cover of episode Stacking Benjamins: How Taylor Schulte Nearly Lost $90k Buying His First Home

Stacking Benjamins: How Taylor Schulte Nearly Lost $90k Buying His First Home

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Stay Wealthy Retirement Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Joe Saul-Sehy
Taylor Schulte
创立Stay Wealthy和Define Financial,专注于无佣金退休规划和财务教育。
Taylor Schulte: 我们在2013年购买了第一套房子,这是一套30年代建造的房子,进行了全面拆除重建。我们支付了15万美元的首付,并进行了房屋检查,检查员表示他会购买这套房子。然而,入住后不久,我们发现房子出现了严重的结构问题,例如裂缝、地板变形等。我们联系了建筑商,但建筑商没有回应,最终我们不得不采取法律行动。由于合同中包含的保修条款,我们能够以合同违约为由起诉建筑商。虽然我们最终赢得了官司,并获得了部分判决款项,但整个过程耗费了大量的时间、精力和金钱,我们总共花费了大约6万美元的律师费,才收回9万美元的判决款项。这段经历教会我们,在购买房屋时,必须仔细审查合同,进行全面的房屋检查,并做好应对潜在风险的准备。 Joe Saul-Sehy: Taylor Schulte夫妇的经历突显了购房过程中潜在的风险。他们虽然做了房屋检查,但仍然遇到了意想不到的问题。这提醒我们,即使是新房,也可能存在隐藏的缺陷。此外,合同条款和法律程序的复杂性也增加了购房的风险。在购房过程中,寻求专业人士的帮助,例如律师和房屋检查员,非常重要。 Joe Saul-Sehy: Taylor的经历也强调了拥有充足的现金储备的重要性,以便应对意外事件。他们虽然为买房做好了充分的财务准备,但没有为潜在的法律纠纷做好准备,这导致他们在诉讼过程中不得不承担额外的债务。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

As some know, the last four years have been a roller coaster for my family.

We poured our life savings into our first home and things didn’t quite go as planned.

The good news? It was just money. And it was just a house.

It could have been much worse and we reminded ourselves of that every day.

That chapter of our life is now behind us and I had the opportunity to laugh and vent about it on one of the top business/finance podcasts on iTunes this week, Stacking Benjamins with Joe Saul-Sehy. 

Find show notes and more information at

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