的知名度和视频内容。Deji分享了他对Prime拳击赛中各个比赛的预测,并解释了他预测的理由,包括拳击手的训练情况、比赛风格和过往战绩。他还分享了一些关于拳击手的隐藏信息,例如Nate在输掉比赛后积极训练的情况。他们还讨论了Deji与其他YouTuber之间的恩怨,例如Bryce Hall和Jake Paul。Deji还谈到了他与其他拳击手的友谊,以及他对于Misfits举办拳击锦标赛的想法。 Deji详细阐述了他对朋友的定义,以及他与不同人的关系。他解释说,他有很多朋友,但只有少数几个是真正的挚友。他分享了他对Prime拳击赛的预测,并解释了他预测的理由,包括拳击手的训练情况、比赛风格和过往战绩。他还分享了一些关于拳击手的隐藏信息,例如Nate在输掉比赛后积极训练的情况。Deji还谈到了他与其他YouTuber之间的恩怨,例如Bryce Hall和Jake Paul。Deji还谈到了他对于Misfits举办拳击锦标赛的想法,以及他对于自己未来职业发展的规划。 Randolph参与了对Prime拳击赛的预测,并分享了他对各个比赛的看法。他还参与了对Deji朋友数量的讨论,并分享了他对Deji与其他YouTuber之间恩怨的看法。Randolph还参与了对Deji未来职业发展的讨论,并分享了他对Deji未来视频创作方向的建议。 Lawrence参与了对Prime拳击赛的预测,并分享了他对各个比赛的看法。他还参与了对Deji朋友数量的讨论,并分享了他对Deji与其他YouTuber之间恩怨的看法。Lawrence还参与了对Deji未来职业发展的讨论,并分享了他对Deji未来视频创作方向的建议。 Vic参与了对Prime拳击赛的预测,并分享了他对各个比赛的看法。他还参与了对Deji朋友数量的讨论,并分享了他对Deji与其他YouTuber之间恩怨的看法。Vic还参与了对Deji未来职业发展的讨论,并分享了他对Deji未来视频创作方向的建议。

Deep Dive

The most viewed podcast on the channel is with Harry, who appeared on a nearly two-hour podcast that garnered 5.3 million views.

Shownotes Transcript


- Yo, what's up guys? Welcome back to the What's Good Podcast. Today we have Simon's best friend and my acquaintance, Deji. - Wait, acquaintance? - You know what that word means? - Yeah, I know, but what? We're not friends. - No, it means better friends than best friends. - Oh, okay. you, Simon. - Oh, wait, no, I can't swear. - It'll be cut out. It'll be cut out. - Oh, okay, cool. - Yeah, it'll be muted. - That's not even what acquaintance means. - I know, I know. - I've just, I've just gaslighted you. - Yeah, kind of. - Do you know what that means? - Yeah, gaslight. Wait, when you...

Anyway, yeah. - Today's podcast, we're obviously gonna chat to Deji about everything, but we're also gonna do our predictions for the prime fight, which we'll get into in a little bit. But first, we're talking about the most viewed podcast on our channel, this channel. - Deji thought he was the most, he thought he was the best, most used guest of all time. And we shut him down. - Yeah. - The most viewed podcast, have a guess. Who the guest is. - Is it KSI? - It's not.

Harry. It is Harry. Harry on 5.3 mil. 5.3? Yeah. On an almost two hour podcast. Oh my. Crazy. Wait, when did you guys do that one? One year ago. Oh wow. It'll be just over one year. Yeah. The next one was two years ago. Another Sideman. Who is it? KSI. No.

- Oh, no way. - Toby. - No. - Josh. - Yeah. - Josh. - 4.6 and it's two hours 42. - Yeah, by the way, that one for those watching, it's done more views this last month than his second one did. That's 'cause he got demonetized. So if you're watching this video, go and watch his second one, please. - That's mad. - That is crazy. That's shot up loads. - Third? - Deji. - No. You've guessed it every time.

- KSI. - There we go. 4.1. Next. - Deji. - No. - Really? - Yeah. - Who's next? - KSI again. - Really good talker. - Oh, Stephen Trice. - No. Some could say his words could be music. - Tobi. - It's quite hard to guess 'cause like- - Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

- Jay. - Oh, Jamie. - I can't give you a third of his name. - And then? - Deji. - Deji. - Yeah. - 3.4 million. - I swear at one point you were the most viewed.

- Your one probably inspired everyone else to go watch The Udoers. - Oh, okay. I'll take that. - Appreciate that. - So I'm top five then? - Top five. - I'll take that. - I was gonna say, what's good, Deji? And let's see, how did the second one do? Should we have invited him back? Probably not. - 700K pretty much. - Okay, sick. - Cool. - That's good. - Well, that's good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, take that. - Wait.

Wait, what? Sorry. What is that, a clip? It's a clip. Oh, no. No. 200k. Wait, 200k? It was only four months ago. John's got more than that. Wait, wait, 200k? 200k. That was, that was, that was, Deji reveals the truth about Floyd Mayweather fight. Wait. Sorry, sometimes a podcast should do weirdly bad. Wait, 200k? Wait, you sure? I swear it's got more. I mean, I'm,

201k it's only just gone back sorry I lied it was 201 it's only just gone got there 200k is still good for a podcast by the way an hour and a half of content you just want to do more don't worry four months ago as well you were kind of washed

Let's do this one Right This is about Prime The Prime card And boxing and stuff Yeah The next time Just come on Again Just a normal You podcast Yeah And we'll see Which one does better You know Maybe they care about you More than the boxing Yeah Which is a nice thing I think so I think people Are tired of me boxing Because I do like I upload like a boxing video And then like a normal video And they just

- Yeah. - The normal video they care more about than the boxing. - But then also you remember like boxing now is not necessarily just tied to YouTube anyway. And people might watch the fight because of you or the card because of you. Whereas they might not care about your content, which is a good thing. - Yeah. - It means you got different. - Same with JJ. His fight, very excited for. His normal content, good. But then when he uploads boxing stuff, I'm less interested. - Yeah, and when he posts music, I wanna throw up. That's a joke, obviously. I like his music.

- I'm not gonna lie Lawrence, I didn't know that you were there. I thought you were Jack. And then now seeing Jack walk in, I'm like who the fuck is this guy? But sick yeah. Yeah true actually, Jack has a lot less hair than you. - I wanna ask Deji this question. We've spoken about this a while, like we've spoken about this multiple times. How many friends do you have? We haven't spoken about you specifically. - I don't know what you mean. I'll be real, my son was quite small. I'll probably say I have like,

six seven friends like like actual friends yeah including you thank you what about this acquaintance and you oh sick yeah i'll take that well no because i would say like we've had i don't want to go too much into it because we've done it so many times but i think i would consider like 200 people my friend okay all right that's okay it's how you know it's how you define it no i'll say i'll say like maybe all right 10 10 11 10 11 or so okay it's only like four people got

- Them four people are thinking, damn, what am I doing wrong in life? - I'm only just in. - No, I mean, obviously there are people I talk to, but in terms of like friend to someone, like obviously like your ride or die that you can actually depend on them. Let's say- - So that's how John sees it. - Yeah. Like, yeah, let's say,

I'm being mugged and I, what they take everything. But I still have my phone. Like these are the people I'll call being like, oh, this happened. - Yeah, okay. - You know what I mean? - So you're friends with the police? - No, I mean, honestly, no, no, no, honestly, I wouldn't call the police first. Believe it or not, no. If someone advised me to call the police, then I would. But let's say- - I assume the first person you'd call is Shane right now. - Yes. - Who's the second?

- This isn't like a leading question to me. It's a genuine like. - Can I consider my parents? - Yeah. - Yeah, I'll say my parents. - I'd call my parents first actually. - I'll say Shane and my parents on the same level. - He did birth you. - No, but I mean- - Your mom's fuming right now. - No, 'cause obviously- - I fed this guy. - Nine months for this guy to walk in. - But you know what I mean, right? - Yeah. - But yeah.

Okay, I'm just always interested to know how people... Yeah. No? I think it's just words, right? Which were you on? I was... I'm like... You're on that side more. Yeah, I'm like them more. But also, just what you call them, you know? Friends versus like acquaintances versus best friends. Yeah, because when I say that, I'm not saying I have 200 people that I'm like, yeah, my ride dies. Yeah. They're just my friends. Yeah. I have like a much...

I have closer friends. Yeah. So, yeah, I get that. Anyway, next week is the prime card. Yes, it is. Were you originally going to be on that card? I was meant to be on the card, yeah. I was meant to be fighting Winderson. Oh, wow. Nunez. Yeah, Nunez. Winderson versus my mate Dej. Yeah. My mate. Oh, nice. Yeah, cool, cool. Yeah, so...

- Winderson said he needs more time to train against me. - Is he not fine at all then? - He is fine. He's fighting my mate Nate. That was the joke. - I thought you already fought him. - No, my mate Nate lost to Kenny in the first round. And then Winderson beat up the guy with the adverts on him. - Okay, Phillip Beck. - I don't know, Vic knows his name as well. And every time I'm like, "Vic, what?" - No, no, I've seen, Vic is actually quite into the scene. I've noticed that. - Okay. - I could tell. - Okay.

Kenny beat Winderson. Okay, yeah. And then Kingpin went bankrupt.

- I assume so. - No, they did. - Oh, they did. - Yeah. - I've got hidden information. - Well, you can't say that. - But I can't say. - But I just wanna. - Can we title the clip now that he has got information? - Yeah. - That's not clickbait 'cause he does have it. - No, he literally has hidden information. - Cool, man. - Cool. - Just title the thing that he has hidden information. - I was gonna say something super absurd. I'm so happy. - No, yeah, don't say it. But I appreciate you letting us know that. - So now we'll never get Kenny V. Gibb.

- Well, no, unless Misfits can. - If they can, yeah, fair. - But that's the end of the tournament. - I'll be honest, all right? It's good that fight didn't happen for Gib. - Oh! - Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, Kenny would've smashed him. - Really? - No, Kenny was a different beast. - Do you train with Kenny though, don't you? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kenny was knocking people out left, right, center. It was insane.

Yeah, it would have been so bad for Gibb. Kenny's not fighting in the prime card, right? He is. He's fighting Anthony Taylor. I'm actually... What's the point of watching this podcast? It literally... I think everyone except you and Gibb that fight...

It's pretty much on the prime god. Yeah, this card is unreal. It's probably the best card I've ever had. I really wanted to be on this card. Like, really, really wanted to. That's really annoying that he said he needed more time and he's still fighting. Well, no, but he's probably saying that in terms of he's probably not scared of my mate Nate then. It's probably saying this guy has a little wash over. It is fair. He's saying that you're better than him. He's going to get absolutely destroyed by him. Yeah. No, no, no. Nate is going to destroy him. Really? You think Nate's going to destroy him? Yeah, 100%.

- Really? To be fair, Nate put up a better fight against Kenny. - You need to realize losing is like the worst thing and to fight again after a loss, you know what I mean? You've lost now. - I mean, I don't know what you mean, but I think anyone who can speak on losing would be you, so. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But the only- - No, but you got experience. - No, but like loss is a hell of a drug. - My only counterpoint is

Nate is like the only person I've seen ever that just didn't look like he cared that much. He was like, oh, I had a really good time in there. I lost, but it was really fun. Yeah. That wasn't like a, you know, when you lost, you're like, oh man, fuck this. Like I need, I need to,

Lose again and then I'll win Some hidden information about my mate Nate Can you say it? Yeah Sure Yeah so after his loss He was messaging daily Like oh yo train me bro I want to get back in the ring Like I'm so upset with my loss This that blah blah blah Like he's on it Like he's been training Ever since his loss So that's why I know Winderson's gonna get smoked Damn Okay I'll just hidden information But Winderson didn't look good Against Kenny

Like he won the first fight and everyone was like, yo, he might win the tournament. And then he kind of just stopped training, I think. I'm going to say this now. Kenny's jab, it doesn't look that strong. Obviously, it looks strong. Oh my gosh, it's powerful. When I spar him and I'm just blocking his jab, I'm like seeing stars, just blocking the jab. I'm just like, wow, that is strong. Who wins, you or Kenny? Me. But I mean, there's no animosity there or anything. But me, I win.

100% When also you and Bryce Hall like calling each other out or am I just drumming that? So obviously I'm a constant name in his mouth

- He says he wants to fight me this, that, blah, blah, blah. But I don't think he's on it. - Okay. - I really don't. He's saying, "Oh, I don't want to fight on the Prime card because that's owned by JV." - I did hear a lot. - Yeah, that was kind of- - I was winding up a little bit. - He's just waffling, but I mean- - It's kind of like, well, it's going to be owned by someone. - Yeah, someone's going to promote or have an advertisement on that card, you know? He's like, "I don't even like Prime." Like, yeah, it doesn't matter.

No I mean If there's any other Like company though Like Saudi company That wants to fund that fight You're down for it Yeah I want that fight You would say he's more Like

running from you than you running from him in that fight. I believe so, yeah. He's saying that, you know, I want to see Deji on Twitter and everything, but... In his defense, he did do a bare knuckle fight. He did, right? Which is mad. Yeah, against someone way lighter than him. I'd do that. Didn't the guy also get injured in the first round? Oh, he didn't want that fight. Did he? I swear that was... No, if you watch back that fight that Bryce had...

The guy was getting injured over like air touching him. - No, but he said, Bryce, I think, I feel like I'm making this up now, but I'm pretty certain Bryce said I wouldn't have won if he didn't get injured. - Really? - Yeah. - Oh wow. - Can we just say it like an interview? See if there's a Bryce interview after the bare knuckle boxing. - This is making me remember the time where you and- - Oh, you know what? Fair play to Bryce. - If you did, I was like, fair play, you got in, bare knuckle fight someone, you then said that. - Oh, okay. You know what? Fair play. - It's making me think of that time where you and Jake squared up in that park.

That was so weird. And you both were like, come on then. And no one was doing it. Yeah, I'll fight you right now. Yeah, come on then. Do you know what it is? That whole park thing. I don't know how he got my number, but he just texted me while I was in LA and he was just like...

Hey, yo, come meet me here. And I'm like, what? Who is this? He's like, it's Jake. Jake who? Jake Paul. And then we FaceTimed. He's like, yeah, bro, just come. He was on a whole friendly thing, vibe and everything. One month ago, Deji, I'll F you up on the prime card. Bryce Hall calls out KSI's brother after a medical fight. Firstly, wishy-washy. He just waffles, bro. Yeah. I still remember. Do you remember the time when...

Jake was it Jake no Gibb Gibb won a fight and then calls out Weller goes into the crowd and starts going like come on then come on then and Weller puts his head to him and starts screaming in his face going like let's fucking go then right now and then as soon as the night was over he was just like yeah I'm not boxing again yeah yeah yeah but he started posting pictures again of him training he's not gonna do anything I think he can't I hope he does man because like

I want him to. - I really want him to. - He was such a big name in boxing. - He would get smoked again and then he would take another hiatus. That's what will happen. And I hope, I would love to fight him. I would ruin his day. Oh my gosh. - Maybe more his day, maybe his week as well. - No, no.

What is it? Millennium Yeah Yeah I'll ruin the next thousand years That's what it is right? Millennium Yeah Yeah I'll ruin his next thousand years I think misfits Should basically do what Who did the tournament? Kingpin Kingpin They should basically do that But like a board Like a table They are going to do one They should find out Is that hidden information? No no no They're going to do it with What do you call it? Like a tournament with

- Like people who can actually fight, like actual fighters. - Boxers. - Yeah, so like that Gabriel Silva guy. - Okay. - Him. - Nah, but I'm talking like, I think there's such a small circle of UK boxers that are all like, yeah, I'm the best. But none of them wanna fight each other. Firstly, 'cause you're mates, like you and Kenny, you're mates. You don't wanna fight each other. But I think like you, Kenny, Gib, who else am I missing?

- Who else is in that? - Jarvis. - Jarvis, chuck him in there. - Oh, friends with each other you mean? - Yeah, like they're all cool with each other, but let's find out who the best boxer is. And don't do it as like a, you get randomly picked against Kenny. Do it as like, we're gonna have three fight nights

you're going to fight every single person. As in, you fight Kenny today. In two months, you fight Gib. Two months, you fight Jarvis. And then there'll be the other fight. Yeah. And then you find out, like, at the end, you get, like, three points for a win, one point for a draw. They could do that. I feel like they need to... This prime card is so big and so good that I am worried, like...

what they're going to do after it you know what I'm saying because even that card that was last month or whatever was it 8 or 9 I just forgot it existed the one in Newcastle and even their marketing was just white like there's no clue I was like this fight is just like I don't know it's just not exciting at all because of the next card they've put all the punches into this prime card well should we do our prediction then yeah let's go through it because it has everyone in it alright I'm down everyone

- Will you be there? - Yes, yes, yes, yes. I'm on the, I think I'm doing some commentary. - Oh, okay, nice. - I just, oh man, this is, someone said- - Wait, Chase is on it too? - Yeah. - What? - This card's unreal. - I think Chase is the first fight versus Tempo Arts. Okay, so this isn't in right order, but yeah, we have Chase D'Amour versus Tempo Arts. How you feeling about that? - I got, I got, oh, the thing is I like Chase.

- But I really like Tempo. Oh no, okay. Like actually winning that fight, I got Tempo. - Really? - Yeah. - I'm going Tempo as well. - I'm gonna go Chase. I love Tempo. He's a sick guy. Great on TikTok. But I just think that he's still, I don't know. - He's won two fights. - I know. - Chase did basically win his last fight. - Yeah, but then didn't he- - Punched him on the floor. - Yeah. It's surprising he's still fighting, right? But I guess that's life. - And the other one was the meme.

where he's losing really badly. And it's like, this is me fighting in my dreams. - I think I was there. I saw it in person that one, yeah. - Yeah, I think Tampo wins. - Yeah, got Tampo on that one. - Okay, well, I'll bet against you guys then. - Okay, we also have, I don't know if it's there. We have SX versus DTG. - I didn't even know that was. - Yeah, man. - Wow.

I've never seen Sam fight, but I've heard that he fights at Shoot Fighters. - Yeah. - Yeah, he's been training. It's good to be fair. It was good. I mean, DTG is still relatively new to fighting, right? It's four, how many times? - He fought Ham, right? - Yeah. - He fought Ham. - Did he win against Ham or did he lose? - I think he lost, but it was really like either way, I think. - I think Ham won. Ham's been on a streak. - He lost his last fight.

- He literally lost on the last card. - No, but he's been on, I'm saying since the DTG fight. - Oh, yeah, he lost to Ashley. - Wait, Ashley Raksu for him, yeah. - Oh, of course, yeah. Of course he's gonna lose. - Who did Ginty fight? - Ginty fought, oh, bro, this is actually- - Oh, Ginty fought Tempur. Tempur? Tempur. - Tempur. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Everyone's like, "What the fuck is this podcast? They know nothing."

- Okay, I got. - SX or DTG. - I got SX. - We have Astrid Wet versus Alexia Grace. - Oh yeah, so I'll be real, that pissed me off. The whole promotion thing. - They're never gonna fight, right? - Yeah, that fully annoyed me. - But now I'm confused 'cause they are gonna fight. - Yeah, but I think they did that whole thing to get the fight. Which is by the way, it's genius. But I just felt like, I don't know, that whole presentation just seemed too good quality.

- I mean, the whole thing of, you know, falling through the table was. - Yeah, man. - That pissed me off. - Who knows, who knows, but it seemed fake. But if they faked it for this, then fair play, you got the win. - But if they faked it together, they would have had to both be in on it. - Yeah. - So then if they faked it for that,

They're obviously not... They don't hate each other because they've worked together to get on the card. Is Ashford Burt's going to win? I'm just saying that now. Yeah, I think she'll win too. Yeah, I think so. Alexia Grace has not really been training and she... I've seen her TikToks. What did she do on TikTok? I don't get the TikToks. I haven't seen them. I mean, I get...

- Oh, okay. I think I have seen them. I didn't know that was her. I scroll past really fast. - There's quite a lot of jiggle there. - Oh really? - That's literally what she does. - I know. - I was done doing that for your TikTok. - What? - Hey guys, is Deji here? - Yeah, please. I would love that. - No, don't, don't. Save yourself. - True, I guess I probably shouldn't encourage you to do that. I'd watch it. - You'd watch it? - I would watch you doing it. - Yeah, I'd download it.

- Yeah, I'd save it to my phone. You know now you can get the wallpaper on your phone that moves. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Hold it down. - No, don't get me wrong, so they're both lovely people, but I got Astrid winning that one. - Okay. - 100%.

- Wenderson Nunes, he might make Nate. You said Nate. - Yeah, Nate's gonna win that. - I'll go Wenderson. - I would've gone Wenderson. - Yeah. - So Wenderson, after his loss, he just snacked. He was eating snacks, just didn't train. - I swear he's been training now. - No, he only recently just started training. - 'Cause the last, he did that after winning. When he won the first fight, then he stopped working out and then fought Kenny in loss. - He wanted to fight me at 180.

180 I don't know how much you weigh I'll be honest That's like 180 What are you? Right now I am Like roughly I don't know whether you're 160 or 190 I'll say 180 kilo 80 Yeah Wait 180 is 80 81 kg 81 kg

Okay, I weigh 82 right now. Okay. So, 180. You and you on a... Yeah, so he wanted to fight at 180. Yeah. But he's not a 180 fighter. What is he? He's like a 165. Okay. So, I don't know how much... I know Nate is going to have to come up and wait to fight. Sure. But, yeah. But you have Nate? Yeah, I've got Nate. I'm going with Wendison. I'll go Wendison too. Wendison, he doesn't know how to handle range. And Nate is rangy. Okay. Okay.

We have the tag team. We have Nick Lamal and Alex Wasabi. - Don't care, don't care. - V Pineda and B Day. We have lost penis, Pineda's, I said penis. - Penis. - Lost penis colliders. - Wait, so are you saying you don't care 'cause it's tag team? - 'Cause it's Wasabi. - No, I just don't care. Like all the people, Nick Lamal, and he's a lovely guy though. Nick is actually, he's actually sick. I like Nick. Alex Wasabi, just don't care.

- Pineda? - Just don't care. - B-Dave? - Wasteman, honestly. - Not don't care, Wasteman. - Annoying or you've met him and you look like- - No, I've met him, he's a nice guy. - Okay, okay. - Why is he boxing? Did you see his last fight?

- On the four man tag, whatever it was. He comes in, does two punches, tags out. Comes in, two punches, tags out. - That's their tag team. That is their team. Pineda will be in there for quite a while. Then he'll tag in B-Dave. B-Dave will run in, throw 10 fucking overhands. If they land, he'll stay in and keep doing it. If they don't, he'll tag out. - I feel like he just kind of takes the piss a little bit with the whole...

The whole... He doesn't really train or whatever. I know he doesn't really train like that. Well, I think it's because he's been... He didn't win the four-man thing, but he didn't lose, right? Like, no one really lost. You just... Someone won. I suppose, but I mean... I don't know. He doesn't really... So until he loses, I don't think he'll... Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I actually... I think...

Alex Wasabi's team win. Really? Yeah. I'll go Pineda winning that one. Yeah? Yeah, 100%. I'll go Pineda based on the fact that he's just got more experience as a boxer but then again he also hasn't had like crazy tough fights but yeah. Right now Pineda's on a high and if he loses that high just goes and I'm pretty sure he wants to keep that high so. Yeah, I think he has to win that right? Kind of depends if Alex Wasabi's been training since.

Because if he's been training since you fought him. He hasn't. Okay. You can say he has. I know he hasn't. But if he has. But then again, he did have a fight with Content Cop. iDubbbz. iDubbbz, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. True. He had a fight with iDubbbz. That whole thing was a bit of a... Wasn't iDubbbz lost like every fight? Yeah. And also, didn't they... He's had two fights. Yeah.

iDubbbz is cute man because it's always really good and then like I know this one he said oh this is my last one and everyone was like no you have to fight again and Alex was like no we all want to see you fight again I DM'd iDubbbz after that being like definitely fight again he should fight again they didn't pay anyone they didn't pay any charity that whole event was a scam man that whole event that they did the Critter Clash was like I have no mic if you want to repeat it but it wasn't really a scam they just mismanaged

They mismanaged it. So you're basically saying they didn't earn any money. Yeah, but it wasn't a scam, but it was like they just frauded. It's like... They almost as if promised more money to charity. You know the same MMA thingy? Yeah. Like that. No, but they didn't pay people. What?

- No, no, no, but this is a charity event. People weren't meant to be paid. - They were supposed to be paid for like training. They were supposed to be paid for the- - Yeah, but Fame MMA was like, okay, you're gonna get paid a lot. - Okay, fair, fair, fair. - Wait, fail to raise money? - Wasn't an intentional scam, I'll say that. - Well, how do you fail to raise money? - It was too much on like fighters, 'cause they paid for fighters camps and stuff. They paid for camps, they paid for transport, they paid for other people.

- Yeah. But yeah, it's just a shit show. But again, yeah, not a scam, but just badly managed. But sometimes you can say it could be what grossing, what'd you call it? Gross incompetence or something like that. - Did he content cop himself? - No, no. Well, I don't wanna get into that. - Oh yeah, no, he did content cop himself, but it was just him. Yeah, he was basically saying- - His old self. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like he's sorry for like all he did and everything. - Fair play mate, anyway.

- We have Swarms versus Ryan Taylor 2. - That's a big fight, right? - Yeah, that's a massive fight. - This is where the card starts to spice up a different level. We've gone from medium sauce at Nando's to hot. - No, we've gone from hot to extra hot. - All right, well then what about, okay. - So Swarms has been in the gym since. - Swarms is, yeah, yeah. - He is very delicate. - He is an athlete. - Yeah. - He played high level football.

- Do you reckon I'll do a dis track with like a longer verse and two bars? - He's already done a prime, prime card dis track came out yesterday. - Is it like four choruses again? - Probably, I haven't listened to it yet. - But it's good songs, but. - So yeah, Swarmz has been training nonstop. And again, he's when you lose, it's the best drug really. If you want to carry on. - Yeah. - So. - But he won. - Did? - He beat Ryan Taylor.

No me His last fight Was that after that? Yeah He fought you after Ryan Taylor? Yeah Oh my bad I thought he fought you Did you say wait? I lost And then he did the four way tag thing Yeah I thought he went I thought he fought you

Then fought Ryan. Then did the four-way. No, so he fought JJ. Then fought Ryan. Then fought me. Then did the four-way. Okay. Yeah, because the Ryan one was literally just one punch to the eye. And then it was done. Yeah. I got swarms. I actually have swarms too, man. Ryan's... Like, don't get me wrong. I like Ryan. He's my boy. But I got swarms. Just because...

Hey, Ryan, don't hate me, okay? I don't... Just don't say whatever. But I got Swansby in that one because I feel like he's more dedicated and he's actually... I know his coaches as well. Yeah. And I know how they are. They're very, very tough. So... Whereas with Ryan...

I think Ryan's more of like an aggressive guy. He's got more of that kind of like dog mentality. Yeah, he is training. He's leveled up a little bit as a boxer. Yeah, Ryan is training. Yeah. Ryan has that dog in him.

But Swarms right now, he's just more technically sound. Like compared to when they fought last time to now, Swarms, you'll see, you'll be more like, you'll see. I just really like Swarms as well. I feel like he really gets the whole influence about him. Apparently we all say his name wrong as well. It's not Swarms. It's Swarms. Swarms. Yeah, Swarms. But I feel like people say it's like... My accent just goes Swarms. People say it's like insensitive if I say Swarms. Swarms. Yeah, yeah.

- Then we have Dean the Great versus Waleed Sharks 2. - So it came out what, that they're friends? - I think so. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - They're besties or whatever. - What the fuck? - I think that they basically just, they did hate each other and then it just went on so long. - Okay, it did go on for way too long. Everyone was screaming for this, but it's still like no one, everyone's gonna be aghast for this fight, I think. - I don't think it can live up to the first fight.

- That was a great fight. - It's one of the best fights. Like it's so good. That's why I don't know. I like Dean. - Yeah, I've got Dean winning that one. - Oh, I've got Waleed. - Really? - Yeah. 'Cause when they fought the first time, Dean was getting battered. - Yeah, Waleed had one punch. - No, no, no, no, but he was against that guy with the lazy eye. He's sick.

- What, Ethan? - No, no, you know, oh my gosh, what's his name? - Who fought him? - Do you know when they did their tag team? Not the comedian. - Dean's tag team fight. - Yeah, the guy who's got like a laser, he's certified, he's sick. - Yeah, here. - Oh wait, no, no, that's the old one. - OJ Rose Kimbo slash Junior. - Yeah, 'cause it was, oh, so that guy, the Asian guy you saw, clean.

clean little cray cray insane oh my gosh and I really want him to fight on Misfits he wants to fight on Misfits would you ever tag team with someone or would you rather just keep to just 1v1 I'm a solo yeah you're a real fighter none of this gimmick shit huh none of this gimmick shit yeah no gimmicks you know what I mean straight testosterone I don't like I don't want to

- There you go. - If it's tag team then there's estrogen. - It was Yoddy gang and iPap. - Yeah, Yoddy gang. Yoddy gang, oh my, he sick. - Was iPap really bad? - Yeah, iPap, yeah. - 'Cause it was, yeah, Yoddy gang was just him versus both of them. - Yeah, Yoddy gang. - Which one had a lazy eye? - Yeah, Yoddy gang. - Ah, iPap wouldn't make sense. It's like an eye patch. Like iPap with the eye patch, you know?

- Yeah, Yoddy gang is very good. - Yoddy gang with the eye patch. - Yeah, it doesn't rhyme. - You also don't wear an eye patch for a lady. - If my name was iPad, I would wear an eye patch. - iPad, iPad with an eye patch. - Anyway, sorry. - Corn, corn, you wanna see corn fight again?

- Oh, corn, corn. - Do you know what, corn is cute because when I had my swarms fight, he was just, after his loss, he was just in the changing room, just sad. Just sad, right? - Why is that cute? - I know, but then he was coming up to me being like, "So, Nightdedge, what do I do, man? I've lost and everything." - Did he start training again or is he just- - Yeah, no, I told him, "Don't give up. Just keep, just fight again." - Maybe he did though. - Like, ask Mams.

I'm on another fight as soon as possible. And that's exactly what he did. Don't get me wrong, he worships the devil, whatever. He's got some satanic, I mean, each to their own. But I mean, nah, but 100%, I like that he took my words on board and won this fight because he smashed it. - Yeah, but you're going Dean, you're going Waleed. - Yeah, Dean. - I'll go.

Waleed. Okay. I've got Dean. Kenny versus Anthony Taylor. I've got Anthony. I'm joking. I've got Kenny. 100% Kenny. I think Kenny wins, but I just don't... Anthony Taylor just seems like... He just seems like a...

He's just there. Like, you're not going to get rid of him. No influence has beaten him so far. That's what I mean. He just seems like he's in there. Yeah. And he's... Kenny might win on points. I just feel like Anthony Toto would just be there. Yeah. Kenny has leveled up though, hasn't he? I think Kenny went from kind of like...

looking like an influencer fighter doing decent and now he's really gone up a notch. You know what you have in the background of your office in all your old videos? You have the punch thing. The mannequin. Oh, Bob, yeah. That's Anthony Taylor. Yeah. He's there. Yeah. And you can punch him 20 times in the head. Still there. Great experience, right? And he's not really going to

- You know what it is? He's got a very thick neck. So when you punch him, like his brain's not rattling that much. So no, honestly. - I believe you. - So that's why it's going to be very hard to- - Maybe Kyle Friese would be over in one punch. - I'd watch that fight for sure. - Maybe do bare knuckle. - Yeah. - Playing golf tomorrow, just do it. - Kiss. - I'd watch you kissing as well actually. - No, I would. - Yeah, I would. - Yeah.

- You know how sick it was to see you kiss Talia during your wedding? - Why are you saying it like that? - You know how tense that eye contact was that he held that? - That was so weird. - You know how sick it was to watch you kiss Talia? - Because I made that joke too, but that felt weird. - You didn't see me bro, like I was pushing people out the window. - I was looking at what? - I was behind the bush. - Wasn't invited to the wedding. I was just there like, oh.

- He did try and come sit in one of the seats at the front as well. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I was like, "Hey, let me go there." - To be fair, I'd rather that than what you do. - What, as I kiss again? - He didn't see it. So he literally just goes, "Oh, I kiss again." - Wait, really? - In that seat you tried to steal, I couldn't see. 'Cause the plank was in the way, there's a bush in the way.

- To be fair, yeah, you should have. - Yeah, but no. - It's not fair, man. - Then you are literally a cuck. - No, I'm not. - Hey, no, not really, no. - Well, it's not his girl, it's not his girl. - No, it's definitely not my girl. - I'm your girl. - Yeah.

- No, but yeah. - Then yeah, you are a cuck, yeah. - I just didn't see it, man. And then there's no video out yet. - But there is no video. It's not coming out. There is a video, but it's not coming out. - Wait, why? - For me, I can. - 'Cause I don't wanna put it on the internet. - No, you should show it to me though. - That's fine. - I can show you it. - Yeah, I haven't seen a video yet. - I can show you it. - Is it out? Sorry, is it like- - I've got one. Well, I've got one video that's like 15 minutes long. - I'll see that. - That's got all like, it's got bits of speeches. - Slow-mo you guys kissing for 15 minutes. I'll watch that. - No.

- It has a moment of you going, "I don't know the thing." - Oh no. - And his speech at the end, he's like, "That's your fault by the way." Wait, wait, this is your fault. I don't know if you spoke about this on a podcast or not. You fucking, 'cause before the speech, we were talking to each other at the meal, right? And I was like, "Oh, what should I say in my speech and stuff?" And you're like, "Oh no, no, you should say this, you should say this."

"Are you gonna talk about how JJ and Sam used to hate each other at school?" And I wasn't gonna put that in. And then I was like, "You know what? Actually I will." And then JJ come out of nowhere to do his speech in front of me. So I was doing mine, did really well. Everyone really enjoyed it. And then I remembered what Deji told me to say. Oh, Deji said, "Say this." - No, but it was good though. - But like- - He butchered it. - Yeah, because I- - It should have been part of a nice story or like a little anecdote kind of thing. But he finished his speech.

and then was handing the mic away and went, "Oh, another thing. These guys, they hate each other." He owes his career to him. - And think about it, that was in the same way as he would say something. I just challenged Deji. I challenged my Deji. But it was a good point, but I should have put it in more panicked. Anyway, thank you though. - I mean, all those eyes on you, I get you though.

- He's performed at Reading and Leeds. - Yeah, but this is a different kind of fish. - No, it's different though because it's like, it's more personal. - Yeah, true. - So anyway, King Kenny, I'm gonna go Kenny as well. I just think now's the time, you know? - Salt, pappy, oh. - I got slim in that one. - Before you even finished it. - Now I'm gonna say why. - Okay. - A little birdie told me that he doesn't have that much power anymore.

- Saltpappy? - Yeah, his power is something. - Hidden information. - His power isn't as good as it used to be. - 'Cause he lost weight? - Yeah, 'cause he lost weight. - To be fair, his transformation in one year is mad. - Yeah, but he's also, yeah, with all that weight lost, he's lost a lot of power. - Okay, here's a random question, and this is for you guys and for the viewers, right? If you were Saltpappy, obviously his future is gonna be fighting more, but like, would you rather just,

have lost the weight and look better or win the fight? Does that make sense? Is that a weird question? You know what I'm trying to say? I'm trying to say like, I would say like, if I lose and fuck it, I've looked sick now. It looks really great, but I'm not fine. So,

Now I don't get it No but there's two There's two ways of looking at it Yeah I mean he's got a girlfriend But either pull him out Or win the fight And I'd say Or be healthy As a person Yeah yeah And be healthy Um and No but I'll probably say Win the fight Like that's Like yeah It's sick Yeah he looks He looks amazing But

- You know what, Saltpappy proved me wrong. That's what I want. I want him to prove me wrong. - We've had Slim on here and I like Slim, sick guy. But I just, I'm gonna go for Saltpappy. Just because I've really been excited, like from seeing him first start fighting to where he is now, it's just a sick story. It was already a sick story from doing TikTok dances to then like fucking train for a fight and winning. And he always won in style, right? He always made it look sick. Like you're not a guy in like 10 seconds, you know, he just looks like a cool guy. So that's why I'm choosing him. But it'd be a tough fight. - What is your choosing? - I'm choosing Saltpappy.

- Oh, and you're choosing Slim? I do really like Saltpappy, but I'm gonna go Slim. I'm gonna go Slim. - I mean, I love both of them for sure. - Slim has not stopped training. - Yeah. - He has not stopped training one bit. - He hasn't lost yet, has he? - Yeah, and he just keeps training. His work ethic is insane. - I think he's more confident than Saltpappy would be confident as well. I think he's got that like, dog in him. - But Saltpappy has had a loss now.

- Do you know what? Do you know when you're picking your gloves, right? This is like when all the fighters are in one room picking the gloves. He's there just being loud like, "Oh man, I'm picking these gloves, man." Just being annoying, but it just shows that he's so confident. - He's that guy, he's him. - We saw it immediately when he came on here. He was like, he walks in the room and he's just like, "Hey baby, how you doing?" - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We're like, "Oh, okay." We're like this until we start. And then even then we go up a tiny bit.

- Our energy levels are terrible. - Oh yeah, I'm getting old man. I'm getting old. I get excited now and then. - No, I mean, playing golf isn't gonna help that, I'll be real. - Hey, don't let off, he plays golf. - Yeah, you was like, "Oh, play me at golf." - No, no, no, golf is amazing, but it's just a very mellow sport. You can't be loud playing golf. - It shocks me that you say that, you know?

- Really? - You strike me as someone that like you play golf on the back swing. You're like, "That miss." - No, no, no. I am that guy. Or I'm like a little air horn about. - But it makes sense. But it's a very nice sport. Anyway, now we're moving into the final two fights. The main event, what's getting everyone talking. Which one do we go for first here? Obviously, we'll go look at Daniel's first. But you could argue that that fight has also

promoted this event potentially more than the KSI Tommy one. Well, actually, no, it definitely has. Like, I think KSI Tommy is still a bigger fight for us in the UK and stuff. But in terms of like promotion and hype, the Dylan shit just took it to another level. The Logan-Dylan fight is just like, I think people want to see that for like, I just want this. I think most people are on Logan's side. I think so. They're like, I just want to see

I wanna see him fucking up. - I wanna see Logan kill him. - Whereas the JJ one, I think people were actually interested in like, I actually wanna see the outcome. - Yeah. - I wanna know. - One thing we left out there is if Dylan's even gonna show up. - He's in Manchester right now. - He's in Manchester right now. So I'd assume he is. - I think he has to. - I think he has to. - He has to. - He needs the money, right? - Narrative wise, if Dylan wins. - He'll be mental and crazy. - That is insane. - It is insane.

- So I'll be real, okay. So with Logan, Dylan, I've got Dylan winning. - Really? - Yeah. - Okay. - But there's a reason to why. - Is it hidden? - So, no, it's not hidden. - Hidden information. - So. - Hidden information. Logan has one arm. - His friend told him Logan's got one arm. - So Dylan, I understand, yeah, he's a dickhead with his promotion, you know, putting his wife out there and everything. Like that's the biggest dick move ever. Like in my opinion, you deserve to just what?

get battered. Yeah. Right. But then that's the fight game. The fight game is all about getting in your opponent's head. And that's exactly what he did. Yeah. And promote the fight. You know, I hate, I hate saying it, but I agree with you. Yeah. Cause I hate the whole thing of, he shouldn't be tweeting about his wife, but he has to literally try every single tactic to win. Exactly. When JJ fought Logan, they were both going at each other's partners. Yeah. So it is, but then Dylan did go like,

If there would be a line, which you can argue if there is, he would have gone over it. You know? Yeah. If there was a line. But yeah, that's what I'm saying. So it's the fight game. And then it's really been shown that Dylan's won. The fact that Logan and his girl are suing him.

Nah, but it's like, you know what I mean? Everyone can say Dylan's won because they've got in Logan's head. Logan's now resorting to suing them, which is like a low move. But I think the way Logan sees it and the way Logan knows is true is that like, if this destroys Dylan, it doesn't matter what everyone thinks of Dylan. Like you are, as a person, Dylan, you are just crushed. Like if you can't afford to pay the fees, if you can't afford to generate enough money to pay the fees, your life is just fucked. And you can tweet as much as you want, but like what are you going to do? You can't take tweets to Sainsbury's. He's like, all I've got to do now is just beat you.

And you literally have nothing left And Logan That's what Logan Because I beat you You don't have fighting You've lost to a YouTuber You don't have Any of your like Following Because they've all gone like Oh he's a bit of a dickhead You have nothing Yeah And he's suing him for all his money Yeah So you can You can laugh at me all you want Or you can say shit about Like my fansite all you want But I will just bury you in legal stuff And you know Logan can do that

- Yeah. - So. - Yeah. - But obviously you got to then figure out which- - But you think Dylan? - I got Dylan winning that one. I'll be real. - You? - I think Logan, man. - I think Logan. - I just feel like Logan's gonna be fighting out of anger. You know what I mean? - But that can work, no? - No. - You don't think JJ, when he fought Logan, JJ was fighting out of that as well. - I don't think that was anger. - That was just like dog. - Yeah. But that, yeah, it's not anger, but it's the dog in him. I think Logan will have that in him.

You have that extra like second wind, you know, that kind of- - Logan might be fighting too much to be like, I need to just knock this guy out rather than like, I need to outbox him and win. - Okay. - The thing is with Dylan as well, he's actually very strategic. 'Cause he does a- - Jiu-jitsu. - Yeah, jiu-jitsu. - Yeah, he's four, he has four. - He's a world champion. - Yeah. - But like- - He's insane. He had a broken arm and still like,

- Four, that's dogging itself. - He has ducked out a lot of fights. So he must have some part of him that he isn't too confident. You know, he would have fought JJ if he knew he could win and he backed out of that, right? You don't back out unless you think you've got a bit of nervousness. - True. I mean, okay, no, it's clever what Logan did. He's trapped Dylan. He has to fight. That's perfect. - They said in their face to face, they were like, "Oh, why didn't you want to fight MMA?" And Logan said, "If you turn up to this fight,

I'll fight you in MMA. Yeah. So I wonder if that will happen. There was also then a tweet that went out between them both. I don't know if you can find it or not. Where they then, Logan was like, yeah, but,

there's some sort of, again, another point that they didn't match. Logan said, "If this happens." - Another thing as well, Logan's turned off what comments? - Replies. - Yeah, replies. - So unless you follow him, unless he follows you. - Yeah, that's a little bit of a- - Yeah, I feel like that's very- - Weak mindset. - Yeah, 'cause I've done it too. I did it on YouTube. - And you know that's when people have got to you, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's true, yeah. 'Cause also, you could just not look.

but it goes a step where you, yeah, I guess. - Okay, and the final fight, KSI, Tommy Fury. - I've got Tommy Fury, I'm joking. I've got KSI, 100%. - Well, I think everyone, I mean, this is the most nervous, well, actually.

No, this is the most nervous I've ever been. This is the most like, not nervous. This is the most example of I think the other person would win. Like I think Tommy should win this fight more than I've thought any other opponent should beat JJ. But the closer we get, obviously I'm going for JJ winning, but obviously the closer we get, the more I do think like, I don't know, JJ's got his weird thing about him. He's just so weird. I know the can't lose thing is so cringe, but he just can't lose in his mentality, you know? Harry made a good point today on sidecast though. He was like, all right,

Sells Prime for a billion, beats Tommy Fury. He might just say fuck off to everyone. Yeah. He's literally, he can't lose in fighting. He's just sold a company for like a billion. Yeah, yeah.

no why the hell is he gonna turn up to a react session oh no I agree by the way because we'll go oh you gotta do a react and he's like well fight me and I'll do it it's like oh I'll just pay you this I think the only thing in that situation that would like carry JJ on is the fact that he at least right now

stuff like react well not react but stuff like sideman is just fun for him yeah no i'm not saying he would just disappear yeah i'm just saying like him winning could create a monster it could create a monster yeah i still want him to win well losing could create a monster as well losing could create a worse monster the thing is if you had a company right and you're gonna sell it for a billion tomorrow it'd be hard for a lot of us to actually even fight even do this fight

no honestly if you sold i don't know fucking minimum to skincare for a billion tomorrow would you still go and fight tommy fury well yeah if i'm in that like i wouldn't that's what i'm saying but if i'm in jj's position i would yeah if i was jj i would but that's my point like he's already doing a lot of stuff that he just doesn't need to do yeah but you'll focus more on youtube in my opinion that's weird maybe but he has said that multiple times he goes i just want to do like

some fun videos and Sidemen stuff. Well, last time he did that though, he made them shit skits, remember? And I like those skits. He deleted that for a day. Wait, did he? Oh yeah, he did, yeah. The one in the restaurant. The rotating one. Yeah, he was like, I want to focus on more like comedic YouTube videos. It's when I was working with him. I don't want to do like cringe YouTube videos, you know, and then like just hate. I don't know. But no, I respect his. What was that? He did a short movie, didn't he? He did one in a police car. Yeah, Chunks was a policeman. Yeah. And it was the whole thing of like, he's,

I think he's kidnapped someone and chunks comes and ask him questions and stuff like that. And then he did another one where he went to a restaurant and they're sat around a circular table. - Yeah, okay. - That's all in one take. That one he deleted in one day. - All the crew and like the actors on it were like showing their parents and stuff. Like the video was just not there anymore.

to be fair to him he read the script and stuff yeah yeah like he worked on it with someone read it all said this sounds sick and then I know like when they went to film it they went we want to make it more artsy and film it all in one take we just go around the table and he was like I just lost a lot of funniness yeah because it was quite artsy and

someone who's like makes films will go that was really good but I do respect him doing it all that shit he does it's fun to do you know and I'm only laughing now because I know he would laugh at it the fact that it's not up anymore but yeah if KSI wins he's gonna go to a different level of mentality but

I think, I don't know. Again, Tommy Fury should win the fight, right? In terms of like, you know, his size, his boxing history, you know, his family, you know. He has everything his way. He has everything his way, but then JJ just has that weird freakish mentality where like, he just turns into a different person. Do you know what? That kind of cemented it that JJ's going to win. He, uh,

tweeted out being like oh so your last spars against this guy yeah i did see that and he's getting pissed off about you know tommy having a bad opponent at his last one like that kind of made it more like yeah okay or do you think it's mind games from tommy do you reckon he just pulled like a random guy no that's his last 100 yeah yeah

- Yeah, that's definitely his last one. - I reckon I'm gonna feel so sick at Saturday night. Like as soon as that, I feel sick every fight he does. - For real? - Yeah. If you watch any of them where they pan. - Even Tempo? - Nah, you know what, yeah? - Yeah. - The one, oh wait, no. - Bro, it got to like halfway through the Joe Weller fight and I thought he was losing. - Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember that. I was like, it's you, Andy, remember? - Which one? - The Joe Weller one.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, you were, you were. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember that, I remember that. What I didn't feel nervous for was the Swans and the other one. - No, I was still, I was still like- - That day I was like, this is- - I was like, oh no, Swans was an athlete. He didn't train. And then I was like, but he's a pro boxer. Like, what the hell? And then he came out and was like, oh. - Yeah.

I don't know. It's going to be mad. And what a card. I think I'm less nervous right now than I was before Logan Paul. But then on the day of, I'll be more nervous. Also, I was at the press conferences for the Logan ones. So I was more involved. Whereas now I'm like, who knows? I want you to, if you fight, can it either be England or a very nice holiday destination? Because I want to come watch when you fight in Texas.

- Yeah, I mean, ideally I would much rather. - Austin was sick. - Yeah, I want like a, yeah, like a Dubai or something, yeah. - I could come watch you fight in Dubai. - That would be sick. - Yeah, yeah. - But then like, say like Brazil. - I'll catch that. I'll catch it on the TV. - I'll go Brazil. - Yeah? - I'll go Brazil. - You go Brazil? - Yeah.

- No, you won't. - What's so scary about Brazil? - Oh gosh. I really don't want to fight in Brazil. - I was asking you to, it's fine. Don't worry, don't worry. - Well, say no. - That's enough boxing talk. - Oh, but you're mine. - Am I slow there? - Yeah. - Was that the inclination? - No, so that's what they're leaning towards. They want to fight. - Oh shit. - Yeah. - Winderson and Brazil main card. - That'll be big though. - Yeah, if you win.

get the first flight out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I' I' I' I' I can't one punch I can't one punch I can't one punch one punch one punch one punch one punch one punch one punch one punch one punch one

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- HelloFresh at and use code 50whatsgoodpodcast for 50% off plus free shipping. HelloFresh, America's number one meal kit. Well, you've been uploading more. - Yes. - How's it going? What makes you make a video? - What makes me make a video? - 'Cause you went through ages of like not uploading much. - That was 'cause of the boxing. I'll be real. Like with boxing, they always say you can't play boxing. So it's very hard to...

balance the two like uploading your life is boxing when you're in the camp yeah honestly so but obviously I'm still training but I'm not as heavy as I like as if I'm like in a camp yeah yeah so that's why it's easier to just

- Do whatever. And plus my channel is this year, I just do whatever I want. - I was gonna say, I think you might be the only channel I know that like genuinely does what they want. - Yeah. And you always have been that as well, right? - Yeah. - Always done that. - The way everyone always says, you know, cause I say it to everyone who doesn't upload, I go, you realize where YouTube is, right? So your channel can be whatever you want. If I just wanted to play football, I could film a football video every day.

- But everyone thinks about views or like what's my image or what's the people are gonna say in the comments where you just- - Then you got to hit eight minutes and then you got to like the idea has to be good enough. Whereas you have had some ideas that aren't full ideas. - Like two minutes long. - But then you just make it two minutes, you don't try and stretch it. You're like, it's a two minute idea, it's a two minute video. So I'll rate that. - Thank you. - It is good. - What's your process right now for ideas? Is it just like do that one? - So I was watching like the,

can i mention it the you can do what you want okay cool so you know that me putting dp yeah so i was watching the silent video and i was just like oh let me try that did you turn the camera on i was just like no no so i ordered it on amazon and everything and then uh i just like it's arrived let me let me do it so i just hey guys it's dead sheet blah blah blah and i just do it and i was like because it doesn't make sense like

I was kind of curious about how bad it would be. That was bad. Yeah, I don't want to do it, but I was curious. So I'm thinking, it does make sense to just film it. Just upload it. You know what you should do next? You should do the Nair hair removal cream.

- Is that the one that goes stiff and then you pull it out? - No, it's not. Yeah. It's the one that guy, the guy where he gets his ass pulled out on video. And it is on YouTube with like 40 million views. - Do you want to see a mad video? We can't put it in the video, but. - We show it. - What is it called? - I don't know. Deep heat, near hair removal ass. - Go on YouTube, go on YouTube. - 45 million views by the way. Oh, this is two minutes too. - Oh my, please. - Out of nowhere, boom.

- So look, is this indistricted? - No. - I don't think it is. - It's educational, so it's like. - I don't think it is. - So you could do this and still get your video. - Look, I'm seeing testicle. - Oh! - You're seeing an asshole. - Oh my, Dave. - No, to be fair, skip to the end though, 'cause to be fair, he did a great job. - Yeah, to be fair, we all thought we should try this. Yeah, just skip towards the end. - Is he? - Look, Deji, two minutes 56. This is your kind of video. - Just go right towards the end, right towards the end. - Just do this. - Is he gay? - Bro, look, look at his butthole.

- Oh my God. - It's pretty good, right? Great job. - Why is he pulsating it? Oh my gosh. - Obviously we can't show you what we're looking at.

- Don't look it up. - He defotates. - But the funniest thing is obviously Tom- - Did you see the way he was pulsating it? He defo- - I didn't see that part. - He defo- - JJ can do that. - Well, I just, it was- - I don't know. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How do you know JJ can do that? - I've seen JJ do that before. - No, we did a video once where he- - No, but, no, wait, wait, wait. Click play when he starts pulsating it. - Can we get it on screen? - No, no. - Press play, press play first. - No, wait, when he starts pulsating it. - I can't even remember this. I can't believe this is happening.

- You kidding, you kidding. - Nah, he defo takes. He defo takes, he defo takes, bro. That's nasty. - Okay, okay, okay. But now, you could do that content. You can make that content as well. - Thing is, I actually would do that as well. - 45 mil views, man. You can't deny it. - No, but I feel like that, after doing that, that just completely kills me off the algorithm. - It might get you back on. You know what I'm saying? - They might think all your videos are educational.

- What was his last video to come bigger loads? - Yeah. - That's what 37K. - Yeah, he kind of fell off. - Yeah. - Fumbled the bag. - Fumbled the bag, yeah. - Fumbled the bag. - Obviously don't show that, but interesting, you know, interesting concept. - How did we get onto that? - 'Cause he was using DPX balls. - Oh yeah. - So yeah. - It's educational. Don't do it. That's what we learned.

Yeah. Anyway, other ideas that you're working on? We have one, right? That you want to shoot with me? Yes. Did you put that in a vlog? Is it out there? Yes. Bro, he texted me like three times and like asked me in Discord being like, when's Randy back? When can we film? And I'm like, I don't know when you can film. Like, it's up to you two. So, Daddy said to me that he...

- He can- - At the charity match. - At the charity match. He's like, "I'll bet you my channel that I can hit the crossbar more than you." So we're gonna play it. We're gonna do a video. - I'll actually give you my login pass, all of that. And you can upload a video. - Yeah, I don't want your channel, but if I win, I can upload a video or something. - Yeah. - I can do something like that, you know? - Or you tell him to do a video that he has to upload. - For a week or something. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, something like that. But then also, I think I can hit that-

- Ask the robot crane for a video. - Oh my God. - Yeah, the plan's coming together now. But he was like, "Can we do it at your house? We'll do it at your pitch." - I said, "Let me do it." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'll happily just be a judge. I'll just stand to the side and be like, "Look, I'll get the balls for you." - But then I played football at his house and his balls are Premier League proper actual balls and I could barely lift it. So now I'm not as confident.

- I'm confident. - You can bring footballs. - Can we use different balls? - We can get cheap footballs. - What, do you wanna get like the blow up ones? - No, no, no. - Just the regular kick. - The ones that you kick and they're like. - Floaters, floaters, yeah. - Yeah, floaters. - The ones I have are like, they are harder. - Yeah. - The ones that De Bruyne plays with, you know? - Why?

Because they're proper footballs. He's a baller. If I've spent that much money on a football pitch in the garden, I might as well not cheap out on a football. Imagine. Buy that whole thing and go, I'm not paying more than £6 for a football. Hell no. Actually, yeah. Nike actually sent them. I was quite happy. For real? Yeah. That's sick. But I mean, at the same time,

I know I'm gonna beat you. - Okay. - I'm really excited about this. - I have seen him kick a ball and it is very bad. Like I thought I was bad. - You, okay, okay. Every time you kick a ball it slices. Your football kick is like my golf swing. - All right, okay, we'll see. - So does he get anything if he wins? - Oh yeah, what do I get if I win? - No. - No, we can't, we can fix it for now. - All right. - We can fix it for now. - No. - No, but we'll fix it for now. I feel like it's actually more of a punishment, like,

if say you lose and you get to upload a video on his channel yeah i feel like it's low-key more of a punishment that you have to make a video yeah yeah but yeah no but you know you get my channel you can do whatever like you want you can tell me to do this or whatever and i'll do it you know what i mean why do whoever loses has to upload a video on either channel no on your own channel yeah basically being like uh like a a a whole video about how great the other person is

- Yeah, you have to go out in public and just go up to random people and be like, oh, you know, you have met this guy before. - We'll figure it out off podcast, but I'm down, I'm down. For those watching, we're gonna do it soon. Yeah, we'll do it soon. And we'll be so excited. But yeah, any more future goals for your channel? Any more? - It's pretty much anything I see, I do. I'll be real. Like, let's see if I see the Sidemen.

Oh, you know what? You remember when challenges used to be a thing? Like, salt on ice or bananas. That was a bad one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've still got the scar there. But like... Yeah, it was like a three-minute video where it's like, I'm doing this challenge today. Yeah. I miss those days. Yeah, I miss those days. Like, helium challenge. There's a challenge where you just...

You know what I mean? How was that a challenge? - It was ours. - Yeah, but you know what I mean though? Like how was that a challenge? - That wasn't really a challenge. - Yeah. - No, no, but as in like, I don't think people did it. I don't think the helium challenge was a challenge. - It wasn't a trend. - We just did it as a video. - Yeah. And then,

I don't know back then. - It's true, it's true. I like that kind of like, you know, - Charlie Charlie challenge. - Yeah. - Do you remember that? - No. - Wait, you don't remember that? - Which was that? - Was that all the, yeah, yeah, yeah. - You have a pencil and you'd be like, Charlie, Charlie, are you here? - Yeah, and then it's better to like move. - Yeah. - I hate those things. - That was amazing. Oh, speaking of that, you know, now it's close to Halloween. Would you guys ever do a Ouija board or you just never? - I've done one before.

Really? For a video, right? I did one with Raka Raka. They did one. It wasn't for a video. I watched their film finally. Fucking sick. Yeah, actually it was sick. I mean, I haven't actually finished it, but... No, so far it's nice. It's like my cameo. Oh, yeah, what? You mean the video? Yeah. Yeah. That's sick. I don't really believe in the whole Ouija board thing. So, yeah. Yeah, so I don't... I feel like...

- That's another topic I'll be asked. I'm gonna get too deep. - So would you do it? - Ouija board. Mainly because I know like it's fake, yes. For content, I wouldn't. - How would your mother feel about that? - Oh, she would hate it. - But you could be saying, "I'm just showing people it's not real." You know what I'm saying? I'm showing you the power of God, right? The annoying thing is that you can't.

maybe you can, but you're not meant to do it on your own, right? So like the whole thing of where you're holding it, there's always someone's gonna move. And then you're like, well, it's you moving it. - Yeah. - I promise you it's not. - Yeah. - Wait. - Oh, okay, here's a fact. You don't have a mic, do you?

Okay, so I'll repeat it. Okay. Lawrence said that they proved it was the people moving it because if you do it with quarters, only the top one would move if everyone did it. Whereas with the shot glass or whatever you use...

the bottom would move yeah yeah therapy i i just feel like the fact that we collectively as the human race haven't all gone it's obviously fake it's also like a failure on the human race yeah but then loads of stuff comes out of like you know celebrities and blah blah blah worshipping the devil but then get three get three haters

and put them there, they won't move. But then you can say that they hate it so they're restricted. - But it's like people saying when people say like Santa's fake, he's clearly real. You know what I mean? - Why, what's your argument? - No, 'cause there was one time I came downstairs and I saw a bunch of presents. - Okay.

- Elaborate. - No, that's it. And then I left the milk and cookies near the chimney that we have. - Wait, and he ate it? - Yeah. - Fucking hell. - And he didn't finish the milk though. - Well, no, they never do. - Think how much milk you'd have to drink if you went to everyone's house. - And then, yeah, so that's how I know he's real. 'Cause, what do you call it? My dad doesn't like milk and my mum doesn't like cookies. - But your mum likes milk and your dad likes cookies.

- But they wouldn't do that to me. - Okay. - I'm like, it's not even funny. It's not even funny. - Yeah. - Because it's not funny, it's funny. Like my can trick. - That wasn't funny. - No, because it wasn't funny, it was funny. - It wasn't, what trick? - I opened that. - We started a podcast and he's like, "I've got something for everyone." - I'm tripping. - Where was it? - And he just opens four cans. - Three. - Three cans, that was it. - Oh, can I show you a trick? - Okay.

- Can I have a can please? - Like this? - Yeah, fizzy can please. - Like that. - Oh, what's like super fizzy? Will this be really, really fizzy? - It should be. Pepsi Max, I've got one. He's got a Pepsi Max. - All right, perfect. Look at this. - No, no, no, please. - No, no, no, trust me. - Oh, I know what you're gonna do. - Flo's listening right now, he's shaking it. - All right, now. - No, it is. - I believe in Deji now. - He's spitting it out. - Is there anything next to it that can, okay, we're calm.

So then Just me Just know we did just get the carpet cleaned so Cost 10 grand Okay he is currently spinning it You tell me when you want me to open it I've done enough spins Now Now? He's now gone under the arm of the chair Go on see it through Oh yeah I'll tell you what There wasn't that much still Hold on man But I still don't accept your point It fizzed up Nah his trick or my trick

- Still his trick. - I'm gonna spin it, then spin it the other way. That's where I ruined it. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Can I try again? - His trick was still better. - Yeah, fair, sure. - I know that Deji is a avid Sidemen watcher. - I am. - Randolph is not. - No. - I'm a more Sidemen watcher. - I'm a more Sidemen watcher. I'm a more Sidemen watcher. - You should see my recommended. It's literally just you guys. - Well, mine is too.

- It's not a competition. - I don't know about that thing, but I click like, not interested. - I don't really, I don't really. No, I love to sign my videos. When I'm in it, I watch it. - Have you watched the latest one? - I actually haven't. - It only came out last night. - I do wanna know what it's got out of 10. I really wanna know. - Do you know what the video is? - It's a- - Oh, who's the fucking fan now? - Well, no, it's JJ. - Bro, it came out last night. - No, it's JJ and Harry, and you have to, they decide what happens. - So this was like a, I'll be honest. - I haven't even started it. - It was Harry and JJ control our day.

this was like this is the latest we've ever planned a video we had a meeting on sunday night and then uh we decided on the idea and then monday morning we had monday to organize to film tuesday morning so we had one day to organize everything for a shoot wow which i know a day sounds like a lot but it's not

That's sick. Yeah, so it was a little bit rushed. So we had to like, we only, we could choose like five things. So they don't really like control our day. Like JD doesn't go, all right, you four, you have to go fucking pick up shit. But I mean, I haven't seen it. So I don't, I don't, I don't know what happens. We basically have five aspects of a day. Yeah. And we're all together. Half of us get a bad thing to do. Half of us get a good thing to do, but together. So it'll be like, all right, you're going to go

play football, you're the good team. You have to be the ball boys for the day. Like that kind of thing. So yeah, you can basically boss them around. - Oh, okay. - So like that kind of activity. And we do five of them and they ended up doing, it did all right. - Yeah, I was interested 'cause I remember saying to you guys like this- - 5 million a day, sick isn't it? - I mean, it's on 5 mil. How'd you see that? - Do you know it's 5 mil? - Yeah, I went before it got killed. - Ah, okay. - It is on 5.4 million. - Nice.

The thing is, it is on the back of Speed 20v1. Still. So it was always going to do all right. But still. It is currently 3 out of 10. Let's go. Let's go. I'm against that. It was 2 out of 10, but the charity match highlights have overtaken it. Because it's one of those ones that I think, you know, it's one that you kind of rush to put together. But again, that title is just a cool title. And it's just like, for a viewer of the Sidemen, it's like more... It feels more you guys than...

Some of the videos you do. That's true. You know, so it's nice. Well, it's because we thought, so Harry was traveling, JJ was obviously in camp and we were like, right, we're missing two side men who are the ones that everyone loves. If we put a video out with us five, it's a stinker. Okay. So we basically said- I disagree. You're a real one. I disagree. I disagree.

you're a kiss ass I am yeah so we went how can we get them involved without them like I don't want to tell Harry he has to do loads of work while he's travelling that's a bit peak so we said here's five sentences we don't know if they're good or bad like we ran someone else has randomised them sent them to him and he's just recorded himself saying you have to do this so it's taken him ten minutes sick and then JJ did the same at home

easy bang yeah we had an easy day that's fun and we did the filming so vic in a bunker for a really long time yeah don't spoil it oh wait have you guys done the video like getting other people's like opinions on you guys like like a tier list

like how everyone we've done strangers rank the sidemen or roast the sidemen but i mean like a more sideman type thing where you get a bunch of people doing oh okay like you know the tier list template thing and you just about them yeah see like where you guys are ranked because honestly i would watch that i want to know so get like all of the side plus members to do a tier list of their favorite side men

so yeah either that or just get just tweet it out or something or whatever just and then they do like a tier list template and you just get like i don't know i already know it's gonna be the least like so you register it as like you register it as like if you did it and you put harry number one he would get like one point for number one yeah like that yeah whoever has the least points yeah yeah yeah go on

- What? - What do you reckon? Not yours, so there's no offense here. You can't offend anyone. - Okay. - Not your order. - Who? - Whose order, what do you think the order would be of public vote? - I can't, I'm sorry, I refuse. - Yeah, it's not you though. - 'Cause you're not saying it. - Oh, you mean, oh, public? - Yeah. - Oh, okay, so I'll say S tier.

Would be Wait so can You just do one to seven One to seven Alright okay One to seven Like who do you think Is going to be The favourite Number one would be JJ Nah I think Harry I think Harry would get it I think Harry would be number one Yeah Well it's hard I think if you asked It's like

I think JJ would get more reach on say like Twitter. Yeah. Therefore you could get more votes. But I think fan base would go truly go Harry. If you're going like Sidemen, the Sidemen Twitter account tweets it out. Yeah. There you go. I think Harry wins it. Yeah. And also I know that JJ would actually literally retweet and just not stop until he gets top five.

- You're like vote for me, vote for me. - All right, okay. - We do yours, you do yours though. - In my opinion, I thought we'd go JJ, Harry. - Okay, I'd go Harry, JJ. - And then they'll go you. - I'll go you, yeah. - Okay. - Then they'll go Ethan. - Okay. - Then they'll go. - Josh, Toby, Vick is the last one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Probably say Toby. - Okay. - And Vick and Josh.

- Wow, you're hitting Josh there. - No, I'm not hitting him. - What do you think the public would be? - I think the public would be, I go Harry, JJ, I go Vic, man, 'cause Vic gets like a lot of like, he's got a niche group, you know? I go Vic, Ethan, Josh, Toby, I think. And again, I'd not agree 'cause I'd put Josh way higher. - I don't wanna see this video. - I would go. - It's awful actually, it's awful. - I really wanna see this. - I would go Harry, JJ, Vic,

me, Josh, Toby. Really? I think Toby, Toby, everyone would put a mid. So he wouldn't end up, he would end up quite low because like Vic, for example, might get more lows, but he'll get way more highs. Yeah. Yeah. Like he'll, like he'll have a load, load of people. Yeah.

I'm basing this purely off comments that I've seen on cyber. - I think your one's a bit low. Cause I think you're just looking at like the vocal minority of like them kind of hate. - Maybe yeah. But anyway, it's just toxic. - Ethan's gonna get a lot of loss. But I think you'd get a lot of tops. Like I don't think Ethan would be mid for many people. - Honestly, I feel like Ethan will get a lot of lows.

- Like as of recently. - Yeah, that's what I mean though. I think the people that don't like Ethan are putting him six or seven. But the people that like him are putting him one or two. - Yeah, whereas you know Josh will get like a lot of like, he's all right. - He'll get four, five, six. - Yeah. - Three, four, five, six. - Yeah. - Well, I don't know. I'm down to do that video. - Yeah, 'cause like- - It's toxic as hell. - You gotta get someone else to like, you can't see the results until- - Yeah, someone else collects the information and then- - Yeah, and it's good 'cause it's getting like the audience involved as well. - I don't know how many of the other guys will go for it.

They were very skeptical when... So me and JJ came up with the idea of like strangers roast the sidemen. And, you know, we say a topic, like we go, who's the hottest? Stranger goes, this is my order. They weren't keen on the idea because they were like, it's a bit...

it's a bit like peak isn't it it doesn't who cares if this person goes you're hot you're not yeah um you cares i mean i got number two when we did that well i'll see you all right that's fine yeah yeah of course you don't care i feel like i should have been number one though i think i'm better looking than chip wow i agree with you i was arguing yeah yeah i think chip looks like a little rat yeah but sometimes people like a little rat yeah well there's that what is it rattle frog yeah everyone horse i don't know

Is it rat or frog? Yeah. Everyone looks like a rat or a frog. Don't you get... Oh, okay. You know what? Yeah, because I guess we've got horse, rat. Because they're both long face. Yeah, I know. You know what I mean? Because you get some people... All right, Sarah Jessica Parker.

- What? - She looks like a horse. - You've chosen one person. - That's one example. - Freezy looks like a giraffe, like, and now it's horse or giraffe. - Wait, no, look, look, look. Sarah Jessica Parker. - Yeah, I've heard this. - Is a horse. Bro, that is a horse, bro. - Okay. - That's a horse. - But now type in frog or horse. I don't think you get the results for that. Whereas I think frog or- - Frog or rat. - Is a website. - Frog or rat is a thing. - Yeah, but then now do frog or horse.

- Oh sorry, rat or horse, wasn't it, you said? - No, I think, is it? - That's not a thing. - No, no, no, no, is it? No, frog or horse, I mean. - You're really like, that's an illusion. Do you see a frog or a horse? - Is it? Oh. - Okay, so what I wanted to ask you. - Okay, I understand though. - I wanted to ask you. - Frog. - Us three. - Yes. - Frog or rat, or rat or frog? - Chipmunk. - That's not an option. - All right.

- Sorry. - Okay. - Wait, who first? - Up to you. - Hmm. Frog. - Okay. - Rat. - Okay, and yourself? - Me? - Yeah. - I forgot how I look. - What? - Do you want me to, hold on. - Get a picture of him. - There you go, there you go, there you go. - He's getting it on there. - There you go, mate. - Oh, frog.

- There you go. - You're quite froggy. - Yeah. - So I would have said frog rat. - Yeah, I would say that. - Yeah. - I'm definitely a rat. I'm just fat. - What's he? What's he? What's John? - Frog. - 100%. - Yeah, you're a frog. - Yeah. - How do you differentiate? - You're rat and you're... Yeah, frog. - Okay, I can see frog. John, you're a rat as well though, you know?

- You look like a frog, but you are a rat. - You're a chipmunk. - I'm a chipmunk, yeah. Flying squirrel. - But I feel like every black guy would be a frog, right? - Toby's a rat. - Yeah. - How? His nose is wham. - Do frogs have noses? - Oh yeah, true. - Wait, go back to that. - Rats have like a long- - What, so if you have a big nose, then you're a rat? - No. - No. - It's a lot of things, you know, teeth or like ears, sharp ears, sharp teeth, thin face.

- I would have said he's a frog. - You would have said Toby's a frog? - Yeah. - Anyone else? I'd have said Toby's a rat. - Yeah. - You know what I think it's- - What do you mean the personality? Yeah, he's a rat. - Like tall face. Like looks, what's looks then? - A survivor. - Well he has survived. - No, Lux is a rat. - I think it's based off if you have a dog.

And what's the right word? I don't wanna say harsher features. - Well, a frog goes- - Sharper features. - Yeah, sharper features. - Sharper features. - And frog goes like this, isn't it? Like a little round face. - Yeah. - So like Freezy is just, like he's a rat. - Yeah, Freezy's a rat. - No, no. - Freezy's a rat.

Sorry. - He's a rat, bruv. - Yeah. - Wait, so what do you call it? I was at the football match yesterday. - You did Arsenal City? - Yeah, and I support Arsenal. - Well, you know. - So you just decided yesterday? - Yeah, yeah. - Well, when I asked you who do you support last week when we were there against Arsenal and Tottenham, you said City. - Yeah. - So you just changed whoever wins? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So right now it's Arsenal. - Arsenal, yeah. - Yeah, so who's gonna win the league this year? - Arsenal. - If they don't. - Then I support whoever's winning Tottenham. - Wait, but Arsenal aren't even top of the league.

- Are they not? I swear it's Tottenham and Arsenal. - Tottenham and Arsenal. - Spurs are first on goalscored. - Oh, okay, Tottenham and Arsenal. - Yeah, if you're in the table, you can't just both win it. - Yeah, I support Tottenham. - Okay, sick. Just go to their rivals, just like that. - In one minute, he's gone from an Arsenal fan to a Tottenham fan. - When did you decide this, that you supported all teams? - What do you mean? I used to support Leicester. - Okay, why? - 'Cause they won the league. - Yeah, 'cause they won the league. And then Liverpool one time. - So your favourite team, Leicester, how are they doing?

- They're not my favorite team anymore. - Oh. - That's what I thought. - When you were a kid and you played football, who did you support then? Or did you not play football? - Oh, Korea. - It was always Korea. It was always Korea in the series. - Bro, I didn't used to watch football back then. - Okay, name one Korean player. - Hwang Min-sung. - That's from your favorite team as well. - Yeah. - Club team. - Yeah.

- He's a Tottenham fan bro. - No, but the thing is, I didn't know a thing about football before. All I remember, you told me pace is the best thing. - This was like FIFA 13. - Yeah, so then ultimate team, anyone who had pace, I'll just put them up front. - Yeah, it's not bad. - And it worked. - Yeah, it did actually. And then, but I didn't understand chemistry, but I was still winning. - Were you? - No. - I feel like you had a whole series based on like just trying to get a win.

- Oh my God. - I had that too actually as well. Race to win a game. That's what mine was called. You should play. - What, FIFA? - I think I'll beat you now. - No, I'd beat you now. No, I would actually beat you now. - Why don't you guys make this like list of things that you could beat each other at? - I'd beat you at Crossbar Challenge and I'd definitely beat you at FIFA.

- We'll do both then. - We can even do Fortnite as well. - What about, who could eat the most McDonald's? - Well, I think you still win, 'cause you've done that before. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was my last challenge. - Bro, we did the nugget challenge and he ate seven. - No, no, no, but now, I reckon I beat you. - Vinny Hacker, that was my camp. - It makes sense. It makes sense. - We still need to do our jelly challenge. - Yeah. We were gonna wrestle in jelly.

- Naked. - Just do it all in one day. Let's do everything in one day. - We did the nugget challenge and he was like, "Oh, I beat you at jelly though." And I was like, "What a weird shout, but okay." - No, I was eating jelly like nothing else. - It's zero calories, isn't it? - I think so, it's just water. - Jelly in a pot calories. I think it's literally, yeah. - Yeah, but that would fill you up. - Would it though? - Yeah. - Zero calories, it doesn't matter. - Wait, it's zero calories? - Well, that's what he wants to say. - I'm pretty sure it's zero calories.

- Obviously if you like add 10 of them, yeah look. - 70 calories, wow. - No, that's not right. - Hardly strawberry jelly pot is that. - 70 calories? - Okay, but you can get calorie free one then. I'm a minute waffling. - Per pot 70 calorie. - I'm waffling then. - Okay, well how about you both come to mine for a day. - Okay. - And we just, we figure out a bunch of things. I still think I could beat you at, I think I could eat more nuggets than you.

- Now? - No. - Yeah, I still think I could. You two can do crossword challenge. - Yeah. - You can also do a FIFA match. - Yeah, okay, down, down. - I'm trying to think of anything else. - I'm actually being serious, you will not beat me. - At FIFA? - I haven't played the new FIFA, but I was right at FIFA 23. No, but you said it's the exact same game. - Pretty much. - Yeah. - A little bit different though. - How?

just you know like what the females you know when they do like well that too but you know when they like alter the games like they do a patch and it just feels different it's like that

- But I reckon, what is it like dribbling or something, right? - I think the fact you have to ask all these questions means that I will beat you at FIFA. - You will not. - I'll beat you at FIFA. I'll beat you every single FIFA that came out before time. - You think so? - Yeah. - We should play FIFA 2000. - Okay. - No, FIFA 1996. - Okay. - PlayStation one. I got a PlayStation one. - On you. - No, not on me, no. - Just pull it out of my pocket. - You'll eat it out like it's been in your bag. But no, we'll play the new one. I'm down to play the new one. - You know how janky FIFA 96 is? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You could be the goalkeeper and just have a goal kick and it will go into the goal. The goalkeeper just won't save it. I played Castro at FIFA 96 or something and I only just lost that. Castro's not that good at FIFA though. Would you say you're better than him at FIFA? Damn. You should play Ginge. I'd beat him too. Danny just beat him like 8-2 or something like that. Yeah, I'd beat Danny as well. Okay, now I think you're... No, no, I'm being serious. Do you play clubs? No. Oh, would you? Yes.

- I'm gonna make another club series if you're down. - I'm down. - It's fun, it's really fun. - I've seen it, I've watched it. - Toby's down already. - Oh sick. - Yeah. - I don't know who else to yell at. - You're gonna yell at me, I'll be real. - Huh? - You'll yell at me, I'm very selfish. - I can't yell at you. There is no yellows. - No, you'll yell at me. - I'll yell at you? - Yeah. - I've played with Danny Aarons. He is the worst human being alive. I like him. - And Nico would do rainbow flick all the time.

Danny literally gets the ball and just power shots in green times from 50 yards. As soon as he gets into their half, he just goes like, no, no, no. Power shot. Yeah. I was playing FIFA the other day and I tried to lob for Ness someone and that's a power shot. So you might be after all. JJ thought the cameraman messed up. You know when you do a power shot, it zooms in. He was like, yo, how did you trick the cameraman? Oh my goodness.

- That's the guy that's gonna beat Tommy Fury. Come on. - No, to be fair though, I watched JJ's video and what, the laughing at Tommy. Tommy's a nice guy, but what? - I haven't seen it yet. - I haven't seen the video either. - I haven't seen it. - What, it's just cringe moments of Tommy? - No, no, he's a little bit stupid. - No? - I mean, you've seen his dad. - No, I like his dad though. - You like him? - Yeah. - But does he seem like the sharpest tool in the shed?

He's a hustler And you need You need to have a brain He's a machine Yeah I like his dad He always says Like nice things about me He seems like a nice guy Yeah he's lovely But Yeah A little bit weird When I'm talking to him I feel like Do you know Like

Like all those, like old shanty tales, like those- - Shanty tales? - No, like, do you know, like pirates, like- - Oh, you actually did mean shanty tales. - Like, we used to go out and get some, you know what I mean? It's like-

- Anyone confused by the accent? - Irish or? - No, no, no. - For a pirate? - You know what I mean, right? Like, you know when he's like, "Oh, I got myself a crack and I found myself a crack and then we got..." You know what I mean? Just like, he's like, yeah, no, not hillbilly. - That was a hillbilly accent that found the cracker. - The old guy from "Paris the Caribbean." - Everything's like, yeah, I think so. But everything's like a story.

You know what I mean? Like you can just say like, oh, I went to go to the shops, but you're so intrigued. Like, tell me more. Like, you know what I mean? It's just always entertaining. He's entertaining. That is no question. He's very entertaining. You have a crush on John Fury. Here's what I've learned. I might do. Like when you, it was just like an interview. He's like, oh, this fight will be good. It's like, oh, it's a battle between two greats. It's just something, it's just very...

- Do you love him? Do you want us to buy you some air cream? - He's a very immersive speaker. - Yeah, very big voice, wise guy. Not wise, but like stories to tell. - Yeah, like if he'd like read a book, I would be very- - I don't think he can. I'm just joking, in case he wants to beat me up. - He's very, just listening to him, I'm always thoroughly just engaged. I'm like, oh, this is...

But you know what I'm trying to say, right? This is very... I think I get what you're saying. Yeah. It's always a tale. Yeah. It's always a tale. Yeah. But, yeah. Deji. Yes. I'll hold you now. I'm going to guess 20... I know. 27? No. Yeah. I'm going to go 26. 26. When's your birthday? December 8th. Close. 9th. So... That was close, though. I know your birthday. When?

- Oh wait, you forgot? - Yeah, I forgot my birthday. - You forgot your birthday? - Yeah. - How did you forget your own birthday? - Unreal, my dad forgot his birthday. - Don't tell me, it's September, is it? Is it not September? - Just have your guess and I'll tell you after. - Is it not, it is September. - I'll guess. - Is it not September? - Have your guess and I'll tell you after. - It's not September, it is September. It's the third of September. - It's the seventh of September. Josh's is the fourth.

- Fourth of December? - Yeah. - So you'll one day have Josh's, which isn't me, but. - My dad actually forgot his birthday. I was like, I called him up and I was like, "Oh, I wanna do something for your birthday." He's like, "Oh, I'm in Newcastle." And I just forgot it was my birthday, so. - It's really sad. - I know. He's got Alzheimer's. He hasn't really. - Right. So why did you ask him how old he was? - Yeah, so name me three things that you wanna do before you're 30, like a bucket list thing. So what do you have to do before you die? Oh, sorry. - You die at 30?

- What are three things on your- - I mean, it's rare for a black person to live past 30, I can't lie. - What do you mean it's rare? - In America. - Okay. - You know what I mean? Like the cock coming to you, how old are you? I'm 28. - Well, okay. - Sorry. - Before you die at 30, what are your things, what are three things you wanna do? - Before I'm 30. - Let's not say 30, let's say in your youth, sorry. In your youthful years. - Well, what would I like? - What would you like to do? - What would I like to do? - Or achieve or whatever.

- A girlfriend, I'll be real. - You're looking for a girlfriend? - Bro, it is tough out there, man. Oh my gosh. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. To keep a relationship or to find- - I just want a girlfriend, man. Someone I can just connect with. That's just, that's mine. - 'Cause you have had a lot of relations, you know? - Yeah, I've had a lot, bro. - But they don't fit your criteria. - Nah. - What are you looking for in a girl? Let them know, you know? - We're doing an ad right now. - Yeah.

What am I looking for? Um, ambitious. Okay. Okay. You know, like they know what they want. Yeah. Leng. Big bunda, bruv. They need a bunda. I want something I can sleep on, you know. Cuddly. Okay. Love language has to be at least physical touch and quality time. One of them. I don't mind either or. Um, like, uh, down for some anime. Like, you know, open-minded. Yeah. Okay. Uh,

- Games, a little bit of game-age there. You know what I mean? Not like too gamey, but like a little bit of game-age. Like even if it's like Genshin Impact for some time. - Even if it's Genshin Impact. - Isn't that very deep in there? - Yeah, that's a proper game game. - I'm thinking like Wordle, you know? - No, Wordle's cool too. I don't mind a little bit of Scrabble. Is it Scrabble or Scramble? - Scrabble.

- Scrabble, yeah. - But Wordle was different. - What's Wordle? Oh, Wordle's the one where you have to make words, right? - Make a word that is chosen. - Each day. - Yeah. Okay, yeah, yeah. A little bit, yeah, that's cool. Something like that, you know. - Okay, well. - Doing the wrong thing. - Some girls are in this podcast now thinking, oh my God, have you got an email? Then they can reach out to you. - My email is, no. - Okay, so get a girlfriend's one. - Yeah, get a girlfriend. - What are the, what are the? Skydiving, you wanna skydive?

i don't really care for that but i mean i would do it i would too but i i just it's not what's the point what's the point right no but i'm still down to do it um something else i mean travel solo maybe go anywhere in particular i can do that now if i wanted to you know what i mean yeah but do it there's something to do like i was i could go to tokyo for the last like five years but i only went

this year i was like i need to do that at some point all right you know what i'll go to the amazon but i'm gonna go to the amazon with someone because i'm scared of like insects and everything but i feel like that's one way to conquer a fear of mine or die or die true yeah you know what i scratched that no i don't want to do that one um anything like youtube business any other thing you want to okay yeah uh i would

- I want my own slipper line. - Okay. - 100% Deji Flops. Flop Dej. - Deji Flops is gonna open a lot of jokes. - Dej loppers. Dej loppers. Oh, you got the new Dej loppers. Yeah. I don't know. So I want my own slipper line. - Comedy shorts loafers. - That's nice. - That's good. - That's good.

Sledges! Wait, what did you, wait. - Sledges. - I like sledges. - Sledges. - Sledges. - They sound comfortable. - Trademark, sledges. I'll sue you. - I don't think it works like that. - Yeah, definitely open my own slipper line. That would be sexy. - Okay. - 'Cause I only wear slippers. - Can I ask a question? - Yes. - Are you wearing football socks? - Underarmor socks. - Okay. - Yeah, these underarmors. - They look like they go up to like,

I can never do that. I can never wear football. Okay, okay. Okay. Normal socks. I thought they weren't going to stop there. Yeah. Keep going. They look like football socks because of the toe thing. Oh. You know how sometimes toes are a different colour? Okay. So, slipper line, girlfriend. One more. One more. Yeah. It can be go to the Amazon if you want to. Oh, yeah. Sure. Sorry. Yeah. I'd probably say go to Kentucky to try KFC.

You have to go to the source, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - Yeah, I have to go to the source. - Is that a video? - As you said, that's one you could do right now. - True. - That's a good video by the way. They can still be on the list. It's just like, you can't do that. - Anytime I eat KFC, it just bangs views. - By the way, I think it's worse in America though. - You think so? - Yeah, literally, it's worse. - What do you mean? - I think KFC in America is awful. - Really? - Yeah. Yeah, I don't know, I was like, it's just trash. - I heard South Korea is really good.

- Yeah. - The ones, so I've tried Japan. Japan was, have you tried Japanese KFC? - No. - Oh my gosh, you have to. - What did I have? - McDonald's or Burger King? - I had McDonald's. - You have to. There's literally instructions on how to eat the chicken. - What are the instructions? - Open mouth. - No, no, no, no. You know what I mean? - I don't know what you mean. What do you mean? - Okay, so no, they told you like there's ways to,

- Just go to Japan. - To debone it. - Yeah. - Oh, okay, okay, okay. - And like the best part to eat and everything. - Okay, I usually just eat all of it apart from the bone. - You ever tried the cartilage? - No, well, by mistake, I usually spit it out. - No, the cartilage. - You don't like the cartilage? - It's just crunchy. - Had years of sat next to JJ and he just breaks the bone, right? - He just breaks the bone and starts. - Yeah, no, the inside is nice.

- Bone marrow. - Yeah, that's it. That's it. That's the one. - Okay, so open this up. What are they trying to say here? So they're saying, okay, break it open. - Yeah. - No, wait. - Is this how to eat KFC in Korean? - Oh, so one, two, three, four, five. That's the different parts of the chicken. - Yeah. - Depending on what part of the chicken you get is how you eat it. - Yeah. - Okay. So drumstick, you pull it off like from the tip, it looks like. - I'm gonna be honest.

- Just put it in your mouth. - Yeah, obviously just put it in your mouth. But I mean- - Did you follow the instructions when you were there? - No, no, no, no. When you actually eat, oh, I can't describe the taste. It's like it's like melting in your mouth and it's chicken. You know what I mean? It's probably the...

By far the best KFC I've ever had I would definitely Like if you posted a video Like I I travelled to Kentucky To eat KFC I would click that No I've already done The Japanese one Do the Kentucky one Yeah That's like a mil views For you I reckon

i reckon i reckon more you know oh sorry yeah sorry no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Some of the side men or whatever, whoever wants to go, like, something like that. The issue you'll find is if you want, like, a lad's trip, like, side men ain't your guys now. You've got a fucking dad and two married men. Like, you ain't getting a lad's trip from that. You know what I mean? It'd still be...

- No, just like having a good time. - So do you mean just like, do you mean a trip with the lads or do you mean like a lads trip? - No, like trip with the lads. - We could do that. - Yeah, we could do that. - I'm down. - Yeah, I'm down too. - Where do you wanna go? I'm not going to Kentucky. - Zanzibar. - No. - Zanzibar. - Where is Zanzibar? - It's in Bali, right? Is it not? - I have no idea. - Does it exist? - Does it not exist? - Damn. - Is it in Africa?

- Just next to Bali. - Oh, it's in Tanzania. - Yeah. - Was I close then? - Tanzania, Bali, Nigeria. - True. - They're next to each other. - That map does not help. Wait. - Let's just see if I can make him believe me. Tanzania is there. - Oh yeah, I was way off. - Yeah, yeah. - I was way off. - Okay, so not there. - No, okay, yeah, not there. Cayman Islands. - Why don't you just choose somewhere like, that's not really a lad's trip. - Okay, all right.

you can say somewhere so basic now any leicester no um okay somewhere like um madeira

- Do you want like a last trip? - Do you want like a last trip where you're in a villa and you're just going to the beach and stuff? - Yeah, what would we do? - Or do you want to go to like Vegas type thing or like Ibiza type thing, you know? - Give us your ideal. - You know what, yeah, Vegas, I like that one. - Take away the place. What are we doing on the last trip? - Everything. - What does that mean? - List three things. - No, you have five things. We will go and we will do five things with you. - Five things? - Across five days. - Across five days. - One each day. - One activity a day.

- I don't know. I don't know, just anything. Like we can just- - Club one night? - Yeah. All right, go, yeah. Club, pop bottles, you know, all of that. - Yeah, that's one. To help you out. - Casino. - Okay, that's two. Sounds good so far. You've got Randy in. - I've always wanted, do you know like those classes where there's like a naked man and you have to pay- - Life drawing. - Yeah. - Okay.

laughter on day three you've always wanted that no because it is naked man i've done it before i wasn't the model oh i drew the model you drew the model yeah naked naked yeah you see his cock and everything yeah what was he i put it on youtube his cock's not oh but yeah really yeah me george talia and g i think when was this feels like longer than that

- Well, that's three. - I don't know, just like random stuff. Like go to the beach, just go for a walk. - Beach. - You know, like just like go around scooters, go around town. - What about Dubai? How you feel about Dubai? - Yeah, I'm cool with Dubai too. - Okay. I think Dubai would be a good one. - Yeah. - Dubai, have a little shop. - Theme park. - Little night out, theme park. Yeah, look. - Three years ago. - She even in. - You look so young there.

He's fully naked at that point. Wow, and he's like wagging his cock and everything. Oh, he was fully up for it. He was like, yeah, do you want any poses? Do you have a big cock? I actually can't remember. It wasn't like a hog. Yeah, it wasn't like a wow. Why is he wagging an average cock around? Because he's comfortable in his skin. What, you're comfortable with an average cock? I'm almost comfortable with a less than average cock. I know for a fact you don't have a less than average cock.

I've bull tapped you and I felt your cock. - That was my kneecap. - That's a weird thing. - I feel low key violent. - Obviously when you bull tap, you cup a feel, you know what I mean?

- No, that would be lingering. - Ball tap is that. - Ball tap. - Ball tap. - No, but you can do like this. You can go like bang, right? But then like a little finger like. - Okay. Well, hold on. So this trip is first day club night, second night casino, third night live drawing, fourth night beach day, fifth day scooters. - It's like random stuff. Like this is just a trip full of this fun. You know what I mean?

Sounds good, man. Like maybe a little bit of badminton, basketball, all of that, you know.

- Golf. - I actually don't get why we don't do more stuff like one-off things in England. - Yeah, true. - We could quite easily go like, oh, people were about today. Let's book in for next week. Let's all just get eight of us and go play badminton. - Yeah. - That'd be so sick. - I'd be so down. - I'll play a little bit badminton. - Yeah. - I played it last week. - Shuttlecock. - Shuttlecock. - You know what game I hate though is,

squash here we go no what is it called what do you use paddle ball paddle ball the one that's always on pickleball yeah all over tiktok tennis yeah it's like lazy pull it up it just looks like oap tennis it just looks like i don't like just play tennis now or have you seen it do you know what we're talking about no tennis but imagine it shrunk it's so strange that's the whole court it's called ppa tour and look you spend the whole time just here

- Okay, it looks kind of fun now, but I don't get it. Like why not tennis? - I get it though. I know why is because tennis is so difficult. - It is really difficult, but isn't that the point? - It's like either play tennis or play table tennis. - Yeah, man. - Make your mind up. - Look at the ball as well. It's a pickle-y ball-y. That's why it's called pickle ball. - It's like you can't go in that front section. - You know what it is for me? The name.

- What a trash name for a sport. Pickleball. - It's just people, you get bored, you know what I mean? Down the line, they're gonna make up something else. - I also think of the same thing about foot golf as well. - But then you play it, it's fun. - Yeah, it's fun to play, but then they make it into like a championship. Like some games should just be fun to play. You know what I mean? Like some games- - I'm actually planning a video at the moment to do a video against the world champion. - Foot golf. - Yeah. - You could beat him. - I think someone did it already. I think Kieran did it. - Disc golf looks kind of fun though, I can't lie. But again, that's fun for me to play. Not like to watch as like a,

Pickleball championship. Chess boxing. That was so weird to me. That was really weird. It didn't happen. He's trying to do a new one, right? So they played chess and then they box. You play chess for a certain amount of time. And then when the bell goes, you start boxing. That makes no sense to me. Well, I guess the point is you have to try and win at chess quickly or you have to hit them in the head so they can't play chess. Also, I'm really good at chess. Insanely good at chess. I believe that actually. I don't. Really? Yeah. I'm not good at it.

You don't think I'm good? What do you call it? Me and JJ, we used to always play and I used to just bat at him. Have you played since? Huh? Have you played chess since? Being JJ doesn't also fill me with confidence. Yeah, me neither. No, but he was good at chess. Yeah? As a big brother. Like, he would always beat you and you're like, oh, big brother, you're so good at chess. No, no, no. You know, he was... If you ever play... You know how to play chess, right? I know how to play. Play JJ. Play JJ chess and then you'll see what I mean. What is your favourite chess piece?

- 'Cause this defines, this is gonna change my answer. - Honestly? - Whether I think he plays chess or not. - The knight. - Okay, what's your second favorite? - The castle. - And that was what I was looking for, a rook. - The rook? - Yeah. - Oh, he's called a rook? - Yeah. - Oh. - I feel like that's someone that plays chess. - Yeah, what's your favorite opening?

- Queen's Gambit. - I don't know anything about chess either, but I feel like you just, you played JJ and maybe beat him once. - No, I just understand the strategies when it comes to- - I play my dad at chess, but I don't really know how chess works. - Play me at chess and then you'll see what I mean. - Okay, on the day where you guys come to my house- - Okay, we'll play chess. - We'll play chess. Cool. All right, well, I'm out of things to talk about. - Yeah, same. - He doesn't wanna leave. He actually doesn't wanna leave.

- What do you call it? What's your opinion? Wait, what's that? Would you rather? - Would you rather have a rematch with Jake Paul with JJ as your corner man or team up with JJ and team up for a tag team boxing exhibition with two other YouTubers? - Have a rematch with Jake Paul. - I feel like that was an obvious choice. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Do you think you'd beat him? - 100%. - Really? Right now or if you could give him- - Right now, yes. - Okay.

Yes, yes, yes, yes. I mean, I am a bit. If you're in camp, like, you're fighting in six months. Yeah, yeah. Yes. Okay, yeah. Okay. 100%. Okay, well, I am going to end the podcast because I really need to pee as well. Wait, wait, can I ask one last question? Okay. All right. Would you rather have a tree in your back garden that produces money or one million? What?

This might be the dumbest one. How much is the tree? So every day it produces 100 pounds. Well, then that's just... A thousand. Yeah, like... A thousand days you get a meal, right? Am I right? Yeah. I'd probably take the tree. Yeah, I'd take the tree. But you have to water it every day. Yeah, I'd do that. I'd take the tree. And it's...

- Raining. - Raining. - All right, thanks for watching. Thank you for coming on again, Deji. - Thank you for having me. - We'll get you on for one where we just talk about shit like that. - We'll come up with like 15 topics that are just weird and we're just gonna go, what's your opinion on this? And we'll talk shit. - All right. - But that's it for today. Thank you guys for watching and we'll see you next week. - Peace.