cover of episode (PART 2) THE TRUTH BEHIND THE CHRISLEY TRIAL ft. Alex Little [Todd & Julie's Lawyer]

(PART 2) THE TRUTH BEHIND THE CHRISLEY TRIAL ft. Alex Little [Todd & Julie's Lawyer]

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Unlocked with Savannah Chrisley

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Little
Savannah Chrisley
Alex Little: 本案中存在诸多令人震惊的司法不公,例如控方非法搜查仓库、伪造证据以及证人作伪证,这些都严重违反了第四修正案的规定。法院对这些违法行为视而不见,甚至允许这些非法证据在审判中使用,这令人难以置信。此外,法院拒绝分期执行克里斯利夫妇的刑期,缺乏合理的理由,这对他们的孩子造成了巨大的负面影响。美国司法系统存在很大的随意性,判决结果受到多种因素的影响,包括法官的个人偏见。即使直接上诉失败,仍然可以通过其他途径对判决结果提出质疑,但上诉成功的可能性很小。检察官往往过于自信,难以承认错误,对检察官操纵虚假证词的行为问责非常困难。美国监狱系统对囚犯与家人保持联系的支持不足,许多孩子因轻微罪行而被父母遗弃。政府在克里斯利夫妇的监禁上花费了巨额资金。如果非法证据被排除,控方将缺乏足够的证据来证明克里斯利夫妇有罪。 Savannah Chrisley: 我目前最关心的是我的弟弟妹妹,他们因为父母入狱而承受着巨大的情感压力。我希望他们能得到最好的照顾,避免成为统计数据中那些因父母入狱而陷入困境的孩子。政府在案件中存在过度干预,并且对我们提出的质疑视而不见。我将继续为父母的案件奔走,争取他们的早日释放。

Deep Dive

Alex Little discusses the shocking legal errors in the Chrisley case, including the illegal seizure of property and the allowance of evidence developed from that seizure.

Shownotes Transcript

Confused by the Chrisley family news? Have questions about their criminal case? Savannah Chrisley and lawyer Alex Little, who represents Todd Chrisley and Julie Chrisley in their appeal, explain what is really happening, and why. In this exclusive interview on YouTube, they correct the record and share some of the the shocking details that make this Chrisley case so unusual.

If you’ve ever wondered about the Chrisley trial or if you’re hearing about it for the first time, Chrisley family, lawyer, Alex Little answers all the questions in this exclusive interview with Savannah. You’ll be on the edge of your seat the whole time.

Read ALL the details on Todd & Julie Chrisley RIGHT HERE --

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Follow Alex Little: (Lawyer / Former federal prosecutor / Legal Analyst / Partner) Twitter (@AlexLittleTN) YouTube ( @AlexLittleTN ) Instagram (@AlexLittleTN) About Alex Little: (

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