cover of episode Sneak Peek: CNBC’s “The Crimes of Putin’s Trader”

Sneak Peek: CNBC’s “The Crimes of Putin’s Trader”

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Eamon Javers
CNBC 高级华盛顿记者,专注于经济和政治新闻报道。
Eamon Javers揭露了一起由俄罗斯寡头Lavrentyev主导的9300万美元内幕交易案,该案损害了美国资本市场的完整性,受害者包括特斯拉、Snap和Roku等美国公司的投资者。调查人员发现,Lavrentyev的网络安全公司M13实际上是一个掩护,其员工窃取美国上市公司的财务信息,并在公开发布前进行交易,从中获利数百万美元。这起案件涉及多个季度和多个股票,规模巨大。一名不愿透露姓名的俄罗斯叛逃者指出,这反映了俄罗斯与西方之间正在进行的金融战争。联邦检察官Stephen Frank和FBI特工David Hitchcock认为,Lavrentyev的犯罪动机与美国白领犯罪的动机相同,都是出于经济利益。他们还强调了Lavrentyev与俄罗斯情报部门的联系,以及他与黑客Ivan Ermakov之间密切的业务和个人关系。检察官South Costa也提到了Lavrentyev和Ermakov之间的特殊关系。 FBI探员描述了他们对Lavrentyev犯罪活动的调查过程,强调了他们意识到犯罪规模之大以及其持续时间之长。他们掌握了大量证据,包括Lavrentyev和Ermakov的通讯记录、财务记录以及他们一起参加各种活动的证据。这些证据表明,Lavrentyev利用其在俄罗斯情报部门的联系以及其网络安全公司的掩护,窃取了大量美国上市公司的机密信息,并从中获利。 俄罗斯叛逃者提供了俄罗斯方面的视角,指出俄罗斯与西方的金融对抗是这场案件的背景。他强调了俄罗斯政府在信息战中的作用,以及Lavrentyev的行为如何成为这种对抗的一部分。 Stephen Frank详细描述了Lavrentyev的个人背景和犯罪动机,指出Lavrentyev虽然已经很富有,但他仍然贪婪地追求更多财富。他强调Lavrentyev的犯罪行为是典型的白领犯罪,其动机与美国国内的白领犯罪者相同。 David Hitchcock补充了对Lavrentyev犯罪动机的分析,认为其动机纯粹是经济上的,与美国国内的金融犯罪动机并无二致。 South Costa对Lavrentyev和Ermakov之间关系的特殊性进行了评论,暗示了他们之间可能存在某种程度的个人情感联系,这使得他们的犯罪合作更加紧密。

Deep Dive

The episode introduces the young Russian oligarch, his luxurious lifestyle, and the U.S. law enforcement's surveillance leading to his arrest for insider trading.
  • Young Russian oligarch charters a private jet to a Swiss ski resort for a wedding anniversary celebration.
  • U.S. law enforcement monitors the oligarch's flight from Moscow, planning to charge him with insider trading crimes.
  • The oligarch is involved in a $93 million insider trading scheme affecting iconic American companies like Tesla, Snapchat, and Roku.

Shownotes Transcript

Hosted by CNBC Senior Washington Correspondent Eamon Javers, “The Crimes of Putin’s Trader” is the secret story of a young Russian oligarch who hacked his way to an illicit $93 million fortune...and the FBI team who finally brought him to justice. For generations, insider trading on Wall Street has been a crime of the American rich: the stereotype of corporate executives passing stock tips at country clubs was not far off. But new cyberwarfare techniques, and an aggressive anti-Western Putin regime in Moscow have turned this kind of insider corruption into an attack from the outside on the American economy itself, with profound implications for all of us who have retirement accounts, investments, or work in corporate America. Follow and listen to “The Crimes of Putin’s Trader” here [] or wherever you get your podcasts.