cover of episode Introducing: Harsh Reality: The Story of Miriam Rivera

Introducing: Harsh Reality: The Story of Miriam Rivera

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Harsh Reality: The Story of Miriam Rivera

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Trace Lysette
旁白: 这部纪录片讲述了在伊维萨岛拍摄的一档真人秀节目,节目中六位男性竞争奖金和一位女性Miriam Rivera的爱。节目组在节目中隐藏了Miriam Rivera是跨性别女性的事实,这导致了巨大的争议和负面影响。节目一开始营造轻松浪漫的氛围,参赛者们在美丽的别墅中展开竞争,然而,随着节目的进展,Miriam Rivera的真实身份被公开,这引发了巨大的冲击和混乱。节目组的这一行为受到了广泛的批评,被指责为不道德和具有欺骗性。 旁白: Miriam Rivera的经历突显了跨性别群体在媒体和社会中面临的挑战和偏见。她的故事引发了人们对真人秀节目伦理和道德的反思,也引发了对跨性别者权益的关注。节目的制作方为了收视率和话题性,不惜牺牲参赛者的感情和心理健康,这种做法令人担忧。 旁白: 英国小报对Miriam Rivera进行了猛烈的攻击,这进一步加剧了事件的负面影响。整个事件不仅对Miriam Rivera造成了巨大的伤害,也对其他参与者和节目组带来了负面影响。 Trace Lysette: 作为播客节目的主持人,Trace Lysette介绍了《残酷的现实》这部纪录片,并介绍了节目的播出时间和平台。她简要概括了节目的内容,强调了Miriam Rivera的经历以及节目中涉及的伦理和道德问题。她呼吁观众关注这部纪录片,了解Miriam Rivera的故事,并思考真人秀节目中存在的潜在问题。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


It's morning in Ibiza. A few clouds streak the powder blue sky. Up on a mountainside, a gorgeous white villa bathed in sunlight. And on the patio of that villa, a group of hot, young, single men and a reality TV crew. All cameras were there trying to make sure we didn't miss a second of the action. There's the karate instructor, the royal marine, the songwriter, the chef, the recruitment consultant, the lifeguard.

For the past three weeks, they've been competing for a cash prize and the love of a beautiful woman. It's been a lot of fun and a little sexy and a little dangerous. And it's all come down to this, the grand finale. It was a pressure cooker atmosphere. But something is wrong. I can still see her standing there.

And she's shaking as she's talking. Because what the producers have been making for the past three weeks isn't an ordinary reality TV series. What's about to go down is a total disaster. One that will change the lives of everyone there that morning. The production crew, the contestants, and the woman at the center of the show. Miriam Rivera.

Miriam was the focus of the program. Miriam knew what she was doing. She wanted fame. She had decided to be a superstar. You can't just do that, just throw a trans girl into a straight man's lair. That's putting, you know, a deer in a lion's cage.

From Wondery and Novel comes a new story about love. We had discussions, what if you actually fell in love? And she'd say, well, that would be great, but it's very unlikely. Lies. If the secret got out, it was game over for the show. And reality TV. I can't remember whether it was ever proved or whether just a rumour that Mavilla had been used for porn films. Just had that feel about it. I was just blunt with them and was like, yeah, you should feel guilty actually because you signed up for this and you knew what you were doing. They're retrobaric.

The British tabloid press rips her apart. You know, they'd stitch us up. We're going to stitch them up as best we can. Why? Why would you do this? Who are you to do this? Do you realise the damage you've done by doing this?

I'm Trace Lissette. Harsh Reality premieres on November 29th on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or wherever you're listening right now. Or you can listen to new episodes early and ad-free starting on November 22nd by subscribing to Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts or the Wondery app. Someone said, hey, we'd love to have you on the show. This is what happens next. Give us a few weeks and then we'll fly you out to Spain and screw your life over.