Kellyanne Conway和David Plouffe,两位在各自总统竞选中经验丰富的竞选经理,将联手推出播客节目《竞选经理》。尽管他们在许多政治问题上观点相左,但他们都对赢得总统竞选所需的策略有着深刻的理解。他们将结合自身在特朗普和奥巴马竞选中的经验,为听众提供对2024年大选的独家见解,包括对早期投票、把握机遇和应对失误等方面的策略分析。 两位竞选经理都强调了2024年大选的特殊性,以及他们将如何利用各自的经验,为听众揭秘竞选背后的运作。他们计划深入探讨当前各竞选阵营采用的策略和战术,并坦诚地表达各自的观点,即使观点存在分歧,也致力于为听众提供有价值的信息。他们承诺将为听众提供对竞选动态的独家解读,并帮助听众了解需要关注的关键点。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hi, it's Kellyanne Conway. And I'm David Plouffe, and we have some surprising news. We're teaming up for a brand new podcast, The Campaign Managers. I know what you're thinking. Why would Plouffe and Kellyanne do this? Because frankly, Kellyanne, we disagree on just about every issue, except about what it takes to win a presidential campaign.

Kelly and ran Donald Trump's campaign. I ran Barack Obama's campaign. We understand things like early vote. We understand how to leverage an opportunity and how to play defense when you've made a mistake. 2024 is an election like none other. And David Plouffe and I are going to take you behind the scenes like no one else can. We're going to lean into our one-of-a-kind experiences.

really educate our listeners about what to keep an eye on and discuss the current strategies and tactics that both campaigns are deploying on the campaign trail. We're going to disagree. We're going to dissent, but we're going to deliver. You won't want to miss this unique pairing. Join us by listening to the campaign managers with Kellyanne Conway and David Plouffe. The first episode is out May 22nd, available wherever you get your podcasts.