cover of episode Say Hello to the Ex-Mafia Gangster - Larry Formato

Say Hello to the Ex-Mafia Gangster - Larry Formato

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Unlocked with Savannah Chrisley

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Larry Formato
Savannah Chrisley
Savannah Chrisley: 本期节目邀请了前黑手党成员Larry Formato,他将讲述自己传奇的经历,以及如何参与到美国一些最大的行业中。他的故事融合了《教父》、《华尔街》和《锅炉房》的元素,展现了黑手党如何操纵股票市场以及Larry Formato如何从中获得权力。他的国会作证导致了1990年《低价股票改革法案》的通过,这是自1933年以来最重要的股票改革立法。 Larry Formato: 我童年贫困,体弱多病,但凭借顽强的意志克服了困难。我从小就表现出好斗的性格,这与我后来的经历有关。我初入股市时,凭借大胆自信和出色的能力迅速获得成功,每天工作时间很长,为了成功,付出巨大努力。我意识到自己真正擅长股票交易是在老板为我买车买衣服之后。通过努力工作,我获得了成功,并意识到这是我改变命运的机会。从小生活在黑手党文化氛围中,真正卷入其中是在我尝到成功的滋味之后。我利用黑手党成员的帮助,巧妙地解决了债务纠纷。黑手党成员Red向我承诺,与他合作不仅能获得财富,还能获得权力和保护。加入黑手党后,我需要遵守规则,并承担相应的责任。我参与了各种非法活动,包括操纵股价,甚至计划杀害与我发生商业纠纷的人。我曾与Frank Sinatra及其团队合作,利用他们的名声来推广我的公司。我解释了“Penny Stock”(低价股票)的概念以及我如何操纵股价。我最终因与Marshall Zope相关的交易和逃税而被捕。我利用黑手党势力操纵股市,确保交易顺利进行。我回顾了我辉煌的时期,拥有巨额财富和黑手党的支持。我试图收购RCA唱片公司,但被捕。我意识到自己无法摆脱黑手党,并认为收购RCA唱片公司将是我最后一次交易。我被没收了所有通过非法手段获得的资产。我被判处30年监禁,在狱中贿赂狱警以获得特殊待遇。在国会作证时我没有透露任何人的姓名。国会希望我解释黑手党如何渗透到低价股票市场。尽管我犯下了错误,但我为1990年证券法的通过做出了贡献,这保护了美国公众的利益。我在狱中反思了自己的行为,并希望弥补自己的过错。在我国会作证后,黑手党对我的态度发生了变化。我出狱后被安排进入证人保护计划,并被带到田纳西州纳什维尔。我在狱中皈依宗教,并成为一名牧师。我出狱后仍然面临着因为犯罪记录带来的挑战。我认为重新融入社会取决于个人意愿和努力,而不是政府或其他外部因素。我在纳什维尔开始了新的生活,并计划出版一本新书。 John Smith: Jane Doe:

Deep Dive

Larry Formato recounts his introduction to the mob world through an encounter with Big Jim, who demanded money, and how Red, a mob figure, intervened to protect him.

Shownotes Transcript

Savannah Chrisley and Larry Formato go deep into the story of Formato’s Mafia past and how he had a hand in some of America’s biggest industries during his time in organized crime, from the US Stock Market to the modern Music Industry.

Lorenzo "Larry" Formato began this wild ride in the early 70's and stayed on top for almost two decades. Relive his life experiences through his own words as he takes you on a journey reminiscent of Godfather, Wall Street, and Boiler Room. Now, through his own eyes, witness what really went on with the penny stock market and the power he gained from the Mafia. Look into a world where only Formato can take you, as he talks about the total manipulation of the Penny Stock Market and the role the Mafia played in it. "This book is based on my experiences and memories, along with my complete congressional testimony. His testimony before Congress led to the Penny Stock Reform Act of 1990 and was hailed as the most important stock reform legislation passed since 1933." Larry Formato

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