cover of episode Risky Biz News: NVD backlog unlikely to be addressed by September

Risky Biz News: NVD backlog unlikely to be addressed by September

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Risky Business News

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Claire Aird: 本期新闻主要关注美国国家漏洞数据库(NVD)的漏洞积压问题,预计到9月份也无法解决,并且漏洞数量还在持续增加。此外,还报道了WazirX加密货币交易所遭受黑客攻击并计划将损失分摊给用户的事件,以及Dark Angels勒索软件团伙收取创纪录赎金的事件。新闻还涵盖了韩国国防情报司令部的数据泄露事件、亲乌克兰黑客组织攻击俄罗斯安全公司Avonpost的事件、以及亲巴勒斯坦黑客组织Handala Hack利用CrowdStrike宕机事件进行攻击的事件。此外,还报道了达美航空公司因CrowdStrike宕机事件起诉CrowdStrike和微软、DigiCert撤销部分证书、微软推出低价Azure日志计划、俄罗斯政府加强网络审查和限制SIM卡数量、马来西亚计划对社交媒体网站进行许可和建立互联网关闭系统、澳大利亚政府计划要求公司披露赎金支付情况以及英国当局判处网络犯罪分子的事件。最后,新闻还报道了攻击者利用VMware ESXi零日漏洞部署勒索软件的事件。这些事件都反映了当前复杂的网络安全形势和日益增长的网络威胁。

Deep Dive

NIST has made little progress in processing new entries in the U.S. National Vulnerability Database, with nearly 17,000 vulnerabilities still awaiting processing and the backlog expected to reach 30,000 by year-end.

Shownotes Transcript

A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here).

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                	- [Risky Biz News: NVD backlog unlikely to get addressed by September](