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As you said, for your 4th of July week, slash weekend, I guess you would say. Got a middle-of-the-week holiday, so it kind of throws everything off, but it should be a good time. You throw anything on the grill, Conrad? I don't know if I will be, but somebody will be. Yeah, of course. On Thursday. Yeah, absolutely. At the lake. So you're just bringing your appetite.
I mean, I'll bring some stuff, but my buddy's dad, he's the master chef, so we just kind of let him handle it. Yeah, I was about to say, we all just chip in, bring something, and he'll fire it up for us. John, you throw a thing in the grill for us? That's what the lady's for. Get back in the kitchen. No, I don't know why you thought that. No, she's the one that likes to grill. Get back on the deck. Okay, have at it.
Hey, you want any pushback from me? Why do I got to be outside when it's hot? What are you throwing on the grill, Damien? Oh, I'm not throwing anything. Okay. Yeah, my dad. He's very similar to your friend's dad. He's going to throw some stuff on the grill. What's going to be your preference on Thursday? Are you going White Claws all day? Nah, I'm back in the country. Oh, truly? Okay. No, no, we'll probably throw a couple of mills. Twisted tea? Okay. Hey, raspberry? Do not sleep on those twisted teas.
The last wig, and that was it. I was about to say. Oh, the one you skipped the Stallions game for? Yeah. Okay. I was not familiar with their game until about two months ago, and I don't even like Sweet T that much. One ends up being another one, and he's like, hmm, they are refreshing. They are, D. And we don't get paid to say that. They are refreshing. But, no, if I had some Mike Laws for sure. Actually, now I think about it, I think they're Mike.
It might be a Truly appearance. I haven't had one in a while. Just kind of knock the poison off, make sure it's not contaminated. Have your mother shoot another shirtless video of you?
I wasn't going to go there. I thought we were all just in agreement. We were just going to let that be a thing. Oh, no. That was a Miller Lite Sunday. Oh, okay. That was a Miller Lite Sunday. And you just mentioned you're going back to that. Okay, all right. The best part about that is that not only did his poor mother have to film that for him, he then threw her under the bus by saying, oh, well, if there's an issue with the audio, it's because my mom messed something up. Right, okay.
Cut it off right when I was about to explain. Let alone the fact that she's filming her shirtless 28-year-old son. Yeah. You should have just seen her face. Shirtless, single, no kids, 20-year-old son. She's just sitting there with like a surprised yet just like upsetting, disappointed look, but also just like, well, this is... At least I have grandbabies. That's right. It's like, well...
This is the path he chose. It's okay. My mom had a similar thing last Friday of, so you went to college for four years so that you could spend your time eating donuts for people's entertainment. Yeah, you know, sometimes you never know where the path's going to take you. Sacrifices, that's what it is. As we get older, we learn. Like I said, you need to sign a waiver from now on, whatever challenge you're going to do. Because I don't like seeing you suffer. As a homie, I'm like, man, more power to you. Why are you a Tennessee fan?
I'm a Heupel disciple. Okay. Where's the coach? He just so happens to coach at Tennessee. Okay. All right. Okay. So just let's just get this out there. Josh Heupel takes a job at Tulane. Are you a Tulane fan then because of Josh? You're a Josh Heupel fan. Roll way. Okay. Roll way. We're going to remember this. All right. But they're set with Summerall. Summerall ain't going anywhere. And if he does, it'll probably be a swap. Like he's going to take the Tennessee job and Heupel takes the Tulane job. It'll be a swap.
But no, I'm a big, big Hypel guy. What if Josh Hypel were to become the head coach at Texas A&M? That money talks, man. You can't turn it down. What are you doing at that point? I'm going to be in a dark place. What are you talking about? A disciple is literally someone that follows someone. And then he's going to be in the cult, too. So would you rather be an A&M fan with Josh Hypel as their coach or a Tennessee fan, but you have no Josh Hypel? Cool.
I just learned the word. And Jared Garantano's son is the next quarterback. I just learned the word. He had his son real early, and he's already ready to play in the SEC. Matthew Stafford is a QB. Yeah, exactly. You know what? I just learned the words to Rocky Top. What do you mean just? He's been there for three years, and you've just learned it? I ain't going to lie. If Josh Eichhorn were to be the coach at Texas A&M, me and John Mack are probably going to be real cool.
Okay. And I can respect that as long as you stand by this because you can't sit here and be, I'm not a Tennessee fan, I'm a Judge Heupel fan, and the second he goes somewhere you don't like... He wouldn't leave Tennessee to go to Texas A&M. He wouldn't. What if he went to the Colts? Oh, boy.
His system wouldn't work in the NFL. He's a college coach. He's a college coach. I wanted so bad for the Jaguars to sign Marcus Mariota this offseason. That would have... Oh, you won't see. Chef's kiss. That would have been just... Oh, yeah. I would have had some vacation days. Perfect. I would have had some vacation days in the fall, especially after a following Monday. That would have been special. It would have been tough. No, but I wouldn't. I wouldn't.
I wouldn't sway away from Tennessee Titans. I'm a Tennessee Titans fan. I will lock in with them. Oh, no, I know. Just to watch you have to hate somebody that you love so dearly, even if he's just average. If you're paying Trevor Lawrence all that money, he wouldn't be on the field anyway. So I'd be like, hey, I'm cheering for 52. I'm cheering for one person and all the 52 other guys. Nah, they can kick rock. What happens if he gets in the field, though? Oh, boy.
He better slip back to the reason why Ryan Tannehill took over job. Like he better throw a couple, serve up a couple of picks as he forgot what uniform he was in, but I would be conflicted. I truly would be conflicted. Okay. But that would be more Marcus than it would. Josh Hypel though. Josh Hypel took a job at Texas A&M. I don't,
I'd still be a Hypal disciple. But I wouldn't wear any Texas A&M apparel. I would just only have Josh Hypal's face or something. Like some King of the Hill merchandise? Yeah, like this is my coat. Get him with his gallon of milk. Have some milkmen in the background doing all the jig. He doesn't strike me as a Jimbo Fisher ranch guy. I feel like he's more of a... Oh, he's a ranch guy. Oh, boy. But not the building. No.
No, he wouldn't fit there culturally. It just wouldn't do right. Money can make a lot of things right. I will say this, though. If so happened that Brent Venables doesn't work out and he makes that trip over back to normal. Well, yeah, that's an easy one for you. I don't think he's going back there. Especially after what happens in September. You heard what Dvorak said about it, though, that they ran him off.
He'd probably go to Texas first. Right. Yeah, he would go to Texas. And believe it or not, he'd probably go to Texas A&M before he goes back to Oklahoma. It would be crazy. But those are hypotheticals. We don't deal with hypotheticals here. Hypotheticals? I feel like that's something GMAC would have said. Like that's...
It's not like you never thought of that. I mean, that was just, that's on a silver platter right in front of me. I haven't. But the fact that you said it out loud, it's like. Two weeks, yeah. A little bit from now when they find a win, he's like, you know what? I actually kind of like this hypothetical. Yeah, exactly. Glad I thought of it. Yeah, if Damien had thought about it, he thought it was the funniest damn thing he'd ever said. I would have never guessed that. Like, I really wouldn't have. Like, that's.
I'll give you a solid 7 out of 10 on that one. Because at first I was like, you could have left that one in the drafts, but as I kind of pondered on it for a little bit. No, it was worth saying. You're going to be all in on it in a couple of weeks. You'll see it on a t-shirt here soon. Nah. But no, like, speaking of Josh Heupel and the Tennessee Volunteers, let's do a little bit of a... Hypothetically, what would be an incredible season for the Tennessee Volunteers? Believe it or not... Say it. Say it. No, I'm not saying national title. I think college football playoff appearance.
That's it. I'll be honest. I would actually agree with you because they haven't done that. Exactly. So the expectation, it's similar to Ole Miss in the sense that. Just get there. Yes. We have expectations that you could surpass that and make some noise once you get in, but we haven't ever seen you even make it. Right. So let's just do that first.
The bare minimum. Granted, I will say this. If, let's say, Tennessee makes the playoff this year, loses on the first round, hypothetically, the expectation is then national championship from that point on. Exactly, from that point forward. Exactly. And that's very reasonable, unlike years past for Tennessee coaches. But they were champions of life for a good period of time. Yeah, man. Yeah. It's crazy. The last time Tennessee beat Georgia, Bush Jones was the head coach. It's kind of crazy.
Kind of a deathly omen if you're Josh Heupel. It's like, wait a minute, dog. Go Arkansas State, baby. Yeah, champions of life. What about you, John? Where do you think is an incredible season for the Heupel Disciple-led Tennessee Volunteers? That would be an SEC championship appearance. Would be an incredible season for Tennessee because, let's be honest, they have the schedule to get there. Yes, Alabama and Georgia are both on there, but you've got to be both of them to make it to Atlanta. Yeah.
But if you beat one of them, that to me would show that you are capable of at least making the playoff. That's kind of where we – they're in that kind of fringe, that mid, somewhere between 12 and 20 kind of a team. A good number of question marks, but we figure that that's kind of how we kind of see them playing out, really a 9-3-ish team.
At best, 11-1, maybe 10-2 if things go right. Could see 8-4, but really like a 9-3, 10-2 somewhere in there. But of an incredible season, if they can find a way to make it to Atlanta and maybe avenge that Georgia loss or take on a Texas team that they don't have to face or maybe potentially avenge the Alabama loss, yeah, that would be absolutely incredible for the Tennessee Volunteers. So I'm guessing solid is kind of that 9-10 win range. I would say 9-3, but Nico looks...
Better than Joe Maddon. As advertised to a certain degree. Just in the sense that you go 9-3, so you're better than you were last year, and you show that we have a quarterback where next year we're going to be a problem and we should be in the college football playoff. I think that's what you want if you're Tennessee because –
you're kind of in that situation where, all right, two years ago it was great, you beat Alabama, you had the highs of that, but then you lost to South Carolina, which made you miss out on an opportunity to potentially make your first college football playoff. Last year, Joe Milton just kind of was what he was, but I think it was a disappointing season for a lot of Tennessee fans, just coming off the highs of 2022. And so now it's, let's show that we can win.
We were better than we were last year, and we're headed in the right direction to where this can be a – we're a legit contender in the SEC come 2025. John? Unless if the wheels absolutely fall off, I would say a solid season would be beating Oklahoma. Yeah. Because if you do that, I assume for just solid, you're losing to Alabama and Georgia. But aside from that, you should be able to beat everyone else.
Yeah, like their schedule is very – Tennessee is in a very favorable spot. It's very similar to Missouri. You get Alabama and you get Georgia. You get Alabama at home, which helps, but you have to go on the road against Georgia when you haven't really –
You haven't fared well against Georgia the last couple seasons that you've matched up with them. But when you look at Chattanooga to start things off, NC State, you're better than NC State right now. Yeah, it's a neutral site. NC State's tough, though. Right. But you should win. You should win. Yeah. Then you have Kent State and then on the road to Oklahoma. It's very similar to where it is with Auburn and Oklahoma. It's a coin flip. All right, is Oklahoma talented enough to truly compete? And if you get that one, I'm on the same boat with John. You really just –
Say you split with Alabama and Georgia. You're finding yourself with Tennessee in the conversation of competing for an SEC title and a college football playoff appearance. So I think that the schedule, as long as you don't throw up on yourself, it's leaning in your direction to compete. Actually, I kind of take that back. A solid season would be two and one heading into your first bye. Because if you're splitting with NC State and Oklahoma, and I assume you're losing to Alabama and Georgia, you're
But you're getting everyone else. That's a solid seed. They end up being 9-3. You're 9-3. Yeah. You win a questionable game. You lose a questionable game. You lose both of the games you're really kind of expected to lose. But you don't screw up and trip somewhere against a Kentucky, a Mississippi State, a Vanderbilt, a Utah, whatever. Right. You don't have that stumble in there. So I would say that would be – and that feels kind of –
high for them because a lot of the other solids that we have kind of maybe have felt a little bit lower but for the schedule that they have for a solid season for tennessee yeah would really be kind of kind of a nine and three really solid would be being one and one or excuse me two and one after nc state kent state and oklahoma yeah and i think a disappointing season is ending up in birmingham yeah
I think 8-4 or worse is a disappointing season because no one's going to knock you for Alabama and Georgia. Oklahoma on the road, I think you'll give Tennessee a pass for that one. But if you're 8-4, that means you lost to somebody you should not have lost to. Losing to Florida, I think, is a disappointment. In Neyland, yeah, that would not go over well. Especially after last year.
Right. Like you want that revenge. That was not pretty. No. It wasn't pretty at all. And I don't understand how Florida can play. That's what's so puzzling about Florida is like how can they play lights out against Tennessee when everything's pretty much against you and then you find a way to lose to Arkansas later on in the season. It's like really having two conference losses at home. At home. Alabama. Okay. Right. We get that. But also at home, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi State.
You can't. Yeah, you can't lose any of that. You should be significantly better than all of them. And I will say, even in my defense of Josh Heupel, there have been moments where that offense goes –
Like just stops. Yep. Like you go second half Alabama last year. Yeah. Like it's just completely different. And even against Missouri where I mean, I was just an absolute beat down. So there have been moments where the offense doesn't play up to its standard up to par. And they rely on a lot of the defensive side of the ball, which I will say since Josh was gotten there, he's gotten better defensively. But there have been moments and lapses where it's.
You are the better team coming in, but then you find a way to just not execute and you find yourself only losing anything. So I feel like that's very reasonable. I feel like y'all are.
Y'all are pretty fair on Tennessee. I think the expectation should be to compete. You have the roster right now to go out there and compete. Yep. And honestly, a lot of it does fall on Nico. And it goes back to the person in Texas and asked if he has the most pressure because I don't think he does because he's a sophomore, but he started one game, and it was the bowl game against Iowa. But it does kind of feel like...
where Tennessee ultimately falls this year, it kind of falls on his shoulders, right? How good is he? If he's really, really good and he matches the hype, I think college football playoff becomes a conversation. But if he struggles, then you're looking at maybe a season like last year with Joe Milton where it was a lot of ups and downs. Yep. We shall see. We're going to take a look at Ole Miss, a team that on paper –
Should be ready to compete in 2024. We'll have an incredible, solid, and disappointing discussion on the Ole Miss Rebels. We'll return here on McElroy and Kubrick in the morning, jocks 94.5. Catch up with all things McElroy and Kubrick in the morning by subscribing to the podcast. Mythically, he's grown. He's almost like a little bit bigger than a player, right? Like the myth of Bo Jackson. Like, rate, and download the show from the jock app or wherever you get your podcasts. I see you struggling. Because I've heard the song. Is this a wrestler?
No. Well, sort of. Are you familiar with this song, Conrad? Yeah. So you know this one, but you didn't know Three Days Grace from the Jump. This is kind of a bigger band. I have no idea who this is. This is Metallica's Sad But True. Oh, Metallica. Yeah, I'm familiar with Metallica. Name another song by them. Welcome back into McElroy and Kubrick in the morning. Damien Mitchell. Come on, man. You can't name one Metallica song. Alongside Conrad Van Order and John Saber. She watched Stranger Things?
Yeah, but the only song I remember from that was Run Up That Hill. That's the only song. It was like four episodes later. You don't remember when he's on the top of the bus playing the guitar and all the monsters are coming out or whatever? Yeah, what was the name of that song? Master of Puppets. By Metallica in a Metallica shirt. Okay. You know Inner Sandman. Everybody knows that. Yeah, I do know that. Didn't know that was Metallica. All right, anyways, Damien. Sorry. Sorry.
I'm over there listening. You know, I'm with Lane Kiffin. We over there listening to Three Days of Grace. Okay, right. Yeah, really. Damien's listening to Taylor Swift. You know, one thing that I do like is, I don't know if Spotify has this. I think they do where you can kind of see, like, people you're friends with on Spotify, what they listen to. But on Apple Music, it's nice and it puts a little picture of the people that you're friends with on there of what they're listening to. And sometimes I'll just go through, like, what the top albums or charts are and stuff. Yeah.
Taylor Swift is obviously very high on the charts all the time, and a number of her albums are. And they all have the same picture in the corner. And I think it's of Damien's profile on Apple Music. So every time when I'm scrolling through and trying to find – oh, did I miss anything? Oh, yeah.
It's another Taylor Swift. Oh, there's – it's easy to keep tabs on Damien because it's all Taylor Swift. Yeah, man. That shuffle button, man, it just goes all over the place. You know you can shuffle more than one artist. Well, usually when I go to Taylor Swift, I kind of just press shuffle. Yeah. Like I said, man, Reputation, that whole album, it's also been out for a while. I know, and I feel so bad. Just now. I feel so bad. Right. When I say I was unfamiliar with her game, I – I mean, her game was everywhere. Where were you?
I would just hear it in passing. Like, I would hear the hits that were on the radio. That's all I knew. Okay, okay. But once you start diving into some of her albums, it's like, wait a minute. Or once you realize the clientele, there it is. I think we really know what it is. But she also makes great music. Okay. Like Dancing With Our Hands time. I think that is my favorite Taylor Swift song. I wouldn't know. I only hear it every other day on the show we do together.
So would you much rather me listen to T-Swizzle or Florida Georgia Line? Oh, Taylor Swift. Yeah, I'll give you that one. First off, I thought you were going to at least give it a little bit of a thought. No, Taylor Swift actually makes good music. It's just not really my cup of tea. Florida Georgia Line does not make good music. Taylor still exists. That's true. Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelly still exist. Well, one of them is a football coach now. I don't know what the other one's doing. Yeah.
Some jokes just rack themselves. Also, I was recently on the cruise. We were at some shop, and I heard a country song. I'm like, oh, okay, this is kind of weird sounding, and I figured this was right up Damien's alley. And I Spotify'd it because I'm curious what it was, and it was Kane Brown. And I heard it, and I was like, oh, my, this is. Yeah. Kane Brown's got some babies, though. This is, oh, hold on. Let me find out what song it was because that, in fact, was not one. Was it one Mississippi? It was Bang My Head. That's how awful it was. He's got a few, man. Let me find it.
Kane Brown ain't that bad. Oh, it was What Ifs. What if I was made for you and you were made for me? What if this is it? Who sings that song? Kane Brown. Yeah, let's let him sing. Oh, walked right into it. That doesn't happen often. Doesn't happen often. It does.
I wasn't ready for that one. I didn't mean to do you dirty like that. I'm not familiar with Cain Brown, but that just doesn't sound like something I'm going to be listening to on my drive home today. It's not bad. Don't let John see this. It honestly sounds like if Damien were to do country.
Well, I just heard it. Yeah, that's what it sounds like. Believe it or not, seeing Kane Brown in concert. Not bad, man. It's a party. Is that a flex? It is. Are we supposed to feel sorry for you? Brother, don't miss. Okay. He doesn't. Right. You don't miss like Klay Thompson in his final game. Okay. God's mighty, man. He just got paid, though. He's in Dallas. Right, yeah. New year, new me. Who dis?
But no, like, yeah, but Taylor Swift does get a lot of play. And that's one thing I will say about alpha music. You kind of it does snitch on you a little bit. You does snitch on you because I see what you chose to listen to it. It's like you're telling it on one hundred thousand watts for everyone to know. She's got she's got to dive into it, bro. I'll tell you, she may be known as Taylor's. I mean, as Travis Kelsey's girlfriend. But oh, I'm telling you, she's got some good music. I was I was really, really impressed.
I mean, I'll be on there like, man, is Damon listening to this new Don Talk? No, he's still... It just so happens...
You know, once I kind of gravitate away from it, it kind of leads me back to... All right, Conrad, so how long until you see Damien's face on Sabrina Carpenter's new stuff? Oh, he's already there. Outside of Espresso. He's already there. Outside of Espresso, I don't really listen to it. Espresso and Nonsense are the two songs by Sabrina Carpenter. I will swear. You like that new Meg the Stallion? I'm just going to be looking at what Damien says. Absolutely. That's a given. That is understood, my brother. I'm listening to some of these Damien's. She's a real rapper. She's a real rapper now.
But also she's, you know. What? Greater job. Okay. And pretty. Extremely. Beautiful. There we go. What else is Damien listen to? I can tell you. You'll see it. But got some Meg Stallion in there sprinkled. A lot of Key Glock. A lot of Key Glock in there. Three Days Grace, go figure.
None of this metal liquor. Let's see. The first one that pops up is the song Girls by the Kid LAROI. I just heard that on TikTok. Right. Oh, okay. Right. Literally just heard it for the first time. Try and explain yourself. Okay. Sure. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Yeah. Because I know exactly what... You have a playlist with Courage the Cowardly Dog. What's the name? What's the name? What's the name?
It's Courage. It's a picture of Courage the Cowardly Dog looking down. Uh-huh. What's the name of the playlist? I hadn't updated it. I feel like I've said it a couple times. You can say it. I'm not saying that. There's a lot of Florida Georgia line on there as well. There's maybe three. Three songs. Oh, I know. Oh, okay, cool. That, uh...
God, dude, it's just the name of the playlist with the picture of the way that... I mean, he's a cartoon dog. It's the way he's looking. I feel like it's BTBO. I use the hashtag every now and then. Okay, there we go. Yeah, that's fair. Well, it's just one of those things where I don't want to say it, and then somebody's got a kid in the car with them, and then they have to explain what we were just talking about, and then it just starts the whole thing of, you know, I don't want you to look bad. I feel like this. I'm a...
I'm an unlicensed chiropractor. Good night. Justin texted and says, I don't know what I'm more ashamed of, Damien not knowing Metallica or Conrad's inability to eat donuts. Definitely the Metallica. He eats the 12 donuts in two minutes. Oh, man. Bubba sent in AI pictures of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey. Those are pretty funny. If you haven't seen those where Travis Kelsey's pregnant. It's insane. Those are kind of funny. It's absolutely funny. Somebody's got too much time on their hands, but they're kind of funny.
No, it's definitely the donuts thing. Like, Metallica, it's... We did so good for two hours and 15 minutes, and... That sounds about... Sounds a lot like a regular day on Mac and Cube. Over, under, John. What, are you derailing the show and making it awful? Yeah, honestly, we didn't do top three, so it's surprising it took this long.
Why are y'all hating? I've been waiting on Damien to do a top three. I know, right. You hear wonderful things about it, don't you? No, it's that when we did the Matt McClurin show and I would have to do the birthdays and stuff, I would always miss a bunch of them and Sabre would correct me. And so now it's nice to see that he has...
And he now just reminds you every day of how terrible you are at selecting top three categories. It's not just me. It's the world. It's a collection. Yeah, so I was excited to be a part of making fun of Damien. If the top three was a baseball player, it's Giancarlo Stanton. When I miss, I miss B. But when I hit, we – No, because Stanton hits consistently. Stanton.
I was about to say, he's sitting about 225. Would you say Damien's top three batting average is above or below? It's probably 025. That's bad. That is bad. There's so much hate. So much hate in this world. Why don't I know enough love? Speaking of celebrity birthdays, you know it's Margot Robbie's birthday. Yeah, happy birthday. And Ashley Tisdale. Yeah, happy birthday to her, too. I don't know what she does now, but she was running Disney Channel about 15 years ago. Sitting back collecting checks. Margot Robbie's only 34.
And you didn't want to go to a certain gathering recently because not do. Do not. I'm just saying. Do not even do not even go down. She was there. Too nervous. No, no. I'm not saying she would have been there, but people in that age range probably would have been in attendance. She would have to be there in order for me to show up. Oh, she would have to.
Boy, Conrad, this dude Conrad, he is something else. I don't know what you're talking about. I do. I do, but you were – I feel like I could say the name of the playlist. I don't think it's that bad. I wouldn't. Have I told you? No, but I have a brain and can figure it out, and I know your proclivities.
But I think it's reasonable. Okay, that's fine. No, I ain't trying to get fired. I was about to say, Damien, we're about to have a long holiday week, and this is the perfect time for someone to randomly disappear and move on to other opportunities in their professional career. I hate if you ought to get an email on 4th of July. I mean, I'd hate it more for you. I have a job to come back to. Yeah, well...
I don't know who's going to do the morning show with me, but we'll figure that out. Oh, man, there's no worries. I think it's a healthy playlist, but I will say it's very lonely. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. A lot of love. Let's see. A lot of love. See, people are now coming to defend you saying we're picking on Damien. He does it to himself, everybody. I don't think so. I think it's a hype thing. See, no, it's not. It was literally not about that, and you just had to bring it up. Correct, right. No one was even mentioning that, Jose Altuve. You just had to throw it out there, but okay, fine.
Hey, he's paved a nice little career for himself. A nice little career? Come on, bro. I mean, he's a cheater, so that's an unfortunate stain on his career. It's obvious, right? But he has two titles. Yeah. See? Yeah. So yeah, that has a nice little career. He has. He's had a good career. He's also a little person, so a little career.
So what are we defining as little? So is 5'7 considered like little? No, I think that's actually the average height. See? Yeah, for a woman. Stop. No, 5'7 is an average height for a human. Okay. I mean, I'm not sitting here saying I'm a giant, but when people meet me in person, they're like, oh, you're actually not as short as I thought. Correct, right, yeah.
Because y'all are putting the media. What y'all do is is stamp me as a short person. People meet me who are also, quote unquote, short. They realize like, no, I'm saying, no, I suspect on your dating profiles, you put six foot. No, I put five, seven. OK, see, like my driver's license says six foot, but I'm five eleven. That's understandable. It's Conrad five eleven.
Yeah, I think so. I think I'm 5'10 and a half, so I think he's slightly taller than me. I'm definitely not fabricating that, because if I was lying, I would just say I'm 6 foot. I wouldn't say I'm 5'11. That would make no sense. People think I'm lying when I say I'm 5'10. Well, I have some bad news for you, Damien. The average height of an adult male in the United States is actually 5'9, so by that definition. You are Tennessee. You're below average. Okay. Wow. More like Kentucky.
Well, Kentucky got paid. When I put my cleats on, I'm 5'8", so we go up a notch. That's a 10-win season. That's great. When I put cleats on, I'm 6'1". Why do you have one-inch cleats? I'm a receiver. We don't need the long golf shoes. Right, because Randy Moss wasn't out here dominating. No, he was doing it in tennis shoes. Right, right, yeah. Doesn't being closer to the ground make you more aerodynamic so you're faster? I wouldn't know. I wouldn't know. I play above. I play a lot bigger than my size.
You play average size. Okay. All right. Good to know.
I can't win for Luke's and Donovan. I'm sorry. You just keep serving it up. I know it, man. I know it. But it's fun. At some point, we're going to go back and discuss the incredible solid or disappointment for Ole Miss. But, my God, I didn't know I was going to be a punching bag during this time. Like you said, usually it happens at top three. I wasn't expecting this at 930 in the morning. Like, sweet Jesus. Well, the good news is that when we come back, your buddy Chris has chimed in. Maybe he'll be TVO.
We'll be back on McElroy and Kubrick in the morning. The capital of the sports talk nation. This is Jocks 94.5 and Jocks FM dot com. Welcome on back to McElroy and Kubrick in the morning. Damian Mitchell, Conrad Van Order, John Saber here with you for a few more moments. As you said, for three man front coming up at 10 o'clock.
They're live from Social Taco. And we pass you off to the Paul Feinbaum Show from 2 to 6. Did y'all listen to the new Paul Feinbaum intro? Oh, I forgot to listen to it. Not Pitbull? No, no, no. Pitbull didn't get it cleared in time. It's Taylor Reese again. Is it all the same? It just adds in? Yeah, and where it's placed in the song, it feels kind of just...
force. They had to add that verse. And to be honest, I think they caught, to me, I think maybe if Taylor would have had another verse afterwards, but it's only so long you can have an intro anyway. But the line, it's just, I get it, but it just adds a little more. It's just going to take some getting used to. But it's a different sound. But the words are still the same up until when they introduce Oklahoma and Texas into it. So you're not like Pat and fully against it.
Nah. Okay. Nah, it's just going to take some getting used to. Okay. But it did feel like, ugh, that's a weird place to be. That's how a lot of the league felt yesterday, or a lot of fans felt. Yeah. Limcona was like, ugh, okay, these guys. Oh, yeah, it was fun, like the anticipation, but now they're in, it's like, oh, we really got to accept them in here. Now, like, this is what it is. But...
Should be interesting to see what 2024 holds in the future for the SEC. And one of the teams that could be a potential frontrunner in the 2024 season are the Ole Miss Rebels. Can Lane get the job done? Can he finally get a big win? So we have a little fun with incredible, solid, or disappointing season for the Ole Miss Rebels in 2024. Conrad, what will be an incredible season for the Rebs?
I think an incredible season is making the college football playoff and winning at least one game because that proves that you're able to get over the hump and get into the postseason. And I'm just going to go out on a limb and say that if you win a playoff game, whatever that is, whoever the opponent is, that will be Lane Kiffin's biggest win at Ole Miss. And so at that point, you can say to yourself, granted,
Don't know when we're going to have a season like this again in terms of all the talent they have on that roster and some of the seniority. But clearly we have a guy that can get us to a playoff. We can play with the big dogs. We were able to knock off, you know, whoever it is, a Penn State, a Michigan, a Utah, somebody like that in a college football playoff. And it instills confidence that, all right, this thing's headed in the right direction. Yeah. And I think...
I want to say with you that they have to win a playoff game in order for it to truly be an incredible season for Ole Miss because, again, on paper right now, what they have on their roster, this is the best unit that Lane Kiffin has assembled. And we kind of thought about that last season with Quenshawn Judkins. It's crazy to think that you can lose Quenshawn Judkins and still feel confident in this Ole Miss team to go out and have a successful season. But I do agree that you have to –
get into the 12-team playoff and actually win a game for someone, a lot of the public perception to truly believe in Lane Kiffin that he's going in the right direction for this Ole Miss Rebels team. John, what do you think is an incredible season for Ole Miss in 24? For them to have a bye in the college football playoff. That would be an incredible season for Ole Miss. Yes.
Because that means you get at least one, if not Georgia and Alabama. Because I don't know if you were to lose to both of them. I'm not going to play Alabama. Like, if they get either Georgia or Texas. Dang, I mean, they'd have to, I guess, in the championship. But they've got – it's –
Kentucky, South Carolina, LSU, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi State. It's probably LSU. Your options are LSU or Oklahoma, and any other losses are going to be disappointing. But to have that vibe, to me, they win the SEC championship. Because keep in mind, that's one of the new things with this year. It's not the top four teams. It's the top four conference champions. They're the ones that get the buy. Yeah.
Utah is probably going to get a bye ranked at 8, 10, 12, wherever they're going to be ranked. So if I wanted to say Ole Miss making the SEC championship game, but they may have this schedule now, again, just losing to Georgia, but they're 11-1, and everyone else is kind of behind them. They still are good enough to do that. So if not finding a way to beat Georgia once, maybe the second time when it counts. So not only making the playoff, obviously making a deep run in the playoff, but that also seems –
If not only Farfetch'd, maybe...
asking a bit much for them, but if they can find a way to get that pie, it's like, okay, hey, we got the biggest win of Lane Kiffin's career winning Georgia in the regular season and or beating whomever in the SEC championship game. All right, maybe this team is actually legit and here to stay. I think even just making it to Atlanta would be a big... I mean, they've never made it to an SEC championship. They haven't won one. They haven't even made it to a game yet. But no, I'm with John. I mean, if they won the SEC, that would be remarkable.
I don't think that's going to happen, but that would be a hell of an accomplishment. So what would be a solid season for Ole Miss? That's the problem is I think a solid season for Ole Miss is – A home playoff game? Yeah, you make the playoff, but you're not in Atlanta. You go 10-2. You lose to Georgia and – Or against the playoff appearance. Yeah, you make the playoff. And I think that's the problem. If you're Lane Kiffin or just the pressure of this year is I think the expectation is to make the playoff.
But because we haven't seen him win a big game, I think that would qualify for them getting in and winning something is an incredible season. But I think the expectation is to make the playoff. I think if you make the playoff, it's, okay, that was a good season. That was memorable by Ole Miss standards. Because in theory, if they lose to Georgia but they run the table everywhere else, which they probably should beat, 11-1, they very well could be –
They very well may not make Atlanta, but still being 11-1, they'll probably be 5, 6, whatever, something else like that. And so they'll have the home playoff game, but knowing them, they also would welcome in Penn State, very well could welcome in Boise or somewhere like that, and they'd mess around and lose to them or Tulane or something like that. I don't know. I think they – I think middle this year. Mm-hmm.
That would be almost on par with 4-0-0. That's why it almost feels like a solid season is really kind of what we expect out of them. Well, and the reality is with their schedule, we'll give you Georgia, but every other team, I mean, I know LSU on the road is tough, but anybody you lose to outside of Georgia is going to be kind of viewed as a disappointment, I feel like. Because you should be, on paper, you should be better than the other 11 teams. And like, that's the thing about Lane Kiffin, it's
Man, what will be the biggest win he's going to get? It's LSU last year right now. Right. And in grand scheme of it, it wasn't the most complete LSU team. But when you slice it up, a win is a win. But again, your best win in your career at Ole Miss is against a 9-3 team. And that's not a bad win. That's a great win, but it's –
That is the difference in this new era of the 12-team playoff. There's a lot of teams that can make a playoff, but there's not going to be a lot of teams that can go far into a playoff. That's really all you have left if you're Lane Kiffin, right? Because you've been able to win double-digit games. You've won 11 games, which had never been done at Ole Miss before. But can you do that?
can you compete at the highest level with Alabama, Georgia, and Texas? Because every season or every chance we felt like this is the year. I mean, last year, that was the year to take down Alabama, and you couldn't do it. At home, you couldn't do it. Yeah, I don't know how many more opportunities he's going to have to have these big, big wins. Well, if you're only in Kiffin, you're probably glad you're not playing Alabama every year anymore. Yeah, I think so. Because I think psychologically, I don't know what it is, man. And even last year going to Athens, you thought –
I had the heart that Lane could make it interesting. I didn't think Ole Miss was ever going to win the game. No. But then you go out there and lay an egg. It's like, oh, well, back to the drawing board for Ole Lane. We'll continue to get your reaction to everything that we've talked about today on the other side. Keep it locked right here on McElroy and Kubelik in the morning on JOX 94.5. Catch up with all things McElroy and Kubelik in the morning by subscribing to the podcast. Mythically, he's grown. He's almost like a little bit bigger than a
A player, right? Like the myth of Bo Jackson. Like, rate, and download the show from the Jock Cup or wherever you get your podcasts. Why are you looking at me, Damien? The song's for you. It's in the title. Oh, come on. What? He doesn't know who this is. Well, Molly knows. It's something you do...
Hundreds of times a day, followed by a number. You don't even think about it. You just do it. Breathing. Okay. Well, that's along the right lines. First letter is correct.
The first letter is correct. Yeah, something you do with your eyes all the time. Blink-182. There we go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Man, I know some Blink-182. Obviously, you know their most popular song. Yeah. You heard their new album? You like their new single? No, I haven't dove into the tape. I've been listening to Megan Stallion and Taylor Swift. Okay.
Well, he didn't really start following them until Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian got together. And then that really was like what sold him on. I got to check out this guy's music. Yeah, I was I was I was 951 years old on the 28th year that Travis Barker was in Blink 182. I know he was in a band. I just didn't know it was Blink 182. What did you just say?
I don't know what you just said. No, I was like this moment in time. I realized that Travis Barker was in Blink-182. I knew he was in a band. Yeah, he's the drummer. I didn't know it was Blink-182. My apologies. You know who I am going to say? No, say it. Say it. Come on. I don't know why this popped up in my head, but All-American Rejects. Like, I thought he was a... Ooh. Ooh. That's a dirty little secret you could have kept to yourself, man. My fault. I seriously...
I knew he was a drummer. I knew he was a drummer in a band. I didn't know the band. But now it makes perfect sense. All those Bama fans that were happy to hear, you know what, Damian, you can save them all the time. They're taking it back. They just snatched my time. We just let you win. They just took the turnover. All the people that were defending you when you were making fun of yourself, but they thought me and John were being mean. I think that's going away now. No, I...
So how far of a difference is Blink-182 from All-American Rejects? Like if you could say, compare if they were SEC schools, how far off was that? All-American Rejects would be like, okay, Blink-182 is like here, and then All-American Rejects are in the $2 bargain bin at Walmart where you're shuffling through for the old DVDs. So they're like Mississippi State on a –
On a good day. You might get a steal. Yeah, because they had really one big thing, and he's waiting for a contract for the Cowboys. Yeah. Whereas Blink-182, they are probably Texas A&M. They were everywhere back in the day. Now they just sound weird. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's a good one. That's reasonable. I'd say Mississippi State beat Texas A&M every now and then.
I don't know. Bam for bam, pound for pound. If they had a versus battle, I'm pretty sure Blink-182 would win. I don't think we're doing a versus anytime soon between the All-American Rejects and Blink-182. I think that one would be a clean sweep pretty much. All-American Rejects get like two songs in and Blink is just like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. My apologies. Not too bad. I like hanging out with Chris with all that. Okay. That's good.
All right, we got any more text messages? Yeah, we do, actually. 205-834-9450 if you want to get in on the jocks text line in the last couple minutes here. Okay, so this one, Saber, I'm interested to get your thoughts on this because I've heard this a few times lately, and I don't see how it would happen, but multiple people have said it, so it must be true. But somebody texted and says, I thought Conrad and John were the same person for a long time. I don't understand that. I've had a number of people come up to me in public once they know who I am and go,
You and John Saber sound exactly alike. I don't. And I don't. Have you ever had someone say that to you? I've gotten that recently and lately. I've also heard that you and Greg sound alike, too. I've also heard that. So I don't know. I guess it didn't help when you and I were together and Matt. Maybe it did help and we kind of distinguished a little bit. But now that we're separate, they just assume that they work one of us to death, I guess. That's fair. I don't know.
No, I've heard that a few times recently, and I don't hear it, but I guess other people do. So it is what it is. I'll take it, though. John's a good guy. I don't mind that.
Let's see. Somebody says 5'7 is not average height unless you're from Central America. Well, I'm from Central Alabama. In North America. I'm from Central Alabama. According to the CDC, it is 5'9. Central America can kind of take it to us in soccer, though. Yeah, did see that. Yeah, we're in Alabama. United States is not doing great. Lost to Panama and now Uruguay. Not great. And then don't even get started on the football thing. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. What is that? Who do they have playing in that? The sport that we made. Like, we made this. Japan beat us. Japan beat the United States by like three touchdowns, didn't they? Austria beat us. Japan waxed the U.S. And wait until when the Olympics come out and breakdance is in there and the United States ain't on the medal stand. Like Australia's about to pull off an upset. It's getting crazy, man. We're losing our national dominance, our international dominance, I think.
Not in basketball, though. It took our sports. It took our sports. They took our jerbs. God almighty. Oh, boy. Man, that three-hour or four-hours for us, Damien, that just flies by, doesn't it? It really does, man, especially when you're getting beat up for at least like two hours of it, which felt like two hours. So maybe you need to see a chiropractor. Someone says we're nerdy for making South Park references.
I don't think that was nerdy. You're very glad we didn't go Power Rangers, then. It's just good comedy. You're very glad we didn't go Power Rangers. You want to talk about nerdy. Maybe he should shut his face, Uncle. Well, you know the rest. Three Man Front is up next. This is McElroy and Cubelik in the Morning. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley?
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