- Yeah, sorry, go, do the start. - No, do the start. I think he's gonna end up interviewing me. - No, do the start. - Do the start, okay. - Do my intro that you guys rehearsed. - No, this is not-- - This is gonna be bad. - Not part of my rider at all. I had to introduce myself, you want me to introduce myself? - I normally don't find people funny, but-- - This is a very bold statement to make about yourself. - Welcome back to Unlocked. Really excited for this episode.
Honestly, going into it, I wasn't super excited, but now that you're here, I'm really excited. - Starts out hurtful, but all right, yeah, yeah. What are we unlocking, exactly? - Oh, what are we unlocking? Okay, so we've got John Crist, not gonna lie, I stalked your Instagram the other day, and I'm-- - That's my camera, that's yours? - Well, you just look at me. - Oh, okay, I looked at it on here. Well, you're looking in there. - I did, 'cause I said welcome back. - Oh, then you're gonna turn to me? - Yeah. - Okay, got it, all right. - Okay, so I looked at your Instagram, and I died. - I'll take it. - Like, you're hilarious. - Thank you, that's very kind.
- Well, I'm a stand up comedian. - Let's go through it. You were trying to explain this to me. What's the difference between a comedian and a stand up comedian? - Say somebody's a comedian, like somebody can make funny videos on TikTok and they could be a comedian. But a stand up, like Dave Chappelle would be a stand up. Kevin Hart would be both. 'Cause a lot of times we'd say that comedy's hard to do. It's very,
it's scary it's scary to go there's an open mic night at zany's every monday we'll give you like three minutes me that'd be scary right oh i would die what what would you do what would you say what would you talk about i would put chloe up there yeah you wouldn't even it's scary yeah i wouldn't do it but making a video on the internet about like and you can edit it and make sure and then if it doesn't go good in 30 minutes if it doesn't like get on the algorithm you can just delete it or if you have a burner account there's it's not it's not
It's a barrier and entry to being a comedian is now with social media is zero. You can just do everybody can be one. You can put comedian in your bio and you're like, I'm a comedian. Okay. So stand up. It just takes a little more talent. Well, it takes a little more practice and a little bit more vulnerability. You know, if you're speaking of unlocking things, you know, that's what we're here for. You have to unlock the fear. Wouldn't you say, what is a career that like if you could do it, you would? If I could? Like being a model.
Would it be fair to say if a woman thought that she had the capability to do that, she would? Yeah. I would think the same for like a NASCAR driver or like a football player. I was meant to be a NASCAR driver, by the way. Yeah, really? Do you like driving? Oh, I love driving fast. Yeah, we're going to get along just fine. If somebody did think they had the ability to be a comic, I believe that they would.
- Well, no shit. - Oh, do we cuss on this pod? Okay, all right. No, I just didn't know what the rules were, but okay, go ahead. Your pod, I guess. - Of course. If you think you can do something, do it. - If you think you could be great at it. But if you were like, I could be an accountant, I don't want to do that. - Oh, no, I don't. - So there are jobs that are like any, but like if you thought you had the ability to be in the NBA, you would. - Heck yeah. - That's how I feel about stand-up comedy. - I really like to date them though. I don't like to be one of them. - You like to date the NBA players? - Yeah. - Yeah, it's like Kardashian energy.
That's a fact. Yeah. They date NBA players. They do. No, but it's cool to be seen courtside. You don't like it wears off? Honestly, they're all cheaters. So it's fine. Are they? NBA players? What's the best? What would be the best one to date? Football? Too big? There's no sideline football? No. You've dated a football player? Well, kind of. And then he came out as gay. We'll ask him. After? Yeah. Yeah.
And how do you have such confidence after that? Well, I didn't sleep with him. I didn't sleep with him. Then he would have been straight for sure. Is that what you're saying? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Aggressive. That's probably why. Yeah. I lost another one. Lost another one. It's fine. He was a football player and then he came out. Yeah. All right. Let's see. Baseball. Baseball. There was a very big baseball player. I will not mention their name, but married and married.
Had one of the biggest contracts in history and is messaging me. Not current, but this was probably... Derek Jeter.
Oh, don't mention. But that's not it. That's not even him. This is different. You know, and he had a what? Big contract? Yeah. This was like back when he was right when he got married, too. But you wouldn't like look at a guy and like judge him based on how much money he makes. So I don't know why you would look up his contract. It'd be a weird thing to look up. But no, that's right. Go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah. It's all about his personality. Shut up.
how would you look up a guy's contract i'm just saying he's a very well-known guy it was my way of saying who you looked at what oh you didn't know how much but you assume but we're going now this is on track i feel like so you're a stand-up comedian i'm staying up comic yeah yeah comic or comedian yeah yeah so how did that come about well i feel like my okay my dad is a preacher
My grandfather's a Southern Baptist minister. Really? Yeah. That makes sense about you though. Yeah, a lot of, yeah. Did you grow up in church or no? No. All right. I went to a private Christian school my whole life. Really? Then went to Lipscomb. What city? Oh, you went to Lipscomb? Yeah. Oh, you are from here then. Well, no, I mean, I'm from Atlanta, but like I went to Lipscomb University. No, you're not. Lilburn, Georgia. What? Yeah, you know where that is? By Norcross. Yeah. Yeah. I was in Gwinnett. Really? At GAC. GAC.
No, you weren't. I went to Providence. This is weird. Right down the road. Yeah. You're like our biggest rival. Yeah. We kicked y'all's... We should... Oh, now you're editing yourself. Yeah. I'm going to try to. We should have... How did we not put that together? I don't know. I didn't really do my research. No. Neither one of us did. You literally went to the same high school. You're like, oh, shoot.
You went to GACS? Yeah. What year did you graduate? I don't really remember. That's a lie. No, because I... You know some guy you dated's contract about how much money he made, but you don't know when you graduated high school? I guess it was 20... Oh, we don't have that. He didn't want to say it. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. I don't know. I graduated early. Right on Indian Trail. Yeah. Yeah, GACS is huge. That's weird. But you used to be GACS. Now it's GAC. I don't know. Why does it matter? That's crazy. So you went there and you weren't even Christian? No. No.
You're not anymore? No, I'm just saying like I grew up going to a private Christian school. My grandfather's Southern Baptist minister, but it wasn't like I was in church every weekend. But the viewpoints of Southern Baptist ministers like back in the day are... You're in deep. Yeah. Yeah. Right by the business, the Brewsters, the ice cream there.
Right across the street. How did we get to ice cream? Yeah, because we were on GACS. That's where I would take girls on dates to that. I had to go over to the enemy territory to go to school. Oh, wow. You're a fancy date. Well, I don't want to brag, but I had money back then. But two scoops, you know, whatever you want, girl.
- Okay, so your dad? - Yeah, my dad was mayor of Lilburn. - No way. - Yeah. - Okay. - So if you ever get like a DUI or anything down there, then you let me know. - I think I'll be okay. I think I'll be okay. - Other making judgments. - Thank you though. - Yeah, yeah. No, we grew up the same. So my dad was always like, I was always like, kind of like cutting up. I was one of eight kids.
Yeah. That's like literally. They clearly didn't believe in protection. That's literally in the first paragraph of the bio that I sent over, but you didn't read any of it, but that's okay. We get to know each other naturally, I guess. I read that you like got canceled in 2019. Yeah. As far as you got. Public relationship gone bad. That's not true. Neither one of those are true, but all right. That said it in your bio. I did. My bio would not say that. And you went to rehab. The worst things about me. It says in my bio. Yeah. Who sent you the bio? It's always sent to me.
Yeah. Was that? No, it was sent to us. It was an email that was sent to us. That's fine. Yeah, yeah. Here we are. Okay, so I did do my research. Yeah, that's right. All those things are correct. Yeah. Okay. Kind of, kind of. Okay, so you grew up in a very Christian. Yeah, real Christian. My dad's a preacher, and we were always kind of like cutting up. We'd always sit in the back. That's pretty much what a comedian is, is a guy that sits in the back of anything and goes...
Not with it. Whether it's a sporting event, a Tony Robbins seminar. It's the guy, like the guy critical in the background. That's all a comedian does. And he does that to politics, to religion, to your boss. So he goes, come on. Okay. The things that my show, what I like to say is like, I go, hey, this show is just a group text with your friends out loud. Oh, God. Hilarious. Because you see...
Whatever on the news. And you go, okay. Like, but you, but public, you're a public figure. I'm a public figure. So what led to you getting canceled? What led to me getting, all right, this is a nice transition right there. Well, you're talking about canceling. No, it's true. Yeah. Well, I was like performing at a bunch of churches. What?
What's that? Does that make sense? I was like doing a lot of comedy in like church. Okay. Because my dad was a preacher. So I came up at the comedy clubs like everybody else. And then basically I was doing like that. It's hard to make a living doing comedy. Yeah. Next to near impossible. So I was like, oh, my comedy is clean because it always has been. Okay. Because that's who I grew up. So you grew up too, but something went wrong with you. Yeah.
I don't know. No, we'll pray for you though. We'll pray. It's fine. It's fine. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I was doing a lot of comedy in churches, but I was also like living like a regular guy. What does that mean? It was just like dating and like drinking and like sleeping around. Yeah. You can't do all that in it. Not like all like what you say with the NBA player. What'd you say? I didn't like sleep with him.
is that what you're saying yeah yeah that he was like me you're like making you're like just being not a good guy but in being a regular guy yeah but in church that's bad you can't do that no yeah so it was basically it's basically like i describe it as like a situation where like if they were like hey you work for a company and they say no jeans at the office and you wore jeans at the office they're like you're fired like that's a silly rule but like well that's
- That's the rule. - So. - So the church canceled you. - Yeah, just like that's in the New Testament. If someone sins, get them out, don't ever talk to them again. - Oh, that's. - That's a joke, but you missed it. Dang it, that's fine. I said, just like Jesus, when somebody does something bad, cast them out. That's the opposite of what he did. - Yeah, it's the opposite. Yeah, I got you. Still blonde. - Yeah, yeah. So well, basically that I was like, just like not, I would say not like,
What everybody gets canceled for, I think now, is like you see a politician and they're like, hey, everyone needs to wear a mask. Right. And then you see them not wearing a mask. Yeah. You're like, no, you told us. To do this. And you're not. Yeah. Or like a fitness. If you saw like a fitness model that was like telling you how to eat and then you saw them at McDonald's, you'd be like.
what you told us yeah to do that wait what yeah so it's just like it's it's anybody that's living incongruent with who they say they are it was just because you were like drinking and uh yeah i was drinking i wasn't sleeping around but i was like for christianity there was like if a girl would like come over to my hotel room or something like that and there was like hey you were sleeping around i wasn't
But no. What is this? Like an interrogation? Yeah. I don't know. You were the cops. Yeah, I wasn't. No. But yeah. But it's a lot of a lot of what looking back on the whole situation, what I it was what any cancellation that anyone is. It comes from like shame, like expose. Like there's a lot of comics that like if information would come out about them, you're like, yeah.
We figured they were doing that because they say they're there. Yeah. So I just had elevated myself. Not that I was doing that. I was I guess I don't know what people thought I was doing after a show. They're like, you're going home and like reading the Bible. Yeah. Or like, I don't know what. I don't know what they thought I was doing, but I was just doing. People say this all the time. They're like, dude, if you were just like in the comedy clubs, like working, that's like what your behavior was like Thursday night.
But does that make sense? Like, but if you're like, if you're like drinking it like losers, like that's fine. But if you're a priest, you're like, dude, you can't be doing that. You can't be down here. Yeah. Yeah. So we just don't, we just don't. So what was the final straw? Like how did the cancellation occur? Well, okay. So like I was, there was like anybody that, that I was like interacting with. It's like, we, nobody really discusses this, but when I was like having a lot of those like relationships is when I was like,
zero. Like I was not making any money. I had no fans. I had no success. I was like, I'm like, dude, you're like, you're like trying to get with the opener. Like I'm the open, like I'm not, I'm not popular. I'm not famous. I'm not, I'm not, I'm making a hundred dollars a night. Yeah. But I was real like sad and like lonely. I was just trying to fit in, trying to connect wherever I could find love. And yeah. So then you go, you kind of like,
start gaining success and popularity and like like people that knew you at the level you were at don't yeah like that so what was like your claim to fame i mean i what the first bright video that i ever made that got like went like viral was like this video called uh it was like
honest football coach. I like was literally a football, I went on the field after a football game and I was like, these kids are terrible. I mean, I was like, I don't know why we're like, no excuses. I got 22 excuses, 11 on my offense and 11 on my defense. These kids are terrible. Like, I don't know why everybody says it's a team game. It's not a team game. These kids are horrible. Like making, like I was basically, if a football coach could be honest. Yeah, this is what they would say. Yeah, so I dressed up as a football coach, went out onto a field with my cameraman after a real game.
That's hilarious. And everybody, like people still come up to me today, like in airports and be like, dude, are you still coaching? I go, well, I was never coaching, but all the best videos are the ones that are like, like,
I think that guy, like I was a weatherman one time and I was like, I was, I went out into the snow. I flew out to Denver and I was like, yeah, I don't know why you have me reporting out here in the weather. It's, you can see that it's snowing. What I have to report in the snow. And everybody's like, I can't believe that weatherman said that he might've just lost his job, which is,
That's hilarious. The beauty of all comedy, really. Yeah. Because you scroll the internet and you go, is this real? My favorite was the 97%. Oh, yeah. That was great. That's great. She said, that's my favorite video. That was also the last one I posted. So that's how far back you went on my feed. Yeah, but thanks. Yeah. That's a great. One of my favorite vids was the last one you posted yesterday. Yeah, basically. I'm just saying, you're funny. It's true. Well, it's a true. It's any comedy. Is that actually true? Yeah, that is true.
- Please tell me how that went down. - Okay, well, I was in like a therapy or like a counseling session and they were like, I didn't say the rest of it, but they go, "Are you attracted to men or women?" They asked me all those questions. Do you drink? Do you do drugs? Do you smoke? 'Cause they're trying to get an idea of your mental health and they go, "Are you attracted to men or women?" And I was like, "Women." And then she said, "So you're heterosexual?" And I was like, "Yes." And then she goes, "What percent?"
And I was like, what percent? I go, what? What percent heterosexual am I? I go, and I'm trying to think to myself. I go, ah. And then the jokes after that are obviously made up. I didn't say any of that stuff. But I go, I follow Zac Efron on Instagram. I can't be 100. Or like, what would make you like? You're like, I don't know, dude. I mean, like, I saw Barbie. Like, why does that make me? Like, yeah. Or I like soccer. Like, I can't be 100%. So 97%. Yeah. So I was like, I don't know, 97%. That's what I said.
again that's great which is just a funny concept it is because i never who asked like the therapist i thought it was like an all or nothing i know that but i'm like but it's not like if i was it's like if i was like in the gym like working as a very good looking like cut up guy i love how you said if i was not yeah if i was i'm trying to think of a gym scenario where a guy would be shirtless it'd be it's lame but out
I dated one of those. At the gyms you go to. Yeah. Yeah. They would be like, if I saw a guy that was like, I could appreciate that. That's a good looking guy. Why that's funny? In 2023, really? Why you think that's hilarious? Yeah. No, but that's the funny idea of it. There you go. What percent heterosexual are you? A hundred? What kind of question? Yeah. A hundred? A hundred. Yeah. No.
99%? We're like, you know, like Clorox. They were like, we kill the germs at like 99.9. They don't say 100. Okay, 99.9. No one can say 100. Yeah, 99.9. Okay. That seems fair. Very fair. Because you can't say, I was like, I don't know. I don't, like, I would never, I'm not like sexually attracted to a man ever. But you do, like, I don't know. I do sometimes, I don't know. I like to wear sandals sometimes. I don't know if that counts.
just saying just throwing that out there i cannot okay i rented a one time i rented a car and it was a prius and i was like i'll take it oh wow that's yeah i know that makes me that loses i rented a car one time and it was a mystery car and i was like super excited about this oh yeah what'd you get it like had no air i was like what is this i thought it was gonna be something exciting can't afford to lose points yeah
I mean, if you walk by like a Banana Republic, if you go in as a man, that's a gay man store. No, it is not. Banana Republic? What? Yes, it is. Banana Republic. John. Gay guys shop there. That's fine also. But I'm just saying, I don't think this is groundbreaking information. What? Banana Republic. You're also wearing Wranglers. Let's be real. What's up, dude? Well, yeah, I didn't know. I didn't know we were sitting on a white couch, but.
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Well, you only saw one, first of all. No, I watched a few. I would say any comic, any comedian, there's humor in pain, right? There's no... If you wake up, your parents call you, they tell you they love you. Somebody cooks you a nice, well-rounded breakfast. You check your bank account. It's full of...
I'd like that day. Yeah, but it's not funny. No. What's funny? You try to pay for your coffee, it's overdrafted. Someone dumps you. Your car breaks down. The humor is in pain. So do you welcome pain?
I don't go look for it, but it's better for kids. It's like Taylor Swift when somebody breaks up with her. It's like, well, it's going to be a great album, unfortunately. But we don't like it for her, but here we are. Okay. Mostly like that. Yeah, you don't look for it, but it is your way of coping with it. Let me ask you, is there things in your life, in your personal life, that they know not to make jokes about?
No, but I also make jokes about it. Okay. But it helps you. It does. Helps you feel better. Yeah. Yeah. You understand that? Yeah. You go, man, that is like we were, I was in rehab in 2019 and we were like,
I was like, when I went, I was like, I was like very depressed, not suicidal, but very like. What led to that? When I got publicly canceled. So all the, basically a publication wrote an article about me, all these things that I described. That's what I was trying to ask was how the cancellation occurred. Oh yeah, we should have just said that. And you just beat around the bush. Oh no, my bad. Yeah, I messed that up. So. Basically there was a lot of like rumors going around on like Twitter. They're like, cause I mean, I had like a,
Netflix special and like the late late night shows and it was just like my stock was just like and people were trying to be like hey that guy's not a Christian yeah like he's not he's like he drinks or he I love Jesus but I like to cuss a little well I think it's a t-shirt at Target yeah yeah so so basically I got then my tour got canceled
What? Because I was performing in a lot of churches and you can't do that. Yeah. Which is everybody out here, everybody like you, they're like, yeah, what's up? Let us know when you're touring again. Jesus turned one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, tell that to Twitter. Yeah. So then I was like, I didn't have anything to do. And I was, I was, to be fair, I was very like,
sad basically i think when you're you're presenting this life and then you live this life it's tough no matter what it is you're like i i'm i have a quote secret yeah and it doesn't have to be immoral just like you're living incongruent with who you are as a person so now i was off tour for like four months and i was very sad i was kind of going to
therapy a little bit because I was just like I grew up with a lot of like shame in church is that connected with you or no I think just the way I grew up was like there was a separate set of standards for
women and men okay yeah so like the guys could sleep around but if a woman sleeps around oh dear god well that's like it that not to mention the school you went to but we all we went to the same kind of school yes if a girl got pregnant she was kicked out yes the guy would stay yeah same thing because it's associated with the shame associated visibly yeah with the quote sin she has committed which is insane it's
That's insane. That's insane. But that's why I say it makes people hate Christianity. Yeah, fair. Because of all of the mess that surrounds it. And that's what everybody's response to like all of our tours now are like way bigger than they were before. Because we're like, that's like. But we've seen it firsthand. A thousand times. Just like we just said, Jason Aldean. Everybody. And that's not even. He's skyrocketing right now. You can't. Everybody goes, well, this doesn't seem fair to everybody.
for you to be successful or? - Or no, it's for me to be like, all right, he shouldn't be allowed to not work. - Yeah. - Like what is it, what? - Exactly. - If you don't like him, that's fine. - Just the other people will. - You can't, you just say like, what do you want? What would you like? Like I always would like when the Morgan Wallen thing happened, I was like, what would your,
be? Yeah. What is fair? Can he never sing again? Can he never. That backfired too. Yeah, of course it did. Cause it always does every time, every time. It does every time. I mean, Hey, I even say it with my family situation. Yeah. Scandal. It's helped in certain ways. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. No, if we, if you want to, if you want to play this game, whichever way that, I mean, it's all a game. Yeah, it is.
- It's all good. - If you don't recognize that, I don't know what you're doing. You could shut it all down tomorrow. - Yeah. - If you want to play it, which we do, then the good and the bad, it's fine. And if somebody hates you, if somebody says, "I can't stand." - Oh, it's fine. - Yeah, it's fine. - I don't care. - Same. - Yeah. - Same. We can shake hands now. We'd be like, "Hey, all good? Not for everybody? We can go our separate ways. Everybody wins." - Everyone wins. - Everybody wins. - Okay, so when you went to rehab, was this before or after your very public relationship?
- After. - After. - Yeah. - So did that do you in pretty good too? - I don't, I'm not trying to skirt around it. I just, what has been said about it is untrue. - Okay. I don't know what's been said. - It really had nothing to do, it was unrelated. That was in the, I went to rehab in November 2019. That relationship ended in the summer of 2019. - So it was just old news.
It was in old news, but no one knew about it. So everybody thought that was... Yeah, I remember seeing stuff on social media and I could never put two and two together. You're like, I should reach out to him. Hope he's okay. Nah, I'll talk to him in five years on my podcast. Hope he's doing all right. Good luck to him. Okay. I didn't reach out to you either. Yeah, it's fine. To be fair. You're pretty shitty too. So we're on the same level. Yeah, it was all kind of... It was all like...
I mean, I wasn't, I was like drinking a ton back then. And I knew, I knew that like, it was kind of like this spiral of like people, like when I first started just making jokes, I just like to make jokes, comedy with my buddies and like in my frat house, we were just like making. And then like I put a, I was doing the jokes at my church and I would just make these jokes for my church. And it was funny. And then somebody goes, you should start a YouTube. And this is back in what, 2010.
So something like that. You should start a YouTube. You're old. I put these. Okay, well, here we are. And I started making these jokes on YouTube and then they started getting popular. And then I remember the first time someone like said something negative about me. I was like. Distraught. Oh, for months. I wouldn't come out of my house. What?
Somebody goes, this is not, this guy is harmful and he's not, this is not funny and this is disrespectful to Christ or something like that. And I'm like, I'm a Christian. What? He gave me my humor. Thank you very much. Thank you. It's from the Lord. Yeah. So if I make fun of somebody, it's not me. I'm a vessel. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, wait, what? And I just wasn't. Now, if someone says something critical of me or you, like, I hear it all day. It doesn't ring. It's like, all right. And it doesn't have any...
Over you. But it did. It was like people were saying things and it doesn't do you any good to really go back and argue. Sometimes though, I just lose my cool and I'm just like, I just have to. I do too.
Yeah. And you just want to, you want to like find out where they live and go to their house. I know. Do you? Yeah, I do. No, you can't do it. And then on their profile, it's like mother, lover of Christ. You're my chick. Yeah. That is not what you just said in my comments. Yeah. It's yeah.
It happened to me yesterday. I mean, it happens every day. It happens every day. And you go, you know, a thousand people could say. You're great. Yeah. And then you go look at the, you ever look at their profile? You go, I want to see what they're about. Yeah, I do. Yeah. And you scroll, and you're just like, ugh.
And they have like their pronouns in their bio and like, not to get into that, but you're like, oh, I already know who you are. I don't know you, but I know you. Is that fair to say or no? Yeah, I got it. It's a free country. I got it. OK, so rehab. Oh, as I went there, like I was like laughter is like a good medicine. You you're you've been through it.
- Very traumatic. - Oh yeah. - Like to make jokes, like we were in the, I remember we, I feel like-- - Oh no, I make jokes. I get a call-- - But if somebody else makes a joke that you don't know-- - Oh yeah. I got a call the other day and they're like, "Hi, we need to speak to Julia Chrisley." I was like, "You, I can-- - What's up, what's up? - I was like, "Well, she's not available." They're like, "Well, we need to speak to her." I was like, "Well, you can go to a federal prison "and you can ask to speak to her." - Yeah. - And the lady was like,
I'm so sorry. Have a good day. She was joking or not? No, she was so nervous. I was like, well, she's currently sitting in federal prison, so I'm not sure how she can help you with that. Both of your parents are in prison? Yeah. Dang. That's a tough one. Yeah, it's hard. I can't imagine. Yeah. But it's like humor is what happened to me when I was there. It's like so sad. Like that is like...
when you see someone make light of something with humor it's like no you don't understand what they're doing they're in a lot of pain and like i like with my i remember being like so down i was just so down that i couldn't like and then uh i remember i started to like kind of feel better start to like have a little bit of optimism like oh you're like you know i could see a path forward yeah and my buddy i'll never forget this he put his arm around me one day and he goes
"Hey, it looks like you're doing really well in here and you're making a lot of progress. I just want to let you know, don't take suicide off the table just yet." And I was, duh, it's the funniest thing I've ever, that's terrible. It's so funny. It's like so, it was so across the line. And he said it dead serious. 'Cause I was like that when I came in, I was like, I don't really, what's the point of being alive? And then I started to kind of, and he, it was just,
I still laugh at that today. Like four years. Like so, like dude, you cannot say that. But it was so therapeutic. Yeah. It was so therapeutic. Because I think it's therapeutic because you know you're past that point. Yeah. You're like, all right, I made it to the other side. And if somebody, if you were like, I'm going to go to whatever hater, like I'm going to go to their house and one of your friends is like, well, you're pretty familiar with jail, so that's not a problem. Like it's a, it's,
- Or for example, no, hypothetically, don't look at them. - Right now? - Yeah, they would say that, exactly. - Right now, I would probably punch someone dead in the face. - I'm not saying to say it. I'm not saying to say it. I'm saying hypothetically in another world, if someone was to say that, you would be like, you have to know that they loved you to make that joke. - Oh yeah, if they loved me, yeah.
- Yeah, of course, yeah, you mean that. - Like if you were to say it to me, I would probably punch you in the face. - If I would, but I didn't. But I'm saying hypothetically, in a scenario where a joke like that was to be made in the future, I would never. But it takes nothing away from like the-- - The seriousness of it. - Yes, yeah, and it's actually very therapeutic 'cause you're like, dude, if we can't, like we've done shows,
we've done shows in maximum security prisons uh we've done how i mean i wasn't i was i'm not in there i was going to do a show well i mean i don't know they have like i don't know to even just go in there it's a process oh yeah we was up in minnesota it was a maximum security prison and we did like a roast it was unbelievable it was unbelievable stop we did we've done i want to go in the middle east we did a
the kuwait a military tour we've done like you know what would you know what like a crisis pregnancy center is yeah it's just that i thought it was a christian thing not that you're not christian i'm just saying do you know what that is it's a crisis pregnancy it's like if you go to get help yeah it's like yeah what you've said it is yeah we homeless shelters aaa meetings what my point is these places that are that are what you would call
quote desperate situations like it must be hard to do comedy in there i know no the opposite what like how do you when you find yourself in a maximum security prison yeah how are you making a joke
oh you make it like dude look at this guy this guy's not getting out of here i mean look for sure like i bet they love you or like i don't know you make a you come up with it when you're out there yeah but they think that's funny yeah or you make a joke about what they look like over like oh i didn't know uh what's that guy's name uh i didn't know phil from fresh prince of bel-air was in here that's cool
And everybody, I remember that joke specifically from that show. I remember I, I was looking out at everybody. They were kind of gathering in and I was just kind of making like observations about what people look like. That's hilarious. And dude, that, and they made some jokes about me. Like they roasted me cause they had like looked me up and they did a roast of me. And it was all like, dude, when you do, when you do a show, like,
when you're coming up as a comic you do show on like a cruise ship. - Yeah. - It's like, that's the worst because those they're like entitled, like make me laugh. Like they have the seven o'clock show and then they go to the casino at eight. - Yeah, and they're on a cruise? - They're like, dang, well. - That's all you can eat. - Hey, everyone doesn't live where you live. So let's keep that in mind.
Wait, you think most people think a cruise is rich. You're saying from your perspective, a cruise is poor. That's what you're saying. No, that's what you definitely is what you said. Walk me through that. How the people could work, literally work at their job for three years to save up money to go on a cruise. And you're saying I would never associate with those people. I've been on a cruise before. A lot of people that listen to this go on cruises and I defend them. You're against them.
You're just doing that to turn people against me. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, 100%. Say it again. I got what you're saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so you started on a cruise ship. That's when you're a comedian, you kind of start at like doing whatever. So they were like, you want to go on the cruise ship? And you're like, those, they're like, ugh, where's Kevin Hart? Like, we're, they're just, they're ready to, they're not, like when I do a show in,
They're so happy that you like came there. They're like, this is unbelievable. They're thrilled. The show is unbelievable. It would always be unbelievable. Paducah, Kentucky. They're like, this is incredible. You do a crude. Why are you picking out podunk towns? No, I didn't say that's where my family's from, but yeah, make fun of it, I guess if you want to. That's fine. Paducah, Kentucky is not podunk. It's the gateway to the Midwest. It's a great city. I'm not even making jokes.
- Have you seen the levees next to the river? The murals? You haven't? Okay, same with a, have you ever been on a cruise? - Yes, I've been on a cruise. - You have? - Yes. - What cruise line? - Carnival. - That's the worst one. You went on a Carnival cruise. - It was with a guy I was dating and his family. - Was it like an Instagram promo or something like that? - No. - You had to make some stories out there? I'm just out here on a Carnival cruise. Love these taquitos.
That'd be a tough look for you. I'd be like, man, she's falling off. She is falling off. No disrespect to Carnival. I'm sure they're doing great. No, they're, yeah. But they're like, if you're more desperate of a situation, a cruise ship, rich people, not according to you, but yeah.
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out. What I'm saying is if you're the more like desperate of a situation, like the things that we laughed at in rehab was like comedy is pain plus time. And sometimes what does some people say when you make a joke? Too soon. Yeah. Right. Too soon. You can't make a joke about that yet. It's not ready. And what a great
you go to comedians, you either go to comedy shows or follow them online to-- - Oh, is that how it works? - I'm just praying that the Lord would like just give me self control right now. I was just in the middle of like telling a pretty compelling story, but you kind of have to do it. No, it's your podcast though, it's your podcast, yeah. - Go for it. - We're just gonna talk about how some things were unlocked in my life, but that's kind of the theme here, but I guess if we're not doing that today.
- Didn't you? - I forgot what I was talking about. - No, you are so ADHD. - No, I'm not. I really, I took a test. I Googled, I had a test and they said it wasn't. You know how much a test, a real ADHD test is? - How much? - Very expensive, like $3,000. Everyone that says they have it, by the way, doesn't. They haven't had a real test.
- This is a true story, don't even laugh. This is probably, you can probably cut this. You're not gonna cut it 'cause you're not gonna cut anything. But if you wanna get, I was like, I might be ADHD. I was like, I asked my therapist, a psychiatrist would have to do that for you. It's $2,500. - Yeah, it's expensive. - To diagnose, you might not be diagnosed, so anybody that's running, I am, it's like my personality. You don't, you don't. - You don't. - You don't, you drank too much coffee today. - Okay, so,
I was in the middle of a story. Continue your story. I forgot what we were talking about. What were you saying? Oh, oh, this is what it was. You come to comedians. You either come to a show or you follow a comedian to press the boundary. Okay. Right? We all say, we can't say this. This guy. Yes. Dave Chappelle. The bits that you know of comedy are like, I can't believe he said that. I mean, yeah, I drive an Escalade, but can't afford a mic. That's fine. No, I'll do it. I'll do it myself. Don't worry about it. I got it. I got it myself. Now we got it. Is it going to stay? I'm not going to touch it.
You come to comedians to press the boundary, right? You can say the things that we can't say. Especially. But not in today's day and age. What are your thoughts on that? Well, that's still what the comedian's job is. When people say, that's actually a great question. Thank you. That was a good question, actually. Thank you. I was like, I don't know about her interview skills, but that's a pretty good question, actually.
I'm just joking. Thank you, John. Thank you. The comedian has to cross the line to make it funny. Yeah. Otherwise, it's not funny. Exactly. Otherwise, it's what we say. Every day. It's not funny. It has to be like, I can't believe he said that to make it funny, right? So it used to be back in the early 2000s when the internet wasn't what it was. Like to say something across the line, you had to go way. Yeah. And now all you have to say is like.
i don't know if the vaccine was effective and that and that is like that's like whoa what like because you can't say that so what the culture has done is brought the line of inappropriate all the way back to like right here yeah so you don't even have to say anything that inflammatory to be but there are comedians that do like i mean you've got dave chappelle yeah yeah i think he probably crosses the line like but everybody thinks that everyone thinks that it
That's what makes comedy great. - There's this cancel culture with comedians right now and I'm like, that's their job. - That's our job, yeah, yeah. - If everyone would stop being so soft, we wouldn't have this issue. - If you can't, like Dio, Vaughn who lives here, good buddy of mine, he had a podcast episode with Roseanne
Three weeks ago and they was making a joke and then they deemed the Roseanne was making a joke about how she deemed that the Holocaust didn't happen. A joke. But say what you want about the joke. Not funny or whatever. They removed it.
But if you go, okay, if you, if the citizens of the country aren't responsible enough to know that that is, we're done. We're done. Exactly. Just wrap it up. Let's just all walk into the ocean. If you can't figure out. Like what's the truth? What's a joke? Yeah. What's or what if you have all this information, if you can't surmise for yourself, what's
what you're if i say hey you're not you're not responsible enough or mature enough to handle this information like what yeah how disrespectful to the citizens to say you shouldn't be allowed to hear this like that should that should it should terrify everybody that should terrify even when we would make jokes about like during covid we would make jokes about it and it was like they were either removed or you get warnings you're like
- Wait, what? - I can't even speak about it. - We can't even say the word? That should terrify everyone. - The first time you said the word on here, I was like, . - Yeah, sorry. - I was like, no, but we shouldn't even have. - Keep all the embarrassing stories about me, but cut that. - No, but you know what I mean though? We shouldn't even be scared about that, but we are. - Yeah, but if you-- - If you go against the grain, it's gonna affect your income.
- Yeah, but not from a governing body. Like if you say something across the line and then people go, we don't want to, we're offended by that. That should be allowed. - Yeah, 100%. - But not somebody shouldn't, Instagram shouldn't take you down. - No. - Like if I say something that like, and then I sell less tickets,
That's how life works. And you should be allowed to be, this got way too serious, but allowed to be offended by something. You have children or that you go, I don't want
- I'm not gonna support it. - But other people can? - Yeah, so if you had a problem with me in 2019. - I got tons of them. - Yeah, a lot of them. Yeah, you could go, oh, it's not for me, but you don't get to-- - Cancel me completely. - But a lot of people, yeah. That's your opinion and that's fine, you're more than welcome to have that. - Yeah. - And then there's like, look at the people you follow on the internet. That's who you like. - Yeah. - You like what they, like, let me decide if they do something, 'cause I'm just,
I'm trying to think of a reason to why you would unfollow someone. You'd be like, I don't like their... Why would I unfollow someone? If they just got annoying, probably they got annoying. Yeah, I unfollow people who...
that preach their beliefs and narratives while just like, if you don't believe what I believe, you're out. Those are the people I unfollow because I believe that we can believe differently, but sit down, have a conversation, agree, and disagree. This is the way you should believe. And if you don't, you're a racist. You're like, what? Yeah, that's the thing. It's like, I just did an interview with Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey. Flex. Wow, name drop. We'll get it.
I'm going to brag about it. No, but we sat down and he said, like, he told me, he was like, I, he's a Democrat, but he was like, me and President Trump had a great relationship. Yeah. We were able to talk about things and give different insights. And to me, that was a big thing was like, okay, you can agree to disagree and still work effectively. Fine. And if you say, I don't want to go to dinner with that guy again, that's fine. Why do women disagree?
I was just thinking about this. Why do girls, if they have something to say, I only say this because only women do this. It's not a...
they they they do it while they're putting on makeup so it looks like oh i'm like this is what i'm doing but like oh by the way but we know that's why you're saying it well does it look like maybe it's like a little bit more casual like whatever i'm just like doing my makeup that or does that seem like there's a lot of that going on yes or maybe they're not 110 confident in what they're saying but they are with a little bit what's it called when you do different up here and down here
Contour? Contour, yeah. We should do it on you one day. No. Yeah, that'd be great. I don't want to get re-canceled. Remember, you're 97%. Oh, yeah. No, you're right. That would take me down to 96% for sure. I would lose some points for that.
I think it would be great. No, it's a lot of like, you know what I'm thinking about? And they're like, yeah, I just think they're not necessarily confident in what they're saying. So you can't just get on there and say it. You gotta be like, if you're like a very specific thing, we're like, but you're like driving. It's like, Oh, by the way, I'm just like saying this, but I'm on the way to what's more important. But when I'm like heated about something, I'm like speaking direct. Yeah. Cause I firmly believe in what I'm saying. You're already made up. I'm,
- Oh yeah, you gotta come home, yeah. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, your makeup person, you're like, hey, come to the house to do my makeup 'cause I'm gonna do a TikTok. - No, I do it myself. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Remember, we had this conversation. - Hair and makeup, yeah, there's 97 people here that are in charge of something on you, so. - John. - I'm just kidding. - Coming from the guy wearing Wrangler. - No, no. - Continue. - You can wear a pair of Wranglers, you're from here. - No, I'm not from here. - I don't gather you like particularly country though. - No. - People think you're country?
Like my accent people do, but I don't think it is. Where was the show at? Was that in LA? Atlanta. It was? Yes. Oh, yeah. See, Atlanta's not country. Yeah, it was Atlanta. It's like Southern, but it's not. And then I moved to Nashville in 17. No, it was in Gwinnett. Really? Really. Nobody lives there anymore, though. Can you say the neighborhood or no? It was, shoot, it was a gated neighborhood. It was, I don't.
forgot none of the people in that neighborhood would ever go on a cruise is what you're saying i got it i got it you know that was on a cruise one day okay you don't know the name of it we don't have to say it river club no here we are yeah that's gonna be that's gonna be the title of the podcast that's where it was yeah what year to what year i don't know no sorry sorry why does it matter i was just trying to get to know you but i guess we're not doing that okay yeah tell ask me more about my cancellation okay so i rather prefer to talk about that
But you're back. You're back from your cancellation. No, I mean, I was never really, yeah. I was never really gone, but yeah. Okay, you were never really gone. Well, I was gone. I was gone, but then COVID happened. Yeah, COVID really killed stand-up. It's good for me, though. Really? What? COVID was great for comedians. Oh, it was? Oh, yeah. How? But you couldn't perform live. No, but everybody, I mean, once it started, like,
The culture where you can't say stuff or like when, comedy's best when the world's a little bit upside down. - Okay. - Like when everything's kind of like, you know, living in a gated neighborhood and you know, you got an escalade. But when, you know, things kind of get a little-- - It's like when my parents go to prison. - Great comedy. I wouldn't make a joke about it. It's way too soon. I don't make it. You're freaking me out with these jokes. I'm not gonna make them, 'cause they watch.
no they watch the podcast no they don't what do you think they've got computers up in there oh no i read some articles it's pretty loose no so not true it's not true no okay so they can't they they're not gonna watch this no well yeah i'm gonna make any jokes yeah i'll go do a show there oh they're at different spots yeah aren't they yeah see i did my research that's a different we should that would be hilarious yeah
Yeah, no, I, once the, like. I could be your camera crew. That's a horrible idea. Yeah, she's like, is that? Why is she, yeah. I don't think she's allowed, she has a mustache, you gotta do it in disguise. Okay, so. Well, no, COVID was great for, for comedy because everybody, like you could now, there's this whole new jokes to be made. Yeah. Which was like, and all of the, I would say all the,
that were just in it for like to try to be famous. Like it's a kind of a quick route to that. Okay. What I would consider myself, you could ask other people, but like a purist of, I just like to do it. Oh, so you're just like the best. It just comes down. No, I'm saying the opposite of that if you were listening. But what I'm saying is, we just, yeah,
Whenever I make a joke, I don't listen. I don't look at you because I'm nervous. Why are you nervous? What I'm saying is we like. You really haven't looked at me like barely this whole time. You look over there. You look over there. Well, I'm just saying if they're saying if I'm across the line because they would they're a better judge of it. They're like, hey, we're going to cut this off. Like we would during COVID. They were like, hey, it's everything's closed down. But we have this like show in a parking lot.
Or we were just like so compelled to do it because we love to do it. And people needed it. Yeah, it didn't really matter if we were getting, we weren't getting paid because they were like half cap, like half capacity. They were like, we couldn't. And we had to like kind of do it outside. Sometimes we did shows like in parking lots and people were in their cars, which is insanity. Insane. Insane. And they were like liking, like if they would honk if they like liked the jokes. Stop.
It's dead serious. It's dead serious. They were like, yeah, it's like a scene from a movie or something like that. I was like, this is wild. But it was like, that's not an idea. If you were just, what I'm saying is, if you were not, if you just were trying to be famous, you would be gone. Yeah. Because that's too much of a barrier. We were like, just, I'm trying to think of it's like, like an NBA player. You date a lot of them. Like an NBA player.
that if he was just in it to be famous or if he just loved to play basketball. - Yeah. - He was like, "Hey, the gym is not in the ideal situation. It's kind of dark or it's kind of late." He's like, "I just love to play. I gotta play." That's how we were about during COVID and everyone else is gone. And by the way, they never came back. - But, you did. - Hey, let's go. Yeah, we were just, yeah, we just, I mean, do we've did shows in people's like living rooms or like anywhere we could like, we just had these thoughts about the, and everybody was like,
on the same page about what was going on in the world. Everyone is like, like if you make a joke now about like, let's say like, what's a TV show? Like, like what's a show that's like, not everybody watches Game of Thrones. Yeah. If you went to the comedy club and did a Game of Thrones joke, if you didn't see it. Yeah. I didn't. Yeah. I don't know either. I didn't know the show, but if you like,
everybody knew what was going on. And you could just make jokes about like literally the press conference I had and everybody knew. And like everybody was getting canceled. - Everyone. - Like the way people were like not,
like you could be had to be socially distanced in the airport but then you sat next to each other sir it was so easy to do comedy does that make sense because everybody was like wait what like people wearing like like uh one gallon jugs over their heads to like no when they go into yeah when they went to like the grocery store to like protect themselves from like all the homemade like masks and stuff it was like dude i couldn't this is insane and then there there's always like the
What was like your favorite COVID joke? Oh, dude, I remember. I remember they go, hey, what's the guy? The guy goes, what's the guy driving in the car alone wearing a mask? Like, what are you doing, sir? Like, sir, like literally, I'm not even taking a side. What are you doing? And everybody's just like, I mean, we went to Portland, California.
and portland's like not locked down now but like for a lot and i was like hey guys everybody's wearing a mask and i go guys this is like in 2021 i was like or maybe 2022 i was like the war's over like we're not like we're we're back have you seen like broadway like we're we're good like we're good well nashville i don't know if national ever shut down national yeah well that's why nashville is so popular
yeah because you apparently have lived here your whole life which i've lived here eight years no okay but do you remember prior to um prior to covid broadway was not cool no for locals for locals no never the only time i ever went to broadway was when i was like moved here at 17 and there was one bar i could get into underage okay well let's let's make sure we know who that is um
no but it wasn't like you'd be like we're gonna bro you're like what yeah we're not going on a broadway but then so covet happened everything was shut down and broadway for some reason wasn't yeah because i remember like all those like super super republican guys that like own all those bars they were like they couldn't close down restaurants because restaurants were essential so they all started having food that had like peanuts and like popcorn to like and then and then you would see and then tick tock was like just starting to like
- It was like a convergence of like, and then everybody was seeing these TikToks of Broadway and it was just packed. And it was like kind of like a finger in the air to COVID, I guess. - Well, here in Nashville, it was more towards our mayor.
- Oh yeah, toward the mayor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's like these small businesses, these musicians that still want-- - Well that was the hard part. - And we wanted to go down there to support. - Was like, I know one of the bar owners and he has hundreds of employees. And he was like this, I'm having to lay off people because I'm
- Because I'm not making money. And this is affecting their families, their lives, their ability to put food on the table. So it just became such a bigger thing than just that. - And then I think everybody from around the country was like, I'm like stuck in my house. And we're like, everybody was like, nobody was going to work. So then they were like,
What are they doing? Like what? Remember that? It was packed. It was. And everybody goes like the people against it were like, this is where this is ground zero. Yeah. Like and then everybody was like, then I don't know when the the bachelorette parties started. Oh, God. When that started back. That now that's all it is. That's all it is. Yeah. We're the number one spot for bachelorette parties. Really? Yeah. We can maybe find you someone.
Oh, I don't think so. It's not really my type down there. Not really my type. But you see him down there. What is your type, John? Well, Christian, I would say number one. Okay. No, I'm just joking. I mean, it is. But yeah, I would say, I don't know. I have a girlfriend. That's like one post back in my Instagram too. No, it was not. Yeah. How'd you meet your girlfriend? In the DMs. Oh, no way. Did she DM you or you DM her? No.
Well, I liked one of her posts. You liked one of her posts? Yeah. What do you mean? It's not one post back. Oh, pray my tag photos.
No, it's not. Oh, yeah. Isn't that the first thing a girl does? No, it's not. It's nowhere. It's on my tagged photos. I don't know. Yeah, it's not on the internet. It's more about my personal life, which I was like, wait, you shouldn't get into that. But you knew a lot about that. Oh, I mean. Yeah. Hey, I'd like to know it all. Yeah, you'd like to know it all. I'd like to know it all. I guess we got into your dating life, so that's fair. Oh, mine, yeah. I was going to come 50%, you know. Mine's just always a disaster. It's not going good? Why do guys break up with you? I break up with them. Okay.
Okay. All right. You do? Yeah. I broke up with one because he cheated on me. That's fair. And then I broke up with my fiance because all that shit just was not working. You went to jail? No. Oh, shoot, shoot, shoot. My bad. My bad. Sorry. I thought that was kind of like a theme. My bad. No, my bad. Cut that part out. I'm just kidding.
- It's toxic. - Yeah, it's toxic. - Yeah, so you gotta just call it off. - Yeah, the glass and you can't touch each other through it and stuff. I get that. - Dating you would be terrible. - I would be, yeah, my girlfriend, poor girl. - Yeah, poor girl, I'm praying for her. - Yeah, so toxic, cheated on you. - So how does that help?
- Okay, so when you're in relationship with someone, is it harder for you to like, 'cause obviously comedy gives you like an escape. - What are you about to say? Go, say it. - And when you're in a relationship, can you actually get deep with someone? - Yeah, I think the guy on stage is like not like-- - That was a big pause. - I was thinking about it. Can you go deep in like vulnerability and sincerity in a personal relationship is what you're saying? - I mean, that's where my mom was. My mom wasn't in the gutter like yours.
That's not what I was thinking at all. My goodness. That's a pretty good joke. That's a good joke. As a comedian, that's a pretty good joke. Way across the line, but it's a good joke. I would never say it. I think if you see me at the airport or a fan wants to meet... The comedian. That guy. Yeah. And that's not...
I would say it's me. It's, it's an exaggeration of me. Okay. But if I'm, you know, I get down sometimes I feel sad. Sometimes I get, you know, depressed. You're like that. That's more like the stage, the stage person. And I, and I try to kind of combine my real life and my public life a little bit more. I mean, that's what social media is. Yeah. So much. There's a photo of you guys on there. We'll continue. You're going to give her so much power. She'll be like, see, listen, women are united. That's what, yeah.
why don't you put me on your feed yeah no just you know you want to combine your best friend now she's your best friend now your personal life and your work you know what that's that's hypocritical of me yeah you're right it is let me get that done i'm gonna take credit for it when i see it thank you you're welcome lydia yeah yeah you're taking credit she's like okay yeah uh i think that that like anybody
the stage persona is like you want to meet him and like any, she would know the real me. Yeah. If you're sad about something, if you're down about something or something in your family, like it's not for the, have you ever seen somebody like come to the internet with something? I was like, dude, that was for like your best friend. Like you don't have a best friend. So you're putting it here. That's not for us. Something very personal or very like across. You're like, dude, talk to your therapist about that. That's not for us. Well,
- It's different if it's a public figure doing it versus like just an everyday person. - But you have all kinds of stuff that's private to you that's not out here. - Not really. - You should. - I should, but I don't. - Maybe not. - It's all out there. - Yeah, you can find it. Yeah, go past one post in your social media feed. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's out there. - Thank you, I explained it all. - Yeah, I don't think, I think any public figure would want some level of like, at my show sometimes I do, like at the end of the show, I would talk
I mean, maybe. Look, I'm looking over there again. Yeah, you're like afraid of me. I would say probably three minutes at the end of my show. No, you're right. You think my therapist. Yeah. Then I would speak sincerely.
At my, that's true. I don't know why you're laughing. Yeah. I would speak sincerely about what, what my life or what's going on in me personally. And everybody always DMs like that was our favorite part. That's awesome. That was our favorite part. Well, cause you give people a good laugh, but then you also give people hope and like, Hey, my life's not always a joke. It's not always funny. It is. And laughter comes from, laughter comes from pain. And we, we had, uh, we had a guy like,
suicide is like through the roof and like you call like like diseases of despair which is like drug abuse alcohol addiction like these were like you're not not really committing suicide but you're like you don't care to live or thrive right it's like it's literally through the roof and everybody thinks they're alone and whether or not you're a christian or not i mean that people like
if you want to say the devil or evil or Satan or whatever, you want to like, somebody's like whispering to you that like, you're not good, that you're a failure, that this planet would be better off without you, that nobody likes you. And then you get like, that's just naturally in a lot of, a lot of people, Hey, this person is more successful than you. It's like very, and like everybody thinks they're like alone. Everybody thinks they're alone and that everybody else is like,
social media contributes to because everybody thinks everybody else's life is perfect yeah 100 so you go oh this is and you try to maybe get ahead in life and it fails and you're like and then but dude i was in when i was in rehab every there's a new person would check in every day with with with by the way the the most horrific of stories how long were you there like three months
Three months? Yeah. Well, I went to two different places. But also it was like during COVID and I had nothing else to do. And it was actually very helpful to me. Okay. So you went because you had nothing else to do. I didn't look over there, but I hear someone laughing. Is that someone laughing at my story about rehab? I was just, I didn't look over there, but I'm pretty sure one of the people that, one of your employees. Okay. Three months. You just went because you had nothing else to do. Well, I mean, I'm not going to diminish that it was very helpful to me.
I'll be honest with you. It's the first time when I grew up, when you quote, did something, there's a lot of shame. When you mess up. Yeah. So like if you, let's say as a kid, you like want to, very innocuous things. You want to kiss a girl or you want to smoke a cigarette or you find a playboy or like something that you would say that is a pretty average. Normal. It was so heavy. Like my dad was a preacher and like it was such heavy.
that I gotta take this to the grave. - Yeah. - That's what I thought, it's not true, but that's what I thought. - That's how you lived. - That's how I lived. So you can imagine when people start saying things about me on Twitter, it's just, just takes me so far down. - Yeah. - And then youth,
they go and I was like, I'm a bad person. And like, people were like, you should kill yourself. You're all the, you're all, you're a monster. All these things that I go, trust me, you can't say anything worse than what I've already been saying to myself about who I am. This is way too serious. But is that fair to say? - Yeah. - So when I was there and I was like, I'm the worst person, no one's, I was like wearing up.
and like sunglasses, like no, everyone hates me. No one wants to talk to me anymore. I'm an outcast, I'm a failure. And they would just go, one of the therapists goes, "Hey, I just want to let you know that you're a good man." I was like, I was like, I go, I never heard, at 35 years old, never heard that my whole life. They're like, "I made some poor choices, but like, you're a good man. You deserve life and you deserve love and you deserve happiness and you deserve a future. And we're proud of you." Like what?
- What? And then that's the-- - That changed it. - That's by the way the only way anyone's ever gonna get better. If anyone comes after somebody else on the internet to shame them, it's not-- - It's not effective. - You're not here for solutions. If somebody's publicly criticizing you on the internet, 100 times out of 100, they're not here for solutions. They're not here to hope you get better. - No, they're just here to cause problems. - They're here to cause problems. And they're also sad. And they're going through it a lot. And putting someone else down makes them feel better.
- Which I get. And it's also, if you understand that, it's also very easy to forgive. - Yeah, 100%. - This person's not, I'm not the problem, whatever. And so when you go, man, we went to a funeral like a couple months ago of a kid that committed suicide. There was 3000 people at his funeral. So you go, wait, look at all these people that love you and care, and flew by the way from all over the country to be here.
You must not have known that all these people. Loved you. How did you not know that? Because. How did you not know that? More times than not, people show up when you're dead. Oh yeah. And not when you're alive. Yeah. They show up to help. Yeah. Yeah. That's the thing. It's like they show up too late. Yeah. Yeah. And that's the biggest message I think is people show up way too late. Way too late. And people show up a lot of times to make themselves feel better for not showing up
yeah yeah i wish i would have done something yeah yeah because they there's something on their conscience yeah well he was like we grew up very like you know legalist like my parents were mennonite you know what that is no it's like kind of like it's like it's like amish with the tv oh like very very strict very strict and this kid that was that who lived in uh the community that was like got into drugs somehow yeah and he was like
If I tell any of these people what? - Yeah, you're out. - You're out. And so he kept that all to himself and he fought that battle as a 15 year old for like three years and finally just couldn't take it anymore. And that makes me so, so sad. - Well, it makes you sad too because the fact that any religion gets to the point of teaching you that if you do wrong, you're gone. - Yeah.
And that's the toughest part. What possible solution is there for anyone then? Yeah. Yeah. And you go, well, why not? That's why I see a lot of people leave it and then kind of go the opposite. We're like, well, there's no rules. Yeah. Yeah. It's a tough...
Yeah. I'm sure you had to go to like Bible class. Did you? Yeah. Oh yeah, dude. A GAC. That's a nice gym y'all got in there. I know. Yeah. And to my Bible teacher, he was good looking. A lot of money. Okay. Well, that's, yeah. Back to jokes, I guess. Back to jokes. Sorry, that was too serious. Back to jokes, I guess. No, I do have to say, like actually sitting down and talking to you, you're awesome. That's, I, that's offensive. What do you mean?
- What do you mean? - Because you assumed that I wasn't. - No. - Nah, kind of. - You just actually have doubt. - Yeah, all right, I'll take that, yeah. - Like sitting and talking to you, you really are a fricking awesome person. - That's very kind of you to say, yeah. Well, I get a lot of, let's say we get a lot of media requests and this one came through and I go, I was like, I don't know, like PR wise, I don't know if I should associate with her. That's what I thought.
But they kind of talked to me and they were like, hey, listen, give her a second chance. And like a lot of what everybody says about her on the internet is not true. I was like, oh. I'm glad that you gave me a second chance. Yeah. Glad you believed in me. I don't know if I foresee a future of friendship between us. Oh,
- But I started following you. - You did? I started following you too. - So I'm trying to piece together what exactly is going on. - I think I started following you after you started following me. - Oh, you did? - Yeah. - That sounds mature. - Yeah. - Yeah, so yeah. Well, I muted you, but I still follow you. - Okay, so I'm-- - It's just like a lot of stories. - So I'm guessing that we can't go get a drink? - Well, I don't drink anymore. - I know. - Yeah, oh, was that from the bio? Where'd you learn that? Where'd you see that? - Yeah, so I figured you don't drink. - No, you can still drink after that. - Oh, really? - Yeah, it doesn't take for everybody.
Yeah. Wow. I mean, I wasn't really an alcoholic. I just say like, I'll take you for an apple juice. Yeah. Okay. I like to drink Red Bull. Okay. Go to Jason Aldean's. We'll have a Red Bull. So you can get white. You don't hang around out there on this town. No, I mean, I do. I hang out like a little bit. Where? I mean, I go to halls. I go to losers. Yeah. Yeah.
- Oh, that's when I went there and they were like, the whole restaurant's closed tonight. The one person has bought it out privately to eat here. I was like, really? And I was like, who was it? And they said it was you. - You're such a lie. Oh my God. Well, thank you for taking time to come on. - Absolutely. - This was really enjoyable. - Yeah, it was fun. It was fun. - New friends? - Let's do it. Let's go.
Hey, everyone. You might remember me from Teen Mom 2, but my 15 minutes is almost up. So I'm back with another podcast. I'm your barely famous host, Kale Lowry, and I'm catching up with people from my past, putting my exes on the hot seat, and chatting with TikTokers, influencers, and other reality stars. Get weird with me every Friday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast One, or wherever you get your podcasts.