cover of episode 5 Strategies to Take Control of Your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

5 Strategies to Take Control of Your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

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Stay Wealthy Retirement Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Taylor Schulte
创立Stay Wealthy和Define Financial,专注于无佣金退休规划和财务教育。
Taylor Schulte: 本期节目探讨了如何更好地控制强制最低分配额 (RMD)。RMD 是指 73 岁后从税前退休账户中强制提取的款项,这笔款项会被征收普通所得税。对于不需要这笔钱的人来说,RMD 会增加税负,甚至可能导致社保收入被更多地征税,以及医疗保险保费上涨。然而,并非完全无法控制 RMD。节目中分享了五种策略,可以帮助降低税负,降低灾难性风险,并提高风险调整后的投资回报。这些策略包括:1. 在退休后的空档期(退休到 RMD 开始之间)积极进行 Roth 转换,将税前资金转换为税后 Roth IRA,未来提取免税且不受 RMD 限制;2. 利用合格慈善捐赠 (QCD),将税前 IRA 资金捐赠给合格的非营利组织,捐赠金额免税,且可以用来满足部分或全部年度 RMD;3. 对于 73 岁以上仍在工作且符合条件的人,可以将税前 IRA 资金转入工作场所的 401k 计划,推迟 RMD 直到退休;4. 灵活选择从哪个资产类别提取 RMD,例如在市场下行时从现金账户提取,在市场上行时从高收益资产提取,或者采用再平衡策略;5. 将税前 IRA 资金指定用于支付未来的长期护理费用,利用医疗费用抵扣来降低税负。虽然这种方法不如 QCD 高效,但仍然是一种省税的方式,并且可以减少不需要的 RMD。总而言之,通过合理的规划和策略,可以更好地控制 RMD,降低税负,并提高退休规划的效率。 Taylor Schulte: 本节目详细解释了RMD的机制以及其潜在的负面影响,例如增加税负,影响社保和医疗保险等。针对这些问题,节目提出了五种切实可行的策略,并对每种策略的适用条件、优缺点以及操作细节进行了深入浅出的讲解。例如,Roth转换策略详细说明了转换的时机、税务影响以及对未来RMD的影响;QCD策略则重点阐述了其免税性质、捐赠对象以及年度限额等;将资金转入401k策略则强调了其推迟纳税而非避免纳税的本质,并提醒听众注意潜在的税负增长风险;灵活选择资产类别提取RMD策略则提供了具体的案例分析,帮助听众理解如何根据市场行情做出更优的决策;最后,将资金指定用于长期护理策略则解释了如何利用医疗费用抵扣来降低税负,并强调了提前规划的重要性。通过这五种策略的综合运用,可以有效地控制RMD,降低税负,并提升退休生活的安全感和财务稳定性。

Deep Dive

RMDs are mandatory withdrawals from pre-tax retirement accounts starting at age 73, which can lead to significant taxable income for those who don't need the money.

Shownotes Transcript

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) begin at age 73 for most retirement savers.

These forced withdrawals can be a burden for those who don't need (or want) the taxable income.

Since they are “required,” many assume that they don't have any control over their RMDs.

But that’s not necessarily the case.

In fact, one of the 5 strategies I'm sharing with you today allows you to delay unwanted (mandatory) distributions well past age 73 😳

Applying these strategies and gaining control of your RMDs can potentially help you:

➤ Lower lifetime taxes

➤ Reduce catastrophic risks 

➤ Improve risk-adjusted investment returns

It doesn't matter if you're still working or already taking RMDs—if you want to optimize your long-term plan, you'll enjoy today's episode.


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