cover of episode Dateline presents: The Man in the Black Mask

Dateline presents: The Man in the Black Mask

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The Seduction

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#tv&film#serial killer investigation#mystery and suspense People
Marissa Grohine
Trevor Hossinger
@Marissa Grohine : 我永远忘不了那天晚上遇到的恐怖经历。一个年轻人突然倒在我们面前,说自己被抢劫了。当时我非常害怕,感觉像是在做噩梦。我一心只想逃离现场,因为我认为这是一个精心策划的抢劫陷阱。即使现在回想起来,我仍然对那个戴着面具的人感到恐惧,也怀疑这是否是一个宣传噱头,或者仅仅是一个恶作剧,感觉像进入了另一个世界。 @Trevor Hossinger : 当时的情况非常奇怪,那个倒地的人说自己被抢劫了,但我觉得这更像是一场戏。我不确定他是否真的需要帮助,或者他是否会伤害我们。我试图弄清楚发生了什么,但Marissa非常害怕,只想离开。事后,我们报警了,但没有找到任何线索。整个事件让我感到困惑,我不知道这到底是抢劫、恶作剧还是其他什么。

Deep Dive

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Hey Dateline fans! As a bonus, we’re giving you a special preview clip of our new podcast series, The Man in the Black Mask. It’s the story of a rising young director shooting a frightening film about a serial killer in a hockey mask. But when a man goes missing near the set, a real-life horror story unfolds… 

If you like what you hear, just search The Man in the Black Mask to listen to the first two episodes now, completely free. Or, subscribe to Dateline Premium on Apple PodcastsSpotify or Subscribers get early access to new episodes and can listen to all Dateline podcasts ad-free.