cover of episode 529 Accounts: Three Things That Are More Important

529 Accounts: Three Things That Are More Important

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Stay Wealthy Retirement Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Taylor Schulte
创立Stay Wealthy和Define Financial,专注于无佣金退休规划和财务教育。
Taylor Schulte:虽然大学储蓄账户很重要,但对于新父母来说,还有三件事比它更重要:遗嘱/遗产规划、残疾保险和人寿保险。首先,遗嘱对于未成年子女的父母来说至关重要,它能指定监护人,确保孩子在父母去世后得到妥善照顾。没有遗嘱可能导致孩子被送入州立孤儿院或落入不信任的人手中。其次,残疾保险能保护家庭最大的资产——未来的收入,以应对意外事故或疾病导致的失业风险。孩子成长需要大量资金,保持收入来源至关重要。最后,人寿保险能为孩子提供经济保障,尤其是在父母一方去世的情况下,确保孩子的生活和教育费用得到保障。人寿保险的费用虽然不菲,但它能为家庭提供重要的经济安全网。总而言之,这三件事比大学储蓄账户更重要,因为它们能应对更紧急和重要的风险,保障家庭的长期稳定和孩子的未来。虽然大学储蓄账户很重要,但孩子仍然可以通过学生贷款、勤工俭学、奖学金等方式支付学费。

Deep Dive

The podcast begins by discussing why college savings accounts, specifically 529 accounts, are not the most critical financial planning element for new parents.

Shownotes Transcript

“Better start planning for college!” – Every financial planner when you tell them you’re having a baby

Speaking of having a baby, my second son was born the day this podcast episode was recorded.

Please welcome Sutton Cole! He weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces, he’s sleeping like a champ, and he doesn’t have a 529 college saving account. 

While planning for college is important, there are three things more important than opening a 529 college savings account when you have a child.

Listen to today's show to learn the critical financial planning moves new parents (or parents that haven't started planning) need to make. 

If you have any more questions, please contact us at [email protected])

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